Monday, February 21, 2011

Dead Space 2 Notes

On booting the game I am prompted to enter the code from the back of the manual that allows multiplayer to be played. This is to discourage second hand sales.
Next I choose to start the game. Interestingly I am given the choice to watch a recap movie of Dead Space 1.
I choose normal difficulty, I remember how this works. You are expected to earn upgrades on one play through and then go back for the harder difficulties with an upgraded Isaac.
Left and right analogue sticks from camera and movement. Third person view of Isaac from behind.
Right bumper is run.
A is interact.
B is use.
Y is stasis
Right bumper is stomp.
Left trigger is aim.
Clicking the right stick is a waypoint indicator.
Mission 1
First images are of a communication from the Ishimura from Nicole.
It shows a video call between Isaac and Nicole, she tells him that she is glad he pushed her to take the job on the Ishimura.
The call is a flashback that Isaac is having as a psychologist talks to him in his office.
We see Nicole's ghostly figure behind the doctor injecting herself to commit suicide.
The doctor tells us that Isaac went to the Ishimura on a rescue mission and asks what he found.
Isaac sees the marker and Nicole in front of it. She is bloody and jumps up on the desk and screams at him, her face lights up from within as if there is a fireball inside her head.
Isaac blanks out.
He comes to in a different room and another medic is shining a light in his eye. Things don't look so good now though. It appears the trouble has already started.
The medic tells Isaac that they have to be careful. He is speared from behind by a necromoprh and it sticks spikes into his head. In seconds he transforms into a full necromoprh and attacks. Isaac knocks it aside and still in our straight jacket we are told by a female voice over the radio to run.
There are necromorphs of various shapes and sizes running around everywhere and there is only one safe path we can run through to get away. Getting to a door we are grabbed automatically.
Pressing A fast makes Isaac kick away the necromorph attacker and it gets caught in the door and cut in half.
We now stand up in a hospital bay type area and find a save point.
In the next room some other humans attack us but are killed by necromoprh tentacles from the ceiling.
A video plays showing someone being experimented on by a doctor. Seems they have been fiddling with something they shouldn't. This room is above cells, like an observation room.
We can see that the people in the cells are all dead now.
In the next area we meet the doctor from the video. He is standing etching something into the glass with a scalpel. He grabs Isaac and gibbers madly. Isaac asks him to free him and they can both get out of here. The doctor frees him and tells him that there is health in a locker.
In the locker is a health pack and a torch. The torch is used like a weapon.
The doctor slits his own throat and dies.
Someone called Dana calls Isaac and tells him to meet her. she says he has a form of dementia that will kill him unless treated.
Isaac asks why he should trust her, she tells him that she isn't shooting at him.
Which is a fairly good point.
we come through a fairly unsettling dark room, using the flashlight to see.
I expect things to jump out, but it's only the television which scares me.
save point.
In a room full of pipes that make us jump by splashing water occasionally Isaac has a vision, he sees shadows of Necromoprhs. Is this the dementia that Dana Mentions.
We get to climb into an air vent, which is new. Potential for scares is ramped up by nothing happening this time.
Then we fall out through the bottom of the vent into a room.
A body is held floating above what looks like an operating table.
Dana asks us what happened, Isaac and her bond a little.
We can't get out of this room. There is a panel on the machine. I open it and Isaac reaches inside and pulls out some wires. This gives us kinesis grab powers.
We can pick up certain items and then holding them in front of us hurl them through glass.
This allows us to smash the glass wall and get out. Necromorphs attack and we have to spear them with a supply of handy spears.
In the next area we do the same.
We come to a room where a necromorph strapped to a table blocks the way. In a confusing fashion he can't be meleed.
We go into a room where a man is undergoing surgery. Poor timing as he has been left abandoned mid procedure.
We start to grab a plasma cutter out of the machinery as more Necromorphs burst in.
Now we are talking, back to the usual shooting off the legs and limbs of hordes of necromorphs.
I move on past the blocking necromorph who is easily shot with the plasma cutter.
save point.
I come into a reception area and the fire extinguiser system scares the shit out of me this time.
Three necromoprhs attack. Stamping on their corspses drops loot.
I make my way through a few rooms, all have loot to pick up, med packs and ammo.
I come to a door which has an alarm blaring, something about unauthorised personnel. Really, no, I never noticed. Inside a man recognises Isaac and tells him to follow him.
I follow the man from the video earlier to a security grill which comes down and seperates us. He tells us that he is patient 5 and to remember. Dana calls and asks Isaac what is happening. He tells her that he is stuck by the security lock down. She gets angry and Isaac. Isaac tells her that he can take care of himself and doesn't need her. She tells us to get on with it then. Five necromorphs burst in. I kill them. Isaac thinks better of it and begs Dana to speak with him again. She gives him a new route.
I move along and find a save point.
In the next area we have to hack a machine. This is done by rotating the left stick until a dial goes blue then pressing A. Moving the stick the wrong way slows you down and you only have a limited time to hack.
This gives us stasis power. Which is handy as a new Necromorph appears that can kill you instantly with one hit. Using Y to slow it down gives you time to kill it.
We are shown that there are stasis packs to pick up, stasis stations to recharge it. It also recharges itself slowly.
A security door can be opened with a switch, however walking close by sets of an alarm as we are not in the doors pass through list. Shooting the door when it is open before approaching it makes it close to slowly to prevent us passing.
I am introduced to new vomiting necromorphs which spray acid at you.
I get into a lift and during the lift ride the lights go out. We see Nicole as before with the glowing eyes, she is singing twinkle twinkle little star. She screams and lights up again and we are back to normal. A vision.
In this new area a window breaks and vents the atmosphere to space. Isaac hangs on for his life. I am told to shoot a lockdown switch, which brings shutters down and stops the leak of atmosphere.
I find a shop and we can finally get Isaac into his armoured suit.
Which is just as well as the next area is decompressed and open to space. We have 100 seconds of air to negotiate this area. Which is uneventful and done in under half that.
In a large open room which looks like a transit station for passenger space ships we are attacked by the first boss.
A mushed amalgam of necromoprhs it has two long arms to leap around on and a nondescropt body.
We are told by Dana that Isaac has been imprinted with the marker signals which are self replicating in the brain and will eventually reach a level that will kill Isaac and i presume turn him into a necromorph. We have to get to Dana quickly and she can stop the process.
We go through a vent and at the other end of it we are told it's chapter 2
Chapter 2
Here is another store where I buy the line gun. There is also a bench where you can use the nodes to upgrade equipment.
In an airport like area we see a video of the leader/bad guy. Tiedmann is declaring martial law.
I enter an area with a lot of people being attacked and killed by necromorphs. There is a room here that needs a power node to open. This seems a folly to use your nodes to open doors, however, the loot inside is worth it.
I go down in a lift and see the other test subject across the way trying to talk to us again.
We are now in a residential building which is also full of necromorphs.
There is an area where we get trapped in with a lot of necromoprhs for the first time.
Progressing through the building is fairly straightforward here.
Going down in a lift Dana tells us that Tiedmann built another marker.
We find some new monsters here, they have large glowing yellow orbs on one arm. This is an explosive suicide attack. Though you can shoot it when the enemies are away from you to blow them up.
I come to a subway station and have to take out a necromoprh spawner that will turn the dead bodies on the gorund into more necromorphs if left unchecked.
We then have to get on the train and activate it. This turns into a runaway train ride through zero g with lots of necromorphs to kill.
When the train finally crashes we are left hanging by our foot as a bunch of necromorphs converge. Once they are dealth with a large one appear and you have to shoot it until it retreats.
The train nearly crushes you and then you are left asking Dana for a new route.
In a new shopping type area I am attacked by necromoprh children.
We progress through a shopping mall like area unmolested and enter a unitology recruiting centre.
We have a decompression to avoid and some children to kill here.
Then through an air vent.
We come to a waste processing facilty, there are huge machines clunking around.
I find a switch which turns off the machine. This allows us into the crusher area where we get to use zero G. You turn on and off your magnetic boots by pressing in the left stick.
Left bumper also boots you with jet nozzles on the suit.
I get to fly around here and explore. Nothing attacks you which is good.
I find a switch which turns on the huge feeder fan, we can then fly against the wind to a new area.
Here we have to replace a power unit in it socket to turn on the door systems.
We come through some untiology dwellings, filled with marker worship lore.
A childrens room sees another vision of Nicole.
Tiedmanns men are tracking Isaac using a small ship which can be seen at time outside the windows.
We move down through the building to a large square with a statue of the marker.
Here we have a big fight with a bunch of the necromorph types we have met so far.
Now we enter the unitology church proper. Tiedmanns gunship starts shooting at us and we have to get through the decompressed hall quickly.
We then make our way through the gothic church like interior fighting necromoprhs and spawners.
We have a room where we have to move two small power nodes to the right places on a junction box. We then have to get past a broken rapidly slamming door using stasis.
After a save point we go through an air vent. After emerging from it the ghostly Nicole tries to stab Isaac with a syringe. He suddenly finds that he is holding the syringe himself and driving it towards his own face.
We come down into a circular area with large statues. A door is smashed as we approach by something big can be seen lurking around the statues staying out of our sight.
These new monsters are called stalkers. They are bigger necromoprhs of similar design, however they use a charging battering ram style attack that is fairly deadly if you get caught in it.
I kill the four that attack and then hack a panel and up in a lift.
We come to a funeral chapel and are attacked by more necromorphs and the little annoying things in large numbers.
Chapter 5
We are now in what is called the crypt. There are lots of frozen people in chambers. Possibly dead or just cryogenically frozen.
We are attacked by necromorphs here and then move into a puzzle area.
Here we have a door near ther ceiling which we need to get to. However the gravity device is offline and we need to fix it.
We have to use stasis on a series of concentric spinning rings to trap the rings and use kinetics to bring clamps down. When all is clamped zero g is started up in the room and we can use stasis to stop a huge fan and get through the door.
Dana tells us that they are using a mobile device, probably on the gunship to block their signal.
I come to a shop and buy the security suit and javelin gun.
Also a bench and save point. We see the small bug like aliens from the first game here.
We are now in a much more ornate part of the unitology church.
This is from the demo, a large church with balconies around the side.
We are attacked by a huge monster in the church which waves it's glowy yellow haemorrhoid at us until we shoot it enough.
Then we get a bunch of the children in large numbers.
Then more necromoprhs around the balcony.
We get another message from Nicole, more jibberish and the idea that Isaac is trying to kill himself.
We come to a viewing gallery with a nice view of the Sprawl.
Dana is waiting, as we walk in we are grabbed by two men.
It seems that Dana is a unitologist scientist. She reveals that Isaac built the marker for the unitologists. The drop ship arrives and shoots up everyone but Isaac, and that is only because of his armour. He dives down a vent shaft in cut scene and we come face to face with the large monster from earlier, when we were hanging from the train.
We have to shoot it's yellow point then avoid it running down a corrior. The gunship arrives and shoots everything to hell. Isaac is sucked out into space as is the monster. Both grab onto the gunship and we are held by the monster on the gunship.
We have to shoot explosives that are flying around being knocked off the gunship and it blows. Isaac is shot off into the Sprawl and flies through a window.
We are contacted by Isaac and it seems that the new objective is to get to the marker now and disable it.
chapter 6
A dea soldiers has a video playing on a loop. A soldiers is saying that the endgame is in effect and contingencies are in place for lost assets.
We are back in the residential area we were in before.
We backtrack a few areas and there is new loot and in the large area with statues of woman and the marker we are attacked by the scorpions and new butterball type enemies.
In the next area we find explosive mines, well the necromoprh version, lumps of pulsating flesh that jettison yellow explosive lumps when you go too near.
I find a node door here.
We then come to a large open area which has no gravity.
There is also a huge fire we can't get past.
There are three oxygen stations in the room which are rapidly trying to restore atmosphere.
We have to to turn them off. Each one has a battery to remove.
Once done the fire is starved of oxygen and we can proceed.
There are two of the little bug necromorphs here.
We then have to put a working battery in the lift, the batteries from the air stations will do nicely.
We come to a large area filled with storage crates. The stalkers are back here.
We come back onto the childrens, shopping mall type area and find another human fighting the necromorphs and doing better than the usual cannon fodder. She tells us that her name is Elle and she is deeply distrustful. She leave in an eleavtor and tells us not to follow her.
Folloeinh her anyway I go down the elevator and find a large area filled with the mine poppers. This area is a challenging cluster of monsters, arriving from front and back at the same time.
We are now in the nursery area. Were we have a quick lesson, we see a woman try and coax a baby necromorph to her. It comes, she cuddles it and then they both explode.
We are then attacked by the babies which simply home in then blow up.
We move through the school until I come to the school hall which is set up for a play.
We go to the stage and hack a panel, this lets in a horde of child and baby necromorphs.
Through the school some more, finding the flamethrower schematic in a classroom that isn't on the route.
I also find a power node or two hidden here, in a doorway and a rocket in the playground type area.
This is the end of the school area and Elle appears on the videophone, she has Strauss. Isaac pleads with her to take him to the hub, which I am presuming is where the marker is.
I come to a large room with a balcony above it. Elle and strauss appear on the balcony.
As they Chat Tiedmann calls directly for the first time.
He cuts the power and the necromorphs arrive. Elle annd Strauss have some oridnary ones, however we have a brute to deal with. It's a simple home and charge variety of boss. Using mines in it's path and stasis to avoid when it gets close make an easy fight.
Isaac explains to Elle that the marker is the cause of the trouble and was created from data extracted from Isaac and Strauss's heads. She reluctantly agrees that the only way forward is to destroy it.
The route is blocked becuase Tiedmann has turned off the power and life support to the whole section of space station. We need to do game type stuff to proceed basically.
We come to a new enemy, a mass on the wall that spits out smaller masses that wave tentacles around. If you don't kill the big mass first then you have loads of smaller ones to deal with.
I get in a lift and am asked to insert disc 2 here.
Chapter 7
The docking pod to the solar array is off it's rail. Isaac needs to fix it.
I enter a large room and have to shoot gas vents which makes them fire, all you have to do here is get the large lift to move up to the ceiling where grapple beams hold it in place.
I then get into the lift. The ride up is a long one and the large necromorphs obviously like shiny lifts. Three or four large ones bash in the windows and try and scoop you out.
Basically all you need to do here is survive until the top of the ride.
I am finding glowing barrels here than can be picked up and shot, they put what they hit into stasis for a longer time than usual.
I come to a new room in the solar array and an a.i. holopgram meets me.
Up in the solar array paltform the lonely curator had a liking for birds and there are still many in cages alive and well.
The a.i, well computer really as it's thick. Won't open the door for Isaac, but will for the curators corpse. Further on she wants a verbal password, when none is forthcoming she turns on laser tripwires.
Further in we are hemmed in by tripwires and attacked, of course the necromorphs don't notice the tripwires and blunder straight in sending the whole place up in a bang. The window is blown out and we have to shoot a red point to slam down the shutters.
I then have to hack a panel to make a lift work.
Up in the lift we have to move a panel aside and bring down a platform using kinesis.
We then enter a corrdor, the computer vents the air and we have to hack a panel to restore it. Necromoprhs attack and you are against you airs clock.
Now we are at the mainframe, Tiedmann speaks and tell us that we can't be allowed to restore power to the sprawl. He tell the computer, named anti to lock down the mainframe.
We now have to get her offline to progress.
I enter a crawlspace and in a room have to put four fuses into sockets, there is a helpful display of the pattern nearby.
This brings up a panel that shuts down a portion of the machines.
You have to go back out and rotate the crawlspace with a switch here and then do the same in another room. This brings out lots of enemies and opens the door to the a.i. core.
Shooting all the fuses brings her offline.
We now get into the actual solar array control room.
Here we can get out into space at the actual slar mirrors and panels to aling them manually.
We have to move two mirrors into place and avoid a large necromoph which shoots thing at us from a distance.
Once done Elle and Strauss are in trouble, they need to take the transport quickly as hordes of necromoprhs are arriving.
Isaac need to get down to them quickly. He uses an ejector seat from the station to power himself back down, we end up flying down through a debris field. Which is exhilarating.
We then are back where we first spoke with tiedmann in the balcony room.
Here there are lots of explosions and we are plunged into airlessness.
Loads of necromorphs arrive and we have to stay alive until Elle gets a door open for us.
Chapter 8
I fight through some rooms and find a power node room. After a few corridors I come to a room with a door and glass viewing window into the next area. Strauss and Elle are in the room. However the door is jammed by previous occupants who were trying to keep out the necromorphs and failed. Isaac will have to pass through the processing plant to get to them.
We come to a puzzle with a door wedged half open, Isaac can't get through, however there is a loose thruster in the room, we can attach it to the other side of the door and shoot it to force the door open.
In the next room are lots of gears with teeth. Tiedmann appear on the comm and tells us that he is turning it on again. We now have to get through the moving jaws of hell.
There are several puzzles and tests of skill here, flying around in zero g with only hairs breadth between you and whirling death.
A few doors need opened with thrusters and some of the small shooting necromorphs appear.
A large mass of flesh is at the end of a long tunnel filled with jetting flames. A few mines make quick work of it as it fires blobs of missile like organics at you.
We come to a door and find the room where we were just a minute ago cut off from Elle and Strauss. The next room see the three finally meet up. Strauss is losing it even more than usual and we still need to get to gov sector. There is a train the gang can use but it needs to be activated. Isaac is the volunteer to go do that of course.
Chapter 9
We enter a large factory area with huge moving machinery. Moving through this area we are attacked by large numbers of all the varieties of necromoprhs.
I come to a transport carriage which won't release. We need to work out a small gear puzzle, finding three parts of the system from the room around us.
The car is then activated and we can trigger it to move.
The car takes us via a nicole vision to Elle and Strauss.
Elle programs the car to take us to where we are going. On the way through the windows Isaac sees the Ishimura docked at the sprawl. Elle tells him that it was sad about what happened on board and tells Isaac that it was a terrorist attack. Isaac informs her that what is happening now started on the Ishimura.
The car is rocked and stops. Isaac dismounts to see what is stopping them.
In the next large warehouse like area there are lots of varied necromorph attacks.
I buy the vintage suit after a corridor filled with flesh nodes and necromoprhs.
We come to the blockage, large tentacles have filled an area. There are also pods filled with explosives in the area. I shoot one of the tanks with exploding barrels and it blow clearing the blockage.
Isaac wants to set of the rest of the explosives for some reason and Elle is dubious.
As we start a three legged beastie appears. Seems this is their nest.
That is why Isaac wants to blow it up.
We have to avoid the beasties and shoot the explosives with the barrels.
When done we have to leg it up in a lift then into the car.
In the car Tiedman calls as we are in space passing the Isimura. He sounds pleased with himself and sure enough a large cutting beam smashes the tracks in front of us. Isaac tells Elle to park the car by the Ishimura. Isaac thinks he can use it's beams to take the car where we need to go.
chapter 10
Elle thinks this is a bad idea. Isaac goes on alone back into the Ishimura and we enter the area form the first games first level, only it is under repair after the damage it took in the first game.
The trip through the old game is nostaligc, passing through areas that are burned into memory from the original, just altered, under repair is nice. Though hoepfully it won't go on too long.
The tension builds as you pass through a great deal of unpopulated area. Of course a scare is coming. A large creature jumps from behind a pile of boxes and is a pain to kill.
We are down on the rails of the trains that run around the Ishimura. Here we are attacked by loads of necromorphs, brutes and almost all varieties at once. This is very hard to survive.
I manage to hack a lift and get up to the train station.
Now I know the game is playing for time, making stacks of enemies in tight spaces.
Now we are back in a room we had in the first game, the gravity control room.
We have a puzzle, a pipe flowing along a central pillar has bits missing. We need to find the bits and put them in, in the right order. The gravity centrifuge in now online.
We do this without necromorph interference, which is strange.
On the way back through the empty decontamination room I passed through earlier I am ambushed.
Back to the train station and there is a tram. I get on. Strauss has got madder and has bit Elle and now isn't talking to her at all.
The train stops at the medical deck as there is an obstruction. Getting too much Ishimura now.
A few glitches here, Isaac was wading hip deep in the train for a few seconds and I got knocked into a wall and could continue shooting while the death animation played.
The medical deck is glowing blue with strange glowing graffiti.
Here we have a large room that fills with necromorphs and then after hacking a door fills again.
We have the scanner suite now, which as last time has the moving boom arm and loads of necromorphs.
I come to a store and save point, I buy the force gun.
More corridors and I find myself on the bridge of the Ishimura.
Some fights as usual and down into the captains nest.
Here we activate the gravity tethers that will send Elle and Strauss on their way.
Isaac tells them he will use one of the Ishimura's escape pods and meet them at the governemnt sector.
Teidmann calls and sounds angry, telling Isaac that he will tear the whole moon apart.
Isaac gets in the escape pod and is troubled by Nicole visions again.
The pod is hit in flight and crash lands. Isaac has a vision of Nicole when he is unconscious.
When he comes too Strauss is trying to drive a screwdriver into Elle's brain.
Chapter 11
We crash land in a docking airlock of some kind, descend down a long ramp filled with dangers then into corridors, the place is falling apart here, possibly the gravity beams we triggered are causing this. strauss calls, seems he has killed Elle though I am not so sure.
It seems we are inside the mining operation of the asteroid chunk.
I come to a large mining area with lots of open area to fight in.
After killing lots and lots of necromorphs I replace a dud power unit in it's socket and go through a door.
Elle and Strauss appear, Strauss has her eye on a stick, but she isn't dead.
Isaac is grabbed by a tentacle and thrown out into space.
Here we have a tentacle spitting at you to kill then some laser pods which are blocking the way into the interior. You have to attach thrusters and move the pods to get in.
Of course you have to find air to survive.
Inside Strauss and Elle are split up. Elle thinks that Strauss is now after Isaac.
We progress through a large room with lots of fights. Feels a bit fight boxy here.
As I open a door in cutscene Strauss grabs Isaac and tries to kill him with the screwdriver.
Isaac ends up killing him with it.
We then take an elevator ride with some miner necromorphs.
Nicole appears again, She asks Isaac if he is hanging onto her because he loves her or wether he feels guilty about her death.
He tells her that is he lets go of her he will have nothing left.
She changes back to normal from glowy mouth and eye Nicole and tells him that step 4 is acceptance.
I can afford to get the advanced suit here.
Chapter 12
We find Elle at a huge drilling machine. Isaac tells her that Strauss is dead. She isn't sorry. Elle asks what happens next. Isaac tells her that he is ready to destroy the marker.
We have to find a power cell to get the drill working.
One I find the power cell I have to find a circuit board. Then hack the machine.
Now elle turns it around and we have to get on the lift under heavy attack.
Once on the back of the machine. This is a small square of death really.
Hordes of necromporhs attack. After the worst we ride on through the guts of the biomass that the marker seems intent on creating.
Eventually we reach the government sector.
Elle wants to plough on in with the drill. Isaac reminds her that he is riding on top of it.
We burst in and Isaac is shaken but not hurt.
Chapter 13
Now that we are in the gov sector it's time to find the marker. Hopefully.
Elle finds a working gunship.
Isaac heads for her and he then sends the ship away with her in it. He tells her to get out of the sprawl and escape. Nicole appears and he tells her that he can save Elle if he couldn't save nicole.
Tiedmann appears on the comm and tells Isaac that he had 200 soldiers between him and the marker.
I find my way back into the large room where the drill crashed in. Here we have a hoard of necromporhs to survive and the door to hack to get in.
Inside is a security centre and if you simply walk in you get blasted to pieces by guards behind a security shutter.
You have to stasis them and run to the side, where you go through vents.
I go up a few stairs and pull out a power cell. This lets the horde of necromorphs into the security area. The guards are quickly overrun.
Now we can progress into the marker lab.
Inside the lab the scientists seem to have been analysis what the marker actually does. It broadcasts codes and blueprints, some people can see them, most go mad.
I come to a room where it looks like a marker is being built, or grown. Lasers are circling it. Is this a marker manufacturing area. why would you build one, let alone lots of markers?
I have to circle the marker, avoiding the lasers, stasis does not work on them. In each room that you can use to hide in monsters attack.
I go to another area and have a huge horde to fight.
A brute attacks. I hack the door and enter a huge cylindrical area. We are on the outside, there are lots of bridges going across to it.
Chapter 14
I can see necromorphs in the distance heading for it too.
I am sensing a boss battle soon. Health, bench and save in one room.
In the next room is a marker,though it's about 200 metres tall and seems to be glowingly organic and alive. All the Necromoprhs are gathering around it for convergence.
Tiedmann tells us that it wasn't meant to be like this.
The marker starts firing a beam out into space.
Nicole tells us that they must work together. Isaac has to go into a machine in which we have to guide a needle into his eye.
Then Nicole tells him to go to the marker.
Now we meet regenerating invicible necromoprhs.
We have to shoot it to bits and hack a door while it's in stasis to progess.
Now we have a dash to get down to the marker. It seems to be a mad one as some of these new necromoprhs are invincible. I come to a door that needs a body to open and have to findd it and take it to the door under fire.
Then some more corridors with a mix of necromorphs.
Down in a lift.
Then some more fighting in rooms with mixed invincible and normal necromoprhs.
Then we have a zero g section avoiding big moving door, blasts of fire and big necromorph fire.
Another shop, save and bench combo.
Chapter 15
Now we are at the base of the marker. And all hell is let loose. There are loads of necromorphs and the invincible one that is chasing us. Running for it and shooting from the hip seems to be the best way. Using stasis and shots only to slow them down and make a path.
Eventually I get to the marker itself. Tiedmann is there and we have a quicktime sequence. Well mashing A sequence until we shoot him with a javelin gun.
Nicole embraces Isaac and then takes him into the marker in some kind of vision.
She reveals that she isn't Nicole merely a creature of the marker.
She attacks. telling Isaac that he will be absorbed.
We have to shoot her, avoiding being grabbed, otherwise it's an instant death animation as we see Isaac commit suicide. When we shoot nicole enough the marker opens and we can shoot it's heart.
Do this enough and it's over. The marker is destroyed.
Isaac sits down as the credits roll.
Ellie comes in on the gunship to get him.
Oh it's not over we have to fly Isaac to the ship. The station explodes.
We see a close up of Isaac and dread what is going to be found when we pan to Ellie. However, she is fine. A little in joke for those that finished the first one.
The true credits roll.
New game plus is unlocked which allows you to start the game with your powered up character from the last playthrough.

535 achievement points on normal difficulty level.
11 hours 30 minutes