Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Avatar Notes

First thing is to choose an appearance for you and your avatar.
A cut scene shows a shuttle flying down to land on Pandora.
An in game engine cut scene starts and we are on the shuttle and The doctor is talking to us about Pandora. She is mad that more soliders are coming. Still we are assigned to Dr. Harper and we watch as the shuttle lands.
We are picked up at Hells gate by a character called Kendra.

I get control and we can run around in the landing area. Kendra is there with a Y above her head which suggests we should speak to her.
Usuall analogue sticks for movement and camera. Third person left of screen over the shoulder view.

We move through an airlock, and through the complex to meet with Dr. Monroe.
Dr. Monroe is an ass and gives us grief, he tells us to hurry up and get into the avatar link machine.
We see a cut scene of our character getting to grips with her avatar form.
We are now tasked with going to see a person named Midori. That is Kendra's surname.
Kendra tells us to go and see Falco.
We go up in an elevator to the command deck and meet with Falco.
he wants us to find a mole in the avatar programme who is feeding the navi info.
He wants to prevent a native uprising.
We are tasked with finding a chopper pilot and flying to the lagoon.
back down the elevator and outside to the helicopter.
We get to choose from a map of the planet where we want to go.
At blue lagoon we are told to speak to Kendra.
She tells us that viperwolves are attacking and we are to help.
We are to go up to a turret and defend troops who are returning to the camp under heavy viperwolf attack.

Mission 1
Our next mission is to go and find a man called Dalton out in the jungle, he is stuck.
We go out in a buggy, Y to get in. Left trigger accelerates and right trigger brakes.
We come to a barricade and have to get out of the buggy. Here we meet viperwolves, and have to fight through them to get to Dalton.
I pick up a token which if i collect enough of them I can get my health filled up when I am near death.
each viperwolf and some plants give you xp when you shoot them.

Mission 2
Dalton needs us to lock a signal. We have to go to a waypoint and trigger a device.
Then we are told to go back to the base.

Mission 3
We are introduced to fast travel teleporters.
We are told to take a boat and go to the forward base.
We take a boat to the forward base and meet Kendra.

Mission 4
Dalton is in more trouble.
We go and speak to him and he tells us that there is breaches on the fence.
We have to go and fix some malfunctioning sonic repulsors.
Two repulsors must be fixed and some viperwolves killed. Back to Dalton for the mission end.

Mission 5
A change of scene
Kendra asks you to "fire up" your avatar.
We are then told to go and see Dr Harper.
I trudge through the jungle to the next marker.
Dr harper is strange, he tells us we will either be best of friends or worst of enemies.
He tells us to go and help his associates.
We are asked to go and sample a chalice and a scorpion thistle.
I go to the marked area and there are plants which need to be sampled.
Viperwoves attack as I do.
I collect enough samples and am told to go back to Dr. Harper.

Mission 6
I go to Dr Harpers map location and a cut scene shows us being saved from a huge beastie by a native.
We are prompted to go and speak with the native.
He is called Tan Jala and speaks very good english, apparently Harper has been teaching him.
He tells us that sturmbeasts have became infected with something brought by the humans.
He wants us to kill the sick ones.
I go to the map indicator and find two of these dinosaur type beasts to kill.
A cut scene shows a large gunship blowing up something native in the jungle.
We are told to go and see Falco.

Mission 7
Back at the human base Falco tells us that Tan Jala is the link to the mole he is looking for. He wants us to follow Tan Jala to a meeting with the mole.
We have to take a long linear trek, supposedly following Tan jala.
At the waypoint we see Tan Jala meeting with Dr. Harper.
Falco tells us not to let him get away.
Harper tells us that he has joined the Navi and shows us that the gunship was blowing up a navi village.

Mission 8
We are given a choice shoot Harper or shoot the soliders. This will split the game along two paths.
I choose to help the Navi first.
Shooting the men finishes the mission.
We see Falco escape.

Mission 9
We find ourself in the Navi Village. Harper has a waypoint above his head.
I go and speak with him. He tells us that he is going on a mission to recover their human bodies and bring them here.
He tells us that we need to learn how to ride an animal. We must learn from a warrior, however we must speak with his mate marali first.
beyda'amo Need us to bring him a plant sample.
We have to shoot a special plant using our bow and arrow. This turns some rocks and makes a jump possible.
We then have to get the sample. Taking the sample spawns some human enemies.
We then have to take the sample to Beyda'amo.
He is not happy with the flowers and is distrustful of one who can betray their own kind. Some much for accepting that you think the humans treatment of the navi is so despicable that you are prepared to betray your own kind. Silly boy.
Anyway he wants us to destroy some towers to prove our worth. Apparently the RDA have left some bombs lying around.

Mission 10
I have to go back to Marali.
She tells us that the flower we gave to Beyda'amo tells him that we have her blessing.
She tells us to go and find seven sets of explosives.
This is harder than it looks. The open map here is a bit of a maze and getting to the seven waypoints is harder than it looks.
Also there are lots of soldiers, floating exploding drones and gunships flying around.
There are also emplaced guns on towers.
The avatar has four weapons, An RDA avatar gun. Bow and arrows, sword and staff.
I eventually manage to find the bombs and place them at the tower.
I have to now speak to Beyda'amo
He asks us to tame an Ikran, we have to climb to the Ikran nests.

Mission 11
I have to make my way to the ikran nest. There are viperwolves in the way.
This is a long climb up though a vertical ascent to the nests of the banshees.
There are soldiers in the way at times.
I make it to the top and a cut scene shows us getting our banshee.
We now have to fly it back to Beyda'amo through a series of waypoint markers.

Mission 12
Beyda'amo want us to attack some towers the RDA have placed to spy on the Navi.
There are three towers, I think there might have been some strategy planned here and a bit more depth, however basically all I did was fly the banshee in right to the base of the tower, set off the bomb you trigger at it's base and fly out. Rinse and repeat three times.
Back to Beyda'amo and he thinks you have done well, but you are still a human and he hates you for it.

Mission 13
We have to go and find harper.
He tells us the the RDA are sending in dragons. These are the huge gunships.
We are told to climb too higher ground and destroy the dragon.
We have to do this three times. Basically climb to a vantage point near the dragon and jump on top of it. Then you hit a marked spot and rinse and repeat three times.
The dragon goes down, however it's friends turn up and blast your cabin where your human body is stored. Your avatar slumps to the ground.

Mission 14
You awake after the ceremony to transfer your consciousness into yout avater. A priestess named Sanume tells you that your human body is dead. Bedya'amo still thinks you are not Navi.
We are in a new map called world tree.
Sanume tells us of the well of souls, an ancient willow tree which is the nexus of the gaia like spirt of Eywa which binds and connects all Pandora life.
Falco seeks to gain control of it. We must get there first.
We have to speak with San Jala.
He wants us to fly to Swotulu.
At Swotulu we are to speak with Mekanei the shaman. He tells us to go and find Lungoray.
We have to investigate three locations. At each we find some RDA shooting up the navi settlements.
Encounter jeeps and exoskeltons here to fight.
After the three locations we have to speak with Mekanei who tells us he has found out the Lungoray and Unipey have went to attack bulldozers.

Mission 15
We move to the new map location where we find bulldozers sitting idle in huge swathes of cleared land.
I find unipey after blasting flowers which knock down rocks.
She is as usual hostile, I wonder why i even bother. She wants us to disable the bulldozers, only because she thinks we will fail and die.
There are two bulldozers, now that the mission is started they move in a circle. You must get onto trees above them and jump on top and hit a control antenna.
This disables the bulldozer. There is also a tower which is easily destroyed by shooting blue plants near it which are explosive and they blow the tower with them.
Back to Unipey for more abuse.

Mission 16
Unipey wants us to free captives  of the RDA Lungoray may be amongst them.
We go to an rda outpost and break in through a weak part of the fence. Here some soldiers fight us, we hit a switch to free some prisoners and go back to Unipey.
She tells us that Lungoray has gone to attack the factory and we should go and help him.

Some details on the abilities
Swarm wrath
summons a cloud of beasties to swarm and kills anything around you in a short radius.
Kinetic dash
Makes you phase in and out and run faster
Pandora's union
Become invisible for a short spell
Titan bash
A ground pound move that stuns nearby enemies
Pandora's protection
A shield that reduces damage.
Eywa's breath
Restores your health bar.
Beast's Aegis
calls a viperwolf to fight with you.
Whirl of fury
Improves you damage for a short time.

All of these are triggered by Pressing left bumper and pressing a mapped face button.
They last a short time and then recharge before they can be used again.
There are upgrades to these for greater length or strength of effect.
Bows, swords and bow are also given upgrades at certain levels of xp.

Mission 17
We enter the compound of the mine through a weak fence and fight some soldiers, pressing a switch opens a gate down to the mining area.
Here is a huge quarry. I find a Navi dead in the middle, it is a trap, three exoskeletons appear and attack.
I manage to kill them and then have to climb up some vines to get higher up the sides of the quarry.
At the top we can jump over to a mining platform. A gunship drops some soldiers and you have to clear them. You then jump to the platform and flick a switch. This brings a banshee to get you clear as the platform explodes.
I go back to Unipey and she is actual greatful this time.
She tells us they Lungoray will guide us to him now.

Mission 18
We have to follow a glowing trail of willows and plants to Lungorays location.
As we get there Kendra talks to us.
Seems things are getting out of hand in the RDA camp and a lot more people are beginning to have cold feet about what falco and the likes are doing to the Navi.
We enter the glade and meet Lungoray
He wants us to gather shards for some reason.
We have to trip around the map picking up three shards, which typically are guarded by swarms of rda soldiers, exoskeletons and various wildlife.
Taking them back we get a cut scene.
Lungoray starts to perform a ceremony with the crystal shards which will show him where the well of souls is.
However he is shot by an RDA sniper before completing the ceremony.
Tan Jala tells us that we must complete the harmonic ceremony.
We have to place crystal around the tree on certain spots, the ground glows and the contorller rumbles to signify the spots.
Once done Tan Jala asks you to take the song back to the hometree.
I move to the hometree and speak to Sanume, we have to sing the song for her. We see a cut scene of us doing this.
She tells us we have to find another song for her.
She thinks that we may be the one to speak with eywa the world spirit.
We have to speak to Tan Jala who allows us travel to a new area called Toruka Na Ring.

Mission 19
We speak to Amanti the chief here. She tells us that humans are retreating but destroying everything as they go.
She urges us go and help free captive animals and destroy animals the humans have made insane by tryin to control them.
I go to the location and kill soldiers and viperwolves. There is also a gunship that needs shooting down.
Amanti tells us to go and see beyda'amo
When we get to him he is attacking a human camp.
He asks us to help in destorying a dragon.
We have to shoot the four rotor blades of the dragon as it flies around the clearing.
Then release animals from cages by shooting the locks.
Hukato wants us to bring him some healing plants to heal his thanator so it can fight with us.
I collect the plants and go back to Hukato.
He tells us we can now ride the thanator.
We have  to speak to beyda'amo who as usual is a prat.
beyda'amo wants us to collect a crystal for the song.
Doing this is easy enough.
back at Beyda'amo he want us to report to Tan Jala.
I get to Tan Jala and he wants us to get the next shard.
we have to destroy all the rda forces in the area.
Then pick up a shard.
Tan Jala sends us to Amanti for the last shard.

Mission 20
Amanti tells us we must pass through a bad place. Beyda'amo will show us the way.
Beyda'amo shows us a place where the rda have been experimenting on the animals again.
A cut scene shows the larger flying predator attacking a dragon.
We have to progress through the rda experimental zoo killing all the implanted animals including two thanators.

Mission 21
Amanti sends us to collect the shard.
I collect the shard and return to the village. Here we place the three shard in the right spots and get the new song.
We are told to go back to hometree.

Mission 22
We sing the song and are told to go to Tan jala for the next stage of our journey.
we move to va'era ramunong.
Time to find more shards.
I speak to Swawta and he asks us to secure a navi village to the north.
When i clear the village I am asked to find the village doctor and bring her back.
This is a new thing, an escort mission, though fairly easy. Simply heading back to the village completes it and the doctor simply follows you home.
Now we have to defeat an exoskelton.
The village leader is pleased, he tells one of the navi to show us the shards location.
I go to the navi and he leads us into a ravine where the shard is guarded by rda.
The nest shard is at the east village.
At the east village we are asked to seek healing plants for a leader.
We have to go around collecting samples from a certain plant. There is big creature resistance as well as the rda.
Next we have to go and reunite some hunters who have left due to the loss of the leader. There are three downed hunters and we have to press Y at each of them to complete this task.
I go back to the village and they now have their leader and hunters back.
They point out the location of a shard on the map.
A cave  is blown open for us and inside is rda and the shard.
Next we have to go and find Beyda'amo to the north.
Beyda'amo is as usual openly hostile while asking us to save him.
Why we bother I don't know.
We have to destroy rda troops so that Beyda'amo can get survivours out of the war zone.
Next he wants us to blow up weapon crates as a diversion while he attacks elsewhere.
The crates are heavily guarded, hitting four switches sets of the bombs.
Back to beyda'amo who gives us the location of the final shard.
We go to an rda base which is under attack. We have to climb inside some large crystals to find the shard here.
back to Tan Jala with the shards to find the tree.
We find the much larger than usual tree just as Falco bombs it. Managing to get the song first of course we make our ecape.
Back to the hometree to sing the song.

Recovery bar allows you lives, essentially when you die you get to have a full energy bar again, otherwise you go to a respawn point which isn't that far away. Picking up the collectible plant samples gives you ammo and fills the recovery bar, you can fill it multiple times giving you multiple recoveries.

Mission 23
Kxania taw is the new area.
We meet Beyda'amo who tells us the shard is east at a crashed human vehicle.
When we get to it the shard is blown up by a gunship.
Back at Beyda'amo he is pissed off as usual.
Another shard is found again when we get to it through stiff resistance it is bombed from above.
Beyda'amo want to go full on the main rda base.
When we get to the marker we are asked to cause a stampede of sturmbeast to break through the fence.
This is done in cut scene, guess they couldn't be bothered to make it into the game.
Inside the base we have to kill ten defenders then get the shard which is an rda lab.
Now we go to the tree.
Beyda'amo is angry when we tell him that the shards are blown up. However we still manage to collect the song.
Beyda'amo is finally impressed.
Back to the hometree to sing the song.

mission 24
We are asked to go to the well of souls, first though there is a human at the hometree to speak with us. It is Kendra, she tells us that Falco knows the location of the well of souls. It seems we are in a race against time now to activate the dormant well of souls.
We move to a new map location Kaolia tei
Beyda'amo tells us that the way to the well of souls is blocked by humans.
He wants to knock out the commanders so they the rda will be in diarray.
we have to speak to three navi and get our targets.
Our first is named batista.
I ride to his location and kill him.
Then back to the navi who asked us to kill him to report.
Next target is a man called Winslow.
back to the navi to report.
Our next navi is in the mountains and we have to fly to him.
Our target is man called Savoy.
He is in an exoskelton I kill him.
Back to the navi.
Now we have to fly to the well of souls.

Mission 25
We go to a new location called tantalus.
We have to march through a cave to meet Amanti.
When we get to Amanti she wants us to defend the village.
We have to kill 18 attackers.
we must find some air travel.
A short distance away the leonopteryx which is a larger reptile bird lets us get on it's back.
We then fly to the well of souls.
At the well Falco arrive with a dragon, we activate the well in cut scene and a blast of energy from it brings down the dragon.
Tan Jala arrives and congratulates us.
The credits roll.

11:51 to complete the Navi campaign. 290 achievement points.

Now it's back to the checkpoint, which has handily been saved for us.
I am back at the mission where we choose to shoot either Harper or the rda men.
I shoot harper down. In cut scene he dies and shoots me with an arrow. My avatar dies. Our helicopter crashes and we have to find a mining base to find help for the injured pilot.
I get to the mining base and get inside.
The situation in the mining base is bad, they are under siege by banshees.
Winslow gets us a scorpion to return to the crash site with.
Flying the scorpion takes some getting used to.
At the crash site Kendra wants us to take circuits from the downed chopper to get our missiles online.
We have to now take out the banshee nests.
Using rockets we have to blow up five banshee nests.
Inside the base we are told to go and collect three shards and take them to the willow tree. No explanation is given.
I fly a scorpion to the first location, it is a cave, inside I get the shard then the cave falls down around me. You have to escape the only exit quickly before it all comes down.
Onto the next shards location inside the crystal cave.
I am now to go to the tree.
We have to place the three shards at the tree.
Kendra meets us with a scorpion.
We get the ability to move between maps on the globe now.
I have to go back to Hell's gate.
At hells gate we have to upload the harmonic to the computers so that we can make the emulator.
Monroes goals are to find the well of souls and place a device called the emulator at it. This emulator will hack the navi's links with nature and seriously screw up their bonds with the plants and animals.

We have to go to FEBA now wherever that is.
At the feba we are to help with the soldiers needs and locate the shards.
At the first waypoint we have to kill a hammerhead before we can get the shard.
At the next we see a chopper go down and have to go look for survivors.
I meet the surviors and they tell me the shard is here but guarded by a beastie.
I get to use an exoskeleton.
I meet the thanator shoot it a lot and get the next shard.
I get a ride in a chopper back to Kendra.
I go to a man who is under siege from Beyda'amo.
Once I kill the navi attacking I can get the shard.
Now we have to go and get the harmonic.
Once we have set the three shards around the tree Bedya'amo turns up and I have say I enjoyed killing him, serves him right for being a twat.
back to Kendra and we have to go back to Hells gate and speak to monroe.
Monroe tells us that the navi use a special navi called the first voice to control the well of souls.
The emulator is an emulator of what the first voice does.

Graves Bog
We are now going to grave's bog.
We have to get the first shard from a navi village.
Then report to Fulson, she asks us to guard the west gate, then the south gate and the east gate. We have to kill 10 navi at each gate.
Then we have to prevent sturrmbeast from trampling the camp flat.
This is an on rails jeep ride whilst firing a rocket turret at sturmbeast and navi. We get a bit in the middle where the jeep breaks down and we have to hold the enemies off until we get going again.
We meet up with Kendra and have to get a shard from a navi village to the west.
A scientific camp has gone quiet, they have a shard, looks like they are under attack.
We have to go investigate.
I find the camp and it's totally wrecked and full of stuurmbeast. I find the shard in a container inside one of the ruined cabins.
I go to a soldier called Jezik and he wants us to collect a shard from a navi village.
I get it and go back to him, he sends me to the Tree which is guarded by Tan Jala.
I kill Tan Jala then put the shards around the tree.
Back to Kendra and off to Hells gate.
We give Monroe the harmonic and are told there is one more needed.
Falco is getting ruder, we have to go to the hanging gardens.

Hanging Gardens
When we get there the camp is being attacked by Navi, we have to kill ten to finish the attack.
I speak to Winslow, who want us to activate repulsors at a supply depot.
I do this and Batista comes to us and tells us that we need to recover detonators from a helicopter crash site so he can blow open the way for us.
We have to go back to winslow who tells us to blow down two rock walls.
I do this and viperwolves pour into the camp. We are tasked by Winslow with stopping the attack.
We have to blow up viperwolf nests, four of them.
Winslow now wants us to get his radar working. We have to find power cells for it.
We then have to take the power cells to the radar and activate it.
We have now used the radar to find Harper. However there are two link signals suggesting two human avatars.
We are sent to investigate.
Kendra also wants us to find the three shards.
I find a human avatar and kill it, then kill him when he emerges from the link chamber cabin.
I go to a location and place three charges this blows open three caves, inside is a shard.
I find the other avatar and kill him and his human.
I find a shard at the top of a large spiral staircase type rock.
Back to Kendra We are sent to get the tree harmonic, also it looks like Harper will be guarding it.
I get to the tree and a wall seperates us. We have to get Batista to blow it up.
Batista provides us with a vehicle to blow up the wall. I do so and enter a new map.
I kill Harper and place the shards around the tree.
Back at Hells Gate Monroe has gone missing.
I am asked to upload the harmonic by Kendra.
Falco has gone after the well of souls to destroy it. We are to follow.
I go to the plains of Goliath.

Plains of Goliath
I am told to go to Quaritch, he tells us to take out some Navi commanders.
We are to go and see Batista
He tells us to go and find and kill a navi named, Swatwa, here we get another choice moment in cut scene when I get close to the Navi.
Falco is nuts and going to wreck the emulator and plunge Pandora into chaos for both the Navi and the humans.
I decide to stick with Falco as I really like him (Not).
I kill the navi and report back to batista.
Now we have to kill Hukato for Winslow.
We are told to take the scorpion to the last commander.
Savoy gives us Raltaw as the name of the navi we have to kill.
I go and kill Raltaw.
Back to Quaritch and he gives us a dragon to go after Falco.
I fly the dragon to a base and land it.
We need to blow down a wall.
So now we have to gather explosives.
I do and take them up to a village.
I have to fend of navi attack for three minutes.
Then place three charges.
Then get to a safe distance.
Now we are told to take the dragon to the well of souls.
At the well of souls we land the dragon and meet falco who is setting up the emulator.
We get to fight him one on one.
The fight is fairly easy for a last boss.
I attempt to fix the mess of the emulator that Falco has made and get it working. Navi approaching on Banshees are thrown by their mounts.
Quaritch calls us a hero and asks that we return to base.
Grace talks on the radio telling us that all we have done is show Eywa how cunning we are and next time she will be ready for us.
Credits roll for the second time.

9hrs 20mins. 490 achievement points in total now for 21 hours of playtime.

Shield, replenish health, air strike, shock wave
Run fast more damage. Selectable from a menu to hot button onto the face buttons.

I try the conquest which is a mini strategy game where you build troops and vehicles and move them around a globe like map. The aim is to take over all the territories. I soon run out of money and interest.

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