Monday, January 5, 2009

Resistance 2 Notes

Put it in the ps3 it wants to update, ho hum, about 3 minutes. Then it wants to actually install the game, which surprsingly takes about 3 minutes.
choose difficult setting, i'm a masochist.
Story picks up right after resistance 1
with hale being picked up by the commandos. They inject him with a sedative.
Once they wake him up they say they are taking him to Iceland to an SRPA station. They say he is part of project Abraham and wonder how far along he is.
The chopper is attacked as it nears The station named Igloo and goes down.
Mission 1
We follow Blake as he tells us to follow him in finding a way into the besiged base. There is a huge chimera war machine stalking around making a mess of the base.
WE are shown how to use the magnum pistol, you shoot normally with R1 and then you can detonate the explosive bullets with R2.
We go into the next room after killing 2 chimera and find a rocket launcher, we are told to fire at the exhaust ports on the goliath which damages it.
We then sprint through the area to a sewer pipe where we find the bullseye.
Control is with analogue sticks, x is jump.
Tapping L2 crouches and L1 sights along your gun a la call of duty.
Square is reload.
We have a firefight with about seven chimera with the goliath above us, and then run into the detention area.
A few more firefights with chimera and then we meet floating exploding eye robots.
Blake seems to want a code from a doctor. Who seems reluctant to give it to him. He does and warns that containtment will come down. Blake inputs the code and a huge door opens, inside a large chimera is released and comes flying out, it knocks Blake over and grabs hale, it says.
"Can you hear them calling to us, it's beautiful. and then flies off. It looks like it was once a human but has now become a huge bloated monster.
Blake tells us that Daedalus has escaped.
We go on to try and fight the goliath.
Taking another shot at it under instruction from Blake.
we Follow Blake closely across the open ground and come to a bridge that is out and it's like a little platforming section.
We come through a little underground section and out under the goliath again at it's rear and have a final shot at it's exhaust and it blows. Two trophies earned, yay.
we run into a building and out the other side to a helicopter.
Mission 1 over
On the helicopter Blake tells us we are going to San francisco to join the sentinels.
2 years have passed.
We see hale awaking from an anaesthetic, he hears the doctors saying that the virus is multiplying exponentially and he might have 19 hours to live. The doctor, Malkovich says that Hale is different and anything might happen.
When Hale awakes properly, the Doctor tells him that he must come back for his inhibitor treatments.
Another soldier wants hale to come with him for active duty.
Mission 2
We seem to be in an underwater facilty. Which is being attacked, we see lots of troops, sentinels?
Blake tells us that he wants us to clear out the attacking chimera and sends us on our way. The glass window to the huge room comes under attack from something big and we have to vacate the room. Hale is left on his own.
We see a man in the water being attacked. Blakes tells us over the radio that there are furies in the water and we must stay out of it.
A little more platforming as we avoid the fury we can see swimming in the water.
We pick up the magnum and find it's a jolly fun weapon. Shoot once and then click R2 to blow up the chimera. even if you hit near it, the explosion will do some damage. We meet up with some soldiers, Hawthorne is named.
we move through the facilty fighting chimera soldiers and then get to the moonpool. we have to close two lock doors which the chimera are presumably using to get into the base.
I manage to find one and it's a simple switch objective. killing all the chimera and getting the second switch closes heavy doors over the moonpool. However we needn't have bothered as the a huge chimera smashes in the doors as soon as we close them. We flee the room and are left on our own again.
We make a long trek through a huge room filled with generators, which seems a waste are there are hardly any enemies in it. There are some more of those annoying flying things, which always seem to be slightly higher than you would expect them to be. We encounter a force fielded flying object. Blake tells us that it would be suicide to engage it and tries to guide us past it using the security cameras He tells us to stop and hide and then to move in a certain direction.
After this section we come to a square room with a square platform in the middle, water surrounds the middle and a fury swimming around, we have to wait until the fury is at the other side and swim to the middle and then do the same at the other end.
We meet up with the doctor who we have to escort to safety.
A fight along a cell block and then we encounter some soldiers fighting what they call a ravager, which is a bigger chimera with a large beam weapon gun.
We come back to the control room we were in earlier after fighting a load of chimera and a ravager again.
The professor tells us of a weapon which can defeat the kraken.
We enter a square room with a rectangular platform in the middle surrounded by water. The Kraken knocks the walls in a bit and pokes it's head in. You shoot it with the plasma cannon which it does not seem to like and it breathes out on you, which is deadly. You have to hide behind crates for a few shots at it's head and it then goes away. We follow Malikov to a lift and then come out into hell. We see San Fancisco being invaded by huge chimera ships, the city is burning.
Our first objective is to get the guns at the edge of the bay back into order to fire on the incoming ships.
We make our way to the guns but they are overrun by chimera, we pull back and head through some of the base shooting up loads of chimera. The Auger weapon is introduced, which can shoot through cover. It is very useful.
We reach a helicopter and Extract Malikov. He says thay we need the inhibitor treatments or there is not much point in him leaving. Hale volunteers to go back for them.
Bigger chimera turn up, nasty big twenty foot tall things with rocket launchers.
There is a huge water filled area which we have to work out the best route through to avoid the furies in the water.
We make our way through the base to a fridge containing test tubes which must be the inhibitors that we need.
We are urged to hurry as a battleship is now going to fire on the enemy ships, and the base will likely be destroyed in the explosions. A vtol is sent to pick us up.
As it comes in to pick us up the kraken appears out of the water and attacks.
It rocks the platform we are on and uses tentcles with drills on the ends to attack us.
We have the plasma cannon which takes ages to charge up after firing.
It moves around the platform as you shoot it and then charges and tries to eat the platform and you.
Takes a few times around the block to kill, but it seems you have to shoot inside it's mouth as it chomps the platform the second time. I don't know but that is what I was doing when I killed it.
Mission 3
Orick california.
We are looking for Daedalus I presume.
our convoy is ambushed
We fight off the attackers but our trucks are wrecked and our numbers heavily depleted. We are told there is a creek we can follow to safety, however when we get into it we find lots of mutilated bodies. Looks like something nasty lives around here. We see a soldier ripped in half by a cross between the predator and wolverine. It vanishes as quickly as it appeared and we are in trouble.
Seems they are called chameleons, the graphics for the forest are particularly good here.
A shotgun blast can kill the chameleons as they charge you, but you have to be very quick.
We find a logging camp which has chimera pods growing, I destroy them all, there are little chimera bugs running around which are too small to attack us.
There are some flying robots guarding the bugs.
I pick up and use the marksman as I have no bullets left for the shotgun and bullseye.
I am surprised to find it fairly rapid firing and efficient.
There is a ship here for some reason and command wants us to try and find out why.
A bigger chimera comes running at me with a yellow personal shield, which is annoying, i use grenades on him and get lucky.
A goliath appears with some flyers to aid it, it doesn't need much aid. A handy rocket launcher lying around helps. Some puzzling to find the way out of the area through some railcars.
Then we encounter helfire turrets, which can only be diabled from the rear.
We have to sneak up behind it using cover and turn the thing off with a big green on/off switch.
A drone which I thought was chimeran before turns up to help us as a boatload of chimerans turn up. Without them it would have been a hard fight. The drone continues to help us.
we meet up with the rest of the sentinel squad at the chimeran ship, things aren't going well. They have more soldiers than we have bullets and our weapons are not making a dent on the outer hull.
We hatch a plan to fly a shuttle inside and plant demolition charges.
The squad storm a chimeran occupied warehouse and its actually great fun. I found a glitch though, i tried to hide from a ravager that I got a little to gung ho with and ended up in close quarters with no ammo. I ran and ended up backed in a corner and the thing couldn't get me, it was shooting at close range and I was hitting it with my melee and eventually killed it, it must have been a glitch as I should have been dead, the fire from it's gun must have been shooting out behind me rather than into me as I was too close to it. Anyway this section is great fun.
To end the warehouse section we have to storm a heavily guarded hellfire turret, flanking it using crates nearby.
We see a cut scene of the shuttle flying into the ship.
The ship reminds me a lot of Halo and seems at the start to consist of generic straight crossroaded grid corridors.
The invisible guys are back.
I wondered when those annyoing scorpions from the first game would turn up, here they are slithering out of a small corridor you have to crouch to get into.
The steel cleanliness of the chimera ship gives way to piles of the organic egg sacs.
The radio chatter from the squad who have split up to plant bombs in stategic places suggests that the chimera know we are inside, they either don't consider us a threat or are planning a trap.
We enter an area with glass and steel walkways, chimera attack from above and below. The marksman and the auger prove very useful. The auger is great for hiding in cover and simply shooting through the walls at the enemy.
we reach the bridge and Hale is able to tell the squad that the ships aree heading for Idaho. He plants his charge on the bridge and now it's time to leave.
We have some corridors with the invisible twitch kill nasties to deal with then a two minute sprint through the exploding ship as one of the charges has been blown early in a firefight and the whole ship is going up. We have to wait at a door and defend until it opens then through to the shuttle and out of the ship. A cut scene shows us being hit and the shuttle going down.
We crash in a suburban area and Hale is isolated from the group again.
There is a creepy invasion of the bodysnatchers vibe going on with the amount of pods increasing. I just know they are all going to start hatching soon.
They do, what comes out are tall gangly chimera with no weapons or armour. They run straight at you and try and hit you. They are killed with one shot from most guns, however, it's weight of numbers that is the killer.
We have to fight our way to a stuck squadmember then back through the area we have just covered and meet up with the squad. We then have more armed normal chimera to deal with. I find the deadlock gun, which is a heavy projectile weapon.
We fight through a diner and a supermarket.
The grenades are good, though it seems awfully easy to throw one and have it land at your own feet, with hilarious consequences.
We come through a hairdressers to a cinema which is loaded with hundreds of the spinners as I think they are called.
I enter a town square type area and there are three ravagers, and there does not seem to be any rocket launchers handy.
After a take agaes picking them off with Auger and Bullseye I find the bellock near the bandstand. Doh!
There has been talk of towers recently, I didn't know what they were meaning, but now we can see huge towers in the distance which resemble the post office tower in London.
We end up at a railway line and have to head down the tunnel which is full of spinners.
Out the other side we meet ravagers and normal chimera. Then back into the tunnels again.
We come to a flooded section of a factory type area, where we are attacked by scorpion chimera half submerged in the water.
We are told that if we don't get some inhibitors soon we will all start to turn.
We are now inside the tower and take an elevator up it. The towers seem to be defensive in nature.
Cappelli who has been following us aroound for a while is taken by a huge spider like chimera and we are on our own again.
On top of the tower we can see incoming chimera battleships approaching.
The big thing is a lizard/spider hybrid and it spits acid.
it lets loose scorpions and clambers around the tower like a gymnast.
After about three tries I manage to kill it. No special strategy, just hammer it and avoid.
Mission 4
We see the towers shooting down the chimera ships, quite and impressive scene.
Hale is told to go to a base for inhibitor treatment, he tells Blake that he is going after Malikov first. He argues and turns off hiss comm unit. He tells the men in his squad to leave now if they don't want to follow his mutiny.
Malikov is at genesis station in Bryce Canyon utah. So is a chimera ship however.
We have a little on rails shooting from our vtol to clear the hot landing zone.
we are in a desert area. lots of dust and perilous drops to avoid.
We fight the flying robots with chimera soldiers, to add to the mix the invisible predators turn up too.
We fight through the chimera and then encounter ravagers. We start to find scientist bodies, luckily none of them are Malikov.
Hale hears Daedalus talking to him. He tells most of the squad to stay and bottle the chimera in and he takes a side door tunnel into the base.
We find loads of scorpions inside the tunnels.
Then into the base, which seems to be chimeran. Malikov contacts us by radio and tell us the Deadalus is here and that we must reach the core first.
We are nearly at our flanking point with the chimera on the bridge that our sqaud are pinning down.
I find the wraith mini gun, which is fun, there are ravagers, chimera and flying larger robot drones on the bridge, once they are clear another set of enemies comes up in the lift.
We take the lift down and go further into the base.
We see something like a swarm of bees with lightning inside floating around in the distance.
Daedalus tells us through telepathy that we should turn back.
The swarm of angry bugs with the lightning arrives and it's deadly.
dodgy unskippable cut scene here. The swarm only needs us to run from it following a cable which shows our way to an elevator where we escape it.
We go on from the elevator and end up meeting the swarm again. It takes a minute to work out that it can't open the doors in the corridors with floorplate opening controls. We have to block it so it goes outside and comes in another door to get us and while it does so sneak past it to proceed.
We encounter daedalus and Malikov, a cosy combination. Daedalus tells us that Earth belonged to the chimera long before humans walked upright. He says that they are the evolution of man.
He talks about chimeran stars being in the sky again.
Hale collapses as daedalus is talking. When he wakes Malikov tells him that he has become susceptible and is overdue inhibitors.
Daedalus has gone after doing whatever it is he was about to do. Malikov tells us that we need to get out.
We see huge eggs, Malikov tells us that they are the oldest form of chimera, the purest. He talks of his experiments in russia. Looks like malikov is to blame for most of this.
Malikov tells us that he infused the pure chimera dna into two human subjects, Daedalus and Hale himself.
We encounter the swarm again. Malikov notices that it does not like electricity and there is a circular glowing area with a force field around it, we are able to get inside the safe area.
There is a bit of simple puzzling and hiding inside the circular force barriers while the swarm teases us. We fight a load of chimera in a rectangular area then Malikov tells us that we must go to another chimera tower that is inactive. He tells us that we should try one in chicago as it's suicide and Daedalus won't expect us to attack it. Sound plan, not.
The swarm turns up again and this time it has us trapped near the only elevator to the surface and escape. Malikov can control the generators from a control panel, we have to lure it inside one of the circles and malikov will turn it on, killing or trapping it.
We have to lure the swarm to a circle and standing inside it seems relucant to come in, if we taunt it by stepping outside it gets mad and attacks, if we can manage to get it into the centre without getting killed by it then Malikov turns on the generator. We then shoot it with the plasma cannon which seems to disrupt the electric bonds between the bug like elements which drop to the floor inanimate. Only for a few seconds however, the swarm soon is back up and after us, we have to repeat this three times before it dies.
Malikov then reveals that the towers are older than humanity and have been buried for millenia, they will fulfill a purpose that is obviously bad news for humanity. We must stop daedalus from reactivating them.
As if the swarm wasn't bad enough we go up in an elevator and a short walk to our landing zone, which is crawling with scorpions and two titans.
After taking them down we make it to the vtol.
Mission 5
Cappelli is angry that we have not gone for inhibitor treatment and there is none in chicago, he informs us that we are now a walking timebomb and he will pull the trigger on us when we turn.
Hale grabs him by the throat aggressivly and hurts him, putting him down.
They fly to chicago and malikov tells them they will have to go inside the tower to stop it working.
Cappelli gives us a look of pure hatred as we get off the vtol and Hale is looking ropey with yellowing eyes and almost bestial growls.
We find a splicer which shoots circular saw blades that bounce around causing lots of damage.
We go down a street and spinner come at us, about a hundred of them in waves of about 10 at a time. We then have to deal with two hellfire turrets. Our squad helper splits off and we have to diable the turrets on our side of the street creeping through the buildings, while he does the same on the other side. We have to snipe enemies at his side also from our flanking postion.
We reach the end of the street and there is a water filled area. We have to sneak in the water using cover to get up to shoot at two chimera, one of the water creatures can be seen climbing out onto land in the distance. it climbs back in as we get close. We have a very long trail of cars and trains to negotiate without falling in the water, drones also harass us. We jump into an area and the train we jump from falls behind us, it must hit a water main as the water rises quickly in the area. This allows the furies in to get us. We must follow a winding trail of planks and girders up ever higher running and not falter to get out of the area. It is quite an obvious path however once you realise what you are doing.
We enter a building filled with spinners and dark corridors.
Then we come out into an open street where a pitched battle is going on. We join the humans fighting the chimera which include loads of the grunts and the tripod tanks which I remember being a pain in the last game. They seem a bit easier to kill this time around.
Ravagers come with shields which is a pain in the ass too.
Now we get shileded drones, which are very hard to kill. you have to wear their shields down and you can see them reconfiguring it on the fly which is quite cool.
Once the two drones are down and airstrike takes out the hellfire turrets that are keeping you pinned. You then face an area with four sentinels and chimera and drones. Which is hellishly hard. After you defeat the enemies you get your first glimpse of the big king kong style chimera. It knocks a building down and you jump through a window to escape the debris.
We go through a dark corridor and out into the next street. Here we have to climb up the side of the buildings using iron bridges and planks. Getting ever higher up.
We enter what looks like a department store and drones attack, there seems to be a new faster shooting variety here.
We come out onto a rooftop and meet some troops, they have a rocket launcher for us and we see the leviathan coming toawrds us, it picks Hale up and swings him around dropping us onto another rooftop.
We run into the building and play follow the corridor again running through an impressive chase through a building with the leviathan pawing at us through the walls. It picks us up again and we shoot it again with the rockets, making it angry again it throws us through a glass bridge section and into the chimera tower.
we make our way through a small section of chimera occupied tower and out onto a roof.
The leviathan is in the distance and the bomb filled skybridge is in front of us. We shoot the leviathan with a rocket and it comes towards us. When it's under the bridge the demo team try and blow it but the charges fail. They scream at us to shoot the bridge with a rocket and when we do it blows and falls on the leviathan, giving it a huge head injury. Shooting a rocket at the weak point on it's head kills it once and for all.
Mission 6
We see Malkovich come in by helicopter and try and disable the tower, he does so only to have it reactivate under his nose and lock him out. The only conclusion is that it is daedalus' doing. Malkovitch traces the commands to the iceland tower.
We see Hale going to iceland by Vtol. He is starting to have dark veins under his skin show up.
He is warned by Hawthorne I think that it might not be too late. He goes against advice and we see Hale being dropped off at the Iceland tower.
We have to place charges on anti-aircraft guns. We are fighting in a kind of castle fortress, grassy and flowr strewn land surrounds.
Usal Ravagers and soldier chimera guarding the first gun we fight our way too. Placing the charge we are told to go on to our next target. Descening into the base we are in familar corridors and industrial type locations.
There are hellfire turrets mounted like video cameras in the tunnels. Coming out of the tunnels we are assaulted by loads of flying drones and a spider robot in close quarters. Taking them out we get to place another charge on an aa gun.
we watch a cut scene as the bombs are blown.
Drones flood the room then we are under siege for a while from Ravagers and soldiers. They give us punishment for a time then unexplainedly retreat. We follow them out into a courtyard where we get some sniping practice with the fareye and there is another shielded drone.
Now inside some blast doors.
Where we find an awful lot of spinner pods. No signs of daedalus.
We are sieged by spinners as one of the squad tries to seal the doors.
Have noticed a glitch in the picking up of ammo. seems to be that sometimes you can't get ammo for a gun unless you drop it and carry two other guns then pick it up again, walking over it just doesn't seem to pick it up in certain areas. noticed this with the lark and the four spider bosses just before the leviathan and again in the seiged room after the aa guns blow.
The elevator eventually comes and the horde of spinners ends.
We go down into hell, the command team are telling us to abort as the tower is heavily guarded. Hale wants to press on.
we join the chaos around the base of the tower and it's a real open warzone. Once we get into the actual tower we are chased away by loads of scorpions and a boomer.
We go down a huge elevator into the bowels of the tower.
Daedalus appears out of nowhere and rips Hawthorne apart and vanishes just as quickly.
we progress further into the tower with loads of chimera of all types defending.
must comment on the exploding enemies we get here. They remind me of far cry. I hated them too. I hate exploding enemies. There were less potent examples in the chicago level too.
They just run straight at you and explode.
We are led along corridors and into a dead end then a whole load of chimera pile in behind me in ambush.
Along a few more generic corridors and we see another of the squad getting impaled by Daedalus.
Daedalus speaks to us telling us that we could have been so much more and resistance is futile etc and then he impales Hale. Hale passes out and everything is black.
Mission 7
Hale wakes up in a hospital and Malkovitch is with him. Hale looks like he has aged, or his skin is changing, he looks distincly unwell. Malkovitch tells him he has only about three hours left as a human before the chimera virus transforms him into something else.
Hale talks with Capelli who tells him that everything is lost, there is only one human stronghold left and it is cut off the people starving. He asks Hale if he is going to make his last hours count. Hale of course has no plans to go out without a fight.
We are in Cocodrie Louisiana.
Mission is to find a fission bomb.
You start at a huge swampland house. First you snipe the patrolling chimera then inside to clean them out of the house. Once the house is emptied a large amount of chimera arrive as reinforcements and siege the house with you in it. Took me a while to work out there is a third floor where you can bottleneck them coming up the stairs. Then a huge dinosaur like chimera arrives and stomps around outside the house shooting fireballs and some kind of web like crawling nasty stuff at you. The weblike expanding nasty stuff is one of the most impressive and innovative weapons fire effects I have seen in many a fps. Full marks for innovation here, pity it isn't used enough, well maybe I should wait a bit, it might get overused.
Once you blast the big guy with the lark and auger fire he falls into a previously inaccesible water gap and you can proceed.
Through a housing area and you come out into a battle where a squad is being pinned down by boomers.
It's cappelli and some grunts, we help him fight the boomers and many many soliders and proceed through houses across bridges and into a half sunk riverboat.
We climb up to the roof of the riverboat and take out the boomer on top.
Now cappelli's sqaud are in the clear. He informs us of a bomb they have found and a chimeran vehicle. Looks like we need a volunteer for a suicide mission to fly the bomb into the tower.
we get ambushed in the street and there is a big street fight which is great fun.
We then walk across the under girders of a bridge and up onto a road where we see one of the t-rex's in the distance coming towards us. Blake appears behind us and tells us to get off the road. He informs us of a staging area with a chimeran shuttle nearby.
We run through some swampland forest and into a sewer where the scorpions make an unwelcome return.
Nice water rippling effects as the men wade in the water. we enter a chimaran outpost.
We meet up with cappelli who has flown the bomb to a meeting place with us and put the bomb on an elevator to the shuttle pad. We take the elevator and are told to prepare for a big battle.
We have basically a long ramp with cover to ascend to the shuttle.
We see them loading the bomb onto the shuttle in cut scene and Hale collapses. Cappelli is about to shoot him, Blake orders him to stand down. Hale gets up again and says he is ok.
Mission 8
Chicxulub crater mexico.
we see the shuttle landing in the bay of a ship. Blake tells us we need to get the bomb near the reactor to ensure an even bigger bang.
Blake takes the bomb, cappelli and I are to provide a distraction and get to the control room to take down some cooling shields.
We have a big shootout in a hanger.
Leaving the hangar after killin everything we take a lift then have a long run through some fairly empty repetitive areas.
Then we come to some larger areas which are fairly cathederal like. More shootouts, mostly involving auger play.
Second dodgy checkpoint of the game here, which is good actually.
We get to the control room which is well guarded and Cappelli find he can't open the doors from the controls. The chimera have locked us out. No matter we can carry on and find a conduit hub which will allow us to open the doors manually.
We enter the engine rooms where we find really boiling hot water which is not good to fall into in lakes with catwalks above it.
We wander through the engine room a while and then locate the control and activate it.
As we do we hear Blakes team getting into trouble on the radio. Looks like the bomb is now in chimera hands. Hale asks Cappelli to guide him to the bomb, he is using the ship control room to locate us and other lifesigns inside the ship.
We have a fight on huge walkways around the outside of the ship, two titans turn up and make life hard.
We go back inside the ship to hangar areas again. Cappelli tells us that the chimera are going to chuck the bomb out of a disposal chute.
We see a titan carrying the bomb, it vanishes through a door and leaves the ravagers to mess with us. we also see Blakes corpse lying here.
I kill them and then you have to use a small walkway to get around the sealed doorway.
Once round you encounter Daedalus.
You have a set of three geodesic domes in which you have to hide while Daedalus tears them apart with you inside, you basically have to avoid his tentacles. In between each dome there is a few chimera and Daedalus hurls things at you. Once you reach the other side of the third dome there is a checkpoint and about six chimeran soliders to kill. You then enter a circular area.
Daedalus circles above you attacking with his tentacles while you have to shoot orbs on pylons, these pylons are attached by an electrical arc to a central pylon. When you shoot them the electricity earths through Dasdalus hurting him, you have to do this about five times and then Daedalus is dead.
You see a cut scene of Hale walking up to Daedalus and touching his face. As he does so a huge rush of energy transfers into him.
We now have to run through the ship escaping the four minute countdown.
We now have to ability to blow up chimera with a force telekinesis power.
We watch Hale and Cappelli escape the explosion.
They crash land and cappelli walks from the wreck to find Hale looking up at new stars in the sky. He turns and utters they same words we heard from daedalus so. Can you hear them calling etc.
Cappelli realises he has turned and pulls his gun. Hale does not resist. Cappelli tells him that it has been an honour to serve with him and shoots him in the head at point blank range.
The screen goes black we get a scorecard and then the credits.
The total time played indicator on the stats shows 12 hours.
On difficult mode which i presume now unlocks superhuman mode.
trophies gained is 14 out of 39
I try out cooperative mode.
I join a squad of about five others and we are in orick california
We have to storm a hill guarded by chimera
Then defend the hil as they try and retake it.
Next we have to enter an area gurded by around 15 hellfire turrets to disable
Then we strom a nest of spinners.
Introduced to elite primarks These are chimera which have much more health than usual.
Have to take out a few of them in a house then onto a titan out near a river bridge.
More and more titans.
Basically objectives come and go until you finish the mission.
There are three classes you can play in co-op
Soldier, medic and special ops. Each has certain equipment and skills and as you progress through the missions you accumulate xp and grey tech which can be spent on upgrading the weapons and armour of your character.

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