Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fallout 3 Notes

Starts with the trailer, pan out of a schoolbus to destroyed city and omnious suited figure brandishing gun.Monologue about how stupid and self destructive the human race is.Armageddon came and went, not the end of the world but the reshaping of it.Some hid underground in vaults, hidden away and probably never to leave the safety of the underground haven.Your character is born in the vault, You watch your birth. Where you choose your character sex.You can also choose a name and enter a character creation scheme to choose your appearance.After you do this you mother seems to suddenly die for no aparent reason.We are now in a nursery, you are a year old and it's a tutorial disguised.You are shown how to interact with object, walking up to something and clicking the right stick picks things up, we can read books and open doors using A.We get to assign some skill points.Next scene is when we are ten years old. Our birthday party. We get a pip boy from the overseer and are told that we now have to take a job. Firstly we can enjoy our birthday party.We start talking with a character called Amata. There are dialogue trees. The usual extremes of nice/nasty responses.She gives us a comic as a present.We are now free to speak to the other guests at the party.The overseer seems to dislike us.Old lady Palmer gives us a hint that our dad is a vault outsider, she then gives us a present.Butch is a bully.We then get a surprise that our dad has cooked up for us.A woman called Beatrice is a little patronising and gives us a poem.We take a trip through the vault and meet Jonas, our dad's friend.They give you a BB gun.You get to shoot some stationary targets and a radroach.Another flashforward in time.We are sixteen and have to take our goat exam.Amata is being harassed by Butch, I tell him that the overseer will deal with him heavily for messing with his daughter and they leave.We go to the class and take the goat exam which is a multiple choice psycological evaluation test.This is the skill allocation section.Another flashforward three years.Alarms are sounding all over the vault, Amata comes to us and tells us that our dad is missing. Possibly he has left the vault. The overseer is looking for us.He is really mad and has already had Jonas killed.We must hack the computer in the overseers office to get to the exit tunnel of the vault.Outside our room we find a guard being attacked by radroaches. He dies, we take his armour and baton.Butch asks us to save his mother who is trapped by radroaches.I get to her but she is dead already.We have to make our way through the vault, it's pretty linear, there are people milling around, some guards attack us. I soon run out of bullets and have to use batons.Through windows we can see people talking. A robot in our fathers lab tells us he has gone for air.I find the overseer and a guard questioning someone, I go in and beat them both to death. I take the overseers key and password for the computer.Down through a secret tunnel under his desk.Then into the vault exit area. As we open the outer door guards attack, Amata tells us she hates us for killing her father but lets us go.We get out in the wasteland at last.
Chapter 2The graphics are fairly impressive, nice sunset effects. I go to a ruined town I can see in the distance.In a little shack I meet a woman called silver. She is having trouble with a pimp called moriarty. She is on the run from him. I tell her that I will tell him she is gone, she seems happy with this.I find Springvale School and get attacked by raiders.Killing them I go on to Megaton. The gates open for me and Lucas Simms the sheriff greets me.He tells me about the amenities and gives a friendly warning not to cause trouble.There is a bomb in the middle of megaton, which we might be able to disarm for Lucas.We get a lead on Dad, speak to Moriarty. We already want him in regards to silver.At the bomb we meet Confessor Cromwell. He is of the church of the atom. Who worship the creation of atomic explosions.We meet Walter who needs us to hunt down and repair three leaks in the Megaton Pipework.Jericho is a mercenary.In Moriarty's bar we meet Gob the bartender who is a ghoul, he looks like a flayed corpse.We meet Nova who is a whore.We meet Lucy west who wants us to deliver a letter to Arefu settlement.I meet a man in a suit called Mr. Burke He wants us to blow up the town in return for cash.I take his bomb detonator, and he tells us to meet him at tenpenny towers after we set the detonator.We meet up with Moriarty, who it seems knows our dad, which is strange as we thought our dad was born in the vault and had never left either.He wants 100 caps for the information however.We meet Nathan who tells us about the enclave, which seems to be a fantasy about a new government and civilization which will come and sort out all the problems of the world. I can already tell that when we meet enclave it won't be fun.In crater supplies we meet Moira Brown, who is writing a book, she wants our help.She gives us an armoured suit in return for agreeing to help her.Our first task for her it two go to a location called the super duper mart and see if we can find food for her.I go there, walking to the location waypoint on the map that I have set.At the super duper mart there are around six raiders inside, I manage to kill them and loot the super duper mart of it's food and weapons.Back to Moira.We can use the map to fast travel between locations we have already found.Back at moira's she gives us the food we collected in return for the help with the book. She now wants us to research radiation and minefields for her.I choose minefields.This is a much longer trip through the wasteland. I encounter dogs, scorpions, molerats and raiders on the way.On getting to minefield we find that indeed it is a minefield. There is also someone shooting at us with a sniper rifle. I eventually get him after dying a few times on the mines or him sniping me. He was called Arkanas, and if we had to talk to him too late he has no head anymore.I go into a house in the town and find that sleeping on a bed heals all wounds.Though my bedmate was a skeleton.I find the place where i needed to get to, a childrens playground in the middle of town.I don't know how to disarm the mines, but the screen tells me to go back to Moira so I do, she is happy and now wants me to get irradiated to research radiation sickness.I have to go out into the wasteland get radiation sickness and come back. Here goes nothing.I stand in the lake and drink irradiated water, which soon has me over the 500 rads needed. Back to moira and she gives us a rad perk which means when we are irradiated our hurt limbs regenerate.That is her done with her first chapter. We can go on to the next or not.She wants to study molerats and mirelurks, also a chapter on handling injury.She needs us to test our her molerat repellent stick that she has made.She wants us to go to the tepid sewers downtown and test it on ten molerats, we can do seven more to get a bonus.I decide to go back to the quest and meet Moriarty again, he tells me my dad is at the galaxy radio station in return for 100caps.I head out to the tepid sewers as marked on my map by Moira.I have to test her molerat stick. I meet some fairly armoured mutants out in this area. Eventually I find the sewers and go into them, there are molerat and raiders down here, a good haul of goodies to take back to moira and sell.I come out of the tunnels into georgetown, there are lots of larger mutants around. I nearly die but manage to survive.I go back to moira to tell her about the molerats.I inadvertently finish the next task, which is to get horribly injured and return to Moira, so that's two side missions done for the price of one.Now she wants me to put an observation device in a mirelurk lair out an anchorage.Mirelurks are fairly tough to kill with my current weapons.I find their lair and enter it and die a lot. Eventually I find out that they have warriors and a king. I plant the observer in an egg pod and leg it back to moira.That is the 2nd chapter of her book done.I try and find the next main story marker and it's a hard slog through areas of map, it's like a linear corriodor in an open world game, funnelling you through certain areas with obstacles in the landscape to progress through underground tunnels and the city to get to the place where your father is meant to be.I come to a place in the city where there are people called sentinels fighting super mutants for me.Sentinel Lyons i talk to and she is hostile but tells me that she is from the Brotherhood of Steel and they are defending DC against a large amount of super mutants that have been flooding the area. She says that she is going to the Galaxy news building which is under attack, which is also where our father is meant to be.I get to go with her.I follow the large group of sentinels in their attack on the super mutants, they win easily. However as they are standing around congratulating each other a super mutant behemoth appears, this is a huge 12ft tall mutant weilding a huge club made from fire hydrants.After dying many times under it's club i finally kill it.One of the sentinels has died in the attack, Lyons tells us to speak to three dog about our dad he is the dj of Galaxy news radio.I find three dog, he and the brotherhood of steel broadcast to the wasteland. He is out to help all the ordinary people from the mutants raiders and slavers. How he does this i am not sure.like Moriarty before Three dogs wants us to do something for him before he tells us where our dad is. I feel like shooting him here and now.He wants us to get a new relay dish to improve his broadcast distance. A mutant has shot up the previous one. There is a spare in a museum and we have to collect it.I go back to Megaton and sell up some stuff, I decide to do some more side questing first before getting back onto the main quest.I go to Arefu as I spoke to someone in Megaton who wanted a letter delivered here which I have been carrying for a while. When I get there there is trouble. A gang have killed all their farm animals. Someone called Evan King wants us to check on some people for him while he stays on guard at the ramp which is the only way onto the section of raised highway that the people have made their homes on.When I get into the west house i find corpses with their throats torn out.The second house has someone called Karen in it. The next house has a hostile Ewers family and a mad wife.I go back to Evan who tells me that the West's son is missing, maybe the family have taken him. Evan wants us to sort out the family for him and rescue the missing boy.I scout the three locations he gives me on my map as possible lairs for the gang, and the most likely of the three is seneca station. The other two are empty anyway.Oops wrong again, there are two ghouls with a drug lab, they want us to get them sugar bombs whatever they are and will pay well for them so another side quest. Still no family.I enter the tunnels at the hideaway and no familiy either.I eventually find them after much mucking about in the underground tunnels.The family are a bunch of cannibals who have decided they are vampires.Their leader is a man called Vance. By chatting with the family members I manage to get code to open the door to a room where Ian is meditating. Inside I give him the letter from his sister and he decides to leave the family and go see her. Vance is peeved but agrees to stop attacking Arefu. Mission done, back to Evan and I get some wine for my trouble.I decide to go and try some more main questing. I am trying to get to the washington museum to get the relay needed for the radio boost.I manage to find my way here and the place is heaving with super mutants. I fight my way to the museum and through it's maze of broken down exhibits including rockets and a working vault?? There is promise of good weapons lying around here but I don't have enough hacking or lockpicking skills yet.I find the relay dish and take it away, running like a monkey back out to the street and fast travel back to Galaxy radio.Back at Three dog he wants me to mount the dish on the washington monument.Which is handy as I already found the monument, which means I can fast travel straight there. Installing the dish is easy, back to Three Dog.Three dog tells us that dad is mixed up in Project Purity and has gone to rivet city to see a Doctor Li.I try and talk to some of the Brotherhood of steel, one of them mentions training to wear their power armour which sounds like a good idea.I have to find the citadel first though. Never mind back to the task at hand and getting to rivet city. I set my map marker and it looks like a straight line is never going to be the way to get anywhere in this game. I have to take a trip through the underground city of the ghouls.Inside the museum there are mammoth and broken down dinosaur bones exhibits.I speak to a ghoul called Winthrop, he tells us about the undergorund ghoul safe haven. Seems that the brotherhood of steel are enemies of the ghouls.winthrop needs scrap metal and will pay us in aid for it.There is a chop shop, which is a clinic and I can trade and buy supplies here.A bar where I meet a ghoul named Burke who wants four ghoul haters assassinated.I also meet Gob from Megaton's mum.seems I am going the wrong way, and back out onto the street and into an underground tunnel again.I come out of the tunnels back onto the surface and meet a group of black clad men. They are Talon company Mercs and it seems that someone has put a price on our head. Fighting them is hard but I manage using a load of aid.Rivet city turns out to be an old ship/destroyer that is sitting rotting in it's berth at the harbour.A bridge extends from the ship and as we cross a man called Harkness challenges us. Mention of Doctor Li gets us inside.On the boat I meet Ted Strayer, who is one of the Ghouls targets. Seems the ghouls and his had did business years ago and the ghoul got stiffed. I tell Ted that if he gives me something of his I will tell the ghoul that he is dead.I find Dr Li's lab and there is a Dr. Zimmer arguing with a lab person about Dr. Li. Apparently this Zimmer wants Li to work on an android problem. He is being obstructed.Zimmer speaks to us and asks if we are for hire.He wants us to find a lost android. The android is possibly amnesiac and does not know it's an android. I swear if we turn out to be the android I will not be happy. A because it's just to obvious to be a good twist.I speak to Dr. Li who tells us that our father again was there but has moved on to an old lab at the jefferson memorial.Project purity was a way to remove the radiation from the water in the tidal basin. So making safe water for everyone in the Washington area.I leave the ship and make my way to the nearby Jefferson museum, there are lots of super mutants in the way.Inside the museum we see evidence of the water filtration system and find lots of recorded journals from out father. We now have a new location to go to in our search for our father.Vault 112 is apparently well hidden but there is something there that our father needs.The vault is near a place called evergreen mills, the place is a raider base and is crawling with them. They have a super mutant behemoth locked in a cage and when it looks like you are getting the better of them outside they release it, however it kills them as well as you.Inside the raider base there are plenty of supplies to be had. The weight limit in this game is a curse. Inside the raider base I find one man who will sell to me and acts like a shop which is handy as I can offload gear to him for cash from all the raider bodies.Outside again I find the super mutant has run off and is attacking a caravan trader, It's too late to save them when I get there. I kill the super mutant behemoth with two fat man n ukes. I can then raid the caravan for free after finding the key to the brahmin cow that is carrying all the traders gear.I find the garage that supposedly hide the vault entrance that we need to get to.Underneath a hatch is the stairs down into the vault.I enter the vault and a robot with what looks like a human brain inside it's head asks me to put on a vault 112 jump suit and go to a tranquility lounger. Sounds like a vr sim vault and I think this one might have went wrong.I find a circle of egg like tranquility loungers almost all occupied. The residents seem to be well. You can check on their status using computers nearby. One resident seems to be in trouble though, I bet it's our father.There is an empty lounger and I sit in it. The simulation activates and we are a young girl in a stylised ideal american town of the fifties.I speak to a man called George Neusbaum who tells us to go and see Betty. He doesn't seem to think this is a simulation.Betty who is a young girl just like us wants us to make Timmy cry.The residents seem to have forgotten that the simulation is a simulation. Apart from old lady Dithers who everyone thinks is mad.Apparently Betty is in control and keeps everyone locked in the simulation.I hit Timmy to make him cry, which loses me karma.Betty then starts talking with an old man's voice and says that they will answer a question.Betty or Braun tells us that our father is here and unavailable. Braun wants us to break up a marriage as the next task.I think a dog named Doc is our dad.The Mr rockwell has been playing away in the past with Martha Simpson, in Martha's house we can take her lacy underwear from her bed, and I think we have to plant it in Roger's house.Putting it in the rockwell's basement and leading the wife down there breaks up the marriage.Braun tells us little and now wants us to Kill Mabel.I realise that you have to get Mabel into her house and disable the safety protocols on her robot cleaner which will make it kill her, you can also place a roller skate at the top of her stairs. I can't find mabel though.The failsafe in the abandoned house I eventually work out. There are some objects in the main room which when touched play a tune. If you get it wrong there is a sharp note and getting it right makes a terminal appear in the room.I activate the failsafe which turns on a chinese invasion program. This leads to chinese soldiers coming in and killing all the inmates. Braun is unhappy but can no longer stop us from leaving through an exit door which appears.Outside in the real world we meet Dad.He is worried that we came after him, but glad we did. Braun has developed technology that can complete project purity. Dad wants to show this to Doctor MadisonWe seem to have to escort Dad back to Rivet city on foot without using fast travel. Well I don't know I never tried to fast travel to see if it would work. Anyway Following Dad through the wasteland is fun. He is gung ho and attacks every monster we come accross, even if it would have been easy to avoid the ones in the distance. I use a hell of a lot of ammo and stimpaks escorting Dad but it was fun. I find the citadel on the way as well.At Rivet City Dr Li agrees to help with project purity again. We need the Geck program developed by Braun, which seems to be in a database at the project purity base.Blueprints can be found and if you gather some of the more mundane items together at a workbench you can make new weapons and explosives.Back at the museum Dad gets all misty eyed about mother favourite bible quote about water of life. He sees this project purity as a way of fulfilling her legacy.We have to turn on pump controls to pump out flood water from the mainframe.once we do we have to go and get fuses from dad. These fuses need to be put in another part of the sub basement.Once the fuses are in place the door to the mainframe will open. Going there and switching it on Dad tells us that an intake pipe is blocked and we have to go and sort it out.We get out into the pipe and then unblock the pipe by turning a valve.We can see helicopters dropping soliders at the doors to the facilty through a hole in the pipe. Uh oh looks like someone does not want project purity to work or they want it for themselves.The soldiers are from the enclave.When we fight our way back to the control room the colonel of the enclave soldiers has dad at gunpoint. He is demanding to have all control and research materials from project purity handed over to him. He shoots one of the researchers to prove he is serious. Dad fiddles with the controls and an explosion seems to release poisonous gas into the sealed room where Dad and the enclave soliders are. dad tells us to run before he apparently dies in front of us.Dr. Li explains that it is radiation in the room and nothing can be done for Dad.There is an escape route tunnel we need to leave through.We go through the taft tunnel system and fend off attacks from ghouls and enclave soldiers.We eventually get to the citadel through the tunnels and brotherhood of steel soldiers come to help.We are about to be turned away at the citadel doors when Dr. Li makes a demand of the Brotherhood leader Lyons and gets us invited in.Inside the citadel is huge. I manage to talk to the trainer so I can now use the power armour at last.We have to talk to a Scribe called Rothschild. he is working on a huge twenty foot tall combat robot, which looks like fun.He tells us to go to the archive room for help finding a GECK.Accessing the vault database tells us which vault the GECK is located in, Vault 86.We have to go back to Rothschild to ask about the Vault.He gives us the location of Vault 86, however it's hard to get to due to radiation and the only way in is through a cave system.I go back to Megaton and find I now have sufficient skill to disarm the bomb. I am awarded a house of my own in Megaton.I take a hike out to lamplight caverns and find an entrace to tunnels.In the caverns I come to a barricade and find a child guarding the doors. He seems to be the Mayor of Little lamplight which seems to be a community made up of children.He won't let us in, however two of them have been taken by slavers from paradise falls. If we can get them back he will let us in.Now when we get to paradise falls we need to get some slaves before we can get in there.We get an experimental mesmerising gun from the slaver and a list of targets. We are to zap them and then put a bomb collar on them, if the person does not go to Paradise falls they will lose their head. So they have no option but to go.Flak is in Rivet City I zap him and put the collar on, security then attack me. I make a run for it, hope I can get back into rivet city next time.The next one is a person in Tenpenny tower, which I have never been to yet. Though I have seen it in the distance before. I fast travel near it and then walk to it.I need 100 caps to get in. Which is a shame considering I just spent all my money repairing my equipment.I go back to megaton and dump some excess inventory in my house. Try and sell some ammo to scrape the caps but can't. I go looking for one of the other suspects and find Big town. Here I get embroiled in saving some big town residents who have been taken by super mutants.Big town is where the kids from Little lamplight come when they get to old for the kid community.I have to rescue Red and Shorty from The nearby police HQ. We can overhear supermutants talking which suggests intelligence, which I suppose is obvious by their use of armour and guns.This is an escort mission, we can arm the two townspeople and have them help us fight, however, this runs the risk of getting them killed. We can also tell them to stay put while we fight.Eventually I get them back to Big town through what seems like an army of super mutants.At the town There is a further attack by the mutants and many of the townspeople die.Now I remember why I went to Big town. We have to Enslave Red, one of the people we just saved from the mutants.I didn't like her anyway, after saving her she still wanted 100 caps to heal me.I zap Red then find I have no slave collar, I suppose I will have to buy one from the Slavers. I head back to paradise falls. Grouse gives me another and thanks me for getting Flak to them.Seems that now I have got one of the slaves on the list I can now get into Paradise falls. So i can continue to look for the missing children.Inside we see a kid run past us and his head blows off, seems he was a slave making a run for it.Inside Paradise falls I find the slaves in the pen, the kids we need to save are in there.The kids have a plan to turn off the collars using a terminal they have found in the pens. It's not attached to the slaver network, but if we can patch it in they can use it.I find the slaver boss Eulogy he wants 2000caps for the kids, so there goes the easy way of just buying the kids as slaves.I find the junction box and fix it so that the kids can get our of the pen and turn off the collars. Now we have to distract the guards, by waiting until midnight we only have one guard to deal with. I get one of eulogy's prostitute slaves to go to the guard for sex in return for 100 caps.Now we get the two boys free the girl Penny doesn't want to leave without Rory. I have to pickpocket forty for a key and get him out of the box.Once he is free Penny leaves. Rory is a liability and I leave him in the slave pen. I leave and find the kids outside. Mission complete I can now get into Little lamplight.Inside there are lots of kids, we see one getting chucked out after his birthday party as he is now too old.The lamplight area is big with lots of kids and dogs walking about. I have to get the mayor's permission to open the rear gate.I take the too old kid to big town for no real reward.I get the gate open and descend into vault 86, It is full of mutants. I find labs with reference to failed FEV experiments which look like supermutants.We meet a supermutant in one of the chambers that seems intelligent and wants to chat through the intercom. It tells us that it knows where the GECK is.Fawkes helps us through the remaining distance to the GECK. He goes into the radiation flooded chamber and gets it for us.As we come back out I am dreading the long walk back through the vault to the surface. However happily or unhappily I don't have to Enclave soliders zap us with something and the colonel from earlier arrives. We get taken back to the Enclave Headquarters.Colonel Autumn wants the codes for the purifier. I don't know it anyway.The president speaks to us over the intercom and tells us to come to his office.On the way to the office we are allowed to proceed then shot at. It is very confusing.We eventually make it to the presidents office and watch as sentry bots shoot up enclave soliders for us.In the office we find out that the president is an a.i.It wants to purge supermutants and ghouls from the world. By adding something to the project purity process a toxin can be added to all water that kills only mutants and ghouls.The vial contains forced evolutionary virus.I escape the enclave facility with the assistance of president Eden and his remote guns and robots. I get some tasty guns and armour from the soliders who get in the way as well.I go to Rivet city to sell some gear and buy stimpaks. I meet a Victoria Watts who gives me an android part and tells me to give it to zimmer, the man searching for the android. If I do this I will be trusted by the android underground railroad which helps the androids escape slavery in the commonwealth.I am kind of at a loss to decide what is going on with the story. The presidents fev virus will probably kill everyone in the wasteland along with the super mutants. Leaving only the enclave.I decide to do some side questing again, seems that the game is getting close to the end. I am not sure but I heard that once you complete the game you can't go back and do more side quests. I want to do some more of them so.I do the robco quest for moira in Megaton. As before it's dangerous. I go to the robot factory, fight with animal life infesting it until I get to the mainframe. Putting Moira's gadget in indeed activates it, it also turns on the defence systems. I have to get out past about twenty laser armed robots. Back to Moira who gives us some grenades for our trouble. After I have completed her quests I am going to blow her head off.Next is to go to the library and retrieve the computers records if possible.Inside the library are lots of raiders and some brotherhood of steel soldiers searching for info as well. I manage to find the computer to download my info for Moira.Now we have to research Rivet City for Moira. I don't know what I have to do, because i've been all over Rivet city already.Ahh now that we go there with this quest active we can ask about the history of Rivet city. Once you ask enough people you can return to Moira.There is some history about someone called Pinkerton who lived in the broken off bow of the ship.the door to the broken bow is concealed underwater. There are mirelurks inside.I find Pinkerton, he is a cranky old man who couldn't play nice with the other scientists.Still I have what I need for Moira.She gives us a mini nuke for our trouble.Tenpenny Tower is like a private fortress for the rich, high walls, it's own security force.They have a problem with some ghouls who live nearby. They want me to go and kill them. I have no intentions of doing so but go and find the ghouls. They tell me that they want to get into the tower. I don't like either side. So I kill the ghouls and also go back up into Tenpenny tower and kill Tenpenny. He is part of the Crowley quest anyway.I head to Dukov's place. He is a hedonist with two whore living in his house. I kill him and take his key.On to the republic of Dave, which is a farm with a madman who has declared it a republic. He has a wife and kid, and seems nuts but harmless. I take his key from him instead of killing him. Now it's time to go back to Crowley and tell him all his targets are dead.He give us our reward and says he's planning a trip to fort Constantine, which is where the original betrayal took place.I manage to find an alien ship with an alien blaster which is fairly good, one or two shot kill on most enemies.I do the decleration of independence quest, which leads me to the national archives. Fights with supermutants and robots deep down into the bowel of the earth to find the scroll. It's guarded by a mad robot who wants to duel with us. I shoot him in the face.Back to rivet city to the capitol protection society to turn in the scroll.I find the temple of the union, they are a bunch of escaped slaves who want to set up a safe haven at the Lincoln memorial. Of course they need me to clear out the super mutants first.They also need a picture of the lincoln statue so they can restore it.I enter the museum of history and eventually find a poster on the walls of the monument.On the way back out I enter the ghoul town and find Reilly, she wants us to rescue her team of mercs.I find the lincoln memorial, however there are no supermutants, only people there.They are slavers and it seems they are waiting for the slaves to come here.One of the slavers wants lincoln artefacts so that he can burn them to prevent slaves getting ideas.Looks like we can sell out the slaves or kill the slavers.I kill the slavers. Should have sold them the stuff first then got it back from their corpses.Back to the slaves and they move to the monument, meeting them there ends the quest.I go after reilly's team. The are trapped in the Statesman hotel, which is only accessible via the Mercy Hospital via a pylon which has fell over on the roof bridging the two buildings. The hospital is full of mutants. It's also full of stimpaks which is handy.I finally get to the reilly gang after killing loads of super mutants. They need a fission battery to get the elevator going again to escape.The battery isn't far away in a dead robot. With the lift now fixed we can take it down to the lobby of the hotel. A shoot out with supermutants sees the rangers leave the hotel and the quest is over.Getting back to the ranger compound is a lot harder than it sounds as we have to make our way through a lot of unexplored super mutant infested territory.I make my way to Canterbury Commons, which is apparently a trading town. There is a fight in the street going on between two would be superheroes. The antagonizer and the mechanist.The townspeople charge you with stopping the two fighting non violently.Basically you have to get past robots to find the mechanist and also his room is hidden. You have to activate his coffee machine to open a secret door. The antagonizer is protected by ants. Once you find them you can easily talk them into giving up.Back to town for your reward.I think it's time to finish off the game. There does not seem to be that many more side quests left, or should I say I am getting sick of them.I go back to the citadel and tell them all about the enclave and their plans.They decide to assault project purity with everything they have, including the huge robot.We follow the robot as it takes out enclave helicopters and soldiers with ease. At Project purity we fight through to the control room. Autum is there and we fight him and two heavily armed enclave soliders. The project is activated and we have to get it working or it will blow. You must enter the radiated room and put in the code. This ends your life and the game. Now the wastland will have clean water.
530 achievement points for 60 hours play.
BarterBig GunsEnergy weaponsExplosivesLockpickMedicineMelee WeaponsRepairScienceSmall GunsSneakSpeechUnarmed

Metal Gear Solid 4 Notes

We see Snake in a suit standing in a graveyard. He is smoking a cigarette and looking at one particular headstone. He takes out a gun and looks at it, loading and cocking it. He kneels in front of the grave and the camera pans up as he appears to be about to shoot himself.
There are little cut scenes that cut in from time to time if you wait on the title screen. Little adverts. A huge preying mantis robot chasing a man on a motorbike through a city and eventually killing him. This seems to be what passes as house security in this future.
I choose Solid Normal.
Another cut scene, a game show. Modelled on who wants to be a millionaire.The contestant chooses the wrong multiple choice. Seems to be there to illustrate that the pmc employs a force of soldiers bigger than the population of Mexico.
Another advert with scantily clad ladies being moved around by a huge octopus with a skull face.
Now we are into the game proper.Middle eastern town, blasted by bombs. Carrion birds picking at the remains.Slow and ponderous music with credits.We see trucks filled with soldiers heading through the town.Snake's voice over. War has changed, it's a machine a business. Nanomachines and hi tech guns that are tagged to one soldier. Everything is controlled, by who?Snake is amongst the soliders, they get to their destination and start fighting in a town. The soldiers that Snake is with seem to be losing to the defenders. Snipers pick them off with ease.we get control of Snake for a few seconds long enough to crawl under a truck and then the cut scene kicks back in.This is all using the ingame engine.We watch snake dodge through the carnage and then get control again.Movement with left analogue, camera with right. X makes Snake dive and roll when in motion or go into a crouch or prone when standing still. Circle is reload. Triangle makes him go into cover when you are close to a wall.Snake has a knife, holding L1 readies it and L1 stabs, L2 uses it's electric stun facility.L2 brings up the inventory window for health packs etc.Back to the cut scene after a few more paces. The soldiers are starting to make some progress at awful cost of lives. The defenders start to retreat as we hear strange mechanical beast roaring noises. The huge walker tank things show up and start killing everyone.We get control again and have to avoid them.Once we get to another certain point on the map we trigger the cut scene again. We watch snake avoid the walkers and see his camouflage suit in action. Taking on the apprearance of the walls to blend in. The walkers think Snake is hiding in a box and crush it only to crush watermelons. Snake is left alone in the ruins.Snake picks up a gun and walks off.
Cut sceneSnake in the graveyard in his suit, three days earlier.A helicopter comes down and Otacon comes out to talk to Snake.Snake asks if there has been any progress into halting his rapid aging. Otacon can't help and it seems there is only a year left for Snake.He talks about foxdie.There is mention of Naomi.In the helicopter there is someone named the Colonel.The Colonel tells Snake that he has tracked Liquid down in the Middle East and that he is about to make his move.
Short cut scene of someone frying an egg and singing a song about numbers.
Now we are in Act 1 Liquid Sun.Back to Snake in the ruins. Octacon tells us about the lizards which he has just avoided.Otacon tells us about the mark II which is a little mobile drone.Otacon tells Snake to go and find the Mark II which is just up ahead.We are told about the octocamo suit, which will change to the colour of our background if we stay still next to something.The x button makes us crouch or go prone if we use it when standing still.Soldiers are patrolling the area and we must sneak past them.neither side is our enemy in this fight and we should avoid combat if at all possible.I manage to sneak past the guards after about three times getting it wrong and getting shot up.Another area with some sneaking is next.We can hide in lockers and dumpsters to avoid the enemy. I stun a guard with my knife and leave him in the open, when other guards find them we have a hundred seconds of a caution where the guards are on high alert and run around looking for you. I hide in the dumpster for the time.If they see you an alert is sounded and the guards come hunting and attacking you.
getting to the designated point on the map starts a cut scene. We meet the mark iiOtacon gives us the solid eye which gives us night vision. otacon also gives us a tranquiliser gun and silenced pistol.I run around tranquilsing people on both sides in the street battle outside. It's fun but silly.I run through some cave tunnels and some cellars full of wounded soldiers. I tranqilise everyone I meet. Seems the easiest option. They did suggest you could play the game your own way.I run out of tranquiliser bullets and just shoot them instead.We get to the map destination and a cut scene.We meet Drebin, who is our gun launderer. The weapons that we pick up can be sold to Drebin.Drebin will then deactivate the nanotech which makes them non-functional. After a call with Otacon we decide to use his services.Drebin sticks us with new nano-machines which allow us to use his guns.Otacon calls us again, lectures us on how much the economy depends on war.Tells us about the war price, which basically means that as the fighting gets more intense in an area the price of items in the area goes up with it.we have to negotiate a maze through a bombed building.We see a little cut scene of a soldier having a crap inside a barrell. One of the rival soldiers finds him and he runs off with his trousers around his knees. Personally I would have shot him, and farting jokes seem fairly off kilter with the tone of the rest of the game.We have to progress through a more of the town. There is a road block with a tank which we can mortar using a handily placed mortar emplacement. we then have to negotiate snipers etc to progress to the map destination.We are now inside the advent palace which seems to be a hotel.We have to make our way through the maze like deserted palace to the top floor.A new cut scene.A rookie pulls a gun on us but snake easily disarms him. Other team members appear covering snake and Snake realises that it's Meryl, someone from his past. She is surprised to see he has aged so much.She introduces us to rat patrol. Government inspectors of PMC's.Yet more body function jokes.Meryl tells us that liquid is in the area, a woman is with him.She thinks that Snake is here to kill Liquid, he denies it.Meryl tells us about the nanomachines and all the data that they generate and send to an a.i. at headquarters.The system also allows for overuling of weapons which means that if someone betrays someone they can stop them from using their weapons.The system is called sons of the patriots.looks like Liquid is going to take control of the system and then he will control all weapons.There is a bit of introduction to the rest for the rat patrol gang. Meryl and Snake have history, Meryl fancies him and Snake is a bit touchy about now being aged enough to be her grandad.The Rookie akiba has botched up again and seems that Liquid personal guard soldiers are on the way. They are armoured jumping creations of genetic engineering and techno tinkering called frogs.We get control again and start fighting with the Frogs. We move through the floors of the building with the four a.i. teams assisting. Although you do most of the shooting they do help. Most importantly they don't get in the way too much.There is a little bit where a flash grenade goes off and Akiba is knocked out. At the ground floor the frogs drive a digger through the wall to make an entrance to get to you.The team escape jumping down a lift shaft.There is a cut scene to illustrate the effectiveness of the nanomachine connection between the rat patrol members as they shoot a bunch of attacking frogs as one fluid unit.Snake is told where liquids camp might be. Meryl and her team go off leaving him alone again.Otacon and Snake discuss how it was better in the old days when people had to work to gain abilities.We get out of the basement back onto the streets, the two pmc's are at it still. I help the lower tech one out as they drive a tank along the street, getting to the end of the street taking out some of the hightech pmc soliders along the way.A cut scene shows the low tech pmc driving a bulldozer through barricades.The bulldozer stops short and a metallic robot big cat is stopping it. Also a female Doctor Octopus rip off from Spiderman and two jet pac flying enemies turn up. They are shown massacaring the low tech Pmc soldiers. Snake seems to know these enemies, he does nothing to aid the Pmc as he sees that he is heavily outnumbered.I move along the street taking out pmc soliders with the tranquiliser gun and then get to another destination point moving through the pmc camp.Cut sceneWe see Snake sneaking further into the camp and see Liquid Ocelot. Meryl is there as well. She speaks to snake using the communication radio and tells him she will not stop him for assassinating Liquid but won't help him either.Liquid sees Snake and tells someone on a radio to activate it.Everyone starts clutching their heads in pain, vomiting and frothing at the mouth. Soliders start attacking each other. Even Snake is affected.The woman who is helping Liquid comes down to snake and injects herslef with something. She then leaves Snake. Liquid and the woman leave by helicopter. The Ghecko's then come in to finish everyone off. Akiba seems unaffected, no Nanomachines? He takes Snake out of the area. That seems to be the end of Act 1.
Act 2 Solid SunThe woman with Liquid is called Naomi who is responsible for developing the original nanomachines, and also for injecting Snake with Foxdie, which i presume is the cause of his premature ageing. Namoi sends Otacon a message telling him the Liquid is using the nanomachines to take control of the Sons of the Patriot system that now governs and regulates all soldiers and weapons in the world. With control of that he will be in a position of extreme power. The Patriots are now in direct conflict with Liquid. We see a little girl called Sonny tending to Otacon and snake, she seems gifted with computers, but not cooking. The colonel who it seems is named campbell appears on a video screen call and tells Snake that he should go after Naomi and rescue her from Liquid. Seems she is being held in South America. We see Snake approach the area where Naomi is being held. He watches as the Octopus woman attacks some soliders and a character called Vamp appears and calls her off. Seems like they know that Snake is on the way as the octopus woman morphs her face into that of Snake.
We get control of Snake again and have to sneak through a village. I make a huge pigs ear of it and just plow through using the tranq gun.
At the end point of the mission the colonel calls and tells us that a woman called Rosemary is going to be our mission counsellor. Seems that mental health of soldiers is taken very seriously in the future to make sure that the solider is efficient.Snake remembers Rose as being involved with Raiden. Campbell tells Snake that Raiden has vanished and he moved in on Rose. Meryl is Campbells Daughter and is disgusted with him about this, Snake also seems to disapprove.
Back to sneaking around the jungle.I am not really that good at sneaking around and not being seen in this game.
Snake gets a call from who he thinks sounds like Jack/Raiden. Seems he is here looking out for us.
Back to the sneaking or lack of it in my case. There seems to be little penalty for not sneaking, I can simply run for it and make it to the points on the map where I need to go to.
Drebin turns up and tells us about the B&B corp, Beauty and the beast corp. These seem to be the ones we have seen earlier, panther, octopus and flying monsters. They are all females who suffered post traumatic stress disorder really badly. They were taken and turned into monsters by someone.They are raging raven, Laughing octopus, Screaming mantis and Crying Wolf together they comprise Snakehound unit.Drebin tells Snake that the patriot system is run by an a.i.
We move on a little then get another call from Jack, who says he is close by. Snake calls Rose and tells her that Jack is around. She tells Snake that Jack was distant with her long before he vanished.I manage to get through an area without raising the alert this time. I have learned that you can avoid detection much more if you make Snake go prone.In the next area the rebels PMC drive a bulldozer through the compound gates giving us an easy way in.The battle is going on between the two PMC's as we try and sneak in.I manage to sneak into the mansion house, inside it's pretty deserted. I manage to get to the destination point fairly easily.
Snake find Naomi, she is talking on the phone and when she stops she nearly collapses. She injects herself with the same syringe we saw her with earlier. Snake comes in and she tells him what is going on.SOP can apparently control people's minds. The horrors of war are negated by the system, and the solidiers feel like they are playing a video game rather than killing real human beings. What liquid did earlier was disconnect the soldiers from the mental control and let the horror hit home instantly.Naomi wants to examine Snake to work out why he was affected when he shouldn't have been.Naomi is overcome at Snake's aged physical condition when he strips off. Snake also sneaks a look up her skirt.Naomi scans him and tells him that it isn't anything other than the way he was designed that is causing the rapid ageing. Snake was genetically designed to live to a certain age then rapidly die, also he was incapable of reproduction.Naomi gives him six months to live, and even worse this isn't due to the ageing, it's due to the breakdown of the biological weapon called foxdie in his system. The problem is that the original foxdie started out as a virus that was carried by Snake unwittingly and only harmed specific targets that he came into contact with. Once the foxdie breaks down it will attack everyone making Snake a typhiod Mary that will infect everyone he comes into contact with.Snake is becoming a doomsday device himself, Naomi points out the irony.Naomi gives us shots to help with the symptoms.She tells us that someone is watching her and that is why she can't leave. She tells Snake that Liquid can't destroy the patriot system as it would only bring down his own army from within. He now wants to take control of the system from the Patriots and use it against them.As she tells us this Laughing octopus turns up with soldiers, who spirit away Naomi and then come for Snake. We have to kill a certain amount of frogs and then fight with Laughing Octopus.She is a right pain in the ass. She takes on many forms and hiding places, Naomi, a dead guard on the ground, the shape of a painting on the wall, part of the scanner. Basically you have to go around finding her and shooting her. She can roll up into a ball and kill you fairly quickly doing that, she also shoots and stuns you with electricity.She blows out a cloud of ink to hide in and lets out heat seeking sticky bombs as well.Eventually I bring her health down. She shed's her tentacles and suit and indeed is a beauty. She is then named laughing beauty and she basically walks at you like a zombie. You have to basically do a mercy killing. After you kill her Drebin calls, gives you intel on the octocamo face mask you take from Laughing Octopus and then tells you her history, which is colourful and sad, to suggest why she was so unhinged.Raiden then calls and tells Snake to track Naomi. He gives us some spiel about tracking.which seems to essentially be telling you to use the night vision to see her footprints.The problem here is that you have a big area littered with footprints, it's very hard to see which are Naomi's though she seems to always be being dragged along so following the groups of footprints wins out in the end.I found a little easter egg in this area, a random bunch of metal plaques which seems to be a chinese theatre style handprints in the concrete for the game development team.Cut scenes show that Vamp is loading Naomi into a helicopter.Snake shoots vamp sniper style right between the eyes. He does not die and orders the same weapon used as earlier. Snake and all the troops start convulsing again, the Ghecko's arrive to mop up. Naomi shouts too Snake as Vamp passes out, saying he needs a little nap.Naomi tells Snake to use the injector she gave him. Snake does and recovers, however the Ghecko's start attacking. Drebin turns up in his APC and takes one of them out and starts shooting at the other. Naomi jumps from the helicopter to the top of Drebin's APC and Snake gets her aboard. Drebin makes a break for it with everyone in the jeep.We get an on rails sequence where we are shooting solider,s ghecko's and tanks with the roof mounted gun on Drebins APC.It's quite fun and as usual broken up with cinematic sequences to build the tension.Drebin ends up crashing the APC in the village. The Ghecko's are closing in. Snake and Naomi get out and start making a run for it. Raiden shows up and an grand cyber ninja style takes out a horde of Ghecko's using only his sword.Otacon sends a helicopter to the market square for Snake.We have a short sequence where we have to run through a crowded market with Ghecko's rampaging through it. Then we get to the helicopter and watch Otacon ogle Naomi.Otacon lifts off the helicopter with Snake and Naomi on board.We watch as Vamp comes after Raiden who is tethered by four Ghecko's. Snake frees one of his arms with a shot and a huge fight starts with Vamp and Raiden. Very cinematic and brutal. Both of them taking horrendous wounds and shrugging them off as if they were nothing. Vamp eventually goes down but it doesn't seem like he is actually dead. Raiden makes a break for the helicopter as he is severely hurt and loads more Ghecko's are arriving.On the helicopter Naomi tells Snake that she is responsible for vamp and that it is nano machines that heal his wounds in seconds and keep him alive.Raiden has lots too much blood and needs a transfusion of atrificial blood to keep him alive.End of Act 2
Act 3 Third SunBack to the flying base plane of Otacon. Sunny and Naomi bond over making eggs.Big boss's genetic code and actual physical body are needed by Liquid to gain access to the SOP system. It turns out from the two previous times that the system knows that it isn't a genuine command and locks out Liquids and then Snakes DNA from changing the system. Seems they are not close enough of a genetic match despite being cloned from Big boss.Liquid is now going after Big Boss's body which although brain dead is being held on life support somewhere in europe. Raiden is dying for want of a dialysis scrubbing of his blood. Which is healing him but can't filter out the toxins from the process due to losing too much blood in the first place. Coincidently at the same place as Big Boss they have the technology to dialyse and transfuse Raiden.There is a long seduction scene where Naomi eventually gets into bed with Otacon, she also appears to be going to do something with a usb stick necklace that she wears, though she seems to stop short of actually doing it.Snake uses facecamo to disguise himself and Meryl helps him bypass a checkpoint at the train station.Meryl tells Snake to stay out of the way as she has a force in place to take out Liquid.Snake of course knows that Meryls system will fail if she tries to get Liquid.On the streets we are to find resitance members who will lead us to Big Mama.We can use a new gadget to intercept PMC communications.We basically have to sneak through the streets following lone resistance members as they make there way to their base. The resistence men stop for guards and I tranq them and drag them into the shadows, this makes the resistance men move on. The resistance fighter changes into a PMC soldier uniform for part of the way. Eventually we get to the base.Snake takes umbrage at being called ancient makes him show off and attack Big Mama's guards.She tells Snake that she is his mother in as much as she gave birth to him.She tells Snake that Zero created the patriots and the group consisted of Big Mama and Big Boss, also someone called Paramedic.Big Boss and Zero eventually fell out and had a parting of ways. However Big Boss was the face of the Patriots, so Zero cloned Big Boss and produced Snake and Liquid.Zero became increasingly powerful in the digital age and the Patriot a.i. system with him.The boss is a female character who Zero and Big boss fought over the interpretation of her philosophies.The history of the whole metal gear saga is being explained here. It's going far too fast to take in.Out in the churchyard Big Mama shows Snake the body of Big boss, a limbless torso kept alive by machines held in a van.Three small spheres with three arms apiece show up and Big Mama shoots them, Liquid's spy devices.The soldiers that fight with Big mama are the orphans she has managed to keep out of becoming PMC child soliders.There is a lecture here about FPS games being virtual training for children to become good soliders in later life.The vans and motorbikes move out now that Liquid is on the way.Big Mama and Snake take an old triumph motorbike. We are again on rails shooting from the back of the bike. We are trying to stay alive and protect the van with Big Boss's body inside.The flying boss turns up along with a horde of remote control flying weapons.The van is blown off the road, Snake and Big Mama crash, Big Mama is impaled on a spike.Snake goes off to fight the flying boss.The boss's name is Raging raven.She circles around the tower you are in shooting, you basically have to avoid and shoot.When you take down her health a cut scene starts.She is like a black machine angel of death, he armour falls off and leaves a beautiful raven haired woman with a nanosuit that looks like burnt log in a fire. She slowy transforms and is wearing the same skin tight suit that laughing beauty wore. We get control again and she starts walking towards us.Snake grabs her grenade launcher.Drebin calls again, this seems to be a pattern after each boss battle.He tells us the history of Raging Raven, she was a child imprisoned by an army, left to die tied up and eaten by ravens. She escaped, lost her mind and became a killing machine.Snake goes back to Big Mama, they both get away into the sewers, however one of Liquid spy scarabs has spotted them going into the manhole.Snake and Big Mama walk out of the sewers and find Liquid sitting on a bench waiting for them. Snake is about to attack him when loads of frogs turn up. Vamp is on a waiting boat and Naomi is with him, seems she has betrayed them. Liquid tells Snake that one of the six Patriot a.i. cores which was thought to have been destroyed by a worm virus is still going and under his control. If Liquid destroys the main core named JD his Gw core can take over the rest allowing him complete control. Snake and Liquid fight and basically Liquid kicks snakes ass. They leave a wounded Snake and a Dying Big Mama alone and go off to complete their master plan now that they have Big Boss's body and the access code it represents.Liquid sets off in his boat, suddenly Meryl springs her trap, helicopters, boats and jeeps all come out and surround Liquid's one boat.Liquid of course springs his surprises, Their guns don't work when they try and shoot and he starts making everyone convulse and die. Liquid knocks the helicopter from the sky as they fail to respond to their pilots commands. Liquid's men shoot up the convulsing soldiers and put a rocket into Meryls boat. Akiba saves Meryl bby jumping over the side, Liquid throws big boss onto the boat to burn in the fire and Big Mama jumps into the fire to try and save the corpse of big boss. Snake saves her but big boss burns.Liquid makes his exit thinking that Snake and Big mama are burning in the fire.Meryl is saved by Akiba, they kiss after a prolonged cpr sequence.Snake holds Big Mama as she dies in his arms, she tells him that for darkness to exist there must be light, for darkness to be destroyed the light must go out too. Seems Snake will have to die as well as liquid, this we know due to his foxdie and premature ageing anyway.Drebin comes to collect Snake and take him back to Otacon.
Act 4 Twin SunsThe five a.i's in the patriot system all answer to JD in a hierarchy system. GW was seemingly destroyed. GW has been ressurected by Liquid, this means that it is a blindspot to JD. This is how Liquid gets control of the system. If Liquid can destroy JD physically then GW will slip up the hierarchy to the top putting him in total control.Liquid can't control any nukes just now but he plans to use the rail gun on Metal gear rex to destroy JD which is housed on a satellite in orbit.Rex is at Shadow Moses so that looks like the next stop. Snake is half dead and Raiden is in no fit state to do anything. Raiden tries hard to get up, and act like a stroppy teenager.Mei Ling turns up on video call and tells the gang that Liquid is heading for Shadow Moses.She will meet us their in her ship, which handily was never part of the system.Shadow Moses is an Alaskan island. There is a little section from one of the previous games, possibly Metal Gear Solid 1.Snake wakes from this as if it was a recurring dream he has been having.When we land at Shadow Moses we have to sneak past some Gecko's and then we are into a third generation onwards version of the map we just played on in Metal Gear Solid 1. I am sure this is a nostaliga trip for the fans.The opponents here are scarabs and Gecko's no human soliders, all automated defences.We get into an area with a huge door that is locked. Otacon wants us to go to his old office where he can get security to open the door. There is some dialogue between Snake and Otacon as they reminisce about the past. They could almost be talking about the game design process over 9 years, but they aren't, are they?The door is now open and we get control back.At the door it takes about two minutes for Otacon to open the door using the Mark 2. A Gecko turns up and we have to avoid it and distract it from shooting up the mark 2 for the two minutes then get through the door to progress.Out in the snow I find a sniper rifle. Crying Wolf turns up, the panther like exoskeleton houses a female driver who opens the top of the machine to use a rail gun on Snake.Loads of Frogs attack as well, we are in a large open area with towers and a blizzard making things hard.Eventually I take her down, using a combination of hiding under a truck until all the frogs are gone, then using the sniper rifle and the p90 to kill her.She comes out of her exoskeleton and does the mad bit then you get to plug her as she walks at you like a zombie.Of course Drebin calls, you get a railgun for free.The girl was a refugee of war fleeing with her brother a baby. They were trapped by an enemy patrol and hid, the baby started crying so she smothered him to keep him quiet and accidently killed him. She wandered around carrying the childs corpse for months, then was taken in at a refugee camp. Tormented by the sound of babies crying she killed them all, blaming a ghostly wolf that was following her.The wolf comes in not so ghostly form and carries away her body.As we are about to go into the next area Otacon calls and tells us to change to disc 2, ha ha very funny.In the next area we have more sneaking, again making a pigs ear of it has no effect, you only have to run through the chaos to the destination.We find the broken down Rex, the railgun has been removed. Vamp and Naomi show up, Naomi is cuddling up to Vamp as if she is his lover.We have to fight Vamp while Otacon tries to get Rex online.Vamp is self healing in a wolverine kind of way. So I spend ages and a fortune in ammo shooting him and having him get back up.I can't work it out so have to go online and look up how to kill him, seems you have to equip your knife as a weapon and the syringe that Naomi gave you as an item. Then when Vamp goes down grab him from behind and stick him with the syringe. How intuitive is that?Anyway with Vamp's nanomachines turned off he is non regenerating now. Geckos turn up, which are set to blow up and take the whole place apart, Raiden shows up and kills some geckos before taking on Vamp. Snake has to use his railgun to knock out geckos.After a set amount of time blasting the geckos Radien kills Vamp, the fight has been going on in a split screen window while you fight.Vamp lies downed, geckos turn up and Otacon gets Rex to shoot them with missiles.Naomi kills vamp off with a syringe of nanites. She then explains that she has cancer and nanites keep it at bay. She injects herself with the syringe and dies. Otacon is upset to say the least.Raiden and Snake make their escape in Rex.We have to fight through a long corridor with lots of gecko, then out onto the dock.Liquid turns up in metal gear ray and we fight like something from a Gundam game.After defeating ray, Liquid makes his escape on foot. Outer haven turns up, which is a huge submarine.Liquid makes his escape on Outer haven. Raiden is trapped by the arm under some rocks for no apparent reason. He cuts off his own arm to get out.Snake is demoralised and near death, Liquid uses Outer Haven to run into the dock and crush snake, Raiden puts himself in the way and holds back the submarine for a few seconds and tells Snake to move. Raiden is crushed by the sub.Mei Ling turns up in her destroyer and starts shooting at the sub. Liquid turns and runs.Snake can't find Raiden's body.Snake passes out as Otacon comes in the helicopter to pick him up.
Act 5 Old sunOn the Missouri there is a briefing.Liquid needs to be in a certain positon at a certain time to hit the sattelite. The missouri can intercept. They need to inject a Naomi Sunny and Emma created worm into GW to destroy it and lock Liquid out of the system. They also need to stop him from destroying JD as well.Snake is getting worse, smoking a lot and injecting himself with Naomi's serum. Seems that the place Snake has to go to upload the worm is also a giant microwave oven.Drebin turns up and gives them some laundered weapons.Outer Haven surfaces and opens up to use the railgun. Snake, Meryl and Akiba are going to use catapults to fire themselves across onto the Outer Haven. There is an exchange of rockets as the two boats approach each other, the Missouri rams then tears along the side of Outer Haven. The three fire themselves across, Akiba misses and falls in the water, Snake and Meryl manage to get aboard.Meryl busts her ankle and is out of action. Snake sneaks alone into the bowels of the ship.I make a pigs ear of it again and end up treating it like call of duty and shooting my way past frogs and geckos.We enter a control room where Meryl lies unconscious on the floor. Loads of Frogs jump us.Once we fight them we go to Meryl.Meryl is being puppeted by Screaming Mantis.She shoots at us and then is made to shoot herself, however Akiba arrives and saves her.Screaming Mantis turns up, puppets the bodies of the dead frogs and shoots Akiba, then takes over Meryl and Akiba, all the dead frogs rise again as well. Things are looking very bleak.I have no idea how to kill Screaming Mantis. So it's walkthrough time. You have to inject yourself with the syringe so that you can shoot at Mantis, your bullets go wide due to her psychic powers. Then you shoot the dolls that dangle beside mantis. When you shoot a doll away it drops to the ground. You can pick it up and use it to shoot mantis, when you do you have to hold R1 and shake the controller, this kills mantis. The same scene occurs, she comes out of her armour, rages around like a loony and then walks slowly towards you. Shooting her kills her in the end. Psycho Mantis a character from the first game appears, does some mad stuff with your controller and talks about ps3's not having memory cards. He then vanishes. drebin calls and gives you Mantis' back story, I am past caring. Something about her being trapped in a torture chamber, and having psycho mantis' personality implanted into her.Snake picks up Meryl, the frogs are back. She tells him to go on to the microwave corridor alone, she stays and stops the frogs from coming after him.Meryl is holding off the Frogs, and running low on ammo, Akiba, or shall we call him Johnny comes and saves her. Johnny confesses undying love and asks her to marry him. Meryl says no then asks him to marry her. All the while they are shooting frogs.Snake continues down the corridor and encounters hundreds of Scarabs.At the end of the corridor Snake collapses and frogs surround him.Raiden turns up minus his arms and holds the frogs off. Snake goes into the microwave corridor and you have a split screen sequence again where Snake goes along the corridor burning and crawling. On the other screen you see Meryl and the rest of the gang fighting for their lives.As you get to the A.i. Otacon injects it with the worm virus.Scarabs turn up and attack Snake.Raiden is starting to lose to the Frogs. Johnny and Meryl are running out of bullets.Otacon and Mei Ling are under attack on the missouri from Scarabs and Metal gear ray.snake is overwhelmed Radien on the ground, and then the frogs convulse and die Everything stops working. GW is down.Naomi's program does more than expected. naomi appears on screens with a message. The program is going to destroy all of the a.i's not just GW.She gives a fairwell message to Otacon which breaks his heart even more.Snake convulses and passes out.Otacon brings the unconscious Snake out onto the top of Outer Haven. Liquid turns up, injects him with something and they start to fight.After a bit of brutal fighting in cut scene, you get to take over in a little beat em up styled sequence. After beating Liquid to a pulp he dies.Otacon takes snake away in the helicopter and tells us that the worm has taken away the patriots control of the system but left the infrastructure intact.
Epilogue Naked SinMeryl is getting married, in a dress, though she still has a holster belt on with it.Campbell turns up and she forgives him for whatever transgressions he made.They get married on a landing strip outside Otacon's plane.Drebin shows up and showers them with petals and doves.Snake is conspicuous by his absence.We see Raiden stripped of all his armour, and with his arms back on.Rose and his son come to see him.Raiden tries to ignore them both, but Rose makes sure he looks at the boy.Turns out that Campbell was only pretending that Rose and he were married, and that the boy was his son. The idea was to deflect patriot interest in them.Radien is happy with this and picks up the boy and sits him on his knee, professing love for them both.Snake walks through the same graveyard we saw at the start of the game. He stands before two graves, Liquid and Big Boss?? Snakes final mission is to erase his own genes from the face of the Earth. He takes out his gun and kneels in front of the grave.Snake shoots himself, cut back to Meryls wedding party.Drebin tells Otacon that the patriots were backing him and in turn backing Meryl also. They wanted Snake to take down Liquid, what they didn't expect was Naomi/Sunny/Emma's worm would knock them all out commission in the process.Sunny makes a friend and Otacon is sad but happy for her at the same time.She asks when Snake is coming back, Otacon breaks down and Sunny consoles him.Cut to black credits roll.After the credits we see that Snake didn't kill himself.Big boss turns up. The body that Liquid burned in europe was that of another clone Solidus.Big boss has brought Zero with him, who looks rather old and appears to be on life support.Big boss explains that the patriots weren't controlled by zero for very long, the a.i's were in total control and they brought about the war economy.Big Boss turns off the oxygen and kills zero.Big boss start to die, the foxdie in Snake has infected him.Big boss tells Snake that the Foxdie is mutating, it won't turn into an epidemic.Big boss essentially tells Snake to go out and live his life. He then dies smoking a last cigar.
30 hours on the ingame clock Though I am sure only about 15 hours or less was actually spent holding the controller.