Friday, July 3, 2009

Prototype Notes

Only allows you to choose normal mode, hard is locked out.
Initial cut scenes are very impressive. What looks like heavily photoshopped real world footage is mixed with computer generated characters. We see the city in ruins with red vein like tendrils growing over everything. There are soliders walking through the city with full body protection armour on. We see Alex squatting on a rooftop looking down at them. He jumps down and then runs through the city, we see his speed and strength.The scene shifts to night time and a girl runs from an alley into the arms of the soldiers, she is being chased by horribly mutated zombies. The soldiers let the zombies have it then shoot the girl anyway.Alex turns up, mutates his arms into spikes and lets the soldiers have it in very gory fashion. One tries to blow him up with a rocket launcher, Alex vanishes in the smoke. When it clears the soldier who fired the rocket helps up a wounded soldiers and is gutted for his trouble, Alex has shape shifted into the likeness of a soldier. Alex runs off into the city.
Mission 1 training??We get control, we are immediately being attacked by soldiers.There are about five soldiers to kill, we can do a basic attack with X and advanced attacks with Y. Usual analogue stick controls. Jumping is with A.We have to go to times square. We are told to hold down right trigger to sprint. This allows us to run up vertical surfaces. When we get to times square we are to kill more soliders.Then a tank arrives.We take out a few tanks then have to move to another location.Then some larger muutants turn up. We have to kill about five of them. We are shown that pressing and holding left trigger while looking at an enemy will lock onto them.Then the military turn up in large numbers, tanks helicopters and soldiers.We are told to go to the commanding officer and consume him by pressing Y. doing this dissolves the soldiers and absorbs him into Alex. Alex then lets out a huge spiked blast of organic matter. The mission ends and we fade to credits. There is a cut scene of Alex on a roof talking to an unseen person.
We then are back 18 days. we see Alex supposedly dead on a morgue slab. Two suited doctors are about to do an autopsy. Alex wakes and the doctors run for it. Outside we see the soldiers killing the doctors, they see Alex and shoot him, but he does not die. Alex then makes a run for it. We get control.
Mission 2We run from the facitity called Gentek and then have to run to a specified spot on the street while being pursued by a helicopter.Alex is shot at by a rocket and grabs a car which was about to fall on him.We are set up to hurl the car back at the helicopter.We are shown that moving right stick while locked on changes between enemies visible on screen. Pressing B while holding an object hurls it at the target. We blow up the helicopter and are told to get to higher ground.Running up the side of buildings is akward at first, but I am sure I will get the hang of it.You can speed up your run up tall buildings by pressing and holding A to make a jump up the side as well as running.At the top of the building of choice two helicopters attack and are despatched by hurling air conditioning units at them.In cut scene Alex is exhausted and slumped against a wall. A soldier walks up and puts a bullet in him. Thinking he is dead the soldier turns his back on Alex to report. He is grabbed and absorbed by Alex. A commander comes to investigate and we are told to grab him using B and then abosrb using Y.Doing this results in a cut scene showing garbled memories of the soldier. Alex needs to get his memory back and something in the soldiers memory tells him to go to an apartment of someone called Dana. Possibly Alex's sister.We go to her apartment marked on the map. When we get there there are military everywhere. We are told to go to a vantage point on the roof and scope out the area.When we get there we are told about disguise. There is an icon on the bottom left of the screen surrounding the mini-map. If we are being watched the shutter is open, closed if unseen.If we blow our cover a meter rises. Fill it and we will be attacked despite the disguise. IF we get out of sight the meter will drop and we can go back out again in disguise.If we walk slowly and normally in disguise we can get past the guards without trouble.Mission accomplished.
Cut scene shows Alex saving Dana from soldiers. Alex takes her away and she tells him that he was investigating Gentek. She was assisting him. Alex decides to go to his own apartment and look for clues. Dana shows Alex a safe house, the owner is away for a year.
Mission 3We have to go to alex's apartment which is uneventful.However the bad guys know we are there right away.Alex sees a picture of a woman which triggers a memory. The military have rigged the room to blow and the blast throws Alex out into the street.We see the man in charge getting into a tank and leaving. Two helicopters turn up drop soldiers. We see one of them radio for a strike team. If we stop him before he can we will have less enemies to deal with. I am too late and the strike team is on it's way. I kill the soldiers and am told that if I am in a disguise when the strike team arrive they will lose me go away. I do this. I am told that I have to get to the man that bombed me before he is extracted, he is in central park.I go to the location and try and break the tank he is in. I don't have the super powers I had in the prologue and fail and die. Next try I find I can use the radio to give the all clear as I am disguised as a commander. Doing this gets the man to walk from the tank to the helicopter. I run up to him and absorb him.This starts a montage of his memories. He works for Gentek and the military and talks of a virus that is loose in Alex and refers to an outbreak in Idaho that went badly.
Future Alex muses on the past, talks about the need for revenge and answers, and wishes he had never found them.We are shown the upgrade screen.There are several cetegories, Powers, movement, survivability, combat, disguise,I buy airdash, diveroll, sprint speed 1, jump upgrade 1, flying kick boost, sprinting grab and shield power.Back at the map and we are now in free roam mode. There are side missions available and the next mission is marked with a star.I find a landmark collectible, one of two hundred.
Mission 4 Behind the glass.We go back to the safe house and Dana, Dana has Alex's laptop which has been posted to her.On it are pictures of a girl named Elizabeth Green.We see the commander of the Blackwatch talking with his men, a man has been chosen for the special mission of capturing Alex.Alex decides to go to the Gentek facility and resuce Elizabeth Greene.We disguise as a soldier and can get into the base. However we need a commander and key to get further inside. There are viral detectors that sound an alarm if we get close.I find the base commander, there seems to be no way to get him isolated. So I just grab him and absorb him. I run away until I lose my wanted level.Back to the base. I find the same commander again, wow clones.Never mind that glitch, but how am I supposed to get the guy alone surrounded by men and viral detectors.Anyway I get inside and we get a cut scene. We see the inside of the facility is covered in the viral growth. Pods are also pulsing as if they are about to give birth. The girl is sitting in an isolation chamber. She is wearing armour of some kind. When we go up to her she is clearly mad as a brush or possessed by the viral hive mind. She hits Alex, goes out through the wall and the monsters hatch, She says she is our mother, whoose mother, Alex or the monsters.Outside the monsters start attacking the army. Alex absorbs a soldiers so he can know what he knows.There is something about a skylight and a storage facility. We have to go there and bust in through the skylight. Where we will find the hardware to deal with the monsters.I thought I saw rocket launchers but I can't find them. I just punch the hell out of the monster and kill it. I can absorb it and this unlocks claw powers.More monsters come in and eventually there are about six of them running around in the enclosed space with us and the soldiers.The soldiers drop their weapons when they die. When we pick up a dropped weapon we can use it by locking on and pressing X. Rockets are fairly good against the hunters.Once you have killed enough hunters and more and more keep coming it looks like you are going to have to find another plan. Alex decides to blow up the five huge fuel tanks. Using rockets on them makes them blow and once all are blown the place explodes killing the hunters and soldiers but leaving Alex alive.
I buy Health boost 1, groundshatter.
Side mission 1DisembowelmentYou have to kill as many enemies as you can in a time limit. Killing 29 soldiers gets me the gold medal for this side mission first time. I am sure it will get harder.
Side mission 2High flyingTraverse waypoints as fast as you can.Basically a straight ascent up a skyscraper collecting waypoint orbs as you go. Once you get to the top back down fast. I manage the silver award, gold is out of my reach at the moment.
After the side missions I have some more EP to use. I buy stealth consume, which answers my question from the earlier mission. I also buy jump upgrade 2.
1st days play 2:30
Mission 5 Dana send us looking for Karen Parker who may be a lead.on the way we find a full scale riot going on.Meeting Karen she seems to know us well enough for a kiss. She looks troubled when we don't know her.Outside all hell is breaking loose, infected people turning into mutant zombies. The big hunter monsters running around.We are told to absorb a soldier for information.We are to get an apc to transport Karen through the riots.At the base we have to use the stealth absorb to get a commander identity and key.Going up behind the target and pressing B stealthily absorbs them.With the identity and key we can go inside.We are asked to absorb and apc driver so that we can learn how to drive an APC.Then in the apc we have to go and kill some soldiers. Back at the place where Karen is we have to destroy an infected hive. Which means we have to shoot blisters of egg sacs on the side of the building which are cocooning people and making them into monsters. Once enough egg sacs are damaged the building collapses.Now Karen tells us to go to a map location and the mission is over.
I cut scene Alex of the future talks to the unknown man. He tells us it was a mistake to release Greene. And that Karen was the key to understanding what was going on.
I purchase glide, airdash boost, critical mass ability and Hammerfist power.
another 35 minutes playtime.
Running around I have found some landmark orbs and pink hint orbs. Which give you EP.
Mission 6Karen wants us to collect some samples for her of genetic material from water towers and an active hive.We have to go to an area where there are water towers. The water towers seem to react to Alex and hatch as soon as he goes too near. He has to go in quick and attack them before they hatch and collect yellow orbs of genetic material. Do this enough time to fill a meter and you progress. Hunter's and military run interference.Next objective is to go to a hive and collect more genetic material.The hive spits out the genetic material orbs for us to collect. We have to keep the military from destroying the hive until we have enough material. Mission ends at that point.
Another 30 mins.End of first days play 3 hours 30 mins.

I buy adrenaline surge and regenerate boost 1.
Mission 7Alex and dana see that a battleship is coming into the harbour.Alex wants to go after McMullen the head of Gentek.We go to a base and absorb the commander using stealth. His info tells us of a mobile airborne detector system that can find Alex. It can also find out where he has been and that will lead the military to Dana's apartments. Alex decides to take out all the airborne detectors as he knows where they are thanks to the commanders knowledge.We basically have to take out groups of two apc's, soldiers and airborne detectors. Around six in total to complete the mission. At certain points the patrols get close to the apartment and one has to taken out against a time limit.
Future Alex talks to his friend again about finding McMullen and what he told him. All cryptically so we don't actually find out anything of course. It looks like the man he is talking to might be the soldier tasked by the general to find and kill him.
I get jump upgrade 3, thermal vision power and wall jump latch.
Mission 8The military are putting detectors on the rooftops now. Again we have to destroy them all before the military find Dana.There are 10 detectors on rooftops to destroy.
We see the General and McMullen give the Captain a toxin to inject into Alex that will either kill or return him to normal.
I decide to try and infiltrate one of the marked military bases that can add to my powers. By absorbing key military personell Alex gains their skill and experience. I get a tank driver, marine strike team commander and a rifleman, which all upgrade my abilities.
I buy consume boost 1 and dashing slice.
I try some side missions again.Side MissionsPoint to point race. Same as the eaves one but accross the rooftops.War, fight with the military to kill some infected. If the military all die then it's mission over. If you kill the infected with them in a set time then you win.There is a mission type where you have to glide from a rooftop to a set target like a parchute jumper hitting a bullseye.I complete a military consume event where I have to get three commanders and consume them within a set time limit.
I buy whipfist power, air recovery and musclemass power.
I destroy two hives for the military, it does not seem to help much as by the time i have done the second it looks like another has sprung up.I buy groundspike upgrade 1 and street sweeper.
Mission 9Dana finds out that Gentek teams are investigating hives. Alex decides that if he goes and attacks the teams it might force McMullen to show himself????We have to go to a hive and absorb a commander.We find out that Mcmullen will only be brought to a hive to study it if it has been subdued fairly heavily. We have to go to one the is under control. The problem is that The military have set up the virus level detectors around it. We have to walk up to four of them and turn them off. Then McMullen is called and nearly lands in a chopper. However the hive reacts to Alex and Mcmullen sees this, he flees. We are left to flee the military.
I purchase airdash double and sprint speed 2
Mission 10We go and speak to Karen who thinks she can sure the virus outbreak if she can get a sample of the material at the heart of a hive.We go to a marked hive and drop inside through an open skylight.Finally we meet Captain Cross face to face. The man tasked with killing us. He is a boss battle. Looks like Karen has sold us out as this looks like a trap.Cross has a cattle prod like device and seems to have an electified suit as most of our strikes end up electrocuting ourself. He fires rockets and seems to have a laser sighted weapon as well.The key is to wait until he has fired his rockets and then get him when he is reloading. He helpfully announces this. Health comes in the form of soliders and infect which get spawned into the room. eventually you wear down Cross' health. He flees the fight and Alex follows. On the roof of the hive Cross mentions Penn state or something like that to Alex which triggers a memory, while Alex is distracted cross injects him with the antidote that McMullen gave him. ALex is hurt by it and his powers become unstable. Though disguise and movement abilities are unaffected. We have to escape.
A bunch of web consume targets appear in one spot, seems like the game wants us to know a bit of story background. The injection we have been given seems to mutate the virus and turn it parasitic/cancerous. Elizabeth green was a surviour of the first outbreak in Idaho. She is the best hope for a cure as she has some kind of resistance. She is also looking remarkably young for being 55 years old.
Mission 11 Under the knifeWe have to go and see a Dr. Ragland who may be able to help us sort out our powers and get rid of the parasite which I presume will kill Alex.Dana is getting freaked out by Alex and his rather dark abilities.Ragland tells us that we need to find patient zero from the first outbreak. The spectres, whoever they are have the bodies.We have to go to location and hijack an apc. This triggers a web infoburst about where the bodies are located.Now we need to draw out the spectres so that we can absorb one of them and gain knowledge on the bodies locations.We have to basically destroy enough marked military targets so that the spectre reinforcments arrive. Once they do you absorb the marked commander and the mission is over.We learn that Ragland once was in charge of the bodies from the first outbreak. The general is now in control of them. McMullen has been killed and the general has taken command of the whole situation. The cancer parasite infecting Alex was taken from a host. Who or what that is we don't know yet.
I buy airdash double boost, hammerfist smackdown, sprint speed max, jump upgrade max,
Mission 12 the stolen body.Ragland thinks that the parasite can be stopped by cutting off it's food supply. Did these guys take biology in school?Anyway back to the game. We have to get transport for Ragland.we have to steal a tank without causing an alert.Then drive back to the doctor and then to a base.At the base we are attacked by monsters and have to defend Ragland in the lab for three minutes. Then kill all the infected in the room before we can leave.Once we leave we find ourselves back in the tank and have to drive through the city back to the hospital. There are now huge tentacles errupting from the ground.
I buy health boost 2 and Flipkick launcher.
End of 2nd days session 4 hours 30 minutes totalling 8 hours now.
Mission 13Ragland has analysed the samples from the corpse of patient zero. He thinks that by finding a specific hunter dna type and mixing it with his cure and then injecting it into Alex he will be able to cure us.We have to find the correct hunter type, which means stealing a helicopter armed with a dna scanner.We first have to learn how to fly a helicopter.Usual control types for a non-sim helicopter. A and X are altitude up and down, left stick accelerate decelerate and strafe. The right stick steers the copter.Once we have to controls down we have to use the detector to find the right water tower, then scan it. Once found the hunter is hatched and we go down and get out of the helicopter. We havee to attack and kill the hunter, when we would usually absorb it Alex injects it. We now have to give it time for the anti-bodies to build up. The hunter runs from us and we have to follow. Eventually we are told to fight and absorb it again. This ends the mission.Alex is cured, the tumor is gone and we have new full body armour and blade weapons.
I buy breakdown smash, uppercut launcher, curb stomp, regen delay boost, tendril barrage devastator and palm slam.
Mission 14 Rescue DanaWe are talking to Dana, having a moment, when a hunter breaks through the wall and steals her. Alex gives chase.We have to follow the hunter for a while as it runs through the city. Then fight a group of hunters until the one with Dana appears again and runs. We follow it until we are blasted by rockets and lose it. Mission over.
Dana has been kidnapped by Greene for whatever reason. Future Alex tells his pal that Greene was the hive mind behind the infection. Future Alex also tells his pal that Greene is dead and the only leader of the hunters is now Alex himself.
I buy regen rate boost max and air stomp.
Mission 15Ragland tells Alex that the hunter who took Dana is a special leader hunter. Alex sets about consuming him to learn more about the virus and where Dana is.We have to go to the leader's location, attack him and absorb him. The absorbtion process does not work on the leader. Alex decides to lure the leader back to the abandoned base lab from earlier. Here we take on the leader and knock it out hoping the Ragland will be able to study it.
Mission 16Ragland tells us that the leader is an adaptation of the virus to our absorption process. There are two brains in the beast and both must be subdued before we can absorb it.He tells us to practice absorbing the one we have caught and then go looking for the one that took Dana to find out where she is.We go and fight the weakened hunter and absorb it. It gives us a new ability. We can see infected people who are not yet showing symptoms. Absorbing these people somehow will help us find Dana. Seems silly but here we go.Ok I abosrb one of the glowing soliders, and it tells me that I am now connected to the hive mind. When I am connected I will be able to know the location of the hunter leader.We are directed to a military base where there is a high concentration of carriers, this is apparently how Greene is spying on the military. Absorbing around ten soldiers gives us a true connection to the hive mind and the location of the hunter leader we want. We are given his location waypoint marker and go and fight him until we kill him.
The information gleaned from the hunter leader shows us that Dana is inside one of the special hives that we can't break into. Alex overhears the blackwatch saying they are going for bigger guns to get inside the hive. Alex suddenly becomes very interested in what the blackwatch have in their armoury.
I buy regen delay max.
Mission 17making the futureWe have to protect the military supertank while it destroys three hives. It is knocked out by a tentacle at the last and we have too hijack it and finish the job. We then have to drive it to the main hive and blow a hole in it. The mission ends there. At each of the preceeding hives we had to take out hunters by the bucketload to give it time to get a clear shot.A cut scene shows us entering the hive and meeting Greene, she is cryptic as usual. She attacks Alex and he jabs her in the neck with the syringe of deus ex machina. Strangely enough she mutates out a huge boss beastie. Of course we have to fight it.Oh this is a supreme hunter.After defeating the supreme hunter, which is tough but not nearly as hard as some boss battles we see a cut scene. Dana is found in the hive, Alex leaves with her. We see a hand form from a pile of ooze. Ragland is left to treat the comatose Dana while alex goes off to do something related to a map that Ragland shows him.
I buy blade frenzy, critical mass boost 1 and flying elbow drop.
Wow another 4 hours playtime, end of second days play now 12 hours total.
Mission 18We have to go to a payphone to start this mission, without prompting as to why we would go to a random payphone and pick up. Anyway the unknown chatty figure that Alex is talking to in the future tells us more backstory. Blacklight is the name of the virus that the military tested in Idaho, and Greene was the result. Shadow guy tells Alex that he is no longer or possibly never was human and he is a product of Blacklight.Shadow guy warns us that the military intend to deploy a weapon against us by air, which we really should try to stop if we want to live past the day.We are told to go to a rooftop and look for a parked helicopter.Where we steal it.We now have to blend in with the military and do some jobs for them until called back to base, where we actually want to go.we have to dfly to location and pick up some soldiers. Take them to a hive, blow it up, pick off the hunters from the air and then drop the soldiers.Then we have to go off and rescue some other soldiers.A hydra (the ground tentacles errupt as we are trying to pick up the soldiers, we have to kill the hydra. Then pick up the soldiers.We have to then take them back to base. As a pilot we are told to go to a special briefing. at the briefing we are told of a toxin that only harms the blacklight virus. It is harmless to humans. It is being pumped into the room as an example, which is bad for Alex, with his cover blown we are trapped in a room with lots of soldiers.Killing all the soldiers deploys a supersoldier to fight.Then a whole load of them plus soldiers. Killing all the enemies lets you out of the building where you have to evade the military to finish the mission.
I buy health boost max.
Mission 19We have to prevent the bloodtox being dispersed.There are bloodtox blowers on rooftops, we have to destroy them.There are around 9 blowers, all heavily guarded. Destroy them the lose the military to complete the mission.
I buy body surf, cannonball, groundspike graveyard devastator, groundshatter drop and sprinting throw.
Just watched an a.i. helicopter grind into a building for thirty seconds without blowing up, moving slowly along the side until it got past as if it didn't know the building was there.
Mission 20Shadow guy want us to help the military deploy a bloodtox pumper in times square, in the hope of flushing out Greene.We have to go to a base, asborb the commander, and then assist the military take a convoy of tanks and the pumper truck to times square. Hydra tentacles run interference.
Mission 21Disguised as the commander in times square we start the pump truck. This obviously is pissing Green off majorly. The ground shakes and hunters errupt from underneath. We have to defend the truck from attack.waves of hunters, leader hunters and hydra tentacles make life hell for about twenty minutes. Then if you survive all that the mission ends.
I buy critical max boost max, stealth consume boost, patsy, charged throw and long range throw.
Mission 22Green arrives and she is encased in a huge mutant tentacle beast. It fires rubble, green orbs and a huge shockwave at you.Killing it enough makes it drop to the ground and you can beat on Greene herself to take down it's health.
End of third days play 3 hours. 15 hours total time.
Fourth day
You have to beat her down around four times before you can get her health down. I found that the most effective way to take her down was to get in a tank and drive real close and shoot at the spinal column like part of the beast.When you finally wear her health down you absorb Greene and take her memories. Which are garbled, but seem to suggest she was a baby in her mothers womb when she was infected which is why she somehow developed antibodies to the virus.
We see the general panicing about the situation which is escalating out of control, almost 80 percent of the island is infected. He pulls back to the aircraft carrier. Cross is tasked with finding someone I could not make out the name of. Have to say the story is very muddled.
I buy air groundspike graveyard devastator and air combo.
End of fourth days play another two hours. 17 hours in total now.
Fifth days playI muck around a little and take a helicopter to some hives, as they seem to be taking over the whole map. It does little good by the time you have done three another pops up. Seems you can't clear them all away.I get enough points to buy musclemass throw and air critical pain devastator.

mission 23The shadow guy on the phone is so heavily muffled I can't understand what he tells me. We have to go and destroy the bloodtox production facility. I think he wants us to let ourselves get captured.we have to enter a heavily defended military base and destroy about ten little buildings to disable the factory.As we finish the mission we see a cut scene. Alex allows himself to be captured.This then somehow and unbelievably leads to him confronting McMullen. McMullen tells Alex that he released the virus deliberately after pressure from the military led him to do so. Alex was shot releasing the virus. What Alex is now is an combination of Alex's corspe and virus reanimation.McMullen says he will tell him what happened in Idaho but then blows his own brains out first.This is a little confusing, and not in a good way.
Mission 24Shadow guy turns out to be Cross, who I always thought it to be anyway, so no big surprise.Cross tells us the the general is itching to nuke the island. He wants us to prvent Taggart from escaping the island by helicopter.This is basically a helicopter mission as it's far to hard to catch the helicopters from the ground. You have to hijack a copter and destroy three groups of increasing amounts of helicopters which are making a run for it. Who is in them and why they are making a run for it I don't know.We get a monologue from Alex. Seems that the original virus was meant to target certain ethnicities and leave white americans untouched and unharmed. The virus was tested in Idaho. The results were disasterous. The population went mad and the general had to nuke the town. Greene was the only person untouched by the virus. She mutated the virus into something much worse. She was also pregnant at the time. Gentek was the institution set up to research what Greene became. There were too many leaks and the general decided to kill all staff and close the project. Alex Mercer facing death release the virus. He was killed. The virus seems to use human dna as a start of template and used his. He is the virus. Mercer's dna is it's soul. Green was released and took over control of the virus. Now Alex has to learn to control it as she did. He also wants to know what became of Greene's child and the small matter of a general who now wants to nuke everything to glass.
I buy critical pain devastator and grapple slam.
Mission 25We are told that taggart will run on foot now, we are to find him and consume him.We have to go to a base where Taggart is and blow it up to get him to flee in a tank.then chase the tank.The tank pauses in a circle of four or five tanks three times and tries to kill us, destroying the escort tanks makes Taggart's tank move on. Once that is done the tank flees for the bridge. We can then get close enough to get to it and get into it without harrassment. This ends the mission.
Cut scene shows Cross and Taggart talking to the general. Cross tells the general that Taggart fucked up and the general shoots him. Alex then shows his hand and absorbs the general. Once that is done we find out that Cross is the child of Greene, he is like Alex controlling node of the virus and seems to have powers like Alex, only he has kept them hidden. He mutates into a large monster and we have a boss fight.He runs around using groundspike and devastators, also the hammerfist type attacks you have. You stun him at times and grab him and punch hell out of him.There are soldiers and helicopters also trying to kill you both. Though they do concentrate on Cross.Cut scene shows Alex taking the bomb out into the ocean in a helicopter and dropping it in the sea.We see a bird eat a bit of blown up Alex then morph into gore which looks for more gore and eventually turns into Alex.Credits roll.
I buy groundspike upgrade max
3 hours and game finished for the first time.Twenty hours to complete on normal. 240 achievement points.
You are able to go back to the city and complete side missions if you want.
You can also start a new game in newgame+ mode which will allow you to play with all the upgrades from this game in place.
I buy blade air slice and hammerfist elbow slam.

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