Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wolfenstein Notes

A Cut scene shows a Nazi boat about to make an attack on London. Our  hero BJ is on board and starts fighting the Nazi's.
Lots of acrobatics and shooting until he is corned. He produces an object from his pocket which makes a magic shield and blows up the Nazi's for him. BJ makes his escape in a plane and the boat explodes.

At the Office of Secret actions BJ speaks to his bosses,
They tell him of an ancient group who worshipped the Black sun, this group are the focus of the Thule society a German occult group. The medallion that BJ found on the boat contains crystals that can only be found in one city in Germany A Nazi general named Zetta is digging up these crystals and BJ is to stop this General from making paranormal weaponry from these crystals. BJ is sent to the town of to investigate and stop the Nazi's.

Mission 1
We get control and find the usual analogue stick controls. B is a toggle crouch.
I arrive in a train and am met by a resistance member. We are ushered into the sewers as the Nazi's are already looking for us. I find a gold bar in a case in the sewer.
Clicking and holding the left analogue stick is run.
A is jump.
I come up from the sewers into a house and find a resistance fighter. He tells us that there is a train with experimental weapons at platform one, he wants us to help him blow it up.
We get a gun.
I find an intel document.
Left trigger sights down the weapon and Right trigger is fire.
left bumper is grenade.
We fight some Germans in a bar and then out on the platforms. We are told to plant dynamite on a door to open it. Pressing Y and holding Y does this.
We make our way through the station fighting as we go. There seems to be 5 intel documents to find here. I find an emplaced gun and Nazi's obligingly run in front of it allowing me to kill around twenty of them. The resistance plant a bomb on the train for me and it blows.
A strange gravity free effect is unleashed.
We are made to float a bit too, however, the enemies are affected badly.
When we get to the exit of the train station the mission ends.

We are to be taken to meet the leader of the Kreisau circle, the resistance group in the area.
I am now in what appears to be an open world style mission hub. It is named Midtown. I am told to go to a black market vendor to upgrade my weapons.
A door with a skull and dagger on it shows the house where you can shop. I buy a silencer for my MP40.
We then go to the Kreisau circle base and meet the leader, a woman who seems to think BJ isn't all his reputation indicates. She tells us that she will get us to the dig site.
We are to go to a truck and it will take us to the dig site. We have to fight our way through the town to the truck.
The truck takes us to the dig site and we get a cut scene.
BJ finds a man named Sergei Kovlov in a tent who is under guard, he tells us that he belongs to the Golden dawn, a group of scholars, he came for the Thule medallion, however, he was captured trying to steal it from the Nazi's.
BJ tells him he will get it.
Clicking the right stick melees and we can have a degree of stealth if we use it from behind.

Mission 2
I fight my way trough the dig site until I reach a circular chamber, There is a man who shoots green light at you, he takes a bit more killing than the normal Nazi's.
After all the enemies are defeated here we find a pedestal in the center of the room, it has the Thule amulet which we can pick up. Kovlov appears and tells us to give him the amulet. BJ tells him he will have to wait until he knows more about the Golden Dawn before he does that. Kovlov gives BJ a crystal and tells him to touch it to the amulet to energize it.
BJ does this. We can now enter the veil which is a place between the Black sun dimension and ours, a kind of halfway world where everything is green and swirly.
There are veil pools and barrels which recharge the medallion.
There are creatures floating around in the veil, Kovlov tells us that some can be hostile.
Kovlov tells us that we must find another crystal to empower the medallion with new powers. He tells us that the Nazi's have found a portal and it must be destroyed.
Certain walls vanish in the veil so we can use it to access areas normally hidden.
I progress through the map until another Altar like area. This one has a crushing mechanism and you must use the veil to see a safe path to  avoid being crushed.
Another crystal gives me the mire power which slows time.
There are traps in the temple, crushing walls and alternating blasts of green energy, with time slowed these can be negotiated, though they are still dangerous.
There are also ladders painted onto the walls with veil symbols.
A bridge collapses as we cross and we must slow time and run to make it before it become impassable.
I find a stargate type device and we have to plant a bomb on it.
Then we have to make our way back through the dig site through an alternate route to escape.

We have a short trip through Midtown and some Nazi resistance to speak with Caroline Becker again. She has sent her men to attack a church where the Nazi's are up to something. She tells us to join them for the attack.
There are secrets in midtown a painted ladder leads me to a room with gold.
I make my way through midtown to the next mission start point.

Mission 3 Church.
There are two machine gun nests to be flanked here. A checkpoint after each makes me feel like I am playing Call of duty.
We now go through a door blown by the resistance and meet our first heavy trooper, he is a hugely armoued seven foot thing with a lightning/plamsa type gun.
You must use the veil to see his weaknesses, which are red glowing points on his shoulder then back that you must shoot to finish him off.
You get to pick up his particle cannon when he dies.
The particle cannon is a really fun overpowered weapon, I am sure we won't get to use it for long. Yes it runs out of power fairly quickly.
We make our way through streets and through a maze of bombed houses, the guidance pointer is a little poor for this type of close work, and a destructible floor to progress is poorly signposted.
We go through sewers and come up in the church.
We fight our way into the church, where the machine is. We have to shoot the red points on it to destroy it. Once destroyed a blast of energy comes from the machine and hits the Nazi's who were just about to surround and capture BJ. One of them is transformed into a powerful crystal skulled creature which takes a bit of pounding.
Once he is down the mission is over and the exit back to midtown is handily located only a few doors away.

Back in Midtown we are directed to the secret hideout of the Golden dawn.
Their leader Leonid Alexandrov is reluctant to deal with us but does anyway.
He tells us about some of hisoperatives who were sent to investigate a farm nearby that has suspicious Nazi activity. The agents have not been heard from since. Alexandrov wants us to go and see what happened.
There are two sections of Midtown so far East and West.
We are now directed to a tavern. In the tavern a cut scene shows a huge german fighting some locals and beating them up easily.
A golden dawn contact tells us that one of the men came back from the farm but died before telling them what happened. We are told he brought a crystal back.
Our next objective is to make our way through Midtown to the truck to the farm.

Mission 4 Farm
I am out in the countryside, near a river by the farm, first I attack a barn, have to use the slow time to flank a machine gun nest and then finally get to the farm. Truck pull up with soldiers in, it's a shame you can't kill the soldiers in it until their getting out animations are done.
At the farm we find intel and are ambushed by waves of Nazi's. There is a veil door to be found to progress. They are marked with Black sun signs.
In the barn we find the entrance to a secret underground bunker.
Oh by the way you can throw back grenades.
A rocket launcher appears here.
I go down in a lift and find an absolutely huge chamber like factory.
I fight my way through the factory for a bit which is great fun. I come to the Golden Dawn man who has been captured, I untie him. He tells us that there is a crystal in this facility that is important, I must get it out of Nazi hands.
The facility if fairly big, however the open areas soon change into corridors.
We come to some fairly large glowing machinery and a room full of crystals in tanks.
The crystal we want is at the end of the room in a machine. I take it and am given shield power, which is just as well as the room suddenly if flooded with around 10 Nazi's the shield keeps me alive and its an easy kill.
We now escape through a previously closed off section and it's filled with some sort of experimental soldier experiments gone wrong, they are like wild animals, but are obviously once human.
We have to run for it through the now exploding factory.
This is quite a nice cinematic style sequence which reminds me of half life. Lots of scripted scenes of soldiers scientists runnning and beinng blown up by the  explosions and eaten by the mad experiments on the loose at the same time.
We eventually get to a train and have to use an emplaced gun and hundreds of the animals run along the tunnel behind us.

Back to Midtown and the Golden Dawn headquarters. Alexandrov is critical of us destroying the base, he also wants us to investigate the hospital, and chides us not to blow that up as well.

Mission 5 Hospital
In the hospital there are invisible assassins that cut up nurses for fun. The Nazi's are experimenting on the patients.
We have a long trip through the hospital rooms watching the invisible teleporting assassin chop people up.
Eventually the assassin decides its our turn and attacks us. Slow time is the key here and a rocket in the face takes him out with one shot.
We proceed into the secret labs and see all sorts of gruesome experiments being carried out.
Thing start to get hard with a mix of all the enemies so far being introduced, dog soldiers, mystics, assassins etc.
There seems to be a device in one of the rooms that stops us using the thule amulets powers whilst it is working. Shooting it stops its effect.
I find a tesla gun.
Which is another hugely powerful weapon that I won't get much ammo for.
It shoots electricity and can zap and hold a bunch of enemies with arcs of electricity until they fry.
You get a good run through the corridors of the hospital frying enemy soldiers.
I come to a room with the portal in it, a scientist is burbling on to a general.
When they see you the general pushes the scientist through the portal and then gets killed as a huge brute of a creature comes back through the portal, presumably the mutated scientist. The general is tossed aside like a broken rag doll and it looks like it's boss battle time.
This battle takes a little time to work out, but is fairly easy once you know what to do.
The room has a large gallery and four pillars supporting the portal. You are shot at by guards and the monster runs around throwing stuff and trying to smash you to a pulp.
You have to annoy it and get it to charge you. The trick is to put a pillar between you and the monster. Once all four pillars are broken by it the portal goes haywire and everything including you is sucked through.
You appear in cut scene in the black sun dimension. Everything is being sucked into said black sun. Looks like a black hole to me. BJ is unaffacted and after a few seconds of bemused looking around at the ruins of an ancient temple is dumped back in the normal world.
The crystal is there for the grabs and we have a new power called empower.
Empower gives our weapons more power and allows us to shoot through shields.
This is the end of this mission and we are back out to midtown.

Back to the Golden Dawn hq to report.
The back to Caroline at the Kreisau circle. There are new female nazi assassin types out in the streets.
Caroline tells us our next target is a cannery, with little to no embellishment or dialogue the story is stretched thin by these pointless little chats.

I find my way to the start of the cannery mission

Mission 6 cannery
This is a sewer bunker style level, I meet assassins in the corridors and then a flamethrower weilding armoured soldier.
There is a large square like area with lots of rooms off it which makes life difficult as there are loads of soldiers and machine gun nest and one of the big shoot the three red bits troopers to deal with here, hardest part of the game so far.
Once done you get into the cannery proper and find a huge gun that shoots the barrels of blue energy, these screw with gravity and blow apart, so are doubly dangerous. The fun part is that once you storm the control room of the gun you get to use it on loads of Nazi's. You use the gun to blow itself up by shooting four pylons which are part of it.
I make my way through a suspiciously quiet part of the factory to a boss battle. We finally get to meet general Zetta. He uses our powers against us. Bullets pass through him as if he isn't there.
When we go into the veil we see Zetta as a monster.
Here we can see his red weak spots which we have to shoot. He attacks by shooting circular shockwaves, red balls of energy or just swipes at you. When you hurt him enough he goes to a refuelling place and gets more energy. You can shoot these refuelling stations as he uses them and blowing all three of them up means he can't recharge. Hurting him enough this time kills him.

Mission 7 SS headquarters
We have to go into the ss headquarters and find out what has happened to the Golden Dawn boys that have been captured.
This is a fairly straightforward romp through the SS building, some hidden ladders and veil doors to negotiate. You find out that the men have been taken to a garment factory. Looks like we will be going there soon.

Back in midtown I realise I can set objectives to either the Kreisau circle or the Golden dawn. The Golden Dawn want me to get their men from the garment factory. Their leader is as usual pissed that we have killed Zetta and stirred up the Nazi's.

caroline wants us to move to downtown.
I decide to do the other mission at the paranormal base/garment factory

Mission 8 Paranormal base.
Here we find a factory type environment with three golden dawn men tied up in different rooms. There is evidence that the Nazi's have been sacrificing scantily clad women for kicks. A short mission.

Mission 9 warehouse
I follow the marker through midtown to the warehouse doors.
I am here looking for a codebook.
After wandering around in the warehouse and throwing a switch which opens a door I see a cut scene of an officer handing a code book to a guard to be put in a safe.
We have a little puzzle area to find a way into the locked room with the safe. Black sun door in the floor is hidden in a maze of crates.
Once you have to code book you simply have to make your way back out of the warehouse which is reinfested with nazis.

A quick trip through midtown reveals new shield emplacements on the ground that the Nazi's can use for cover.
I got back to the Kreisau circle safe house and find that the code book is useless without a code wheel. We have to go to the officers house to steal this.

mission 10 Officers house
This is a quick romp around the house of the general which is expansive for a house but not a huge level. We have to open a secret bookcase door using a book and then find a painting which glows in the veil, shooting it while in veil mode breaks it and we find a safe with the code wheel. There are cowering half naked women in the bedrooms in their lingerie.
Once the wheel is found we escape the house.

That seems to be all the missions in Midtown done, we are only told now to travel to Downtown.
This is a new area of the hubworld.
We have objectives to meet the Kreisau circle and find the black market in Downtown.

I find the black market and then have a difficult trip through the new hub areas to the Kreisau circle headquarters here.
The leader Carolyn had been captured and we have too rescue her.
Getting back through downtown is much harder than Midtown was.

Mission 11 Castle
We are funnelled up the paths which are the only way up to the castle. There are snipers and flying jetpack troops with what seem like rapid fire rockets.
I a courtyard we find our way blocked by a portcullis gate.
Using a veil hole we get inside and find a new gun.This gun fires deadly gravity projectiles and opens these gates.
Inside the portcullis gate we go up in a lift.
Then through corridors of the castle, we come into a main hall like area with a few staircases and levels to it.
Then we have to deactivate gates by finding a switch. Another hulking monster, luckily the leichenfaust 44 gun kills them with one shot.
I come to a library type area and a few veil user guys and assassins.
More switches to the doors to the roof and some backtracking back to doors that have now been opened here.
Eventually I get to the roof and a cut scene.
A Nazi called Death's head has Carolyn and a machine which is supposed to draw power from the black sun. However the nazi's have got it wrong and the machine blows a fuse. A dimensional rift opens and a huge cockroach type beastie comes through. The Nazi's shoot Carolyn in the melee and run for it leaving BJ to deal with the beastie.
Boss battle time. The beastie has the usual red marks to hit.
After blasting it a bit it vanishes and smaller bugs crawl at you. Then it comes back and breaks your gun.
You basically rinse and repeat here, shoot the red bits on the big bug, it vanishes, a wave of flying or crawling bugs, then run to the next gun after the one your on is smashed, repeat four times and your done. Cut scene shows you nearly getting sucking into the black sun again. You get dumped back out on the approach to the castle and it looks like it's all over and back to the downtown. The game then throws a surprise at you and the bug gets chucked back out of the black sun dimension right in front of you. You get to fight it again. This time the pattern is simple in two long bridge like areas you shoot it's red bits as it marches at you trying to slash you with it's claws. After a while it goes down and you plant some dynamite on it's head and its game over for the bug.
You now get to go back to Downtown.

Back in Downtown we see a cut scene of Nazi's activating one of many towers they have been placing around the area.
We are told to go back to the Kreisau safe house.
Here we are attacked by Nazis bursting in through the wall. We have to defeat their attack. They break off the attack after a while which the resistance think is suspicious.

We are told to go to the golden dawn safe house for a meeting with Engle and Sergei.
Alexandrov has gone missing. They think he has went to the zeppelin which is above the town. Apparentyl deaths head has a weapon up there and we have to go stop him from using it and destroy it. We are to go to the airfield.
Seems that the weapon interacts with the towers and kills everyone in the area, which is the whole of the city.
Getting to the airfield starting point is made difficult by a tank.

Mission 12 Airfield
We start in the garage.
Then have to cross some open hangar areas.
Inside a building we meet a woman hanging suspended inside a sphere of energy.
WWe have to destroy three generators to get her to come out of her protective sphere while nasty nazi demon types run interference. the woman comes out of her sphere and is made short work of with the Leichenstat gun.
Then we are in corridors of a stealth plane research factory.
Some puzzling with force field doors and up in a lift.
Then through some catwalks in a hangar. Then we are at the zeppelin.

Mission 13 Zeppelin
On the zeppelin we run around on catwalks on the outer skin then inside to plant dynamite on the propulsions systems.
Then a run through more zeppelin innards until we come to an outside gantry underneath it. We have to use the zeppelins own emplaced guns to shoot up four engines, all sorts of enemies run interference. Female assassins, flying bombers and he usual soliders.
We then get inside and a cut scene shows that the leader of the Golden dawn has been a nazi spy all along. It was him who betrayed us at the train station and Carolyn to the Nazis.
We have to storm a control room which is filled with enemies, quite a hard section.
Then back outside and into a bomb bay type area.
Then its the portal which is part of the weapon, we have to disengage the weapon and go through the portal after death's head.

Mission 14 Black sun
A quick weapon restock and then a hop into another portal sees us in the black sun dimension.
A cut scene shows death's head and his newly transformed bodyguard admiring their machine.
We now are into a boss battle with Hans the bodyguard who is armoured and toting a mini gun.
There is an arena like circle with circling pylons surrounding a central machine. Hans stands by the machine using his shield. We have to avoid his chain gun and use empower to shoot him through the shiled. The moving pylons fill up our veil energy.
Once we have hit him enough he goes down on one knee and we take out the empower crystal from our amulet and stab him with it. This causes the whole area to blow up and we are now fighting inside the suspended explosion. Hans seems to run around at will and we have to take him out the best we can using the time slowing mire to get some shots in.
We fall down a tall spire of rock and now have to climb back up.
Hans shoots at us and the monsters arrive as well.
We have to climb up the tower shooting at hans at points and killing hordes of monsters.
At the top we get the objective to destroy Hans and the  machine.
Blasting the crap out of Hans is fairly simple and that's it game over.
We run back through the portal and watch a cut scene of BJ escaping the burning exploding zeppelin by parachute. The zeppellin crashes into the castle. The thule medallion is broken and that is it. The credits roll.

It took 7 hours 15 minutes to complete the game according to the in game clock, although it did feel like more than that I have to say.
140 achievement points

Ok I have two side missions that I have not found, so I am going back to do them.

When  you restart the game after you finish it you are at the start of the black sun mission. However you can abort the mission and get back to downtown.
Here you can do the other side missions that are left.
I go to the marker and a man is trying to blow up the towers around the town. We have to hold off waves of all kinds of enemies until he does, which takes him about five minutes.

There are now two more towers to blow.
I follow my marker to the radio station.

Mission 15 Radio station
This is a fun romp along a street with lots of enemeies then into a building where we have force field switches
Then we have a new bit where we have to make our way through air ducts and find hidden ladders to climb up to another air duct.
Then on the roof another new idea a force field has a power line running from it to a red object when seen in the veil, a rocket to it turns off the force field.
We then have an emplaced gun to use on the tower. We now have to escape the burning building.

There are still two towers to destroy on the map. I go to the first and plant dynamite on it.
The second is further away but the same idea.
I have gathered a few more achievements at least.
Shame I almost missed that radio station mission it seemed fairly good for a mission i might never have seen.
I achievement hunt a bit more by sitting on a power area and staying in te veil and mire it gives you achievements for using them.

So after another bit of play I have completed what I can find, apart from all the collectibles.
So 8 hours in total.
200 achievement points.

Most of the achievements are for multiplayer.

Mire power slows time
Shield stops bullets
Empower makes bullets pass through things and hurt more.
Veil allows you to see doors objects and

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