Friday, December 11, 2009

Assassins Creed 2 Notes

Assassin's Creed 2 Notes

There are no difficulty levels to choose from here.

Story recap is in the form of ghostly images, a voice over and a mish mash of computer type imagery.
Desmond Miles is a prisoner of the templars. They have been using a machine to search his DNA racial memory for clues to the location of an artefact named the apple which is part of a group of artefacts called the pieces of Eden. Seems that templars and Assassin's have been fighting each other throughout history for control of these artefacts.
Desmond is being held is a building, he is kept in a cell and taken from it to the Animus, which is a bed like machine. Throughout the first game he lived through memories of an assassin named Altair. He came to know the technician Lucy as a friend and confidant.
The game starts exactly where the last one finished. Looking at the wall in the cell, though this is now filled with writing which Desmond can see using Eagle vision. An assassin technique. The door of the cell opens and Lucy comes in, she is covered in blood. She tells Desmond to follow her.
Lucy tells Desmond to get in the animus, she has done something and they need to get out of  there in under ten minutes.
Desmond agrees and the animus starts up.
We witness the birth of a baby. We have to do some button presses to make the limp baby wake and start crying.
Back in the lab Lucy turns off the animus and takes it's hard drive out.
Lucy tells Desmond to follow her. Out in the corridors guards appear.
Normal camera and movement controls with analogue sticks.
Right trigger is run.
X is punch.
We get in a lift and come down into a large cubicled area.
Inside some of the cubicles are animus'.
We have to get through to a lift on the other side of the area. Occasionally we meet guards and either knock them down ourselves or leave them to kung fu fighting Lucy.
We get to the lift and the keycard won't work. Desmond uses eagle vision and can see the fingerprints of the guards on the buttons, so at least he knows which keys are right. After three tries he gets the right order.
In the parking garage we have a fight with a load of guards, then Lucy puts us in the boot of her car and drives us somewhere.
We arrive in a warehouse and Lucy tells us that the assassins are losing the war against the templars. She hopes that we can learn to be an assassin and help. She tells Desmond that they can use the animus to train him using the memories of Eizo. Desmond will become a fully trained assassin in a matter of days.
We meet Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane, Rebecca is a tech and Crane an asshole it seems.
shaun maintains the assassin archives.
We can wander around in the new animus area and talk with the main characters.
Rebecca is proud of her updated animus, which she calls baby.
A U action completed sign flashes up here when we get into the animus.
We are now into the first scene with the grown up Eizo. There is a street brawl between two gangs and Eizo seems to be the leader of one of them.
Vieri de Pazzi is leader of the other.
We have to fight a few men and then another wave after being introduced to our brother Federico. Once done we find we have a bust lip. Federico tells us that we need to see a Doctor.
Eizo is reluctant, until Federico tells him to loot the bodies of the fallen for the 200 florins we need to pay the Doctor. Pressing B beside a fallen enemy loots them.
We are then told to follow Federico up a building and across some roofs to the Doctor who heals us.
Federico then challenges us to a race up to the top of a church. Which is fairly easy to win, I don't think you can lose. At the top a little credit sequence runs. Then Eizo wants to go a pay a visit to his girl Cristina Vespucci.
The vantage points and map sycnronisation are still in place from the first game.
Like the first game we can jump down from these high points into soft piles of hay.
These hiding spots can be used to get away from pursuers.
We are free now to head for the waypoint on our map. Here eizo climbs in the window and
gets his wicked way with Cristina. In the morning her father finds Eizo in the room and chases him out the window. He sets the guards on him which me must lose.
Another waypoint appears, it is our father who pretends to be angry at first but can't keep it up and says that Eizo reminds him of his youth.
We have to deliver documents for our father to a man called Lorenzo de Medici.
On the way some random dudes start chasing me.
I escape by climbing a spire, synchronising and jumping down into the hay.
I give the letter to a man who tells me that Lorenzo is out of town. We have to go back to our father who is speaking with a man.
We are free again. Our mother wants us to go on an errand with her. we go and pick up a box and carry it back for Leonardo Da Vinci.
Our sister wants us to beat up a guy for her. Duccio is a love rat, when we find him he is giving chat to another girl. Beating him up completes the mission.
Now we are directed to our little brother Petruccio, who it seems is sick and has snuck out of bed. We have to get some feathers that he wants to get him back where he should be.
This is basically an introduction to rooftop races. Get the feathers in the time limit and then go back to Petruccio.
I accept what is obviously a side mission to deliver two letter to ladies for a man under a certain time limit. It isn't that hard, yet.
You can go to shops in the city.
I climb a viewpoint and Synchronise.
At the bottom of the viewpoint in the square a man challenges us to a race.
This is a simple race through waypoints, I manage it second time around.
I heal at the Doctor.
Another 4 viewpoints.
A side mission to beat up a cheating husband for the wife.
I find a codex page which is heavily guarded, you have to get the guards to give chase then lose them and slip back.
Now it's back to the family home for a story mission.

Main Mission 1
Father needs packages delivered and something from a dead drop. Seems suspicious and father warns us to stay out of trouble.
there are three waypoints. First one I get to is a pigeon loft where I retrieve a message.
The second waypoint sees us delivering a letter to a man up on the roofs. He is nervous and tells us that he is moving tonight and our father should do the same
The next delivery is to a thief and a courtesan.
With that the mission is over and we are left with more questions.

Main Mission 2
When we get back to our house a servant bangs us on the head thinking we are someone else. It seems that our father has been arrested and the family terrorised. The remaining family are taken to the servants house for safety and Ezio decides to go and speak with his father.
we have to climb up a tower to speak with him through the window of the cell.
He tells us that we must go to his study and find a hidden door. There are documents there which must be taken to Uberto Alberti. The man we saw our father talking with earlier.
Our father has not got time to tell us what is going on, only what we must do. It seems that our father is mixed up in something big. The guards come into father's cells and we must go.

Main mission 3
Back at the house we are tasked with finding the documents.
Using eagle vision the door is obvious, inside we find a secret grotto of assassins equipment. This is where we get our clothing and some weapons.
We are attacked by guards when we leave our house, they have swords and we have to kill them.
Now we have to take the documents to Uberto Alberti.
He takes the documents and tells us that these prove a conspiracy against our family and the city. He tell us that he will sort everything out. A man in robes can be seen in the background inside Alberti's house.

Main Mission 4 Last man standing
We are to go to a waypoint to attend the acquittal of Petruccio, Giovani and Federico.
Only it isn't an acquittal it's an execution. Our family are hung in front of us.
Seems that Alberti is a bad guy. Ezio is attacked by guards in suits of armour and runs for it. We see the courtesan and thief in the crowd we spoke to earlier.
We basically only have to escape to finish the mission.

I can see a new viewpoint to climb on the map so I do so.

Main mission 5 Fitting in
We go to the waypoint and find the servant that has our mother and sister safe.
It is a bordello, the Madonna Paula tells us that to get revenge we must be clever. she offers to teach us. Eizo is angry and hot headed but agrees.
We have to learn how to blend into crowds.
When we get near a group of crowd members we turn grey as do they. This means we are blending. We can walk by groups of guards unseen like this.
We have to follow Paula around the block to learn the technique.
Now we learn to pickpocket. Getting close and pressing A lets you pinch money from people.
You have to get away from them quickly before they realise they have been pickpocketed.
Now we are to get a proper weapon, Paula tells us that Leonardo  Da vinci can fix our wrist blade.

Main Mission 6 Ace up my sleeve.
We have to travel to leonardo's house.
leonardo welcomes us and once he sees the wristblade becomes happy to work on it.
He also decrypts an assassins scroll. He jokes about cutting our finger off to make it work, he has modified it so that we don't have to lose a finger.
We now get the wrist blade.
Leonardo asks us to bring any more encrypted scrolls we find to him.
Guards arrive and attack Leonardo, we save him by killing the guard with the wrist blade.
We have to take the body inside, pressing B picks it up, we dump it with the other cadavers that Leonardo gets from thr city for his research!
Mission is now over.

A whole new set of 5 viewpoints have appeared on the map, I go and do them all.

I find a symbol on the side of a building. When we look at it with eagle vision computer code appear. Rebecca and Shaun give it to us to solve as it can only be done inside the animus.
It appears that the data came from subject 16 the person that Abstergo were working with before us. The clues written in blood in the walls of our cell were written by this man.
We have to choose five paintings from a group, after being given a clue. The clue is about cores and picking out all the painting which have an apple in them unlocks a video file from the previous subjects trips through history.
We see two naked people jumping. Only a few seconds of the file. Is this Adam and Eve we are looking at?

I find another glyph this one is a sliding puzzle with portraits of historical figures.

I get two codex pages.
I hired a group of thieves to fight with me for one of the assaults on the little rooms with the pages.

Main mission 7
Back at the bordello we speak with Paula.
Now we are to assassinate Umberto Alberti.
We see Umberto talking with Lorenzo de Medici who it seems is out of favour now with Umberto. We have to follow Umberto.
I hire the courtesans to see what happens, they follow you and get in the way of the guards.
I get into the art exhibition and assassinate Umberto. We have to get away to complete the mission.

Main mission 8
Back at the bordello we are told to lay low.
We must remove wanted posters, bribing heralds and kill corrupt officals.
On the map the location of wanted posters is shown. I go around and collect around five of them to be told the mission is over.

Main Mission 9
Back at the bordello we speak to our mother and sister. It is time to get them out of the city.
We are to go to the villa Auditore in Monteriggioni.
We have to take them through the city avoiding guards. We are given a new ability here, to throw money which distracts everyone including guards.
We are also instructed to use the courtesans to get past the large group of guards at the gate.

Main mission 10
We are outside the city and have to continue on our journey.
We get a little along the road and find the gang leader from our first mission waiting for us, Viere de Pazzi. His men attack and things look bleak. Suddenly most of the men are cut down by unseen throwing weapons. A man called Mario appears with his bandits and gives us a sword. We then fight the remaining men and Pazzi runs for it.
Mario is our uncle, I had to laugh out loud when he says "It's a me, Mario."
We walk through Monteriggioni to the Villa auditore, which is a nice mansion which has seen better days.
Mario is shocked that Eizo knows nothing of his fathers work. Mario expects Eizo to train and take over. Mario tells Eizo to go and find some items in the market to give him time to think.

We are told to go to a shop and by leather greaves and a dagger.
Then to the Doctor to buy medicine.
There is a viewpoint here.

Inside the villa we speak to our mother and sister and comfort them. Then to Mario who wishes to train us.  Eizo is relucant, Mario tells him that even if he goes on the road he will have to learn how to fight or he will not survive the journey.
Eizo agrees.
We learn about dodging, countering and taunting.
we learn to escape a fight.
Then we have to fight Mario.
Once we win he starts on about fighting back against their enemies. Eizo is having none of it. He angers Mario with this. all the men leave for a fight and leave Eizo alone.
We decide to go and join in.
We have to speak to our mother and sister and find a chest where we store the feather pickups we have found so far.
I go out of the villa and find a horse waiting for me.
I ride to Tuscany

Main Mission 11
Mario is waiting with some men.
He tells us that Pazzi is a templar.
We have to sneak into the castle and open the gate for Mario who makes a full frontal approach.
We are given throwing knifes for the assault.
We go inside and open the gate, fight some soldiers then watch a cut scene of the Templar leader and two other henchmen besides Pazzi talking.
We are sent to kill Pazzi, we fight a load of guards then get to him.
He is a hard fight but I manage it, using up all my medicine health vials.
Mario gives us a lecture when we get angry with Pazzi's corpse for not giving us answers.
We go back to the villa.

5 hours so far.

Main mission 12 A change of plans
At the villa we speak with Mario and the men are celebrating the death of Pazzi.
Mario asks us to walk with him.
Eizo and Mario in the office decide that Eizo will take on his fathers work. Which seems to be to bring about the downfall of the templars.
The codex pages are written by Altair the Assassin from the first game.
Decoding them seems to be key to the game.
We are told by Mario to go and findfour hidden codex pages on the estate. This isn't hard as they are shown on your map.
We have to go back to Claudia our sister. She has been given a bookkeeping job by Mario and isn't liking it much.
Seems we can now get money from a chest in this room if we need it.
We now speak with an architect charged with rennovating the villa.
Here we can spend money on the shops and improve them, giving us a discount.
Now we have to go and speak with Mario.
He opens a secret door in a bookcase.
We go down a long corridor and many steps to the sanctuary.
Here is Altair's armour and other assassin artefacts.
However it is all locked up. Seems we need to get the seals of a load of famous assassins from history who have statues in the room. The seals are missing and we must find them.
We are now to go back to Florence.
7 new viewpoints appear.
After getting all the viewpoints I find some more missions have opened up. There are also posters to rip down and heralds to bribe.
I notiice a red blob on the map moving fast, getting to it I find another person running across the rooftops as we do. I give chase but he won't stop. I end up knocking him off a ledge and he falls to his death.
There are two more codex pages to get, using the thieves to lure away the guards makes this easy.

Main Mission 13 Practice what you preach
I go to the main mission marker at Leonardo's house.
we are to practice new assassination techniques while Leonardo gets to grips with the new encrytped pages we bring him.
We can now assassinate using the wrist blade from a hiding spot if an enemy is close enough.
If we are above a target we can air assasinate by locking on with Left trigger and pressing X.
We can also assassinate from a ledge we are hanging on.
We now have to go back to Leonardo and he gives us a second hidden blade.

Mission 14
We are now looking for someone called the fox or La Volpe in Italian.
We have to go to a marketplace and seek out a man outlined in gold in our eagle vision.
He is a thief and he pickpockets us. We are to give chase and a new tackle option is added when we get close to him witht the B button.
When I catch him a cut scene starts. La Volpe arrives a rather well to do looking thief lord and tells us that he can help us with the location of francesco de Pazzi.

mission 15 See you there.
We are to follow La volpe.
This is race against time across the city.
When we get there he tells us that De Pazzi can be found meeting in a church. There are hidden  catacombs which can get us inside.

mission 16 Novella's secret
We are to infiltrate the cataombs and find our way to the templar meeting. In the grounds of the church there is a marked point with an assassin symbol on it. Touching it opens a secret way inside the catacombs.
Now we have to move through a series of rooms and climbing puzzles using levers to open doors.
We then get a group of guards to stealth kill. One of them runs for the others when he sees us and we have to chase him on a scripted chase through the crumbling catacombs. He gets to the other guards and we then have a fight with about five guards to deal with.
We now open a door and overhear the templar meeting.
They are planning something for the De medici family.
we find an assassin's tomb in the crypt and a secret door outside.
Eizo and La volpe chat outside, it seems that the templars are planing something at the church tomorrow involving the De Medici family.

Side mission
An assassin marker has appeared on the map besides the next mission marker.
I investigate and am given a side mission to find the assassins seal in santa Maria del Fiore church.
This is a huge long climb through the insides of the grand church. It is linear and the jumping system makes it fairly easy if you take your time.
inside the spire I find the hidden tomb and get a second assassins seal.

Main Mission 17 Wolves in sheeps clothing.
We are to prevent the attack on the medici family.
When we get to church a cut scene starts, Francesco and his men attack the Medici's as they enter. One of the Medici's is killed, and we step into the melee.
Once all the bad guys are down, we have to flee the scene with the wounded Lorenzo Medici. We have to fight through the streets, although Medici soldiers help. Once we get back to Medici's house he thanks us. However Pazzi is attacking the council and if he kills them all Pazzi's political friends will take over. Lorenzo pleads with us to kill Pazzi as the only way to stop him.

Main Mission 18 Farewell Franscesco
We have to make it to a roof where Francesco sees us and taunts.
I climb up onto this roof and kill all his guards, not so happy now Francesco runs for it.
He is an agile  little minx, almost as good as Eizo. But not quite. I catch him up and introduce him to the wrist blade.
As he dies he tells Eizo that he is too late.
In cut scene Eizo hangs Francesco's corpse from the city hall.
The priest templar sees this, is shocked and rides off.

We speak with Lorenzo who gives us a codex page and the names of a few more targets.
we get some background on the targets.
There are now assasination contracts at four points on the map oh and a race mission has popped up on the map.

The first is to kill a merchant in the market. just walk up to him, stab him and run for it from the police.
The next contract for three corrupt archers.
The third for a conspirator.
The fourth a member of the Salvucci family who smuggled our enemies into Florence.
The fifth assassination contract is to follow a conspirator to a meeting and then kill all at the meeting.

I find a fast travel station and decide to try it out to go back to the villa. It cost 100 florins but gets me there instantly.
At the villa I spend my cash upgrading the town, which seems a good idea as your income from the town will grow and you will get the cash back.

Another assassination mission to kill a conspirator.
A bunch of guards are going to attack Lorenzo, we are to sort them out before they can put their plan into motion. However, they are the larger brute armoured guards and we are only given a minute to kill them all? I give up as I obviously need much better weapons to do this mission.
I do a race mission which takes a few goes to learn the route, I managed it on the fourth go.

Main mission 19 A blade with bite.
We go to Leonardo and he decodes a codex page to give us a poisoned blade.
The poison makes the infected person go berserk then die about ten seconds later.

Main mission 20 Evasive maneuvers
We go back to the villa and speak with Mario. We give him the list of co-conspirators.
He wants to teach us some new fight moves.
We learn dodge and disarm, which we do by locking on to an ememy and pressing Right trigger in combination with A and X.

Now we have to go to Tuscany where a whole bunch of mission markers have appeared.

Main mission 21 The cowl does not make the monk.
One of the bunch of main conspirators is hiding in an abbey, we are to infiltrate it and kill him.
I think I was supposed to infiltrate stealthily, I just marched in and killed everyone who attacked me and killed the marked man.

Main mission 22 Come out and play
Bernardo Baronceli is hiding in tuscany, we have to find him.
I find him with two bodyguards in the market, killing him is easy.

There are 7 viewpoints nearby which i synch with. Now I can see a lot more missions in this area.

I find another glyph and unlock it by finding the piece of eden using infrared in pictures of famous people.

I find a codex pages and grab it from it's guards.

Main Mission 23 Behind closed doors.
I go to a villa and find one of Mario's men waiting. Francesco Salviati is inside and we get to lead some men in to kill him.
This is similar to a previous mission, we must get the gates open so our men can come in and help the fight with the men, I find and kill the target inside the villa.

Main Mission 24
We have to  find and kill Antonio Maffei in Tuscany.
He is at the top of a tall tower, which is made hard to climb by surrounding archers.
Once you get to the top the monk is easy pickings.

I find another glyph, this one seems a bit haphazard, finding images in pictures, with riddles.

Main Mission 25 With friends like these.
We have to tail Jacopo De Pazzi to the templar meeting and kill him.
We have to make our way close to De Pazzi as he goes to the meeting, the area is crawling with Guards. We have to blend in with the crowd a lot.
When we get there a cut scene kicks in. In a large open area the templar boss kills De Pazzi for us and tells us to come out. We are flanked by guards and kill them, then a fight breaks out. De pazzi has been left bleeding to death and we have to finish him.
Then finish the fight with some nasty bigger and better armed guards.

On finishing the fight we flip out of the memory and return to Florence where we See Eizo report to De Medici that the conspirators are all dead.
De Medici gives us a cloak that stops city guards attacking us.

An Blue objective appears. It is over Leonardo's house, seems he has been moved to venice to do some work.
I decide to go back to the villa and get my money, as if you don't do this often you don't earn any more.
I noticed that a sword i was using in the big fight got broken, you can get a free new one at your villa, you don't have to buy another one.

Main mission 26
Our next obejective marker is to go to the mountains.
Where we find Leonardo and his flying machine with a broken down cart.
We now have a little section where we drive Leonardo's cart in a mad chase from Borgia's men/
They jump onto the cart and we have to knock them against the sides or unbalance them by making the cart sway. They attack with flaming arrows. Eventually we get out and let Leo go on alone. We then have to fight off a bunch of guards.

We are now in Forli and have to find for viewpoints to get our mission markers.
There are 8 viewpoints here to do.

Side Mission Assassination contract.
Thin the ranks.
Kill some senior soldiers of an army that is plotting an attack of Florence.
This is basically hunting down three sets of guards and killing them.

Side mission Assassination contract.
Beginnings of a conspiracy
Some men stole a map, we have to kill them.
Basically killing three groups who are wandering the city with guards.
Being seen by any of the guards ends the mission.

I find and retrieve 3 codex pages.

Side mission Messengers burden.
I have to a take a message to a farmer, when I get there I get attacked. Killing all the civilain attackers is easy and the mission is done.

Side mission race Romagna hustle.
Quite and easy race, did it first time  with 30 seconds to spare.

Side mission beat up events x2
Promiscuity knocks
wanton hubby
find the husband and beat him silly.

Assassin tomb mission.
Ravaldino's secret
Roccoa di Ravaldio has puzzle jumping aplenty
New here is jumping backwards while hanging and swimming under obstacles.
We have a few rooms of guards to clear out, and some platforming.
There is a section where once you pull a lever you have a very limited time to get up to the top and through the door that is opened.
As usual with these missions you get a wodge of cash and an assassins seal.

Race mission
A horse race this time.
A woman is arguing with some men about their horseriding skills.
The woman bets that the next man to walk past can beat their time.
Of course it's you and you get promised a shag for beating the time.
I do it first time, and get the shag.

Main Mission
I find Leonardo by a boat. Seems we need a pass to get to Venice.
A woman suddenly shouts for help.
She is Caterina Sforza and needs help to get off a little island. We are told to go to a boat. which once we get on and grasp the oar by pressing B we can steer and row. We go pick up the woman and take her to the dock. It seems this is going to be an important character, as she is able to get us the pass we need. We are on our way to Venice.

Back to Desmond
He is told that too long of an exposure to the animus is dangerous.
It is possible that you will be able to access the genetic memories without the animus. This may sound good but no one who has done it has been able to control it.
I can bet you that Desmond will be the one to do it and control it.
We have to meet Lucy downstairs.
When we do she shows us into a room and asks us to try out any skills we have been gifted by the animus. Seems we can now do all the free running Eizo can. We have to active a security system by pressing six buttons.
Once done we are left to walk back upstairs.
As we do a vision occurs, wieird animus glitching and ghostly figures. It looks like one of them is beckoning us to follow them.
Desmond collapses and suddenly we are in the animus memory of Altair. We follow the woman and have to chase her accross a city. Then up to the top of a very tall tower.
At the top in cut scene Altar gets some loving. The woman looks familar.
She is pregnant, I don't know if this is meant to be a great revelation but I always assumed Altair Ezio and desmond were direct line descendants.
Desmond wakes up and he finds himself in bed in the loft where the animus is.
Time to get back in there and progress.

We are now in Venice

I find a viewpoint.
And get another four or so to do.
I get two codex pages.

These glyph puzzles are getting hard.

There is a viewpoint I can't climb.

Main mission
We are taken on a tour of Venice by Leonardo's friend.
At the market people are being harrassed by guards.
We are told about new commerce laws which are being forced into place.
The man takes us to Leonardo's new workshop.
A female theive pickpockets Eizo and he laughs.

Main Mission
Eizo for no apparent reason bemoans the ability to not make a specific jump. On cue a bunch of theives run past. The female from earlier makes the jump that Eizo couldn't. She is then shot in the leg by a guard with an arrow. Eizo helps her to escape.
We have to escort her to the river.
We run through the streets and have to fight with guards until Rosa collapses, we then have to pick her up and carry her to a gondola. At the gondola other thieves take her and make their escape in the boat. We now have to escort the boat to the thieves headquarters taking out archers on the banks of the canal that are shooting at the boat.
At the thieves guild we see some basic surgery as the arrow is taken out of Rosa and we then meet the thieves guild leader who wants to talk with us. Seems he is taking a keen interest in Eizo.

Main mission
We speak with the leader of the thieves who's name I have still to catch and he wants us to join with him as our goal is the same.

Main Mission
Antonio is his name I think. There are traitors amongst the thieves, Antonio wants us to find and kill them.
There are three thieves to kill, one on rooftops, the other in a market and the third on a boat.

Main mission
Another codex page to Leo for a new upgrade.

Main mission
We have to help the thieves by freeing men who have been captured.
The thieves are in outdoor cages guarded by a few guards. I try stealth but it's almost impossible to evade the eagle eyes guards.
Instead I head to each cage fight the guards and then have to return the men to the place where I first met the thief.
Doing this three times is a little dull.

Main mission
Ugo wants us to steal guard armour so that he can replace the guards on the roofs of the palace with his own men for our attack on Emilio.
We have to go and find three guarded chests, kill the guards, then loot them. Next we have to take a boat and bring it to Ugo.

Main mission
I find Rosa, who wants Eizo in a good way, however he wants to learn to climb like her.
She shows us a new technique where we have to hold right trigger and push up, pressing A jumps and B grabs at ledges. Of course we have to be able to reach the ledge.

Main mission
Rosa wants us to climb a high tower to show us we can really use the new skills.
This is the viewpoint tower that I could not climb earlier.

Main Mission
Antonio is ready to hatch his plan to help us kill Emilio. We are to start off by killing archers overlooking the palace.
This is easy enough, we now need to meet with Antonio.
I don't know what we really need antonio for as it's much more fun just to wade in a kill the guards yourself. We now have to climb the palace to a certain point.
A cut scene shows the target being told by his templar superior that Eizo is here looking for him.
We are on the roof of the palace and kill him quite easily. In cut scene after we do all the other guards are shot by the thieves from the roof.

Main mission
Eizo overheard during the last mission that the templars are meeting. We follow two of them to the meeting.
We have to tail them through the streets as they plot.
The gist is that they are scared by Eizo's activities but not going to back away from their plots. Seems whatever they are planning is being accelerated and must be done in the next week. The main leader urges them to be careful of Eizo and leaves for Rome.

A new section of Venice is now open to us.

Main Mission
The spainyard seems to be the name of the lead templar.
Carlo Grimaldi is one of his henchmen and their plot  to take control of the fleet is about to come to fruition. Eizo wants him dead.
We start the mission at the Palace of the last victim where the thieves are taking over.
Antonio tells us that the Palazzo Ducale is impenetrable.
Antonio and Eizo scout the palace.
It seems that there is no real way to get into the high walled palace.
We have to go to four points around the palace to find this out.
Antonio quips that only birds could get in. This reminds Eizo of Leonardo's designs.

Main Mission
We go to Leonardo and ask him about the glider. He tells us that only a madman would try it.
Eizo is of course that madman.
We get out onto a roof and try the glider, of course it flies and we can control it using the sticks, however Eizo is disappointed with the distance it flies.
Back at the house Leonardo tries to work out how to get it to fly the distance.
He is stumped then eventually has a eureka moment when he thows a drawing in the fire and it floats up in the heat. Antonio is drafted to light fires along the way so that Eizo can get more lift and take the glider into the Palace.

Main mission
We must get rid of the archers first though.
This mission is simply to go to groups of guards and kill them.

Main mission Infrequent flier
Time to take the glider flight
This is quite fun in a fluff filler sort of way.
When we get to the palace we have a few guards on the roof to kill then down for a cut scene.
We see Grimaldi hatching his plan to poison an offical. It might be me but the plot is a little confused when it comes to what the conspirators are up to.
Eizo is too late to warn the offical as he has already drunk the poison.
We basically now have to kill Grimaldi and escape.
It seems that Eizo might now be blamed for the murder of the Duke.

Main Mission
We go to see Leo, sad that we are blamed and now the most wanted man in Venice.
It's carnival time, so at least we can wear a mask.
another codex page for Leo and a new weapon.
This is the pistol attachment for our hidden blade.
Seems the new Duke is a templar. Looks like another victim.

Main mission
We go looking for Antonio and find him in a brothel, as we are being introduced one of the girls is murdered and the killer flees. We are asked by the Madonna to give chase.
As you get close to the killer he stops and threatens another courtesan with a knife. We can lock on and shoot him. This finishes the mission.

Main mission
Back at the brothel Antonio is peeved about the new ruler and Eizo being a trouble magnet.
The Madonna happens to know that the ruler will be at a party tonight. If we can get a golden mask we can enter the party undetected.
We are asked to speak with Teodora about Marco Barbagio, the ruler.
We take a walk and find a carnivale game which gives enter for the winner.

Main mission
We have to take ribbons from the girls of the district in three minutes. reaching 25 gets us victory.

Main Mission
Capture the flag
Is bloody hard but I manage it. Beat you opponent to the flag and take it back to a rooftop.

I do a codex page liberation mission.

Main mission
Hopefully the last of the golden mask mission is a race.
Which i manage first time.

Main Mission Cheaters never prosper.
Now a fist fight in a ring. We take on the champ and win, then have to take on a series of
other hopefulls.
The bad guy turns up with a henchman and sends him into the ring. He is no trouble either.
Then the bad guy sends in four armed guards to the ring. I see them off with my sword.
The final cut scene here shows the bad guy ensuring his henchman wins the mask by foul means.

Assassins tomb mission.
This starts with another scripted chase sequence. Then a guard fight.
Then a bastard of a water filled room straight from tomb raiders worst sequences.
Basically a jumpathon against a tight ticking clock. When Eizo puts his weight on certain levers it opens the door to the tomb.

Main Mission Having a blast
Of course to get into the ball now we will have to steal the mask from dante Moro, the henchman.
He is wandering the streets and we simply have to pickpocket him.
Now we can get into the party. Whilst at the party the Moro arrives and we are on high alert.
We have to blend to avoid being attacked. The victim appears on a boat surrounded by guards. Talk about paranoid. However as Theodora suggests our gun is most useful in blowing his head off. Now we have to escape.
Back at the brothel Eizo gets an orgy as a reward. Though it seems he has eyes for Theodora.

Health regenerates to one small square, if  you want more you have to heal at a doctor or take a health vial.
You can expand your throwing blade and health vial carrying capacity.
There is a weapon wheel brought up with the Right bumper which allows selection of weapons using the left analogue stick.

Main Mission
Eizo meets the new more favourable Duke, however, another victim whoose name I missed has control of a military force and isn't for relinquising it.

Main Mission
Eizo comes across a thief who has been shot with an arrow. Bartolomeo D Alviano has been captured and we must free him.
When we get to the marker we find a cage guarded by a few men. Killing them frees Bart.
We must now fight our way to safety with Bart.
We go to his house and find more guards. Fighting them ends the mission.
Bart runs into the house shouting the name Bianca.

Main Mission Leave no man behind
Turns out Bianca is a sword.
Bart is seems is a mercenary leader, he will help us to fight against the army so that we can get to our next target. However there are other men held captive which would help in the fight. We must free them.
Three groups of men must be freed from guarded cages.

I find that you can buy new moves from the fight training area at the villa.
I buy the ability to shoot two knives at different people.
I buy the ability to use ranged weapons and sweep people of their feet.
I buy the ability to smash with heavy weapons like large axes.

Main Mission
Barts Plan is to have his mercenaries cause trouble throughout the city. That means that Silvio will have to spread his men thin around the city dealing with it. With little men left in reserve at the garrison Eizo will be able to get in.
We are tasked with escorting the mercs to strategic points.
We have to do this three times. Get them to a point which happens to be full of guards, kill the guards and that is the mission done.

Main mission Two birds one blade.
Bart gives us a firework to signal the start of the attack.
Climbing to a viewpoint we set it off.
Now Bart is in trouble in the ensuing Battle, We have to help him.
Dante Moro is fighting bart and we intervene, Moro runs for it.
We give chase back to the garrison entrance where Moro's master urges him to follow him onto a ship.
We have to fight Moro and when we win a cut scene shows him running for it with the Silvio the other templar.
We give chase to the two and tackle and kill them in turn.
As they die in cut scene we find that they intended to set sail for cyprus.

Main Mission
We speak with Leonardo and Rosa. Gist is that There is a prophecy about a piece of Eden coming into the city and being used to unlock a vault. Seems that a peice of Eden has been found in Cyprus and is being brought back to Venice. Eizo realises that Borgia must never be allowed to gain the piece of Eden as the power it will give him will be beyond measure.
He decides to meet the boat from Cyprus at the docks.

Main mission All things come to those who wait.
Wew go to the docks and witness guards bringing the piece of eden ashore. Eizo also spots Mario skulking around watching the same thing he is.
We are tasked with capturing the cargo from the ship.
We tail him to the place and a guard tells him to get a box and package the piece properly. Eizo siezes this chance to sneak in and assassinate the courier and steal his clothes.

Main Mission Play Along
We are now to stay in formation with guards and to go and assassinate the Borgia.
We go and meet the Spainyard is an anonymous yard. Eizo reveals himself and Borgia tells him that he himself is the prohpet. Eizo attacks and once we wear Borgia's health down he calls guards. He taunts us saying that where are our people. We have to fight the guards. Whenn we do Mario, Antonio and Bart turn up and start fighting with us.
Big glitch here as the fight goes outside the area and I can't get at it.
The next time we wear down the Spainyard's health he gets away.
Eizo is told by the gang to wait.
Machiavelli appears along with Paula and Theodora.
He tells us that Eizo is the prophet and they are all assassins that have been guiding his life to this moment.
Eizo is taken and initiated as an assassin.

Back in the real world there is trouble with the animus and a chunk of time after this is inaccessible at present. Looks like the downloadable content will fit in here.

Back to the animus after some chit chat and it seems that Borgia has made himself pope.

We now have to collect the two codex pages that I have missed, seems Eizo had them all at this point. we have to go and find them.
I find one more codex page and can't see where the other is.
The mission marker is showing up at the villa. I go there and find Leo. I give him a codex page.
I eventually find the last one.
Taking them back to the villa finds a gang of assassins at the codex wall.
Giving the last one to Leo translates it.
Putting on eagle vision reveals a jigsaw type puzzle map of the world we have to make up by rotating the codex pieces.
Once done Eizo places the piece of Eden on a pedastal it gives out a light that shows the vault to be in Rome.
The papal staff is also a piece of Eden, seems it and the apple are needed to open the vault.

Speaking to Mario starts a mission to Rome.

Main mission In Bocca Al Lupo
We are to infiltrate the Sistine chapel and kill Borgia.
This starts out as a corridor mission where we have to negotiate ramparts of a large wall. There are many guards, even a bit of horseriding.
Then some sneaking through gates and finally we get above a large church where Borgia is giving mass. We climb above him and jump down in our signature move and seemingly kill him.
He laugh in out face and uses the staff to exude a power wave that kills everyone in the room but Eizo. Seems the apple is protecting him.
Eizo uses the power of the apple to split himself into many, as seen by the bad guy at the end of the last game.
We have a basic fight to weaken Borgia.
Then when we do it's a cut scene.
Borgia somehow ends up with the upper hand. He takes the apple and stabs Eizo.
The staff and apple merge and he vanishes.
We have to follow him down a secret passage.
Where we basically have to beat him to death.
Eizo stops at the last second and lets him live.
He then touches the staff and apple and a beam shoots out and opens a door.
Eizo essentially speaks to a hologram of an alien. She claims to be of a race that created human life on Earth in their image.
Seems that the alined have enemies and while they concerned themselves with human affairs an outside enemy came and blasted Earth. Only a few humans and aliens survived. The human race was rebuilt but the aliens died out slowly. The aliens have left something in temples strewn around the world.
The alien reveals herself to be talking to Desmond, not Eizo.
Desmond is pulled from the animus and the templars have found them. It's time to leave the hideout.
We run out and the lights go out.
In the lower ground area we meet Warren from the original game, we have a fight with some of the Abstergo men. and Warren flees.
The gang run for it. While the credits roll we hear them chattin. Seems the name of the alien was Minerva and the first civilization was wiped out by a solar flare.
Seems the time is coming again for another earth cleansing solar flare.
Looks like the temples hold a secret to preventing the solar flare, perhaps an alien device that can protect us.

That is the main story done, around 20 hours and 785 achievement points.