Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dante's Inferno Notes

I play on Zealot Mode.

Acre near Jerusalem
We see the hero in a forest sewing a cross into his chest. Good that this is a fantasy as he would be dead from the infection in a week if this was real.
The contrast from the high quality rendered cut scene to the cartoonish battle scenes is marked.
We see battles and innocents being slaughtered.
Prisoners are being kept in the city, we see their hands pressing between bars in the square courtyard we start in. Fireballs are falling from the sky.
We get control for the first time. We have a pike like weapon. X for light attack and Y for heavy attack.
Left analogue stick moves the hero and the right makes him dodge in the direction pressed.
A bunch of enemies attack us, five or six at a time.
Once we kill them all a boat crashes into the dock and we can use it to jump to the next area.
We can jump using A, pressing it again whilst in the air double jumps.
As we move to the next area a sneaky little enemy comes in behind us in cut scene and slides a knife between our shoulder blades.
The light changes and Death rises from the ground in a smokey cloud.
Death tells Dante that he is damned for his sins, which is news to Dante as he thought he was on the good side.
We resist Death and start a fight with him. He is a hard boss to kill so early on in the game. Left trigger is block. You need to use is here as death attacks often and ferociously. I wear him down by blocking most of his attacks and timing my attacks with the end of his. Occasionally he grabs you and you must mash the B button to get out of his grip. When Death's health is low you press Right trigger and steal his scythe. You then bash him with it until his health is down. You then have a quicktime sequence to get through to finish him off.

Florence Italy
Dante goes home to his wife Beatrice he posesses Death's scythe. When he gets there Death is everywhere, a dead bird outside a priest with a cross jammed in his eye and outside his house he finds Beatrice dead with a sword in her belly.
He touches her lips and a white smoke appears, this takes Beatrice's form and she tells Dante that she must go with him as she promised she would. A dark mist envelopes her and a dark figure can be seen grabbing her and taking her away. Dante follows.
We stand in a cemetry and the undead rise from their graves to attack.
We get a new ability here to grab enemies with right trigger.
As we kill the enemies we collect their souls.
I am told that I have enough to get an upgrade and am taken to the upgrades screen.
This is a skill tree type affair. There are two trees, holy and unholy.
I can get impaler Pressing YY initiates a fierce attack that hits enemies multiple times.
The fire blocking my exit from the graveyard vanishes and I can move on.
I run through some road with a dodgy camera angle and then come to a church.
At a statue of Beatrice I can save my game by Pressing Right bumper at the statue.
There are green fountains that give us health, You have to press Right bumper and mash B to get the health out of them.
I have to press right bumper at the door of the church to open it.
Inside I find Beatrice looking rather weird lying on the Altar naked.
Beatrice asks us why we broke our promise. We see a cut scene of Dante promising Beatrice to be faithful while he is away reclaiming the holy land. A priest promises the troops that they will be rewarded in Heaven for fighting to reclaim the holy land.
We now have the power of Beatrices holy cross which we find on the altar.
Pressing B shoots out blasts of cross shaped white light. We get  some flying bat like enemies to try it out on.
The church collapses into hell and we are fighting more enemies rising from the ground.
We have to be careful of collapsing gorund here.
Eventually the cross falls from the other side and we climb along it to get to the next area.
We can now punish or absolve enemies after we grab them.
We have to mash B or X to do either.
I come to a pole seemingly made out of spinal column. We get on ti by pressing right bumper and can slide down it and jump off by pressing A.
I now have to avoide a huge rolling wheel that is slowly coming towards me. When I kill all the enemies in the area the escape route opens and I can avoid the huge deadly wheel.

I encounter a creature named Virgil. It claims to have spoken to Beatrice and she has asked it to help us. Virgil gives us magic powers. Our first magic power is righteous path.
Holding down the left bumper and pressing a face button gives us access to magic.
Righteous path performs a dash attack and leaves a trail of icy shard in our wake.
Purple Mana fountains give us more magic power.
After a wave of bats and skeltons a new monster appears by bursting in through the walls of the cave like chamber.
It is a minotaur like beast with a man atop it's head steering it.
Once we wear down it's health we have a quicktime sequence to get on top of it and kill it's rider. We then get to control the beast.
It can pound the ground, breathe fire and stomp.
We get some enemies to kill with it then a door behind us glows with a light.
I go to it and have to press right bumper then mash B to open it.
A cut scene shows Dante falling down a large shaft with other damned falling around him.
We land in a new area.
Here we get a save point and find what is called a damned climb. There are areas of wall where we can cling onto and clamber around. Only instead of the usual vines we have people encased in the walls to cling onto.
Virgil gives us a location report. We are entering the blind world.
We see souls going towards a boat and are told that this is the shores of Ascheron.
I fight through some enemies near a moving bridge. I have to clear most of them and then hit the switch that moves the bridge and then get across it quick avoiding enemies before it retracts.
Now we slide down into a cylinder.
At the bottom we fight a larger horned nubian.
Then another and he has some skeleton friends.
Once this is down a control opens up in the middle of the circle. Holding right bumber and moving the left stick rotates the wheel and lifts it up the shaft of the cylinder.
A shiny door can be burst open and we go through.
Now we come to a long cliff edge where we fight some more skeletons nubians and bats.
Now we come to a soul lying on the gorund wailing. It is Pontious pilate we get to punish or absolve him.
I absolve him and there is a little mini-game. Lights flow towards a central wheel with the face buttons. When the light hits the face button you have to press it. This gets faster and faster until I muck it up.
I unlock holy level one here. My cross is now more powerful.
I open a door and a cut scene starts.
I am reminded of my vow to be faithful on my crusade. Seems that Dante wasn't though what he did isn't explained yet.
The devil taunts us and takes Beatrice further into hell.
We fight some more nubians, three at a time here, along with skeletons.
Then we get a save point and a little trip along a gory zip line to the boat of the damned. The rope is cut halfway along and we fall against the boat side. We have to climb along the damned and inside the boat.
Here is a puzzle. We have to move a sliding block around so that it is on the opposite side of a sliding platform, once on the other side we can use it to reach higher areas.
A cut scene plays he talking of someone called Francessca.
We find Orpheus and absolve him.
Now I climb out onto the deck of the ship. We have to fight some more skeletons, nubians and bats. Then a mintoaur arrives. Killing it gets us to ride it and we get another wave to beat up with ease. Now we go to the head on the prow of the ship and rip it off. The boat crashes into some gates and we get the minotaur to jump of and climb the walls.
The beast must jump from gap to gap as the walls crumble. Then a quicktime sequence sees the beast fall and dante jump off onto the walls. We have to run as they collapse and jump to safety.
A save point.
I climb down and inside some corridors.
There seems to be a few ways to go here, so not entirely linear, though I am not sure.
I find a room where there are unbaptised babies. They have hooks for hands and attack me. I have to kill them all.
I absolve Electra
Virgil tells us that he once was alive in ancient Rome.
I get a relic which can be equipped to add value to other powers.
I get some more babies and a nubian to kill.
I come to a chasm and use a scythe swing to get across.
Here we come to a huge humanoid creature which is picking up souls and sniffing them. It then judges them and sticking them on a wheel sends them to the appropriate level of hell.
It sniff us and calls us a glutton and a plunderer.
Dante asks it to judge again and it gets all offended.
This is a rather spectacular boss fight. The judge shows itself waist height in a gap in a circular arena. It sends spiked tentacles up out of the ground at us. Once we dodge those we have to use right bumper to get up high onto orbs we can  cling to, in order to avoide a breath attack it uses.
Once this is done it looks for us, the judge is blind and we can now get in close and give it's face a bashing. We have to be careful here as getting grabbed by it's tongue loses us our chance of hitting the boss and hurts a lot.
The boss brings out two waves of babies, skeletons and nubians.
It then starts slamming the ground and sweeping the area with it's arm.
When it has done a few slams it rests it's hand on the ground. We can then press right trigger to grab onto it and a quicktime sequence shows us hurting the boss.
When it's energy is down we press Right trigger over it's slummped head and drag it by it's tongue to the wheel. We then have to mash B to get it's head pulled into the wheel and minced.
I get tail of minos relic as a reward. Which needs level three unholy to equip, so I can't use it yet.
I come to a rappel line.
These are ropes of gut hanging on the sides of cliffs. We use momentum to swing back and forth on them to reach the next. We can also fight using X and Y on the rappel.
We have to break down a barrier in our way and also fight some bats.
A  cut scene shows Dante angry that King richard wanted the crusaders to babysit the prisoners in Acre. It looks like Francessca was a prisoner who seduced Dante to get her brother freed.
It seems that I need to get some of the unholy levels unlocked as well.
I decide to punish the next victim I come to. I get unholy level 1 as a result.
We are now entering lust. A naked female demon climbs a huge phallus and triggers a storm around it.
Here the is a little puzzle. A blast of lightning comes down the alley that leads to the storm. We have some circles that hold the lightning for a few seconds before letting it pass. Turning a lever turns one of these circles and if you time it correctly you can catch the lightning and turns it back towards the storm. This opens a way through which we have to run for before the door closes.
Once across we fight some naked ladies who errupt tentacles from their abdomens.
Then we have a little puzzle with a snake head. This snake head needs opened with a pully and it's teeth broken before it closes again. With the teeth broken it then opens all the way the next time you use the pully.
Now we get up to a dias. Beatrice is here and she is now dressed at least, though in an Elvira costume.
She vanishes into the roof of the dias.
We have a puzzle here to work out. The dias can be raised and lifted into the next area by the use of two levers, only we have to block the dias' movement after the first lever or we don't have time to get onto it. There is a handy block which can be pulled out of the wall and placed on the dias, this blocks it so we can get on and pull the second lever.
Now we are rising up the shaft of the penis. The huge demon woman is still climbing up the outside. We get waves of nubians, skeletons, babies and women. With also some smash and grabs by the large demon.
I just grabbed one of the women by her vaginal prolapse and tried to pull out her womb. Who thinks this stuff up?
This is a ahrd fight here, makes me fear for my choice of difficulty level.
We have to knock the large demon womans hand from the dias by hitting it. This makes it rise a little making two platforms accessible. The platforms have switches on them. hitting one turns snakes towards the demon woman and the other makes fire come out.
You have to hit her hand off the dias, hit the switch to turn the snakes then knock her hand off again and reach the fire control to hit her with the fire. Babies and women run interference. The time is very tight before the snake heads go back to their original position.
When you get it right the demon woman gets blowtorched and retreats.
I find Paolo Malatesta who was killed by his brother for adultery.
I absolve him.
We now have to climb around on the damned avoiding lightning blasts.
I find Semiramis the Queen of Assyria and absolve her.
I find Arrow of paris relic which increases my grab attack damage.
I climb up to the top of the tower of lust. Beatrice sit on the edge of a bed decked out in her spiky dress. Lucifer arrives and tells us that we betrayed Beatrice. He shows us the scene where we have sex with the slave girl and free her and her brother from the prison in Acre.
Now Beatrice belongs to lucifer and we see them recline on the bed as it vanishes leaving Dante alone.
The demon woman appears and tells dante that he should forget Bratrice. Dante knows now that Beatrice has seen his infidelity but still rails against the injustice that his sin has damned her as well.
The demon women vomits up Marc Anthony to do battle with Dante.
He is a hard fight but I managed it second time around. Using the cross at a distance seemed the best option.
I get a shield relic from him.
Cleopatra comes at us now as a normal sized figure. She advances towards us and seems to be trying to have sex with Dante. If we get the stick movement quicktime right we progress and kill her with our blade.
This give us lust storm magic.
We now fall down the shaft which is no longer being held up for some reason and the shaft seems to be falling apart. Lots of skeletons and nubians to fight while the dias plummets down the shaft. Huge chunks of rock break up the dias until it is very small and eventually totally gone, we wall and have to grab onto a nearby swing point to escape death at the bottom of the shaft.
We now swing along a line of female statues and into a new circle of hell.
Virgil tells us that we will find Helen here.
There are firey orifices here and things are starting to take on an organic look.
Virgil tells us that we are in gluttony.
I slide down a long slide and come face to face with a large monster, three sets of snake like tongue with huge sets of teeth at the end come out of it.
This is Cerberus.
And it is an impressive boss fight. We have three heads to deal with, they snap at you and fire lumps of green goo at you. There are four lumps on the ground that when you get close prompt you to press RB and then mash B to open them up, they spew fire up into the air. The heads are trapped by this fire and knocked down where you can give them a sound pounding, I found that triggering a lust storm and mashing the cross took them out. When you have their energy down a RT appears above them and you do a quicktime sequence to lop off a head. Rinse and repeat until only one head is left. This head needs to be knocked into the fires four times and then it's time for an RT trigger. You get a quicktime sequence where you are eaten by the beast and use the cross inside it to blow up the head and escape.
You get Azraels apprentice after this which gives you a chance to stun an ememy you successfuly block.
We are now fully into gluttony, and it's all human organs and rains of yellow liquid.
Tubes with teeth come out of the ground and try and eat you.
We have a fight with lots of skeletons and tubes in a small room, fire stops you leaving until you have killed them all.
I find ciacco and absolve him.
I find Clodia a gambler seducer and drunkard of Rome.
I come to a room with a large doorway filled with flowing silver.
We have a fight here with Nubians, skeltons and tubes.
I go through the door and we come to a room where gluttons are eating the damned.
Lucier appears and shows us that we followed the gluttons in the shape of the Bishop.
And also fed on the spoils of war.
Dante asks why the muslim souls are not here in hell and Lucifer answers that this is his personal hell.
Lucier shows how Beatrice died. Dante's father tries it on with Beatrice. As she rejects him a muslim soldier burst in and kills dante's father in the fight. He then chases Beatrice and impales her.
Dantes asks Lucifer what more can he take from him. Lucifer tells him to keep fighting and find out.
We now get to fight a glutton monster.
Which tries to eat you, pukes and shits on you.
Now we have to escape the weird room we are in. There are silver teleporters and lots of switches and the perspective is all Escher.
Basically you have to move the switches until you get the teleporters aligned to get yourself dropped onto a floating platform which takes you out of the room.
In the next area we have some rope swings and climbs to negotiate with flaming orifices getting in the way of things much more.
We also have to push a block over some fires to put them out then rush to climb and swing before they light again. Holding B you can charge up a push to send the block flying.
We see Dante's father in cut scene, seems he was a Lord and a greedy one at that.
We are now in Greed.
Which so far is full of moving platforms.
There is a pit full of souls trapped in a yellow liquid,
When you pull a lever a boat comes across with nubians and bats. They start to fill the pool from the boat. You have to kill the enemies and some fire demons before the pool fills and kills you.
You then progress to an area full of moving cogs.
In a room you are trapped with some new enemies. Two headed skeletons with huge maces. They spin around like demented spinning tops and need to be avoided until they stop spinning.
You are trapped in this room which fills with a new type of more deadly skeleton as well as two of the spinners. The skeletons respawn until the spinners are downed. So it is wise to concentrate on the spinners.
Now we have a puzzle in this room. Pulling the lever that rises in the centre of the room makes grinders come down the wall and essentially grate the souls that are stuck on the walls. Another lever higher up makes a press trap open for a few seconds.
I really can't see what I am meant to do here for the first time.
I needed to look up some forum help here as I really couldn't see what to do.
You have to Pull the second lever, jump out to the first then jump quickly back into the ledge before the grater descends. Then and only then can you see a platform on top of the grater. Jump on it and run through the press to get past.
In the next area is a large wheel with spokes. The rim of the wheel goes around the walls of the cylindrical chamber grating souls. In the middle is a demon in a cage on the hub of the wheel. We see a large armoured figure turn on the wheel as we come into the room.
If we fall down into the base of the cylinder, knocked down by the spokes we can climb back up after we have fought a spinner. There are some bats as well.
At the end of a set of platform jumps there is a door and you have to time the button mashing to open the demon door with the spokes moving or you get mashed.
Inside the door is a room with a save point and some health and mana.
The next area is another trap. Buzzsaw blades move up and down the floor of the room. The walls start closing in and two nubians attack.
You have to move a pulley in the centre of the room to open the gate before you are crushed.
This is made hard by the interference of the demons.
Once into the next room you have a giant minotaur and some exploding skeletons to fight.
Then the minotaur opens up the slammed room you just came from.
You progress into a room with a dias and get a fight with a new shield and axe carrying demon.
A switch make a fence go up around the dias and it starts to move.
You haave two spinners and some bats while you are trapped on the dias with them
Then you have to jump to another dias and fight two female demons.
You jump down to a small area and have to fight several axe demons and bats.
There is a save point here. Looks like we are going to have to fight a boss.
We have a huge statue to Plutus the god of wealth.
We have to fight spinners, female demons and exploding skeletons before a puzzle opens up on the floor in front of plutus.
Using a pulley we move crumbling platforms until we can get a clear run at jumping up to the statue.
Behind the statue we have a large open area in front of the wheel of fortune where we fight gluttons, women and exploding skeletons.
Then on to some platforming.
I find Fluvia and absolve her.
Now we come to a save point.
We go down a lift to an area where one of the minotaurs is being driven to move large blocks.
We fight the minotaur and get control. Intrduced here is the chance for the demons to climb up the minotaur when you are controlling it and knock you off.
We move through the minotaurs corridor and come back to the statue of Plutus.
We have to fight some demons and then a block rises from the water. We have to move the block and place it's weight on a pedastal that moves the entire statue of Plutus downwards. With this done we can climb up the walls with the minotaur and make the jump across where the statue used to be and onwards. We move along the walls using the minotuar and end up back in the room with the wheel of fortune where we fight loads of demons with the minotaur.
Dante's father arrives and tells him to go back or he will have to kill him.
I knock over the wheel of fortune with the minotaur and jump down onto the dias it forms.
Here we fight Dante's dad. He uses his large cross as a club and a smaller one as a boomerang type melee weapon.
He also jams the cross into the ground which leaves an echo of it behind which emits a circular shockwave.
I manage to kill him afte a few deaths at his hands.
We get a green jewel from his corpse.
This is called sins of the father
We get a new relic called eye of Alighiero which allows us to abosrb some of the damage we take.
We go across a chasm on a dias ride with some bats. Then some spinners and skeletons.
There is some sliding and ropes and now we are into the anger circle of hell.
This is a rather dank and dreary place with forest like walls. There are souls sticking their hands out of the muddy water.
We get a fight with skeletons, tubes and bats.
Then we have to clamber along the walls. Another fight with fire demons and female demons.
I find boudica and absolve her.
We come to another dias and fight some demons and axe demons here.
I am now ascending up the outside of a ruined tower.
I find Hecuba the Queen of troy who watched her city fall in battle, I absolve her.
We are now inside the tower. There is a lift mechanism that needs a cog to be moved so that it is in the right place to lift the inner dias. The problem is that there is a flame tower in the middle that follows you up and sets fire to the dias if you  are too slow. Fire demons run interference and blocks must be knocked out of the way of the slot mechanism.
Once at the top of the tower a signal fire is lit.
Virgil tells us that we are going to the city of Dis.
I slide down the outside of the tower again.
I find Filippo Argenti a politician who was a rival to Dante's family, I absolve him.
We float across the styx marsh only being pestered by the odd bat. I was thinking that is was too quiet, when the raft which we were on suddenly lifted itself out of the water and revealed itself to be a gigantic demon.
There is some quicktime to survive the fall down it's back then we are on land and fighting demons with the larger monster in the background.
After the smaller stuff is done with we see Beatrice and Lucifer for the first time in a while. Lucifer strokes her breasts and she laments her fate.
We have to progress through some gates and lift a bridge all the while fighting an assortment of enemies and avoiding punches from the huge demon.
Once we have completed this long and arduous fight we pull a lever and go up in a lift.
A cut scene shows Beatrice looking increasingly evil looking. Lucifer tells us that she wagered her soul that he would be faithful. He gives her some pomegranite to eat and she catches fire and becomes even more demonic. Lucifer kisses her and looks Dante in the eye as he does.
Dante looks broken but continues onwards. Plunging his scythe into the brain of the huge demon he guides it onwards.
We walk forwards in control of the demon and the camera pans out to show that we are approaching a huge walled city of the damned. The city of Dis.
We enter the city by smashing in the gates. Then inside we wander like Godzilla in Tokyo wrecking the place.
We come to an impass and the only option seems to be to use fire, when I do the place we are standing on collapses and the demon falls. Dante jumps off and grabs onto the side of the cliff.
We are now in Heresy.
It seems to be made up of cubes.
I fight some demons in corridors with fire coming from the walls. The demons here will turn levers that turn on the fire, hopefully cooking you, you can knock them into the fire using your cross attack.
I find Emperor Frederick II
We progress through some wall clambering and switch pulling. Only new thing here are heretic demons which look like tall female egyptian mummies.
There is a puzzle where we have to put a block on a weight trigger then push it forwards so the we can neotiate a fire trap.
Now we are in a large area with a statue, I press various triggers and move the statue up towards a beam of light. However I get to a point where I find a lever which makes lava flow into an area that makes the statue rise, however it falls back down again.
There is a moveable block but I can't make sense of it.
I know I have to bring the block in somewhere to jam the mechanism but I don't know where to put it. I manage to finally jam it in the cup that you raise.
I am told to go back the way I came.
So I do.
I come back to the base of the statue and get a fair few fights with heretics. Then we go another way that has opened up. This leads us to more clambering around the large room of the statue until we reach another switch which eventually fills up enough lava for the statue to rise to the top and be burned up by the shaft of light.
We can now get up to the light. Which does not harm us.
Through the door behind the light the whole place is shaking as if in the throes of an earthquake.
We now have an annoying sequence where we have to jump for our lives as the place collapses. Stalagmites fall from the ceiling.
We are now into Violence.
There is a save point.
There an awful lot of zip wires crisscrossing the area.
I find atilla the hun and Absolve him.
I find the shoe of nessus relic.
Some annoying checkpointing here, if you know your game's perspective is crap with dodgy jumping between ropes, you should put a fucking checkpoint just before the jumps, every time I died here on a stupid jump I have to go and climb for a minute, absolve a soul and open a fountain and get a relic from a gargoyle. I got sick of doing it and just forgot the loot.
You pass a huge statue with an Axe.
at the bottom of a cliff with nowhere else to go you find a pulley encased in stone. Smashing the stone frees the pulley and it makes the statue move back and forth. You have to make it do this three times which makes the axe break and become a bridge to the next area.
Here virgil gives some chat about the violence circle and we can see huge statues of beasts with statues of people pulling them.
A winged demon attacks here with two swords, you must cut of his wings first before he dies.
I climb up the side of the beast statues and fight two winged demons on top of them.
Then climb down the other side. We have some platform jumping. Then we come to a save point and the wood of suicides. Virgil urges us that we are not ready for this, Dante seems confident that he can take anything hell can throw at him.
There are trees here which seem to have lethal blossoms. Shooting the tree stump nearest that glows seems to stop these attacks.
A trap stops us for a fight with a heretic and bats.
I find Pietro della vigna a Roman chancellor who failed his job and comitted suicide.
We come to an area with two slides into it. Once we are in we can't get out. A block is available but I still can't reach the jump with it at the bottom of the slide.
We have to push the block up the slope and time the jump right to get onto it as it slides and jump again from it to get out of the trap.
We come to an area with a piece of tree that glows. We have to hit it and break it. There are lots of suicide fruits nearby which make dante kill himself if he stands in their field. We have skeletons and demons to fight in increasing numbers until we break the tree.
A cut scene shows dante's mother a being made from the trees hanging from a noose.
Seems that Dante's mother killed herself to get away from his father's cruelty. Dante's father told him that she died of a fever.
We get suicide fruit magic as a reward.
We come to the abominable sands.
Brunetto Larini in in hell for Sodomy, I absolve him.
I find Guido Guerra another sodomist and absolve him.
We come to an area where we find souls of the crusaders who have murdered in the name of an unholy cause.
I find a  relic here named memory of Acre.
We have a climb up to a jump here that we cannot quite get across. We have to push a derrick with a platform up a hill. The problem is that a demon and three endlessly respawning skeletons get in the way. I found it best to just try and ignore them as much as possible and push them away with cross attacks as to kill them. They just come back as quickly as you kill them and you don't get the derrick up the hill.
Virgil tells us about the river of blood and we get a save point.
We descend down to a dias and find Francesco who is Dante's brother.
This is a boss fight where Franceesco attacks with sword and shield, he also throws his sword when you get far from him and summons crusaders to help him.
When I kill him I get Francesco's forgiveness relic.
We now have to fight on the dias as it descends to the next level of hell.
Winged demons and crusaders, protected by heretics.
We are now in fraud.
Beatrice arrives looking very demonic being carried by some demons.
she tells us that we have arrived at our final resting place. Since Dante broke his promise to Beatrice he technically committed fraud.
A firey demon is sent to kill Dante. You have to put him out with cross attacks before you can harm him it seems.
Thais the harlot, who enjoyed men fighting over her. I absolve her.
I use a lift and come across some tiny spiders.
We come to a chasm with a floating platform. At the otther side is a dias. We are told we can kill all enemies using infinite magic.
And we will get a bonus for doing it in under 75 seconds.
I complete this challenge. I don't think I got the bonus though. Seemed a bit odd in the middle of the game there.
The next rooms is the same only we have to get a 100 combo streak.
Then 5 air kills.
Tiresias I find and absolve.
Then stay in the air for eight seconds.
Next protect innocents from exploding skeletons.
Now we have to kill a load of enemies without using magic. halfway through this a minotaur arrives and we have to fight it as the challenge is aborted.
In the next area we have to survive without using block.
In the next area we have to kill all enemies without letting the hit counter reset.
I find Myrrha who I absolve.
Finally the last ditch as Beatrice calls them. We have to survive and kill all enemies.
This is an endurance test and we get a combination of all enemy types so far.
A cut scene.
Seems that Dante ordered the killing of all the prisoners at Acre. When King Richard arrived and found out Dante let Francesco take the blame and he was hung.
Beatrice shows dante the Ninth circle of hell, resevered for traitors.
Dante pleads that Beatrice should be released and gives up her cross and suggests that he will stay here in fraud as long as Beatrice is saved.
An angel arrives and removes the demon taint from Beatrice and takes her to heaven.
He tells dante that his work is not done.
I find Fra Alberigo and absolve him.
Now I descend into the ninth and final circle. It is an arctic wasteland full of giant frozen heads who blow harsh winds that can knock you off the edges of the cliffs.
We have to clamber around a bit and avoid the winds here.
We come to Virgil who tells us that the devil personally consumes traitors here in the ninth circle as traitors are the worst kind of sinners.
I find a bridge made of ice, we have to walk across it. Bits collapse, you should be ok if as soon as you see shaking you turn back you will find the correct path.
We have to destroy a chain like stucture at the end of the bridge, then we fall into the final boss battle.
Lucifer is a large humanoid with wings.
He tries to hit us with his fists as we run around on a dias with a huge five pointed star painted on it. He also uses a large wind attack which sends out twisters to get us.
The twisters are dodge able with a button press.
Once you take his energy down enough the belly of the beast opens up and a smaller lucifer comes out.
Seems this is lucifers prison.
We then have to fight this smaller lucifer who uses a sword and ranged attacks.
I found that spamming the X light attacks seemed to keep him off balance and the divine armour was a necessity along with using the redemption attacks when you have it available.
When he is down to less than a third energy he takes to the air and rains down fireballs and area attacks.
You can grapple up to him by pressing right bumper.
Once his energy is down here he starts a cut scene/quicktime section.
Platforms raise from the star and you havee to grapple from one to the other then stick your scythe into Lucifer. You see him making a break from the icy prison and you have some quicktime to stop him.
A rather lushly rendered cut scene shows Lucifer telling you that you are stuck here with him now.
You have a final ace though the souls you have collected are released and confine lucifer again. You then are transported by God or Beatrice to a nice happy place.
However your stay there is short and Dante comes out naked from a cave onto an island with a pyramid in the distance.  "to be continued" appears.

11:25 on the in game clock
570 achievement points.

Upgrade List

Pressing YY initiates a fierce attack that hits enemies multiple times.
Pres LT just before an enemy attack to counter Press X or Y after countering to counter attack.
Diabolic Rupture
Press YY while in the air to initiate a fierce attack and finishing move.
Death's pillar
Press YYY to initate a firece combo that knocks enemies to the ground and breaks their block.
Diabolic hammer
Pressing LT and Y will initiate a deadly focus attack combo for massive damage.

Divine Force
Holding and releasing B will break enemy defenses by releasing a concentrated burst of holy energy.
Divine force level 2
Holding B for longer will increase the damage from divine force when released.
Holy Barrage
Pressing BBB will unleash a three part attack of divine energy.
Wisdom of Camilla
The mana bar increases in scale.
Fortitude of Seneca
The health bar increases in scale.
Holy protection level 1
Dante will take 5% less damage from enemies.
Sacred Judgement
Pressing LT plus B will initate a  two part focus attack that violently pulls enemies towards Dante with divine might.
Magic Righteous path Level 2
Deals more damage with this magic.
Sacred Quake
Pressing Lt and B while in the air will crash Dante down in a focus attack that stuns nearby enemies.
Sacred Quake level 2
Scared quake will do more damage and have a longer stun.
Sacred Justice
Pressing LT + B during sacred judgement wil launch and stun enemies in the air.
Press B after countering to initate a critical attack that sends enemies flying.
Holy Protection level 2
Dante will take 10% less damage from enemies.
Fortitude of Brutus
The health bar increases in size.
Magic Righteous path level 3
Righteous path deals more damage to enemies.
Holy devastation
Pressing BBBB will unleash a devastating wave of holy energy.
Blessed spirit trap
Enemies release health when destroyed by Dante's cross.
Divine Tempest
Holding and releasing B while in the air will launch enemies into the air with divine might.
Redemption cell
A cell is added to Dante's redemption meter which extends it's duration.
Relic Slot
An additional relic slot is unlocked.
Magic: Divine armour
Instantly blinds surrounding enemies and provides protection to Dante for a short period of time.
Magic: Martyrdom
dante sacrifices health and mana to deal a heavy amount of dmage to any surrounding enemies.

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