Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wanted: Weapons of Fate notes

The menu won't let me choose the tutorial for some reason.
The difficulty options are pussy, assassin and the killer. Killer is locked, so it's assassin.

basic combat training.
First voice over insults you for sitting on the couch playing videogames getting fat. I should stop now then shouldn't I.
We are in a firing range and have to shoot some bodies on meat hooks.
Next we are shown how to use the cover system. The game seems keen on the ability to move from cover to cover, when you move to the edge of cover, if there is an available cover space to move to it will be highlighted with an arrow and the A button symbol, pressing A will move you to the cover quickly. We have to shoot two opponents to proceed. The screen simply goes dark and the next area loads when you complete your objectives.
Next we have to use cover to flank a man with a shield to get behind him and shoot him.
Now we have blind fire explained and it's use in supressing the enemies.
We are shown how to get close to an enemies and then press B to kill them with a knife.
And with a five point achievement that's lesson time over.

Act 1
We see the heroes mother who is pregnant with him sitting on a wall of a castle type building, she is clutching a scroll and muttering. In voice over we are told that the hero never met him mother and only learned about her when he went through his father's things after his death at our heroes own hands.
The mother is shot through the heart by an unknown assassin.
Our hero wakes up from the dream.
Someone has broken into his apartment.
We get control and walk through the quite nicely rendered apartment, up the stairs where we can hear movements and see torch light flashing.
As we get to the top of the stairs a cut scene kicks in.
We see two swat team members searching for something, they find a picture of the heroes mother and open the back to reveal a hidden piece of paper. Our hero is spotted and shooting starts, the cop makes a run for it and we are giving chase over the rooftops.
There are loads of swat guys to kill, and we can see the man we are after in the distance running away, we dodge in and  out of buildings and rooftops as we give chase.
Eventually we catch up with the swat guy who it seems is an assassin like us.
We have to blind fire at him which brings us into a bullet time type slowdown for the enemies. We then can move and get into a position where we can shoot him past the riot shield. He has a health bar and eventually goes down.
He tells us nothing and does not have the piece of paper he stole on him. A woman appears on the roof of the next building and taunts us, she has the paper. She is about to shoot at us when another person takes a shot at her. This turns out to be a man called Pekwarsky, who was a friend of our father.
I almost forgot a little interlude where our character takes over the control and we can only aim in a little movie like sequence where he jumps and rolls like an acrobat. We shoot in bullet time.
He tells us the the girl is Arana, known as the little spider. She is part of the Paris fraternity who it seems are showing great interest in Wesley Gibson, the character we play.
Oh and it seems to have crashed.
Back up again no harm done.

Training stage 2.
Back to training, now to learn about curving bullets.
You press the right bumper, which locks onto a hidden target, a line is then drawn between your gun and it, you can move it with the left stick until i goes white, releasing the right bumper fires the shot.
We are told about adrenaline, which is given after killing enemies. We can use it to get a bullet's eye slow time view of our shots hitting the enemies.

Act 2
We see Wesley's father talking on a phone to his wife. She is heavily pregnant with Wesley. They talk about someone called the immortal who is after them.
we are now in the streets of france, a little quaint country town, actually quite nicely rendered.
There does seem to be an awful of lot of loading going on.
We fight through the street, which is fairly pleasant gunplay. The curving bullet thing is quite fun.
We eventually call Elyse and tell her to make a run for it herself as it's getting crowded with the immortals men.
We now have to clear a safe path for elyse by killing the enemies, we are across the street from Elyse.
We get to an emplaced gun, which seems frustratingly hard to get past until I realise that stopping shooting is the equivalent of going into cover and to progress you must pause, allow your health to build back up and then lay into the baddies with the machine gun.
We are now in a large area using a sniper rifle to try and protect Alyse from above.
We watch as she runs across the square and up some scaffolding and into the castle we saw her in first in Wesley's dream. Cross and elyse meet up and we see the Immortal who is the head of the Paris fraternity take a sniper shot and kill her. As she dies she tells Cross to take their son and go. He does after taking a few shots at the Immortal.
we come back to the present and find out from Pekwarsky that it was against the rules of the fraternity for wesley's parents to have a child. Pekwarsky tells wesley that the Paris fraternity are also after control of the loom. Wesley now knows where to find them.

Act 3
We are back in the factory which was the fraternity's headquarters in the movie.
Outside in the courtyard we have to fight our way inside. A little cut scene of the devastation and then it's one of the bullet time sequences.
This time we have to shoot incoming bullets out of the air and hit the solider targets to progress.
A little shootout in the ruined building then onto a cut scene.
We see the little spider talking to a character who seems to be called the Russian.
Then we are onto a boss fight with the Russian. He basically stands at one end of the long loom room. Movable cover is introduced here. He has a health bar and you have to plug him until it's empty. He only moves between two points of cover and sticks himself out to shoot at you with his shotgun at alarmingly regular intervals.
Once he is dead Wesley cuts off his arm for the binary code tattoed on it.
Taking the arm to Pekwarsky he tells us that the code suggests that he is a guardian one of three men tasked with taking a loom to a new location.
That was a short act.

Enhanced quick moves, once we have earned enough adrenaline we can move from cover to cover using Y instead of A, this turns on a bullet time movement which allows us to shoot at enemies with time to spare. We have to kill two enemies to progress through the tutorial using the new enchanced quick moves.

Act 4
We are back in time now playing Cross again. He is on a plane and the Immortals men are after him again. Cross decides to try and get to the cockpit and escape using parachutes and a hatch he is sure is there.
We are in the cargo hold and fight our way to an elavator up into the main body of the plane. We find that the fraternity soliders have killed most of the passengers, we fight our way along the gangways and seating areas and down some stairs to the cockpit. The immortal is waiting for us at the cockpit, he has the last parachute. He gives us a ticking off about knocking Alyse up the duff and then shuts the door and leaves. Cross decides to try and drive his way off the plane, whatever that means?
We go into another bullet time session. This one is fairly fun with Cross climing up the plummeting plane as it nose dives. Same again though, shooting incoming bullets and enemies at the same time.
Cross gets into the car in the cargo hold and drives it out of the plane, timing it as it approaches the ground. He skids down the snowy mountains like a sledge before rolling a little, we see the plane hit the mountain and blow up. Cross obviously survives the car wreck.
Back in the present we see Pekwarsky tell wesley that the Immortal has a bullet with his name on it. Pekwarsky tells Wesly that he should seek out the remaining two guardians to find out where the fraternity plan on taking the loomb.

Act 5
Pekwarsky is delivering bullets to a man named Brummel who may be a guardian. Wesley is asked to follow and take on Brummel.
We fight our way through the office cubicles and eventually get to Brummel. He hides behind some desks and takes pot shots, we do the same and eventually get his health down.
A cut scene shows Wesley taking his arm and finding out that he has let loads of rat bombs into the building which Brummel detonates as a parting gift to Wesley.
We now have to escape the burning building.
New enemy types here, knife men and shotgun wielders.
We jump out of the window onto the next buildings rooftop and that's the end of act five.

Act 6
Pekwarsky and Wesley chat again, they have two pieces of the binary code. Wesley doubts Pekwarsky is actually on his side and there was something I didn't catch about a kill order.
It seems it's back in time again as we see Cross and Sloan talking in the Chicago headquarters about his trip to Paris. Someone starts shooting at them both and we have control again.
We have a fun fight in the courtyard again, seems we only have to survive for a time and then a cut scene shows the loomb and we are inside the building.
There is a fight in the loomb room and then we get a cut scene where Sloan is in his office and Cross confronts him after finding out that the loomb chose him to be assassinated.
Sloan somehow turns this around and Cross is attacked.
We have a bullet time section to escape being surrounded and then get back in control to fight our way out of the building.
After a shootout in the circular room from the movie we get another emplaced gun section. You have to survive on the gun for 2 minutes.

Act 7
We see Cross shoot the Immortal's gun and wound him, knocking him off the top of a moving train. Not sure if he is dead though.
Pekwarsky tells Wesley to find his father's grave in a secret fraternity graveyard. I presume we are still looking for the lomb generated kill order that proves Sloan was chosen to die.
We start off in a cablecar and have to kill the cablecar operator.
The cablecar has been stopped and we have to kill the oparator to get it moving again, simply storm the control room and kill the operator and get back to the cablecar.
We then ride up to the top of the mountain.
At the top we fight through a complex of rooms, only new additions here are cover using soliders that only ever blindfire, forcing you to get really close to kill them. There are also mines, these are easy to see and can be shot to blow them up and make the path safe.
At the end of the mountain complex we meet the little spider, Arana as the boss.
We are in a viewing gallery on the side of the mountain and she is outside it using ropes to rappel around. You have to use the slow time move from cover to cover to have any chance of getting  a shot at her. Henchhmen run interference.
When we kill her we get the kill order for Sloan.
Now we are into the secret graveyard looking for Dad.
Which is a bunch of tunnels. We then go into some airvents.
We come to the actual graveyard now, which is more ancient temple like. We are told that the assassins of JFK, Ghandi etc are all buried here.
We fight through some tombs and then get to our dad's coffin.
We get his guns and talk to the corpse, Wesley tells Cross that he does not think that the Immortal is dead.

Act 8
We are back in the french town from Act 2, only time it's at night. New here are knife men who need a more complicated quicktime event to kill and are harder to shoot first before they get to you. Also snipers, with the traditional laser sights.
We take a long run through the town being sniped at by the same guy who keeps on moving his position.
Eventually we get him and take his sniper rifle, where we get to snipe some enemies.
Mention should also be made here of us getting dad's machine pistols here, we switch weapons with the left bumper.
Now were are moving on towards the church which should be the new location for the loomb.
Big gunfights in fight rooms here. Quite fun, getting harder and checkpoint distancing is getting bigger.

Act 9
We are inside the church and have to make our way up to the bell tower where the Immortal is waiting for us.
I was just thanking the game designers for no more of those riot shield guys when one turns up.
We get a long trek through the skull and bones decorated catacombs before coming up into the church itself.
In the church we work our way up through the aisles to the altar then get some sniping done.
Now it's into the bell tower itself.
Where we climb  up the long long sets of stairs and landings shooting at many many enemies.
Eventually we get to the showdown with the Immortal. He reveals that our father killed our mother. The loomb presumably spat out her name.
The fight with the immortal is fairly easy. Same as the Arana fight, and enclosed space for us to move around in and some enemies to shoot to get out adrenaline up so we can use the slow time events to get some shots in on the fast moving Immortal.
We watch wesley shoot the Immortal in the head with the bullet with his own name on it.
Credits roll.

350 achievement points for first playthrough on assassin difficulty. Around 10-15 hours.

Once you have completed the game you can play again, only this time you can choose the harder killer difficulty and play as several unlocked characters. The Immortal for example has extra health which means the difference between Killer and Assassin difficulty is negated for the most part.

Resident Evil 5 Notes

Choose a new game and select normal dificulty. If the demo is anything to go by I might regret this.
We get to chose wether we want to allow people to join our game or make it invite only.
Seems to be 17 chapters divided into 6 acts.

Credits roll over cut scenes. Someone in a mask and robes is standing over a kneeling man. The man's eyes turn black and worms start coming out of his body. Troops in jeeps are coming into the area.
We see Chris Redfield driving to a small town. He tells us that since the fall of the umbrella corporation more and more of their bio-weapons are turning up in the hands of terrorists. The BSAA has been set up to combat this threat.
Chris has been sent to Africa to sort out a new terrorist threat which seems to include bio-weapons.
At the town he meets Sheva who has been assigned as his parter to ease relations as he is American and distrusted. Chris sees Jill Valentine's grave when thinking about a new female partner.

Chapter 1-1
The first mission starts We are at a checkpoint and have to make our way to a butchers shop to get our gear.
As we walk down the street the locals give us hostile looks. Halfway down the street we come across some men beating something in a sack that could be a person.
Sheva baits Chris about being American, he gives her a speech which is fairly unpatriotic and anti-capitalist, she is surprised.
As we approach the butcher's shop a siren rings out. Suddenly Chris and Sheva are alone in  the street. We go to the butchers and are told by a voice to go around to the side door.
At the Side door we Use X to open it.
Left and right analogue sticks are the usual walk/strafe and camera view alterations.
Right bumper pulls up a small map in thee top right corner of the screen.
Pressing right trigger at the moment places a marker on the screen showing us Sheva's position.
Holding A makes us run.
Now we have guns the Right trigger is a zoom and aim function.
Left bumper pulls a knife and right trigger slashes with it.
inside the room we press X to talk to a man inside.
In cut scene we see a man give us our weapons. He asks what we know of a project called Ouroboris. Chris tells him that it's only a rumour about a doomsday weapon.
The man tells us to find a man called Irving who is our only lead as to what is going on.
Smashing a crate in the room gives us some gold.
There are also documents that when read give us some info.
As we leave the butchers shop we find a dead goat dumped in the alley near us.
In a shack we find a sliced open goat hung in chains in the middle of the room.
There is a note wittering on about death to the outsiders and cutting out their wickedness.
Outside a scream comes and Sheva runs off ahead to investigate.
At the door opening it triggers a cut scene. We see two men hold down another and force a wiggling blob with tentacles into his mouth. They then run off leaving the man choking. He starts convulsing and bleeding from the eyes and nose, then seems to die and then come back to life. He immediately starts to attack. We get control again and shoot him down.
Outside we are attacked by a large group of enemies. They move fast and we only have about ten bullets each, which don't last long.
We are told to run for a house where Sheva bars the door. Inside we seem to have a brief respite.
We come to a door that needs both of us to kick it in. Pressing B brings Sheva over to break it together.
Inside the room are some barrels to break for ammo and a hole in the ground to jump down into to escape the mob.
The tunnels are uneventful, the little scurrying rats are well done and a nice touch. Bodies are rotting down in the tunnels.
The tunnels lead up into a room with some ammo and green herb. The door opens and takes us out into the demo area.
We enter a room and watch a cut scene out of the window.
We see the guy who gave us our weapons at the butcher shop being executed by a large mob.
The mob see us and come for us.
We are in the room and there are several entrances for the zombies. The windows and doors can be barred for a while by moving certain pieces of furntiture in front of them. We can snipe out the windows at the passing zombies and as they try and get in.
Eventually the room is overrun and we have to get out into the street, facilitated by the huge axe executioner coming through the wall. Out in the streets we have room to move and fight better. We simply have to survive for a set time period. The helicopter then comes in a blows open the gates out of the area and we can escape.

Chapter 1-2
We start back in the now blasted and empty area we were fighting in last chapter.
We can investigate to pick up some items and then use partner move to bust open a door into the next area.
There is a broken down ladder, however, if we boost sheva up she can climb it. She sees a key in the room up the ladder, but can't find a way in.
We hear the helicopter pilot in trouble, seems he has met a monster.
I find another ladder, there is no fanfare about this one, which suggests it's the way up to the key that we are looking for. I send Sheva up the ladder and she goes and gets the key for me, she is a handy girl.
We progress through the level some more, simple rooms with the odd zombie and item pick ups, I find an antique clock which seems a bit random.
Getting further on we see a girl burst out of a room on a balcony screaming.  She is grabbed by Zombies and taken back into the room. We obviously have to go find her.
I find a room that needs the key we found earlier to get into. The room contains a shotgun.
Up into the room with the girl and we find her alone, she falls into Chris's arms. Her head turns into a writhing mass of tentacles and teeth and she attacks. We have to give her about six or seven point blanks with the shotgun to put her down, normal zombies turn up to aid her as well.
We go out the other side of her room and down some stairs, we are told on the radio that Alpha team are under attack at the deal site and we have to go and assist.
We enter a building which is fairly empty of anything other than filth and rot. Up some stairs a black tar like substance is dropping down from above, I avoid it, it does not look healthy.
We find the bodies of one of the troops we are here to help.
In the next room we find Alpha squad, almost all dead on the floor in pools of the black stuff. The leader is alive just, though terribly wounded. He tells us that the deal was a setup and Irving got away. Data stolen from the terrorist's computer is on a hard drive in the leaders possession. He give us it and tells us to get it back to our superiors.
Sheva sees someone running away down the corridor outside the room.
an elevator at the end of the corridor takes us down.
We find more bodies at the bottom and a locked door.
Down the corridor we find a furnace and it's controls, seems if we press the button doors close and the furnace activates.
One of the bodies on the floor has the key for the locked door. There seems to be little to advance the plot in the furnace room. On the way back to try the key in the locked door a cut scene starts. Black tar like tentacles form on the ceiling and drop down onto the floor, they enter one of the dead bodies and use it as a framework to make a tentacle monster man.
It starts to attack.
We lure it back into the room, the clues are fairly obvious that we have to lure it into  the furnace. There are also two gas canisters which can now be knocked over. Knocking them over the monster absorbs them into it's mass and shooting it hurts it badly when the gas canister explodes. I do that with both canisters. I work out that getting Sheva to use the switch with B instead of A makes her stand at the switch and you can lure the monster into the furnace, when it's in Sheva warns you to get out then activates the furnace when you do. This kills the creature.
Back to the locked door which opens with the furnace key.
Another lift takes us up out of the basement.
To the cut scene and the end of the mission.
We watch Chris get to the BSAA vehicles that brought Alpha team in and he connects the hard drive and uploads the data. The handler tells him to proceed with the mission, Irving has fled to some nearby mines and Delta team are on the way to back us up.
Sheva quite rightly thinks this is crazy.
We see the cloaked and masked figure from the intro again, getting into a vehicle with another man and driving off. Is this Irving?

Chapter 2-1
I find my first BSAA emblem, which is a hexagonal badge on the wall that you have to shoot.
We enter a dock like area with a view of the sea and lots of cargo containers.
Dogs make their first entrace, their entire heads split apart and try and bite you.
We find some of the zombies using crossbows with flaming arrows now.
We come to a bridge, when we jump across a broken section of it a van drives at us and tries to run us down. If we shoot the barrels in the way quick enough we blow the van before it has a chance to kill us. A load of baddies follow the van and it's a big fun shoot out. We go down undergorund in some sewer pipes and meet more dogs.
We meet new enemies, flying bat type things that hatch from corpses on the ground.
In a market place the flasing area on the map leads us to a building. Inside is a corpse pinned to a beam and he has some keys that we can shoot off his spike.
It's the port Key.
Picking it up triggers a cut scene showing loads of zombies turning up.
We have to get to the locked gate which we can now open with the port key, this allows us access to the next area which was fenced off. We are given assistance after a while from a helicopter which shoots rockets at the zombies.
We go into a new area and the helicopter stays hovering above us. We have to fight more zombies before exiting this area.
Now we are in the second portion of the demo. The helicopter pilot is downed by the flying monsters.
We get a little section where Sheva stands on top of a house and shoots from above while we stay on the ground and fight.
Then we are into more buildings.
We punt Sheva across into another building so that she can come down through it and get to a padlocked door from the other side that we can't get through. We have to aid her as she is attacked while she is over there. We then have to face another boss creature. A man with his head bound in a hessian sack with a huge chainsaw. He was in the demo and I never managed to kill him. Either Sheva got chainsawn in half or I did. I was kind of put off buying resident evil 5 because of this. I thought it was going to be another capcom hardcore game that required far to much expertise to get through. I could see myself getting really frustrated by the game. I bought it anyway. Figuring I would try it first on easy. Well I needn't have feared. I know these my be famous last words but I will say them anyway. Sheva got chainsawn in half the first time, but second try I managed it without too much difficulty. Let's see how hard it gets because I am sure the game is going easy on me so far.
We move into the area where the crashed helicopter is, the pilot is dead. Zombies on motorbikes turn up. There is a cut scene where Chris is dragged by a chain from a motorbike and Sheva shoots the chain out, we have to use quicktime button presses here. The zombies are coming thick and fast on their bikes when Delta squad turn up and make mincemeat of them for us. The head of delta team is called Josh, Sheva trained under him. Josh gives us some data on Irving and Chris has another moment when he sees a picture of Jill. We see a flashback of Jill falling out of a window with a Bad guy.

Chapter 2-2
We are heading for the mines again.
We go through a section with some trains which is full of dogs and then we are going down an elevator into the mines.
In the mine I find a lantern, which when picked up shines a light but we can't shoot.
We can put it down though when we get attacked, but the lack of light makes this bit very claustrophobic.
I get to an area where there is a gate on a pulley. I order sheva to open it and she does, however she is trapped behind it. It does not take long to find the pulley at the other side and let her through, as we do loads of zombies turn up to make life fun.
I died here and examined the shop a bit more thrououghly. The guns can all be upgraded. The treasures you collect can be sold to supplement the gold that you pick up during the game. With all my new found wealth I do some upgrading, making the pistol almost fully upgraded. I also buy better armour for Chris.
Once the zombies are dead you can make your way to a lift which takes you up.
We come out into the mining complex above ground offices and factories. Going up some stairs a cut scene kicks in.
We burst into a room on Irving who seems to be a bit useless. His friend with the cloak and mask throws a tear gas grenade into the room through the window and busts in after it. He grabs Irving and pulls him out of the window, by the time Chris and Sheva get to the window and look out they have both vanished.
Chris looks through some files that are on the desk in the room and finds out that an oil field in the marshlands is marked as an experiment area. Looks like we are heading to the marshlands next.
we get out of the offices and find some zombies using an emplaced gun.
There is a long and fairly fun fight on the hills surrounding the mine area. We have to push aside a skip between us to progress. We then come to a cut scene. A vehicle is driven at us and stops just in front of us. It's a container lorry and it opens to reveal a huge flying bat/insect monstrosity.
Boss fight again.
I  use everything I have on the boss and end up nearly having to use harsh language. I killed it first time without dying, but the lst hit was with the knife.
Promixity mines are introduced here.
We are picked up by Delta Squad.

Chapter 2-3
We are in the delta squad vehicle. We are in an on rail section where we shoot at zombies inn trucks and on motorbikes. It's fairly fun with lots of crashes and bashes and pyrotechnics. There is a little scene where the vehicle skids round and points our guns at a road block for us to destroy and then moves on again. We jump across a bridge and it's onto the next cut scene. We arrive at the location of the main body of Delta squad and find them all dead. A huge impact noise heralds the arrival of what can only be described as a giant troll. It hurls cars around and stomps on the only remaining member of delta squad. we run for the jeep and the two gatling guns and we get control again.
We have to shoot the troll until the controlling stuff pops out then shoot the wriggling patches of tentacles untilt they die. Then a huge amount of tentacles pop out of it's back and we get to shoot that. We essentially rinse and repeat occasionaly having to press random quicktime buttons to avoid it swinging telegraph poles at us or huge rocks.
We see Sheva freak out, Chris tells her that he is going on alone because he think Jill Valentine is with Irving.
Sheva pledges to go with him.

Chapter 3-1
Sheva and Chris are on a hovercraft heading into the marshlands. Sheva asks about Jill and we see a flashback of Chris and Jill fighting Wesker and Jill jumping out the window with Wesker.
Chris thinks now that both of them have survived.
Is Jill the masked figure with Irving?
Wesker looks like he will be fairly annoying when we inevitably have to fight him.
Now this is different. We land out hovercraft at a jetty and find some fairly primitive structures. There is a wooden fence/wall and a gate we cannot open. There seems to be nothing here to do. I find that you can get back on the hovecraft and drive it about on a small lake to different areas.
At one of the other jetties there is a door with a hexagonal hole in. We found a piece of a slate at the first jetty and  it seems there are two or three more pieces to be found to progress through the door.
I find the slate map which marks the position of the next three pieces on the map.
At the next location is a small mud hut village. I punt Sheva up to the shaman slate and as expected all hell breaks loose with an influx of villager zombies.
There is a much more mutated zombie villager here with an armoured head. and lots of tentacles.
At the next stop we find an area of water with alligators.
Avoiding the  alligators is a very good idea.
The next slate is in a little hut after defeating a few villagers.
The final slate is inside a convoluted little waterway. There are loads of villagers at the slate and when we try to leave the way is barred and we have to let Sheva shoot up some villagers to get the way cleared.
Inserting all four slates opens the gate to the next area.
The village in the next area is filled with zombies and also eight foot tall masked zombies. The fight is long and hard. It seems that the normal zombies keep on coming until the two or three bigger ones are killed.
I find a crank for a bridge which I command Sheva to use.
Then open a door so she can get through. We take a ride on a gondola to the next area.

Chapter 3-2
In this enclosed fenced native area there are loads of walkways. We have to jump from area to area and there are small puzzles with locked doors and a raft that is pulled across a gap with a pulley system. Sheva uses the pulley and you have to avoid being eaten by an alligator whilst on the raft.
Once the raft is negotiated by pressing both triggers in qte to avoid being eaten you climb up to a switch which lowers the bridges and lets you through to the next area.
We find some tents belonging to a company called tricell, which apparently fund the BSAA. Chris is puzzled as to why they are here.
Inside the tent we find a document detail experiments with the type three plaga, which is a step up from the magini we have met so far. The natives are mutating, some are taller and some grossly deformed. Is tricell behind the experiments? If so what is their relation to the BSAA.
After the BSAA tents we arrive at the oilfield.
Inside the oilfield we see Irving. Also the zombies turn up in force.
There is some small puzzles with switches, zip lines and turning off gas supply to flaming pipes.
Once you use the zip line and open the gate you get one of the chainsaw magini to deal with.
Then at another point in the same set of puzzles you get another one, that is cheap.
That is the end of the area though, two wheels to turn to turn of the gas and you  can progress to the next cut scene. We meet up with Josh, one of Alpha team, he is acting a little suspicious. Suddenly a trap is sprung and we are trapped in the room with lots of zombies. We have to protect josh while he gets a lift working for us to escape.
Then we trip around the room a bit on gantries above and then have to protect josh while he opens another door. Outside that there is a cut scene where Josh tells us that Irving is going to blow the refinery. Josh says he is going to find a way out and tells us to make for the dock where he thinks Irving will be heading to make his own escape.
At the dock we walk towards Irving's boat, we see the mysteriou female jump into a speedboat and make off. Irving tells us that we are just in time for the fireworks and then makes off in his bigger boat.
Josh tells us that he has a boat at the other end of the docks, we have to make a run against time through loads of magini to get to the boat and then the cut scene shows the refinery blowing up.

Chapter 3-3
We are now on the boat and it's a cross between on rails shooting and stopping every few yards to open gates with switches to progress. There are lots of zombies and lots of explosive tanks.
The second gate sees you both having to press levers at the same time.
We come to Irving's boat and Chris annd Sheva board it. Irving flashes back to the woman in the mask ticking him off for not dealing with Chris and Sheva. He is told to use some kkind of bio-weapon next time. Back in the present Irving injects himself with it and turns into a huge tentacled monstrosity of a boss.
The boss isn't so hard, you have two rocket launchers and two machine guns on the deck. The beast attacks from the left and right to start with and you basically have to avoid it's tentacles and shoot it's weakspots. Eventually it goes to the back of the boat and attacks, only this time Irving is visible and you shoot at him. The thing dies and spits Irving out onto the deck. Chris asks him about Jill and Ouroboros. Irving tells them that he is disappointed in how little they know and tells them that all their  answer lie in a nearby cave if they can live long enough to find them.

Chapter 4-1
We get into the caves on the boat with Josh, the masked woman's boat is there. Josh goes, telling us that he will try and get us some backup.
looking at her boat we find that the key is missing.
Inside the caves we are attacked by spiders.
We then come to some underground ruins, fairly impressive looking ones too.
Chris and Sheva are separated when magini knock over a pillar and crush a bridge between them.
Sheva provides cover and we have to fight loads of native magini.
On trying to open a chest full of gold the floor collapses. We find ourselves in a cross shape filled with spiders and magini. Working through the cross we find a large open area. It's filled with Nagini, once I kill them and jump down into the area it starts filling with rolling flaming balls. We have to turn a pulley in the middle of the floor which opens a door. The door closes again slowly so we have to make a run for it through the flaming balls.
Then we have some qte's which are not welcome, running through collapsing tombs and jumping holes in the floor.
we both pull levers at once and steps unfurl.
Now we come to a huge tomb raider like area. There are several statues which look like they have levers on them, the problem is getting to them.
I find my way to the first one on the lower right of the areas as you walk in and pulling it's levers raises some stairs, which in turn lead to the next idol. One of the bosses we met earlier, the bat type thing attacks again. Recylcing of bosses is a capcom thing isn't it.
The door at the end of the stairs is the exit to the level.
We see Wesker and a woman who may be excella that we have heard mentioned, possibly the boss of Tricell. She is giving him injections and wants to seduce him and get on his good side. The masked woman comes in and tells Wesker that Chris is here. Wesker is annoyed. He says that Uroboros is complete and nothing can stop it now.

Chapter 4-2
We go into a new area and there is a dome of light in the distance and two orb shaped objects. As we approach they activate and shoot out light, apparently concentrated sunlight. Like a huge magnifying glass. It is simply a timing hazard. We find a door with three keyholes on it and have to find three slates to insert.
There are three flaming idol statues with the slates on distributed aorund the area. The light beams are nearly deadly if caught in them, luring enemies into them can be fun.
There are some of the seven foot natives to fight here. Putting all three slates in the door opens it and leads you to the next area.
The next area is under the dome that is producing the fiery beams. It's a lens puzzle with moving lenses to make the beam of light hit a certain point.
There is more than one level, we have to hit the target on a lift and it takes us down to an even more complicated level.
And again another puzzle level. This time opening a chest releases a horde of spiders.
We enter a new area, this is  like a central dias. It is covered in red poppy like flowers.
These flowers appear deadly, they have a look that says i'm organic and natural, but even breathe in my heavy pollen and you will be dead in seconds.
Chris sees an Umbrella logo on a piece of rusting equipment, there are also Tricell logo's. Seems they were working together or Tricell is the new name for Umbrella.

Chapter 5-1
Inside the labs we find notes and computers. It seems the original Umbrella started here, from research on these flowers. They contain the progenitor virus. Tricell seem to have moved in here and taken over once Umbrella vacated. There seems to be Licker monsters here.
We come across animals in pens, goats rats, dogs. Then we meet two lickers and it seems fairly easy. Sheva comments that she wouldn't like to run into a horde of those things, so you can guess what's coming.
We find licker cages and have to tiptoe through the middle of them. Only the door at the end of the rooms makes a noise and they come at us. Loads of them, although it's fairly easy, these are just monsters, not bosses. We have to make it to a lift while loads of them come at us. The lift opens out onto a huge cylindrical room with human sized storage tanks lining it by the thousand. We see Chris use a computer to search for Jill Valentine. Like a library  storage machine the whole floor of the computer bay starts moving like an eleavtor, taking Chris and Sheva to Jill's storage location. The floor stops moving with error messagages and a huge mosnter spider boss turns up.
The boss circles around the platform, you shoot it's legs at the red points and then when it's damaged enough it falls to the platform with it's maw open, shoot it in the face enough, it gets back up. You rinse and repeat and it eventually dies.
We see Chris adn Sheva wait for Jill's pod to open and it's empty.
Excella turns up on the computer screen and tells then that when they have quite finished they should leave as there is nothing to find out.

Chapter 5-2
We are now going after Excella.
The enviroment is a factory type, now the zombies have uniforms and guns.
The cover aspect comes into play more.
A cut scene shows Chris overhearing Excella talking on the radio. She is talking to Wesker, now Chris knows for sure that he is still alive.
We have to stealth past some lickers in a long corridor.
Then we are in a factory complete with movving conveyor belts, we have to negotiate them and avoid the soliders.
We read a document about a new monster which has been called a reaper.
We find missiles with ouroboros on the side.
We have to reroute power to a switch which will activate a conveyor belt. The reaper monster appears after we activate it. It is a cockroach type beastie which seems to regenerate any bits of itself that you blow off. You kill it by luring it into the furnace at the end of one of the conveyors. Of course avoiding being chopped up by it and going in the furnace yourself isn't easy at all.
We come through a short set of restocking corridors and then into a cut scene.
A man sits on a chair, he is infected with the same black worm like things we saw earlier.
Excella gives us some monologuing about evolution and how everyone will soon find out what ouroboros is. Seems the virus will transform a certain few into supe powerful creatures and the rest into mindless worm creatures. Some new world order really isn't it when you think about it. Never mind logic though this is a game.
The man is not worthy and turns into tentacle beastie. More boss recycling.
There are three gas canisters for him to absorb and you to shoot, there is also a flame thrower you can refill and use on the beastie. It takes an awful lot of punishment.
Eventually it dies, it was a long fight. I bet that is almost impossible on the harder difficulty levels.

Chapter 5-3
We explore the area outside the room where we fought the boss and find the room that Excella was speaking to us from, she is long gone.
In the next factoy conveyor area we meet two of the reaper enemies.
Only these ones seem much easier to kill, or I was  just doing it wrong the last time.
There is a moving platform which needs co-operation between Chris and Sheva to get past.
Then the rocket launcher zombies turn up.
Now we are back in the area with the pods or is this a new area with more pods.
No it's the same area, we go for a ride on the lift, up and down and all around as zombies play with the controls and try and stop us.
We come out  into a ruins type area again. There is a room with bridge controls which is only accessible by a lift. Sheva seems to insist on taking the lift alone. When she does a load of lickers arrive and make life very hard.
I try going up in the lift by commanding Sheva to use the lift control.
This is better as the lickers are funnelled into the longer corridors and can't get behind you easily. There are also acid rounds which can be put in the grenade launcher which makes things a little more level. Bringing down the bridge we go through to the inside of the ruins.
A cut scene starts, we catch up with Excella, who does not seem to bothered. The hooded girl appears and fight with Chris and Sheva. Then Wesker shows up and reveals that the hooded girl is Jill. Wow, did not see that coming at all.
Wesker and Jill are now about to kick our arse.
Jill does not speak and seems to be powered up in the same kind of matrix bullet time way as Wesker.
Wesker tells us that he can only spare seven minutes of his time to play with us.
Jill is slower than Wesker who seems impossible to shoot due to his super fast movements.
Jill is actually easy to kill and it's game over when you kill her saying you killed your partner.
It seems that you can't actually kill Wesker here, after all we are on chapter 5 out of 6. You only have to avoid him for the seven minutes.
When you do you get a cut scene of Jill bringing you down, she seems to realise who you are and she is when Chris says her full name. Wesker is disappointed and turns on a pain gadget that hurts Jill. He goes off saying he has work to do in an elevator. Jill is left with you. She has a gadget on her chest which seems to be part of  Wesker's control over her. We are sent into another boss stage with Jill.
This time Jill seems to want to go into close combat with you and seems pretty feral. You can press X to plead with her that she does not need to fight you. You can also have Sheva or Chris grab her while the other one tries to prise the object from her chest.
This goes on a little too long to actually be fun.
Anyway enough repitions and quicktime mad button pressing you pull it from her chest and she collapses.
Cut scenes tell you that Jill isn't coming with you as the game can't handle two a.i. partners it seems. She gives Chris an only you can save the world speech. Chris and Sheva come out onto a dock where there is a huge warship. Wesker and Excella can be seen going inside. Chris tells us it's time to finish this.

Chapter 6-1
We are on the boat deck, more magini to deal with.
There are cargo lifters that move things out of the way for you to progress.
Things to push out of the way.
Then a magini drops a cargo cage type thing on Sheva trapping her.
A few magini jump you while you are alone and need taking care off, one of them the eggheaded boss type with the haemorrhoids that you shoot drops the keycard for the crane that you will need to use to free Sheva.
Shooting an out of reach button activates a cargo slider.
Eventually we find a door to the inside of the ship.
A long trek down some stairs sees a conversation with Sheva and Chris about his history with wesker, he promises to tell her the story once all this is over.
We get to the bottom of the stairs and find a jailbreaker shotgun.
Cut scene time, we see Excella in her lab, Chris and Sheva burst in, she makes a run for it with some cases, Chris shoots one of them out of her hand. It seems to contain shots.
We enter an interior wide open space of the boat and have a big shoot out with magini.
There is a huge chaingun magini which seems to be able to take an awful lot of punishment.
More punishment than I have bullets or bombs.
Solution buy 12 acid rounds and 12 expolosive rounds for the grenade launcher, he took them all pratically but went down real fast with those tactics.
In the next room are several roccket launcher dudes and spiders.
Then we are into a lift.
Wesker is seeing us on security monitors. He has flashback to killing Spencer, the old man who discovered the progenitor virus. Wesker was one of a batch of superhumans created by Spencer and his Umbrella corporation.

Chapter 6-2
We are back out on the deck of the boat.
There is a huge pile of magini bodies. Excella is stumbling around in the carnage looking ill. Seems Wesker has betrayed her and infected her with ouroboros. Wesker says ta ta to us and seems fairly sure that what is about to happen will be very bad for Chris and Sheva.
Excella sprouts a hundred tentacles and as before they feed on her and use her flesh and bone as support for a tentacle monster, only this time there are hundreds of bodies close by, the tentacles grab them and suck them in feeding the mass of the creature until we are facing a leviathan of a tentacle monster.
We have a qte scene where we run from the monster all the while pressing random buttons so we can't really pay attention to the nice graphics and drama.
Chris and Sheva make their way inside the boat and then we get normal control back.
We wander around corridors getting attacked by tentacles from the huge beast coming in through windows and vents.
Some magini turn up also.
We get the bridge keycard and there are some documents reveling how Spencer moved from Umbrella after Racoon city and switched to Tricell and the secret African facility.
Also shows that Wesker might have been made superhuman only after all the better test subjects died out.
We make our way into the bridge thanks to the bridge keycard dropped by a dead ball headed haemorrhoid magini.
On the bridge we find the sattellite laser shango operating manual.
Looks like we have a way of getting the monster sized tentacle monster now.
Out on the deck we find the laser targetting designator on the wall. Using it we have to lock onto the heamorrhoids of the beast and then the laser does a heamorrhoidectomy for us.
Once we do the side swinging tentacles a large orb appears and we have to shoot it around five or six times before the beast dies. It waves it tentacles at us and we have to qte to avoid it when it does. It also spits out bits of itself that wiggle and attack us on the deck where we stand.

Chapter 6-3
We start back where we were and have to go back inside the boat.
On the bridge Sheva and Chris see a bomber in the ships hold on a security cam image. Wesker is in the same room as it. Sheva thinks this is how he is planning to spread Ouroboros around the world. Jill come on the phone and tells Chris that Wesker needs regular shots to control his super metabolism. The shots that Excella has in her case. Sheva has them, if we can overdose him it might kill him.
we are back inside the ship with loads of magini to fight through.
There are three bulkheads to pass through with lots of enemies in each section. Pulling levers and using passcards dropped by bigger enemies to get through.
There are two reapers and two chaingun bosses before we get through to Wesker.
When we get through we meet Wesker and get a cut scene. He tells us he isn't destroying the world he is saving it from our own path of self destruction. Clearly mad as a mad mad thing Chris and Sheva fight with him, someone has been watching the matrix too much.
We finally get control back when we are on the ships deck again and the bomber is ready to launch.
Wesker runs around as before dodging and kicking. We have four spotlights to turn off with switches that seem to blind him a little. Maybe he should take off his shades.
There is a rocket launcher in the area, one of the ground to air missiles types. When we shoot that at Wesker while he is in the dark he catches it in mid air and stuggle with it as the rockets propellant runs out. If we shoot the rocket while he is holding it it goes off. Seems we have to do that a few times, after the rocket goes off in his hands he slumps for a bit. we can grab him and restrain him in that time. Sheva tries to give him the shot while we hold him.
Every so often Wesker hurls rockets at us with his bear hands.
Ah there is a case full of warheads on the top of one of the gantries.
Hitting wesker twice or thrice with the rockets and grabbing him weakens him enough for you to inject him. He goes a bit weird and then retreats to the jet.
Taking off in the bomber Chris and Sheva run after the jet and jump in.
In the cargo hold there is aa fight with Wesker with qte.
We then cause the jet to crash and have a fight with Wesker in a lava strewn volcanic crater.
Here Wesker uses ourboros and turns tentacle monster.
We have to avoid him and shoot at his back.
There is also some nonsense qte with a rock to bridge a gap. Then we have to shoot him in the back to weaken him enough to grab him. When we do Sheva and Chris both plounge their knives repeatedly into his heart. He eventually goes down into the lava. Jill and Josh turn up in a helicopter to save the duo. Wesker rears up for a last go at them and is given two rockets to the face for his trouble.
Seems he is finally dead.
The survivors ride off into the sunset.

Game complete
Tooks around 15-20 hours and got me 435 points on normal difficulty.