Monday, June 25, 2012

Saints Row the third Notes

I chose Normal difficulty.

A star wars style text into with the 2001 theme and an irreverent attitude scrolls past. Basically the Saints are under attack by rival gangs as usual.
A commercial shows and Saint's gang member being beaten up, he drinks a Saints energy drink and beats them up in a bunch of video game cliché ways.
The commercial is seen to be playing on the phone of a Saints member. We are now with a group of Saints, who appear to be about to rob a bank. There is an actor with them. Gat is there, I can't remember the names of the rest of the characters. We are all to be dressed up in giant bobble-heads of Gat as disguises.
The four enter the bank and are met by a hail of gunfire from the tellers.
I get control.

Mission 1
We have to move forwards through the bank taking out the enemies. There are bystanders who lie on the floor and hide. We have to go up the stairs higher into the offices, where we find the safe.
A cut scene shows the gang finding the safe. We have to go upstairs above it and set a charge on the floor. The explosion blows a whole in the wall. The actor sets off an alarm by accident in cut scene.
We now have exposed the safe and have to survive some waves of swat team members and an attack by a helicopter before our own chopper arrives to lift the safe out of the  building. We get on top of the safe and are lifted out with it.
We now have to hang onto the vault as it dangles below the helicopter and shoot lots of swat team and helicopters. Once we have killed enough men and caused enough mayhem the attack chopper is shot down and it hits our helicopter. This cause it to crash and we have to jump off the vault. We see our bobble-headed character being caught by many Swat team members.

We now go to the character creation screen to style our character.

Mission 2
The gang are thrown into prison. They are then taken onto a plane by a Belgian gang leader. He wants to muscle in on the Saints operation, at gunpoint. Gat breaks free and starts a fight that sees the plane damaged and the rest of the gang free to fight.
Gat goes one way, Shaundi and I the other. We have no guns and have to melee fight for a while until we get a gun from one of the enemies. We reach the rear doors of the plane and get knocked out. We only have one parachute between us and have to shoot at people in free fall while trying to catch Shaundi. At one point a cut scene shows our character dropping Shaundi, crashing through a plane window, killing some people and flying out the rear of the plane in one go. We land and see that the rival gang have cleared out the Saints bank account.

Mission 3
We find ourselves on the streets of Steelport, we have to find a car. We have to use our phone to look at the map and find the gun shop called friendly fire. Once we have bought our guns we are to go to an armory and raid it. we enter it and get trapped inside by waves of soldiers. Pierce arrives with helicopters to bail us out.
We now have to use air drones to fire missiles down on the army tanks and jeeps that arrive to stop us.
we now have to run to the helicopter and escape with a large bomb. we now have to shoot from the helicopter at pursuing enemies.

I now find myself in my house, where we can change clothes and weapons. There is a garage next door also.
I run around for a bit unsure of what to do next. I do some side mission, clearing gang members from an area. I also have to survive in a small area against waves of police.
I find that the main missions are triggered by the mobile phone.

Mission 4
We have to find some property in Steelport, Pierce and I are to cruise the city and find some places. I have to drive to meet Pierce.
He wants us to take a car to a rim jobs store to get it cleaned up.
In the car modification shop we can do an awful lot to our car. Only one thing needs to be done to pass the mission. We now have to go to Planet Saints, or a clothes shop.
After buying something at the clothes shop we are attacked by syndicate gang members and a huge brute like bruiser of an enemy that can take hundreds of bullets.
Once it is downed we have to get back to our safe house, where crossing the threshold gets rid of any pursuit.

Mission 5
We have to meet Pierce at the airport, we are going to crash a party of the morning star gang. We are going to use a plane to land on the roof penthouse and then let the saints in by opening the door for them.
We have to parachute from the plane onto the roof, landing in the pool. We then have to clear out the area of syndicate gang members. We then move inside into corridors in the building fighting as we go. We are given hand grenades here to blow down a barrier.
We then let the saints in and have clear some more enemies who are dropped in by helicopter. The penthouse is rigged to blow up, we have to chase the gang member who flees in a helicopter to find out which wire to cut on the bomb. Using the helicopter I chase him to a syndicate base and then have to chase him on foot and make him tell us which wire.

The Penthouse becomes our new crib.

Mission 6
We have to meet Pierce at the penthouse, inside the penthouse he has found keys to some safety deposit boxes. We are to get the contents, we provide cover from a helicopter while Pierce goes in and gets the boxes. We then have to protect him from the copter as he races back to a safe place. Many cars chase him and we get to rocket them to our hearts content. We then have to snipe at some more syndicate that turn up to storm the safe house.

Mission 7
Pierces wants us to start advertising around Steelport, we have to sell Saints merchandise around the city. We have to protect Pierce while he does the negotiating.
At the first deal the buyer tries to leave without paying and we have to kill him.
At the next deal the syndicate turn up and we have to kill some of them.

Mission 8
Pierce wants us to buy up some real estate in the city, I have to go to a friendly fire and buy it. we then have to find a sex doll, hidden behind a building, these are the collectibles. We now have to buy up an apartment building.
Once done we now have to destroy gang operations on the streets. Basically what you do here is kill bunches of gang members you find and random locations. Once done twice we have to go to the friendly fire we bought, which clears our notoriety.

Mission 9
We have to go on a rampage with a tank, causing damage to the city.

Mission 10
Professor Genki's super ethical reality climax is a game show, where participants have to survive and kill enemies and move through a maze filled with flames and electric gates.
The activity is against the clock, health does not regenerate and health signs must be shot to recover.

Mission 11
I have  to meet Pierce at a pub called the Broken Shillelagh. Incidentally this seems to mark the first real mission, we are now out of the tutorial.

Mission 12
Shaundi and I are to attack a gun shop called Powder owned by the syndicate. We have to enter the car park and kill lots of people. Then go inside and kill more people. There are snipers here, the usual red laser sight gives them away. There is an armored brute with a mini-gun, once he is downed we can claim his mini-gun. After wearing away a brutes health you have to go up to them and press Y to see an animation of us killing them in a violent way.

Mission 13
We are to go after Laurent, the leader of the syndicate. We meet at the penthouse to prepare. We then have to drive to Laurent's tower block.
We enter via a parking garage and have to kill lots of enemies and a brute.
Then the bomb we stole from the army is brought in. We arm it and go up in an elevator to find Laurent. We now have to fight in what appears to be a lab where the brute clones are being incubated. We fight one with a flamethrower and then reach a waypoint. In cut scene we meet the template for the clones, the original, he is imprisoned by Laurent and does not like him. We free him and he is to help us, his name is Oleg.
I call an elevator and we go up into the Penthouse. Here Laurent makes a break for it in an express elevator back down. We grab onto a ceiling ornament. Which is then knocked down and we fall with it through the hollow central core of the building in time to land on Laurent as he steps out of the elevator.
We are given a choice, blow up the building or keep it. I blow it up quite by accident exploring the options.

A cut scene shows a new bridge being opened by a politician, the saints are watching from vehicles on the bridge. A group of green, wrestler garbed gang members arrive and start shooting at the saints. The leader can be seen ordering a strike and lots of rocket fire heads for the bridge blowing everything up. The saints have survived of course, and want revenge. Oleg tells us that we are not ready to take on the full power of the syndicate, though he can help us.

Mission 14
We have to rescue an FBI agent who can help us. She is being held by the syndicate on a barge. We have to take a boat and get onto the barge, where we fight through a new bunch of blue themed Tron like gang members. The agent tells us that a BDSM club is home to someone called Zimos who knows the angel sisters who runs prostitution in Stillwater. We arrive at the bdsm club and have to find Zimos, we have to interrogate a few patrons first before we find him. He is a pony-boy and we have to ride his pony cart in a chase sequence  shooting up pony carts who follow us. Very kinky and screwed up is all I can say about this sequence. Zimos then leads us to the location of Angel. we have to fight a brute outside the stronghold of Angel.Inside we meet Angel, he is a male wrestler. We now have to fend off waves of Luchadores and brutes. Flame and mini gun varieties.

In cut scene we see the rival gangs leaders talking, the Luchadore leader seems to want to take over the syndicate and is very angry.
Now in our mobile we have four choices of mission for the first time.

Mission 15
Zimo’s Snatch
I have to go to Zimos' place.
He wants us to rescue whores from the De-winter sisters pimps.
We have to go and find whores and bring them back to the brothel against a time limit. We have to bring four back and then the mission is completed.

mission 16
Shaundi Trojan whores
Pierce is throwing a party, Shaundi does not like this after Gat's death. She is ignored and the party continues. All of a sudden the whores turn on the saints and it seems that this is a revenge attack by the syndicate.
We have to kill the whore assassins, then kill snipers on the surrounding buildings. We now have to restore the power to the penthouse which the whores cut. Helicopters arrive and start circling the building shooting. We have to find a rocket launcher and then shoot them down.

We see the Luchadore leader kill one of the De-winter sisters for this failed hit on the Saint's leadership.

Mission 17
Zimos wants us help him do some promotional business. He is selling catalogues of his girls to various distributors around the area. We have to drive him to three locations and then back home. syndicate and various  troubles keep us entertained on the way.

Mission 18
Zimos wants us to drive his whores around town while they have sex in the back seat of the car with their clients.
We have to kill targets and do certain point damages while we drive the client around.
I have to take them to the brothel, then drive them home.

Mission 19
Zimos calls us to his crib and asks us to look at a picture, this seems to be a story point rather than a mission. I think it means that the Zimos missions are done, he is now back in business and ready to help us the final missions.

Mission 20
No, Zimos is still in the cell phone. Next mission, he asks us to come and meet with him.
Inside a warehouse a bunch of people are watching a news broadcast. The Stagg initiative is announced by the politician. Zimos tells us that the Morning star are having an auction. He can get us inside, he tells us that he is going to sell us as a sex slave.
We appear to wake up naked and drugged. We have to fight through many enemies while wobbling around from the drugs. We have to free a bunch of prisoners in the cells under the brothel then fight a mini-gun brute clone.

Mission 21
I am to meet Angel at the gym. He wants us to do the insurance fraud activity. Who thought that making the side missions part of the main story would work? Basically, you have to throw yourself in front of cars to earn money.

Mission 22
Trailblazing, we have to drive a flaming quad-bike around causing as much damage as possible, while completing a race against the clock.

Mission 23
Tiger escort, we have to drive with a tiger in the passenger seat?? I have to go fast and if I slow down or hit anything the tigers rage goes up. A courage meter fills as you do well. Once courage meter is full the mission thankfully ends.

Mission 24
We have to meet Kinzie, she is moving her stuff into a warehouse and wants our help.
She has written a program that will track enemies real life position while they play a popular online game. The positions will give us an idea of the enemies real life movements.
This is a tron light cycle type game where we hit tanks and avoid flames driving a motorbike in a tube.

Mission 25
The Deckers is the name of the cyber/Tron gang. I have to do the mayhem side mission. destroy a certain amount of object with dollar value until a target is reached.

Mission 26
Kinzie has been found by the Deckers she was hacking. We have to protect her with a sniper rifle, then with rockets as she drives to safety.

Mission 27
Now we have Heli assault, we have to fly a helicopter around over Kinzie in her car. She is driving around Hacking Decker servers, she has to be next to them to hack them. Deckers attack her and we have to fend them off using the helicopter.

Mission 28
Kinzie wants us to meet her at smiling jacks. This is another of those weird non missions.
Kinzie is hiding under a table in a diner, she tells us she has seen us coming via traffic cameras and is tracking us through our phone as well. She will help us to take on the Decker leader.

Mission 29
Another Angel non mission, this is getting annoying.

Mission 30
Zimos is talking, when we get another call, from the remaining De-winter sister. She tells us of whores being brought in at the docks. Appears she is rebelling against the death of her Sister. We go to the docks and see the whores being loaded into cargo containers. Zimos and our character start on a jet ski. We have to drive out to the boat and search the cargo containers for four containing whores. There are enemies and two brutes to deal with. Once we find all the whores we have to clear the boat again. Then boats and helicopters attack us for a few waves. Once done, we then have to protect the helicopter carrying a cargo container with the whores inside as we fly back into the city. Many boats and many rockets are blown up. Back at the city we are given a choice, the Deckers leader wants to buy back the whores. We have to choose to give them to Zimos, or sell them back to the syndicate. I choose to keep them for Zimos and the Saints.

A cut scene shows the Luchadore and Decker leaders squabbling again. The Luchadore leader, Killborn, I think, hasn't got much in the way of brains.
The Stagg initiative has been passed, whatever it is.

Mission 31
I call Oleg and ask his opinion of Viola De-winter. He isn't impressed by her, though he thinks she may have intelligence that can help. She calls and asks us to meet her.
We meet Viola in a park, Oleg and our character. She wants to join us, we discuss whether she can be trusted. As we talk military humvees raid the park, they have Stag, written on them. A female is in charge of the force which chases our heroes into a building.
We have to run through a strip club and fight some of the new armored soldiers. Then we go up onto the roof and have to survive some waves. Vtol jets bring in soldiers and also attack us with laser weapons. We can get the weapons off the dead soldiers. The laser weapon needs you to tap X to cool it down.
Once you have survived enough waves the elevator starts working.
We now have to make our way back through the club and out the front. We have to make it back to the crib.

A cut scene shows a huge battleship off the coast, the leader of the Stag forces is a man named Syrus Temple. Seems he is the father of someone we killed in Saints Row 2. He isn't happy and it looks like all the gangs are going to get wiped off the face of the Earth, along with most of the city if Syrus gets his way.

Mission 32
Live with Killbane
I call Kinzie, we have to meet her at Smiling Jacks.
Kinzie shows us that Killbane is on television, badmouthing the Saints. Kinzie is asked to track their location.
We have to drive to a helicopter location and take it to some radio towers where we are to place devices which will allow Kinzie to find Killbane.
At each tower there are Decker's defending. I have to plant devices on two towers.
We now have to find a van which is broadcasting the signal. Using lasers on the nose of the helicopter we have to keep them on it long enough for Kinzie to find the source of the signal they are relaying. now we have the location we have to land on the roof and make our way inside.
I have to clear the room of Deckers then speak to the interviewer. She tells us that Killbane is escaping by car. I now have to get back to the roof and chase his car in the helicopter. As we get close a cut scene starts.
Shaundi has him in her sniper rifle sight and the helicopter suddenly goes out of control. It crashes and our heroes get out unscathed. A message from Matt, the Decker leader tells us that he made the helicopter go out of control.

Mission 33
I call Kinzie and have to meet her at her hideout. She tells us of a computer that the Stag people have, Kinzie wants us to steal it. The Decker leader also wants it.
I have to drive to the location of the computer, where we find that the Deckers are already attacking. I have to get inside the lobby and clear it out of both sides.
I then have to go down into the garage where we find a tank we can steal. I now have to find the truck that the Deckers have loaded the super computer onto and shoot out it's tires. The mission is complete once all four tires have been shot out.

Mission 34
Kinzie tells us of a chair which can be used to interface with something or other in the worst techno-babble since Star Trek Voyager. Our character also shares the irony and wants it in plain English, go steal the chair from the Deckers is the upshot.
I have to drive Kinzie to a factory, where she has to hack three control panels.
Deckers run interference each time.
We then need to get into a helicopter where Kinzie flies it around until we find the chair. We have to parachute into the cooling tower then find the chair.
The chair is surrounded by about five switches that  we need to shut off. Heavy Decker resistance is present.
Once all five routers are turned off the mission ends.

Mission 35
I have to go to Kinzie’s hideout where she has rigged up the super computer and the chair. We are to go into a virtual reality and do something to the Deckers.
The virtual reality is a gothic Tron like place. We start off as a toilet, then a sex doll, then finally a polygon wireframe avatar.
We can shoot and there are some Decker like enemies that teleport in.
We have to progress quite a distance then we come to a firewall.
Here we have a basic text adventure to complete, which isn't hard.
We then have another round of shooting. Here our server is lagged and we get lag as if playing a multiplayer game with a bad ping.
We then have to take on a tank in a really basic top down tank shooter.
Back to the virtual world for more blasting.
The game crashes and we are sent to a hex screen to debug it??
all I have to do is press any button, though it was a nice joke.
We now progress to meeting Matt in the virtual world, he is a huge boss type creature with wings.
We have to fight him with our gun for a bit. With some quick-time we tear off his wings.
Kinzie manages to hack things so that we get his form and we fight him equally matched.
It isn't a hard fight and he soon goes down.
Matt gives us a choice to have a gun or a car company give us discounts in return for his life.

Mission 36
Our character tells Oleg and Pierce that the Saints penthouse isn't safe anymore. She tells them to clear their stuff from the penthouse. We have to go to a stag base and cause a diversion to allow them time to work.
We have to steal a vtol from the stag base and then cause havoc, destroying two of their mobile bases. We then have to save Pierce's convoy from tanks. Then another two bases to hit. We then have to go to Oleg and help him as he is attacked by tanks and vtols. A radar plane is next on our hit list, have to destroy it's four strong escort, then destroy the awacs plane.

In cut scene we see that Nightblade, a character from a television series is doing adverts for Stag. Syrus and his henchwoman are asked to make sure he is safe.

Mission 37
I have to meet Pierce and Viola at a comic books store. We are to kidnap Nightblade, we are to use viola in a comic book costume as bait.
Disguised as Nightblade characters we have to go to a stag facility, the same one we broke into to get the super computer and break into a Nightblade studio. We are able to walk right inside without issue and get to Nightblade, punching him out in cut scene we now have to get out of the building with him. We have to carry him around as we fight the stag forces which come to stop us.
We now have to drive back to the Penthouse to escape pursuit.

Syrus isn't happy that we have Nightblade, he vows to get him back.

Mission 38
Shaundi is guarding Nightblade, she wants to kill him. Oleg and Pierce continue their chess rivalry. We have new equipment and are going to cause trouble for stag.
We have to go to the stag base and set fire to two banners outside. This makes stag chase us and we have to lead the chase back to the penthouse.
Inside the  Penthouse we have laid explosive around the building. we  can detonate these when the stag arrive in force causing mayhem.
We have to destroy a few waves of stag forces as they attack either side of the building. Moving from the north and south sides as directed.
Pierce arrives with a new weapon and we have to go down to meet him outside the building.
We have to save him in the street then get back into the penthouse.
Pierce now gives us the ability to call down an airstrike.
We have to destroy some tanks and vtols with it. Then the stag get inside and we have to fight some waves. we are being over-run and have to get to the roof.
On the roof we are met by Syrus, Shaundi is there with Nightblade. We are given a choice. Syrus tells us that if we give him Nightblade back he will leave us in peace and take on the syndicate instead. We are given the choice to give Syrus Nightblade or keep him.
The reward seems to be to have Nightblade as a homie, he seems useless so I figure it's no loss either way.
Stag get Nightblade and open fire on us anyway, I figured as much.

Stag are coming after Shaundi as a priority target now.

Mission 39
Shaundi is attacked by Stag, we have to go to her, not a mission then, just a story point.

Mission 40
We ask pierce to meet us at a clothes shop, where we plan to disguise ourselves as Syrus and bring Pierce and Viola in as prisoners, in order to get into the cells and bust out Shaundi.
I have to drive in a stag vehicle to a stag base and take a vtol. We now have to take it to the battleship, which is called the Thermopylae. A cut scene shows Pierce and Viola being taken from us into custody as we land and us being taken to see a new prototype by Kia, the henchwoman. We have to choose between hover bikes, better tanks or satchel charges. We can only choose two of the three. After doing this our cover is blown and Kia attacks us, we escape and close the door behind us. We are now loose on the ship and under attack.
I have to make my way to the cell block and free Pierce, Viola and Shaundi. Then we have to make our way to the reactor in an attempt to destroy the ship.
At the reactor we have to blow up the console. This causes a meltdown and we have to escape the ship. It shudders and bits blow up as we run, eventually I reach a vtol.

In cut scene I see the ship explode. Pierce wonders what else they can throw at us.
Cyrus of course has all he needs to declare martial law.

Mission 41
Kinzie tells us to go to the airport there is a plane coming into the city with weapons aboard that we can steal for ourselves.
I board the plane mid flight in cut scene. I then have to kill the men aboard and search for a weapon which will allow us to break through a locked door. I find a sonic weapon in a crate, I have to search three crates to find it. I now have to go to the cockpit, fighting all the way. At the cockpit I have to use the sonic weapon to blow the door. This does more than blow the door and I break the cockpit entirely, causing the plane to dive bomb.
I now have to get out of the plane another way.
I have to return along the planes length fighting all the way. In cut scene I blow the rear of the plane off using a tank and fall out of the plane in the tank.
There is now another sky diving scene where we shoot at lots of tanks, soldiers and vtols that are also falling.
On landing gas is released from a crate, which starts a zombie apocalypse???

Mission 42
I have to go to the Irish pub to meet the gang, we have to discredit Killbane.
We have to do this by making his men do stupid things. I get a remote control vehicle hijacking gun. This allows us to take remote control of vehicles.
First I have to go to a gym and take control of a Luchadore car, then run over some pedestrians.
Second we take over a boat and crash it into a beach party.
Then crash one helicopter into another.
Our character turns up at a Killbane press event and challenges him.

Mission 43
Angel want to fight Killbane in the ring, we have to meet him at a casino.
Angel needs to earn his luchadore mask back, we have to destroy slot machines in Killbane's casino. Once we have done enough damage the manager appears, we have to grab him and interrogate him. I make him tell me where Angel's mask is being kept, it is in the vault.
Once we have the mask we must destroy six Killbane statues around the casino and clear out the remaining enemies. Two brutes attack as well to add to the fun.

Mission 44
A cut scene shows the Murderbrawl, a wrestling event, Killbane is in the ring taking on all comers. Our character and Angel come into the ring to fight killbane.
We find our character outside the ring as Killbane and angel fight, our job is to take care of Luchadores who come in to disrupt the fight and distract the referee from Killbanes cheating. Killbane throws Angel from the ring and we have to stop Luchadores from beating him up in a gang. We are given a chainsaw with which to do this? After killing many Luchadores we get in the ring with Killbane. We have to fight him, using weapons thrown into the ring, our fists and when we wear his health down we get some quick-time event wrestling moves with which to hurt him. Once we win the fight I get the choice to unmask Killbane or take the apocafist upgrade. I choose to unmask Killbane.
He does not take this well, promising that the city will burn.

Mission 45
Viola calls us and tells us to meet the mayor, she has set up a meeting. The mayor is Burt Reynolds, he wants us to clear up the zombie outbreak for him.
First we have to drive to the restricted zone, where we find that the plane we crashed into the city earlier is still burning, it hit a chemical plants and zombie virus is leaking from some broken containers.
We have to use the stag sonic shotgun to knock the containers into the water which will neutralize them?? Are the writers even aware of basic science, putting a virus into the water supply will only spread it further, though never mind, sense isn't the games strong point. After all Burt Reynolds has just told us to stop a zombie outbreak while fondling a hooker. Why am I worried about anything making sense?
I have to go and save Viola from the zombies after knocking the first container into the water.
There are no cars available and the zombie attack in large numbers.
After submerging the second container we have a gas mask leak and must get to a friendly fire to fix it. Inside the friendly fire we have to hold off zombies until Viola fixes the masks.
Then the last container, once done a truck with a sample of the virus must either be sunk or taken to Oleg who can make us zombie homies. I decide to submerge the truck and end the zombie outbreak instead.

In cut scene Syrus asks the senator to authorize use of a weapon called the Daedalus.

Mission 46
Pierce wants to see us at the penthouse. A plane crashes into the penthouse as we talk about a television series called gangs in space. It seems that the Luchadores and Stag are in open warfare all over the city. we have to go to two areas and fight both sides until the battle is won.
Pierce is an utter liability in this mission, I have to revive him more than anything else
At the end of the time at each site some boss type enemies appear, two brutes at the first, then a laser stag tank at the second. We now have to go on to an armory.
Once many stag and Luchadores are killed at the armory a cut scene starts.
The senator calls, she has a new idea to discredit the Saints. Viola and Shaundi have been kidnapped and tied up at the statue of liberty analogue in the city. The senator plans to blow it up and blame the Saints. Killbane is also fleeing the city in a plane. We get a choice, we can only do one thing, save Shaundi and Viola or kill Killbane. It seems that there is no choice at all, after all, there will be another time for Killbane, if we leave Shaundi to die we can't get her back. I go to save Shaundi.
I meet Kinzie at the shore and have to go over to the island the statue is on. We have to use the stag sonic gun to knock the explosives into the water.
I have to climb the statue using scaffolding and knock around eight explosives off into the water. At the top we meet the female stag commander and have to fight her while jets try and shoot us with laser fire. Once her health is worn down the mission ends.

The Saint's leave the statue triumphant. The senator and Syrus approach. Syrus wants to take the Saint's in, the senator tells him that stag has just blown up half the city and declared martial law. While the Saints have just saved the day and the monument. She let's us leave.

A new mission starts automatically now.

Mission 47
The saints are in space, on mars it seems.
We are going after Killbane, this appear to be the already mentioned television show that the Saint's said they wouldn't whore themselves out for.
We have to go through a series of force field gates. Each time we do one of the Saint's is cut down, Shaundi, Pierce, Gat. Then we have to go on alone and plant explosives on a gate.
After going through the gate we head across a bridge to Killbane's fortress.
Here we fight him, there are lava crystals that explode when shot. We have to lure the charging Killbane to them and fire to make them hurt him.
Once worn down you get a quick-time wrestling move sequence, this rinses and repeats until Killbane is dead.
A speech is interrupted by a call for line reminder and we see that this is the set of gangstas in space.

The credits roll.

16 hours
370 achievement points

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