Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fable III Notes

The game starts with Theresa's voice narrating over a rolling grassland and a misty middle distance.
The kingdom is in turmoil, but who will be the hero.
We get to choose between a male or female hero.
I choose a female.
It's fifty years since the last game, we are the child of the hero from Fable II.
A rather nice cut scene shows a chicken revolting against it's killer and running around albion trying to escape. It gets into a  factory and is almost turned into a teapot by the industrial machines and dozy workers. It is shipped to the palace, where it's eventuaally shot by the cook.
The narration tells us of a dark shadow on the kingdom, the shadow of a tyranical king.
Theresa asks who will save the kingdom, who will be the hero?

Left and right analogue sticks, camera and movement.
A is run and use.
B is magic attack.
Y is firearm attack.
X is melee attack.
Right trigger is look at point of interest.
Left trigger is used to hold hands with people.

The game proper starts with the princess in bed being woken by her butler Jasper.
She is in bed with the dog who is also introduced.
We get control and have our first choice. choose a big dress or a practical outfit.
We now have to follow the golden trail to meet our friend Elliot.
Elliot is a soldier and in love with the Princess. He tells her of a factory worker executed by The King Logan.
Elliot asks that we have a word with Logan.
We go into the kitchen and find a group of servants gossiping about Logan.
We have to give them a little speech, which can be harsh or encoouraging.
I then meet Walter who wants to take us for training.
We meet a group of people here to see the king. They want us to sign a petition.
We have to practice fighting with Walter, Holding X  blocks, charging it and pushing in a direction does a heavy attack.
Elliot bursts in and tells of a mob that has arrived outside.
Walter thinks that things are going to be ugly.
Elliot thinks they should go up and find out what is going to happen.
We are to go to the war room.
Logan tells the men to shoot the crowd. Elliot urges you to intervene.
In cut scene the Princess goes in and tells Logan to back down.
Logan takes her prisoner and takes her to the throne room.
Logan gives her a choice, seeing as she wants to get involved with the hard decisions.
Execute the leaders or Elliot. If she does not choose then both will die.
I choose elliot.
Logan sends the Princess back to her chambers.
Walter comes and with Jasper in toe we leave the castle in the dead of night, going to the catacombs.
In the catacombs at some tombs and a statue, walter pushes a hidden block and gives you a guild seal.
When you pick it up it glows and transports you to a misty place, a long road filled with locked gates.
The princess finds Theresa, who tells her that she must go on a journey along this road to rule.
This is basically a visual skill tree. Once we get  through a gate we find the chests filled with the upgrades for each level.
We use guild seal points to buy them. These come from combat.
The first chest gives us a fireball spell.
We go back to the catacomb with our new spell.
Here we walk and talk. Seems we are to be the leader of the revolution.
What we need to do is rally the people around us.
We get to shoot some bats with our fire spell.
Eventually we come to a teleporter and we come to our sanctuary.
Jasper finds a book which tells him about the sacnctuary which has a good teleporter system.
Firstly Walter want us to go to Mist Peak and ask the dwellers to help.
Jasper is going to stay in the saanctuary and get to know what it can do for us.

Mission 1
Walter the Princess and dog appear on Mist peak.
We are told that interacting with the villagers can give us guild points.
We are to speak with Sabine their chief. Walter asks that we find some more appropriate dress.
We go to a shop and buy a dweller outfit.
Jasper talks to us through the guild seal and we can also use it to teleport back and forth on the same spot.
This means that we can go to the dressing room in the sanctuary and change clothes.
Basically the sanctuary is a visual menu system.
I change and then we have to go back to Walter.
We meet sabine and Boulder. Sabine is angry about Logan and distrustful of the Princess.
Sabine needs proof, he wants us to get a relic from our mothers chamber under Brightwall.
Slay the mercenaries and get Brightwall residents to share food with the Dwellers.
Walter goes off to find out about the mercenaries, we are to go to Brightwall to find the tomb and the relic.
The dog sometimes goes off and finds treasure chests, also dig spots where we can dig up buried loot.
I get to Brightwall and come to the run down academy.
I show the librarian the guild seal, he shows us to a door which can be opened by it.
I open the door and go down into more catacombs.
I come to a switch, these can only be activated by shooting, hitting or magic.
We have to go back to the sanctuary to get a melee weapons. Jasper has opened up the armoury.
I get the hammer.
We come to a room and get attacked by hollow men, spirits that float in the air and fly down into the ground and animate corpses to attack you.
I come to a large floor grid which only rises when you stand on an arrow, you make your way across the room in a strange pattern and get some treasure along the way.
I come to a dive point where you can dive into water far below.
There are also water based treasure spots.
I find a corpse with some notes. Reading them I am told of braziers, which are all around, lighting them all opens a door and I get a silver key.
Eventually after much hollow man bashing we find the music box from Fable II.
We get back to the road to Rule.
Theresa shows the Princess a vision of Logan ranting.
He talks of albion submitting to his will or falling.
Theresa tells us he must be stopped.
I am now onto the next gate of the road to rule, here i buy:-

Magic level one which does more damage with spells.
A shock spell
Melee level 1 which does more damage with melee weapons.

I appear back at the librarian.
That is the first of the three things Sabine wanted.
We now have to go to walter for news of the mercs.

Mission 2
We meet Walter and he tells us the mercenary leader is an ex soldier he knows.
He has got a mercenary drunk and we are to steal his clothes to get into the fortress like camp.
Once I get his clothes we need money to buy a false beard and tattoo.
We have to do a job.
i do some pie making and lute hero. Both are rhythm button pressing mini games.
I hate them already.
I now have the money to buy a beard and a tattoo.
I go to the sanctuary and dress as a merc.
Now up to the mercenary camp to meet with saker the captain of the Mercs.
The disguise works and I am let in.
After a little while one of the dimwits eventually sees through the disguise.
We now have to figt our way through the camp.
Then we get to a boss battle with saker in a little arena.
He is aided by some mercs and it's a long fight.
I am given the opportunity to kill or spare him.
I spare him.
We then go to the road to rule and can open another gate.
I buy Ranged level 1.
Magic level 2

Mission 3
Back to Brightwall to meet Walter.
Walter and the librarian have a plan to help the dweller's food shortage.
If we can improve Brightwell's position then they will be better disposed to helping the Dwellers.
We have to gain followers.
Back at the sanctuary we are shown that our map when zoomed in on a place shows people who are in need of our help.
I choose one and it's a man who is waiting for a delivery that hasn't arrived. we have to go and look for it.
The trail leads too a wrecked coach which has been attacked by bandits.
I kill the bandits and have to take the gargoyle back to brian.
Brian casts a spell and the gnomes have life breathed into them.
I now have to find a lost play for some actors.
I go and find the book, but a ghost does not want us to.
We are sucked into the book and have to act out the play to get free.
We have to wear a costume and declare love.
Then a chicken suit and tickle a king to make him laugh.
Then we have to die in battle.
Now we are released from the book and give the play to the actors.
These good deeds give us enough followers and we can go and meet elliot the librarian.
He gives a speech and the crowd are behind us. He also sends aid to the Dwellers.
He asks us to promise to reopen the academy as well.

Mission 4
I go back to the dweller camp, a cut scene shows Sabine recieving the music box and aid. He pledges support, but asks for a promise to protect the dwellers rights to live in the mountains.
We are teleported to the road to rule for more upgrading.
I get a few more upgrades including the lower level stuff like being able to own houses.
I meet a trader who wants an escort to Brightwall. This uses the hand holding feature and we have to take him to Brightwall. Bandits interfere and he gives us five guild points for the trouble.
I do a side mission to rescue a missing child.
Into a cave in the hills, shooting some wolves and back to the mother with the little girl.
I go to the monorail station and meet Walter.
The monorail arrives. It crashes down into the chasm. Walter wants to go and see if there are any surviours.
We go down in a lift.
Hobbes are swarming over the wrecked monrail car and there are no survivours.
I kill loads of hobbes in the caves, there is a summoner hobbe who is making a barricade we have to flank at one point.
We come to some underground ruins and an arena where we are ambushes by hobbes.
After completing the ambush we are taken to the road to ruin where another level is unlocked.

Mission 5
After exiting the caves we come to Mourningwood, a swampy area.
We arrive at Mourningwood fort.
The troops garrisonned here are trying to get rid of an infestation of hollow men.
They aren't having much luck.
We have to take a turn as gunner on a mortar. Hollow men arrive and we have to shoot at them.
They then break in the back door and we have a fight in the courtyard. A boss hollow man appears and we have to fight him and a horde of the normal ones.
Eventually I kill him and Major Swift joins the team. I promise to appoint him as captain when I am Queen.
We are now to go to Bowerstone.
Here we are to meet the resitance.
I go through the swamp and through the sewers into the industrial heart of Bowerstone.
We encounter Reaver from the last game, who was the annoying crack shot who famously killed the last boss for us.
He is being his usual annoying self and is in charge of the workers. Which he is shooting for taking breaks.
We obviously have to do something about him.
We go to the sewers again to meet the resistance.
The resistance are a shoot first ask questions later bunch. We meet their ruler Paige who want to believe we can help but needs proof.
We need to do side missions in Bowerstone to win her trust and support.
I meet a woman named Linda who runs a shelter with her husband Gerald. Gerald has been kidnapped by one of Reavers men named Ferret. We have to go and meet Ferret on the pretense of paying the ransom. We then kill his men and hold him at gunpoint.
Gerald is in the sewers and we have to go down, fight some bats and Hobbes to rescue him and bring him back.
Next quest is to help some wizards who are playing a game. They give us an orb that shrinks us to fit on their game table.
We then join in their table top game as the player.
We are in a small location, a village. We speak to cardboard cut outs.
The players chat and argue amongst themselves with lots of in jokes about RPG design.
We go through the village, into a castle and fight wolves and hollow men.
We then fight demonic chickens.
Out to face the baron and his personal hobbe guard. We then kill the baron with one hit and kiss the princess.
I now go to Mourningwood and help Sam and Max get a book called the Normanonmicon.
we have to dig it up from their mother's grave. Hollow men make it hard, there is a boss hollow man as well. Then back to Sam and Max with the book. They use it to summon a ghost party.
I now have enough guild seals to make an impression on Page about our sincerity to doing good deeds for the people.
She hatches a plan to rescue some people from Reavers mansion. He hosts a party there and we are going to sneak in as guests.

Mission 6
I arrive at Reavers' mansion and meet Page who is similarly dressed.
On entering I am met by a butler, voiced by Johnathan Ross.
He shows us in and apoligises for all the drink being gone, he tries to interest us in an orgy.
We are shown to a room and the butler tells us that we can rescue the resistance members by going down there. An obvious trap, but there is no option.
We go in a a cut scene shows Reaver with his guests on a balcony watching as a resistance man in a cage is used as bait. He then spins the wheel of misfortune and it looks like we will have to fight an awful lot of enemies.
a room full of hobbes a room full of hollow men, then some mercs.
Some sand furies, which are new monsters.
Then we find that Reavers guests are all Balverines and we have to fight them.
We then see Reaver leave annoyingly.
Page now trusts us fully and pledges the support of the resistance for the coming revolution.

Mission 7
We now have to go to the palace to hear a royal decree from Logan.
Swift has been captured and is executed in public.
I go and do a quest where I capture chickens for a thick farmer who has lost his chickens.
We have to wear a chicken suit and go and find three groups of three chickens, then bring them back.
We then witness an argument about chicken rights and have to decide to kill or save the chickens.
I go back to the gnome guy, his gnomes have run away. We now have to gather them all up for him. shooting them sends them back to him.
I meet a woman arguing with her husband. Seems he married her for her money and is being a prat. She wants us to seduce him and get him to divorce her. Then we walk away.
I seduce the man, which means we do lots of minigame chatting, pat a caking and dancing.
Then give him a gift, go on a date. Which means taking him by the hand to the bridge.
Once there we kiss and he tells us that he will divorce the wife.
I go back to the house and he tells the wife he is divorcing her and gives her the papers.
The husband is shocked when the wife tells him what has been going on. He is a callous one and asks us to kill her and prevent her filing the divorce. This means he will have all her money and will share with us. I decide to leave them to it.
At resistance headquarters the last communication from swift before he was caught told us to go to Aurora to look for help.
This seems to be a long quest as we are told to finish up buiness before going.
This is usually game code for things are going to change and you won't be able to do some stuff when you get back.
I deliver a pacakage for a dweller woman who found it when she was digging in her backyard.
We have to take it to her cousin at the Brightwall academy. He tells us he will examine it. We should check back later and he may be able to tell us what it is.
I speak to the librarian who wants all his important books back.
We have 30 to find scattered around the world.
I go back to the chicken couple, who have made a chicken racetrack. You get to bet and play a little gambling mini game.
I meet an animal liberation fan who wants us to go to a pie factory which is experimenting on chickens. She wants us to free them. I go there and have to figt a lot of mercs then pull a lever to free the chickens.
I save a woman from balverines, she wants us to get something for her. I travel to the location and dig up a letter which I take back to her. She changes status to being our friend.
I give a man a letter from someone called Arthur. He has been on a mission to insult everyone in Albion and this poor man in Brightwall is the last one.
I meet a man who wants to restore a historical bridge. He wants 750 gold to do so. I give it to him.
I have started to buy up houses to rent and businesses. These give you steady income and allows you to buy more and more property.
Discounts at shops you own are given.
A bunch of people at an eco commune wants us to clear some islands of Hobbes so they can live on them. I go to the islands and clear out around six groups of hobbes.
I go and do a mission where a gambler who has been diddled wants the card shark killed.
I don't think this will help my moral standing, I do it anyway and murder the man in the pub. The police start to call me a murderer.
I find another quest like this and decide not to bother.
Another dubious quest sees a gambler wanting to flee to Driftwood, that is the islands we cleared out for the hippies. I take him and find that the hippies have built a camp on the island and bridges across to it.
There is also a sequence of orb keys that we can now reach the start of but not the end.
I have to get the hippies a carpenter and go all the way to silver pines to deliver the letter to a carpenter there inviting him to come live in Driftwood. He is only to glad to leave the balverine infested silverpines. Maybe he will build a structure on dfiftwood that will help me get to the end of the orb chase. Nope, it gets me further but I still can't get to the next orb along the line.
I find an obsessive Reaver fan who wants me to steal his dirty underpants.
I go to his manor and inside hi bedroom we find a bookcase which opens leading down to a bedroom kitted out with cages and other torture chambe type gear. His underpants are there and I take them back to the woman.
A man named James has lost his wife's ring in the sewer.
A quick trip through mercenary infested sewers to find a dig spot with the ring.
I find a quest where I have to escort a widow to her hubsand's grave. Hollow men attack on the way.
I find Sam and he has lost Max, we have to follow him. I chase Max around the cemetry, he is drunk and enjoying his freedom from mummy. After many fights with hollow men he comes to a giant organ and keeps on summoning hollow men and ghosts to fight us.
We have to kill all his supply of wisps, we can thenn grab the normanomicon off them. We use it to summon their mum and that puts them out of trouble.

Mission 8
That seems to be a good portion of the side missions done. It's time to go to Aurora.
I go back to resistance HQ and have to follow Finn. We fight some of Logan's soldiers and head for the docks where we get on a boat.
A cut scene shows us setting sail. We are chased by one of Logan's battleships and blown out of the water. We see Walter and the Princess washed up on a deserted rocky beach. No sign of Finn. I get control back and we enter a cave. Some ruins can be found and there is a glowing pool.
There are skeletons beside the pool, which seems to be a staircase leading down covered by a force field.
The skeletons have a book which warns of dire trouble. Walter reads a passage which seems to be a spell and the force field vanishes.
Down the well we come to a corridor, then into a temple.
We have to pull a lever to extend a bridge.
Another force fields is opened by walter and his book of incantations.
We come to a large area filled with darkness, Walter lights a torch and a disembodied voice can be heard taunting us. It seems that the voice belongs to Darkness incarante. We are attacked by winged shadows.
Walter sees a monstrous creature and starts to lose it. We walk through the caves being attacked as we go.
Walter throws his torch at  the creature and it seems to hurt it.
We come to a ledge and Walter tells us to jump down first. He is then swallowed up by the darkness.
There are pools of black tar oozing around.
We come to Walter who appears crucified by the black tar.
We have to fight lots of shadows and then statues that come to life.
We then get Walter out of the tar, however he is blinded. We leave the temple and come out onto the ruins in a desert.
We have to leave walter who is blind and can hardly walk.
We walk is the desert and are taunted by the darkness. eventually everything goes black.
We are then saved by Finn and a native woman.
We are taken to the Auroran village.
The leader of the Auroran is called Kalin and she tells of the darkness which attacked them five years ago and has been making their lives a living nightmare since.
We are told to go and explore the Auroran city to see what she means.
It is full of dead and dying and memorials to the dead.
Kalin tells us that Logan came there four years ago. He promised to return with an army but has not.
Kalin asks for a promise to help her and allow aurora a place in her kingdom.

Mission 9
We are sent to the road to rule and theresa tells us that the time is ripe to take Bowerstone castle.
A cut scene shows the gang planning the attack on Bowertstone castle.
Now we have a fight through the burning city. Lots of soldiers and some appearances from the cast of characters.
We then reach the castle and in cut scene see walter and the Princess arrest Logan. Logan claims he had reasons to do what he did. Walter isn't interested in hearing them.
We see the princess being crowned Queen.
Walter introduces us to Hobson who is our royal aide.
We have a busy first day. The first job is to preside over the trial of Logan.
Logan tells us that Theresa came to him and told him the darkness would attack Albion.
He claims to have been building an army to fight it.
We are given the chance to kill or pardon Logan, I choose to pardon him.
We go to Theresa, she tells us that the darkness will come and Logan wasn't the man to lead.
We are told that we can be benevolent and loved, yet there will be a price. We can be a tyrant like Logan and be hated and save more people.
The choice is ours.
We are shown the royal treasury.
We are given the option to keep taxes as they are lower or raise them.
We can donate our own gold to the treasury.
Our next job is to go and meet Reaver.
We are given the choice to build a school or keep the children at work.
I choose to build the school.
We are then given the choice to rebuild the old quarter which was burnt to the ground by the battle.
All of these choices are putting a serious dent in the treasury and will leave our preparations for the fight against the darkness in financial need.
We are now to choose to raise lower or leave the guard budget.
We get to choose decor for the castle, pretty blunt here, good or evil.
We then choose to keep our promise to Kalin and Aurora. Reaver posits that we should exploit them for the coming war.
A rare diamond is reported in Aurora. We go to the docks and trvel to the rebuilt Aurora.
Aurora is now much larger, a city and a large desert area.
I find a palace full of cog like structures in the desert and eventually a huge diamond inside it. There are lots of sand furies to fight.
After escaping the desert I return to the castle and give the diamond to the treasury which gives as a nice sum.
We are then asked if we want to return a child benefit policy to allbion. I do and lose yet more from the treasury.
It seems we need to get the treasury up to 6.5 billion within the year otherwise an equal number of our citizens will die in the attack.
Another audience in the throne room, Page wants the shelter renovated, Reaver wants to turn it into a brothel. I rennovate of course.
We next have a choice to make regarding the building of a sewerage plant or just dumping it mourningwood. I build the sewerage plant.
Our last apppointment for this session is to meet with Page at the old rebel headquarters.
Page tells us that Ferret has taken over the criminal underworld and is causing an awful lot of trouble. Page has inside information that Ferrets men are going to attack a pub looking for protection money. We are to go and see if we can find any information that will lead us to Ferret. I do find information of course, a note and a key telling the thug leader about the new secret hideout. With the location secured we are to go and find Ferret.
I find him in his hideout and have to fight a lot of mercenaries. We get a choice, to put Ferret in jail, or take his million bribe. That would mean that a million citizens would be saved. Tough call. I reject the bribe. Hopefully I can make the sum by the time the darkness arrives.
Our next royal choice is to set the rules about alchohol. I can outlaw it entirely, keep a limit that Logan had installed or remove the limit allowing the people choice.
I remove the limit.
We are given the choice to restore Brighwall Academy, I restore it there seems little choice.
I find a demon door that opens for the monarch, it gives me a million in gold which is handy.
The next choice is to dam the river that feeds Bower lake and to mine the lake bed which is rich in minerals. Reaver argues for the money which is well needed. Page asks to keep the countryside intact.
I use a time slow potion which slows time for enemies and keeps you moving at normal speed.
I try the summon help in a fight potion which brings ghostly balverines to fight for you.
I go to the academy and find the the artefeact I delivered earlier is a key to a room in the dungeons of the academy. We have to escort the researcher Saul down there.
We take him down through hoards of hollow men to the door and open it. Inside is a room full of bookcases. There is the start of an orb trail here as well.
The orb trail takes a winding path to a door which is opened by gold keys. It takes us to a place called the Prism by teleporter.
Seems the best we can get here is a highwayman costumes, not worth the bother really.
Saul has read some of the books and unleashed an evil prescence.
We have to go down there and clear them out.
There are hollow men to kill then back to Saul.
There is a temple in Aurora where you place the flowers you find once you collect enough of each type.
I decide I finally have enough money or don't care any more and decide to get back onto the main quests.
I go to Millfields to meet with a wealthy patron, she has decided that her priceless family heirloom won't be much good if she is dead. However someone has stolen it from her just as she was going to donate it to the treasury, she asks that we go and recover it from the thief who has fled into the woods.
In silverpines we are to follow a  white balverine.
The balverine leads us to the village in silverpines. Here we are told of the village defences, they burn silver nitrate in their torches around the village.
There is a man called Connor who let one of the torches burn down on his watch. He was punished and then left the village in a strop telling them that there would be a reckoning.
I follow the balverine again and it leads us to a clearing with some ruins. We meet Connor here and he is flanked by Balverines. Seems the statue was mystical and the key to controlling the balverines.
He gives us a choice, put out the torches and help him and the balverines get revenge on the village. In return for this he will give us the statue. The alternative is to attack him here and now.
I do so and he goes to attack the village and sends some of the balverines to attack us. I kill them and head for the village, after much balverine slaying, Connor appears and we fight him. When he is dead we have the villagers thanks and the statue. We have to go back to Muriel the patron. She gives the statue to us which is worth half a million. I give the money to the treasury.
Next descision is to bail out the economy. We need to spend half a million. Easy come easy go.
Kalin comes to us to ask for a desert fort, one that can defend Aurora from the darkness.
Reaver speaks against the fort.
Sabine, the dweller leader comes asking for the ownership of his lands.
I give him ownership.
The time passes and we are now at the day of the attack. Theresa summons us to the road to rule and tells us that we will fight the darkness in our true from. We grow angel wings from our back.
We then are tasked with defeating the darkness, a task that we were groomed to replace Logan to do so that it would work out for the best.
When we go through the portal we are in the castle and the gang are all there. We go out into the streets and fight with the dark forces. There are all sorts of illusions and explosions going on, sand covers the streets.
We fight until we come to the main square and walter is posessed again by the creature.
We have to fight Walter until we knock him down.
Once he is down the darkness is defeated, however Walter dies in your arms.
We skip to the aftermath where the gang all congratualte each other around a large statue in the palace grounds of Walter.
The credits roll

31 hours on the in game clock
580 achievement points.

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