Friday, February 21, 2014

Call of duty: Ghosts notes

I choose veteran for the pain.

A cut scene, rendered in black and white with a stylized liquid tone, tells of the siege of a hospital. Sixty men were tasked with defending a hospital against overwhelming odds. The men were whittled down until only fourteen remained. These men hid in ambush under the bodies of the fallen. They became covered in blood, which the sand stuck to. When they attacked the enemy they were like supernatural warriors terrifying the enemy. They won and only one enemy survived, he called the men Ghosts. This is revealed to be a camp fire story between three men. Elias and Hesh are the men, along with your character, who is called Logan walker. I am told to follow them as they move off. Tremors shake the area. We are in a woodland area. An explosion occurs in the distance. I come to a street, there are fires. The older man Elias, who is Hesh's father splits off. I am told to go to a house with Hesh. I reach the house easily. There is talk of something called Odin. Inside the house fires start and it begins to collapse. I have to help Hesh open a blocked door, through which is a white light cut to a different perspective. The scene skips to fifteen minutes earlier in space high above the Earth. I am playing as Baker, with a woman called Mosley, we are out spacewalking. I have to follow Mosley into an airlock on the vast space station, reminiscent of the international space station. Inside we see other astronauts, then two men with different colored space suits enter from behind them and shoot them. We have to run, following Mosley. I then encounter enemies and get a gun and start shooting. These men are from the Federation and it seems that Odin is a weapon that they are trying to gain control of. Out of a window we see that Odin is a giant gun that is shooting some kind of projectile down to the surface of Earth. It is being targeted onto American soil. Over the radio we are told that the station is going to be destroyed rather than allow it to stay in damaging enemy hands. We are told to get out. We move through the station and encounter more enemies. There is a huge explosion and we are thrown out into space where debris is everywhere. I am told to head for the Odin weapon itself, which is still shooting at the surface. I fly over to it with Mosley and open a panel on the back of it. We have to shoot into the exposed machinery, which makes the Odin weapon blow up. Mosley is killed by the blast. The machine then begins to fall into the atmosphere along with Baker. Baker dies. Back on the surface with Logan Walker and Hesh we emerge from the door. A projectile from Odin hits in front of us causing a huge crater. It appears that these are lumps of metal dropped from orbit with devastating force. We have to run for it through a disintegrating world. Eventually Elias appears with a car and we leave in cut scene. As we drive more projectiles rain down in the distance causing huge damage to the city.

Mission 1 
The federation are formed from South American countries. They have attacked America with Odin as a softening up for invasion. America is now embroiled in a long war with a better armed enemy. Ten years have passed since the Odin bombardment. Walker and Hesh are in a basement with a dog called Riley. We are in a ruined theatre or cinema. I make my way through following. Movement that Riley has sensed turns out to be deer. I make my way out into the street, derelict and ruined. I have to meet up with team 2 at the wall. I meet the team and continue patrol. Some enemy soldiers are found and a fight develops. I move on and the fighting continues. Some people are being executed, though I can't save them in time. I am told to push to the wall and we are into normal COD run and gun fighting. I join a bigger group and meet a larger force, with a helicopter. I have to fight my way through them to the wall. I then have to shoot down two helicopters with a rocket launcher. I now have to get into the back of a vehicle. The wall is being opened for us. Our vehicle drives through. a transition tells us that it is now twenty minutes later and we are at Fort Santa Monica. I follow Hesh into a control room and meet with Elias. He tells us to follow him. He tells us that he is sending us out into no man's land. This is an area outside of the walled in safe zones. We are to gather intel on what the Federation are planning.

Mission 2
Out in no mans land I find myself playing as Logan with Hesh and the dog Riley. We are back at the place where we were at the start of the game, Hesh's old family house, we pass through quickly. A church falls off the cliff edge into the abyss in the distance. The earth tremors are still going on. We come to some enemies and have to use Riley to kill them. I take control of the dog and find that we can bark to attract attention and sprint and kill enemies by tearing out their throats. A few enemies are taken out and then it is back to controlling Logan. We breach a door and have a slow time event where we must shoot enemies in a crossfire and avoid shooting each other. Then inside the building. I come out in and industrial or factory like area, maybe a logging camp. I have to fight my way through every inch of ground. I enter a road tunnel and let a large convoy pass us by, there is no way we would win if we engaged them. Outside the tunnel many men and more vehicles can be seen. We have to sneak past, using Riley to target stragglers and guards. We come to an enemy camp and must sneak in using riley. I come to our target and see a man taunting a prisoner who is wearing a ghost face mask. The enemy leader talks of an operation homecoming and takes the man away. We must not get Riley out of the camp. We move through some forest area, Riley move on ahead and begins barking. A pack of wolves emerge and attack. I am attacked and have to mash square. Riley Saves us and I shoot the wolf as he fights it. A group of ghost masked soldiers save us. Their leader Merrick tells us to do what he says when he says it. We join them. We are heading to firebase Charlie. We meet more enemies on the way and fight through some streets and houses. We reach a view of a stadium and the missions ends.

Mission 3
We are now joining the Ghosts to rescue the man we saw as a prisoner earlier, he is called Ajax. I use a powerful scope to look around the interior of the stadium and find Ajax in the distance being beaten by soldiers. A rescue mission is now the mission. We now have to tag some trucks with grenades that can be remote detonated as they pass by. We now drive a truck into the stadium, as we do we blow the remote bombs causing havoc. A crazy drive through the stadium shooting from the truck sees us crash and then get out and start shooting our way along the stadium promenade towards Ajax. We come to a door and have to use a remote sniper rifle we left earlier at the high viewpoint. I shoot the men inside from across the way by remote control and the others breach in as we do. One is left alive to be questioned, he doesn't know where Ajax is. He is killed brutally. Riley has picked up the scent. We move on and are attacked by RPG's. I have to use the remote sniper again to kill them. We are following Riley's nose. Which leads us to more of the stadium to fight through. We use tear gas which makes a large group easy to kill. Another door to breach, throwing in tear gas first. We then find Ajax, who dies telling us that Rorke is targeting the wall. There are pictures of Ghost's on the wall, it seems he is targeting the Ghosts as well. We have to leave as reinforcements are coming. The exit is blown open and becomes a deathtrap. I have to use the remote sniper to clear the enemies and keep the Ghosts protected as they go out onto the pitch and steal a helicopter. We must now do the same, rushing out and into a smaller helicopter. I have to use the remote sniper again as we take off. As we leave word comes over the radio that our home base is under attack.

Mission 4
We head back to fort Santa Monica by helicopter, arriving into a firestorm. I meet with the ground troops and then have to head to the frontline fighting zone. The dog is left behind here. I move through the fort to the beach area and have to use an emplaced gun on helicopters and men advancing on the beach. My gun is blown up and I then have to control the strafing runs of jets. Twice and then we end up blown onto the beach ourselves. I now must fight towards drone control. This is a long fight through trenches. I have to shoot using the jets occasionally to take out tanks and helicopters. When I get to drone control it is wrecked.  We must go back into the fort, fighting as we go. We are now looking for Hesh's father Elias in the control room we were in earlier. We make our way into the burning building. There is no sign of Elias. Ghosts come in through the ceiling and rescue us by helicopter. On board Hesh is going frantic about his father. A Ghost tells him to relax. One of the other Ghost's pull off his mask and reveals himself to be Elias. He is the Ghost leader. We are now Ghosts, having passed his tests.

Mission 5
Elias tells us that Rorke used to be a Ghost. We now flashback to 12 years earlier. The Ghosts are on a mission to kill the Federation leader in Caracas. We are playing as Elias. we fly in by helicopter and land. getting out into a street with many other soldiers and tanks. Tanks are fighting and I basically have to stay out of trouble to get through this section. We enter a parking garage and then flank an enemy position and attack them. I then have to climb onto an enemy vehicle and drop a grenade inside. Moving on to more fighting, again we have to stop enemy missile launcher from firing. As I approach this one it fires and blows a hole in a dam. We must now reach higher ground to avoid the floodwater which is coming in fast. I run into an alley and am cut off and must enter a building, which rapidly floods, I have to move through climbing higher until the water finds it's level. We move out onto a roof and find enemies. I begin to fight and then the roof collapses. We end up floating around in the fast flowing floodwater like a ping pong ball among cars and debris. Eventually Rorke grabs us and helps us up out of the water. we move through a flooded office and take out a soldier stealthily. I have lost my gun and only have a knife. We kill two more soldiers and take their guns. Moving up to higher ground again. We find more enemies and fight through. We find more of the Ghost's and continue fighting on. Using blocked up cars and buses as bridge we move into a large flooded buildings car park. We are fighting towards the federation leaders position. We come out onto a roof to see him fleeing into a helicopter. We jump on board and have a quick-time fight and I end up shooting him. The helicopter crashes and we end up hanging onto Rorke as he dangles over the abyss. There is no way to untangle him, we either let him go and he dies or we all die. I tried, this isn't a choice, if you don't let go it's game over. I let him go and Rorke vanishes into the water with half a helicopter on top of him.

Mission 6
We are going back to Caracas, this time looking for Ramos, who knows how to find Rorke. We start on top of a skyscraper in the large city. On the tall building opposite us we must use a targeting scanner to scan the faces of people on the roof and find our target. I find him and we then have a go for the mission. We use zip line launchers to cross over to the other building. We then abseil down the building sniping people through the windows. Once we find the right floor we breach in using cutters. I must now use a device to upload a virus into the computer network. Some men nearly catch us and we must be stealthy. I now have to make my way back to the ropes. We move down the building taking out guards as we go, then go in further down. The plan is to shut of the elevators so the man can not escape easily. I fight through some offices filled with enemies. At one point we use a strobe light on the end of our gun to disorientate the enemies. I come to the elevator controls and wreck them. We now have to fight enemies who arrive. Once the worst is over we get to the ropes and start making our way down the building. Things get dangerous and we go back inside smashing our way in. I must now fight my way to the location of Ramos. I find him and question him. On a television in his office Rorke appears. He taunts us and tells us that Elias will have to live with sending his son to his death. The building then begins to blow up. We have to run through the exploding mess and jump out of a window as the entire building starts to fall down. We deploy parachutes and get away.

Mission 7
In the Gulf of Mexico we are flying in a helicopter. I fly through a canyon and then come out at at a large factory like port. I must take out lots of targets with the helicopters missiles and guns, other helicopters as well. After a while we land and get out. We are looking for Rorke here again. I fight my way through the refinery, every inch of ground is hard fought. At one point we switch back to a helicopter and clear more reinforcements that have arrived. I push on through more enemies and eventually reach the control room and find Rorke, he does not resist and is captured. On a plane we have him tied to a chair and are punching him. I am told to grab his chair after he insults Elias and the Ghosts. We try and make him talk by threatening to throw him out of the plane. A plane appears and attacks our. Rorke is rescued by his men who have zip lined onto our besieged plane. I am taunted by him and told that if we survive this we should come join him. The plane is torn apart by the larger enemy plane and we are now falling. debris is everywhere, we pull our parachute and are then knocked out by debris. We come to in a tree and fall out of it. I am wounded and must make my way to the rest of the survivors at the crash site. This is a semi-stealth section. You can just pick up a gun and kill all the patrols if you like. I meet Elias and then we save the rest from enemies. We are now heading to the river for evacuation. I must sneak past a large patrol, then wade through a lot of rushes to a ridge. A missile appears to have been launched, someone asks if it is nuclear. A helicopter spots us. and we have to run for it into the trees. I jump over a waterfall and am rescued by friendly troops in boats.

Mission 8
The missile that was launched did not hit America. The priority for the Ghosts is now finding out what the missile was for. A facility in the Andes is our next target, we are to get in and find out what is going on. We start in a snowy mountainous environment, after having ambushed a patrol on snowmobiles and stolen their uniforms. I approach the base with other soldiers and have to snipe the guards outside the walls. Then move on inside. I have to hide a body from view. A convoy approaches, to vehicles continue on and one stops. We stab the two occupants and then take their vehicle. I am riding in the back seat of the jeep. We drive down into the complex, which is massive. We park at an underground car park and then get out and go inside a strong looking door. We have only a few seconds once inside until another team cuts the power. We switch to night vision goggles and kill the surrounding enemies. Inside we advance and plant a device in their computers. We then come to another massive door and I have to drill it at two points. Thermite is put in and the door blown. This leads on to large labs. We must fight our way through. If you shoot a civilian you are failed and put back a checkpoint. I move on through the facility we are heading for a place called the nest. When we arrive there I have to place a bag on a console. Hesh is tasked with hacking the computer. He needs three minutes. It looks like we have to hold the position until he has done the job. There is a remote turret and some claymores and mines to set in the thirty seconds before the enemies arrive. This is still a hard fight. Once the data has been uploaded we escape towards the rear of the room and enter a lift. We now try and blend in and walk out of the facility. This works, and we walk back out the way we came in through the chaos left by our entry. We get into a jeep and drive out. A road block stops us. The data stolen contains kill estimates for the missiles hitting US cities. The road block sees us rumbled and we drive off at speed. This is an emplaced vehicle gun section. we shoot the ice we are driving over to make vehicle crash. There are jeeps and snowmobiles to shoot at. Eventually a sub breaks through the ice and we get aboard.

Mission 9
We are now on a mission to destroy a key fuel platform called Atlas near Antarctica. We start looking through a camera feed as a convoy of enemy vehicles passes it and stops.
We are revealed to be underwater and under the ice. Charges are set, which blows the ice and drops the convoy into the water. We shoot the survivors and then get out of the water into the battle. Once this ground camp is cleared, we use ascenders to rapidly climb up to the rig. I fight my way through the rig, this is a more vertical fight than usual. I reach a door and breach into a room with heavy enemy numbers. I then reach a control room where we break the rig. Things start to explode and we fight through an open area on top of the rig. I fight through this area and get to another control room. Here there is a little mini game where you must push up and down to keep a gauge in the green. Do it for long enough and the rig really starts to blow up. I now have to run headlong through the blowing up area and jump onto a ladder dangling from a helicopter. The rig blows and the mission is over.

Mission 10
We now have to take out a ship that is defending a factory that makes the missiles. This mission again starts with us underwater. We are swimming towards the target. I have to avoid sharks by staying close to the ocean floor. I then have to shoot some enemies and swim through a shipwreck. I then find lots of divers salvaging wrecks. More fighting then I have to cut open some container doors that we come to. The ship we have come to attack is sending out pressure waves and we must be in cover when they hit or get hurt. I have to get into a sunken lighthouse and from the light area fire a rocket which I must guide to a spot on the bottom of the ship. This makes it  blow up. I have to swim for it to avoid debris that falls to the ocean bed. Enemies attack and we have some hard fighting. Bullets move slower underwater and take more hits to kill enemies. I then find they are dropping depth charges on us and we have to take cover in the wreck again. I then have to avoids sharks, moving slowly through a group. We move on through the wreck and then out into open sea and reach the extraction point.

Mission 11
We are now infiltrating the factory that was being protected by the ship. We sneak in, killing guards stealthily as we go. Past a rail yard outside the factory. We then go inside and make our way through the factory stealth killing anyone in the way. We enter a much more secure part of the factory through a huge security door. The stealth is gone as we start fighting many enemies. We find what looks like rocket parts being built. Entering a massive chamber we find a replica of the Odin system that caused all the damage in the first place. Kinetic rods are being loaded into this rocket. It seems like the Federation wants to continue with the damage it was causing with Odin before it was stopped by Odin's destruction. We are told to find out more on how ready the system is. Bombers are on the way to level the entire factory. We reach some computers and attach devices which steal the data from them. In the middle of this we are attacked by a large force. Smoke is used and we switch to thermal so we can see. We now have to simply escape before the bombers get here. I fight through the factory and then out onto the roof. A helicopter makes life hard here. I fight along the roof and then down onto the ground. A jeep with an emplaced gun pins us down and a truck comes to our rescue. We get on board the truck and then drive out of the complex in the nick of time as the bombs drop and the place goes up.

Mission 12
We know that the Federation plans to use their Odin weapon. We need to stop it. We are to meet in Vegas with leaders to discuss plans. we start this mission at a Vegas safe house. Things are off, the security has been tampered with. Suddenly gas bombs drop in and we are all knocked out. Logan is dragged into a room and wakes tied to a chair. Elias and Hesh are with him. Rorke appears and gloats, he shoots us and taunts Elias. There is a quick-time prompt here which isn't clear, I'm sick of this cut scene already as I keep failing it because I don't know what the icon is that it is telling me to do. It seems that it wants you to aim at Rorke's gun and mash square. I do that and it works anyway. Logan grabs the gun and tries to shoot Rorke, he fails and Rorke grabs his hand and makes him shoot Elias twice. Rorke then takes the gun and shoots Elias some more times himself. Elias tells us that he is proud of us before he dies. Logan passes out. when he wakes the remaining Ghosts are about to be shot by Rorke's men. Keggans is in another building and he begins to snipe the enemies. I am given a gun and have to survive in the chaos. We now move on to normal fighting in the building. I meet up with Keggans and avoid a large patrol. We are now moving through a broken down mall. I encounter heavy fighting in a large stair cased area of the mall. We are ambushed and encounter heavy firepower in a corridor, the only option is run or get cut down. We run and fall down the side of the building into a new area. we come out onto the streets and find Riley, he is wounded and needs to be carried. I have to do the carrying. I can pick him up and put him down to fight. Helicopters and enemies make life hard. I move on until a helicopter arrives to extract us.

Mission 13
The Odin weapon must be taken out. The last remaining US aircraft carrier is sent in on a full scale assault to attack. We start on the USS Liberator, it is being boarded. We head out onto the deck and clear the enemies that are being dropped in by helicopter. Once done  we watch as missiles are loaded onto a plane. I am told to take a remote control. I then have to shoot at boats that are trying to board. I can use the remote to shoot with missiles and mini gun from the plane. I then have to follow Hesh to take control of sparrow launchers. I shoot many helicopters and a large bomber. I then am told that we are going to join the ground assault. On the way we are told that kinetic rods have been detected in the atmosphere. One hits the ship causing massive damage. We must then run along the listing deck as everything on it begins to fall into the sea. We reach a helicopter and move on to the ground assault.

Mission 14
A team has been sent up to take on the Odin weapon in space. There is a system on ground  that will give an early warning to the space station. We must destroy it to give the space team a chance. I start in a tank, inside a plane. We are dropped out of the plane and join many more on the ground. I must rendezvous with Bravo company. I do this and move on to an airbase. I must take out all of the ground to air defenses so that our planes can come in. Once done I switch character to Logan again and am in a helicopter with an emplaced gun. We  fly up to the control tower, blaze the gun on it and kill everyone inside and then breach in through the window. We move on and breach into a control room. Here we redirect a missile and launch it at the early warning system. Hesh finds evidence or Rorke and we go off mission looking for him. I fight through a missile loading bay area and see a train. Rorke is meant to be on it. we have to jump on as it leaves. The view now switches back to the tanks. We need to take out more AA guns at the next location so the missile we launched can have a chance of hitting it's target. We drive across a bridge and into this new area, around eight AA turrets have to be blown and then our tank it hit. I have to jump out and run to another tank. I take a turret gun and we drive out as the missile is about to hit. with seconds to spare we leave and see the array blown up.

Mission 15
Out in space we leave our shuttle bay and head for the station. Enemies are outside in space as well and we are fighting our way in. During the fight there is an explosion and we are buffeted madly by it. I move on and fight towards the control room. I breach in and take control. We must now use their Loki weapon against them. I have to target their forces in the ground assault and avoid hitting our own. I am told to target the train the the Ghosts are on with Rorke.

Mission 16
The control switches back to Logan and Hesh on the train. We must advance along the train, which is an overhead monorail type train, it moves fast and sways alarmingly. This is a visually enjoyable section of the game. It gets quite hard fast as we start fighting on top of the train, there is cover but not much room on the roof. I get to the end and Hesh tells the rod crew to hit the train. His idea is that even if they fail Rorke will still die. We breach into the room. We have a quick-time fight and are nearly undone by Rorke. The rod hits and the train derails into the water. In the ensuing chaos we fight again with Rorke and kill him. I must now swim to the surface and drag Hesh onto dry land. We sit and watch the rods hit the federation Navy. Suddenly Rorke appears again. He is beginning to turn into some kind of Horror movie villain that can't be killed. He drags Logan off telling him that they are going to destroy the Ghost's together. The credits roll.

10 hours
55% of trophies for one play through on veteran difficulty.


Left analogue stick        move player
Right Analogue stick        move view
Left trigger            Aim down sights
Right trigger            fire gun
Left bumper            flashbang
Right bumper            grenade
Triangle            Change gun
Square                reload
Circle                crouch
x                jump
Dpad up                select special
Dpad down            select special
Dpad left            select special
Dpad right            select special   
Option                main menu
Clicking right stick        run
Clicking left stick        melee

Dead Rising 3 Notes

Left Stick Move Character
Right Stick Move Camera
Left Trigger Aim
Right Trigger Throw/Shoot
Left Bumper Run
Right Bumper Bring up inventory wheel.
Y Heavy attack
X consume food/ attack with weapon.
A Jump / climb   
B Pick up objects
Dpad up answer radio
Dpad down
Dpad left
Dpad right
Menu Pause menu
Options map/stats


I get an achievement for turning up, sorry, for buying the game. I choose story mode, I am informed that I can reset a chapter for more time and also keep any experience my character gains in that reset time period. I am asked to choose a play style for matchmaking. Which is an odd new thing. I am given some example of play styles, like speed run or casual. I just want to play with my own friends or alone. I don't want random people turning up. It seems that if i choose to play alone I can't later invite people, which seems unfair. I choose completion-ist.

A cut scene shows that a zombie outbreak has started in the city of Los Perdidos. The army have quarantined the city, shooting anyone who tries to leave. It is now 72 hours post outbreak and the authorities don't think there is anyone left alive. Our hero, Nick appears to wake up staggering along the street, there is no explanation for how he got there. I get control, Nick is badly injured. I pick up some food and eat it. Then once health is filled I am told to pick up a large wrench. I must then smash through a gate. There are more weapons to pick up here, a spade and a lead pipe. There are dead bodies everywhere, though none are coming to life. I move through an area and find cages filled with zombies. I move through and then come to some open areas where I have to fight some zombies. I find some grenades and dynamite to have fun with. Nick comes to a collapsed part of the tunnel and find that he can't progress. He turns around, in cut scene he moves past the cages, which are now weakened. The zombies break out and chase him, he comes out into the road. There are zombies there also. Nick dives over the edge of the road and lies hurt for a second. He then sees a plane heading in, it crashes into the road nearby, making a mess of many zombies.
Nick tells us that he must get back to the others. My objective is to head to the diner. I find myself in the open freeway, there are a lot of zombies. I make my way through, jumping from car to car. I enter tunnels and am told to say “over here” to make zombies fall into a hole getting them out of my way. I come out of the tunnels at the diner.
Inside Nick meets a bunch of survivors. There is a girl who needs zombrex to keep from turning zombie. A woman who owns the diner who seems hard boiled. Also a blonde male trucker type. Some of the redshirts get eaten by zombies, who are pressing in and likely to get inside very soon. The girl leaves taking her chances alone. Nick is asked by the diner owner to make some kind of makeshift weapon to help them get out of the diner to a safer location. I make a sledgehammer and saw combo. We must get out through the back door. Out in the street the waypoint guides me to a car. I must open a gate and then drive the car with the other two survivors inside. The car is fun, squishing lots of zombies. There are some survivors out there on roofs, I can try and save them. I head to the garage which is our destination. Inside Rhonda starts working and we can explore. Nick finds a radio which lets him talk to a man who has some control over the surveillance systems left behind by the military. He will give us missions. I am told to explore the area.

Side Mission
I find a woman called Anna who wants three spray cans to finish her sign on the wall of a safe house. I find the three cans nearby and give them to her. She becomes a follower, which means she fights for me.

Psycho Encounter
I go to a Zen garden and find a mad monk. This is a psycho boss battle. He takes some killing but I manage it.

I am told to talk to Rhonda. In the garage a television is showing an address by the president. The city is going to be nuked in five days. We have to get to a quarantine station to be safe. Rhonda and the gang suggest that we build a fortified vehicle out of two vehicles in the garage. I do this and we have a turret rig vehicle, with which to get to the quarantine station. I drive along the road and shoot zombies, which is great fun. I come to some survivors and clear the zombies around them, this lets them get away. I come to a road block and have to continue on foot. I come to the quarantine station and find that everyone inside is dead. Suddenly gangs of mad max like bikers arrive and kidnap Rhonda. I have to use cars to run over ten of them to progress. A boss biker appears on a motorbike customized to have a huge steamroller front and flamethrowers. I have to wear his health down and then get close and press Y&B to hit him. Rinse and repeat and he goes down. I meet a soldier called Diego, who thinks we can use a plane to escape. A collector in the city has a plane, which might be able to be used to escape.
Nick is bitten by a zombie and now needs Zombrex. This takes priority.
I need to go through sewers to reach the graveyard and the chapel of rest which will have a supply of Zombrex.

Side mission
I need to find a meat cleaver and chainsaw for Ravi. I meet a man on the roof of a gun shop. He wants me to find five tarot cards.

Side  Mission
I meet a woman in the cemetery who is a voodoo mentalist. She wants me to extinguish five sigils, when I do she kills herself.

Main Mission
I move through the other side of the cemetery. I meet a man called Gary who is working for a mob boss. He wants us to climb into the chapel of rest  and let him in. To get in I have to reverse a van into the gate and then climb up on the van and get onto the roof. I get inside then open up the door. Gary opens up the door to get further inside. I have to clear out some zombies then get down into the morgue. Gary is looking for a specific girls body. I have to search the drawers for the name of the girl. When I find it the drawer is locked. I then have to search for the keys which are in the next room. I open the drawer and find it empty. Gary opens a previously locked door and I move on searching for the body. I find it which triggers a cut scene. Nick thinks that it is Annie, the girl who went off on her own earlier. It isn't it just looks like her. Gary shows Nick the emergency zombrex, there is none left. Nick tells Gary to shoot him so he doesn't become a zombie. Gary misses and has no bullets left. Nick looks at his hand and Gary tells him that it is healing. Zombie bites don't usually heal. Nick must be immune to the zombie plague. The pair take the body outside and put it in a hearse. I have to drive it to a strip club for Gary. Inside the club a TV news broadcast shows that the general is lying about the quarantine stations. He is advocating chipping for the entire populations. The chips contain zombrex and dose people automatically. These chips are obviously sinister. The situation in Los Perdidos may have been manufactured to make the chipping go through.
Gary speaks to his boss, who we don't see. The girl is the wrong one. Gary wants us to find Annie for him.

Side Mission
I find two neighbors who are arguing and shooting at each other. One wants food and the other guns, I have to find them five items of each.

Side Mission
I find a guy called Kenny Who wants to show us how to kill zombies. I have to use five unarmed kill moves. I then have to build a combo weapon in front of him. 

Main Mission
I go to the location of the plane. I find Rhonda, Dick and Diego. Diego is freaking out. He has a tattoo on his neck. So does Nick. They are numbers, suggesting they are subjects in some experiment. Maybe related to his immunity to zombie bites. The fuel is needed to make the plane a workable solution. Gary told us he would give us fuel in return for finding Annie. Rhonda tells Nick that Annie will be with the zombie bite survivors, they have safe houses marked with symbols. We are to go and find one and see if we can Find Annie.

Side Mission
I find a man called Hank, he has an RV that has broken down. He wants us to find him some gasoline, propane and acetylene. I give it to him, Nick warns him that it will explode. Hank ignores this advice and blows himself sky high.

Side Mission
I find a porn movie producer who wants to make a zombie porn movie. I have to get three zombies to go into his set. I have to lure the zombies in and when three are in the bedroom it finishes the mission.

Main Mission.
I find a safe house, A woman called Lauren wants us to go to some safe houses that have been overrun to find her ring box and tattoo kit. She will let us in if we do. Each safe house has been overrun with different enemies. Bikers in one and zombies in the other.
I go back to Lauren, she lets me into the main safe house. I meet some men, Annie appears and saves him from them. Nick tells them about the Plane. Rhett is the leader of the resistance, he needs zombrex. Rhett tells Nick that the government is killing survivors and the whole city infection is some kind of conspiracy. Rhett has fuel, he will help Nick if he helps the resistance. I have to destroy pieces of government equipment. There are three cameras, two relays and two sets of supplies to be destroyed. This mission takes a lot of travelling as they are spread out over the city. One of the supply crates is inside a building where a psycho boss battle takes place. Dr. Albert is a nut job doctor who is harvesting organs. He knocks Nick out using drugs. Which makes him woozy. Other survivors are walking about in a daze, Nick hallucinates that they all look like Dr. Albert. I have to pick up organs and smash them, this makes the real Dr. freak out. I can then attack him. Rinse and repeat this a  few times and he finally kills himself with his own saw. I go back to the resistance safe house. Annie congratulates Nick on doing a good job. Rhett tells us that a recording of government killing civilians is available at the police station. Nick volunteers to go and collect it. Rhett also tells us that there is a friend of his called Angel that is in trouble. He and Annie are going to find her and Nick is to meet them at her location after he collects the video file.

Side Mission
A man called Troy sold a locket belonging to his daughter to a man who said he could get him out of the city. The man hasn't been seen since. Troy wants his locket back. I go to the waypoint and find a the thief, he has a guard called Jesse with him. He won't give the locket back peacefully and I have to kill him. Jesse gives up and becomes a follower once the thief is dead. I take the locket back to Troy.

Main Mission
I head to the police station, A porn actress version of a police officer is talking to a COD Ghost's soldier. She take the usb stick evidence of government murder of civilians and sticks it in her bra. Nick watches as two survivors arrive, she has the soldier kill them. Nick is seen and she sets more soldiers on him. I have to kill them and then chase her through the building, there are zombies and more soldiers to deal with before I face her on the top floor of the police station. She uses a machine pistol and a rocket launcher. Once she dies Nick gets the usb drive. I now have to go and meet the resistance at Angels location. I drive to a large hotel. Angel is dead, killed by the government. Red apologizes for earlier attitude and tells Nick that he will get the fuel and meet him at the tower.

Side Mission
A lawyer called Carrie wants us to find her briefcase. Her secretary has, she is now a zombie. I find her, get the briefcase and take it back to Carrie, she becomes a follower.

Side Mission
I meet a man named Big D, who wants us to build him a combo vehicle to take him to his house. I build a shock-dozer nearby and take it to him. He then wants a ride to his pad. Note, you don't have to actually arrive in the combo vehicle, there is a barrier in the way, all you have to do is show him the combo vehicle, you can then travel to his pad in any way you want. Big D has a woman tied up in his pad. He is a pimp and this is a girl who has upset him. He wants us to kill her. Nick says no and I now have to kill Big D. Once done I free Kandy.

Psycho mission
In an all you can eat buffet a morbidly obese woman on a motorized scooter is hoarding the food to the point that she is killing everyone who comes in with a giant fork. I have to kill her. She rides around on your scooter stabbing at you and also attacks with vomit. She dies by falling onto her back off her scooter and choking on her own vomit.

Main Mission
I am told to meet Red at the communications tower. I find Annie and some of the others. In cut scene Gary appears, Annie thinks that Nick has sold her out. Gary tells them that he simply followed Nick. As Gary Grabs Annie, soldiers appear and grab everyone. Nick is knocked out by a flash grenade. He awakes some time later to find that Red has arrived and everyone else is gone. Red thinks that Annie will have been taken to a prison nearby. He starts making plans to rescue her. We have to meet him near the prison.

Side Mission
I find a man called Jason, he has his family, who are now all zombies trapped in the swimming pool of his house, he is feeding them. He thinks that if there is a cure, they will all be saved. He is obviously nuts. I find a piece of meat on a barbecue at the house next door. I take him this and he is happy.

Psycho mission
I have to go to the sex shop, Inside I find an underground porn movie set. A crazy cowboy with a massive cock and ball shaped flamethrower is the boss here. He has two sex slave prisoners down in his dungeon. I get his flamethrower once I kill him.

Main Mission
I go to meet Red on the roof of a garage. We can see a building which has been converted into the soldiers detention centre. The prisoners are held behind an electric fence. I have to cut the power so that Red can drive through the fence and get the prisoners out. I am told  can sneak in, go in all guns blazing or try and find a uniform and get in that way.
I go in the front door in a gimp suit pushing a wood-chipper. It seems fitting to the tone of the game. Inside I kill a few soldiers then find an entrance in the roof. A cut scene shows a woman named Marian speaking on video to the general. The president is brought in, struggling, obviously captured. She is fed a worm like creature which turns her into a zombie. The general tells the soldiers to video her eating someone then blow her head off. It seems this is a full blown military coup. Marian is looking for Diego for some reason. There is talk of a new mutation and some oil or gel. Nick is left alone and comes out of hiding, a soldier finds him. I have to kill him then blow the generator. This leads me into a zombie cage, another generator turns of the power to the prisoner cage. In cut scene I find Annie and Gary tied up. I let them out, I now have to escape, Red has brought a van. There are a lot of soldiers to take out. Once they are cleared I have to open a gate. The gate won't open unless I use a keycard. A soldier leader appears and I have to kill him. I get the keycard from him. This opens the gate. Annie and the other prisoners get in the Van, Nick stops Gary from doing so and they leave. Gary leaves and Red appears. He shows Nick a poster which is giving a huge reward for finding people with tattoos of numbers on their neck. Red tells Nick where the fuel is.

Side Mission
I have to go to barber's shop. I find a man who wants to race us. This is a daft way to shoehorn racing into an open world game like this. I basically have to beat him around a set of waypoints.

Side Mission
I find a hot dog stand owner who is distraught that his hot dog stand has broken down. I have to get him to a kitchen. I take him to a nearby restaurant where he makes me a hot dog.

Side Mission
I find a policeman in the station, he is locked out of the armory. I have to get him some gear so he can help. I have to give him a riot shield, handgun and grenades. I then have to give him a shotgun.

Increasingly there are special zombies popping up. The footballers, police with handguns, soldiers with assault rifles, paramedics and convicts. They are tougher than the average zombie. The police and soldiers shoot at random, though they rarely hit you.

Main Mission
I go to a locked garage called central storage. It has a series of garage type locked units. Inside are some goodies, one is locked. The key is in the office. Inside the lockup is the fuel, also a huge zombie with a wasps nest growing out of it's head. The relationship between the wasps and zombies hasn't really been explained. I doubt there is one, but this is a new development. Soldiers arrive and the mutant attacks them, shooting out wasps that enrage and attract zombies. It also vomits something toxic at them.
These mutants aren't that hard to kill surprisingly. I now have to get the fuel car and take it to the plane. At the plane Rhonda tells us that Diego has left, she couldn't stop him. He has the key for the plane. I must go looking for him at the museum.

Side Mission.
A girl called Kyla is investigating the government weirdness. She wants us to scour the dumpsters for clues at the three locations she tells us to go to. At each place there are garbage bags to break open and find the documents. I then have to take them back to Kyla. She thinks aliens are behind the zombies.

Side Mission
I find a woman called Kelsey on a rooftop, shooting flares and spelling out help with planks. She is from out of town and was coming to visit her family. She wants me to take her to them. I take all the way across town and enter the house where her family live. The family have been killed and are zombies. She joins us as a follower.

Psycho mission
I find a female body builder in the yoga studio. She is very muscular indeed. Nick calls her Sir by mistake. This enrages her, and we are fighting her. She throws huge weights at us. She twirls her dumbbell and rams us with it. Ranged weapons are best to take into this fight.

Main Mission
I go to the museum to find Diego. Inside is a strange mix of exhibits and scenery. I eventually find Diego. He is wearing a spacesuit and flying using a jetpack. He throws planet shaped exhibits at us. He also tries to burn us with the jetpack exhaust. At one point in the battle he brings down a gantry filled with exhibits and spins it around making them rotate and hit us. Eventually I wear him down with ranged attacks. In cut scene Diego is making more sense again. He tells Nick that he has something to show him. Diego takes Nick to a room filled with zombie lore. It shows Carlito Keyes from the first game. It shows a zombie that is said to have caused an outbreak, the picture clearly shows the zombie has a four on his neck. Nick is freaked out by this also.

Side Mission
I find a man called Phil, he wants us to go into his house and find his will. The house is  filled with zombies. Inside I find that the Phil wants his will so that he inherits the house. He locked his stepson in with the zombies to ensure he was the sole heir. The son however has survived and I have to reunite the pair. I do and Phil attacks us all. He is very quickly killed.

Main Mission
I have to go and find the gang members that took the key to the plane from Diego. Then kill them. I get the plane key back. I now have to take Diego back to the plane. In the hanger everyone is reunited. We learn from the radio that General Hemlock is declaring martial law. Which seems to have been his goal all along. I have to wait for the repairs to the plane.

Side Mission
I find a man called Jose, who has a degree, but has been forced to be a gardener. He appear a bit resentful about this. He wants us to fetch him five hunks of meat for some reason. I find the meat, which some of the zombies are carrying around. The man is eating it. He wants to "Eat the rich." He becomes a follower.

Side Mission.
I find a woman called Lena in a fashion store. She is wearing a meat dress. She is a crazy lady Gaga parody and wants to shop. I have to take her to three stores nearby. She then wants shoes at another. After that she goes into a changing room and changes into her new outfit. The mission ends here, she goes to a safe house.

Side Mission.
A biker called Marcus is injured, his  pals have left him for dead. He wants me to destroy five vans filled with contraband. Some are guarded by bikers. After all five are blown up I have to go back to Marcus, he becomes a follower.

Psycho Mission.
I have to investigate a large mansion. Inside is a spoiled rich man. He wants us to get him some batteries and a bag of chips. I tell him that I need to get a key from him to open the armory. He sets attack remote control helicopters on me. I have to blow up five security panels in the mansion to enter his panic room. Once inside he dies of a heart attack. I get the key to the police armory.

Main Mission
I have to check in with Rhonda at the plane hangar. A collector in the city has the parts we need to make the plane fly. I have to go to him to collect them. His house is a large walled house in the more affluent area of the city. As I go inside an alarm system detects me and locks the place down. I can't get back out and the place is swarming with zombies. I have to make my way through them and look for a way to shut down the alarm so that I can get back out. I make my way through the house to the master bedroom and take a painting off the wall an deactivate the alarm behind it. I must now look for the parts. The collector either isn't here or is dead. I find two parts around the grounds. The last part has been sent by courier to another location. I now have to find the courier. I drive to the waypoint and find his van. The part is in a crate inside the depot. I now have to go back to the plane hangar.

Side mission.
I find a man called Doug being pinned down by soldiers who are trying to kill him. I kill the soldiers for him and he becomes a follower.

Side Mission I find a woman called Lauren tied up and guarded by Spec Ops, I kill them and she becomes a follower also.

Side mission.
I find a woman called Winnie, save her from the swat team. Side missions are getting phoned in now.

Main mission.
Nick brings the final parts to Rhonda, who gets the plane started. She then tells Nick that she is going to go and look for her ex. I find it odd that Nick doesn't volunteer to help. He normally does all sorts of dumb quests for people. I mean we have went shopping in the middle of the apocalypse for a woman wearing a meat dress, why is Rhonda finding her ex a big ask. Nick hugs Rhonda and she leaves for her garage. Nick tells Dick and Diego that they are going to collect the rest of the survivors from the karaoke bar. As they leave swat teams attack and all are knocked out.
Nick awakes tied to a chair, Diego is similarly indisposed. The scarred woman is in a control room above, she tells the doctors to activate Diego. A sci-fi space laser is pointed at Diego and fired, he begins to emit wasps and worms as if he was full of them. The doctors and soldiers begin to be attacked by them. The woman is annoyed. She turns the ray on Nick, however he manages to free himself before it is fired.
There is only one zombie in the room, however, it is very hard to kill. There is only one door that opens to get out.
I move down some stairs and a woman appears. In cut scene she tells Nick that she is Isabella Keyes. She calls Nick number 12. Isabella is from the first game, Nick thinks she is responsible for the original zombie outbreak at Williamette mall. She tells him that she will explain, that the worms cannot live in Nick. As they try and leave the crazy woman separates them with a gate. Nick is now trapped, a robot arm boss battle starts.
The room is sealed and a large robot arm appears to need to be destroyed to leave the room. The room is also being flooded with fire. I break one loader, then move on into a room with another.
This is a terrible boss fight, long loading between deaths and at times the claw can grab you easily and throw you into fire, grab again and keep you locked until death. The secret appears to be to get into the train freight carriages that are in the area. They are filled with zombies, though they don't re-spawn. The fires consume the zombies and the arms. The arms aren't destroyed though you need to go out and finish the job. Now onto the third area with an arm. Then one more final arm and a cut scene. The woman, Marian is knocked over by collapsing machinery. Nick escapes, General Hemlock arrives to help Marian.

Main mission.
Nick decides that he does not want to know any more and is leaving the city with his friends. I find myself trapped in the subway area. To open the gate I must find the switch. when i do I find the power is out. I must now find the generator. When I do I find the wires have been cut. I must then find some wire, and take it back to the generator. Now the door should open. I have to go back and flip the main switch. I can now find my way out of the subway and find the biker gang who have locked me in here for revenge. I kill them all.

Side mission.
I meet a woman called Meryl on the balcony of the hotel. She has cancer isn't long for the world. She just wants to see some of the sights in the city she loves before she dies. I have to take her to them it seems. I have  to take her to the main lobby, then to a shop called charms of desire. I then have to take her to a restaurant and her sons’ grave before taking her home.

Psycho Mission
I go to a yacht, I find a woman tied up about to be attacked by a zombie. Kenny from earlier has become obsessed with Nick, he is styling himself on him, trying to imitate him. He is also obviously nuts. He is jealous of Nick and tries to kill him. Once his health is worn down he asks to become Nick's sidekick. I untie the woman, who is called Regina. She becomes a follower, Kick, or Kenny stays behind on the Yacht.

Main mission
I go to the karaoke club. I find Gary at the gate. He appears to be having a breakdown, talking about his job. It turns out that Rhonda is Gary's girlfriend. Looks like we have found Rhonda her ex without trying. I must now go and find Rhonda, she was going to her garage, last we saw her.

Side Mission.
I go to an open air stage. On the stage a transgender singer is trapped on the stage by zombies. The song is stuck on loop on the pa. I have to shut down the speakers. There are around six speakers around the stage that I have to break. A handy machine gun makes this very easy. I then have to speak with Adam again, he becomes a follower.

Main Mission.
I go to Rhonda's garage and find her lying in a pool of blood with her arm severed. She has been tortured by someone, she tells us to get a first aid kit. I go outside and find soldiers. I kill them and get the first aid kit. I take it to Rhonda and heal her. I tell her that I have found Gary. She wants to look presentable before going to meet him. I have to get an acetylene tank a hinge and something else, that are right in the room and make Rhonda a flamethrower arm. I must now take her to Gary. The pair are reunited. I can now go and get Annie. Inside she is tied to a pole and surrounded by zombies. I untie her, Red has vanished. Annie tells Nick that she used to be with Red, however, they are no longer together. She tells Nick that she is glad he keeps turning up. It is time to get to the plane.

Main Mission.
I go to the plane hangar. Red and Isabella Keyes appear. Nick asks her what she knows. She tells us that a lab was built near her village. The plan was to make genetically modified cattle. The soldiers raped the women of the village. The bees mutated and made the zombies. The villagers were killed to cover the story. The orphans were to be part of the revenge attack in the first game. Nick is immune, and the government know it. Red tells them to go outside. He uses cargo containers on a crane to trap Annie and Isabella. Red tells Nick that he is going to sell him to the government for five million dollars. I now have a boss battle with Red.
I have to shoot at boxes of electronics on the sides of the crane. Soldiers appear to run interference. The crane also is swung like a wrecking ball. Once all the boxes are shot the crane stops. I then have to free Isabella and Annie. Now a final boss battle with Red. This is a fight man to man. I wear his health down and in cut scene Annie drops a container on him. Annie is revealed to be the daughter of Chuck from Dead Rising 2 when he shows up. Gary has been working for Chuck to find Annie the whole time. The gang all leave in the plane, apart from Rhonda and Gary who stay behind as there are not enough seats.
The credits roll.

Main mission.
Only it isn't the end, On the plane radio Hemlock can be heard talking about starting collection. Isabella tells the gang that he is talking about collecting fluid from the king zombies. Which he is hoping to use as a weapon. Nick wants to stop him, there is no point in just escaping into a world where that kind of weapon can be used. I now have to track down Hemlock. I follow his helicopter across town. I find Marion and Hemlock on a roof. Hemlock thinks that the zombie virus can be used to clear cities of their population. turning all the people into zombies, then using the king zombies to wipe them all out at once. Marion rejects Hemlock's advances. She is obsessed with the cure. Hemlock does not care about a cure. He throws her off the roof. Hemlock sends out drones to collect the mutated zombies. They are picked up by the head and flown up into the large helicopter.
I must destroy the drones. I have to destroy 60 of them. The helicopter flies around and I have to chase it all over the city. When i am done Nick rides a drone up into the plane. He causes it to crash. We now have to fight Hemlock. He stands on a podium, if you are on the ground he shoots grenades at you. If you are on the podium he fights with his fists. Once he is done he gets caught in rotor blades. Annie calls Nick once the fight is over. We seen Annie flying overhead in the plane and Nick walks off into the sunset.
In a final cut scene we find out that Isabella Keyes was working with Marion and Hemlock. She was the one who thought of the plan to start an outbreak in the city to flush out the orphan with the cure.

485 achievement points for one play through on normal.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Outlast Notes

I choose to start a new game on normal.

A text screen tells us that the game is adult. It then goes on to give some background. We play a journalist called Miles Upshur, we are investigating stories about an asylum called Mount Massive. The player is reminded that their character is not a fighter and the only way to stay alive is to hide or run.
The game starts in a car, driving on a remote country road. We can look around in first person perspective, though not move the cars steering. We reach the gates of Mount Massive Asylum quickly. As the car stops we reach for a file. The email that brought Miles here tells us that Murkoff Systems are doing experiments at Mount Massive. The experiments involve dream therapy. The tipper tell us that people are being hurt and he is breaking NDA agreements to tell us this. Miles picks up his camcorder. We see that it has zoom and night vision properties. Miles gets out of the car. He can crouch and jump. Pressing R1 brings up the camcorder. I open a gate and get into the grounds. A note is taken in my reporters log. It talks of Murkoff being held up as a charity, thought it is known to be a front for shady dealings. I can run with L1

As I enter the gardens a figure can be seen at the window, then it moves off. The front door is locked and there are three military type jeeps parked outside it. There are gates to the right of the asylum, though all are locked. A gate to the left has been prized up at the bottom, I can crouch and pass through it. There is another locked door, however, a scaffold can be climbed leading to a window that is open. Inside it goes dark as we enter. I have to use the camera's night vision by pressing R3. The first room is furnished but seems devoid of anything useful. I move out into a corridor and find another large living room type area. There are pictures of a priest, that have been scored as if by claws. The door has been knocked off it's hinges. A television comes alive with static as I get close to it. I move back out into the corridor and have to squeeze through a gap. There are bloody handprints on the wall. I enter some offices and find a battery and a document. The document walks of project Walrider. A patient called Billy is described as having lucid dreams. It seems that Billy is being given drugs that are changing his blood chemistry and sleep cycle. He seems to also be able to see other peoples dreams as he has found out his mother is trying to carry out a lawsuit against Murkoff.

A door in the corridor shuts as we approach and won't open for us. In a break room it looks like someone has been eating bowel. Blood trails lead to a vent in the ceiling. I climb into the vent and move on. Looking down through a grill in the vent a man can be seen closing the door to another room. I come out into a larger area, with yellow glass partition walls. I can see someone moving in the distance, they leave the area. I can see a larger room through the glass and someone has been writing in blood. I open a door to a library and a dead body falls from above. The room is dark and I need to use the night vision. The bodies are missing their heads. There are a few. I move through some shelves and come to a man impaled on a spike. He is surrounded by severed heads and body parts litter the floor around him. He tells us that we can't fight them and have to run, he tells us to get out before dying. I move on back out into the corridor. I explore a toilet and find a battery. Then move into another gap I have to squeeze through. As I do a large ugly guy grabs me and hurls me through a window down into the large room below. Half knocked out we see a man in monk like robes examine our camera. He talks of a disciple. We pass out and wake again with no sign of the monk.

I am now down in the lower area, which is a large reception hall. There  are bodies all over the place and the blood writing says "proclaim the gospel". In the rooms off the hall are toilets and empty rooms. There are also rooms filled with computer stations. I find another document talking about the drug therapy, which they seem to be calling Morphogenic engine. A man named walker has been self mutilating in order to see like a lizard called Tuatara. I move through into a corridor and see a man sitting in a wheelchair, he looks emaciated and mutated. He does not seem to notice or care about us. I move past him and find more men sitting in a common room watching a static filled television. They are mutilated and have skin eruptions. I crouch under some planks barricading a door and move into a room where I find a dead body with a security keycard. I leave the way I came, the wheelchair guy grabs at me and gibbers as I pass. I move back out into the reception area. I am informed that i can look behind while running. Suggesting that I might have need of such a facility soon. I come to a choice, there is a stair heading down or a corridor. There is also a lift, pressing the call button appears to drop some poor soul to his death down the shaft. I am meant to be heading for the security room, and a sign says that it is along the corridor. I go that way. A figure can be seen moving at the end of the corridor. In a toilet a dead body has "witness" written in blood above him. I find the security office. Inside blood writing says "They lie." I can hide inside a locker here. At a computer in the office I am given the chance to unlock the main doors. I use the computer and a progress bar shows that the system is rebooting. On the monitor I see the monk walk up to a lever and pull it. The power goes out. I am left in the security office, I can see the monster coming. I hide, it comes in and looks around for me and then leaves the office. A document in the next room talks about profit from the morphogenic engine treatment. The generator that the monk shut off is in the basement and the only option seems to be to backtrack and go down the stairs this time.

I go down and enter a more industrial part of the asylum. I am blocked by a padlocked gate, through there is a broken down section of wall I can squeeze through. A document here talks of Mk Ultra and the CIA doing hypnosis experiments. I move on and find a machine room. A panel tells me that I need to turn on two gas pumps and the main breaker to restart the generator. I explore and find a switch that turns on pumps. As I head for the door an inmate with a baseball bat walks in. I hide behind the door and he does not seem to see me in the dark. I leave the room before he sees me. I go to the next switch and press it.
I now find that the enemy wanders around and will attack me on sight. I have to avoid him and hide in cabinets and under beds to evade him and find my way through the small corridors to the next switch. This is the one we saw the monk pulling from the security office. I then have to evade the attacker and get back up the stairs to the security office. Which once you get out of the lower floor goes without hitch. In the office I have visions of the monk simply pulling the same switch again. I can't imagine trying this for a second time will go well. It doesn't as soon as I touch the keyboard the monk grabs Miles from behind and injects him with a comedy syringe. He shows us a video of the soldiers being attacked by an invisible force which is tearing them apart. Miles passed out.

We awake in a padded cell filled with bloody graffiti. A note talks of Father Martin, presumably the mad monk. There is mention of a Dr. Wernicke who died ten years ago. The cell is opened by an inmate. I come out into a cell block of padded cells. There are inmates wandering but none harm me. Two talk about wanting to kill me, but have been warned off by father Martin. One single cell has a hole in the back wall on the lower floor. I can squeeze through into a pipe filled area and climb up into the corridor above. This is still in the prison like section of the asylum. I move into the same area i was in before, just on the other side of the fences. I move into a room that looks like some kind of gas decontamination room, then up a flight of stairs. Words written in blood on the walls tell me to jump down a hole nearby. I find an elevator that looks shiny and modern compared to everything else so far. The door panel says that it is inactive. I have to find a way to activate it obviously. An inmate locked in a tiny cell tells me that they weren't experiments, they were rituals. I find my way to a security office, there is another attacking enemy to avoid and lose by hiding. I manage to activate the button in the security room, it is an airlock, not an elevator. I go back to it and pass through. There is more cell block on the other side of it. I come to a gate where the two bruisers are waiting with machetes. At a broken window I am told to go through and hang. I can shimmy from side to side hanging by my hands. I then climb in another window on the other side of the gate. The twins have gone. I come to a door that needs a keycard. I pass through a broken airlock, there is a corridor with a view into another cell area, with much more aggressive looking occupants. I find the keycard and go back to the door that needs it. I am given a new objective, to exit through the showers. I move through the balcony area above the showers with no hindrance and come out into a corridor that lets me into a security room. There is another switch. I press it and the large monster comes into the airlock. It begins to smash it's way through the glass to get to me. I turn to run and a grate falls open in the ceiling. This is obviously they way to go. I climb in and go through the grate which leads me to come out into a corridor. I run along it and the monster is chasing me. I pass the broken airlock and it explodes, knocking Miles out of a window into a new area below. He lands on a pile of corpses, which gives him a relatively soft landing. The monster comes down looking for us, there is a bed to hide under. I must now find my way out avoiding being seen by the monster. I avoid it an manage to sneak through and crouch into a new area. I can now enter the lower shower area. There are many inmates in here and some are unfriendly. I climb a bed up to the next level. An inmate attacks as I walk by, but another grabs him and knocks him off the balcony. I find a document in a cell that talks about Wernicke, a mathematician who worked with Alan Turing. He was German so was on opposite sides during the war. He retired to work with the Murkoff corporation. He died at 90 years old. I move on, walking along a ledge a prisoner grabs me and nearly knocks me off but not quite. I crouch under a gap between two cells and then go down a hole. A note from Miles tells us that the big monster is called Walker. He thinks the Walker might be trying to fix the problem rather than being it. I move into the showers proper and find a hole in the ground to go into. This leads to pipe filled areas and then into large sewers.

I am given a new objective of finding a way out of the sewers. I climb through a smaller pipe and a new section is loaded. I see a ghostly floating apparition pass by. I follow it through a gap and find a pipe that is flooded, I need to drain the water to get through. Our old friend walker is back to avoid. The first valve is to the right down a corridor. The second valve is down the left corridor, though harder to reach. There is a squeeze gap that I don't think Walker can manage to get through. I turn the valve and must now get back to the ladder. I climb down into smaller darker pipes and move through until I come to another ladder. I see a man with a torch in the distance here, I am fairly sure it is father Martin. I come to a door marked admin block. I find an inmate who talks sense for once. He asks what kind of experiments a dead doctor would perform on the living. I climb down another ladder and come into more sewer, signs point to male and female wards. There haven't been any female inmates so far that I could tell. Looks like that is about to change. Maybe not, as the way to the female ward is blocked. I head back around towards the male ward. I move through a large area of sewer until i come to a massive empty room. Walker is in here with us. You can see his eyes glowing. I find a grate near the middle and climb up and jump onto a ladder to get out. I move through some narrow corridors an aggressive inmate will only attack if you go too close here. I avoid him and pass down into more sewers. we are still heading for signs that say male ward.

A load signifies a new area. The male ward at last? I find more cells and evidence of torture. A new mechanic is introduced here, the ability to shift crate like metal object by pushing them. I come to a door that is being thumped from the other side. The only way forward is to push aside the barricade. This doesn't seem like a good idea. I do it anyway. It seems the only way to progress. There is nothing on the other side apart from more corridors and rooms. I move into an area with hospital like curtains. I find a document from someone called Trager, who seems to be posing as a doctor and doing a very bad job of it. He talks about project Walrider costing too much and cutting eighty personnel. I think he actually means killing the eighty not sacking them. there is a locked door at the end of the ward. I climb into a vent to bypass it. In the locked room is a man tied to a chair. As I approach him he starts screaming and then two crazed inmates with machetes that banging the locked door down. I must run for it and bar the door with a crate. Then open another crate blocked door and run down another corridor and do the same. This leads to a morgue where I jump out of a hole in the wall. I then run headlong down some corridors and through some rooms with crazies chasing. I reach a dumb waiter and a voice tells me to get in. I do and am brought up out of the way of the crazies.

Into the hands of a very odd looking person with a monocle and mummified skin. He knocks us out and ties us to a chair. He takes us in the chair through the area that appears to be in his control. He shows us an open balcony to the outside world as a tease. I think this is doctor Trager. He takes his time choosing instruments, then cuts off two of our fingers. I have to wiggle the left stick and escape. Miles vomits, though oddly he makes no attempt to stop the bleeding. I am now free to walk around this new area. I find a man on a bed bound and tortured. He tell us that this is Trager. Trager is like Walker, simply a monster that needs to be avoided. I find an elevator, though it needs a keycard to make it move. Looks Like I need that card to escape. I explore this area and find many ward filled with trussed up and cut up inmates. A document found in a toilet shows me that the man who likely contacted us was called Annapurna. I find the elevator key in an office. As I find it Trager attacks, busting down the office door. I run from him and manage to find the elevator. It moves down slowly. He appears trying to get in to us on the next floor. I struggle with him and he is crushed by the lift. I climb out the top of the lift and then make my way downstairs trough the door he unlocked to get to the floor below. I meet father martin on the other side a glass partition. He tell us that we are close now. I am not sure who is worse, Martin or Trager, at least  one is dead now. I make my way forward, finding a room that is filled with burning furniture. A man sits waiting to burn to death in here. I am tasked with turning on the sprinkler system. I find a switch, but there is no water, I need to find more switches first. Walker is back, he seems attached to father Martin. I find the two valves, as usual in two different directions and then go back to the sprinkler button and turn it on. This causes the sprinklers to activate. I am then told to go and find Father Martin. I make my way back to the cafeteria and pass through it, the fires are out now. In the kitchen the man i saved knocks me over and runs away. I move on, a load signifies a new level.

I find myself at the open balcony area Trager showed me earlier. I find a document talking about MKultra again, talking about sleep induction and hypnosis. I head for the exit. The exit leads onto a garden area, which is in total darkness. At one end are two padlocked gates and a sign written in blood which asks how alive I am. A good question. There have been enough references to suggest that this is all a dream or a hallucination. I find a locked gate and start looking for a key. I find it in a small shed. A ghostly figure is floating around, it isn't killing us, so that's good, I hope. I open the locked door and them move on, finding a ladder that leads onto a rooftop. I then have some platforming to do. Making my way from roof to ledge and then onto more roofs. I them make my way through some fairly empty areas and a load begins. Only it doesn't stop the loading animation and I have to close and restart. I have to move on doing more wandering in the pitch black and climbing on roofs and ledges. Then meet Walker again, I avoid him by ducking down a small hole in masonry. I am now in the female ward. I have to climb in through a window. Inside I see father Martin up on a high ledge in a part of the ward that looks totally ruined. All the balconies and ways up have collapses. I must find a way up to Martin. Progress is made though dark and empty corridors. A washing machine is filled with something nasty. A document tells us that the Walrider is a demon that attacks people as they sleep. I come to an elevator, there are stairs up and down alongside it. I am trying to get up to Martin, so obviously the stairs going up are broken. I go down instead. I am now wandering around aimlessly in the dark. I eventually realize that I must jump a piece of broken stairs behind the elevator to progress. On this floor I find that a key is stuck in the laundry chute. I need to get it moving and must find three fuses to do this. I was expecting walker to appear, but there are some inmates with knives who are to be avoided here. A quick exploration of the area provides two fuses. I have to barricade the door with a metal crate against an inmate at the second fuse. He leaves after bashing the door for a while. Near the laundry chute there is a hole to climb through, this leads to the final fuse beside an inmate who has been crucified and inverted. Back at the chute I place all the fuses. The inmate with a pipe here is a bit of a menace, he is rather too handy at finding you. For the first time in the game I really want to kill the annoying idiot. I can now open the laundry chute. It vanishes downwards with the key. I go back downstairs to the laundry room and get the key. Back upstairs I can open the door. At the top of the stairs a sign says to follow the blood. I come to a room where the floor collapses. I have to climb back out using beds in the room below. I find a room where files have been removed. I go to a door and as I open it the two bruisers with machetes emerge. They don't attack and simply leave. I move on and find a very broken down room. i have to platform my way across. As I do a piece of floor breaks and I lose my camcorder. I can now not see in the dark at all. I have to go down into this new area and find the camcorder. It isn't all that far away I get there without incident. When I collect the camcorder it's screen is cracked, making the view even more difficult. To add insult to injury I am now attacked by three weapon wielding inmates. I run back up to the third floor. Now the way back is harder because the floor I jumped to earlier has now collapsed. I jump the longer gap and am told to find Father Martin. I move through this new area into the administration block.

Guess who is back to annoy me again, Walker. I am back essentially where I started. I am chased by Walker in corridor with a few rooms, there is nowhere to go until I spy an open vent. I push a body out of the way at the end of the vent and appear in the area where we first met Walker. I enter the area above the elevator and an inmate speaks to me through the gate. I am barred entry by a locked gate again. I need to find a key. I go looking for the key and move through a new area, a recreation like room for the staff and then come to a theatre like area. An interview with Wernicke talks of the morphogenic engine and only subjects who has seen trauma being able to produce good results. I move on and come to the projection room. An inmate bars the door on me. I have to find another way around, climbing on ledges and jumping onto a balcony. Inside the projection room is the key. I come back into the cinema and a door is opened by the bruiser twins. I avoid them, though I don't think they are actually going to kill me unless I provoke them. This new way is a shortcut back to the locked door at the lifts. I open it and go up. I come to a sign for Murkoff. Inside the door is a kitchen like area. I move through and find a large cafeteria. I explore and find another recreation room. I move through a gap in a broken wall and into a corridor of the admin block. In the rooms here the inmates are all kneeling and praying. I find there is no way forward. I explore all the rooms here and find one with an open window. I climb out one window, edge along the ledge and in through another window. Signs here say that God hates sickness and money. I enter the chapel, flanked by the two bruisers. Father Martin has crucified himself. He then is set alight. He told us something before he died, though the audio on the PS4 and my television is screwy and the music here so loud that I couldn't make out what he said. I go back out and have to get to the elevator. Apparently the front door is open and the elevator will take me right to it. I move onwards and am attacked by walker again. Making finding the way back to the elevator hard work. I manage it, finding that I had to climb a vent in the cafeteria takes work when Walker is right behind you. I move through the kitchen area and find the lift. I enter it and use the key.

Unsurprisingly this is another trap. I use the key and the lift takes me way down into the basement of the asylum, past the teasing glimpse of the front door. This new area is industrial, and soon give way to what looks like ice caves. I move along a corridor and come to the reception area where I saw the special forces being torn apart by the invisible force earlier. There are lots of bodies. I move on and find modern labs. It looks like some of the bodies have exploded rather than been murdered. I come to a corridor where a window shows what looks like a loading bay and an exit. I move towards it and find the Walrider spirit. It attacks and kills me. Wasn't what I was expecting. I run from it next time and open a door to find walker. He gets about. The Walrider attacks Walker and kills him, it vanishes. I move back and a new door has opened. I enter an office like area and find Wernicke, not dead. He tells us that the Walrider is actually Billy, using some kind of nano-technology. Billy is actually on life support. The morphogenic engine allows this astral projection to happen. He tells us to kill Billy so that we can disable the Walrider and be allowed to leave. I move on and find the Morphogenic engine. A large sphere with smaller spheres around it's base. Inside one of the smaller spheres is Billy, in a life support system. I must turn it off. I have to disable some failsafe systems before I can simply turn it off. I move to the fluid reservoir room and turn a valve. I then have to turn off the power. This is a journey in the other direction from the main lab. I am chased by Billy on the way. I pull the power and then have to get back to the main lab and switch off the life support. I do this and am thrown about by Walrider until Billy dies and the spirit fades away. I now have to get out. Miles is limping badly which really makes progress slow. I come to a door and come face to face with Wernicke and some soldiers. They shoot me. The credits roll. A voice tells me that I have become the host. I can hear screaming. Does this imply that our spirit is now free like Billy's was and we are killing the soldiers and Wernicke?

Around 10 hours to complete the game.

40% of trophies for one play through, only missing insane mode and the full document and notes trophies.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Killzone Shadow Fall Notes

I choose to start a new game on Normal difficulty.

In a terrible past war a weapon called terracide was used to reduce the planet Helghan to a lifeless rock. The survivors were given refuge on Vekta by the guilty Vektans. They have come to occupy half the planet with a wall dividing the two. The game starts in the Helgan section, Vektans are being expelled from the area as political tensions rise.
A small boy looks out of the window as people are herded around by soldiers outside. His father appears and tells him that it is time to leave. I have to follow him. The door of the apartment is hammered on and I have to follow the dad over the balcony. I follow him, hiding in the shadows from drones. We meet up with a Vektan soldier, then have to hide as a Helghan patrol sweeps the area. The soldiers is called Sinclair, he will help us get to the wall. I have to climb up onto a roof to get through a hole and clear a plank away from a blocked door. Sinclair climbs up onto a roof to scout ahead. The father climbs up and I have to grab his hand. As I do, he is shot and we both fall back onto the lower area. Helghan appear. The father tells his son to stay behind him. The father is shot before Sinclair can appear behind the Helghast and kill them. Sinclair tells him that he will get him to safety.

Flash forward in time and Lucas the son is older and trained as a soldier. We see Sinclair, older now, talking about taking the territory on the other side of the wall back. Then we see Lucas as a prisoner of the Helghan. As a shadow marshal he is taking part in missions behind enemy lines. The Helghast are trading him for a female Helghan prisoner, this quickly goes wrong the Vektan officer doing the trade is shot. Then a missile blows up nearby knocking everyone off their feet. I have to grab a gun and shoot a Helghast guard using quick-time button presses. Then the female prisoner grabs the gun and leaves us behind. We are rescued and make it to safety.

The scene changes to a Vektan city, all clean lines and glass skyscrapers. Lucas is in an office, Sinclair is with him. Lucas was captured on purpose, the woman traded was named Echo. Political tensions are high and the Helghast leader Visari is breaking off negotiations. Sinclair tells us that a recon team have been sent through the wall. Contact with them has been lost. Lucas has to go in and find out what happened to them.

Mission 2
I have to go through a factory to get into the area. I climb through some tunnels and am told to find my echo package. I have to do a little bit of platforming and take a lift through the area. I now find some enemies which I have to sneak up to and melee kill. I move outside and find two Helghast looking at my package. It opens up and a drone pops out and kills them for me. This is my owl, a drone that can attack people for us, we can also use it to shoot by remote. It can hack things for us as well. I have to send it down to attack two soldiers. The owl can also produce a zip line for us to use. I explore this new massive open area of forestry with fortified buildings dotted around. The mission requires me to go to a column of smoke, which seems to indicate where the team we are trying to find may be. When you are shot and killed the owl can revive you if you have an adrenaline pack. Otherwise it's back a little bit to the checkpoint. I find that the drop ship the six man team was in has been shot down. Three of the men are dead. I find the other three nearby. They have the intelligence which their mission was based on. I now have to take out weapon emplacements that are preventing our escape. I have to set charges on the wrecked ship to destroy it. Then take out AA guns. I climb up the side of a mountain and plant c4 on the guns. There are enemies to kill all the way. I then have to go to a comms tower and hack two terminals. Then meet the team at the armory and get out. The armory I have already cleared out, and you guessed it the soldiers have re-spawned. I storm in and then have to hack a terminal. As we are about to get in the drop ship enemies attack making it withdraw. I have to defend against waves of enemies. Once enough have been killed I then have to make it to the drop ship. The mission ends here with the c4 being blown and half the area going up.

Back with Sinclair in his office he tells us about a Vektan spaceship called the Cassandra which has sent a distress beacon. It seems that a virus pathogen has killed the crew. This may not be natural, especially considering that the ship was involved with bio-weapon research. The project leader, Massar appears to be trying to defect. I have to go to the Cassandra and destroy it by steering it into the sun.

Mission 2
I start by cutting into the ship's airlock. I am weightless in zero gravity. The ship looks dead. There are bodies floating around inside. I restart the artificial gravity and am now walking around normally. Inside the ship are lots of dead bodies, some laid out neatly under sheets, some lying on gurney's. I move along the corridor, past sealed labs. Then come out into a large central shaft of the ship. I am weightless again. There are two doors and two objectives at either end of the shaft, top and bottom. One to get the engines running, the other to set course for the sun. I choose to go for the engines first. Inside this part of the ship gravity is restored. I meet some Helghast soldiers, who aren't friendly. I come to a petrusite core which is plugged into a hole, removing it opens a door. It appears that I can pick up the core and drop it at will. I come to a control panel and have to get the owl to hack it. This allows me into the core, I have to replace petrusite cores into three locations to get the engines running. As I being moving cores and placing them where they should be as marked the concentric rings begin to spin. Making the place a deathtrap. Once all cores are placed I must make my way back out to the control room and hack the console to activate the engines properly. I am told to make my way to the control room and set course for the sun next. More Helghast appear to fight. I kill them then make my way back up the shaft to the steering section. Flying owls appear and attack. I find a room where bodies are burning. I have to use the cores like keys now. To open doors. I have to find three to open the way to the bridge. I climb through a shaft and spider robots attack. I reach the bridge and find it empty, I use the owl to make the ship head into the sun by hacking a control console. I hear Massar's voice over the radio, she is still aboard somewhere. I am told to get to the labs and find her. Helghast are in my way as i take a different route back to the main shaft. In the labs area a door that was locked earlier is now open. I see a video of Massar killing a Helghan male to test her bacterial weapon. inside the lab I am prompted to examine a body under a sheet on the table. As i do the Helghan woman, the one we were exchanged for earlier in the game appears and holds a gun to our head. She appears appalled at what the Vektan's are up to. She accuses us of coming to bury the truth when we tell her that we are here to destroy it. She tells us that Massar will answer for her crimes. I have to fight her with quick-time, she escapes.  I have to chase her now, there are windows nearby and the sun light is so strong that it sets things on fire where the light hits. I chase through the ship fighting as I go until I reach the escape pods. I am too late the Helghast escape with Massar. I am blown out into space and can only watch as a large Helghan ship leaves. On the ship the Helghan woman has Massar prisoner. Massar taunts her, asking how much of her blood is Vektan, she guess at maybe half. The Helghan woman is not impressed. Massar tells her that they are all going to die. Back with our hero floating in space, he is picked up by a Vektan ship.

Mission 3
Kellan is on a small ship in the Vektan city. He lands on a rooftop landing pad and I have to walk through a security checkpoint towards the interior of the building. There are lots of civilians here milling around also. As I walk an explosion suddenly knocks Kellan off his feet. A soldiers rushes to the aid of a hurt woman, only to be shot by another Vektan. It turns out to be a Helghast wearing a holographic disguise. He comes for Kellan who stabs him with a knife. I am now fighting against Helgahst who are streaming out from inside the building. I have to go inside, fighting all the way to a control console where I can communicate with Sinclair. There have been multiple strikes across the city. He wants me to  come to him. I head back outside, the way I came in and find lots of Vektan's clearing up and tending the wounded. I meet Sinclair outside and get into a drop-ship with him. A video from the Helghan tells us that the Black Hand are responsible, an extreme Helghan terror group. Reports start to come in that they have hijacked trains on a monorail system and are using them to ram buildings causing much death and destruction. We have to go to the train station and halt the trains.
I am dropped off on the tracks. I have to avoid being hit by the very regular and fast moving trains. I fight my way across the tracks to a stationary train and go inside. It is crawling with Helghast. I hack a panel which disables the train I am in. I now have to go on into the station. I have to climb up ladders then get into the roof of a train and down inside it to hack a second train. Then again, more climbing and train dodging while shooting Helghast until I reach the last train. It is filled with lots of explosives. There is only sixty seconds left until it blows. I can't defuse it. I jump back out to Sinclair on the drop-ship. He tells me to shoot the train off the rails with a mini-gun. I shoot the five or so hooks that hold it on the rail and it falls off. We are now going after Tyran, the Black Hand leader. He is in the Vektan city, he has been seen and is being pinned down in a building nearby. I am sent in to kill him. There are hostages in the broadcast room, this is where Tyran has been sending his video from. I have to free the hostages. I go in through a vent. I am told to try freeing the hostages stealthily, though it all goes wrong quickly the allies storm in and clear the place the old fashioned way. I still find and save the hostages, freeing them from handcuffs. I am then looking for Tyran. I go after him and find him. He runs and I give chase. I reach a cut scene where he gets onto a drop-ship and I hang onto it as it escapes by a rope. I have to shoot soldiers who are trying to shoot me from the drop-ship, then climb up the rope. I get to the drop ship and fight Tyran in cut-scene, he knocks me off and gets away.

Mission 4
I am going back into the Helghan sector, looking for Tyran. A contact there will help, I have to meet him. I start in a queue of refugees, moving through a checkpoint. Some get through others are rejected and taken away. I get through. The Helghan sector is unrelentingly bleak and industrial. It looks like hundreds of cargo containers per minute are being shot up into orbit via some kind of gravity lift. I board a train and while in the carriage am told to detonate an EMP device. I do this and the train stops. People flee and the soldier who was in the carriage has to be melee killed. I get his gun and escape the carriage. I move down through the shanty town and find a guard post and take out the guards. I move through into a large area which is filled with civilians. I can make my way towards the objective marker undisturbed. Our contact has had to move position. I am given his coordinates and told to hurry. I find the contact, whose name is Zeus, in a hideaway in the vent system. He tells us to help ourselves to his gear. He also asks that we erase his name from a database so he can escape the Helghan sector more easily. He tells us where Tyran can be located. I fight on through the city, and come to an elevator. The lift goes down for a while and I come out into a boxy series of skyscraper like industrial buildings.  I move on here for a while with little resistance. I hear Tryan telling people that there is a shadow marshal looking for him and that he wants us dead. I fight through some more enemies and then another lift ride. Tryan rants over the radio, telling Kellan about his own past. I fight through another large area and come to a crane. I move the crane and this opens the way forward. I have to move the crane around a few times and zip line about to get to the next area. Here I fight some more and come to a door. Inside I hack a computer and then climb up a ladder and find Tryan talking to someone via video link. It seems that this person is on Helghan, and he is in control of Massar, who is working to eliminate a different race now. I fight Tyran in quick-time and he knocks us out of the room, which seems to  blow up. Kellan comes around and reports to Sinclair, I now have to get to the extraction point. The gantries have been blown out, I have to make my way through the wreckage. There is no escape and Helghan forces are closing in. There  is nowhere left to go and Kellan is captured. I wake with a bag over my head and one of the Helghan torturing Kellan with a shock stick. He leaves and the girl appears, the half Vektan/Helghan woman who has been popping up all along. She tells Kellan that Tryan was acting on his own political ends, the Visari regime did not want the attack on the Vektan side of the wall. Kellan tells her that Stahl is doing this, he is on Helghan with Massar. As they speak, Lady Visari appears, flanked by guards. It seems that she knows exactly what Stahl is up to, it is revealed that the girl is Visari's daughter. Lady Visari sends her away forcibly and leaves us to the torturer.

Mission 5
Kellan wakes in a small container. An unknown voice on the radio tells him to get out of the container. The door opens and Kellan is in a cargo container filled area. I have to jump out and over some containers, the anonymous benefactor moves them to aid us. I then have to go on a journey through the guts of the cargo yard. I am guided by the voice and told when to move and when to stay still to avoid patrols. I eventually come to an area where two guards corner me. The unknown Visari girls is the benefactor. She kills them then tells me to follow her. She wants peace, though from her side it is inevitable that the Vektans will attack, not the other way around. She takes me on a lift to a new area where she shows me how to hack spider-bots, which I can then drive around and blow up. I use this to open a door. I can also mark targets for her to shoot with her sniper rifle. I come to an open area where there are plenty of targets to get Echo, which seems to be her name, to shoot. I also have to use a spider-bot to extend a bridge to open the way forward. I then help a civilian being hassled by guards and he gives me better weapons. I climb up out of this area, which isn't immediately obvious. I then get into a vent and move onto another large open area. I have to clear the enemies using Echo and take out what I can myself. I have to activate a panel in what is called a containment centre, then open an airlock type door. Echo tells us that she will meet us on the other side. I pass through an area filled with despondent starving and ill civilians. I intervene and stop one killing himself and give another an adrenaline pack. I move out into a large open area and fight my way across with Echo's help. She brings down a cargo container on some enemy heads. A large drone appears. I need to use EMP grenades to take it down. When the EMP grenade hits it it is stunned and I can get in some shots. Rinse and repeat about four times and it goes down. I now have to head to an elevator. There are groups of enemies on it and two have large riot shields. I kill them and take the elevator. Echo and Kellan discuss changing the minds of the politicians above them who seem hell bent of killing everyone. I have to use a spider to hack a door open. I meet Echo on top of a building. The last stretch is heavily guarded. She gives us her sniper rifle and tells us to cover her as she tries to open the way forward. I have snipe a spotlight, cameras and soldiers so that she can get to the controls and move the container over to us. I am told to get inside it. I then shoot some more soldiers and climb back out onto the top of another container that Echo has moved over. We both now ride this container to a new area. I give her the sniper rifle back here. We must now get into a control room in a tower at the end of this new area. I sneak around sniping and stealth killing for a while and then end up getting seen and having to fight my way in. I get to the control room and Echo follows me in. She tells me that we need to get a capacitor and from a machine at the back of the control room and take it outside and plug it into a nearby antenna. Now I must survive a huge attack. There are large drones in groups of two and three and many soldiers. On our side we have two flying drones, which i can designate targets for. Once enough death has occurred I have to go and meet Echo as the enemy retreat. She tells me that she is going to fly me over the wall. I must convince Sinclair to give her 48 hours. She is going to kill Massar and stop Stahl's plans. The drone flies over the wall. It crashes when the uplink fails and we land in the no mans land between the walls. I have to run, avoiding drones in the area and get into the doors of the Vektan side of the wall. I am met by a drop-ship and taken to Sinclair.

Mission 6
Sinclair doesn't take well to trusting Echo to kill Massar, he sends us to do it also. They have tracked Massar to a mining spire in Helghan orbit. I find myself floating in space trying to find my way inside. I fly towards a designated point. I then move inside and make my way to a large shaft. I have to free fall down it avoiding girders. This seems to have glitches, as I can't seem to see what to do when I land. A flare fires and an airbag appears at the last moment only once, though once is enough. I did this perfectly around ten times before it worked though. On the lower surface I move down further into the shaft machinery. I find spider robot releasing boxes. These spawn around four spiders at a time, they can be hacked to stop their production with the owl. A door needs to be hacked, there is a single soldiers in this room, he appear to have a shield of some sort. The owls stun ability knocks out their shields. This adds a new dynamic to game-play as you have to manage the owl so that you can take their shields down. a large room full of guards tests this new mechanic out. An optional objective here is to access the security room. I then have to open a hatch. This opens a huge hatch in the previous room, which I must now go down. A drone meets us and I have to shoot it. I hack a panel and open the way. Massar's voice can be heard over the radio. I now have to find her in this massive lab complex. There are lots of enemies to shoot on the way as you would expect. I eventually find the door to her lab and hack it open. Inside Massar reveals that she's cardboard cut out nuts and thinks that viruses or whatever she is making are being held back by our life and we all need to die so they can evolve. Hence her interest in making biological weapons that can kill everything in sight. The weapon has been moved down to the surface. Stahl has it. Massar is now no longer of use and a danger to the Helghast. Stahl sends men to kill her rather than let Vekta take her back. She runs to a shuttle and it moves off, leaving Kellan in a lab that is filling with enemy soldiers. I have to breach the window using C4 and float out into space. Here I must escort the shuttle as it moves between two space stations. drones and other shuttles sent to collide must be dealt with. I must then cycle the airlock and meet Massar. She wants a lab to carry on, totally nuts. I follow her, there doesn't seem to be much else to do. Massar is making a good case for us to just shoot her. She claims that she won't give us a cure or stop the plague. I follow her into a massive room. I take Massar into a room at the far end. Here Vektan soldiers meet us and take Massar. A ship is coming in to collect her. I must hold off the Helghast who are coming in big numbers. I join some men making a stand and have to survive until the ship arrives. When it does I get onto it's emplaced gun and must keep it protected. The Helghast eventually fall back. In cut scene I see a Vektan with Massar and Echo appears behind them. Sinclair tells Kellan to kill Echo. Echo shoots Massar and the sergeant holding her. Sinclair tells us that we are a traitor. Kellan tells him that he has made his choice and genocide of the Helghan race isn't it. It looks like Echo and Kellan are the only ones who want peace and they are now in a side of their own making.

Mission 7
Echo tells us that weapon is on a drop-ship. We are going to follow it down using orbital divers, which look like sleds that the pair use to ride through the atmosphere after the drop-ship. After a certain height they abandon the sleds and are free falling.
After clearing the clouds we are free falling at high speed over the broken surface of Helghan. Cities in ruins loom quickly up at you. The control scheme here is weird, you have to push forward to keep height, which also makes it hard to see where you are going. I eventually manage to hit the landing site, though it was luck rather than skill. There are air brakes, which don't seem to help any as they lose you height. On the ground I climb down through a fallen skyscraper and meet Echo. She tells me to put a canister into a machine and then step back and shoot it. This makes a gravity lift of sorts for us to get up to the next area. We split up to make us harder to find and I have to do a gravity machine on my own. I then meet an automated defense robot, in defense of what may I ask, the ruins? I got stuck in some rubble here and needed to restart the last checkpoint.
The robot tank like machine must be taken out, yet gunfire and c4 aren't making a dent. I have to use two of the canisters in two gravity machines which knocks it out for me. Two drones join the fun after you hit it with the first gravity blast. I move on through the ruins, avoiding an elevator that falls and half of a building that falls down as you enter a room. I then find more of the stationary tank droids. I must do the same, hit it with two gravity blasts. I move though a wrecked building and come out at the drop-ship crash site. Tyran is alive, some Helghast have arrived and rescued him. Another tank and two larger spider drones need to be dealt with. I then meet up with Echo. A  massive ship passes overhead, causing tremors. I have to follow Echo to a large cliff edge.

Mission 8
Using a scope we see a base down below, Tyran is there, this is likely the site of the weapon. We are to split up and both attack from different approaches. I move around the cliff side and approach the base. There are soldiers, two emplaced guns and one of the tank droids blocking the entrance. I have to place c4 on two points to blow this tank droid. Echo tells me to keep them off her while she finds a way in. I kill a few Helgast and then she opens the main doors. Inside is a large empty room. I have to open a door with Echo, There is a rail track here, I have to clear the guards and Echo hacks the trains to bring a container here. We then ride it to Tryan's location. The ride proves illuminating. There are hundreds of large ships, a war fleet. The virus isn't the only way that the Helghan's have been planning revenge. I arrive at the other end of the station and have to fight through heavy soldier numbers. We come to a control room and Echo needs us to cover her until she does something. Survive the waves mode in other words.
I am then told to hack doors to stop the troops coming into the area, two doors need to be hacked. Once done Echo hacks in and tells us that Tyran is coming this way and we can set up an ambush. we ambush him, though he knows we are there. I now must fight one on one with Tyran. He has a shield drone, which bathes him in shield. He can also summon spiders and small flying owl like drones that shoot and ram us. He takes a fair bit of pounding, though goes down relatively easily. He is useless when questioned and Echo shoots him dead. Sinclair still won't back down in the face of the overwhelming new odds. Echo wants to go after Stahl. we are now heading to a small drop ship nearby. In cut scene the drop-ship flies out of the canyon filled with the armada. We see lots of Helghan ships rising to the surface. On the surface A large amount of Vektan ships can be seen. A flash of energy shoots from a large device and all the Vektan ships begin to glow with a red haze and fall from the sky. Echo tries hard to avoid the sudden rain of massive ships, in the chaos they end up in the beam that appears to be some kind of surface to orbit lifting field. I must fly up the beam and enter the base at the top. I fight some enemies with rockets and then enter a corridor back into normal gravity. I enter a room that looks suspiciously like the prelude to a boss battle. It is absolutely filled with ammo and weapons. I enter a large control room or war room like area and fight my way forwards. It is basically a long corridor. I fight my way along it and then take a lift higher up. Stahl berates us as we do. I find that he is a weak old man, held in a life support bed. As he talks, telling us about how the Helghast have been made strong by their personal planetary apocalypse. Sinclair appears  behind us and shoots Stahl and wounds Kellan. I can only lie and watch as he talks of our betrayal and the fact that he is going to go back to Vekta and wipe out the Helghast once and for all. Sinclair shoots Kellan dead and the credits roll.

Only it isn't the end. The credits are interrupted and we find ourselves playing as Echo in a vent in a Vektan occupied location. I have to use a spider-bot to open a door. Then fight through some enemies. I then come out into a large open area. I have to override two control panels and find a sniper rifle. The stealth is paramount here, Echo can cloak, though can still be seen if you get too close to civilians or soldiers. I must then sneak into a vent that has a view of a podium where Sinclair is making a speech. I shoot him and the credits begin again.

12% of trophies for one play through seems a bit cheap.
Roughly 15 hours.