Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Batman: Arkham Asylum Notes

Options for brightness etc, I choose normal difficulty as I am unsure of a game like this.

Pan down through Gotham in the dark and rain, Batmobile speeds through the night.
Joker is handcuffed in the passenger seat as Batman takes him to Arkham Asylum, which is a huge sprawling building on it's own island.

We meet warden Sharp as the security guards strap the Joker to a trolley and wheel him into the asylum.
The joker quips away as usual trying to annoy everyone. I get control of batman and we can walk and look around only. The rest of the buttons don't do anything yet just the analogue sticks for the usual movement and camera.
The Joker harasses a doctor and then we watch as another baddie called croc is transferred in front of us, Croc threatens Batman.
In a lift Joker suggests that it was weird that Batman caught him so easily and co incidentally loads of the Jokers gang have also been caught recently.
The lights go out and when they come back on Batman is almost throttling the joker, ensuring he does nothing tricky. The elevator ride comes to an end.
Cut scene shows commissioner Gordon chatting with Batman. The joker is taken out of Batmans custody. and almost instantly beat up his guards and gets loose. The joker has Help and it seems Harley Quinn is in the control room and opens the security gates to let the joker deeper into the Asylum.
Batman gives chase and it's into the game proper.
We have a few inmates to deal with first as the Joker lets them out of their holding cells.
X is strike and Y is counter.
Simple button presses which make Batman do a variety of combat specific moves.
The joker is now in control of the comms system of the Asylum and talks to Batman through television screens handily placed where they need to be.
A makes Batman Run and pressing it again while running makes him go into a diving roll.
B does a heavier attack.
Right trigger crouches
Left trigger makes batman go into aiming mode with a batarang.
Right trigger fires them while you hold the left trigger.
In the next area I find little walking false teeth, you are prompted to shoot them with the batarangs.
We are told to run down a corridor, at the end we fight two enemies. A guard is signalling us at the end of the corridor.
He tells us that a prisoner has one of the guards hostage up ahead.
Batman speaks to a woman called Oracle who seems to be fullfilling a handler type role.

Zsasz has one of the guards strapped in an electric chair.
We can't go directly into the room and are funnelled into flanking him from above.
A guard again asks for our help when we get up to the balcony.
We are prompted to go into detective mode, which makes everything look blue and all the guards look like they are being x-rayed.
Gargoyles up above us glow yellow and seem to be the key.
We get above Zsasz by jumping from gargoyle to gargoyle. Pressing Right bumper uses Batman's grapple.
When we have Zsasz in our sights we press X to do a gliding kick. Then right trigger and Y to knock him out.
Harley quinn appears on the monitors and she has Warden Sharp hostage in his office.
We are stuck in this room and need an exit. Detective mode provides a red glow around a grill which lets into the air vents once we have opened it by pressing A repeatedly.
We come to a viewing area where we can see guards being gassed.
We climb above them using a grill and events and find two guards to save.
There is also a baddie that we save and then knock out.
Batman has to hit the control panel for fans with a batarang to turn on fans which extract the gas and allow us to go down to the floor.
Another corridor and two enemies.
We come to a door with a joker face painted on it in green. When we go in a cut scene shows Batman coming face to face with the joker, however the Joker releases a huge mutant man to attack Batman.
I defeat the monster using batarangs and punches.
Joker vanishes further into the asylum.
As you knock out people or find new things, even break the little teeth bats fly from them. These fill your XP meter and allow upgrades.
I seem to have earned enough to get an upgrade, there are many and most are locked. I choose to learn inverted takedown which allos batman to drop from a gargoyle grab an enemy and then go back up and hang them from the gargoyle.
A guard tries to open the door the joker left through for us but can't. Joker appears on the monitor and gloats about kidnapping Commisioner Gordon.
We have to take an alternative route back to the room where Gordon was kidnapped. We are prompted to use Detective mode and find a whisky bottle, which it seems Gordon's kidnapper was swigging. We can use the detective mode to follow his breath trail analysing the alcohol in the air.
This takes us to an elevator. In cut scene Harley blows the elevator weights and rides up on them as the elevator itself crashes down into the shaft nearly killing Batman.
Seems we can't follow them this way.
We have to find our way up through the shaft in a tomb raider style. Batman can grasp ledges and shimmy along. He also uses his grapple and jumps from ledge to ledge.
At the top of the elevator we get more goons to fight. Then through a vent.
Now we get armed goons, these need to be taken down more stealthily as Batman can't take many direct hits from bullets.
The first time we meet the armed men here we are given gargoyles to climb up on and get behind them.
Crouching moves silently and you can perform a silent takedown with Y.
Three guards are easily despatched and we move on to a single guard up the stairs.
Joker chats again on the tv screen.
We move through a vent and come into the largest room yet. There are guards patrolling and we can use all the skills we have learnt so far to take them out as stealthily or as messily as I want. Best is to use the gargoyles and strike from the shadows or creep up behind and do silent takedowns.
More enemies come in another  wave and then we find the body of the whisky breathed guard we have been looking for. It seems he is a dead end and the joker knew this as is handily painted on his chest.
I get another upgrade and choose armour upgrade v1.
The riddler comes over the comms and asks us to solve a riddle, about a sharply observed portrait and we can see a portrait of warden sharp, scanning it solves the riddle.
Now we have found Bowles we have a new objective which is to escape to the islands surface.
Through some rooms and some vents without incident and then out into the grounds

Mission 2
We find some guards out in the grounds and Joker tells his men to destroy the batmobile.
There is a tunnel in the grounds that the guards think is locked down, it will probably be a source of trouble soon.
We are told by an alarm from the batmobile that it is under attack. We are given a map by oracle that shows the location of the batmobile. We have to go through a tunnel which is guarded by armed thugs. Simple matter for Batman to climb behind them and silent takedown the two guards.
Now out into a yard where the batmobile is parked, about 6 thugs are hitting it with Iron bars. It's fairly simple to take them down.
We are prompted to take explosive gel from the batmobile.
We are prompted that there may be a clue as to where Harely took Gordon in the area.
We find Gordon's pipe and can follow a trail of pipe tobacco using detective mode.
The trail leads to security doors which are locked, we must find another way
It's not hard though as detective mode prompts us to use explosive gel on a thin wall we can see through in detective mode.
Down the tunnel we come to a new area, a guard is hiding in a guard post and tells us that the jokers men are killing anyone who tries to escape the asylum.
There are seven of them at a doorway which isn't a hard fight really.
Inside we find Harley Quinn, she is behind one of the so far impenetrable electric force doors. She has Gordon and after a chat with the Joker on screen we learn that we are making the Joker uncomfortable as we are moving faster than he would like. Harley vanishes with Gordon and we have to find another way past the force door.
The roof seems a fairly obvious way in and yes up on the roof is a weakpoint we can blow open with our gel and get in.
Inside we have a maze of vents to negotiate then a large room with lots of guards to take out, all of them armed, so stealth is important here.
There are floor grates here that you can get in and run around under the floor undetected.
Once we taken out the enemies we free doctors who have been held by the jokers men. They tells us that more are held prisoner elsewhere in the facility. We have to rescue them too.
I get armour upgrade v2.
Eventually I find my way to the x-ray room and three thugs are guarding the door.
We find five men holding one of the doctors, two explosives on walls behind the guards are enough to free her without incident.
Take another route in the building and we come to an area where a guard is trapped by gas. One of the doctors is in the gas room and things look bleak for him.
We have to take a route through the vents above the gas and then find three controls to hit wwith batarangs to turn on the fans.
One is hidden by a breakable wall. The only way to break it is to knock a thug from his precarious perch on top of it and he breaks it for you.
This frees the doctor from his prison in the safe room with the lack of air.
In the last room of the medical area a doctor is held in a chair bed by restraints, it's a trap and as we go in 8 thugs come down from above, fight them all and  you get to free the doctor.
Now we have completed all the doctor missions we are told to go back to the sanatorium which was the big room where we had our stealth kill section. Here one of the doctors wants to go to Arkham mansion to get her papers back. One of the guards goes with her. The other doctors are told to barricade themselves in one of the rooms. An elevator opens which was previously locked andd joker's men come out, again we take them down stealthily in this room.
Down in the lift to the next level.

Mission 3
The scarecrow is down here, he uses gas which makes people hallucinate their worst fears.
We blow a hole in a wall to find an alternate route past the locked force door.
Through some vents and we find Gordon's body, although I think this is Batman seeing his worst fears. Oracle is unobtainable as well.
Things take a turn for the worse inside Batman's head in the morgue as voices whisper about his failings, the door out of the morgue leads back into it. Three body bags are on the slabs and they are wriggling. Opening each one shows Batman's mother and father who blame him for their deaths. The last body bag belongs to the scarecrow who knocks Batman down.
When we get back up the whole room is changing, looking like it's being eroded away by decay and opening up onto another place high in the clouds.
Progressin a few metres into this new world reveals the scarecrow as a giant. We have to sneak past him as being seen by the scarecrow ends the mission.
This is fairly easy and an interesting new diversion and added variety to the game.
We have to clamber around, use bombs and then get to the bat signal which we use to shine on Scarecrow and defeat him. This breaks the spell of the gas and we are back in the morgue.
I get armour upgrade V3.
The way that was blocked before is now opened by a group of three of the jokers men. We aare now getting knife wielding variants of the thugs.
Joker tells us that Harley and Gordon are up ahead, they have been told to kill Gordon is they even suspect Batman is in the room with them. Seems we have to be very stealthy here.
I take down the four patrolling guards and getting above the room where Harley is holding Quinn allows us to take her down in a cut scene by triggering it with a press of Y.
Gordon and Batman investigate a room where Bane is being held and experimented on by one of the Arkham doctors. Joker releases Bane and we are into a bossfight with him.

Bane runs at you and punches, he also pulls chunks of rock from the walls and hurls them at you. He is vulnerable to Batarangs and the odd strike if you are careful. The best approach seems to be to keep distance from him and hit him with batarangs. Eventually he goes into a blind rage and becomes disorientated, when this happens attacking him sends batman into an animation where he jumps on Bane's back and pulls at his venom injector. Do this three times and Bane is downed. In between each round a load of the jokers thugs are thrown into the arena.
After the fight batman climbs from a manhole and talks to Gordon. Batman tells him to get off the island on a nearby boat. Bane comes back and in cut scene Batman uses the batmobile to run him over and dip him in the sea. Gordon goes away in a police boat to calm the panic in Gotham due to the Jokers bomb threat.
Batman talks to Oracle and asks her to look into Doctor Young and the venom that seemed to be making Bane even more powerful. Batman tells Oracle that there is a Bat cave on Arkham Island.
The Batcave is in Arkham North, I head there, there are some new Joker thugs running around.
Here I find the entrance to a cave which we follow to a famous suicide point. Batman jumps from it in cut scene and makes his way in style to the batcave.
Inside the batcave a cut scene shows that Dr Young has made an improved version of the venom formula that powers Bane. It is called Titan and is a much better super solider drug. If Joker gets his hands on it his army of thugs will become as strong as Bane. Batman  gets some new equipment in the Batcave. The batcalw can be used to grab and pull objects from a distance, including enemies.
Simple puzzle here to inroduce the Batclaw, we have to pull boxes which block our jump across a gap.
I can now by another upgrade and choose Armour upgrade V4.
Now we are going through the sewers on the trail of Dr Young.
Oracle finds that Dr Young was being paid by the Joker, However she blocked the payments recently. Looks like she tried to back out of her deal with the Joker.
We have to climb up a sewer manually as the walls are too crumbly to use the batarang.
Out on the surface there are snipers in towers that we have to take out using stealth.
We now have to find a way into Arkham Manor past the pesky electrical main entrance.
There is a grate we can open above the door with the new Batclaw.
Inside we deal with some thugs and use high grates to progress through another locked door.
I upgrade Batarang Power.
Lots of thugs here to have fun with.
In the next room there are a bunch of armed thugs and we need to be very stealthy to take the thugs down.
We find Cash and free him.
Now we go into the library a little more and find a glass floored room. The joker has two men hostage underneath the glass floor and we are tasked by him to get in and save them. The main entrance is a force field door. The bomb gel won't blow the floor, however there is a chandelier type thing high above the glass floor.
Finding my way through vents leads to the top of the chandelier and a quick batarang brings it down through the glass floor.
I free the hostages who confirm that the Joker has captured Dr Young.
I spent a long time wandering around here looking for what to do next. Eventually I found I had missed a door, I was spending too much time looking for clever hidden puzzles that the huge oak door I missed. Talk about not being able to see the wood for the trees.
You progress through some cells to another thug encounter.
In this morgue area vents lead into the office.
A cut scene shows that Dr Young got into the office and took the notes.
I upgrade twin batarang.
We are tasked with finding evidence in the room just as we did with the tobacco and whisky. We find Dr Youngs fingerprints on the safe and now have to follow their trail. A convenient shortcut opens in the form of a previously locked door.
When I follow the trail all the way back to the room where I rescued the two men from the jokers trap with the chandelier we find a book with her fingerprints on it.
Batman finds and destroys the formula in cut scene. The joker obviously watching tells him that he will task Zsaz with getting the formula from Young herself.
As we leave the library room there is a puff of vapour from the vent and in the next room the location finder tells us we are in wayne manor. Which is wrong, looks like the Joker or someone is using the scarecrows gas.
We walk down the corridor and it slowly changes subtly into the alley where Batman's parents were killed.
Another scarecrow sequence arrives and I hope there isn't another as it was starting to outstay it's welcome. The only new addition is some skeleton skinned (pardon the pun) thugs to deal with.
After the nightmare you end up in a hig belltower, which is weird as you couldn't get up there earlier. Still cutting the bell rope make an exit and mess of the hall below.
This breaks a security force door which was preventing you going this way earlier and opens up a new area.
A new thug with a stun baton appears, we need to jump over him using our dodge roll and get behind him to prevent being hurt by the baton as we hit them.
In the next room we see Zsaz dragging Dr Young away.
Charge after Zsaz and he kills the Doctor, which ends the mission, strange I thought we wanted her formula out of the Jokers hands. Anyway we have to find another way of stopping Zsaz other than just running up and hitting him.
The game basically tells you what to do, which is good because it would have taken ages to work it out by yourself. You have to go to the corner of the room, crouch and go into corner cover. This allows you to hurl a batarang without Zasz seeing you. You have  to wait until he is visible behind Dr Young and then zap him. This starts a cut scene where Dr Young tells you that the Joker has not got her new formula but has loads of the other venom formula that made Bane. He has a plant with venom in the greenhouse. Dr Young opens the wardens safe and find it booby trapped. She is killed in thhe explosion. Harley leaves with warden Sharp and we are left to fight a bunch of thugs.
Seems the only way to get past the force field security doors is to use a special key which was blown in the safe. The only other way is to get Warden Sharp to open them as they are keyed to his DNA.
We now have to go after Warden Sharp and Harley.
We go back out onto the island from the mansion and cross it again. There are hordes of guards snipers and electric rod wielding thugs to deal with along the way.
I upgrade to triple batarang.
Inside the cell block we find cells and are continuing to follow the wardens trail.
There are cells with insane people inside acting like animals. We follow the trail to the electric chair room and find poison Ivy in her cell.
She pleads to be let out as she can hear plants in trouble. Seems that we have to ignore her and progress. I find Cash in a cell and Warden Sharp tied to a chair. when we go up to Sharp a cut scene shows Ivy being released by Harley and Joker opening the cells with all the loons inside.
Sharp gives us his  keycard and batman uses it to upgrade his lockpick. We now have a device for hacking the force field doors.
Outside again with the warden safely locked up for his own safety the man in the cell is now Sharp and not cash. A shapeshifter?
We go back out of the cells here as there seems to be nothing to do with the shapeshifter yet.
Ivy is gone. In the next room we have a fight with loads of thugs with Harley swining around above us. We fight the thugs and Harley escapes yet again. A trip through some offices leads us back the way we came to the room we fought Harely in.
Progressing we find two guards strung up above pools of water, electricity is flowing here and the men will die if they are taken down the usual way with a batarang. We have to hack power boxes and save the men in a time limit of Harley's setting. This isn't that hard to do and I manage it first time.
Now we are trying to get doors open, the guards we save are working on a computer and we can explore. There is gas in the room where we just escaped from and the familiar fans are there to turn on, the problem is getting to them.
That is twice now I have had to look up a help guide. The puzzle are just a little too obtuse, as evidenced by a simple google search turning up huge amount of people being stuck at the same place.
Turns out the area I thought was the same one I had been in before was actually a new area. Not stuck at all. Anyway. We run through the cell block and Harley is goading us using the Tannoy. A vent in the ceiling takes us to a hack box and we turn off a force field letting us progress.
Through this door we come to a boss fight of sorts. Lots of thugs enter and arena in waves and we have to knock them out. The floor become electrified at times also. When this is done a cut scene starts. Harley is left for dead by the Joker and she comes at Batman who easily subdues her. He scans her fingerprints and locks her in a cell.
Oracle tells batman that heat is building up in the botanical gardens.
We are to use detective mode to pick up Harely's trail in the gardens.
I get remote control batarang.
Some puzzling and box hacking to get a riddler trophy and arkham secret tape here.
We are back out into the grounds and tasked with going to the botanical gardens.
The gardens are nice, lots of plants, looks like a poison ivy boss battle soon.
armed guards, hacking doors.
Now we have a large room with lots of armed guards.
I upgrade to sonic batarang.
we fight a bunch of thugs and save a worker called carl todd.
Here a hack panel is booby trapped with joker bombs and we have a time limit to hack it three times.
Back through to the  big room again and a door is unlocked. Here we come face to face with the Joker, he seemed for the first time to be peeved off that we are pestering him too much.
He blows a bomb and brings down the door arch blocking our way forward. We must  seek an alternate way through a vent and some walls to knock down.
We have to clamber around in dusty chambers where the batarang won't grab and then we come to an ordelry called Jordan fraser who tells us that there are others locked up.
We now have a new objective to save them.
In the aviary which is just through the door we have to save the men locked in birdcages without alerting the guards.
The key here is to take out the man in the chamber with the control button to drop the hostages. Then the remaining guards are easily despatched.
The hostages tell us of a secret door in the room. Harley finngerprints lead right to it and a another booby trapped hack box lets us in.
We meet joker and two henchmen loading up some crates. Joker shoots the henchmen with his titan formula and they mutate into bane clones and attack. Similar to the bane fight except they use dead bodies to hurl at you. You can also get on their back and steer them to hit the other enemy.
The titan production facility is destroyed in the fight. However, the joker has enough of it to cause trouble. Batman thinks that Ivy will be allied to their cause as her plants are being harmed. Our next task is to track her down.
Batman needs something to get accross the ravine ahead. He brings in the batjet in cutscene and we get an upgrade called the line launcher.
This takes us to a room where we find Ivy. In cutscene Batman threatens her and she tells him that only one plant on the island can counter the titan formula. It grows in killer Crocs lair, guess where we are going next.
I upgrade to cryptographic range amplifier.
We have to make our way back through the botanical gardens. This is the first time there has been any backtracking.
As we get to the exit of the botanical gardens Joker gets to Ivy and blasts her with Titan. This causes the plant life to go nuts and mutate. Huge vines grow all over the island. Plants are shooting out deadly spores.
We have to go to cash in the mansion to find out how to get to crocs lair.
Inside the mansion we find that Ivy's plants have really run amok. We have to stay above ground as there is pink killer gas on the floor. We have to use  the new line gun which makes instant zip line to negotiate our way to cash.
Cash tells us that Killer Croc is in a cell under the intensive treatment wing.
The way into intensive treatment is blocked and we have to find our way up to a sniper nest to gain access to the building.
Inside we have a room of gunmen, however the twist here is that our gargoyles are booby trapped making this a much harder fight.
There is another booby trapped hacking door.
Then down a corridor where we find Cash's office and pictures of his family.
Walking along the corridor here it looks like the xbox crashes. I thought it had, I was about to swear when it goes black and a cut scene starts. It looks like the one from the start of the game and I start getting angry then it looks different and I realise that something is happening again, Scarecrow maybe, Batman is in the batmobile seat tied up and Joker is driving him to Arkham. We get control of Joker and Harley is leading a tied up batman into the Asylum.
This is scarecrow again, he appears as the doctor to check the patient over. Joker shoot batman in the face at point blank range and it looks like a game over scene, only it tells you to use the middle stick to avoid the Jokers fire in the tips box.
We restart and see Batman claw his way out of his grave and stand looking rough with us in control again. It's the scarecrow avoiding stealth section again, once too many I feel.
Cells are filled with rocking mad batmen.
I hate these bits now, the load times are far too long after each misstep and being seen by scarecrow and what was startling and fresh the first time has just been overused.
There are some new timing elements and dropping lift shafts, using moving cover here.
Finally I get to the searchlight and now we have a boss battle with Scarecrow, three waves of skeleton thugs and larger bane type skeletons are to be fought before we get back to reality and find scarecrow jabbing us with his syringe fingers.
Batman fights him off and gets back to reality.
I get cryptographic power amplifer.
scarecrow runs and threatens to send his gas into Gotham We see him going down the lift towards Croc's lair in cut scene.
We have to fight some men, hack a box to open a door above the lift to get down the shaft further. More men to fight and then we are into the rooms before Croc's cell area.
We go through a door and into Croc's lair. Scarecrow is there, in a cut scene he threatens to contaminate the water supply of Gotham with his gas. Croc jumps out of the water and grabs Scarecrow and is about to bite his head off. Batman saves him by hitting Croc's stun collar with a batarang and activating it. I would have left the Scarecrow to die. Anyway they both vanish underwater.
We come to a section of tunnels with floating boards, Batman must negotiate them to get to the plant. Making too much noise on them brings croc up to eat you.
We have to get to the plants using the homing beacon from our scanner and when we get to it I find that we have to do it more than once. Croc comes at you from a few different directions and needs to be bataranged and avoided using the zip line gun.
We have to make it back out with a more persistant croc.
When we get near the end we have to run from croc as he destroys the boards behind us.
When we get to the tunnel the gate slams on us and croc is in the tunnel with us.
Shame what you have to do is obtuse and it makes you repeat the naff annoying running to camera bit after a load every time.
the tips box is talking about an explosive gel trap which I haven't laid.
Ah I see it now, there are three sprays of explosive gel on the floor at the gate. Detonating them as croc reaches them sends him through the floor into a shaft. Batman then escapes the lair.
Our new objective is to go to the batcave and make the antidote to titan.
I get sonic shock batarang.
The batcave isn't far away luckily.
In cut scene batman makes the anti titan formula, however it's hard work and he can't make a lot of it. Ivy's roots infiltrate the batcave and wreck it. Looks like that is all the formula he is going to get.
We get a new upgrade the ultra batclaw which allows us to blow up walls from a distance.
We make our way back through the caves. and find a new problem. Joker is polluting the water supply with titan. We now have to get to three pumping stations and disable them.
We have a tomb raider style puzzle to get up to the first pumping room.
The next pumping room is full of around 7 armed men.
Which is quite hard, the hardest so far as you have a small area and less darkness to hide in. You have to be really careful in isolating one guard and taking him out and getting away into vents afterwards.
The next pump room down the hall is much easier, only one armed guard and a knife and electric baton guy.
As we go back the way indicated out to the surface of the island we are trapped by force doors and the joker sends two titan henchmen and a elavator loads of normal thugs to attack in a small confined space.
We have to ascend an elevator shaft using the ultrabatclaw to pull out walls and make alcoves to climb up. Thenn cross the island which is full of ivy's plants which spit globes that home in on you. There a joker snipers in the towers as well.
Back inside the botanical gardens Ivy chat's and the place is full of her spore spitting plants.
I upgrade special combo throw.
We make our way through with little difficulty, fighting some guards that Ivy is mind controlling. There are joker men who have been eaten by Ivy's plants. When we get to Ivy she brings forth a huge plant beast and get inside it's mouth controlling it.
she has two attacks digging roots into the ground which then rise up and grab at you, or shooting the spores.
We have to dodge back and forth and batarang at the head of the creature.
Ivy appears at times and more damage can be done by hitting her.
When you get her energy down to nothing you spray explosive on her protective layer and blow it.
She comes back again with full heath and this time she sends controlled guards at you to run interference. Same again rinse and repeat. Taking her second wind down finishes her off.
I upgrade combo batarang.
We escape in cut scene from the crumbling gardens and find ourself out on the island Again.
The joker is setting off fireworks and asking you to come join his party for a surprise.
When we get there there are around 20 thugs waiting at the door.
When we get inside Joker appears on a tv set on top of a joker figure, you are expected to think that it isn't the Joker but he's actually just sitting there with a tv on his head. He blows the room and when Batman recovers Joker is gone. In the next room we have Joker sitting on a throne made of shop window dummies.
He sends two titan thugs at us and hoards of normal thugs. Three waves of thugs and the two titans later we get another cut scene. Joker brings Gordon in and tries to shoot him with titan to make him a monster and have Batman fight him. Batman jumps in the way of the shot and takes the hit. He starts to change but somehow manages to stop it from happening.
Joker shoots himself with titan. The scene changes to a news broadcast from a helicopter above Arkham. Joker rises from the rubble changed into a titan. He throws Batman into an arena. Batman uses the titan antidote on himself. Now we have to fight the titan powered Joker.
I get special combo takedown.
I get special combo boost.
This is another fight with thugs really. Joker comes down and give you some pounding but you basically have to avoid him.
He then goes up and sends in a wave of thugs Once they are defeated to bring him down with the ultra batarang and he gets stuck on the floor and you can pound him.
You do this three times and the joker is down.
A cut scene shows him attacking Batman who sprays explosive gel on his fist. The resulting punch knocks out Joker.
We see Gordon talking on the radio and telling someone that the asylum is under lockdown again and all super criminals are under lock and key.
The credits roll.
That seemed to take a long time wasn't counting very well for this game. Around 15 hours I would say.
545 achivement points for one playthrough on normal.

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