Thursday, March 18, 2010

Heavy Rain Notes

After I insert the disc I have a 14 minute 226mb download. Not impressive at all 5 days after a games launch.
Choose language subtitles etc.
Adjust Brightness.
The game is installed.
Saturday 11:22
A man likes sleeping in his Ikea catalogue bedroom.
I am told to move the right stick up to make him get up.
He does as he is told.
We can now walk around the apartment. Using R2 to walk and the left stick to change direction.
I can interact with objects. There is a picture on the chest of drawers.
The wardrobe is opened by the flick of the right stick.
We are told to hold L2 to see what our character is thinking. He wants a shower before getting dressed.
I explore the room and find I can open the balcony.
I go out and we can see the garden and a childs room next door.
A note has been left by Grace to say she has gone shopping. She says she will be back to help get ready fo Jason's birthday party.
I find a bird in the landing to look at then the bathroom and have a shower.
We have to dry our character by waggling the controller. Then brush his teeth and shave with an electric razor.
Seems a bit obsessive, however I realise this is the tutorial.
Oh look I can make him pee and flush. Now wash your hands.
Oh you can't wash your hands, what are they thinking, he is going to walk around the whole game with pee on his hands!
I go downstairs and the character pauses and thinks to himself that he should get dressed. Good idea.
I go into Jason's room and find some juggling balls. To juggle we have to do some quicktime.
I go back to the characters bedroom and get dressed.
Downstairs it is decorated for a kids party.
we are told to check out characters thoughts often.
When I do I get a swirl of thoughts. One is coffee and a series of stick movements in time gets him to drink a coffee.
I walk into a living area and turn on the tv.
As I go into another room a cut scene starts and Grace and the kids come in.
We have to help Grace with the shopping.
Then we have to get plates from a cupboard and set them out on the table. Movements indicated by symbols have to be done slowly.
I go back to Grace and Ethan gets amorous.
We have to go through some conversation options with Grace about Jason and the party.
I go through to the workroom and find that Ethan is an Architect. I sit at this desk and we have some quicktime which makes him draw a sketch of a building.
I go out into the garden.
I can lie on the grass, or throw around a flying bug toy.
When I go towards the children I play with them. I have to do a helicopter by circling the right stick.
Then lift another boy onto my shoulders and run around the garden, steering with the controller tilt.
We are called inside for dinner. We are asked to fetch shaun. I go upstairs and find him by the bird.
The bird is dead and Shaun is upset. Ethan consoles him.

We switch scenes to a shopping Mall
Grace Ethan and the two kids are out shopping. Grace takes Shaun to get some shoes. Jason wanders off and we have to go and find him. He is by a balloon seller. We buy him a balloon and while we are rooting in our pocket looking for change Jason wanders off again. Grace comes out and asks where he is. Ethan goes out looking for him. We have to walk through the mall looking for jason, we can shout his name by pressing X. We come to a large crowd and have to fight our way through. The red balloon that Jason was holding can be seen by pressing up on the right stick.
We go to it and it's another kid, not Jason. We then follow a red balloon out of the mall and a cut scene starts.
Jason is across a busy road. Ethan sees him and shouts for him to stop. Jason sees his dad and runs towards him across the road.
Ethan dives to prevent a car hitting Jason but must be too late as we see Grace come out and start sobbing. The scene fades to black.

We now get a scene of rain soaked streets and people as the credits roll.
It is two years since the mall accident.
We pick up Sean from school in our car and drive home. We only have to interact with our seatbelt and the car keys and gears to get home.
Once inside we find a much cheaper looking home than the last one.
There is no sign of Grace.
We have a schedule to keep, giving Shaun a snack. Doing his homework. dinner etc.
I make Shaun do his homework, Ethan sits and stares at him as he does and it looks fairly depressive.
We then have to make him dinner which is microwave pizza.
Then we have to send him to bed.
I go upstairs and tuck Shaun in and give him a kiss. There is a childs drawing of the accident scene on his table.
As Ethan goes outside in the hall and closes the door he has some sort of breakdown.
He faints and suddenly wakes standing outside on the street in the rain holding an origami animal of some kind.

We are now in control of a different character. A burly man in a large overcoat.
We go into a hotel and bribe the desk clerk to tell us where someone called Lauren Winter is staying.
We knock on her door and she tells us that she is by appointment only.
We have to push up on the stick quick to put our foot in the door.
She then tells us that she is a prostitute and we need 50 bucks.
I go into her room and tell her that we are actually a private eye working for families of the origami killer victims.
We now have some converstation options. We ask about Johnny the victim. Then about suspects.
We are asked to leave and leave a card on the table.
As we go down the hall a man comes and knocks on the door. He forces his way inside when Lauren tells him that she told him not to come back.
We hear screams from inside.
I go back to the door and knock. The thug comes out and tried to intimidate us. We have a long quicktime fight scene and eventually he runs off, though both of the fighters are bruised.
Lauren thanks us and shelby tells her that he will be back and she should be careful.

We are now an FBI man named Jaden.
We are approaching a crimes scene. Seems Jaden might have a habit, he is shaking badly and has a vial of something in his pocket.
We go to a police officers and show our badge to get in. We ask about Blake who is in charge.
I go into the crime scene and there are lots of officers going about their business. I go to the covered body and look inside the tent that has been errected over it. Blake comes to me and shoos me away. Jaden and him chat. Seems that Origami killer drowns his victims.
We have a special pair of glasses that increased the light and show up clues like footprints.
The glasses link to a vr glove. We can press R1 to shine a light and reveal clues.
I find Orchid pollen which is contaminating the body.
I examine the body, there is a mark on his leg, which occurred after death.
His face is covered in mud, he has an orchid on his chest.
He holds an origami in his hand.
I find the victims blood on the train tracks and a set of footprints that could be the killers.
We have to climb up the side of the railway line to investiagate using a sequence of button holds.
We find tyre tracks at the top which show that killer came this way, we have his footprint and tyre brand now at least.
I go back to the car as I am told that this is all we can gather here.

We are back with Ethan, he is getting therapy or a checkout at a place named Ego. A doctor is showing us association pictures.
He tells us that physically we are ok after the accident, it seems Ethan was hurt fairly badly after the crash. Ethan's state of mind is terrible however, he is depressed and suicidal.
We get a chance to talk about the blackout we had previously but the session ends with a buzzer before  we can get a chance to.
We change scene to Shaun and Ethan in the park. Shaun looks bored and Ethan asks about school. Seems if Shaun is late again he will be sent home. Looks like it might be Ethan's fault.
We get up and can use the playground things like see saws and merry go rounds to try and entertain shaun.
I take him on the swing and buy him some candy.
It rains and we leave, before we go we take Shaun on a carousel ride.
As Ethan watches he has another blackout.
He wakes up in the rain about to be hit by a truck.
Shouting for Shaun all the way we run back to the park. Shaun's bag is by the carousel but no sign of him.
Ethan runs home but Shaun isn't their either.
Ethan breaks down crying in the street, he has an origami in his hand.

Jaden sits outside an office in the police station.
He is being made to wait. we can put on his Ari and play virtual toss ball while he waits.
captain Perry comes out and we have to tie his neck tie for him.
We then follow him to a press conference.
We then have to go to Captain Perry's secretary who shows us to our office.
Our office is rubbish. Bare brick walls and in need of a good clean.
Jaden turns on Ari and we can choose from a range of virtual environments.
We can then interact with our clues.
The tyre tracks show that the car he drove is a chevy Malibou 83.
The orchid is a funeral flower and symbol of innocence.
We can see files on the victims.
9 victims, all young boys, drowned in rainwater.
Bodies are found only 6 hours dead, which means they are kidnapped and kept alive for several days.
This seems to be about all we can learn so far. We are prompted to leave the ari.
jaden gets the shakes and feels weird. He tries to go and wash his face but can only get to the door, we are prompted to take tripto, whatever that is.

Outside Jaden's office Ethan is telling Blake what happened.
We have some question to answer which make us look like a flake as Ethan does not want to reveal the blackout.
Ethan is told to go home. On the way out he speaks to Grace who essentially blames him for losing Shaun as well as Ethan.

We are back with Scott Shelby in a convenience store. The clerk is the father of a victim and Shelby asks him for information.
He is not forthcoming. Shelby asks for an inhaler and the clerk directs him to the back of the store. I go there and pick up the inhaler. As we do a man comes into the shop.
The man holds up the clerk. We sneak up on him and that does not work as i don't get the quicktime right. We then have the gun waved in our face. We have to try and calm the man down by asking him his name and about his family. We get close and then we have a fight with qucktime which I get right. The man is knocked out. The clerk is now more inclined to help.
The clerk gives us a box that was sent to him by the killer, it contains an origami lizard.
Shelby leaves.

We meet a new character a woman. She wakes in her apartment and we can wander around and interact with things in her very nice loft apartment.
There are weird noises and flashes of movement which increase in tempo until we are attacked by a masked figure. There is a quicktime fight scene and we find that there are two figures. The woman eventually fights her way into the bathroom and thinks she has gained some respite. The masked man is behind her and cuts her throat, that is when she wakes again in her apartment.

Back with Ethan again.
He sits in his run down apartment. The letter that he got earlier is there, it is a weird passage from something about children being gone.
There is a key to a locker inside that he didn't see earlier. This is the same as given to the clerk. A clue from the origami killer that previous victims families haven't got maybe.
Ethan wants to go and check it out but reporters are filling the street outside.
I go out the back door and get to the car without being seen.
We arrive at Lexington station where Ethan has issues with crowds, obviously going back to the crowd at the mall where he lost Jason.
As we walk into the crowd Ethan has a full on psychotic episode. He thinks everything freezes but him and he runs around knocking people over and shouting for Jason's ghost which he sees walking around with it's red balloon.
The episode ends and we are at the luggage lockers. We have to find the right locker and open it.
A shoebox is inside, the scene switches to a hotel room where Ethan is looking meaningfully at the box.
Inside the box is a lot of things. A gun, a phone, and several numbered origami shapes.
I unfold one of the Origami shapes and there is a message.
Are you prepared to show courage and save your son. Joes Garage and parking lot.
There is a memory stick, which I insert into the phone. The phone shows a video of Shaun in a pit which is filling with water, he is caged in this pit. He pleads for help.
A message flashes up and asks how far are you prepared to go for someone you love.
There are to be five trials. Once they are done Ethan will receive the address of where he can find Shaun.
We hide the box under the bed and leave the hotel.
Looks like we are off to Joes's garage.

Back to Jaden.
Who is briefing Perry and Blake amongst others Blake is needling Jaden about his lack of experinece and bringing his fancy ideas to the table. They argue openly and aggressively.
We go to an address. Blake bursts the door in and goes in.
Inside there are an awful lot of crosses.
This is the house of Nathaniel, an local crazy who Blake has had dealings with before.
We explore the house which is full of religious props and loads of drug bottles.
It is also very dirty and dank.
Nathaniel comes in and starts to argue with Blake who is openly hostile.
Eventually Nathaniel pulls a gun on Blake and we have to try and talk him down. I mange to do this. We also have the option to pull the trigger.
As Nathaniel is being cuffed he whirls round and appears to be going to knife or hurt Blake R1 pops up and I am sure I pulled the trigger, however the  game doesn't register it and Nathaniel pulls out a cross and tries to exorcise Blake. He is taken away and we get a thanks from Blake.

Back to Shelby at another victims house.
We knock and get no answer, the door is open and we go inside calling the name Mrs. Bowles. There is a baby in it's pram crying. A note on the floor of the living room tells us to look after the baby as she can't take any more. Looks like Mrs. Bowles has decided to end it all.
We explore the house and find  her in the bath with slit wrists.
She is still alive, we have to get her out of the bath and lie her down on the bed. She asks us not to call the ambulance. We have to get something to dress her wounds with.
In the bathroom cabinet are some bandages and plasters. We go back and dress the wounds. Mrs. Bowles tries to go to the baby, we tell her to sit back and that Shelby will take care of her, she is called Emily. We have to wash our hands before we can pick her up as they are covered in blood.
Then we have the change her nappy and feed her, her bottle.
We go back through to Mrs. Bowles. seems Emily's dad ditched after Jeremy was killed by the Origami killer.
Mrs. Bowles tells us about a cellphone she found in Jeremy's fathers drawer after he died.
I find the cellphone which does not appear to be working.
I leave and watch as Shelby gets in his car and goes.

back with Ethan at the garage indicated on the first origami note.
We give a card to the garage owner, seems they have been keeping a car for someone for two years.
We get the keys and go down in a lift.
the car can be found by pressing it's open door button which flashes it's lights.
Inside we find a gps unit which gives us directions to another destination.
When we arrive we are told to drive for five miles into oncoming traffic on the motorway. This is a wild ride where we have lots of quicktime to do to get through. Eventually the car crashes just on the five mile mark and we have to do some more quicktime inside the car. Pressing the screen on the gps gives us a message. There is a key to the glove compartment inside the gps. I smash it and open the glove box, there is another memory stick.
Escaping the burning car we play it and it gives us another video showing Shaun alive and part of the address.

We are back to the woman.
She rides and expensive looking motorbike.
We go inside the motel lobby and ask for a room. We find out as she fills in the register that her name is Madison Page.
Her room is 201, on the way there we encounter Ethan hurt on the stairs. We help him to his room.
Inside the room Ethan has some broken ribs and a head wound.
We get to disinfect his wounds, then give him some pain killers. Ethan takes more than the recommended dose so he can get moving again.
Ethan takes a shower and they chat. Madison reveals that she is a photographer and has chronic insomnia. She can sleep in hotels, so when things get really bad she comes to a hotel for a good nights sleep.
She leaves and we open the box and get the next clue location.

Blake and Jaden are in a car. They get out and go up to man and ask him to stop and answer his questions. Blake gets coffee in his face and Jaden gives chase through a supermarket, much qucktime ensues.
In the back butchers area of the shop we have a fight with the man.
I beat him down and Blake comes in and tells us that it looks like we have the origami killer.

We see Shelby wake in his office, looks like he has been drinking.
We get to rifle through his desk drawers, a gun a detectives badge, an asthma inhaler.
Looking around the apartment we get the impression that Shelby was a good cop in his day.
the doorbell rings and Lauren Winter is outside claiming she has remembered something.
She comes in and tells us that Johnny's father got a letter the day he vanished.
She gives us the enveloper that the letter came in. Shelby examines it and tells her that the address was typed on an old typewriter.
She asks to help him with the investigation. Shelby is reluctant but allows her to come with him. we see them drive to a large mansion. Security at the gate lets them in. Shelby tells Lauren that they are here to see a man named Kramer who owns a construction business.
Inside there is a large party going on. We get to mill around the guests. A very drunken man talks to us and we can interact in various ways. There are two guards on the stairs that won't let us pass. We have to find a way past them. The drunken man is easily made to start a fight which the guards bust up.
Upstairs we find Gordi Kramer watching a cartoon while two women kiss beside him on the couch. He  ignores us and when we ask about joseph Brown he gets angry, he tells the women to leave.
Seems that Joseph was last seen getting into Gordi's limo. Seems his father pulled strings to get him off.
We push him a little and he confesses to being the Origami killer. The goons come back and we have a quicktime fight. Shelby is overpowered and kicked out of the house.

Back with Ethan now.
We find ourself outside a factory, we get in by climbing the wall as the door won't open.
We have to go round the side through a fence to get in the back door.
Inside is a room with a tube inside a metal door. We open the door and climb inside, the door shuts behind us.
Now we are clambering through a set of tunnels which are filled with broken glass.
We have to use matches to find our way using the direction of wind to negotiate the maze. There is a body of one not so fortunate in the maze with us.
I find my way and then have to slide down a tube. Ethan comes out at an electricity sub station, there is arcs of electricity everywhere.
We have to progress through the gaps using trial and error. We have to hold buttons in order which can tie your fingers in knots. Eventually I get through the gaps and we get another memory stick. This one gives us anothter video of Shaun and more address.

Madison is outside her hotel room and notices Ethan's door open. She goes in and finds Ethan lying unconscious on the floor.
We have to pick him up and put him on the bed.
We examine him and  find him cut to pieces and with large burns on his chest.
We then clean and bandage his wounds. Also giving him some painkillers, anti-biotics and anti-fever drugs.
She waits until he sleeps, then we have a chat, Madison wants to know what is going on and help, however, Ethan pushes her away.
The next origami asks if we are ready to make a sacrifice, along with an address.

Now back to Jaden and Blake questioning their suspect.
Seems he has an alibi and is a dead end.
Grace comes to Blake and tells them of Ethan having a blackout and acting weird. She suggests he could be the killer.
Blake and jaden go to Ego to speak with Ethan's doctor.
Blake gets rough and we have to argue with him. The doctor eventually tells us that Ethan is haunted by visions of drowned bodies and left an origami in his office on one visit.
Blake thinks he has the killer and mobilises everything to look for him.

Shelby goes to see a wealthy looking older man who is playing golf in a driving range.
The man asks him to join him.
We take a shot, this is Mr Kramer.
kramer tries to bribe Shelby. Then threatens him when he won't accept.

Ethan at the next trial.
Inside an old building porcelain lizards lie around, smashing on gives us a key.
The door it opens is nearby.
Inside is a very run down room. There is a desk with a new tablet device sitting on it. Ethan turns it on and a female robotic voice tells him to cut of the end of one of his fingers in front of the device in under five minutes. There is a camera and Ethan can see himself on the screen.
There is a knife sticking in the wall of the kitchen. I take it and doing the sequence cut off the finger.
The voice tells us to look under the desk. There is a loose floorboard. Another memory stick, another video and more address.

Outside Blake and Jaden are waiting for Ethan to come out of the building. There are also a lot of backup police officers. Seems Ethan's car was seen parked outside by traffic cops.
Madison arrives on her motorbike. And goes inside the building. Why is she following Ethan? Her interest in trouble is disconcerting if she doesn't have an ulterior motive to be following someone she only just met and has spent all her time patching up.
Madison goes inside and finds Ethan bleeding again. She tells him the police are outside, and that they need to find an alternative escape route.
We pull planks off a window and open it.
Then we get both characters out of the window. We have to cross the alley and street and get into the subway. Once there we run through the crowds and cross the line and get away on the subway train.

Back at the hotel Madison and Ethan eat. Ethan accuses her of following him. She asks if he is the origami killer. I confide to her that Ethan is having blackouts.
He tells her that the only thing he remembers after the blackouts are bodies in water.
Which seems to me to be confirmation enough of his guilt, why doesn't see just go to the police?
Ethan confesses that he thinks he is schizophrenic and his alter ego is the killer. He think that he is testing himself with these trials, or his other personality is testing him anyway. He knows he should tell the police this but knows they would stop him from doing the trials and Shaun might die. Ethan believes that he must stay free and complete the trials t save shaun.
Again Ethan tells Madison to leave. I don't get her motivation.
The next trial is to go and kill someone called Brad and take a picture of him and send it to the Origami killer.

Back to Jaden who seems to be drowning his sorrow in a bar. We get to play the piano badly using quicktime.
A barman brings him a vodka. He asks about the origami killer. Jaden tells him that he doesn't think it is Ethan. The barman suggests reviewing the evidence. He also tells him to lay off whatever drug it is he is taking.
We go to the clue analysis in Ari and find that the killers make of car passed the park where Shaun was abducted twice in the video footage. We also see that the car was stolen and fenced by a known criminal.
Jaden has another breakdown, it seems that the ari virtual world is leaking into reality. Is this a symptom of his use of the machine. The tripto knocks him out on the bed this time.

Back to Shelby who goes into a clock shop looking for someone called Manfred.
We are in a antique clock and typewriter shop.
We speak to the owner Manfred. Lauren is with us.
Manfred is quite old and frail. We answer his phone for him then have a drink with him.
We show him the letter and he tells us that a royal 5 was used.
seems Manfred bought all the stock of these typewriters to prevent them from being dumped.
He has a list of the people who bought them.
Manfred goes to get the list and is gone a while. I go through the back to find him dead, possibly hit over the head with one of his own typewriters. The killer seems to have came in through the window. However they have also called the police and they are on their way. Lauren comes in and is horrified. She goes to call the police, Shelby tells her they are on their way and if they want to save Shaun they should leave as they can't afford the time spent explaining what has happened. We have to wipe all the prints off everything we have touched. The phone, the window, the glasses of whisky, the glass cases. A music box that lauren touched. As I go I am reminded of the one thing I missed, the phone that Lauren touched in the office, oops. Looks like Lauren is in  trouble.
The next scene sees Lauren and Shelby in the police station explaining what happened.
Blake sees Shelby and tells him that he will take care of it.
We are driving away from the police station and Shelby tries to get Lauren to back off as it is getting too dangerous. She takes a strop and leaves the car and cries. Shelby comes out after her and consoles her. Deciding that he has to keep going and if she is with him at least she won't go getting herself killed by herself.

Ethan goes to the apartment of the man he has to kill. Seems he is adrug dealer.
We get into a fight with him and he pulls a shotgun. We have a quicktime fight through his apartment firing guns all the time. He runs out of bullets and Ethan has the gun trained on him. He starts to pull at Ethan's heart strings, showing pictures of his kids.
We have a choice here, to kill or save. This seems like the first real game shifting choice. The implications are clear, take ethan on an even darker path than he is on now or risk screwing up the trials.
I like to think this will be the right thing and decide to lower the gun.
Ethan knocks him out with the gun and leaves.

Madison is on her own little investigation. She has found out who owns the apartments where Ethan went to cut off his finger. Seems it is a struck off surgeon.
She arrives there on her bike. Someone called Sam is getting this information for her.
She knocks on the door and asks for a drug calle Betropen or something like that. The doctor is reluctant at first but warms up and seems to be eyeing up Madison.
He pours her a drink and asks who told her about him. We make something up. We then ask about the apartment he has for rent.
The drink is drugged and Madison passes out.
She wakes tied up in the doctors cellar. He is about to do some surgery for old times sake. He seems to be about to drill her vagina when the doorbell rings. He goes to it and we see in split screen a religious nut trying to ask him about God. We get to use quicktime to use the drill to free ourself. We then have a big quicktime fight with powertools and eventually end up drilling the doctor through the heart. Madison finds a card for Paco who was the one that the doctor was renting out the apartment on madison street.

Jaden goes to see the crooked car dealer that sold the killer his stolen car.
We ask him who he sold the car to and make it clear that we only want the info and he is in the clear.
jackson is not forthcoming.
We get to look around his garage anyway.
Using Ari we sniff for clues.
we find tyre tracks and traces of pollen. traces of blue paint looks like the killers car was sprayed blue here.
There is also some blood and the traces lead to the acid bath. Looks like jackson has been shoving someone in. We are probably about to be next.
I look inside and can see a skull. Jackson of course is now right behind us with a gun. He takes our gun and tells us that it was another cop asking too many questions.
We have a quicktime fight and knock him down and get our gun back. After breaking his nose andd shooting right above his head he starts to talk. seems Paco is involved again, whoever Paco is. Jaden's drug issues hit at the wrong moment and Jackson has the upper hand again. Jackson knocks Jaden unconscious.
He wakes chained to the steering column of his car which is about to be put in the crusher. we have to escape the car and then fight jackson. He ends up crushed by his own digger.

Shelby and Lauren go back to Shelby's apartment. She takes a shower and we have to make her an omelette.
lauren notices that Shelby has a list of subscribers to an Origami magazine. She looks at Manfreds notebook, which shows who bought parts for a royal typewriter from him.
She suddenly realises that the killers name might be on both lists. She rushes to check.
They find a name, however the name is of a person who died when they were ten?
They go to the grave of John Sheppard. The grave has an origami and fresh flowers.
A man comes up to them who works at the cemetary and tells us the story. We get a flashback.
Two kids are chucked out of their caravan by a drunken father.
They go to play in the rain as they have no other choice.
We run around a construction site and I am waiting for the accident. It doesn't happen despite plenty of opportunities. The boys then play hide and seek. We count to 20 and when we go to find John he has fell into a water pipe that has collapsed under his weight.  He is trapped by the foot in the water and it is rising. The other boy his brother goes for help. Our guide in the present tells us that the boy drowned. The brother was taken away by social services and adopted and moved away.
Lauren and Shelby are about the leave the cemetry when Kramer arrives and lays flowers on Shepherds grave.

We are now back with Madison on the trail of Paco at the Blue lagoon which is a nightclub.
He likes his women to dance sexily and dress in as little as possible.
His bouncer won't let us see him.
So we  decide to go and rip a good tend inches off our skirt and open our blouse. A little make up also helps.
We have to go and dance near Paco and his bouncer calls us over.
We get to sit with him.
Paco is a sleaze and Madison plays straight into his hands and asks to go somewhere more private.
We are taken to Paco's room in the club, which has a huge fish tank and sleazy decor.
Paco wants us to dance and strip for him.
When we don't he pulls a gun. We have to strip a little and dance, when we get the chance we hit him with a lamp. With Paco tied up we question him by punching him and squeezing his balls.
We find out that he rented the apartment to a man named John Sheppard.
We have to get Madison out of the club.

Screen goes blank here and it appears to have crashed. It has crashed, reset time.

I reboot and there seems to be no harm done. I am back where I left off.

Jaden goes into the Blue lagoon. We ask the bodyguard of Paco where he is after some negotiating we are told to go upstairs. As we go through the crowd in split screen we see the Paco talking to the real Origami killer, of course we don't see his face. He is talking about the apartment and Madison coming to see him. The killer shoots him. Jaden gets up the stairs and into the office. The killer attacks him and there is a fight with samurai swords and of course the fish tank gets smashed.
Jaden is cut and left incapcitated. The killer leaves. Jaden gets up and we find some recipts from the killers pocket which got ripped in the fight.
I find the ari glasses and investiagte the room. We find Madisons prints and Ari flags up that she is a journalist. Now her interest in the story makes some sense.
In the apartment there are some bullets and a gun. Also more traces of Madison.
I go back out and speak to the bodyguard who tells us that the man who came before us was called John.

Back to Ethan, who is wallowing in self pity. Madison comes in and tells him that she can prove he isn't the origami killer. How can she do this, all she knows is that someone named john Sheppard rented the apartment?
She gets close to Ethan and they kiss and then make love.
This again seems to make little sense motivation wise. I had trouble with Madisons motivations earlier, now I understand that she is a journalist and was interested because  this looked like a huge story. Why the sexual interest in the broken ribbed missing fingered cut to hell Ethan?
Why would Ethan stop for sex when his son is in a cold pit drowning?
After the deed Madison is sleeping and we get up and dress. The last origami tells us to go to another address. As Ethan leaves he gets his coat and knocks madisons stuff down. Her phone hass pictures of Ethan and the butterflies at the power station.
Her notebook shows she is a journalist.
Here was me thinking that she has someone kidnapped and her trials were to help and have sex with Ethan.
Madison explains that at first she was interested in the story then became interested in Ethan.
we get the choice to reject or forgive, possibly the second game changer.
Madison goes to get something to eat.
As she does she finds Blake and the swat team arriving. We get to go and phone the room for Ethan to get out the balcony. We have a quicktime chase which ends with Ethan being caught.

Jaden and Blake interview Ethan. Ethan tells them that he kidnapped his son but can't remember where he is. Blake gets mad and we have a fight with him about police brutality. Jaden has a Tripto episode again and runs to his room where I make him not take it.
He recovers and has thoughts about getting Ethan out of the police station so that he can save his son.
I wander around here a bit lost as the direction to take isn't clear for the first time.
I turn off the camera and mic in the next door room to the interrogation cell.
I then go in and the guard in the room with Ethan can be made to go and stand outside.
I help Ethan up.
I get lost again but find out that I have to get the guard to go for a break. He tells us that the keys are in his drawer. I also can pick up a police cape.
I go to Ethan and uncuff him then tell him too put on the cape and go.
Jaden watches as Ethan walks out and clean away.

Back to Shelby and he comes home, lauren and Kramer and his goons are in the apartment.
Kramer tells him that his investigation is over for good. Shelby is knocked out and finds himself waking tied to a steering wheel in a car that is underwater.
Lauren is with him and unconscious and tied up also.
We have to break the glass of the dashboard and then use it to cut our rope. We then have to break the glass of the window, there doesn't seem to be a way to save Lauren.
Shelby escapes and vows revenge on Kramer.
We drive our car into the side of Kramers house and start shooting up his guards.
I don't know if we weren't meant to succeed or if I mucked up the quicktime. Shelby is shot and wounded and withdraws under heavy fire.

Madison comes to a hospital to interview Anne Sheppard about her son. Ann has Alzheimers and is more worried about a tv and pills than anything Madison wants to ask about.
There is book of origami on the table and we have to use quicktime to make a few which gets her to chat about how John liked to call the dogs Max.
we ask her nurse some questions. She tells us that objects can trigger memories.
I take the rather obviously placed orchid that I couldn't pick up earlier and take it to Anne.
This sets of a train of memories that get us the name. Anne Whispers it into Madison's ear and she is obviously shocked. Have qunatic dreams been taking clues from Lost in how to reveal but not reveal.

Back to Ethan who is after  the last letters at rainbow lane.
We find him in a red corridor walking to wards a white room.
There are a lot of computer monitors littering the room in a square shape, there is a desk and each monitor is linked to a camera which is showing views of the area inside the square near the desk.
There is a bottle of something, a watch and a device on the desk.
On pressing the device the female robotic voice tells Ethan that he must die to save his son. The bottle contains a poison that will kill Ethan in 60 minutes. He will get the address and have time to save his son before he dies.
I make Ethan drink as I don't  believe he will actually be poisoned. The specifics of a drug like that are hard for an amateur or even a pharmceutical company to make.
After drinking the details are sent to his phone.
Ethan only has a partial address. Using his GPS he finds three that fit.
Using the phone he listens to the sounds behind the video I presume. There are birds and ship horns. I set the gps to go to the one near the coast.

Game locked on a black screen at the loading screen with the faces yet again.

Jaden is in his office frantically looking through the data. Blake comes in and taunts him then leaves. Jaden takes more Tripto and goes back into the data.
We watch the video that Ari took from the floor during the fight with the killer. We can analyse it at any time.
I find that the killer is wearing a watch, it is the same one that they give out on retiral this leads Jaden to believe the killer is a cop.
The gun has history it was impounded and is still meant to be under police care.
We now know that the killer is a cop, but who. jaden gets a flash that it might be Blake. I reject this notion as just his hate speaking.
Jaden eventually collapses with blood coming from his nose and eyes. Is it Ari that is killing him or the use of Tripto?

We are now back in time with the Sheppard boys at the building site. John is in the water.
We run to the father who is drunk and does not listen. Back at John the brother watches as he drowns. Before John drowns he tells Scott not to forget about him.

back to Shelby in the present. He is in his office burning things. The cellphone he took from Mrs. Bowles's house. The envelope from Lauren. The box from the clerk.
manfred's notebook. It is revealed here that Shelby killed him. Finally the picture from his mothers room.
If Shelby is the brother and the killer then where does Kramer and Gordi fit in. Kramer owns a construction firm does he feel guilt about John's death. Where does Madison fit in, how does she know Scott Shelby for the name to make her react with shock?

Madison comes to Shelby's apartment looking for a clue as to Shaun's whereabouts.
She finds a cops uniform in his wardrobe and a secret room behind it.
In the secret room is some orchids. A video monitor shows Shaun treading water. Shelby's computer needs a password, it is Max the name that John gave his origami dogs.
The computer reveals the address.
Also in the room are origami and the typewriter.
As Madison leaves she comes face to face with Shelby's gun.
she tells him that all those children didn't need to die just to find a father capable of saving his son. She tells him that he can save Shaun and do what his father couldn't. Shelby locks her in the room.
We try and get out by trying the door and knocking on the walls. Smoke starts to come in under the door. Shelby must have set fire to the apartment.
I manage to find a hollow point on the wall oppsite the computer and smash it with a piece of electronic equipment we can pick up. This gets us into the next room and we have a lot of quicktime too escape the apartment before a large gas cannister explodes.
Outside we get a choice. call Ethan or Jaden. I call Jaden as it seems that Ethan is already on his way to the location anyway.
There is no answer from Jaden.
Madison gets on her bike and leaves.

Ethan arrives at Shaun's location.
We have to find him and then prise of a padlock and fish him out of the water.
We them perform quicktime CPR. It does not seem to work and Ethan sobs heavily over his son. Just when it looks like all is lost Shaun Cough's and opens his eyes. Someone needs to tell creatives types a little about medicine. That only happens in the Abyss.
Madison arrives and tells Ethan she can clear him, as she knows who the real killer is.
Shelby arrives and congratualtes Ethan. He also tells them that since Madison has spoiled his games then he will have to kill them all.
We have a lot of quicktime fighting.
Ethan is shot in the gut by Shelby and he then chases madison through the shipyard up onto a large crane. At the top just as Shelby is about to kill Madison Ethan appears and shoots him. Shelby falls into the water.
Ethan and Madison collapse and the scene fades.

A news reporter tells us that Shaun was saved and in part by the actions of his father. Jaden has died. Still no explantion of Tripto or Ari given.
Nor how Madison knew Scott Shelby.
No explanation of Madison's night terrors.

We see Madison, Ethan and Shaun looking at a spacious apartment for them all to live in together happily ever after.

Perry and Blake talk about Jaden. Perry give Blake Ari and he puts it on and in the virtual world sees Jaden.

Now the credits roll.
The credits include some scenes that I missed. Possibly through errors in the quicktime or just through choices.
Maybe I don't get to know the answers to my questions because i missed things.
Seems to be the end of the first playthrough. About ten hours at a guess. 34% of the trophies.
Ethan's blackouts are not explained.

Could Lauren have been saved by us saying to Kramer that we would back off, as Gordi was a red herring?
Lots of questions at the end of the game, don't know if that is good or bad.

Gameplay mechanics. Holding lots of buttons at once.
Rapidly tapping buttons, strings of following set patterns.
Moving the stick slowly in a pattern.

I start another playthrough. I notice a change with the fatherly routine bit with Shaun, doing a better job gets me a scene where I have to fetch his cuddly toy.
What were Ethan's blackout about and why did he have origami in his hand after them.

I manage to avoid taking tripto the first time after Ari use. Jaden goes to the toilet and washes his face instead, very shakily.
The first scene with Madison in her apartment seems to be leading to some reveal about her past and possible future, however it is never mentioned again.
The scene where Madison helps Ehtan the first time make more sense when you don't hide the box and let Madison look at it while Ethan is in the shower.
The problem with interactive drama is that the player doesn't know what to do and if the player has to tell the story then it's not going to work.

I played a little more after putting it down for Final Fantasy XIII. I was showing the game to a friend. I ended up playing long after he was gone and finishing the game again. I noticed a few deviations and was able to save Both Lauren Winter and Jayden.
Lauren kisses Scott goodbye when she goes off at the end to be safe from Kramer.
I got into Kramers room and found the Gordi was an origami killer wannabe and had killed the boy in imitation of the real killer.

I chose to do some alternatives for trophies like kill Nathanial and the junkie, resist taking the poison.
The final scene is very different with Jayden alive. Shelby arrives with Ethan at the scene of the well. Shelby give a monologue which is a little worse that having him silent about it all. Jayden stops him from shooting Ehtan and the two of them end up fighting on the rooftops.
Ethan then saves Shaun from the well. Madison arrives outside to find Blake and the swat team.
Jayden gets it in the head with a sledgehammer. and Ethan walks out with Madison and Shaun and is ok.
We see Shaun and Ethan in their loft together, no Madison as I didn't make them have sex this time.
I see Madison on tv about her book which is winning awards. Then we see her signing books in a  shop and a hint to the next game with a more ferocious serial killer giving her a little close encounter.
Then at last we see Lauren kill Shelby in cold blood.

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