Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Prince of Persia Notes

Weird voices and people asking for wishes, bad guy wants his wish as well if the human is going to get his. Who is doing the granting?We see the prince wandering through a sandstorm, looking for his donkey and gold.Elika is being Chased by guards and lands on top of the prince accidently. He follows her. This is the tutorial.We move the prince with left stick, camera with right. A Jumps.We are shown how to jump at certain walls to run along them.Guards corner Elika, Prince intervenes. We have to fight. X attacks with our sword. B with the gauntlet. Right trigger blocks.Elika tells Prince to get lost again, he does not heed the advice.We learn to jump up between two close walls.Guards push over a pillar on the prince and he barely escapes, however the bridge he was standing on collapses sending him plumetting to his doom. Elika uses her magic to save him. This seems to weaken her.we carry Elika for a bit then fight some more guards.We learn about acrobatic attack with A whilst fighting.We are told to press left trigger to talk to Elika, she tells us that she suddenly developed these magic powers. No one has had them for centuries, she does not know why she was chosen.We fight again and are shown how to counter attack after being attacked, by pressing right trigger at a certain time.We find the temple, which is an impressive structure with a huge tree growing out of the top.We climb a wall using fissures and use a turning wheel type structure to open the temple doors.Elika tells the Prince that the temple is a prison to Ariman, the God of Darkness.Inside the temple we are shown how to jump at wall rings which then pull down with our weight and open doors.In the centre of the temple is a grassy circle with a smallish tree which seems to be made of the same magical light that Elika exudes. The guards turn up with a large man in black who it seems is Elika's father. He challenges the Prince to fight.After we take his energy down he goes to the tree and swipes it. All hell breaks loose and swirling ribbons of darkness fill the room. Monsters form from dark treacle like conglomerations.The temple is collapsing and huge fissure open. Ahriman's voice can be heard threatening end of the world type scenarios. We have to fight two of the shadow creatures and then jump through the collapsing temple to escape. Once back in the main courtyard of the Temple Elika explains the task ahead of us now, although the Prince is far from happy about being roped in to save the world again.The fertile grounds are areas of land that feed the temple with life energy which keeps ahriman imprisoned inside it. The fertile grounds are now corrupted and we need to go and restore them to give power back to the temple. Ahriman is not free yet, if we do not restore the fertile grounds he will get totally free of the temples hold.
The map screen shows areas that we cannot get to yet. There are four areas we need to go to first. We must collect light seeds to unlock powers so as to be able to complete the other fertile grounds.We spend a little time chatting with Elika, seems her people live here and tend the fertile grounds. There is a god of light as well I presume Ormazd.
We are told about four corrupted who are the bosses of the game.Entering the first path to the fertile ground we find rings set in the walls, if we jump and then press B at the right time we can chain the rings together and reach higher areas.
By setting a destination on the map we can use Elika as a GPS. Pressing Y gets her to fire off a magic sparkle which shows us the way to go.
We find vines on the walls that we can clamber on. Also wallrunning can be extended using rings and pressing B at the right time.
Death is impossible, Elika saves you whenever you fall. Setting you back only a few paces.
We come to the first destination. It's a maze of jumps and places to explore. The corruption, the black treacle like sea is rising from the bottom of the area.there are slope type areas which you slide down.We find columns which the prince can grab onto and clamber aorund. He can also climb to the top of them and rush along the ceiling to the next column.We find the fertile ground which is a circular area of the level. Once there a boss fight is triggered with the alchemist, one of the corrupted.After we defeat him Elika heals the fertile grounds. The area changes from dark and deary to beautiful and lush.Elika is drained by the process and we need to get her light seeds which are glowing orbs.There are 60 of these light seeds in each fertile ground area. Seems we will need to collect these to unlock powers and to progress.You can spend time here trying to collect as many as possible. It seems that you can't get them all yet as some areas are inaccesible until you unlock more abilities.
I move to the next area on the map of the four starter levels.
Section 2The hunter is here Elika tells us.A quick climb up a tower.Fight with the hunter is the usual fare of attack, throw, gauntlet and dodge block.Then heal the fertile grounds.I run around for a little while collecting the light seeds.
You can teleport to the areas you have already healed and back to the temple.
I set target for section 3.
Section 3The royal palaceThe concubine will be here.We enter the area and one of the pillars we jump to is an illusion created by the concubine.The prince falls onto a large circular stage. Elika is tied up in corruption and The concubine teases them both. The prince has to negotaite the area trying to reach the concubine three times, each time he gets there and strikes she is not there, just an illusion.The concubine finally deems it time to fight and the fight is as usual.Elika heals the fertile ground.
Elika tells us that the light seeds are a gift from Ormazd to help her.After collecting a few more light seeds we have 60 and are told to go back to the temple to activate a power.
At the temple we have the choice of four glowing discs. There seems to be little to differentiate them and we will have to get them all by the end of the game. I pick at random.We are given a tutorial in a glowing light filled area. How to use the power plates, basically get close and press Y. This sends you flying off into space like Sonic the hedgehog hitting a bumper.
Elika tells us that Ormazd and Ahriman are brothers.
Elika's father appears, it seems he has sold the world out because Ormazd did not save his wife.
Now on the map four levels are glowing which suggest we can do them now.There is still one of the four basic levels to do.
Section 4City of lightThe warrior.A king who sold his soul to Ahriman in return for the power to crush his enemies.The variety here is that the warrior is sending out shockwaves that knock holes in the enviroment.When we get to him he is a great hulking troll of a thing.He can't be hurt with our sword. So we have to find a way to push him off the edge.We basically have to attack him until he stomps us where elika and the prince push him off with quicktime events.Heal the fertile ground.
I teleport to the next area, one of the harder sections.
Section 5The ruined citadelThis is one of the areas shown in a demo of the game before it was released.We have to use a flying plate, as we do the bad guy jumps us in mid air. We have to fight him. Once his energy is half gone he runs. We now have to get up to him. He unleashes moving corruption that slither around making timed obstacles all over the area.The path to the fertile grounds is much harder to work out, well more complicated anyway. Less obvious.Another fight with the boss and fertile grounds healed.
Section 6The windmillsThis is the inside of a large windmill tower.There is a puzzle with two gear cogs covering up the power plates. Two levers must be turned to make the cogs align so that the plates can be used. Quite annoying, I hate iq tests, maybe because I'm thick.darn it, another puzzle.This one is more complicated with three cogs.Now some more platforming and another fight with the hunter. Fertile land healed.
Section 7Machinery groundWe fight the alchemist here, he infects the Prince with the corruption. We have a time limit to heal the fertile grounds before the prince dies.The route is complex but fairly easy.The prince is healed along with the landscape.
I get enough light seeds to gain a new power.Back at the temple we meet elika's father, he is infected with the corruption. We have to fight him.
The new power gives us a yellow power plate activation. When using these instead of being shot out in a direction we are guided through a tunnel of wind.We can move slightly inside it so as to avoid hitting walls.
Section 8Martyrs towerHere we have a yellow plate which sends us looping around like idiots. I preferred the straight line ones.When I manage the looping without hitting the walls the hunter springs a trap catching us. We must find a way out.On the way the hunter attacks and is defeated.We get to the top eventually and heal the fertile grounds.
Section 9Marshalling grounds.We have to use the flight plates a few times, fight the hunter.Then heal the fertile grounds.
Now all the four lands held by the hunter are gone the black gate to his sanctuary is opened.
Section 10Royal gardensJoy, more i.q. puzzles.To use a plate we must fill a pond in the garden with water which acts as a counterweight.There are lots of little ponds that fill the main one.can't be fucked with this shit, walkthrough.If I wanted to play brain training I would. I bought Prince of persia for it's jumping and climbing and pretty pictures. Not to do i.q. tests. There should be a warning on the box. This game contains i.q. puzzles which will make your brain hurt.No lets try this
! -o o- -o- -o- ! ! ! ! o- o- -o- ! ! ! o- -o- -o- -o ! There that is how I eventually got it open. I feel brighter now. Sorry for my earlier rant.
Fight with the concubine, seems harder this time she blocks much more.
Section 11Coronation HallSome plate flying, which is a bit naff.The concubine leads you on a merry dance through the area.Then you fight her and heal the fertile ground.There was one new addition here. There wasa flying bird made of corruption that the concubine unleashed to attack you.
Section 12ReservoirThe alchemist has a resevoir filled with corruption for us to have fun with.We have a fun ride around on red plates with some jumps at the end of each ride.Then a fight with the alchemist.
I have come to the situation where I need more light seeds to unlock another power before I can do more areas. I need 83 light seeds. Which is a bit of a chore really. I mean yes, if you really love a game then you might want to spend time finding all the hidden collectibles. But to make orb collections one of the main focuses of gameplay then it's a bit much to make a side task into main game attaction.
I eventually find the 340 seeds needed.
Back to the temple for the power of hand of ormazd.Power is same as the red plate ony more wobbly looking.
After getting the power we see a vision, Elika's father laying her corpse on a slab and asking that she be brought back to life. Seems she was, at a price.
Was releasing Ahriman the price for her ressurrection?
Section 13Ahriman's tower.We have to climb the outside of this tower and there are movable ledges and circles with ledges that twist around turned by cranks.When we get to the top we fight the big rock guy whoose name I have forgotten.We have to push him off the top as he is indestructable.
Section 14City of lightNew spike corruption obstacles here.bascially running along walls and timing it with the spiky corruptions erruptions.Fight with the stone guy, trap him in a cage to win.
Section 15Royal SpireWe have to climb a tower filled with clockwork, using power plates and we have to time it right between obstacles.Fight with the concubine is as before, annoying.
Section 16Spire of dreamsLong and complicated journey up the inside of another tower, using all the techniques so far.Quite fun actually.Fight the concubine, not so much fun.
forgot to mention that there have been slides down the outsides of the towers to get back down, which is fun.
Now it's really getting annoying, I need 141 light seeds to gain access to the next four levels.I get down to 16 light seeds left to find and they are getting scarce.I decide to try one of the black gates that have opened. Do I need to do all the preceding areas to complete these ones. If i get in and can complete the area will I have access to more light seeds.
Section 17You have to use a combination of red and yello plates to get to the hunter and the swirling of the yellow plates is complicated and you have to dodge loads of times.Yes I can get in and get to the boss. I take on the hunter in his lair and defeat him in a similar boss battle to all the prior encounters.We then have to escape the crumbling area using yellow plates flying.As we exit Elika collapses and takes a few seconds to wake up. The Prince is flippant as usual.The best bit is that you get 25 light seeds credited to you for completing the level.
I now have enough for the last power.
This power allows you to run on walls for a lot longer, you can steer as you do and as long as you don't hit anything you keep going.
Father turns up again for another fight.Once we get his health below halfway he vanishes.Now we can do the remaining four normal levels.
Section 18We have a rather prolonged annoying, no checkpoint run through the inside of a building using the green plates.Then we have to knock the troll out of another tower.
Section 19Tower of OrmazdWe have a brief plate running section then a fight with the troll. This time we have to lure him into three pillars and get him to knock them down on himself.This isn't the end though, We have some fairly perilous climbing to do.The when we get to the fertile ground the troll bashing around at the bottom of the tower knocks it down.We have to the make a descent to the bottom again to find the fertile ground and heal the land.
Section 20Heaven's stairWe have to use the green plates to run through some narrow wooden structures.The switch four switches in a room to progress. Up a turning escalator and then boss battle with the Alchemist.
Section 21Constuction yardWe have some of the usual platforming.Then a final, i hope logic puzzle. We have platforms withh beams coming out on the sides of the squares. We have to rotate to platforms using levers, however they all rotate at once so we have to figure out the pattern to get to where we want to go.Once you get to the fertile ground we fight the king again.Game glitched here after finishing the fight with the Alchemist the game froze, although I could still move the camera nothing else would work.Saved the game and quit. Went back in and all was well.
Section 22The observatoryBoss battle time.We have to make our way through lots of red and green power plates to the first leg of the boss fight.The Alchemist escapes and we have to follow him.We have some red plates to negotiate then a final boss fight and the end of the Alchemist.We then have to escape the collapse of the scenery.
Section 23The palace roomsShowdown with the ConcubineWe have to negotiate yellow and Blue plates. Fight the concubine over three different areas.When we get to the third area the concubine snatches Elika away, about six of her appear and stand in a circle around us. The concubine demands we choose the right one.When you go up to the clones they vanish. When you cut them with the sword they vanish. This seems to repeat. The only thing to do seems to be to jump off the edge. This is the trick as Elika comes to your aid. The Concubine's spell is broken and it's fight time.Once she is down you escape the collapse, which this time is easy, just a straightforward no dodging ride on a yellow power plate.
Section 24Warriors fortressFinal battle with the warrior.We have to neotiate some yellow and red plates. Then knock the warrior off of the pedestal we fight him on.When we do he comes climbing back up it on fire.We then have to fight him. He seems invincible, until you notice that his health is going down slowly on account of him being on fire. You simply have to wait until his health goes down. He throws the pair of you off the pedestal at the last second before he is healed. Elika thinks he was saving the pair of you, but the Prince thinks it was just a last ditch attempt to kill them.You have to run away through the collapsing landscape this time.
Now it would appear to be the final battle.We enter a ghostly realm and have a marathon of all four types of power plates to negotiate.Then we come to the room where we first saw the tree and Elika's father chop it down.Elika's father appears and he is fully turned into a corrupted. He asks to be free. Is Elika's father actually Ahriman?We fight Elika's father then he jumps off the edge rather than be healed.Ahriman turns up and he is big and nasty.We have to run around the outside of the room avoiding his huge fists and waves of corruption that lap up the walls. When he get three fertile lands healed we go bouncing off red plates and into Arhiman's mouth, where Elika heals him from the inside.This seals him back in the tree. Elika heals the tree and dies. It seems she knew this would happen as she says sorry to the Prince first.The prince carries her body to her mother's tomb and lays it out. We are shown four trees with glowing lights in the distance and given control.Going to each one and chopping them down lets loose corruption on the area around the tree.Once all four are chopped down we are pointed back to the temple. Where we go back to the room and chop the main tree. This gives us a light to carry back to Elika.This brings her back to life. She calls out why to the Prince. The final scene is the Prince carrying Elika away as the temple collapses and Arhiman escapes.
Wow that seemed to take a long time to complete 20 hours at a guess.550 achievement points.

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