Saturday, April 28, 2012

Uncharted 3 : Drakes Deception Notes

I chose Normal difficulty.

Mission 1
The games starts in London, Nathan and Sully enter a typical English pub. There are a whole host of unsavory looking characters just waiting for a bar brawl.
The pair are led upstairs to a private snooker room and frisked. A suited gentleman meets them, his name is Talbot. They are there to sell Talbot Drake's ring. The deal goes sour as Nathan realizes that the money is counterfeit. A fight breaks out. We get control, and can attack with square, counter with triangle. If we are grabbed hammering circle breaks us free.
In a kind of more cinematic version of Arkham City's fighting we beat up the henchmen and then try and leave the private room. A huge bouncer type appears and throws Nathan through a window down into the bar below. We are now fighting everyone in the bar. After clearing the room the huge bouncer appears again and slams Nathan into the gents toilet.
Here we fight him before slamming him with the cistern lid and sticking his head down the toilet. Leaving through the kitchen through a few more thugs we go out the back door of the pub into an alley. Here a cut scene starts, more men grab the duo and pound them a  bit more, leaving them lying in the gutter. A car arrives and Talbot and a woman get out. Sully recognizes her as Kate. She takes the ring from Nathan, one of her thugs called Cutter shoots the pair of them, which it seems wasn't entirely the plan. Kate and Talbot leave.

Mission 2
We find ourselves in Cartagena Columbia, this is a flashback, we are playing Nathan at around age fifteen.
We have to search a museum exhibit about Sir Francis Drake to find the ring. Nathan is also interested in what looks like a code wheel. Sully can be seen hovering around the museum as well, looking shifty.
Nathan watches as he tries to use a key unsuccessfully. Nathan is chucked out of the museum and then goes on to follow Sully.
We follow him through a market then into a building. We have to climb up the outside to spy on him through the window. we see him getting a refinement to the key. We now follow him again as he emerges. This time we follow across rooftops and watch as Sully meets Kate.
We then steal the key from Sully. As Nathan leaves the scene Sully confronts him. sully gets his wallet back and Nathan makes of with the key.

Mission 3
Back at the museum we are to break in. We have to cross a rope, then negotiate the roofs to get to an open window. Now inside we use Sully's key to unlock the case and take the ring and code wheel. Nathan inserts the ring in the code wheel and then is surprised by Sully, Kate and four goons. Kate attacks Nathan when he won't give back the ring, Sully is shocked
Nathan escapes and we now have a breathless quick pace chase sequence. Part cut scene, part game-play, some quick-time. It is almost a Mirrors Edge like version of the usual uncharted clambering. Eventually Nathan is left with a gun being faced of with a goon who knows that he won't shoot. Sully shoots him instead, he then takes Nathan to a bar.
The bond and Nathan explains about the ring. Nathan has a hunch that Drake spent some lost time on a secret mission for the Queen. Sully asks Nathan to be his partner, he reluctantly agrees.

Mission 4
Back in the present, Charlie, who we think is a bad guy is left alone beside the bodies of Nathan and Sully. Only they aren't dead and Charlie is their friend. Charlie being the one who shot them in front of Kate.
Seems that the whole thing was a plan to flush Kate out into the open for some reason and it has worked. We are now going to follow them to their hideout.
We now move through back alleys, we find that certain objects can be pushed around to make passages out of enclosed areas.
We meet Chloe and she has been tailing Kate, she now shows us where they went. We are to go and investigate.
Nathan has to clamber around the outside of the building to get inside a high up open window.
We then have to clamber down the inside of the building to the ground. Inside there is nothing but junk and empty space. It seems like Kate's car vanished into thin air, Sully can still smell the exhaust, so they were actually there. We have to investigate to see what has happened. There are four pressure plates on the floor. Nathan organizes the gang to stand on them and a door opens in the wall once they flash their torches at it. The door leads onto some underground tunnels and we have to shoot a padlock to progress and slide through a narrow gap. The gang come to some enemies who we have to fight. There are a few pipes and chambers to clamber around interspersed with some fights.

Mission 5
London Underground.
We start coming into less civilized and more ancient looking caves.
Then into old Victorian underground type areas. Nathan has to climb up to make an old lift work by dislodging the counterweight.
we then move into a large derelict train station type area. We have to sneak up on an enemy who has Sully cold and take him out with a silent takedown.
We now move into 16th century Tudor architecture.
This appears to be the inner sanctum of Kate. we see her try and fit the ring into the code disc, it does not fit. She realizes that they have been duped, and Charlie is blamed. Kate realizes that Drake and company might be on their way. She puts the guards on alert and goes looking for Nathan, who is actually right above her head. Kate mentions that she has been searching for this ring for four hundred years, which makes her some kind of immortal.
We now are shown how to drop onto guards, and also take them out from cover.
Nathan finds a book which belonged to Lawrence of Arabia. He talks of a cover up of Lawrence's death.
The code wheel is used and it reveals a word, long hidden, which Nathan translates as Golden Hind.
We now have to search the room for a Golden Hind, which turns out to be a golden deer statue, not the ship. Climbing up to it we are attacked and Nathan ends up falling with the hind. A map pops out and we grab it then have to fight our way out.
We have to fight our way through the subway back to the surface.
Back in a safe hideout Nathan examines the new map. It seems that Drake went to Arabia for six months. Sent by the queen and a man named Dee. Lawrence of Arabia is also connected.
Nathan thinks that Francis Drake found the Atlantis of the sands.
Clues on the map and Lawrence's book point to Syria and France.

Mission 6
In France Nathan and Sully are heading to a chateau.
We have to move through some dense jungle then reach  the Chateau. There is a ravine which we must clamber to get across, then clamber around the run down Chateau to get inside. We must shoot a lock off a window to let Sully in. Inside this room we must move a wardrobe that has fell down and use it to get up to a balcony, the balcony is ruined and we must use chandeliers to climb across to the other side. Using a pulley we pull up another chandelier and can now get to the area we need to be at to move a beam which is blocking the way further into the Chateau. There is some more exploring as the pair move through the Chateau. The tower from Lawrence's book can be seen through a window.
We have a puzzle here, four suits of armor in the corners of the room have to be rotated into a correct pattern to open a door in a fireplace. The book has the pattern, all you have to do is follow it. Nathan falls down a hole into a cave system.
We have to follow it through and get back out, separated from Sully. We can dive underwater.
We come out at a new part of the Chateau and find Talbot and his men have arrived in mass.
A shootout starts and we have to fight our way through. We get some grenades for the first time.
We fight our way to Sully and then join up to take on the masses of enemies. Once they are all killed we find the tower from the book and get inside. There isn't much left of it.
We find one of Talbot's men, though it looks like he has been dead for a week rather than just shot by us.
The floor of the ground floor in the tower is covered with symbols and there is a pressure pad code to complete to get a secret passage to open. Again the code is in the book and just needs to be worked out in sequence.
Inside is the lab of John Dee, we find a coded message that tells us there is another secret passage under the altar in the secret room!
In this next crypt like room is a huge puzzle. we have a large grid of symbols and four symbols on the walls around the room. There are plates on the floor which show different symbols depending where you look at them from in the room, you have to move the symbols on the grid to the right places after working out each of the fours places on the grid. The last symbol is broken, though the solution is in the journal of Lawrence.
The crypt is found and inside the casket an amulet with one half of an inscription.
As we leave Talbot arrives and takes the amulet from us, a huge amount of beetles appear and are deadly. The torches are the only thing keeping them back. The graphics for the torches are also quite impressive, good lighting effects here in the darkened caves.
Talbot leaves us to our fate with the beetles.

Mission 7
We have to climb out of the crypt and then run from the spiders in a crazy run, this is a bit irritating, like the mirrors edge bit with young Nate, like a dragons lair style choose the right path and die until you get it right, not emergent game-play here guys.
We go back into the mansion looking to get away and find that Talbot is intent on burning the place down.
We have to clamber and shoot our way through the increasingly dangerous collapsing burning building.
Eventually the pair escape. Sully is worried by the amount of resistance that Talbot is putting up and suggest that Cutter and Chloe might be in trouble as well. We are now off to Syria.

Mission 8
The citadel. We arrive at night at the citadel in Syria, a chain has been cut so we know that either our guys or the bad guys are here already.
We have to climb into the citadel through a high window, then fight some of Talbot's men.
We now open the door and let Sully in.
We progress through the citadel, the clambering is much more organic here, less delineated than previous uncharted games. Eventually we find Chloe and Cutter, their phones were out of cash and broken respectively. They have found out that Drake, Dee, and Lawrence were all part of the same secret society, sworn to protect the Atlantis of the sands from intruders. It seems that Kate is the present day manifestation of the secret society.
Cutter tells Drake that a clue is as above so below, he thinks they need to get to the highest point of the citadel.
We have to fight our way through more of Talbot's men.
Then reach the tower itself, we now climb up the inside fighting our way up. There is a juggernaut style heavily armed soldier to deal with. Nate is grabbed and ends up falling out the tower, he grabs onto a chain on the outside and we now have a sequence where he clambers around the outside swinging on chains and shooting at enemies.
Back in the tower we have more enemies and then a fight with a larger guy hand to hand.
Then up on top of the tower we find a symbol. Cutter seems to think that the stars have something to do with it and there are drawings of the big and little dipper constellations in the book. We have to use a scope to find the tail of the little dipper then follow it straight down to the ground, this points to another part of the citadel.
We are attacked by rocket launcher wielding enemies from the distance, and have to run for cover, we find a sniper rifle and have to use it to clear the rocket launching enemies.
Chloe and Sully are separated again, Cutter and Nathan progress on their own to the location of the star trail. It seems to be nothing more than a tiny store room. There are statues outside and the above/below theme is here again.
We find that some pillars are the next clue and then get ambushed by more of Talbot's men.
Once they are all killed we have to make our way to meet Chloe and Sully at the pillars. The journal is of little help here as it seems that Lawrence either didn't know or was keeping a secret of how to get into the crypt.
Talbot appears while the rest of the gang are looking at the pillars and shoots Charlie with a dart, this seems to be some sort of truth or obedience potion, as he asks Charlie for his gun, then the journal and they are given with lots of nervous shakes and tics. Talbot tells Charlie not to trust Nathan then vanishes. Charlie is freaked out and tripping on some kind of Hallucinogen. Chloe saves the day and works out the the middle way is the clue and we push open the middle pillar. This leads to an underground passageway.

Mission 9
The middle way
We have to help the paranoid Charlie through a gap, he then attacks us in the next room. Eventually Chloe stops him, not before Sully was about to shoot him to stop him.
Charlie comes to his senses and isn't especially pleased that his friend was about to put him down like a rabid dog.
We move through into a large puzzle chamber. There is a globe in the middle, Four statues above it can have fires lit in them, which project light onto the globe. We have to find a way to align the lights to the right places though. There are two crank handles, a ball that looks like it will roll in some channels and a water lock gate.
Only the water seems to be long dried up.
There is a passage behind the statues that leads to a brazier, the spiders are back, seems  they are a specific breed left behind as traps for these crypts. We have to light some braziers by throwing torches into them. Then swing on chains
A few more braziers and we come more lock gates, opening them fills the water channels, back to the main room and another set of lock gates fills the globe chamber with water. You now have to rotate and move the globe to line up with the projections of light. When this is done a stairway opens up above the globe.
At the top of the stairs the crypt is found along with the seconds half of the amulet. Nathan has a rubbing of the first and they now have the data they need to find the location of the Atlantis of the sands.
Talbot's men can be heard downstairs, another exit is needed.
A breeze can be felt at a part of the tomb and pushing against it knocks the wall down giving the gang an escape back out onto the exterior of the citadel.
Which wasn't the best way to go as we run right into Talbot. A Mexican stand off is broken by Charlie pointing his gun at Nathan. Seemingly still under Talbot's mind control. It is a ruse, as Talbot tells Charlie to shoot Nathan he shoots Talbot instead. We now have to run for it under a hail of bullets. reaching a tower, we go into cut scene. Nathan, Sully and Chloe make a jump, however the scaffold collapses when Charlie tries. He is trapped with Talbot's men coming up fast. Talbot appears, seemingly not dead, is he some kind of immortal as well as Kate.
Kate also appears, she sets fire to the tower and forces Charlie to jump. He lands and breaks his leg. We go to help him.
We now have to escape through a pile of Talbot's men, Sully helps Charlie limp along and Chloe helps us fight.
eventually we reach a tourist filled area and escape on a bus. Chloe is finished with this particular adventure, citing it as too dangerous, though I am sure she will pop back up when there is danger. Charlie is now injured and can't carry on. This leaves Sully and Nathan to go to Yemen in search of the treasure. Elena meets them at the airport, she is wearing a wedding ring, is it possible that she and Nathan are married?
She is going to go with them.

Mission 10
We follow Elena through the streets and into a market, the street is blocked and we have to find another way through, heading for the old quarter of the city. We climb some buildings and cut through another. We see our goal, and also see Talbot, walking alone on the streets with the notebook he stole from us.
Nathan goes after him, we follow him into a building and are ambushed, however, we get the journal back. We now have to fight a group of enemies hand to hand.
After this we escape with Sully and Elena into the streets.
We end up in a room hiding, and Nathan realized that this is exactly where they needed to be.
A large well, has the symbol from the amulet.
Elena is seems was married to Nathan, he left her.
She gives him grief about endangering his life for the pursuit of treasure, citing him as being obsessed.
We go down the well into the ancient sewer systems. There are hundreds of little holes in pillars. There is reference to it on Drake's map. There is a message on the wall, it translates to "the moon will show the way."
We can hold up the map and realize it is a key, the map shows the view you need to find the right holes. When we stand on the moon symbol on the floor and look around with the map held out we see which holes to use. Sully and Elena pull the first two holes and Nathan the last and a door opens.
A long corridor leads to a hexagonal large room. Two huge statues move and bar a door. Two other doors open.
In this puzzle room we have to find gears to make a cog puzzle work.
The cogs are scattered around the room, they have markings on them. The journal tells us that only crosses and circles are needed. However they need to be placed in the correct order to make them rotate in the correct directions when the large wheel in the middle of the room is turned.
We also have to clamber around the room to get one of the needed cogs. eventually I work out that the sequence is circles pluses, repeated thrice and the cog turns and the doors open.
Back in the main room, one of the guards moves their spear aside, looks like we have one more puzzle to do.
This is a large room filled with bits of statue body parts, suspended randomly around the room. A pillar in the middle can be lifted and makes a staff, which we light, this produces a projection of light in a circular pattern. It seems we have to insert the rod into one of hundreds of holes in the floor. Aiming the light at a mural on the wall. The mural shows a man backing down against something looming above him. I spend ages trying to work this out. So long the game asks me if I want the solution. I ignore this sleight and carry on for another set of tries, and eventually give up and get the solution. Guess what guys, your puzzle was clever, but just not intuitive, either that or I am thick. The solution is that looking at a bunch of the random body parts from one specific viewpoint in the room makes it look like another soldier is stabbing the man on the mural with a spear. When the light is inserted into the hole in the floor it shines a light on the mural making it look like a shadow soldier is stabbing him. Maybe a picture of the stabbing guy somewhere else in the room might have helped. Water floods out of the place where the mural guy is stabbed and the doors open.
Back in the main room we can now progress.
Elena points out that Drake got this far, then hid all knowledge of this trip, she wonders why. I know why, he found something unspeakably evil and covered it up for our own good, why does Nathan never learn.
We find a room with a globe in the middle. lighting it with a torch makes it spin and produce a star map on the ceiling. Sully tells us that it is a map using the stars to navigate to a point in the desert. The spiders arrive, we should be expecting them by now.
We have to wave our torch this time which clears the way for a second. We move back to the main room and have to shoot some spiders until Elena crawls under the lowered door and opens it.
Back in the main room, there are fires burning that weren't before. They illuminate some messages scrawled on the walls, which are basically of doom. It must have been Drake, as they are written in English. Elena tells the boys that they are nuts if they want to go on. Of course they are. She asked Nathan to consider that he has beaten Marlowe, let her go and die in the trap that is waiting, Nathan beat her to the location, he won. Nathan of course isn't listening.
Back at the well we first came into, Talbot's men arrive. We have a fight in the cistern room. Then have to climb out. We are going back out onto the street, so Nathan makes the gang ditch their guns.
On the street Nathan is darted by Talbot, he starts to hallucinate and runs from Sully and Elena. We get control and have to move through a bendy trippy run through the tight alleys of the city. Talbot is whispering in his ear hypnotically. Eventually everything goes white and Nathan passes out.
He wakes in a market, sitting opposite from Marlowe and Talbot, she has the ring and decoder.
She is after Sully surprisingly enough, they know from Nathan that he has the location of the target.
She tries to drive a sliver of doubt into Nathan's mind that Sully has abandoned him.
Marlowe is told that they have found Sully, which means they don't need Nathan anymore, he is to be killed. He makes a run for it.
This is a breakneck Assassins Creed style chase through the city. We are chasing Talbot, and have to fight him when we catch up with him. The bouncer that was with us with Marlowe smashes Nathan over the head when we get the upper hand.

Mission 12
Nathan wakes on a ship, a pirate ship, the pirate captain asks Nathan for the location of the target, he can't tell him. The pirate threatens Sully and leaves his men to beat up Nathan.
We have to beat up the pirates left in the room. Once done we have to escape.
The room is a clamber chamber and we leave through a door high up in the room.
We come out to find that we are in some sort of ship graveyard. There are lots of big rusting hulks.
We platform for a bit then find some pirates to shoot.
We have swimming and fighting combined here which is a new thing.
Sudden difficulty spike here.
After clearing a large fight box of pirates, we come to another one. After clearing that one we push a block to make a crane fall and make a path to come clambering
This is a huge clambering section where we are attacked by lots of pirates as we climb.
When I reach the top of the huge tanker ship we can see a cruise liner in the distance.
The radio is broken, so Nathan decides to head for the cruise ship. We see the Pirate captain heading for that direction.
Using a zip line we end up in a fight and being knocked down into the water. More pirates to kill.
More Clambering.

Mission 13
Still on the way to the cruise ship.
We fight on some lashed together shanty structures. Then head to the boat that the captain is getting onto. As we try and get on board using a ramp we have to wind down, a rocket launcher is shot at us and the boat leaves. We now have to find another way. Back the way we came a man is waving signal flares. On the way back to him we are stopped from getting to him, and a wave hits the shanty structure wrecking it.
We see another boat leaving and have to jump on quickly. Now were are fighting on the deck of the small boat.
Another boat comes alongside and we have to fend of the attackers. They start using rockets to sink the boat and we have to jump onto the other boat and fight there. After that the guys left on the other boat start using rockets on us and we have to do the same until we sink them. The boat is on fire and we have to get onto the cruise ship that handily passes by.

Mission 14
We now have to climb aboard the cruise ship and climb up to the upper deck.
A lifeboat falls as we climb onto it and have to scramble up the rope and crane holding it.
We are now amongst cargo containers and there are more pirates. It seems that the pirates have actually stolen this cruise ship.
We get trapped in a square cargo hold type area with an armored enemy with a rapid firing heavy machine gun. There is water in waves making the area hard for everyone involved.
We move into the more ornate areas of the cargo ship, through a pool where there is a riff on the Marco Polo achievement from  Uncharted 2. We now enter a ballroom for a fight.
We have to clear the room once, then another wave pours in from above. A door opens and we can move into some corridors, clearing the way of enemies. We see Sully tied to a chair in a cargo hold.
It is a trap, the thing tied to a chair is a crude dummy. The captain appears and grins, Nathan Shoots him and sets of a grenade, it appears that the bullet doesn't kill the captain, though the grenade sets of a larger explosion in the hold.

Mission 15
We are under fire and the hold is filling with water.
We have to survive waves of mixed enemies, snipers, armored and normal while avoiding the water as it fills the hold. After a while the ship capsizes rotating the world around us and we now have to swim for it.
Clambering out of the hold we fall through a doorway in the world which is now on it's side.
We awkwardly clamber along corridors and cabins of the ship, making our way out onto the side and along. We can see the huge ballroom we came through earlier. A lift with a glass side which has become it's floor pitches Nathan down into the ballroom where we land on the Chandelier. The ballroom has a glass ceiling, which is now keeping back thousands of gallons of water.
We have to climb down from the Chandelier, to reach what would have once been the wall of the ballroom, An exit is visible. The captain appears in cut scene and shoots the glass.
We now have to run for our life along the rapidly filling corridor. The ship is sinking fast, Nathan is left clinging onto a bit of timber.
He is eventually washed up on shore. Nathan makes his way back to Elena.

Mission 16
Elena informs Nathan that Sully has been taken and they are mounting an expedition using a convoy of vehicles into the desert. They have a two day head start on the pair. Elena has learned that a plane is going to do a supply drop for the convoy. The plan is to get onto the plane.
We see Elena and Nathan drive to the airfield.
Inside the cargo hangars of the airfield we have some climbing and fighting to do. Then we have to move a jeep to get up to a window. Nathan has to push while Elena steers.
We do this twice.
Now we have a large fight box to clear and clamber over another roof to reach the plane.
Nathan leaves Elena here, telling her that it is too dangerous to go on.
She reluctantly goes.
We are seen heading for the plane and it starts to leave.
We have to take a side detour under fire and run to catch the plane as it taxi's for the runaway, Climbing over boxes we run out onto the airfield and are too late. Elena didn't leave thankfully, she arrives in the jeep and helps us drive under the plane to jump onto the landing gear and inside.

Mission 17
We start crawling around in a vent like area. A guard sees us and opens the vent to grab us. It is one of the bigger gorilla guards. We start hand to hand fighting with him.
The guard opens the rear doors of the plane, intending to throw us overboard. We fight on the tailgate and eventually knock him off by releasing a cargo crate. This sets off a chain reaction and all the cargo goes out the back door, us along with it. We end up hanging on to dangling crates held together by webbing. A guard is trying to shoot us, though he is in trouble himself and not very accurate. Getting close to him sees Nathan grab him and get his gun while chucking him off the plane.
We start climbing back inside, guards start shooting and we are fighting in the shifting boxes as the plane tilts around. Explosions start as the shooting breaks the plane's innards. It is easy to get crushed by the boxes, and shot by the men in the small space. Moving forwards seems to be the best plan as once you hit a certain point in the plane an explosion starts sucking people out the huge hole. Holding on as best you can the plane comes apart. Nathan is sucked out the hole and we find ourselves falling with wreckage all around us. A box is nearby and moving towards it sends Nathan grabbing on. Quick-time button presses see him reach for the boxes parachute and pull it. Nathan then falls safely to earth riding the box.

Mission 18
Rhub Al Khali.
Nathan takes a gun from the wreckage then sets out into the desert, knowing that it is hopeless, though not one to lie down and die.
We find a well, though it is dry. Shooting a vase by the side of the well nets a hidden treasure, though no water.
we move, time passes Nathan sees a mirage and ends up back at the well, going in circles.
Then he hides under a rock in the noon sun. At night he passes out, Sully wakes him and it is day, though it's only a mirage. We see a town in the distance and Nathan uses the last of his strength to reach it. It turns out to be a ruined town.
We enter the town and start looking for water. A well is dry, with only a tiny amount of  undrinkable water. We come to a door and burst through it. There are enemies on the other side.

Mission 19
We have to fight through them, we progress through the area, a guard shoots a pillar underneath us and the  area collapses, we fall into a trap. There is no way out, until I realize that there is a similar pillar, which we can shoot to make collapse and give some handholds to get out. We move onto another fight box. Then through a narrow gap and into another. Shooting the collapsible pillars brings down an emplaced gun here.
A jeep smashes through a gate bringing in more enemies.
We move onto a new area and are pinned down in the slimmest of cover by a horde of enemies.
Suddenly men on horseback arrive and save the day killing the bad guys.
We are aided by one of these men and helped onto the back of one of their horses. We ride through the village, being shot at by the enemies and our rider is killed. We now take the reigns and have to escape the village on horseback.
At an oasis, Salim, the leader of the tribe is slightly friendly. Nathan tells Salim of Marlowe's plans and Sully's fate once he finds the city. Salim tells Nathan that King Solomon trapped a Djinn in the city, and fears Marlowe will release it into the world.

Mission 20
We ride with Salim to intercept the convoy. We ride through some mountain paths and catch up with the back of the convoy. we must jump onto the trucks and start fighting.
We can move from truck to truck, shooting at men on the backs of the trucks and motorcycle riders.
There are around ten trucks to negotiate. In between there are little incident, small cut scenes where we fight men and fall from the back of the trucks. A large crane vehicle is the scene of a fight, Sully frees himself when he sees Nathan causing a diversion and ends up fighting a larger enemy on the back of the truck. We save him and in cut scene fashion the truck is hurled over the edge of the cliff.
We talk with Sully and Salim and press on towards the city, a sandstorm blows up and separates Sully and Nathan from the others. The horses refuse to go any further, so we are left going on on foot.
We now come to some more ruins and lots of enemies. There are two armored vehicles with emplaced guns and we have to destroy them with explosives to progress.
We enter a large temple, which a a clamber puzzle, not a hard  one though, basically just make your way around the room to pull a lever at the same time as Sully to open huge doors.

Mission 21
The Atlantis of the sands.
The city is revealed in all it's splendor, lots of gold and large buildings,it seems time has been kind to the city.
We move down some stairs and mechanical statues salute us we do.
We come to a fountain and find that the water is clean and still flowing.
sully is shot through the heart by Talbot using a sniper rifle. Nathan angered gives chase as they head on down a mechanical elevator of some kind.
we are attacked by men who start bursting into flames, they also can move like bursts of flame and smoke when shot at. Three of them attack then the lift comes back up and more ghost rider type enemies appear. We now go down in the lift and are met by Talbot who throws smoke into the lift.
We give chase and he runs, like the last chase we follow him through the city. We turn a corner and find ourselves back in Cartagena, Nathan observes he hasn't been here since he was a kid. The spiders appear and we have to run for it, halfway through the chase Nathan turns into a child and we are left cornered again, only this time it's Sully advancing on him with a gun. We have to shoot him. Nathan wakes and is hallucinating again.
We walk through the city with wobbly graphics and are attacked by three flaming enemies.
Then progress through a few more streets filled with enemies.
I come to a fight box with a lot of flame enemies which takes a bit of work to get past.
We move into a puzzle room, the hallucinations are still strong, we see Sully in the distance.
A lever floods a large central pool, then two levers are indicated by our own reflection.
Turning them makes a light appear in the pool. As we hammer triangle to pull on the light our reflection starts moving of it's own accord again and attacks Nathan, throwing him up into the ceiling of the room. Nathan awakes on the floor of the pool, there is no water. The hallucinations have stopped.

Mission 22
The dreamers of the day
We see more henchmen in the distance, moving wheels and obviously trying to get deeper into the city and it's secrets.
We have to fight a group of them and then move on. Sully appears, the real sully, not a hallucination. Nathan points his gun at him and is very suspicious. It seems that Nathan drank the water from the fountain and then went mad, the whole flaming enemies and Sully being shot was an hallucination.
The water is the source of the madness that destroyed the cities inhabitants. Drake knew that the Queen and Dee wanted the power of the water to wield fear and control their enemies. Drake hid the discovery to prevent them from getting the power.
Marlowe is seeking to find the source of the tainted water.
We move through some of the workings of the water pumps in the city, large ornate gears and chains. The city is sitting on top of some fairly old and natural rock formations. It looks to me that it won't be surviving the end credits.
We fight through another group of enemies and then find some diving gear, it looks like Marlowe was planning on diving into the water.
We come to a bridge and cross it, then a cut scene starts. Marlowe is rigging a crane to lift something in a large urn out of the water. Nathan and Sully start going around opposite sides of the pool to flank them when Talbot takes a shot at Nathan, Sully intervenes saving his life. Sully is knocked unconscious and then into the water. Nathan dives in after him and grabs him, using a handheld rocket launcher, Nathan shoots the rope bringing up the urn and shoots up to where Marlowe was standing. The explosions send the urn back to the bottom and bring down the temple around Marlowe.
as the pair get back up onto dry land the temple is collapsing around them.
We have to cross the bridge which is  filled with enemies, then climb a tower, using gears and ladders.
In cut scene we see Marlow and Talbot come face to face with Sully and Drake. The floor collapses and Nathan and Marlowe are caught in a sand trap, Marlowe is sinking fast, Nathan helps her but he can't save her, she isn't strong enough to hold on. Talbot is angered.
We are now running for our lives through the collapsing city. A fight with Talbot ends in Having to save Sully from having his head bashed in. Sully and Nathan then reach Salim, who gives them horses to leave on. They watch as the city collapses into the sand.

Final cut scene shows Sully telling Nathan to be nicer to Elena, then Nathan and Elena leaving with Sully. They get aboard an old plane and the credits roll.

11 hours
28% of the trophies for one play through on normal.