Thursday, June 16, 2011

SOCOM: Special Forces notes

42mb patch to download, just bought it a week ago and that was day of release.

I Choose normal difficulty.

Our character walks into a military base.
Pirates are attacking shipping lanes, they are called Naga.
There is a private company running security and Nato have sent a task force in as well.
I think my character is part of Nato.
There appears to be tensions between Nato and the PMC.
An Asian woman is arguing with the general when we come in.
We are going to check the security of the perimeter.
The scene shifts to six hours later, pirates and soldiers are fighting in the street.
We are in a hotel and helping airlift some people away.
Seems that there has been a coup and we are caught in the middle.


Usual analogue sticks.
Clicking left stick runs.
R1 is aim down sight
R1 is shoot.
R2 is grenade.
triangle is a crouch toggle.
Square picks up weapons
Circle goes in and out of cover.
Holding L2 brings up a menu by which we can switch guns and grenades by holding the sticks in different directions.

Mission 1
I get control as a rocket hits the hotel.
I am told to get to cover and a location waypoint appears down in the foyer.
I move out of the hotel and a van enters the hotel grounds and we are under attack.
I move out onto the streets and there has been some heavy fighting and bombing going on, there is a lot of devastations. I shoot some enemies and head up onto an overpass.
I am told to take out a man in a building using grenades.
We come to our base and it is attacked by heavy armour.
In cut scene we call our superiors and find that most of them were in the base that just got zapped. We call air support and have to guide bombs in to hit the tanks.
Now we are moving forwards again. I come to a large area of street with lots to shoot at. This is actually quite fun when you get into it. Makes a change from COD, back to the Rainbow Six / Graw type of game play.
A waypoint takes us to a car and a cut scene which shows out gang get in and drive off.

Mission 2
We are now going out to investigate Naga bases out in the jungle.
Apparently we are to meet our PMC friends, as we stop our car close to our destination, we see their plane get shot down. Some manage to parachute off, we are going to look for survivors.
We arrive at the crash site and are told to be stealthy, we have to move slowly so as to not make noise and also to crouch in long grass.
We are shown how to sneak up on someone from behind and press R3 to stealth kill.
We then find some enemies blocking the way and are shown how to order our two squad members to attack targets.
After killing the enemies I progress on to the crash site.
We now find the Koreans who are under heavy attack from the enemy. I wade in and save the day.
In cut scene the female Korean leader who is named Park is appraised of the seemingly hopeless situation. She doesn't take it well and seems to resent the Nato people.
She does join us though reluctantly.
We now have to take out the anti aircraft gun that shot down the Korean plane.
I enter the village and the game is trying to teach me the controls for ordering around the two teams. It's a little confusing and it all goes to hell. I basically trigger full scale war and to hell with stealth. It works though. I clear the village and place a charge on the anti aircraft gun and take it out. We leave the area and that is the mission done.

Mission 3
A frigate has been spotted in dry dock that will pose a problem for any new ships entering the area. IF we can cripple it in dry dock it will help the situation.
Park, the Korean woman is a stealth specialist, she is sent in to do the job. Our hero and her have a bit of a chat about her lack of respect for authority before the mission. She thinks Gorman sent her team into a meat grinder and therefore that is why she was so rude to him.
This is a night mission, we are to get in and out in a stealthy manner.
We have a stealth meter which shows how visible we are. Sticking to the shadows and cover is the way to go.
I can shoot people but I have to hide the bodies.
I can throw shell casings to distract people over towards a direction.
I can scale certain crates.
I now come to the ship and have to sneak past many sentries and patrols to get to the pump station. Here I sabotage it and now have to get out again. We go under the dry dock and run around corridors here being guided by the hero who is watching using UAV's.
Now we have to climb onto the top of the cargo containers.
Over the containers and then some more sneaking to the exit.

Mission 3
The sabotage will delay the launch of the frigate, however it won't prevent it entirely. We now have to go in with more men and disable it.
I can take it slow and tactical or go in all guns blazing, it soon descends into madness anyway.
I approach the gates, get inside killing all resistance and move through the dock area towards the frigate. Snipers attack here, usual red lines show their location.
As we approach the ship all tactics  goes out the window as we have the ships gun firing at us. I have to run under it's firing range straight into a load of enemies.
Once the enemies are cleared around the ship I board it and plant two charges on the weapons systems.
Now we plant a beacon for the bomber. Now we leave, some more resistance on the way out.
The plane comes in and blows up the frigate.

Mission 4
Oracle tells us of a Naga supply line, which we should obviously do something about.
We come to the road and kill a few guards. Then we set up an ambush. The a.i. do it all for me, setting up claymores and getting into good positions.
I am told to go up on a bridge and wait. The convoy comes and the ambush is very effective.
We now progress along the road fighting, snipers attack as well.
I approach the base and find a large influx of tanks coming off ships, helicopters etc. This isn't some provincial pirate, he is being supplied by a government.
We have to use the air strike to destroy four vehicle groups and then hack a computer to get intel.
Then we leave.

Mission 5 Fluid Dynamic
Intel taken from the computer shows that Lazard, the leader of the coup is holed up in a specific location. However, it is well defended. The quickest way to cause chaos and ruin the bad guys day is to blow a dam that overlooks his hideout. Oracle advises that this will ruin the area for years to come and cause lots of civilian unrest.
The commander does not agree.
On the way there Lazard calls our hero. He seems to know him, presumably from an old game.
They talk about previous blood being spilled and our heroes previous failures.
Lazard wants to ruin commerce transport in the strait and hold the global economy to ransom.
Our commander doesn't think he should be let get away with that.
We enter the area and meet heavy resistance. Two vehicles drive in, though they handily park near exploding barrels.
Inside the dam building, are lots of soldiers, I kill them all and hit the switch. However, there is an emergency close switch somewhere else that we will need to control.
This is a long defend the position objective. Lots of soldiers, snipers and a helicopter attacks.
A cut scene shows the devastation the flood causes.

Mission 6
We are chasing Razard into the slums.
Cut scene shows 45 and another grunt chatting about the commander. The backstory about the last game is explained quickly.
This is another stealth mission where we are controlling 45.
A scripted a.i. officer walks around talking to men and making sure the guards are doing their job. We have to follow him around and take out the odd soldier who is in the way.
After a while of this we are to take out rooftop snipers.
Then sneak in and place a tracker on Razard's car.
We then sneak out of the area.

Mission 7 Means to an end.
The tracker has worked and we now know where Razard is. We are now going to go and get him.
Reviving your team mates when they go down is very hard to do, because it's broken.
Now we move through the slums we just sneaked through with Forty-five all guns blazing killing everyone.
We get to a new area and an armoured vehicle shows up.
There is a handy rocket launcher nearby of course.
Then we move into the target building.
Up inside it and we find Razard in cut scene.
He offers the commander a million dollars to walk away, of course our stand up hero does not accept the bribe. Razard is asked for the name of who is financing his coup. It appears to be Clawhammer, the PMC that Forty-five works for.
Razard is shot by a sniper.
We now have to escape.
Which is against a time limit and the previous areas are now filled with soldiers.
I get to the Extraction point but it's quite hard.

Mission 8
Clawhammer have turned on the Naga forces and are now openly taking charge.
Nato forces are under attack and we are to assist.
We find them under heavy attack.
Eventually we meet two survivors and they joins us as we fight through the slums.
A helicopter attacks.
Shit this helicopter is hard to kill, eventually it's a matter of learning it's pattern.
After it's down a cut scene shows the commander and Forty-five arguing about why they need to personally finish the war single handedly.
The commander has no answer other than it's a game duh, who else is going to do it.

Mission 9
We are now sending Forty-five to attack a Clawhammer fortification.
We sneak in at night and find Gorman, the original commander is the leader of Clawhammer.
Forty-five wants to shoot him right there and then, but the commander makes her think about it. We have to place a tracker on his helicopter.
I sneak in after lots of false starts and plant the beacon.
Then have to sneak back out again.

Mission 10 Turning point
We have to get into a base and hack the friend or foe identification on Clahammer ships.
I progress through two bunkers and then have to defend while the missiles are hacked.
Then I have to shoot at a ship in the distance with the missiles.
Now another bunker to attack.
Same deal, defend Chung and shoot the frigate. It tried to blow you up with Missiles this time though.
Then run for extraction point.

Mission 11
We are now going after Gorman.
As 45 we are gaining intelligence on the base and seeing what is happening.
I have to sneak past soldiers into the base.
Gorman intends to launch missiles at a tanker, then he is leaving, as if his forces were never there.
We have to take out three sentries with a sniper single shot. Then get in and upload some plans from a computer.
Now we have to plant charges on three thanks.
Which is hard work, we then escape and blow up the tanks.

Mission 12
The straight would be closed for a year if the tanker is blown in the straight.
The economic implications for oil prices would be huge.
Clawhammer's companies would probably be the ones paid to clean up.
Gorman's missile must be stopped.
We use a jeep to get as close as we can to the base in daylight and attack.
Then we work our way along a road through ruins that are heavily guarded.
Finally we get to the launcher.
We have to stop the enemy from launching it.
After a long siege the gang are sent to get a helicopter and we go to disarm the missile.
Gorman attacks while we do and he is stabbed by a pen, however he shoots us a few times for good measure.
we disarm the missile and Gorman runs.
45 finds us dying and we tell her to go and get Gorman.
Though he tells her not to kill him, then dies.

Mission 13
45 is now in the city again, chasing down Gorman.
Lots of fun in the streets, just corridor shooting our way towards Gorman.
Then up through a multi story car park.
Now we have to use air support to take out five convoy trucks from the roof. There is heavy sniper and soldier fire to deal with apart form the heavy artillery form the vehicles.
After we destroy the convoy lots of soldiers attack.
We then go into the train station to face down Gorman. He is wounded and dragging a case full of money.
I don't shoot, I presume the cross hair that appears is a chance to kill him or be merciful.

Credits Roll

8 hours of game time give or take.
40% of trophies on first play through.

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