Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Saboteur Notes

I Choose to play on hard.
I am asked to enter a code from my game box which entitles me to download the midnight show, which is a piece of DLC that adds nudity and gambling.
Have to sign up for an EA marketing account, which I will probably regret when they spam me to death.

Tone is set as the first thing we see is a girl in panties and stockings and heel and nothing else dancing in a club.
Nazi's are drinking and abusing the place.
The hero of the piece is sitting at a bar drowning his sorrows looking at a black and white picture. A french man comes up to him and asks to join him. The hero tells him to get lost. The frenchman tells the hero that he has been watching him and tries to goad him into helping fight the Nazi's. The frenchman tells our hero to come outside when he is ready to fight.

We are to head to a waypoint marker. Usual anaologue stick controls, third person view.
Y opens the door at the waypoint.
Now after a short load we are out on the street outside the club. We have to renevous with Luc, who is I presume the frenchman.

Mission 1
Luc wants us to help him blow up a petrol depot.
We have to get into a car.
Y to get into the car, Right trigger to accelerate, left trigger to brake, A for handbrake.
A short drive through the black and white city. We find Nazi's beating on an old woman and Luc gets out and starts a fight.
Holding down Left trigger on foot puts us into brawl mode.
X to hard punch, A for quick jab, B to kick.
We have to fight a few Nazi's then onto another waypoint.
Here we find a guarded gated area where there is some weapons to steal.
I am told to climb up to a rooftop lookout post and throw the guard off the roof.
We can clamber up the side of the building in an Assassins Creed/Crackdown style.
On the roof I grab the guard and thow him off using left trigger and Y. I then have to go down and help Luc fight more soldiers. We then break some crates and get the dynamite.
Now I have to go back to the car.
A short drive gets us to the fuel depot.
We are told that a distraction is needed so we can sneak into the depot and place a charge on the main tank.
Luc will blow up a truck and we must climb the nearby building and shimmy along telegraph wires into the depot.
As I get to the top of the roof A cut scene shows LUc blowing up the truck. I then jump and grab the wire and slide into the base, planting the explosives using the Dpad to select them and pressing Y.
The base blows and we see the black and white of the area leave as the Nazi control of the area is weakened.
Now I have to escape the depot.
I find this hard on foot and die quickly.
I see a vehicle and use it to esacpe with ease.
Once I have escaped the usual line of sight type sandbox chase I am told to go back and pick up Luc, then drive back to the Belle which is the name of the club we stared in.
Sean, our hero has a room hidden behind a secret door in the girls dressing room.
The mission ends there.

Mission 2 Prologue, better days
A cut scene shows Sean working on a racing car, a french man that Sean calls brother, I am presuming brother in law comes up to him and joshes with him. A woman called Angelique appears and takes the picture we saw Sean staring at in the bar. A father appears and urges them to prepare the car for transport to a race. Seems that Sean is driving it in a race and Jules is his mechanic.
We have to drive the truck through countryside to the German border and pass into Germany for the race.
Parking the truck we are guided to a bar.
Inside the gang celebrate and get ready to turn in for the night so they can be fresh for the race tomorrow. A german race driver arrives and goads the gang until a fight breaks out.
After fighting all the nazi's in the bar we are told to run as the bar owner has called the police.
Outside a cut scene shows the Nazi's catching up to Jules and Sean, However a woman named Skylar turns up in a racing car and we get in and have to escape the alert.
Two nazi cars seem to be able to match my pace and I have to make the a.i. crash by going through some trees to get any distance from them.
Once lost we drop Jules at the hotel and get a cut scene of Sean and Skylar chatting in bed. Seems they are old flames. Skylar it seems is the rich english duchess type, moulded after Lara Croft.

Mission 3 Sunday drive.
We see Sean the next morning, Skylar was gone when he woke.
We have to take Jules to the track, this is a short drive.
A cut scene shows the race starting.
We now have to participate in the race, as soon as we overtake the german in first place he shoots out out tire. Sean is annoyed as they watch Dierker take to podium.
Sean swears to get him back.
We have to tail Direker out to a car factory, where Jules suggests that they are making more than cars.
We stash the car and have to approach the factory on foot.
We take Dierkers parked car and drive it off a cliff. However we are caught doing this and taken to Dierker.
Jules is tortured by Dierker, Sean is asked to divulge his operation to Dierker, who it seems thinks he is a British agent.
Dierker shoots Jules when Sean doesn't give him what he wants. Sean escapes his bonds in rage and punches Dierker.  Sean is restrained again and Dierker leaves to tend his broken nose. Sean then escapes his guards and we are free inside the Nazi base.
Out in the corriodors of the base we are tasked with stealth killing nazis. Holding left bumper and pressing X breaks the neck of the enemy, Y beats the back of their head in.
We now have a balcony with a huge symbol on it. We have to kill a guard, climb up the symbol and get another guard at the top.
Now we climb down a ladder and into the base proper, a fight breaks out and we find some good guns at last.
We overhear Franziska and Eckhardt talking about the invasion. Fighting our way out into the front of the base we get a vehicle and escape the base. Now we have to get out of germany. Into france we find the invasion has begun and nazi troops are everywhere blowing up everything.
At the farm we find Vittore and Veronique being attacked and we have to storm the burning farm to rescue them both.
In cut scene Veoronique is upset with Sean for taking Jules to the base and blames him.
They all escape to paris and we see them arrive at the belle and explain to Jules' mother about his death. Sean swears vengence on Dierker.

Misson 4
We have to walk through the belle to meet Luc upstairs.
In the downstairs cellars we find a secret club under  the main one, this one for the reistance only.
I eventually find Luc. It seems that in anger for the fuel depot explosion the nazis have been taking prisoners of known rebels. Veronique tells us that Vittore has been taken to a slaughterhouse.
We are told about the suspicion meter and the visibiltiy icon. The amount of trouble we cause will raise the meter if we can be seen by a nazi the exclamation point appears on the radar.
If the suspicion meter fills a nazi will blow his whistle and we will be on alert and have to escape.
We have to drive Luc to a waypoint.
Here Luc informs us that the resistance have been providing co-ordinates of german installations to the British air force. Bombers are due to level the place tonight.
Luc tells us to kill a nearby sentry and take his uniform, we have to punch or stealth kill him as shooting him ruins the disguise.
Once we have a uniform we can enter restricted areas, though if we run, jump or plant bombs we will be challenged.
I get the guard and the uniform, then enter the area. The guards all glow red when they are attacking you, now with the uniform  on they glow blue.
Getting too close builds the suspicion meter, so does running. We have to walk slowly and pick our way through the guards. Inside I am caught, but shooting a few nazi's and turning off the alarm is the only penalty.
I find Vittore in a cell and get him out. We are told by a wounded Luc that the bombers are coming and we will have to hide in the cellars. I go to the cellar and we see a cut scene of the bombers hitting the location.

Mission 5
now we are in the reistance headquarters. Luc is shot, and needs some anti-biotics.
We have to procure them from a black market man.
Santos the black marketeer wants us to collect a bottle of champagne for him, this will be used to barter for the medicine.
I go to the location marker and find a party going on. The bottle of champagne is sitting there for me to take. I try and sneak in over the roofs and get it stealthily, however, I am useless and end up just shooting everyone. I take the bottle and am directed to a green waypoint which is a hiding place. Getting into this while not in line of sight of an enemy loses them.
Now it's back to Santos.
Who gives us the meds in return for the champagne. We now have to take the meds to Veronique, who is rude about us getting Jules killed again.

Now there are mission markers on the map. Lu for Luc missions and Sa for Santos missions.

Mission 6 Vittore
Seems that there is an informant within the resistance.
We have to find the general that is meeting the informer as Vittore knows there is going to be a meeting later that night.
I tail the general and see him meet the mole. I tail the mole a little and when it's quiet break his neck, mission done.

Mision 7 Santos
santos explains that we can use his shops. We can get credit for items liberated from the Germans.
To be allowed to use the shops we have to do some jobs for Santos, Kill a german general, blow up a tank and blow up a radar antenna.

This was an introductory mission to conntraband. All of these jobs earned us some contraband. Other jobs include blowing up aa guns, searchlights, guard towers, fuel stations and propaganda speakers.
There is also a perk system which sees Sean's abilites being upgraded.
We can also upgrade weapons bought from the shop.

Mission 8 Santos
Santos wants us to steal a car from a German general, seems he bought it from one of Santos' competitors. Santos wants to teach him a lesson, alway buy from Santos, being the lesson.
I find the car in a guarded courtyard with gates. I try sneaking in over the rooftops, but get shot to bits and the car is driven away by a soldier. I decide to forgo the stealth approach. I ram the gate with a stolen car, jump out beside the car I need to steal then drive it away. Ignoring the masses trying to kill me. I then have to escape the wanted rating and drive the car back to Santos.

Mission 9 Luc
luc wants us to break some resistance fighters out of jail for him.
There are four men in cages in a large heacily guarded square.
I free the men under heavy fire one at a time then have to escape a wanted rating.
On  reporting back to Luc we are given the ability to call in resistance fighters to help us fight.

Mission 10 Veronique
Veronique wants us to help her deliver a package.
We have to take her in a car to pick up a package. Then drive her to a spot. She gets out and tells nazi's guarding the door that she is taking a package of wine and cheese to a general and gets let inside.
She comes running  out and tells us to drive. The house explodes, we have to escape the wanted rating.
Then return to Luc where Sean gives him a piece of his mind about letting Veronique do resistance work.

Mission 11 Skylar
Skylar escaped also and meets up with Sean.
Sean accuses Skylar of being a spy, she drugs him.
We meet Bishop, a british spy, who recruits Sean forcibly in return for absolution for his previous crimes. He will also give him Dierker.
The Nazis dug up a box from a crypt, Bishop wants the box.

mission 12 Skylar
We have to sneak  into the crypt looking for the box.
This is a fairly hard sneak mission. I find that I have to storm the building at the end of the long trek through the cemetry. Inside the crypt we have a few men to kill then we see Sean finding the glowing blue box.
Skylar arrives with a truck and we have to get the truck out of the cemetry and to an ambush point.
Here we have to kill so many nazi's to progress.
Then we have to drive the truck back to the Belle.

Mission 13 Skylar
We find Skylar sitting on our bed in the secret room of the Belle.
On talking to her we are tasked with leaving the Belle.
We have to drive to Bishop. Simple, no interference here.
Bishop takes delivery of the artefact, he quizzes Sean as to wether he peaked, Skylar motions for him to say no and Sean denies looking at it.
Bishop is true to his word and tells us that Dierker is in Le Harve just a mile away.

Mission 14 Skylar
We have to go to a location where a stolen truck is being kept by the resistance. I can drive this truck up to the gates. I then use it to ram them. Inside we have to climb around the outside of a tower then down the stairs of it's insides. All the time under fire. We then climb up to the  zeppellin. Inside a cut scene fight with Dierker then we have to clamber around the inside of the exploding zeppelin as Dierker flees.
I chase Dierker to the other end of the zeppelin and he escapes, Shaun has to jump into the sea without a parachute. He survives with minor injuries.

Mission 15 Wilcox
Wilcox is Bishop's assistance. We tell him that Dierker got away.

Mission 16 Veronique
We go to the resistance base and find Veronique, Sean seems to be about to get romantic with Veronique when Luc turns up and is obviously trying hard to get into her pants as well. Looks like the two are now love rivals.

Mission 17 Luc
Another resistance group wants to join the gang, Sean is to go and check them out.

Mission 18 Vittore
We speak to Vittore and he chides us about our vendetta with Dierker.

Mission 19 Santos
Santos can get us travel papers, he wants us to blow up supply trucks which are carrying the germans own supply of booze and cigarettes. If we blow them up the nazi's will have to buy from Santos.
I find the three trucks which are heavily guarded. However there is an emplaced rocket launching gun on the roof nearby. Getting into this makes the mission easy.
Back to santos for our papers.
Only he wants more money, so we have to go around getting contraband.
Here we have to sneak up on nazi property and well sabotage it. Like the title of the game eh! Now back to Santos when we have enough contraband and he gives us the papers.

Mission 20 Margot
The leader of the other resistance group wants us to do some work for them.
We are to retrieve an important member of the resistance from the germans for them.
Which is a total bastard of a mission. The man is inside a heavily fortified area which takes me an age to get in and out of and numerous deaths. Then we I do get out I lose him on the streets due to a.i. incompetence and have to restart the mission.
I manage it the next time I try fairly well. I learn how to use the resistance getaway car and strike feature which brings in three resistance fighters to help.
This makes it a little easier as the nazi's have more to shoot at than you.
Taking Byrman back to the resistance base finished the mission.

Occasionally NPC's come up to you and pass you notes, such as there is a street race or side mission nearby.

Mission 21 Luc
We find Luc in a square where the Nazi have hung some resistance men they captured.
It seems Dierker is the new chief around these parts. A siege gun is the next target for demolition.

Mission 22 Bryman
Bryman tells us that the siege gun is being targeted on a resistance safe house. We have to hurry and destroy it.
He gives us a special high explosive for the job.
This is quite a fun romp through a corridor type area of the rooftops to get to the gun before it fires. When I get there I plant the bomb and watch as the gun is blown up.
Now we have to escape the alert as usual.

Mission 23 Bishop
Seems that Jules was killed because he saw too much in the plant. Seems the Nazi's are tinkering with nuclear fission.
Bishop wants us to do a job for him. We have to go and meet Skylar.
Skylar wants us to blow up a bridge to derail a train carrying the nazi's bomb scientist.
Seems the scientist is going to defect and the train wreck will make it look like he died. We have to go to the bridge. We need to plant four charges in the understructure then one on top.
We now have to go back to Skylar then meet up with Wilcox.
We meet Wilcox at the trains station.
We have to get on the train and survive a run along it's rooftops with lots of nazi's.
When we get to another station the nazi's stop the train, we have to get it moving again. Then we have to go to Kesslers carriage. Inside in cut scene a man pretending to be Kessler tries to kill Sean, Sean kills him and finds the real Kessler. We then see a cut scene of the two jumping from the train as it reaches the bridge which blows as the train crosses. We now have to go and meet Skylar.
Seems that their escape route for Kessler has been blown, we now have to stash him in the city. We drive him back to the slaughterhouse base of the resistance.
In the slaughterhouse Luc and Skylar are introduced and she wants his help with British secret agent stuff in return for supplies.

Mission 24 Veronique.
Veronique is jealous of Skylar. She asks him about Kessler and Sean fobs her off.

Mission 25 Luc
Luc wants us to get papers for other resistance members from Santos.

Mission 26 Santos
Santos wants a favour in return for the papers, 500 contraband.
I go and blow up some nazi gear and get the contraband. santos gives us the papers.

Mission 27 Luc
Speaking to Luc we find we have to go and find a rebel leader called Mingo.
We have to take Luc to the meeting.
At the meeting location we are told to go and speak with Mingo and Bonnaire.
The meeting is in the open and pretty soon after it starts the Nazis arrive.
We have to fight our way out and get to the car and escape the alert.
Next we drive to Mingo's secret hideout in the catacombs under Paris.
In the catacombs a cut scene shows Luc talking to the assembled resistance leaders.
He proposes to assassinate Nazi top brass when they turn out of a race the nazi's have organised. Dierker is favourite and Eckhardt one of the brass. Sean is to be the instrument of the assassination by winning the race he will be brought face to face with the brass.
Looks like we have to get a car and enter the race.

Mission 28 Vittore
Vittore tells us about a new car that Eckhardt has in his garage.
Seems it is Sean's old car.
We have to go and steal it from a chateau. Then Vittore will disguise it and we can enter it in the race.
We have to approach the chateau.
Once we get there we have to sneak in.
Blow up an entrance, fight some nazi's in the garage and then steal the Aurora.
We then have to escape the alert in the aurora without getting it blown up.

Mission 29 Bryman
We are going to Gestapo HQ to rescue Kesslers daughter.
We sneak in using a telepgraph wire which is pointed out to us by Bryman.
We find ourselves inside the building and must find our way down to the library.
In the library a secret book opens a hidden door.
Inside the hidden door is cells where Kessler's daughter is.
We find a man and free him then have to blow up a boiler to progress.
Here we meet terror troops.
We then have to chase terror trops through the building who are leaving with Maria.
We meet a few terror troops on a balcony then we meet Maria and  leave in an elevator.
We find ourselves out the back of the hq and a waiting car. I drive back to the slaughterhouse.
In cut scene we see Kessler and Maria reunited, however the fun is short lived as the slaughterhouse comes under attack.

Mission 30
We have to defend the slaughterhouse against attack.
German's marked with red signs above their head must be killed before they plant bombs.
There are emplaced guns you can use.
There are a few waves then we have to blow up a tank.
A cut scene shows Sean and Skylar making a break for it with Kessler while the  rest stay to buy them some time.
We are to take the Kesslers by car to the catacombs base.
When we get there we find that Veronique has been caught by the Nazis.
Sean wants to go and save her, Luc wants to carry on with the mission.

Mission 31 Bryman
Bryman wants us to place wiretaps on the nazi phones during a storm so the tampering will not be detected.
We have to bug 7 phone boxes on the roofs while avoiding the nazi's.

Mission 32 Bryman
Bryman tells us that there is a mole in the resistance.
He also knows where veronique is she is being held in Notre Dam, which has been turned into a prison.
We can't get into the prison as it's very heavily guarded. However Bryman has a plan to get in over the walls.
We are  to go to a zeppelin station and hijack one.
I go to the station which is a heavily fortified little island on the river.
I manage to get to the top and send a signal with Bryman's help that brings a zeppelin in. I get on board it and it taxi's me into the Notre Dam zeppelin platform.
Now we have to stop the public executions which are taking place in the courtyard. Veronique is in the queue for execution. We have to shoot the executioner and then protect Veronique.
Which is a bit of a lie as we just have to go up to her to trigger  the next scene.
Bryman drives a truck into the yard and we get in. sean has to take the gun on the back of the truck. This is a classic on rails section and we get loads of trucks and even planes to shoot at.
Eventually it ends and we split up.
We have to take Veronique back to the catacomb base.

Mission 33
A cut scene shows Luc planning to carry on with his race plan. Sean warns him that a mole may have already told the nazis what he plans.
Luc is determined to carry on as he feels that there will never be a better time to cause as much damage to the nazi top brass as this.
Vittore is to drive instead of Sean.
We see Sean knock out vittore and take his place.
The race starts through the paris streets, Dierker is driving the lead nazi car.
I basically win the race and sean slams the bomb/car into the stand with the brass under the eiffel tower causing a massive explosion.
We now have to escape the nazis.
During the race the Belle has come under attack, we have to get there now.
At the Belle we find the place a smoking ruin and Vittore dies in Sean's arms.
we have to go to the catacombs as Sean thinks that they will hit it next. He wants to warn the resistance.
When we get to the catacombs entrance it has been covered up, Sean asks two resistance men guarding it if there is another way in. There is but the Nazi's have found it.
We now have to fight through the back door into the catacombs and through the bony catacombs themselves.
We eventually meet up with under siege resistance members.
Some tomb raider/uncharted type clambering is needed to get accross to them. We find that Santos is the one who has betrayed us.
we have to repel two waves of terror squad attacks.
Luc is trapped by rubble and the gang have to flee. Sean is asked to shoot him and can't, Veronique does the job.
We escape the catacombs and meet Skylar. She is upset that Kessler has went missing.
Veronique goes to be alone for a while.

Mission 34 Skylar
It seems Kessler is back at work for Eckhardt. This must be stopped.
Skylar flies Veronique and Sean to the factory.
We arrive at a parked plane and must get to the factory.
I drive up to the factory and get inside, we have a long trek through the factory fighting terror troops all the way.
Eventually we come to the room where Dierker killed Jules. Inside we find Maria and Sean tells veronique to get her out of the factory and back to the airstrip.
Sean goes on alone to get Kessler.
We find Kessler and he tells us that we must destory the cyclotron.
We have to protect Kessler while he opens the door.
We then have to press a lever simultaneously with Kessler to open up the cooling rods of the huge machine. Once these have been shot we turn our attention to the core of the machine and then have to escape through the burning building.
Outside we see the whole place go up.

Skylar flies us back to Paris and we find that Dierker survived the blast at the eiffel tower and have been going mental since. Sean sets out to kill him.

Mission 35
I drive into Paris and find that there is open fighting in every street between resistance and nazis.
I ahve to drive to the eiffel tower.
Once there in cut scene Veronique laments the situation and wants the resistance to back off. She tells Sean that there is no leader now that Luc is dead. Sean tells her that she is their leader and must take charge and call a retreat. He kisses her and goes off after Dierker alone.
We climb up the Eiffel tower, using lifts, on the way we find lots of murdered nazis. Seems Dierker has killed almost all under his command in a fit of rage.
Sean eventually confronts him. Revenge is hollow however, though Sean is beginning to accept that while he fought the Nazis seeking revenge on Dierker for killing Jules. The greater fight against the evil of the Nazi's is more important than his original quest.
Seems he will continue to fight for the greater good this time.
The credits roll after we have blown Dierker off the balcony with a single shot.
Not the boss battle I was expecting but a nice ending which really hammered the futility of the final revenge moment for Sean.

That is the main story over. That accounts for only 62% of the missions and I have only done about 4% of the freeplay targets of which there are hundreds.
15 hours on the ingame clock.
535 achievement points.

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