Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Infamous 2 Notes

Infamous 2 Notes

The first option that appears is to continue your Infamous 1 story, with a choice of either good karma or bad.
I choose to continue with good karma.
I get level 1 good karma, extra xp and extra energy storage for having completed the first game.

We get a comic book recap of the first story.
Cole a bike courier is at the center of a blast from a package he was carrying.
The city is quarantined and bad guys start showing up.
Cole meets Kessler, himself from the future, who has come from an alternate timeline, where a huge beast rampaged through the world. Cole wasn't ready for him in that world and came back to toughen himself up in the hope of altering the past.
We are now still in this training process, waiting for the beast to appear and hoping that Cole is ready. An agent named Lucy Quo has arrived with Cole, she worked with someone who was involved with the creation of the raysphere, the device that gave Cole his powers. Lucy wished to aid Cole in his preparations. Zeke, Cole's friend from the first game is also present.

As Cole is about to get on a boat and go to another city nearby with Zeke and Lucy the city starts to explode and it looks like the beast is here early.

Usual analogue sticks for movement and camera.
L1 is aim
R1 is shoot a lightning bolt or static thrusters while airborne.
X is jump
Square is throw grenade.

Mission 1
I leave the boat and go to see what is going on. I am on a pier and there is a locked gate we have to zap with lightning to break down. People are running everywhere.
A building can be seen collapsing in the distance and a car comes flying out of the mess and smashes into a nearby boat causing a huge explosion.
A few more meters closer to the city we can see the giant flaming beast, he looks similar to the human torch, only one hundred meters tall.
I am prompted to shoot in his direction to attract his attention. He responds by throwing a huge statue at us and coming closer.
We now fight the beast, shooting him in the head with lightning. He makes us fly in the air using some kind of gravity weapon and tries to suck us into a vortex. We get chances to shoot at him in between trying to stay clear.
After a while a piece of his head is blown off and we then get prompted to use an ionic storm by pressing down on the dpad.
This brings a lightning storm down on the beast head and he sinks into the sea.
We are now prompted to go back to the boat. As we do so the beast reappears and uses it's gravity wave to hold us floating again. We are grabbed in it's hand and can only shoot at it. We then get the prompt to use the ionic storm again. This hurts Cole and drains him.

In cut scene we see that Cole was saved by Zeke and Lucy, taken away on the ship.
The beast simply regenerated and carried on.
Cole is devastated by his failure and after some wallowing and angry scenes gets himself together and they flee to New Marais, to hopefully get more prepared for round two with the beast.
Zeke makes Cole a sword like weapon called the amp.

Mission 2
As we approach New Marais a gun battery can be made out. Cole gets out into the swamp and goes to take out the guns so they can approach safely.
We can hover over longer gaps by using static to thrust with, by pressing R1.
Some enemies appear and are easily shot with lightning bolts.
We can recharge our energy from electricity supplies in the environment.
The first karma choice appears. There is a bridge, which we can lower by charging up it's machinery. If we overload it, it will blow up the enemies as well. Also the civilians.
I choose not to kill the civilians.
I am given a good karma opportunity to heal some hurt civilians.
I  move through the small township, zapping soldiers until mortar fire comes from a  riverboat.
Shooting a fuel tank near the boat blows it up and sinks the riverboat.
I now have to make my way across the water using the debris. Cole dies if he falls in the water. His own electricity shorting out.
Someone named Bertrand makes a broadcast, he is the leader of the milita and he is using the threat of the beast to make his own martial law. we see this piece of information on a tv screen.
We now are introduced to the grind wires, which were great fun in the last game.
There is some emplaced guns we have to deal with.
The mission ends when we reach the edge of the city.
Zeke and Lucy bring the boat in. Lucy is impressed with Cole not killing the civilians.

Mission 3
New Marais is a fairly lawless place anyway after a flood devastated it.
The militia are only making it worse.
We can throw electricity grenades.
It isn't long before we are getting shot at in the city.
Lucy is with us and she shoots at enemies.
We have to get a blast shard which is being guarded by milita.
They are on a roof and there are about ten of them. Once they are downed we can pick up the blast shard.
I get the opportunity to save a citizen who is being mugged by militiamen.
When I pick up the shard, Wolf the scientist calls, he is in trouble. A large explosion is seen on the other side of the city and blue trails can be seen shooting into the air.
We now have to make our way there through heavy militia fire.
When we get there we speak to wolf, who recognizes us as Kessler and is confused.
Wolf has made a rayfield inhibitor, which can take away powers the same way that the raysphere gave them. Cole thinks he can use this on the beast to weaken it.
However we need to ingest the power from more blast cores before we can use the RFI.
Cole ingests the blast core that we just picked up and it gives him a new power.

Mission 4
Zeke finds Cole unconscious and wakes him up and we have to learn about our new power.
We now have the ability to pick up objects and hurl them using our powers.
I have to defeat a militiaman using a thrown object and throw a car.

Mission 5
Lost and Found
Wolf is missing. We need to find his carrier position, Which is on top of the clock tower.
Wolf used carrier pigeons to convey messages.
We hear a message from Wolf, seems there are lots of these pigeons to find.
Also the blast shards, which we need to collect three of to progress.
Pressing L3 shows up nearby blast shards.
I go around collecting a few. They give you some more powers if you collect them.
I also find another pigeon.

Mission 6
Mission are seen on the map as white dots. Going to them and pressing R1 starts them.
Zeke tells us that a good and bad character has contacted him asking for our help. This is a simple choice to make, since we are being good, I go to the good character and do their mission.
I have to save some civilians that milita men are terrorizing.

User generated content is introduced. Missions can be created and uploaded by users.
I get to play one made by the creators of the game.

Mission 7
We are to generate new powers by stressing our body in combat.
Here we have to kill six militia men. Then we get pincer bolts which sends out three blasts at once which converge on the target.

Mission 8
I have to meet an electrician on a roof.
He tells me about overcharging. This is where we take on a lot of energy, but we must stay in the air on the grind lines otherwise we blow up.

Mission 9
We think that Wolf has been taken by Bertrand, the leader of the milita.
Bertrand is to make a speech at a church. Cole plans to snatch him and find out where Wolf is.
We attend the Speech, Bertrand is an older man, with a large cutlass. He seems madder than a bag of weasels. He talks about Cole and as Cole is getting ready to snatch Bertrand some monsters turn up and attack Bertrand as well. We have to fight these mutant clawed creatures and then give chase to Bertrand who makes his escape in a limo. We have to chase the limo using grind wires.
Once I catch up with the limo a cut scene shows a relaxed Bertrand ignore Cole and set a helicopter on him. We have to fight the copter and knock it out of the sky with lightning bolts.

Mission 10
New Marais tea party.
Bertrand has supply boats docked, we are to get on them, take out the guards and throw the supplies overboard.

Mission 11
Bomb Scare
A man tells us of an object stuck to the wall of a building. We are to investigate.
As we do it blows up and kills a lot of people. another one is close by. We can defuse it by draining the electricity out of it. We then collect a blast shard from the bomb.

Mission 12
Wolfe hunt
we are to follow one of Bertrands men who is in a Casino.
We chase him across the town to where Wolfe is being held.
We are to take out roadblocks on the escape route and Lucy will go in, get Wolfe and drive him out.
After the first roadblock is taken care of I am prompted to go to the next.
At this roadblock we find all the milita dead. A large insect like creature is burrowing under the ground and popping up to now attack us.
It is called a ravager and we have to take it down.
Once done we go back to Lucy and stand on the back of the truck while they drive away. The milita attack in large numbers and we have to defend the truck. We can get energy from the truck.
As the mission reaches a crescendo a large lorry rams the truck. In cut scene we see that Wolfe is dead and Lucy captured.

Mission 13
Desperate times
Cole is getting despondent again. Zeke has seen something out in the swamp that we should investigate.
In the swamp we investigate shacks. There are some new charging exploding mutant enemies out here. Which are my most hated type.
A new milita type with a chaingun appears.
We go to another shack guarded by all types of enemies so far.
As we search the shack some fighting can be seen nearby.
A female with superpowers is found, she is called Nix and can move very fast.
She also seem to be able to control oil, using it to coat enemies.
She wants us to help her take out some milita.
We follow her around shooting milita she traps in oil. She also wants us to cover banners of Bertrand in oil.
Once we have them all done, we light them on fire.
Now we take out all the enemies. Nix leave and gives us a blast shard.
Zeke asks if it's a good idea to play nice with someone so obviously insane. Cole feels that at the moment their agenda seems to align, though he obviously doesn't trust her.

Mission 14
Storm's coming
Zeke appears in a milita outfit and Cole doubts his spy routine. He is about to absorb a blast core which will knock him out for hours. He ask's Zeke if he will wake in a milita cell?
Zeke tells him not to be an ass, and he thought that their bad history was water under the bridge.
When we wake up we have a new power.
Ionic storm. This is a tornado of energy that we can send out ahead of us. We get it by killing certain milita men, they release an energy which gives us one charge of ionic storm.

Mission 15
Jail Break
A cop wants us to help free some police who have been imprisoned by milita.
We go to a location and find cops in a truck. Lots of milita to kill then open up the truck and the mission is done.

Mission 16
I meet up with Zeke and Nix to discuss the intel that Zeke has gained. He thinks Lucy is held in a nearby plantation. There are lots of other prisoners there and some of Bertrand's best men. Nix wants to load a car up with explosives and send it in the front door as a diversion while they go in and get Lucy. Zeke points out that this will probably roast alive lots of innocents. Zeke suggests freeing policemen and asking for their help. Nix wants nothing to do with a plan involving helping the police.
Looks like if  we want to be good there is no choice at all. It also looks like we will be fighting with Nix soon.
I have two mission starts to choose from. Good and Bad.
I choose the good, to free the police.
There are three trucks to attack, and stop. Then free the police. Now we go to the plantation house. We have to clear the milita, then they start with mortars. We have another wave of milita and the three mortars to destroy then we get to free Kuo. She has been transformed and now looks like she has frost powers. She is not feeling great and we have to protect her as we leave. There are lots of pods and it appears that Bertrand has been making his own brand of super soldier.
We now have to escape to a car that Zeke is driving and the mission ends.

Mission 17
Changing the channel
We have to drain the power from five dishes around the main square so that Zeke can hack in his own signal to the large tv screens to silence Bertrands propaganda.
Simple enough, climb around until you are close enough then drain the dishes to complete the mission.

Mission 18
I am told to investigate the park where lots of milita are dressed as statues????
I fight them all and mission is done.

Mission 19
I find some milita and mutants fighting and have to take on them both.

Mission 20
I take a mission to retrieve some medical supplies that were stolen from a paramedic. There are four packages to retrieve, all guarded by milita.

Mission 21
Tourist trap
I have to take some pictures, of the vertical poles, a mugging and an abduction.

Mission 22
The sidekick

Mission 23
Tough Critic
I meet a cop who wants us to guard a milita man until he can get backup. We have to stand and listen to him abuse us for a minute to complete the mission. Nix calls and tells us to kill him while we are waiting.

Mission 23
those who trespass against us.
The milita are having a party in the cathedral, we have to clear them out.

Mission 24
I meet a woman who kisses us for helping her mother in the first game by sharing food.

Mission 25
Field Medicine
More paramedic supply retrieving.
We have to get a crate and take it back to a drop point. Which is harder than it seems.

Mission 26
Trick Photography
We have to take a picture of sin tower and a movie theatre.
Next a ravager mid charge, a helicopter and a downed milita man.
Of course to end the mission we must fight and kill them all.

mission 27
Going overboard.
More boats to deprive of supplies. This time in the swamp area.

Mission 29 Main Mission
Powering up ascension parish
The milita have broken a power link between transformers. We have to restore it.
We have to fire a tesla missile which acts like a flying vehicle, we can control. I have to guide it to a target some distance away. This seems to send electricity between the two transformers and we then have to activate the newly powered transformer. This is a simple defend the position mission. I trigger the transformer startup sequence and have to defend it while it boots up.
Enemies come in waves.
I have to repeat this, we are deep in the dark part of the city, with no power to refill our energy.
I have to repeat this three times.

Mission 30
Choppers vs Monsters
Two ravagers, monsters milita and a helicopter to take out.

Mission 31
six hostages paramedics need to be saved from milita capture.

Mission 32
Police Parade
Again 9 policemen have been taken by milita and the guarding milita need killing.

Mission 33 Main Mission Sacrifice
I go to a mission marker and a woman is calling for help. I find a woman tied up by her hands to a tree, there are lots of the the wing armed monsters around. I have to free her by shooting at the wrist bindings once the monsters are cleared out.
She tells us that her uncle is in trouble and asks us to help him as well. I have to follow her, along the way the milita and monsters appear at certain points along the journey.
I find her uncle and he is suspicious of Cole but seems reasonable about them having the common goal of getting rid of the milita.
A huge monster turns up, like a rhinobug.
It shoots snot and has a long tail that can latch on to you. It  seems easier to kill that the ravagers though.
Once done the resistance are now on side for the moment.

Mission 34
In the name of science
A scientist wants swamp monster samples for analysis.
We have to go into the graveyard and lure a bunch of ten lobsterarm monsters back to a specific location, then kill them.

Mission 35 not human, conduit main mission
Lucy Kuo is back, she seems traumatized, but she definitely has frost powers. Cole tells her that he can help her.
He encourages her to show him what she knows already. She can fly in a similar way to Nix. Flitting through the air as a stream of frosty smoke.
She can use frost to hold enemies and we can shoot them like with Nix.
She tells us of a blast core that might be located around here, she has a picture and we have to find the location, inside the location is another pic. More monsters to fight.
Find this one then Kuo tells us of the plague that hit Empire city now being in New Marais.
Another photo location to find, then a ravager and some other mutant enemies.
This time the ravager seems to spawn bugs out of pods.
When it's killed we get a blast core from the vault.

Mission 36 main mission
I go to zeke and absorb the blast core, he appears to have a cough and Cole fears the plague.
After the blast core we now have improved static thrusters. We can fly for longer and can use the electricity in cars to jump higher.
We also have the sniper precision aim feature, by holding up on the dpad we can zoom in.

Mission 37 Overcharge
another wire gliding puzzle, rooftop to rooftop without getting off the correct path.

Mission 38 Grave danger
The graveyard is the scene of a battle between milita, monsters and resistance. We step in and take down the monsters and militia helping the resistance.

Mission 39 Life Insurance
A woman starts of a spiel about life insurance then seems to turn on us and set a bunch of monsters on us. I kill them all. Strangely enough the woman gets eaten by one of the big monsters she seems to bring to the area.

Mission 40 Enemy surveillance
I have to follow a fast moving lone enemy back to it's base and fight a horde of monsters.

Mission 41 Good Deed
We meet with Kuo who tells us that an area of the city is being attacked by monsters. We have to follow her to the areas and kill all the monsters.

Mission 42 Firing squad
A bunch of 6 civilians are being lined up and shot on a rooftop. I go up and make sure the milita are the ones to fall off the roof.

Mission 43 Enemy surveillance.
Chase the monsters to their base and fight them again.

Mission 44 Stories of the past Main Mission
We meet Nix, she tells us of how she grew up in the shanties in the swamps, it isn't a fun tale.
She wants to show us something out in the swamp, for this we need a boat. We go to the mansion from earlier, kill lots of milita and steal a boat.
Cole does not seem to think this may be a trap. If nix strands Cole out at sea he will have no way of getting back to land.
Nix drives us through the swamp until we come to a milita outpost on an island. It seems that the milita are dug in here fighting the swamp monsters. It may be that the milita are trying to keep the swamp monsters out of the city. We come to another island after fighting lots of milita and swamp monsters and all the milita are dead.
Eventually the milita killer makes itself known, it's a bigger version of a ravager named a hive lord.
I kill it the same way as the ravager, it has the same attack patterns. Nix then tells us to be still as a whole bunch of ravagers appear out of the ground on a nearby island. We move into fog and a huge monster can be heard in the distance. Nix hides the boat in the fog and the dinosaur sized beastie moves away.
In cut scene Nix takes us to a huge crater in the ground, with a pillar in the middle. It is the same crater as the raysphere made in empire City.
Nix tells the story, Bertrand brought a huge group of people into the blast radius of a raysphere and triggered it with him in the center, this gave him the energy of the people and killed them in the process. Nix survived because she was a conduit as well. This means that Bertrand has powers and may be significantly more powerful than Cole. Nix takes us back to New Marais.

Mission 45 enduring freedom
Four people have been stuck up at the edge of the swamp by the milita as sacrifices to the swamp monsters. We have to kill the milita and save the people. Kuo helps on this mission.

Mission 46 Transferring Power Main Mission
Kuo, Zeke and Nix meet Cole on a rooftop to discuss things. Zeke has found out that the machinery for controlling powers is in fort Phillipe, which is a huge castle like stronghold.
Cole thinks that even with all their powers they could not cope with the amount of militia in a good defensive position. They would need an army. Zeke suggests the rebels. Kuo tells Cole that they would need to win their hearts and minds first to get them to help in such a dangerous assault. Here we are asked to choose good and evil choices. Kuo tells us to steal the medicines from the Milita which they obviously have since none of them have the plauge. Nix wants to go on a killing spree attacking the resistance disguised as milita. Then have Cole come in and save the day making them eternally grateful to Cole and more likely to follow him into battle.
We are given the choice of choosing a diverging mission start, good or bad choice.

Mission 46 Hearts and minds campaign
I start the mission and Kuo drives  out of fort Phillipe with an ambulance full of medicine.
We are chased by milita and Cole has to ride on top of the ambulance killing milita and unblocking the road.
We come to a huge road block with a large monster and then some chaingunners.
Eventually we get to resistance headquarters, with the milita. This does not please the resistance and we have a huge fight with milita here. Eventually I win and The resistance pledge to help in our fight.

Mission 47 Storm the fort
There is a cut scene with Nix, Kuo and Cole discussing the attack with La Roche the resistance leader. He seems to have a thing for Kuo.
Plans are made, though Kuo and Nix are going to have a hard job not killing each other.
Inside the fort is a hige fight, Nix, Kuo, resistance, Milita all in enclosed spaces.
I have to take out machine gun emplacements for the resistance. Then the power is cut to try and halt Cole. Zeke shows us a transformer and we have to use the tesla bolts to link two transformers to restore power to the fort.
Now there are mortars to take out, two of them. Once this is done the mission cuts to a scene.
Kuo and Nix meet Cole at the machine. The machine can swap powers between two conduits. Nix wants to share powers with Cole, and Kuo thinks it's a bad idea, though she is prepared to share power with Cole. We have to choose. Obviously making the other an enemy.
I choose Kuo as being good means no other option.
Nix is angry and leaves. Kuo and Cole strap into the machine which explodes with energy passing between the two of them. Both are knocked out and thrown clear. Cole sees Bertrand getting into a helicopter to escape. He tries to shoot at him but can't stay conscious.
Zeke appears after a period of unconsciousness. Kuo has went after Bertrand, she seems to have no new powers. Cole it appears has though.
Our first new powers is a frost version of the ionic storm.
Spending waves of ice out from Cole.

Mission 48 Ship of fools
A boat is firing into the city. I sink it by chucking lots of grenades at it.

Mission 49 heavy weapons
A helicopter and a devourer to kill.

Mission 50 Convoy
A convoy must be destroyed.

Mission 51 Main Mission Joseph Bertrand the 3rd
Cole finds Bertrand's helicopter crashed just before a bridge. Bertrand isn't inside but the huge monster from the swamp appears and attacks Cole. Milita fight with Cole for the first time against this huge creature. It has five glowing pink points which we must shoot. This is a fun boss battle, not a hard one. It didn't kill me once.
Eventually when it's health bar is down the monster explodes in a cloud of whirling green smoke. It turns out to be a horribly mutated Bertrand. Who is still alive but escapes on a boat to the other side of the bridge, into the inaccessible part of the city.

Mission 52 Powering up flood town. Main Mission
I have to power up around 5 transformers in the flooded powerless city.
We have to fire a tesla bolt at each one and then defend it until it powers up.
The conduit powered troops that Bertrand was making in his underground facility have claimed flood town as theirs and don't want Cole there it seems.

Mission 53 Overcharge
Again a matter of staying on grind lines and working out the best path.

Mission 54 Prescription Strength
I have to move a crate of medical supplies to another location for the paramedics.

Mission 55 the Dunbar Beam Main mission
La Roche and Zeke are found in the shanties, seems that there is no cure for the plague and all they can do is keep the victims comfortable.
There is not even a way to get help through as aid is being blocked by swamp monsters. A motion sensor is triggered and Cole goes to investigate.
Here we find some spotlights, it appears that the swamp monsters are killed like vampires by infra red light.
There is a perimeter of three or four lights around the shanty. we have to run between each light and use it to kill waves of swamp monsters. Then back at camp some more armored versions of the ice men arrive, they ask La Roche for his blast core. Zeke looks upset and betrayed by La Roche who obviously didn't tell him that he had a blast core. We have to fight two of these icemen, they have a freeze ray type weapon that is fairly effective.
La Roche tells us that he will give us the blast core if we do one more thing for him.

Mission 56 Emergency measures
I have to retrieve four medicine packages for a paramedic from the icemen and return them.

Mission 57 best served cold.
Icemen and milita are fighting, we have to take out both sides.

Mission 58 Enemy surveillance
I track some icemen back to their base and have to kill them all.

Mission 59 Double Whammy
Some Icemen are escorting milita prisoners around, we have to take out both sides.

mission 60 Unlikely allies
Kuo has spoken with an iceman who wants to defect and help them. We are to go and meet him.
He says he can take us to some blast shards. I follow him and we are ambushed by monsters on the way, after taking them out he leaves us to defeat the guards of the blast shards.

Mission 61 Burning Wells
La Roche tells  us that four oil wells have been set alight in floodtown, we need to cap them, however there is only one cap, so we will have to take it with us across the town.
Each time we get to one of the wells we have to place the cap on top. However there is trouble at each well. A new Iceman enemy appears named a crusher. He has big icy arms and fires lots of ice streams and chunks at us.
At the last Well I find Bertrand turning someone into a monster. From this we can gather that Bertrand is the source of the  swamp monsters.
There is a railyard that seems to be a center of Bertrand activity. Once the last well is capped La Roche tells us to find Zeke he will have the blast core.

Mission 62 Seek and destroy
Three Icemen have been spying on resistance fighters, I have to chase them down before they can get away and report their intelligence. This is quite a fun mission, but I don't want to many of them. I hate timed missions.

Mission 63 Overcharge
Ride the lines from A to B.

Mission 64 Ray Field Energy (Main Mission)
Cole goes to Zeke to get the blast core that La Roche promised. Kuo is there too, she tell us that she has found out that raysphere radiation is what causes the plague. Therefore Cole is responsible, well Cole from the future who came back in time and blasted the raysphere off in Empire city. The RFI will cure the plague if it is used. Cole absorbs the blast core and passes out. When he wakes he tries to use the RFI but can't, he feels that two more blast cores will be needed.
We now have the ability to fire a rocket by aiming with L1 and pressing triangle.
Freeze rocket and quicker combos are also unlocked.

Mission 65 Icebreaker
Kuo wants us to help her attack a base of the icemen. We have to follow her to two areas where there are lots of icemen and kill them all.

Mission 66 Rail yard intel (Main Mission)
Back at the little base we meet Zeke, Kuo and Nix makes a reappearance. The discussion is about Bertrands behavior. He seems to be making the monsters. Nix tells the group that Bertrand makes the monsters, which them rampage wild. However, after a time he can gain control of them and she thinks he is raising an army of them.
Kuo wants to expose Bertrands' schemes by gathering evidence. Nix wants us to try to control the monsters as she has been able to once before. She thinks they will make us a good army.
The Mission ends and we are given a choice, which again since I am being good this playthrough means helping Kuo.

Mission 67 Exposing Bertrand (main mission)
Kuo tells us that she has seen a way into the railyard occupied by Bertrand.
We have to sneak around the back and go into a place where she has fed the guards sleeping drugs. Now we are in the railyard and the guards are lying around sleeping. We have to move around various railcars which have been turned into cages and take pictures of people and monsters kept in them. Finally after about five sets of pictures, we are told by Kuo that Bertrand is there. We have to climb onto a warehouse roof and take a picture of him through the skylight. Once I do a cut scene starts. It shows Bertrand turning a civilian into a monster. Kuo takes our footage and broadcasts it to the city. Now we see Bertrand spotting us and running. We have to free the civilian prisoners.
I free two carriages worth of civilians, jumping on the roof and prying them open. Then a cut scene shows Nix arriving with her monsters in tow. She appears to be wanting to help, though it seems that the inevitable fight against Nix might be coming soon.
I now have a ravager to kill and one more set of civilians to free. No more sign of Nix.

Mission 68 Stay frosty
Kuo tells us that our iceman ally wants to meet, she warns us that he is changing, they all are.
When we meet him he is bulkier, and pretty monosyllabic compared to last time.
I have to follow him to the railyard, and kill some monsters.

Mission 69 The Beast draws near (Main Mission)
Zeke has been spying and has found a missile. He thinks that they should use it on the Beast which is getting very near and a glow from it can be seen on the horizon. We have to clear a path through fighting factions in the city for Zeke to drive the lorry. Boats attack us while we are on the bridge. At the dock Zeke parks the lorry with the missile and we have to climb a crane to get the targeting done.
When I get to the top of the crane icemen attack. We have to kill them all so we can get a clear shot at the beast.
Once done the nuke is launched at the beast. In the aftermath there is great wind and yellow cloud everywhere. The beast seems to be gone. Zeke is hurt, a container has fell on his legs. Blown by the winds from the blast. We have to get it off him. Then help clear his path back to the truck. On the way there is some glowing and sparking at the crane we just came from. It seems the beast may not be down after all.
I get to the truck and in cut scene we see zeke drive off.
The screen goes black and tells us that the beast is in New Marias.
It may be that the nuke damaged him though, as his isn't rampaging around destroying everything. Zeke thinks he has went to the gasworks.

Mission 69 battle by the bay.
A citizen tells us that militia and icemen are fighting in the bay.
I get there and have to kill them all. Swamp monsters turn up as well.

Mission 70 Action shots
I have to take some pictures, why, don't know, but I do.
First the beasts footprints, then the crane it destroyed when it seemed to teleport in or reform in New Marais.
Next a swamp monster eating a dead man.
Next some icemen, in midair on their ice towers and a hive lord laying the eggs that spawn the little fly like creatures.
Then you have to kill em all.

Mission 71 Powering up the gas works (Main Mission)
We have to power up the gaswork area of the city.
Firing tesla missiles we can see some crusher icemen and take them out with the tesla bolts.
Then hit the transformer and go to it.
Defend it while it charges, and then shoot at more icemen and another transformer to defend.
Again we have more icemen crushers to kill, about five or six. Then the transformer, some pretty slick flying is needed.
The last transformer I go to starts a cut scene.
It is a trap, huge metal gates swing down and trap cole in the area with the transformer.
Bertrand appears with milita men.
He asks us to team up with him to take down the beast. Cole refuses and Bertrand orders the militia to shoot him.
We have to survive in the cage for a time, then Zeke comes and saves us.

Mission 72 Cold snap
We have to take out a bunch of icemen with milita prisoners, then two crushers attack when I do.

Mission 73 The Gauntlet
The blast shard bomber has called Zeke and wants to meet. This is the man that is making the blast shard bombs which seem to be random events which can improve your karma.
Seems he wants to give himself up. I doubt it.
I go and find a bomb which nearly blows us up. The bomber runs away from nearby, and we have to chase him. He uses a sequence of bombs to try and slow us down.
Eventually I get to him and we have to defuse his bomb by absorbing it's energy and kill him.
Otherwise civilians he has herded close will be killed.

Mission 74 Ice tea party.
I have to go to a battle between milita and icemen over their boat supplies to kill them all.

Mission 75 Forced Conduits (Main Mission)
Zeke sends us to a warehouse, where he has been told there is a blast core. We have to search a warehouse for a crate with a milita symbol.
I have to blast at crates until I find a safe hidden inside one of them.
Inside the safe is deeds to three other warehouses. I have to search them all.
I search the three, each one is a dud, though one does give blast shard.
At the last warehouse a titan attacks. This is a bigger boss ice creature.
It goes down fairly easily. This one has a little twist in a God of war style. When it's health is low you have to go up to it and lever off a bit by mashing a button. Then kill it.
After killing it inside the safe is a blast core. And info that those Bertrand was making the monsters and the Ice men to sell as weapons. Cole wonders what Bertrands motivation is?

Mission 76 The harder they fall.
I fight an ice titan and a swamp titan, that are fighting each other. Also some smaller enemies.

Mission 77 Special delivery
La Roche tells us about an Iceman courier heading to a warehouse, we have to follow him without letting him see us.
Then at the warehouse kill all the enemies, including a crusher.

Mission 78 The Big chill
Our Ice soldier ally wants to meet us.
He has turned into one of the giant crushers monsters. Though he still has his personality and wants to help us. We go into a warehouse full of icemen and kill them all. Two try and run for it and we have to chase them down.

Mission 79 Mercy kill
The ice soldier has succumbed to his new beastly nature and went rampaging. Kuo and Cole have to take him down.

Mission 80 Ice storm.
The warehouse we liberated earlier has been reclaimed. La Roche asks for  our help in retaking it.
Icemen and a crusher, with some rebels to help.

Mission 81 Easy Going (Main Mission)
Cole and Zeke have a fun buddy moment, then Cole uses the Blast Core. He wakes and we now have lightning tether, this makes climbing easy, point where you want to go within range and lightning zips out and drags you there. Press L1 to aim and then R2 to use the tether.

Mission 82 Proud Warrior
Zeke wants us to hack some satellite dishes again.
Five or six to find and drain. Then Zeke plays a video taking the mick out of Cole on the tv's in the area. Suggesting that Cole is looking for love and gives out his cellphone number.

Mission 83 Overcharge
Ride the lines to the end.

Mission 84 Biohazard
Icemen have stolen some volatile chemicals.
Three of them to chase as they make a run for it.

Mission 85 Coast Guard
The milita are shooting at the rebels from two boats, we are asked to help.

Mission 86 The face of change
Bertrand has a boat full of his weaponised conduits ready to ship. Zeke tells us to sabotage it. It has electric anchor winches, which we can break.
I go to the first ship and fight some icemen. Then disable the boat.
On to the next, a crusher is the boss fight here on this boat.
When we disable the anchor here a cut scene starts.
A man named John appears behind Cole, He is wearing a suit, with no shirt, his chest looks torn up and he has scars on his face. His name is John. Cole knows him from Empire City. He thought he was dead.
John explains that the raysphere explosion killed him, but also made him a conduit. In a blatant rip off of Dr. Manhattan's origin story from Watchmen we learn that John pulled himself together and is alive again now. It is fairly obvious that he is the beast. He wants to show Cole something, it does not appear to have hit Cole yet that John is the beast. Cole Allows John to touch his forehead and give him a new power.
John has given us the ability to see those infected with the plague. He tells us that the plague will stretch across America if not checked. He tells us that nothing can stop it. Unless they can find a specific woman.
I go to a plague ward, which is basically a gathering point for those about to die.
I find that now R3 makes the humans appear as if x-rayed. Seeing a glowing red in their belly if they are infected. One woman has a spidery yellow thing at her heart. John asks Cole to heal her, he can't. John tells Cole that he can, but at a cost. Cole asks him what it is and John tells him that he will show him. John starts to glow and reveals himself to be the beast. His energy blasts the warehouse apart.
Cole wakes across the street where he has been blown. The woman who had the yellow spider walks towards him, she is healthy and she suddenly flies straight up into the sky. She then blasts off in a white glow like Kuo does. Seems that the plague isn't killing humanity off but evolving it. Those with the right genes are changed into super-beings, the rest die. John tells us that he can save what he can of humanity, but a huge percentage will die.

Mission 87 Photo Finish
Take pics of the beast detonation site.
Take a picture of the ice tower.
Then an ice titan using its powers.
Then kill the ice titan.

Mission 88 Main Mission
Bertrand plans to leave New Marais by helicopter. Zeke, who is sounding sick, has sabotaged it. We can find Bertrand for a showdown at the helicopter pad.
When the mission starts we meet Bertrand on the helipad. He tells us that he wants all conduits destroyed, that is why he is making them and selling them. He wants the world to know they are evil and rise up and destroy them. Cole tells him that he is just sour because the raysphere turned him into a huge maggot instead of a shining superhuman.
Bertrand threatens to change into the beast again. Cole doesn't care, it's time for a showdown.
Bertrand leaps off the helipad and changes.
Zeke tells us to get onto a truck.
We are driven by Zeke to a point where La roche has set up an ambush. Nix and Kuo also help fight Bertrand.
We have to shoot his glowing pink spots a lot. little monsters run interference.
At a halfway point we are picked up by helicopter and have to shoot at the monster from the air. Eventually we are dropped back of and resistance and conduits alike take out Bertrand.
Nix is pleased and even Kuo gives her a little kudos.

Mission 89 Death Toll
Zeke has seen the icemen in possession of a blast core. We go into their stronghold to get it from them.
Zeke has the plague.
I fight a lot of icemen and then one of them runs with the blast core.
I chase him to the tower and up to the top of it.
The blast core is encased in ice.
We need to activate some valves to open the flow of gas and burn the ice off the top of the tower.
Three valves and many icemen later the top is blown off  and the blast core goes down to the ground again.
Now we have to fight another horde of icemen and eventually the blast core is ours.
during this mission we have the ability to power up anywhere, due to a lightning storm that is going on.

Mission 90 The final Piece (Main mission)
Zeke and Cole chat and he then absorbs the blast core.
We now have Ionic storm power.
Which calls down lots of lightning

Mission 91 the final decision (main mission)
We meet with Zeke, nix and Kuo.
Cole tells them what he knows about John and his plan to save conduits.
Cole starts to use the RFI. It begins to kill Cole, Kuo and Nix, zeke stops the process.
It seems to be up to a big choice, use the rfi and wipe out all conduits or let John save only the conduits.
I choose to use the RFI and save humanity at the cost of conduits.
The rfi has been broken, it needs a new power regulator.
Zeke fixes it but it needs charged again. Nix is to take it to power stations and we are to protect her. The beast is after us.
I am led to a boat where we start fighting the beast.
I have to use tether to get back to land, then get to the sub station and charge the rfi.
We fight the beast again, and Nix sacrifices herself to hurt it.
Kuo attacks us and we have to knock her out.
We have to take the rfi to the last sub station and it's charges up. Cole uses it's power to zap the beast one last time. Then Kuo appears and apologies. Cole fires the RFI wiping all conduits from the world.
A cut scene shows all conduits die, and the plague is cured.
Zeke is seen taking Coles body on a boat. Lightning strikes it. So maybe there will be an Infamous 3.

We are told after the credits that time has been wound back. We can go back and do any side missions still remaining. Also we are reminded that we can go back and choose an alternate path, the evil one this time.

20 hours
35% of trophies on first play-through