Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Uncharted Drakes Fortune notes

Wants to do a 13mb upgrade before I can start playing. Still only takes 3 minutes or so.
spinning gold coin and we're in.
Lets play on hard, I am a masochist.
Chapter 1
I watch as Nathan dredges up what is supposed to be the coffin of Sir Francis Drake, buried at sea of the coast of Panama.
Nathan is being filmed opeing the casket which turns out to be empty, inside he finds a book.
The lady starts arguing about being used by Nathan to fund the expedition when pirates turn up to kill them both.
Pirate boats circle the ship and board us in twos. R1 aims and L1 shoots.
We fight the fairly easy to kill pirates until a mounted machine gun on the boat makes life hard and the boat starts to smoke and burst into flames. At this point a plane flys over and close to the pirate ship capsising it. Nathan and Elena jump into the water and the boat explodes.
The pilot is named Sully and is Nathan's friend.
Back at civilisation Elena is trying to get funding for another expedition while Sully and Nathan discuss the book. Apparently Drake found the lost city of gold and the diary tells Nathan where to go. Sully tells him to ditch Elena as the less people that know of this the better. The two of them Drive off in their boat and leave her behind.
Chapter 2
Second level starts in a jungle, Sully is present with Nathan.
X jumps, usual analogue sticks for movement and camera.
R1 and L1 for shoot and aim.
square punches.
We walk through the jungle until we get to the GPS co-ordinates of the city and there is nothing but jungle. Sully is getting angry and Nathan tells him to cool off and help him look around. Through a gap in some rocks and we find some aincient ruins.
This is thee first of a very Tomb Raider style puzzle. We can climb up on rocks and jump and grab on to ledges, scurrying around much like Lara Croft or the Prince of Persia. Basically there is a wooden area on the ground we have to break into, climbing around the ruins gets us to a rock which by pressing Triangle at pushes it over into the wood and caving it in to make a passage further into the ruins.
deep down underground we find a cavern with spanish helmets suggesting that the place has already been looted. Sully gets aggressive and confesses to huge debts.
We have to shoot an exploding barrel to knock down a pillar to progress. Then we have to do a two man job to open a door, Sully has to hold a chain that pulls open the door while Nathan goes through and finds a pushable object to wedge in the door so that Sully can follow.
We have to consult Drakes diary for the next puzzle.
Sully uses his lighter to light a fire which feeds lamps hanging from the ceiling. There is a pile of wood blocking the door. Sully tells us to shoot the lamp which brings down some sparks and ignites the wood which fast burns away from the door opening it.
The next chambers shows us how Nathan can clamber around on rock outcroppings on thee walls. Some fall out as he holds them. He can also slither up and down vines.
Gunpowder barrels blow away rock blocking the ladder so that Sully can follow.
Another lamp system opens doors to a long corridor with a puzzle room at the end. Inside drakes diary is the order of four symbols which can be found in the room.
The four symbols must be pushed in sequence to open a hole in the middle of the rooms floor, clambering down the sides of the hole we find a room with a push switch, this fills the central area with water for us to dive down into.
Inside the new area we find out first treasure and a way to clamber back up to the area above, we come out in the room next to Sully. Shooting barrels lets him back in to join us. Another two man chain open a door onto a rather rickety looking wooden scaffolded area.
You have to run through the collapsing scaffolds with almost inverted controls.
A cut scene shows evidence of a huge golden idol, which the spanish have pinched.
The spanish dragged it out on logs which have made huge tracks. Nathan wants to follow them.
The tracks lead out to the back wall of the temple which has been blown open. Outside in the jungle we find a german U boat stuck on the top of a waterfall.
Chapter 3 A Surprising find
Sully thinks that this is kind of kinky, whatever that means, I think he's scared. Nathan has to Tomb Raider his way into the boat.
New game mechanic here is swinging on vines, you have to give yourself momentum by swinging back and forth to reach ledges etc.
Clambering around the vines we get on top of the u boat and find a treasure. They are little glowing specks which when picked up inform you that they are a gold statute etc.
We can get inside the u boat here.
Rapdid button presing and stick wiggling inside to open doors.
Nathan finds a nazi corpse which has rather old looking gold coins.
We wander through the tightly camera controlled u boat until we reach the captains quarters where we find the the Germans were after the treasure also. They have a map which seems to be helpful to Nathan.
Sully's radio goes dead.
Nathan accidently sets off a torpedo and swimms quickly out of the torpedo hatch.
Gabriel Roman and some mercenaries are waiting with Sully, This seems to be the man to whom Sully owes a whole lot of money. Nathan is forced to give Roman the map to appease him, however he shoots Sully anyway. At that moment as a distraction the torpedo explodes and sets off the rest blowing the u boat apart. Nathan takes his moment to run for it.
We meet up with Elena who has been following us. Nathan tells her about Sully and gets her gun.
Now we are into the game proper. Cover mechanic is used for real. We have to go back through the temple we came in through, only this time it's infested with mercenaries.
We can pick up the dead mercs weapons which gives us machine guns.
A fun romp through the tunnels with some good gunplat leads us back out of the temple and a gunfight in the first area where we find elena's jeep.

Nathan tells elena to remember Uk2642 which is the co-ordinates of the new location of the idol.
We see them next flying to the small Island at the co-ordinates. As they approach they are shot down by anti aircraft fire and have to jump using parachutes.
Nathan and Elena are separated.
nathan awakes hanging from a statue and we are into the level given away as a demo.
Notice some texture load in here.
We have to shoot padlock from gates to progress.
Graphics are very lush, Nathan gets his clothes wet and slowly dries off when out of the water
We come to some logs which must be balanced across using the sixaxis, which is annoying.
More gunfights here as the mercs show up.
I find some grenades sitting on a crate.
I come the first big set piece fight in somme ruins. There is a large l shaped area with rocks overlooking it and lots of bad guys. About 10 bad guys come in waves in this area and you then have to Tomb Raider your way out of the area. Things do no let up as there is another two staged area shoot out with similar puzzling to get to the next area.
There is a secret here which takes you off the beaten path to find.
Through another small ruin with another load of mercenaries.
We come to a large waterfall section, looks like more straight platform puzzling.
we bypass the broken bridge by clambering around the rocks and get to the middle of the crumbled bridge where we are attacked from the waterfall above by two mercenaries.
We have to traverse more platforms then a jeep turns up and keeps us pinned down hanging from the rocks. Of course this is a computer game and the baddies have thought it wise to carry an exploding barrel on their jeep?? Shooting the barrel blows the jeep, knocks it down near you into the falls and makes the platform leap possible. Of course as you jump off it falls into the waterfall with a cinematic crash. You then leap up the rest of the waterfall.
We find the wreckage of our crashed plane and so have the mercs who are crawling all over it.
Another wide open area shoot out with lots of cover. We climb into the plane and recover the map which I didn't even know we had lost. While in the plane Nathan sees elena in the distance still tangled up in her parachute. Before we leave this area there is another flood of mercenaries from each end of the ruins. why waste a good shoot out area eh?
We go through a door opened by explosion and up a hill in time to see one of the mercs get hit with a spring trap, which looks decidedly low tech and native like. We have also been sing some kind of native decorations in the recent areas. Looks like the mercs aren't going to be the only enemies.
Elena seems to be tangled at the top of a spanish looking castle type structure.
We do some platforming and then encounter more mercs.
There seems to be something weird going on, there are some nasty rumbling noises and the mercs are getting speard by the primitve traps all over the place. I am expecting a wild animal to appear.
It doesn't, must just be sound effects. The traps are triggered by trip wires which are fairly obvious but still need to be jumped and avoided.
We come to the castle at last and Nathan says you have to be kidding, no this is a game mate you are going to have to climb up the side of the damn thing.
We have to weave in and out of the building following a rather obviouss trail of handholds on the side of the castle.
Inside we find the micro machine gun pistol and more mercs. Maybe it's just me but hitting a merc seems to make them go into an "i'm hit animation and bullets shot into them while they are doing it don't seem to have any effect. For instance using the machine gun you can pepper them with about 20 bullets and they go down, however if you take your time with the pistol and wait for the stumbling around "i''m hit animation to stop they only take three chest shots.
Inside the castle the mercs turn up and we have a shoot out with them above me on the ramparts of the castle.
An emplaced gun is introduced, the old accurate shooting of the user is the way to take them down.
We explore the castle some more after a another large shootout and find Elena's parachute, but no Elena with it. Nathan wire glides from the tower and sees Elena using her camera. Nathan tries to get one of the guards to open the gates using the radio but his spanish is poor and they realise it's him. Yes they open the gates, but only to let in about six guards. We have a shoot out in the same area as before only this time we are above and the enemies below. Through the now open gate we find a long corridor with rooms coming off it, above a drainage/sewer type water feature.
We have to make our way along avoiding the emplaced gun at the end. Strangely enough the gunner has a bulletproof head here. Since you have move along until you find a grenade launcher which blows him up and knocks some wall down for you to get up beside him.
In the next chamber we have to fight three waves of enemies and some high placed sharpshooters and then find our way up to the scaffolds above the water and out of the room. A chain winds up the cullis gate to get out.
In the next room we have a puzzle. We have to climb up the walls od the box like room and open some floodgates. As the water rises handholds become accessible.
Chapter 6 Unlocking the past
Wow chapter 6 I thought I was still on chapter 3 time is flashing past here.
Nathan finds a tower which is marked on his Drake map. There must be something important in it.
We have to fight our way up to the tower and then use a gate release near it. There seems to be no way to climb into the tower from the base of it. We must find another way in.
I go down to where the gate opened as this is obviously being signposted as the way to go.
Drakes journal is flagged and shows us something about a symbol like a key.
There is some Tomb raidering to do here. The hint button which is L2 shows us a rope up high in the courtyard, we must have to find our way up to it. The puzzling is actually a little different from Tomb raider it has taken the fun parts, i.e. the clambering around like an acrobat that most people would never be able to pull off and the working out where to go. What they have done to improve things though is put most of the handholds fairly obvious so you don't spend hours working them out. Also the view becomes fixed at times making it easier to see where to go and so streamlining the experience. This sequence does have one unintuitive moment where a rock crumbles and it takes a few deaths to realise that you have to wait a few seconds on the crumbling rock before jumping for the tower. Also a little bit of quicktime here when you dodge a falling rock.
In the tower we find a set of keys.
Back to the door and the keys unlock it.
Oh and what do we find through the door which a key has been waiting centuries to unlock? Mercenaries that's what? this doors really ruin the pacing a bit, why did Nathan go through all that trouble to find a hidden key when the baddies can get in to where he was going without it. Is Nathan a bit slow and retarded that he didn't see the hole blown in the wall or however the mercs got in to the secret place of the castle.
We have a big fight in the courtyard, an emplaced gun looks over proceedings and there is three waves of enemies. The magnum is introduced and its a good one shot kill pistol.
We open a gate with a chain and climb up into a corridor above the courtyard for another shootout.
We get to take a turn at shooting the emplaced gun. Down into a room we find some english old armour and a map on the wall talking about a tower. The writing is signed Drake. We come out and see the tower in the distance.
Every so often Nathan mutters on about Elena, either she is Lara Crofts talented sister or she is a captive of Roman who it seems is one step ahead of us all the time.
The stairs are out to the tower and we have to find a way to negotiate past them.
There is more puzzle platforming until we get into the tower. Inside we find a telescope and Nathan sees a building in the distance with sunken ships still visible in the harbour beside it.
Nathan sees Elena in the distance about to be shot at by mercs. We get to shoot at the mercs and as we do an explosion knocks us out.
Nathan wakes in a cell and is visited by Eddie Raja who is an old enemy of Nathan. He is a bit nuts and has a golden gun. Elena turns up and attaches a hook to the cell bars and pulls out the wall with a jeep.
We are now at an on rails shooting section which is actually quite fun if simplistic. We cann shoot grenades at the attacking jeeps and quad bikes as we hurtle through the jungle. Elena drives very well. There are some cut scene moments where the jeep hurtles across abyss's and skids perilously close to cliff edges. Eventually the jeep is snagged on the edge of a cliff and Eddie catches up. I don't know how many jeeps and bikes we blew up, for an island with no roads Eddie certainly had a fleet of vehicles.
Nathan backs the jeep off the edge of the cliff rather than give Eddie the map which was the only thing stopping Eddie shooting him on sight.
Apparently according to the save game we are 47% complete and 4 houurs and 25 minutes in.
Chapter 8 The drowned city.
we surface and swim to a ruined house facade and are straight into trouble above and behind us. Elena shoots at the baddies but I fear her shots are doing no harm.
We come to a lull in the Action and Elena shows us a view of the harbour we are going to on her camera. She tells us that all boats would have used it as a port in the olden days. So the treasure must have passed through the port.
Nathan doesn't want to go on, Elena does. Seems she's a bit mental. Either way Nathan has spied a boat at the port which could be used to head for the mainland. So it's off to the port on a handy jet ski which just happens to be sitting around. Oh yes the mercs came in on it, why is there only one then when there was about seven mercs. Pyramid display was it?
We get to ride the jet ski around, which is quite fun. You can shoot a grenade launcher to blow up mercs and expoding barrels that litter the way. Does seem a little short the ride but I suppose I complain when novelty game mechanics outstay their welcome, so I shouldn't complain when they turn up too briefly as well.
We get to the port. Elena tells us that the place freaks her out. why was it abandoned, what happened here?
Suddenly we want to get to a tower at the port? why? Not really feeling the story progression here. I thought Nathan was stealing the boat and getting the hell out?
We have to fight our way through some mercs to reach a switch that opens a gate to progress.
Chapter 9 To the tower
We have another little ride on the jet ski through similar stretches, what did I say about novelty game mechanics and welcomes, it's not worn it out yet, but just two more stretches and it will have. The gate we have to open here opens by shooting two weights from the top, which is handily told to us by the hint button, which is helpful because I would have spent ages working it out otherwise.
Anyway, Elena buggers off again and tells us to get to the tower, why? I just don't know.
More shooting and platform puzzling.
The a.i displays a new tactic here which can only be described as lurking, they don't announce their prescence as soon as you make a noise or they see you, they hide behind pillars until you walk too close and then let you have it. Which is sometimes effective, however it's only effective once as you can headshot them the next time with ease.
also grenade launcher dudes are getting more frequent as are the shotgun weilding types.
I am now inside the tunnel after the gunfight, and it's pretty runied with only the rubble of the inside staircase left.
We have to pull a switch which moves a chain to the right place.
At the top of the tower we glide down a rope to the inside of the building we wanted to enter. Now we can open the door and now I know why I needed to get to the top of the tower, to get into the door I didn't know I wanted to get into.
chapter 10 The customs house
Inside the rather nicely textured customs house Nathan finds shipping manifests, which show the gold statue of el dorado being checked in to the port. Only it's the last thing that ever was.
Elena asks Nathan about the Ring he wears around his neck. He tells her it's Francis drakes' with a date one day after he died and co-ordinates to the coffin found at the begining of the game.
We have a little shootout in the customs house and then find ourselves out where we were looking at from across the island. We can see the boat in the distance. Elena wants to stay where she is and let Nathan go get the boat. She is up to something and Nathan knows it. However he lets her stay. Why does Nathan bother to goo get the boat he knows he is going to have to go and rescue Elena.
We jump along the balconies on the front of the customs house being shot at as we go.
Chapter 11 Trapped
We enter a large hall and see a helicopter flying over through a hole in the roof.
The shootout in the hall is a lot of fun. An emplaced gun has to be taken down and it can then be used to get the rest. Two waves come in from either side of the room.
We open the gate using the chain switch and walk through a small hall where we can see the boat in the distance, as we get close a cut scene kicks in.
Nathan is just about to kill the boat guards when Elena comes up behind him and insists he watches what she has just shot on cam. The film shows Gabriel Roman was in the helicopter, he has Sully with him and Sully does not look like a prisoner.
Nathan wants to rescue him. Though he is aware he might not actually need rescuing, and if that is the case then he is going to kick his ass.
We carry on up some stairs to the end of the chapter.
Chapter 12 Heading upriver
End of second days play 61% done and nearly six hours playtime.
Now this looks like fun, unfortunately the pacing of what should be an enormously fun jet ski ride up a white water river is broken up by a large scattering of exploding barrels in the water and gunmen at the side of the river, you have to stop and shoot the barrels and the gunmen as you simply can't just ride on through or past the gunmen. Which means you have to forgo what looks like great fun jumping the jet ski off the waves to take it easy and shoot at the baddies. If they had separated these out a bit I would have been adding score for this section, as it is it only makes you aware of the fun to be had if they had only let you ride around on the jet ski a bit and play in the surf.
Oh and it's a bit glitchy, there are places at the side where the men stand shooting at you, There are glints that could be treasures and I rode up on one only to find my jet ski stuck and immobile, it was sliding slowly back to the water and nothing I could do would change it. I had to wait about five minutes while it slid back before I could go on.
The jet ski only just keeps the welcome/unwelcome ratio here. One more time and it's marked down.
Chapter 13 Sanctuary?
We come to the jetty for the monastery which looks great, lush waterwalls and detailed ruins and vegetation.
We come across one of the mercs impaled on thee same traps we found earlier. looks like the natives have been at work again. The trap includes parts taken from our plane so these are not old booby traps left from centuries ago. There are footprints nearby that suggest the trap makers are present still. Nathan warns Elena to be careful.
Mercs with laser sight guns appear.
If the laser sight is on you for more than a second or two it's instant death.
We pick up the desert gun which is similar to the magnum with it's one shot kills.
We have also been getting the m4 rifle since Roman's men have turned up.
We hear some guards talking about Sully being put to work on the east side of the building in the library. We are entering the monastery proper now.
Elena has a bad feeling about this place.
There is a fun shoot out in the courtyard and then some more platform puzzling
We have to climb through the next chamber of the monastery and blow up some barrels to let Elena through.
Elena holds a gate while we brace it open into another large area.
The courtyard is huge, a large tree in the middle, Snipers in the windows above. We are given the dragon sniper rifle which is great for taking out the snipers and mercs crawling around in the ruins.
We are near the library but nathan wants to sneak in rather than go in all guns blazing.
We have to find a way into the library, which isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. We simply climb so stairs. I was thinking that this was going to be a huge clamber around half the courtyard. We get inside and find Sully being guarded by Roman's men He is being coerced after all. We have a rather fun gunfight from the balcony above until all the soldiers are down and we get to speak to Sully. Seems that the Drake diary took the bullet for him and he managed to convince Roman that he was needed to find the treasure. He has been misdirecting Roman ever since. Sully tells Nathan that the treasure is in the monastery and all they need to do is find the correct symbol of a heart crossed by keys to locate it.
Sully tells us that the library holds the key and that there is something about the statues above the bookcases. The statues are named after four disciples of jesus and there is a picture in Drakes diary that shows we have to do something with them at certain points on the compass.
The diary shows the four statues pointing to certain points of the compass. we have to climb up on the statues and turn them to the right directions as shown by a compass on the floor. Once done right a wall opens up leading to a secret passage.
Inside is another small room with two switches to turn and the fireplace opens up.
Sully and Elena wait in the room where it's safe. As there will probably be clambering to be done and it's conspicuous that the a.i. helpers vanish when there is clambering to be done.
Chapter 14 Going underground
A little clambering and then the mercs turn up, what the hell is with this, we have to unravel secrets held for hundreds of years that only we can unravel thanks to our super Drake diary. Then when we do we find that the stupid mercs who need our help to progress are waiting for us in the inner sanctums of these supposed secrets.
We have a shoot out in two rectangular areas, one of them a rather ornate ruined church.
There are two bells near the altar. Shooting them both makes them ring a tone that opens a secret door.
Nathan points out the obvious fact of how the hell are they going to get 500lbs of solid gold statue out of this underground labyrinth anyway.
Yet another secret door with puzzle solved by the mercs before us.
We fight a few mercs in tunnels and a cut scene shows us Eddie Navarro and Roman having a chat.
Roman is firing eddie and his mercs for incompetence. Eddie is pissed off and I expected a shooting match, however eddie does seem to have some brains and backs off. He leaves cursing Seems it's not just Nathan that has been making life hard and it seems the natives have been taking their toll on Eddies men as well.
Navarro who is Roman's spanish henchman has his competence questioned also and is reminded by Roman that Sully has no motivation to really help them as when the treasure is found he knows they will kill him. Nathan hears all this from below.
Chapter 15 On the trail of the treasure.
There is a large chunk of platform puzzling then a small shootout. We find ourselves above the courtyard where we first entered the monastery.
Nathan tells Sully via radio that he is going in circles here. Sully tells him that he and Elena have been reading books in the secret room and they have found references to a secret room in the top of the tower. So that is our next destination.
We are going into new areas above the previous areas here which is kind of like reusing previous areas but not, if you see what I mean.
We progress back through to above the church and Nathan sees the heart shaped symbol above the church in a stained glass window.
There are two large keys to either side of the window, hanging from them opens the window.
The window only leads to a small room with a window. Out the window Nathan can see the room where Navarro and Roman were talking earlier. Nathan asks Sully to provide a distraction.
Nathan also says he will have to sneak past the guard, another novelty game mechanic coming in this late in the game? No it's not, or at least it doesn't matter if you don't sneak past them. We enter the room where we saw Roman earlier and Sully and Elena are there having came through the underground route we cleared of mercs earlier.
In the tomb the diary is prompted and shows us seven symbols.
The symbols are around the room and they must be turned to face the way they are presented in the diary.
A secret room opens Nathan and elena go through but the door slams shut almost on Sully. Nathan and Elena have only one option but to go on. As if they would do anything else.
Chapter 16 The treasure vault
we find a huge area of stairs and walkways above a river. There are panels on the ground with roman numerals on them. Thankfully the game has remembered not to put the goons down here this time.
The roman numerals don't mean much, since I missed the prompt for the journal and now it won't let me see what is in my pocket.
This is really starting to get like Tomb raider now. Lots of switches and a huge puzzle room. No clear objective and trial and error jumping around. The earlier fixed camera and helping hand has vanished.
Oh and there are swinging lit lamps that look like they will knock you off the platforms now.
I stumble around killing myself around twenty times until i am finally allowed to look at the diary, and it needn't have bothered. The message only tells me that there are roman numerals on the corner of the map. two four and seven. maybe they are the markers I have to follow to progress.
Following the markers gets Nathan to jump around all over the chamber and make a lift break, a water wheel move etc which eventually slides some bars up on a window into the next room.
Nathan keeps catching glimpses of figures jumping around in the shadows high above.
Again in the next room a breaking elevator undoes the door for Elena to walk through. Problems is with that logic how did Sully and Elena get through the catacombs which had some clambering sections.
Eddie it seems has not decided to bow out gracefully, looks like he has decided to ditch Roman and look for the treasure on his own. He blows his way into the cavern we puzzled our way into and sets his henchmen on us.
Cue some great shootouts in the caverns.
Nathan finds the skeleton of Drake in a room, looks like he died without ever finding the treasure. Nathan looks like his hero just slapped him in the face.
chapter 17 the heart of the vault
We give elena a punt up to a ladder out of the room, she is about to lower a rope down to us when Eddie and one of his henchmen back into the room, they look really scared. Eddie asks Nathan if he has seen the creatures and we have, but only fleetingly, looks like Eddie has met them up close. Eddies Henchman is grabbed by something big and muscled which drags him over the edge. Eddie and Nathan stand back to back in the centre of the room and the creatures come in. They are bigger than men, dressed in very little rags and build like a bodybuilder.
They attack in groups of about three and come up from holes in the ground. Eddie fights well to assist you, however he is too cocky and gets himself dragged off down the hole with our last glimpse of him being bitten on the neck.
Nathan is left on his own. Eventually Elena gets the rope down to us and we climb out. A quick chase scene where we run down a tunnel shooting back at the chasing monsters and we find outselves passing through a metal door which we shut behind us.
Nathan and Elena find themselves in a nazi bunker. There are U boats in a harbour down below. Looks like the nazi connection from earlier is going to come back. seems they have found the idol and it's in the bunker somewhere. Nathan is sent off on a misssion to get power back to an elevator to the surface.
Chapter 18 The Bunker
We have to clamber over some pipes to get into the bunker proper.
The monsters are inside the bunker as well.
The bunker is a maze of straight very similar corridors, I find the generator room by accident, but it's not obvious what to do in it.
I find a set of generators with a crankshaft sticking out of one of them. Turning it starts a claxon and opens a door, the monsters pour into the room.
We have to kill them all and then run to the switch in the room that just opened and pull it. This opens another door and another wave of monsters. The final switch opens another door and we can escape the generator through this door. In the next room a cut scene shows that the Germans found the idol and it turned them into the monsters. It seems that the gold is cursed and it makes those who possess it "as demons". Drake sunk the ships and drowned the city himself to prevent the monsters leaving the island. Looks like the Nazi's were also victims of the resident demons of the island, cursed by the gold of El Dorado.
The monsters kindly wait until we have found all the story exposition before attacking again.
We go through some more bunker corridors before reaching another control room. It's opposite the one the we left Elena in, unfortunately Roman and Navarro have turned up. They have Elena and surprisingly still want the golden idol. I presume they don't know that it's cursed.
Roman goes off with Elena and essentially tells not to interfere any further or she will be shot.
As Roman has been speaking to us his soldiers have been sneaking up behind us. I fight them on the stairs into the room and see that the monsters are hassling the soldiers as well as me.
Progressing through the bunker fighting both demons and soldiers we make our way around the u boat harbour and up a ladder to the surface.
Chapter 20 Race to the Rescue
We come out into the city or is it monastery, I don't know any more.
Sully is being shot at and we come to his aid. Nathan tells him that the statue destroyed the whole colony. Sully finds this hard to swallow. Nathan tells him that they have to get to the church. Did I miss a memo. I thought the idol was in the nazi bunker and that we were going to rescue Elena.
Inside the church which is the same church as earlier we have another fight, this time the snipers above us on the platforms turn the air red with their laser sight beams.
This is a hard fight.
Two waves from either side of the church. Nathan tells Sully that there should be a passage under the altar.
They move the altar and find the passage.
Chapter 21 Gold and bones
Running through some tombs we eventually come to the chamber where el dorado is kept. It does look impressive. Roman and Navarro are already there however. Roman is urged by Navarro to open El dorado and it turns out to be a coffin. There is a corpse or mummy inside. The dust from the mummy moves and Roman breaths it in, he starts to change into one of the demons, before he does he yells at Navarro and dives for his throat, Navarro shoots him through the head. Seems that Roman was being used as well as everyone else.
Navarro tells us that has loftier pursuits than mere treasure. He then tells us he has a buyer, so no he doesn't really. The henchmen put a cargo net around the idol and lift it from the room by helicopter. Navarro is about to leave with elena and we get control back.
We have to run down the steps to the place where the idol was then up another flight of stairs and jump and grab onto the ascending idol. All the time hassled by monsters and mercs.
The helicopter gunner tries to shoot us off the idol, but Elena kicks him out, as he falls he shoots the pilot. Navarro tries to keep the helicopter in the air but only succeeds in crashing it into the ship. Navarro gets out, Elena lies unconscious possibly dead and Nathan is out for blood.
Chapter 22 Showdown.
We start pinned down by Navarro and three mercs. Once the three mercs are down then Navarro runs for it.
We rinse and repeat this three times until we are up on the helicopter deck with Navarro alone.
We end up unarmed and Navarro has a shotgun, we have to time our dodges around cover too get to him and punch him. There is a two button quicktime segement each time we do this and then he is down. Nathan goes to Elena and sees that she is alive, She screams at him to watch out as Navarro is getting up. Nathan sees his foot is in a loop of the rope between the creashed helicopter and the idol. Nathan pushes the helicopter over the edge and as it goes so does Navarro. Idol and Navarro go to a watery grave.
Sully turns up with the small boat from earlier full of treasure and they all sail off into the sunset.
Elena is sad that her camera got lost and Nathan promises her another story to shoot.
Credits Roll
The trophies seem very achievement based. There are two notifications each time you get one. from the old system the game had before trophies came out and the new system based notifications. The game ones give you scores very like achievements
When you look at the screen they all add up to 1000 like achievement points
So If this was an xbox 360 game I would have scored 420 out of 1000 achievement points. Not bad.
Played on hard took 10 hours and 46 minutes.

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