Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Godfather II Notes

We get a narration by the hero Dominic, telling us about what is going on with the history of the mafia. It's all too quick to really take, possibly if you have seen the movies it will mean something. Basically there are lots of families all fighting for their share of the pie and things are bloody. Cuba is up for grabs and there is going to be a meeting to sort it out.
You now get a chance to customize your character within quite a wide range of parameters, though non of the outrageous stuff you find in say Saint's Row.

The meeting in Cuba is going well, Rothman is retiring and giving away all his concerns to his partners.
We get control and are told to talk with our brother by walking up to him and pressing Y.
Usual Analogue stick controls. A is run.
We are tld by our brother to go and see  another person, he is two floors down through the hotel, which is crowded by the usual sandbox a.i.
During the conversation we get a choice moment from three options.
Aldo is worried about the rebels. Rightly so as the president makes an announcement that they are staging a revolution and he is running for it over the tannnoy.
We are told to escort the bosses from the hotel.
We can punch with left and right triggers.
We have to punch a few soldiers in the hotel Kitchen then out into the streets where soldiers shoot at us and the civilians run around in a panic.
We have a few x marks the spot waypoints to get to and fight a few soldiers in the streets before getting to the airport.
Aldo is shot in cut scene and the gang get away in a plane.
Michael tasks Dominic with running the New York family now that Aldo is dead.

Another cut scene shows a family member named Frank bad mouthing Roth who Michael seems to trust.
Dominic is told to send a message to a rival family.

Mission 1
Talking to Frank, gets us an interview with some henchmen.
I hire one of them, which is all I am allowed for now.
Talking with Michael we get a little cut scene which illustrates that we will have to build up our own little empire.
We have to go to a Bakery and take over.
Some thugs to shoot and then the boss to intimidate to earn the building.
Intimidating is a little mini game where yoou can hit the guy until a meter fills and then he is ready to give in. Go to far and he dies.
We are now to go to a business and hustle it for protection money.
We have to take over three businesses this way. Most of them with guards who attack when we enter.
We are told to go back to the mansion and speak to Michael.
He tells us that we need to get some more soldiers.
The soldiers have different attributes.
We are told to go to a way point and recruit the man there.
Then to go and take over another area which will complete our first crime ring.
Here we have to blow the back door and run in and kill all the guards, getting to the boss and intimidating until we win the area.
This is our first crime ring, we get a bonus for having it, which is brass Knuckles.
One of the businessess is taken back and we have to go back and do it all over again.
We are taught about placing guards at businesses to keep them. This costs us money which comes out of our pot.

Mission 2
we have to meet Frank at a house where we are given it as a safehouse. Michael talks to us in the safehouse and we are going to put out a hit on one of the enemies made men.
To do this we have to go and speak to Frank.
A quick cut scene tells us about hit, we have to gain intel and take out the target in a specific way.
We are told to go and find someone with information.
There are people with keys above their heads wandering around. Speaking to them reveals a favour they want done, so far someone to beat up and two people who want others killed.
I can now use the Don view, which is what they call the map, to locate 5 made men, well you can once the favours have been done.
The first one I go for has to be run over with a car.
The next thrown in the river.
The next we have to throttle.
I kill the next one with a pistol but don't get the  kill, seems I needed to do the execution move. So this one will come back after a spell in the hospital.

Mission 3
I answer the phone, seems that when someone wants to talk to you all the payphone around you ring as you walk past. I speak to Carmine and he wants to meet. Going to a bar starts a cut scene where Dominic is attacked as Carmine pretends to want a truce. I get control back and have to shoot my way out of the place. I don't know If I have succeeded or failed this mission as I never go a chance to shoot at Carmine.
Frank is killed in the scuffle.

Mission 4
Michael wants a chat at the family base. We are to go and attack the Carmine family compound.
First we have to take over the remaining Carmine businesses on the map.
There are two or three more, simple missions where you enter the building kill the guards and intimidate the owner. Place guards on each building to prevent Carmine from taking it back.

Mission 5
Michael tells us that it's time to go and take on Carmine's compound and kill him for good.
The compound is a large mansion, filled with guards. we have to run through it's maze and kill Carmine. Placing a bomb and evacuating before it goes of ends the missions and finishes the first family off.

Roth calls and asks us to meet him in florida. We have to go to the airport.

In cut scene dominic is met by Fredo at the Florida airport.
Roth is having trouble with a rival family and wants our help.
The granados family own florida they have one of roth's friends hostage. Roth wants us to rescue him.

Mission 6
We have to go and rescue the made man. We have to garotte a few people then assault the room where the man is being held. I screw it up and he is shot, however I have a few seconds to revive him. This I do and mission is done.
I have picked up a few weapon upgrade as we have went, a better magnum and silencer for the pistol.
We call roth and he tells us to meet him he want to give us something.
He gives us a safehouse.
We have to recruit another soldier and promote one, which will give him new powers.

I take over Berry Pawnbrokers.
I take over foreplay pictures.
I take over the Arisocrat.
I take over the elite diner.
I take over jersey sports bar.
I take over Basso fill and go.
I take over Active electronics
I take over Basso oil express
I take over Emilo's Packing company.
I take over Las Palmas club.
I take over Luscious entertainment.
I take over Basso oil depot.
I take over Basso oil refinery.
I take over S&L construction site.
I take over Ausiello's Bar and Grill.
I take over Astoria Construction site.
I take over Sanico-Hauling depot.
I take over Sanico truck depot.
I take over ABF construction.

Now I have no more targets other than the Granados compound. This is a big place and full of soldiers. I kill everyone I can find and then plant a bomb.
I get a big bonus for this and the Granados are no more.
Roth wants to meet me and I can now add another member to my family.
The only other objective on the map is to go back to new york and attack the Rosato compound.
I try and go to New York by taking a flight at the airport. When I get there there is a picket line We speak to Fredo and then Roth.
Roth wants us to speak with a CIA man who can help us.
Seems the CIA want a man who is stirring up the unions to vanish.
We have to rough up the picket line leader to find the location of this Alemida.
Alemeida is in a factory and is guarded by a horde of Cubans. I have to throw him over the balcony to finish the missions.
Our next objective is to go back to New York.
At the airport fredo and the CIA man are waiting to chat.
Back to New York.
We meet Michael at the Correolone compound.
He is in trouble, Frank, who we thought was dead has turned evidence.
We have to speak with a man called Hagen. We have to get a senator on our side to help with the trial. Hagen is now our Consigliere, whatever that means.
Geary has a weakness for prostitutes, we are to blackmail him.
We are told to go to the Maison Rouge, the Mistress want us to do a favour for her first, she wants some books on her clients recovered from the federal building.
We have to go into the building and take documents from the safe. Fight our way back to the Maison rouge. We speak to the Madam, then Tom.
We now have to go to a bar and speak to Geary.
We have a few chat options and I manage to muddle through. He goes to the Brothel. At the brothel he is set up for the murder of the prostitute. He is now in our hands, he tells us of a Cuban family that is moving in, the Manganos.
I am told to go back to florida, I decide to take out the Rosato Compound while I am in New York. Big mansion, full of men and a bomb to plant to finish the deal.
Now to the airport and back to Florida.
Michael is at the airport waiting for us.
He wants us to meet with Mangano, but wants us to make peace, he tells us not to cross him.
The meeting with Mangano goes well he wants to work in florida and is willing to partner with us. He has hired a warehouse and is working from it.
We are told to meet with Fredo at our safe house.
Fredo is chatting, he looks nervous, suddenly gunmen draw up in a car and spray the building missing both of you. Fredo tells us that it is Mangano, seems Mangano is prepping for a takeover.
We are to meet with Charlie Green to get into Mangano's warhouse.
I get a new promotion unlock and can now get another family member.
I hire another man.
Then I meet Charlie Green, he can help us get onto the warehouse which is on a little island with a raisable bridge.
Green wants someone dead in return for lowering the bridge. Killing him is easy as he is just across the street.
At the warehouse a guard lowers the bridge for us. We are told to start a fire.
This is just another takeover mission and I now have Global Storage.
Mangano calls and denies sending the gunmen to our home. He wants a meeting to dicuss the situation.
The meeting is a trap and the Manganos declare war. We see a cut scene of them attack many of our businessess.
We have to meet Roth and Mitchell. He wants us to kill Castro for the CIA.
We are told to go to Cuba.
I decide to take back the Mangano controlled places first. I will probably have to later.
Add backtracking to the sins.

I take over Jersey Sports bar.
I take over Basso oil fill and go.
I take over Basso oil depot
I take over Aussiello's bar and grill.

I decide to try letting the a.i. made men attack a business for me, which actually works well. I have now taken back all the stolen rackets.

Time to go to cuba. The Cuban map is the smallest yet, it has two Mangano controlled rackets on it. I send the gang to one and go and try the other on my own.
My men take over casino Havana. I then bring them back to me and continue on Casino Imperial.
I take over the casino Imperial and that is all of the Mangano rackets taken, their compound is unlocked.
I decide to carry on with the Cuban stuff since I am here. I have to meet Mitchell in Cuba after taking a phone call.
He wants us to take out some dissidents to show our support for Castro. There seems to be around 9 of them on the map.
I take out all the insurgent leaders.
Then I am called and invited to the presidential palace.
A cut scene shows a woman telling Dominic about why the revolution is interested in him. She shows him to a room and tells him to stay put.
We get control again and are tasked to find Castro.
This is actually the first bit of interesting mission design in the game. We have to sneak around using our  garotte to kill the guards. If we are seen then we have around ten seconds to kill the guard before he raises the alarm and ends the missions, sending us back to our room. I find a silenced pistol which makes things easy. I reach a spot and can see Castro, shooting him starts a cut scene.
We watch a wounded Castro bundled out of harms way the Almeida whoose men we already have tangled with in the past in florida appears in person. He taunts Dominic. We now have control back and have to escape the palace.
Once out of the palace we have to escape to the airport.
Back in New York Michael calls and asks us to come to the compound.
It looks like Roth might be in leauge with Almeida. Fredo is dishnoured and Michael gives him some abuse.
Michael is worried about the trial, he has brought Franks brother in to speak with Frank and hopefully stop him testifying.
We are to go and speak with Vinchenzo, when we get there he has been abducted. We have to go and find out where he has been taken. Seven crosses appear on the map of people we have to go and speak to to find out where he is.
I speak to the seven who are in close proximty to the safe house, it only take a minute. Conflicting stories lead you to the conclusion that Vincenzo is either at the docks or at the Maison Rouge. Going to both places leads to a fight with some men, you can interrogate the second group and find out that Vincenzo is at a construction site.
I fight my way into the construction site and rescue Vincenzo.
A cut scene shows Frank going back on his statement in court and Michael getting his charges dropped as a result.
We talk to Tom, then Michael, seems that Mitchell has left the CIA and is now working for a family. Michael takes the recent trial and this news badly and decides that enough is enough, the Corleone's have taken enough in the name of peace, he decides to go to all out war with the Mangano and Almeida families.
I go to Florida and take over and bomb the Mangano compound.
Now to Cuba
I take over Battaglia Quarry.
I take over Battaglia constructcion.
I take over Battaglia cement factory.
I find Agent Mitchell and kill him.
I take over Casino Havana.
I take over Juan Sizzilo's.
I take over Global Crushers.
I take over Global towing.
I take over Global imports.

Now I can enter the Almeida compound, it's big and full of men, long fight, good fun and it's bombed and that is all the rival families taken down.
I am told to go to a phone.
Michael wants us back in Florida.
We are congratulated, however there is one loose end, Roth. He is being brought in to the airport and we are to try and kill him there.
We basically storm the airport like any other mission. Roth is fairly easily shot down when we find him.
We now have to escape back to the  Mangano compound which is basically the furthest away point. The cops are on full alert and it's hard work to get there.
At the compound a cut scene shows Dominic being made Godfather and then we watch Fredo being assasinated. The credits roll.
Once the credits roll you can go around completing side tasks for achievement points.

14 hours and 770 achievement points.

Health recovers by itself if you stop taking punishment.
I can now promote one of my men which gives him two abilities instead of just one.
I decide to try upgrades and spend all my money on one of my men, which helps immensely, however I did not realise I could also upgrade myself.
There are a lot of items to upgrade about your character.
Handgun Accuracy
Heavy weapon accuracy
Ready weapon
Vice grip
Blackhand attack
Blackhand Defense
Extortion expert
Neck Snap
I do a bank job which basically sees you storm into the bank and raid the vault. You only get to keep the money if you get back to your safehouse however. The police attack in force when you leave the bank.
Sometimes rival families attempt a takeover of a place you have taken. You can send your made men to defend it alongside the defenders. Seems that if you do this you will keep a hold of the business. Of course you can go yourself and see off the attackers in person.

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