Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fable 2 Notes

Fable 2 Notes
I choose the female hero.
We see the intro movie of the bird flying to the city and shitting on our hero's head.
Our sister tells us about Lord lucien and his troubles and how he's all alone in his big castle. She wishes she could live there. A commotion sends her off into the city and our first task seems to be to follow her.
We get control for the first time.
Camera with right stick, movement with left stick, x draws the heroes little wooden sword and swishes it about. A puts it away.
Y pulls out and gun and shoots.
A glowing trail shows the way to our next objctive.
We hear a voice asking Rose if she has reconsidered an offer, she says no, the voice tells her that he will be waiting for her when she changes her mind.
We come to the trader and watch his pitch, he seems to be a fraud, selling magic mirrors that only work to make you beautiful in pitch black darkness. He is selling a music box for five gold coins which is said to grant you a wish.
A strange woman in the crowd overhears out character saying she doesn't believe in magic. The woman tells us that the box is really magical and it would benefit us to obtain it. Our two sisters a skeptical but decide that it can't hurt really to find out. Looks like our first real quest will be to obtain five gold pieces.
Quest 1
Derek the constable has lost his five arrest warrants and he wants us to get them back. Funnily enough he has lost five warrants and will pay one gold piece for each.
We meet a man called Barnum who wants to demonstrate his camera, which seems to be a new invention around these parts. We pose for a picture for him, which he tells us will take three months to develop. He pays us one gold piece for our trouble.
Pulling down the left trigger brings up a menu for the dpad where we can choose a happy or angry expression to use on people. We can also choose a nice or rude pose for the camera picture.
We then move on to the alley where the warrants blew down.
we come across a group of children and a bully is attacking a dog. Our sister intervenes and is knocked down by the bully. We now get the chance to use our wooden sword on the bully, holding left trigger locks on the character we want by facing them, we then use x to swing our sword and hit the bully a few times. He runs off. The other children all react, we see hate or funny above their heads and this indicates how they feel about us.
We look at the dog and our sister says we can't keep it. We have done a good deed and our good rating goes up by four points.
I find a warrant lying in the street, and another nearby.
We find a tramp called Pete, he had had his bottle stolen by another tramp, he will pay us to get it back for him, while a nearby lady will pay us to give it to her instead as she thinks he has had enough.
A moral choice then, give the guy his beer or be an annoying preachy do gooder.
We find Balthazar who has a beetle problem.
We have to go into his establishment and kill the beetles. While we are in their a man comes to the window and tells us that he will pay us a gold piece to smash up his stock instead.
I refrain from smashing up the stock and kill the beetles. The shady guy is angered and tells us he will remember this. Seems he put the beetles in there in the first place.
The storekeeper gives us our gold.
we find magpie asleep nearby, the tramp who stole the bottle from Pete. Getting the bottle from him is easy enough. We give the bottle to Betty and she gives us a not stuck in the top which turns out to be another warrant. Now we have four of them. pete says he will go on the wagon and return to his job as a pension consultant, Betty want to give him the bottle back to save him.
The dog is barking at us and it is sitting by a warrant. we take it and that is all of them, time to return to the guard.
The shady guy who it seems is named Arthur comes to us in the alley on the way back to the policeman. He wants to get the warrants for himself. He is also the one who is offering our sister employment, probably as a prostitute. We are given the choice of giving him the warrants or going to the policeman with them. I take them to the police man.
We find Monty and Belinda who are lovers, the only fly in the ointment is Belinda's mother who won't let Belinda see Monty. We have to give a letter to belinda which asks her to run away with Monty. We knock on the door of Belinda's house and the mother answers, we ask her to pay for delivery of the letter and while she roots in the cupboard and given the choice to wait for her to pay or sneak upstairs and give the letter to Belinda. We sneak up and give her the letter. She then starts arguing with the mother and Monty. We have our gold though. Now we can buy the music box.
we are told to go somewhere quiet and make our wish.
When we do the music box emits a glow and plays tinkly music. Which then goes faster and out of tune and the glow becomes frenzied and broken looking. The music box impodes and is gone.
Disgusted our sister goes back to our home, which is a broken down ruin of a shack.
we follow her and find that the dog has made itself at home also.
we are aksed to go to bed.
we are woken in the night by a policeman who asks us to accompany him to Lord Lucien's castle.
Our sister is overjoyed as she thinks our wish has come true.
We warp to the castle and are taken from the guards by a butler.
We encounter a magician type in the corridor but he does not speak to us. The butler tells us that Lord Lucien has been deeply affected by the Loss of his wife and daughter.
we find Lord Lucien, seems that it isn't our wish come true. The magic box was known to Lucien. It is a relic of the old kingdom, and he is deeply interested in the old kingdom for some reason. Probably to ressurect his wife and child. Looking for some kind of time or reanimating spell.
He is interested in the fact that we got any kind of response from the box. Which suggest that our bloodline is of interest to him, as if the magic is only usable by people with a certain gene.
He wants us to stand in a circle which seems to be some kind of test. Our sister stands in it and urges us to do the same.
When we do the glow of the circle turns red. we are frozen to the spot. Lucien starts ranting and looking through papers on the nearby bench. He says that we are heroes, but not one of the three. He says that we must die however, he pulls a gun and shoots our sister dead and us next. Our body flies through a stained glass window and out hundreds of feet to the street below.
The woman who told us to buy the music box is waiting with our dog. She says that it isn't our destiny to die tonight and takes us away.
We see a cut scene telling of how Lucien vanished from Bowerstone that night and how the woman took us away from the city and nursed us back to health. Ten years pass and we find that the woman has been training us for revenge.
Quest 2
We are told that the time has come to seek revenge by the woman. We are to collect something from our caravan that she has left for us.
Our dog follows us around.
we find an empty caravan which we can buy and live in or rent out for extra gold.
we find a tattoist.
Moving through the densely populated gypsy camp we find our caravan inside a chest outside it there is a rusty sword, crossbow, health for dog and us, a spade and a collar.
We move back following the golden path to the gates of the camp, The woman we find out is called Theresa. The gates are opened and she gives us the bower lake tomb seal.
The seal is the same as the guild seal in Fable. We can communicate through it. It will also open the door to our first coming of age quest. We have to enter the bowerstone lake tomb.
On the way our dog sniffs something out for us, we have to dig in a spot indicated. It's a rubber ball which we use to play fetch with the dog.
Going down to the tomb which is in the middle of the lake we find a silver key outside it.
The seal opens the tomb and we enter.
we have our first real fight with some beetles it tells me to use sword but I rebel and use the crossbow.
we have to shoot a magical switch to open a gate.
The dog finds another key for us by barking and leading us to it.
we are told that the golden path is helpful, but if we don't explore we will be missing things. We are urged to explore the cavern we are in before going on. I find a diary and a letter on some skeleton bodies. We move on killing more beetles.
Standing on a pedestal makes another magic door thing float about, we have to shoot it with our bow then whack it with our sword, then shoot it again to make the door open, this looks like a kind of disguised quicktime. Anyway the door opens.
Down a side tunnel I find some books, potions and money.
Oh I recognise this damn place. It's the place where my boss fight with Jack of blades gave me so much trouble in the last game.
Theresa tells us that we are one of the last true heroes. A bloodline of superhumans. She shows us the pictures on the wall of the hero from the last game who is our ancestor. we have to step into the centre of the circle.
This awakens our blood and we are granted new abilities.
Theresa tells us about will and shows us a cullis gate. We have to learn the magic for using them first it seems.
All I can afford is lightning, I use it on the gate marker and it activates allowing us to use it.
The cullis gate transports us to a mountaintop. We have a little fight against some beetles.
Looks like we have a trek ahead of us now to our first real quest.
I find a silver chest which give me a book about dog training. I read it and my dog can now do the bunny hop trick.
Quest 3
We are told by a policeman that the Bowerstone road is closed due to bandit activity. The only quick way to get past is to capture the bandits ourself.
We head to their camp following the golden path.
when we reach the camp there are two people in a cage, they shout out that it's an ambush.
Loads of bandits pour in, three or four at a time, as we kill them new ones appear. Once we have killed enough of them the lead bandit comes out and takes a bit of pounding to kill.
Once we have done it we get the key to the cage. A nasty looking bloke arrives and says the the people in the cage are his slaves. I kill him, then release the slaves.
Quest 4
We have to meet Theresa in Bowerstone market.
In Bowerstone we find the shop and the coach house.
Lots of stalls, potion shop, blacksmith. Theresa tells me to do some work until she arrives. We have about 5 minutes until she gets there.
I go to the blacksmith and have to hammer metal for money, it's a simple timed button presses really boring mini-game.
Theresa arrives and takes us to a spot where we can see an island out at sea. She tells us that is where Lucien is, it's called the spire and it is a place of magic. The person who can get it working will have a wish that will be granted, whatever that wish is. The last time it was used it wiped out Albion completely. Seems the magician wished for an end to a corrupt world.
Lucien wants the spire to grant him a wish, however, it is foretold that a hero will stop him. That is why he killed our sister and tried to kill us.
There are three heroes apart from us, they are the key to getting the spire to work. Lucien seeks them to subjugate them to his will. we must seek them to help us.
Theresa tells us to go to the temple of light in oakfield, where we have to find the abbot.
Quest 5
We encounter some bandits on the road, they are above us on a cliff and we have to shoot them.
More bandits this time close quarters.
I find a book which levels up the dog's fighting ability at the bandit camp.
I find a demon door, like the last game, getting them to open can be hard work. This one wants to see our dog do tricks. I try the two tricks i know already but it thinks them dull.
We come to a bridge but it's out, some bandits taunt us from the other side.
We have to dive, at the bottom we find a man who has lost his son in a hobbe cave. I enter and start the hobbe cave mission. The hobbes are similar to the last game, little frog like buggers.
There are dead bodies littered around. I accidently kill the father in a fight, whoops the safety was off. You can turn on and off your ability to hurt non-hostile characters.
I fight through the hobbe dungeon and come out through a ladder behind the bandits at the bridge and kill them.
We reach oakvale. It is a small town compared to Bowerstone. We have to go to the temple of light. Apparently the lushness of oakfield is owed to a golden oak tree. The tree seeds a golden acorn once a decade and must be replanted to keep the magic going.
The abbot has an unpsecified problem which he needs a hero for, however we have no reputation. He wants us to sort out a bandit problem before he will take us on for his job. Theresa says we need to do this for him.
We are sent to the inn at Oakfield where Barnum is distressed about the bridge. He wants us to go Rookridge to kill bandits.
At rookridge in we are ambushed by the bandits, we have to chase their leader who is a chicken called Dash. Many bandits attack and are killed. We eventually catch up with Dash and kill him.
Back to Oakfield we go.
Barnum gives us 250 gold and his thesaurus.
We still need more reputation, so we have to do side quests before the abbot will let us do his escort mission.
I choose a mission from the map and go to the place. I find a ghost standing on a cliffside. She is a spurned lover who killed herself. She wants us to take a rejection note to the man who spurned her. We have to make him love us and then break his heart. We go to Bowerstone market and meet up with Alex, we have to fart, dance and whistle at him enough until he loves us. Then we are given his side of the story. He felt he was too young to marry and ran away. He has been wracked with guilt his entire life about Victoria's suicide. We are given the choice to marry him or give him the rejection note.
The moral choice in this one is very grey.
I give him the note and he goes off in the huff.
Back at the ghost we find Alex there as a ghost, he must have went and killed himself. Alex is begging forgiveness when we arrive, however, when he sees us he realises that he has been tricked in a vengence scam. He gets mad and storms off in the huff. We get renown, but also some bad points.
I go to the next quest I can do. I arrive at the temple of shadows. where i have to eat five live chicks to join. I don't really want to do this evil quest, but hey ho here we go. After eating the chick the shadow worshipper is impressed and I join the club, poker night is on fridays, I go down into the cellar and am told to get villagers to follow me back to sacrifice them to the shadows. I try and get the shadowworshipper into the sacrificial ciircle but it won't work. I leave.
I go and find the sculptor and pose for a statue. This consists of me holding a pose, i don't think I did it right but manage to get the statue made.
I then have to go back to bowerstone and find the archeologist.
Belle the archeologist gives me a note. The note says to go to the old town district of Bowerstone.
The dog seems to know where the artefact is as soon as we get there, which saves some hunting, I would probably never have found it as it's down a dead end alley between two houses.
Back to the archeologist we go and give her the scroll. She has a lot of quests for us, these seem like side quests so I go back to the main quest and the abbot.
He wants us to collect water from a special spring for the acorn. He is sending his Daughter Hannah with us, as is part of the ritual.
She is a bit of a chunky tomboy.
We go down through the rather empty caves, which suggests a trap is coming soon.
We have to stand on pressure plates to fill the jug that Hannah is carrying.
Things called hollow men appear from will o the wisps floating at the top of the caves.
They are fairly easily dealth with.
The nesxt room is more of the same. We have to fill up the jug only this time we are further away from Hannah and the hollow men need shot while we stand still and keep the tap running.
There are some ominous sounds which suggest that the next room might have something big in it.
We have a fight with lots of waves of hollow men and then a headless one who is harder to kill.
We shine a light on the water to bless it in the final room, one of the monks comes into the caves to tell us that Lucien's men have got Hannahs father.
When we arrive The father has been shot and Hannah has killed the bad guy.
We see a funeral for the father and Hannah renouncing her vows.
Seems she is the hero. Theresa turns up and asks her to come with her. They both teleport away.
We go back to the guild and Theresa tells us about the next hero we have to find. He is the one we saw as a child at Lucien's castle just before our sister was shot. He thought Lucien was only a scholar, and once he found out he has designs on power their relationship ended violently.
We must seek him out.
We are off to Brightwood.
Theresa gives us a warning that something is coming our way.
we have to get to the top of Brightwood tower. There is a floating triangle of rock which is kind of weird.
As we appraoch the rock spawns spire guards.
We fight our way into the tower and up to the top. The spire guards are harder but the time slow skill really helps as in the last game.
We get to the top where we find one of Luciens henchmen have beaten us to Garth. The henchman shoots him with lightning and then uses the floating rock to teleport them both away.
Theresa tells us that Luciens grasp of the spire is increasing, he has control over some of it's powers now and is ineed formidable. She tells us to come back to the guild.

At the guild we are told to go and find Jeeves, Lucien's old butler, for clues as to how to enter the spire and try and rescue Garth.
We go to The Cow and Corset in Bowerstone and have to buy a treasure map to where Lucien's diary is buried.
I think Jeeves might be double crossing us, but Theresa says he won't.
we go to the spot and have to kill a huge rock troll. Shooting it's red haemorrhoids does the trick.
Taking the diary back to The guild, Theresa tells us that Lucien is recruiting the winners of the arena at Westcliffe for his guards. We have to go and enter, didn't we do this last game too?
we have a long road lined with bandits to get to Westcliffe.
We come to a barricade that Hammer knocks down.
Then a big fight with bandits and a highwayman.
We come to the road to Westcliffe, thought i was on it already.
We find the balverines, and they are as annoying as the last game.
Fight a few and then we come to the people in distress. The son has been taken by the balverines, and we must go get him. This was in the last game too.
We get to an old ruined castle filled with balverines called howling halls.
There is a room with a large pit. We are attacked with balverines all around, Hammer knocks down a pillar to bridge the pit and we must keep her protected while she does so.
We then escape.
we come to the crucible arena and are told that we need more renown to fight. Side quest time.
I go back to bowerstone and a guard wants me to go to a slavers location and free some slaves.
A long road to the camp with lots of bandits and balverines. We fight the slavers and free the men, getting enough renown to carry on with the quest.
Back to the arena and we enter it. It's not the same as the last game, there are eight rounds and each one is set in a different arena.
There are trader rooms in between.
We have beetles, hobbes, hobbes with magic powers, bandits, highwaymen, balverines and trolls.
There are some trap switches on the floor to help, with flames and spikes that shoot out and kill the enemy.
We are given a trophy. woo.
It seems like I actually died for the first time, it seems you only lose xp and restart at the same place, not at the beginning of a checkpoint.
Theresa tells us to wrap up any business before we leave for the spire. Seems we should grind for weapons and xp she means.
I start westcliffe development.
Daft Barnum wants us to invest in his new theme park idea.
We give him the money and he says he will get back to us.
I start Defender of the light.
The shadows worshipers are up to no good at the temple.
We have to go to the same caves that we went to with Hammer to fill up the water for the acorn annd fight highwaymen in each room and then the leader of the shadow worshippers in the last room. He conjures up the whisp skeleton enemies for a few waves then we fight him.
We get the temple of light seal, whatever that is for and some renown.
I try a quest called donating to the light, you have to go to the temple of the light and make a donation. I try and give 250 gold and not much happens. Puzzling.
I try some shooting range and am hopeless at it.
I do a bounty hunter quest where i have to walk miles from the guard in the city to the country, kill some beetles and then all the way back for 750 gold.
I do a slaver quest and free more people.
I muck about with the gestures and get someone to love me, give them some chocolate and then a ring and buy a cheap house, pow we are married, I wish this was real life.
I can set her weekly household budget and also i can refurbish my house.
A bounty hunter mission sees us trudge to a location, kill some bandits and back to the guard.
I finally find the location of the summoners quest in Bowerstone in the graveyard.
Two idiots have read from a book and summoned 100 hollow men into the graveyard. We have to kill them and then get the book back to them.
I get a demon door open by kicking a chicken at it, and we find some potions inside.
Another bounty hunter mission done.
I decide that enough is enough, it's time to start the spire mission. We have to leave all our weapons and items, even the dog with Hammer. So much for going and getting a better weapon.
We take the ship to the spire, and very pretty and imposing it is in a lord of the rings style.
When we get there we are herded by guards and given a speech by Lucien.
He knocks us out and we awake, shaven headed and dressed as a spire guard.
We are a new recruit and given a speech to that effect and told about our collar which we will find out the use for later. Our first task is to report to the commandant.
On the way we pass a cell with Garth in. He tells us telepathically that our powers are useless while we wear the collar.
We arrive at the commandant and he tells us that he will teach us total obedience. He shows us the spire and then hits us with his sword and asks us to thank him.
If we do not the collar will drain away our xp points.
I do, he does this three times and then asks us to beg for our life.
Time passes in cut scene and it's now 38 weeks later.
We see the other guards lamenting about life in the spire.
Then we have to go to the detention centre.
Garth tells us that the spire is sapping our will.
We are given a choice feed the prisoners or let them starve, i feed them and lose a huge amount of xp, though we do gain good karma.
The commandant wants to see us.
He tells us to kill our friend, I refuse and use the sword on the commanadant. He steals our xp and zaps us with lightning.
We see a small cut scene where the spire builds higher and The inhabitants become darker and more powerful.
We are told by the commandant to go and see where a guard is, if he is slacking he is to be sent to the torture chamber.
We find him and Garth, Garth has killed him and taken off his collar. He takes off ours, however, it's his last act of magical strength and we will now have to help and protect him, we find a gun and sword on the body of the guard. It's time for a jailbreak.
We fight our way up the spire through thhe guards until we reach the commandant, a standard boss battle, arena like ring room and teleporting in of bad guys with a straight fight against the commandant. We eventually kill him, he kills me twice, but hey what does it matter.
We kill the commandant and Garth gets his powers back. He activates the cullis gates and we teleport to the docks.
The ship takes us home. Theresa and our dog are there to meet us. She gives us our old equipment back and asks Garth to join us on our quest to destroy Lucien and the spire.
Ten years have passed since we went to the spire.
Our first mission is to go and find Hammer and tell her we are back.
We are free to do some side missions again. I go back to Barnum and he has transformed westcliffe, it now looks more prosperous. He gives us 15000 gold, which is nice.
We meet a tranny called tommy, who wants us to kill all the hobbes in his cave. We do and it turns out he was onnly trying to lure us there to get eaten and we have to kill Tommy to get out.
Back at the guild Hammer and Garth hate each other, and Hammer has found out the identity of the lst hero we need to find. He is a pirate captain, notorious for shooting captains of ships from impossible distances. To get to him we need a cullis gate activated. Garth can do this from his home in Brightwood.
we sneak in the back way, though we needn't have bothered as the shards bring loads of spire guards. We have to defend garth as he charges the cullis gate which takes about five minutes of concentrated fighting against spire guards and commandants. Eventually we get through and find ourselves knocked out. An old man grabs us and puts us in a cage.
We watch as he is killed by banshees and then our dog gets the key and brings it to us.
Theresa says that the cullis gate malfunctioned and Garth and Theresa will not be joining us.
we now have to explore the marshes.
where we find the banshee, a hooded headless floating woman who conjures what look like shadow little girls to fight for her.
We have to make our way through Oakvale, which is the town you start in, in the first game. It has been decimated by a wicked spell, filled with banshee's hollow men and trolls.
we get to Bloostone and are now looking forReaver's house.
Reaver wants only to speak with people of renown, you guessed it, side quest time.
I marry a prostitute for the fun of it and am now a bigamist, I get a note saying that I am being blackmailed for 2000 gold. I have to go and pay a man under bowerstone bridge. The price of my actions.
While I am paying him I see a dive point in the water and I enter a new area called gargoyles trove. Inside is a huge room, with pressure points and a chest at the far end, looks like i need to put things on the pressure points to raise a bridge to the treasure. Maybe this is to do with the hidden gargoyles, which i haven't seen yet.
We have to buy an old sailor a beer to get him to tell us a story about a smugglers cave.
This takes us to a cave containing a ghost ship, and a puzzle to open a treasure chest.
Once we do we find a lever, which brings the water level up and makes the ship accessible. We then can board it where we fight more ghost pirates and captain dread himself.
We then take the ship to the treasure island using the map we get from Dread.
On the treasure island we have to find 10 treasure chests.
When we find them all it's back to salty jack and 7500 renown points, more than enough to get onto the Reaver quest.
Reaver wants us to take a dark seal to the shadow court in Wraithmarsh.
We take the seal down into a dungeon and fight many shadow warriors.
When we encounter the shadow council we find that Reaver has done a deal with them for looks and youthfulness. He has to sacrifice a young persons good looks and youthfulness for continued time with his own. We get a choice, give up ours or a young girl that is held captive in the room.
I take the hit myself and now have glowing horrible eyes.
We are told that this might be our last chance to do some of the side quests.
Temple of benevolent yokels, want too transform Bloostone from a decadent town to a pleasant town.
Toby wants us to recover three items which he says have been stolen from him, for a ritual. Thje items are meat, wine etc. We have to steal them from nearby houses, Toby then wants us to get him a prostitute. When we do he dissapears upstairs and tells us to leave for a while.
We finally get the idea that he's a con man when a local hammers it into our thick head.
We go back and have to pull faces at toby until he runs screaming from town.
This task caused my halo to slip as I had to kill a few villagers who caught me stealing.
We now have to help a gypsy find her lost little boy Charlie, down into the tomb of heroes we go.
Turns out the granny is a bit senile, Charlie is a grown man and an adventurer. He wants us to help him rob the tomb. We have to defend him while he opens a cursed tomb. The tomb contains nothing but a note. The note is from the brothers we helped earlier that had the dodgy book.
The hollow men turn up in frame rate distrubing force. After we have killed loads of them we get out of the tomb. We receive and augment for our trouble and charlie is reunited with his granny.
Love hurts
The gravekeeper wants you to collect body parts for his grisly experiments.
We have to go into a hobbe cave we were in near the start of the game. This time there are loads more hobbes, the frame rate begins to crawl.
I think they are trying to disguise it sometimes with the slow motion stuff.
Anyway we find lady grey's legs, she was a character from the first game.
Back to twinblades tomb which we were in earlier. We find the upper half of lady grey and take it back to the gravekeeper.
Must give a mention that in the tomb we enter small new areas by the use of the floating orb door lock puzzles.
Lady Grey's head is in her tomb in Fairfax. We go down inside and find her head and are then assaulted by beetles on the way out.
Giving the head to the gravekeeper results in a frankenstein like scene where we see lady grey being brought back to life, however, she is also under a love spell and fixates on the first person she sees which is us. Oops. The gravekeeper tells us to run for it and he will sort it out. We run and after a little while a message pops up to tell us we have completed the quest, the lovers have eloped, the mansion is up for sale and we get renown and the rod of life.
The dozy brothers have went to wraithmarsh looking for adventure. Their granny wants us to bring them back.
Our quest leads us down a well, where we find sam and Max being attacked by hollow men. We save them and they tell us about a nasty banshee they have let loose. Guess what we have to go kill it.
We go to bloostone and kill the banshee then back to Bowerstone to talk to Granny. She scolds Sam and Max and we get some renown.
Something rotten
We go to the inn at rookridge as something smells bad.
The innkeeper thinks it's the water and sends us to investigate, a troll has set up residence in the caves and we have to kill it and return to the innkeeper.
Who is happy and gives us a generous discount if we want to buy the inn. Which I do.
Better mentions some of the little things before I forget. There are chests which only open when you have a certain number of silver keys which you find dotted around the world. There are demon doors which open for certain conditions that are far from obvious. There are some problems with being in the right spot for interactions, especially with property signs and doors. There is little attempt at controlling clipping on characters, with lots of instances of characters walking through objects and others. Dog is the worst offender.
Two quests have popped up that I cannot start yet, Gravekeepers basement and Brightwood tower. I need to buy the two properties to start the missions. Both need an awful lot of money.
I take the highwaymans guild quest and have to go to their headquarters to sort out the hit that has been put out on me by Lucien. We have to negotiate by killing the highwayman leader. Quest over and hopefully the highwaymen will leave us alone now. They have been popping up to fight randomly more and more frequently.
we go to Giles' farm and meet Giles, his son Rupert is out of luck with the ladies and Giles wants us to help. He gives us a picture of Rupert and asks that we find him a nice Bowerstone lady.
Rupert it seems is as gay as they come.
We take the picture and give it to a lady in Bowerstone as asked, she agrees to a date and we go back to tell Giles and Rupert. At this Rupert breaks down and confesses. He also says he hates farming and wants to move to the city. They decide to sell up and move, offering the farm to us at a good price.
Slave rescue seems to be the last quest on the list before we move on, of course I think it would have been safe to move on earlier but i may as well do all the missions.
I do some sculptor tasks, which mean we pose for a sculptor for a statue, we have to hold the pose until she says and then hit the sweet spot on the swinging arch as it moves quickly back and forth. There are plinths dotted around the world which we can activate, and they then appear as places for the sculptor.
Back to the main quest.
Reaver is in the process of getting his picture taken by Barnum. He shoots Barnum when he learns that it will take three months to develop. I want to kill him now. Not least forgetting that he got us uglified earlier. Reaver informs us that he told Lucien we were here and is giving us up to him for a lot of gold. Suddenly the whole room shakes and one of Reavers men runs in a tells us that bloodstone is under attack. Reaver opens a bookcase hidden passage and goes to flee.
We follow him down through an old mine and smuggling caves to the beach where we have a boss fight with a larger spire floating pointy boulder and Reaver calls them.
Reaver is forced to join us by Theresa who tells him that there will be no one left to sacrifice to the shadow council for his imortality if Lucien takes over the world.
The weapon
Reaver questions what Lucien actually wants, it is suggested that the ressurection of his family was his first intent, however, who knows what the corruption of the spire has bred in his heart.
We go to thee standing stones above the guild cave and Theresa tells us all to stand in a pattern on the pedestals.
As we do a light shines from each of the three heroes and it looks like we are absorbing their powers. The light reaches a whiteout crescendo and we are left standing looking bewildered.
Theresa has vanished and suddenly the spires loom around us. Lucien and his commandants appear.
Lucien tells us that he will be king in the new order he will create from the ashes of this one. He tells us that he has killed our family and now is going to kill us. The others vanish leaving Lucien and our hero alone on the mountaintop. He comes forth to shoot us and our dog jumps in the way and takes the bullet. Little matter though as the next one find us.
We hear Theresa's voice telling us that death is not for us today.
We wake as a child in a house and our sister is with us.
On a lovely farm which I am sure never existed we have to find and shoot 20 bottles, herd some chickens into a coop and kill some beetles in a field. After all that it gets dark and our sister tells us it's time for bed.
We go to bed and are awakened by music in the night. We go to investigate against the urgings of our sister which get more and more strenous until she is screaming at us not to go. Ass we pass through the farm gates we are in Oakvale, of old the burning oakvale where the hero of the first fable saw his family slaughtered.
we reach a pedestal and the music box from the start of the game is floating and making strange noises.
We hear a quick montage of highlights from our quest so far and out sister's voice telling us that we have the power now to defeat Lucien. We appear in the spire.
Looks like the final mission is upon us.
We walk up the steps which are littered with dead bodies. Inside we find Lucien at the centre of the three heroes, power draining into him. He tells us we are too late to stop him, we use the music box and it starts to take the power from Lucien into itself.
There is some dialogue and then Reaver kills lucien with one shot and says.
"Oh, sorry did you want to kill him," possibly the funniest line of dialogue in the game.
Theresa then appears and gives us a choice. sacrifice, love or wealth.
I choose sacrifice.
And that was a rubbish choice, as I don't have any money to do the new quests which seem to need me to buy the houses they start in.
So first playthrough over, 595 achievement points.

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