Friday, February 21, 2014

Call of duty: Ghosts notes

I choose veteran for the pain.

A cut scene, rendered in black and white with a stylized liquid tone, tells of the siege of a hospital. Sixty men were tasked with defending a hospital against overwhelming odds. The men were whittled down until only fourteen remained. These men hid in ambush under the bodies of the fallen. They became covered in blood, which the sand stuck to. When they attacked the enemy they were like supernatural warriors terrifying the enemy. They won and only one enemy survived, he called the men Ghosts. This is revealed to be a camp fire story between three men. Elias and Hesh are the men, along with your character, who is called Logan walker. I am told to follow them as they move off. Tremors shake the area. We are in a woodland area. An explosion occurs in the distance. I come to a street, there are fires. The older man Elias, who is Hesh's father splits off. I am told to go to a house with Hesh. I reach the house easily. There is talk of something called Odin. Inside the house fires start and it begins to collapse. I have to help Hesh open a blocked door, through which is a white light cut to a different perspective. The scene skips to fifteen minutes earlier in space high above the Earth. I am playing as Baker, with a woman called Mosley, we are out spacewalking. I have to follow Mosley into an airlock on the vast space station, reminiscent of the international space station. Inside we see other astronauts, then two men with different colored space suits enter from behind them and shoot them. We have to run, following Mosley. I then encounter enemies and get a gun and start shooting. These men are from the Federation and it seems that Odin is a weapon that they are trying to gain control of. Out of a window we see that Odin is a giant gun that is shooting some kind of projectile down to the surface of Earth. It is being targeted onto American soil. Over the radio we are told that the station is going to be destroyed rather than allow it to stay in damaging enemy hands. We are told to get out. We move through the station and encounter more enemies. There is a huge explosion and we are thrown out into space where debris is everywhere. I am told to head for the Odin weapon itself, which is still shooting at the surface. I fly over to it with Mosley and open a panel on the back of it. We have to shoot into the exposed machinery, which makes the Odin weapon blow up. Mosley is killed by the blast. The machine then begins to fall into the atmosphere along with Baker. Baker dies. Back on the surface with Logan Walker and Hesh we emerge from the door. A projectile from Odin hits in front of us causing a huge crater. It appears that these are lumps of metal dropped from orbit with devastating force. We have to run for it through a disintegrating world. Eventually Elias appears with a car and we leave in cut scene. As we drive more projectiles rain down in the distance causing huge damage to the city.

Mission 1 
The federation are formed from South American countries. They have attacked America with Odin as a softening up for invasion. America is now embroiled in a long war with a better armed enemy. Ten years have passed since the Odin bombardment. Walker and Hesh are in a basement with a dog called Riley. We are in a ruined theatre or cinema. I make my way through following. Movement that Riley has sensed turns out to be deer. I make my way out into the street, derelict and ruined. I have to meet up with team 2 at the wall. I meet the team and continue patrol. Some enemy soldiers are found and a fight develops. I move on and the fighting continues. Some people are being executed, though I can't save them in time. I am told to push to the wall and we are into normal COD run and gun fighting. I join a bigger group and meet a larger force, with a helicopter. I have to fight my way through them to the wall. I then have to shoot down two helicopters with a rocket launcher. I now have to get into the back of a vehicle. The wall is being opened for us. Our vehicle drives through. a transition tells us that it is now twenty minutes later and we are at Fort Santa Monica. I follow Hesh into a control room and meet with Elias. He tells us to follow him. He tells us that he is sending us out into no man's land. This is an area outside of the walled in safe zones. We are to gather intel on what the Federation are planning.

Mission 2
Out in no mans land I find myself playing as Logan with Hesh and the dog Riley. We are back at the place where we were at the start of the game, Hesh's old family house, we pass through quickly. A church falls off the cliff edge into the abyss in the distance. The earth tremors are still going on. We come to some enemies and have to use Riley to kill them. I take control of the dog and find that we can bark to attract attention and sprint and kill enemies by tearing out their throats. A few enemies are taken out and then it is back to controlling Logan. We breach a door and have a slow time event where we must shoot enemies in a crossfire and avoid shooting each other. Then inside the building. I come out in and industrial or factory like area, maybe a logging camp. I have to fight my way through every inch of ground. I enter a road tunnel and let a large convoy pass us by, there is no way we would win if we engaged them. Outside the tunnel many men and more vehicles can be seen. We have to sneak past, using Riley to target stragglers and guards. We come to an enemy camp and must sneak in using riley. I come to our target and see a man taunting a prisoner who is wearing a ghost face mask. The enemy leader talks of an operation homecoming and takes the man away. We must not get Riley out of the camp. We move through some forest area, Riley move on ahead and begins barking. A pack of wolves emerge and attack. I am attacked and have to mash square. Riley Saves us and I shoot the wolf as he fights it. A group of ghost masked soldiers save us. Their leader Merrick tells us to do what he says when he says it. We join them. We are heading to firebase Charlie. We meet more enemies on the way and fight through some streets and houses. We reach a view of a stadium and the missions ends.

Mission 3
We are now joining the Ghosts to rescue the man we saw as a prisoner earlier, he is called Ajax. I use a powerful scope to look around the interior of the stadium and find Ajax in the distance being beaten by soldiers. A rescue mission is now the mission. We now have to tag some trucks with grenades that can be remote detonated as they pass by. We now drive a truck into the stadium, as we do we blow the remote bombs causing havoc. A crazy drive through the stadium shooting from the truck sees us crash and then get out and start shooting our way along the stadium promenade towards Ajax. We come to a door and have to use a remote sniper rifle we left earlier at the high viewpoint. I shoot the men inside from across the way by remote control and the others breach in as we do. One is left alive to be questioned, he doesn't know where Ajax is. He is killed brutally. Riley has picked up the scent. We move on and are attacked by RPG's. I have to use the remote sniper again to kill them. We are following Riley's nose. Which leads us to more of the stadium to fight through. We use tear gas which makes a large group easy to kill. Another door to breach, throwing in tear gas first. We then find Ajax, who dies telling us that Rorke is targeting the wall. There are pictures of Ghost's on the wall, it seems he is targeting the Ghosts as well. We have to leave as reinforcements are coming. The exit is blown open and becomes a deathtrap. I have to use the remote sniper to clear the enemies and keep the Ghosts protected as they go out onto the pitch and steal a helicopter. We must now do the same, rushing out and into a smaller helicopter. I have to use the remote sniper again as we take off. As we leave word comes over the radio that our home base is under attack.

Mission 4
We head back to fort Santa Monica by helicopter, arriving into a firestorm. I meet with the ground troops and then have to head to the frontline fighting zone. The dog is left behind here. I move through the fort to the beach area and have to use an emplaced gun on helicopters and men advancing on the beach. My gun is blown up and I then have to control the strafing runs of jets. Twice and then we end up blown onto the beach ourselves. I now must fight towards drone control. This is a long fight through trenches. I have to shoot using the jets occasionally to take out tanks and helicopters. When I get to drone control it is wrecked.  We must go back into the fort, fighting as we go. We are now looking for Hesh's father Elias in the control room we were in earlier. We make our way into the burning building. There is no sign of Elias. Ghosts come in through the ceiling and rescue us by helicopter. On board Hesh is going frantic about his father. A Ghost tells him to relax. One of the other Ghost's pull off his mask and reveals himself to be Elias. He is the Ghost leader. We are now Ghosts, having passed his tests.

Mission 5
Elias tells us that Rorke used to be a Ghost. We now flashback to 12 years earlier. The Ghosts are on a mission to kill the Federation leader in Caracas. We are playing as Elias. we fly in by helicopter and land. getting out into a street with many other soldiers and tanks. Tanks are fighting and I basically have to stay out of trouble to get through this section. We enter a parking garage and then flank an enemy position and attack them. I then have to climb onto an enemy vehicle and drop a grenade inside. Moving on to more fighting, again we have to stop enemy missile launcher from firing. As I approach this one it fires and blows a hole in a dam. We must now reach higher ground to avoid the floodwater which is coming in fast. I run into an alley and am cut off and must enter a building, which rapidly floods, I have to move through climbing higher until the water finds it's level. We move out onto a roof and find enemies. I begin to fight and then the roof collapses. We end up floating around in the fast flowing floodwater like a ping pong ball among cars and debris. Eventually Rorke grabs us and helps us up out of the water. we move through a flooded office and take out a soldier stealthily. I have lost my gun and only have a knife. We kill two more soldiers and take their guns. Moving up to higher ground again. We find more enemies and fight through. We find more of the Ghost's and continue fighting on. Using blocked up cars and buses as bridge we move into a large flooded buildings car park. We are fighting towards the federation leaders position. We come out onto a roof to see him fleeing into a helicopter. We jump on board and have a quick-time fight and I end up shooting him. The helicopter crashes and we end up hanging onto Rorke as he dangles over the abyss. There is no way to untangle him, we either let him go and he dies or we all die. I tried, this isn't a choice, if you don't let go it's game over. I let him go and Rorke vanishes into the water with half a helicopter on top of him.

Mission 6
We are going back to Caracas, this time looking for Ramos, who knows how to find Rorke. We start on top of a skyscraper in the large city. On the tall building opposite us we must use a targeting scanner to scan the faces of people on the roof and find our target. I find him and we then have a go for the mission. We use zip line launchers to cross over to the other building. We then abseil down the building sniping people through the windows. Once we find the right floor we breach in using cutters. I must now use a device to upload a virus into the computer network. Some men nearly catch us and we must be stealthy. I now have to make my way back to the ropes. We move down the building taking out guards as we go, then go in further down. The plan is to shut of the elevators so the man can not escape easily. I fight through some offices filled with enemies. At one point we use a strobe light on the end of our gun to disorientate the enemies. I come to the elevator controls and wreck them. We now have to fight enemies who arrive. Once the worst is over we get to the ropes and start making our way down the building. Things get dangerous and we go back inside smashing our way in. I must now fight my way to the location of Ramos. I find him and question him. On a television in his office Rorke appears. He taunts us and tells us that Elias will have to live with sending his son to his death. The building then begins to blow up. We have to run through the exploding mess and jump out of a window as the entire building starts to fall down. We deploy parachutes and get away.

Mission 7
In the Gulf of Mexico we are flying in a helicopter. I fly through a canyon and then come out at at a large factory like port. I must take out lots of targets with the helicopters missiles and guns, other helicopters as well. After a while we land and get out. We are looking for Rorke here again. I fight my way through the refinery, every inch of ground is hard fought. At one point we switch back to a helicopter and clear more reinforcements that have arrived. I push on through more enemies and eventually reach the control room and find Rorke, he does not resist and is captured. On a plane we have him tied to a chair and are punching him. I am told to grab his chair after he insults Elias and the Ghosts. We try and make him talk by threatening to throw him out of the plane. A plane appears and attacks our. Rorke is rescued by his men who have zip lined onto our besieged plane. I am taunted by him and told that if we survive this we should come join him. The plane is torn apart by the larger enemy plane and we are now falling. debris is everywhere, we pull our parachute and are then knocked out by debris. We come to in a tree and fall out of it. I am wounded and must make my way to the rest of the survivors at the crash site. This is a semi-stealth section. You can just pick up a gun and kill all the patrols if you like. I meet Elias and then we save the rest from enemies. We are now heading to the river for evacuation. I must sneak past a large patrol, then wade through a lot of rushes to a ridge. A missile appears to have been launched, someone asks if it is nuclear. A helicopter spots us. and we have to run for it into the trees. I jump over a waterfall and am rescued by friendly troops in boats.

Mission 8
The missile that was launched did not hit America. The priority for the Ghosts is now finding out what the missile was for. A facility in the Andes is our next target, we are to get in and find out what is going on. We start in a snowy mountainous environment, after having ambushed a patrol on snowmobiles and stolen their uniforms. I approach the base with other soldiers and have to snipe the guards outside the walls. Then move on inside. I have to hide a body from view. A convoy approaches, to vehicles continue on and one stops. We stab the two occupants and then take their vehicle. I am riding in the back seat of the jeep. We drive down into the complex, which is massive. We park at an underground car park and then get out and go inside a strong looking door. We have only a few seconds once inside until another team cuts the power. We switch to night vision goggles and kill the surrounding enemies. Inside we advance and plant a device in their computers. We then come to another massive door and I have to drill it at two points. Thermite is put in and the door blown. This leads on to large labs. We must fight our way through. If you shoot a civilian you are failed and put back a checkpoint. I move on through the facility we are heading for a place called the nest. When we arrive there I have to place a bag on a console. Hesh is tasked with hacking the computer. He needs three minutes. It looks like we have to hold the position until he has done the job. There is a remote turret and some claymores and mines to set in the thirty seconds before the enemies arrive. This is still a hard fight. Once the data has been uploaded we escape towards the rear of the room and enter a lift. We now try and blend in and walk out of the facility. This works, and we walk back out the way we came in through the chaos left by our entry. We get into a jeep and drive out. A road block stops us. The data stolen contains kill estimates for the missiles hitting US cities. The road block sees us rumbled and we drive off at speed. This is an emplaced vehicle gun section. we shoot the ice we are driving over to make vehicle crash. There are jeeps and snowmobiles to shoot at. Eventually a sub breaks through the ice and we get aboard.

Mission 9
We are now on a mission to destroy a key fuel platform called Atlas near Antarctica. We start looking through a camera feed as a convoy of enemy vehicles passes it and stops.
We are revealed to be underwater and under the ice. Charges are set, which blows the ice and drops the convoy into the water. We shoot the survivors and then get out of the water into the battle. Once this ground camp is cleared, we use ascenders to rapidly climb up to the rig. I fight my way through the rig, this is a more vertical fight than usual. I reach a door and breach into a room with heavy enemy numbers. I then reach a control room where we break the rig. Things start to explode and we fight through an open area on top of the rig. I fight through this area and get to another control room. Here there is a little mini game where you must push up and down to keep a gauge in the green. Do it for long enough and the rig really starts to blow up. I now have to run headlong through the blowing up area and jump onto a ladder dangling from a helicopter. The rig blows and the mission is over.

Mission 10
We now have to take out a ship that is defending a factory that makes the missiles. This mission again starts with us underwater. We are swimming towards the target. I have to avoid sharks by staying close to the ocean floor. I then have to shoot some enemies and swim through a shipwreck. I then find lots of divers salvaging wrecks. More fighting then I have to cut open some container doors that we come to. The ship we have come to attack is sending out pressure waves and we must be in cover when they hit or get hurt. I have to get into a sunken lighthouse and from the light area fire a rocket which I must guide to a spot on the bottom of the ship. This makes it  blow up. I have to swim for it to avoid debris that falls to the ocean bed. Enemies attack and we have some hard fighting. Bullets move slower underwater and take more hits to kill enemies. I then find they are dropping depth charges on us and we have to take cover in the wreck again. I then have to avoids sharks, moving slowly through a group. We move on through the wreck and then out into open sea and reach the extraction point.

Mission 11
We are now infiltrating the factory that was being protected by the ship. We sneak in, killing guards stealthily as we go. Past a rail yard outside the factory. We then go inside and make our way through the factory stealth killing anyone in the way. We enter a much more secure part of the factory through a huge security door. The stealth is gone as we start fighting many enemies. We find what looks like rocket parts being built. Entering a massive chamber we find a replica of the Odin system that caused all the damage in the first place. Kinetic rods are being loaded into this rocket. It seems like the Federation wants to continue with the damage it was causing with Odin before it was stopped by Odin's destruction. We are told to find out more on how ready the system is. Bombers are on the way to level the entire factory. We reach some computers and attach devices which steal the data from them. In the middle of this we are attacked by a large force. Smoke is used and we switch to thermal so we can see. We now have to simply escape before the bombers get here. I fight through the factory and then out onto the roof. A helicopter makes life hard here. I fight along the roof and then down onto the ground. A jeep with an emplaced gun pins us down and a truck comes to our rescue. We get on board the truck and then drive out of the complex in the nick of time as the bombs drop and the place goes up.

Mission 12
We know that the Federation plans to use their Odin weapon. We need to stop it. We are to meet in Vegas with leaders to discuss plans. we start this mission at a Vegas safe house. Things are off, the security has been tampered with. Suddenly gas bombs drop in and we are all knocked out. Logan is dragged into a room and wakes tied to a chair. Elias and Hesh are with him. Rorke appears and gloats, he shoots us and taunts Elias. There is a quick-time prompt here which isn't clear, I'm sick of this cut scene already as I keep failing it because I don't know what the icon is that it is telling me to do. It seems that it wants you to aim at Rorke's gun and mash square. I do that and it works anyway. Logan grabs the gun and tries to shoot Rorke, he fails and Rorke grabs his hand and makes him shoot Elias twice. Rorke then takes the gun and shoots Elias some more times himself. Elias tells us that he is proud of us before he dies. Logan passes out. when he wakes the remaining Ghosts are about to be shot by Rorke's men. Keggans is in another building and he begins to snipe the enemies. I am given a gun and have to survive in the chaos. We now move on to normal fighting in the building. I meet up with Keggans and avoid a large patrol. We are now moving through a broken down mall. I encounter heavy fighting in a large stair cased area of the mall. We are ambushed and encounter heavy firepower in a corridor, the only option is run or get cut down. We run and fall down the side of the building into a new area. we come out onto the streets and find Riley, he is wounded and needs to be carried. I have to do the carrying. I can pick him up and put him down to fight. Helicopters and enemies make life hard. I move on until a helicopter arrives to extract us.

Mission 13
The Odin weapon must be taken out. The last remaining US aircraft carrier is sent in on a full scale assault to attack. We start on the USS Liberator, it is being boarded. We head out onto the deck and clear the enemies that are being dropped in by helicopter. Once done  we watch as missiles are loaded onto a plane. I am told to take a remote control. I then have to shoot at boats that are trying to board. I can use the remote to shoot with missiles and mini gun from the plane. I then have to follow Hesh to take control of sparrow launchers. I shoot many helicopters and a large bomber. I then am told that we are going to join the ground assault. On the way we are told that kinetic rods have been detected in the atmosphere. One hits the ship causing massive damage. We must then run along the listing deck as everything on it begins to fall into the sea. We reach a helicopter and move on to the ground assault.

Mission 14
A team has been sent up to take on the Odin weapon in space. There is a system on ground  that will give an early warning to the space station. We must destroy it to give the space team a chance. I start in a tank, inside a plane. We are dropped out of the plane and join many more on the ground. I must rendezvous with Bravo company. I do this and move on to an airbase. I must take out all of the ground to air defenses so that our planes can come in. Once done I switch character to Logan again and am in a helicopter with an emplaced gun. We  fly up to the control tower, blaze the gun on it and kill everyone inside and then breach in through the window. We move on and breach into a control room. Here we redirect a missile and launch it at the early warning system. Hesh finds evidence or Rorke and we go off mission looking for him. I fight through a missile loading bay area and see a train. Rorke is meant to be on it. we have to jump on as it leaves. The view now switches back to the tanks. We need to take out more AA guns at the next location so the missile we launched can have a chance of hitting it's target. We drive across a bridge and into this new area, around eight AA turrets have to be blown and then our tank it hit. I have to jump out and run to another tank. I take a turret gun and we drive out as the missile is about to hit. with seconds to spare we leave and see the array blown up.

Mission 15
Out in space we leave our shuttle bay and head for the station. Enemies are outside in space as well and we are fighting our way in. During the fight there is an explosion and we are buffeted madly by it. I move on and fight towards the control room. I breach in and take control. We must now use their Loki weapon against them. I have to target their forces in the ground assault and avoid hitting our own. I am told to target the train the the Ghosts are on with Rorke.

Mission 16
The control switches back to Logan and Hesh on the train. We must advance along the train, which is an overhead monorail type train, it moves fast and sways alarmingly. This is a visually enjoyable section of the game. It gets quite hard fast as we start fighting on top of the train, there is cover but not much room on the roof. I get to the end and Hesh tells the rod crew to hit the train. His idea is that even if they fail Rorke will still die. We breach into the room. We have a quick-time fight and are nearly undone by Rorke. The rod hits and the train derails into the water. In the ensuing chaos we fight again with Rorke and kill him. I must now swim to the surface and drag Hesh onto dry land. We sit and watch the rods hit the federation Navy. Suddenly Rorke appears again. He is beginning to turn into some kind of Horror movie villain that can't be killed. He drags Logan off telling him that they are going to destroy the Ghost's together. The credits roll.

10 hours
55% of trophies for one play through on veteran difficulty.


Left analogue stick        move player
Right Analogue stick        move view
Left trigger            Aim down sights
Right trigger            fire gun
Left bumper            flashbang
Right bumper            grenade
Triangle            Change gun
Square                reload
Circle                crouch
x                jump
Dpad up                select special
Dpad down            select special
Dpad left            select special
Dpad right            select special   
Option                main menu
Clicking right stick        run
Clicking left stick        melee

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