Friday, August 6, 2010

Crackdown 2 Notes

You get to choose difficulty and select agent appearance from a choice of four faces and a few colour schemes for armour.
A cut scene quickly tells you in montage about what has happened since the last game. The freaks created by one of the gangs have escaped into the wild and have bred and mutated. The agency have been accused of corruption and are under attack from a terrorist group called the Cell. The cell destroy the agent lab at the agency tower and without agents on the streets the city devolves into chaos. The freaks rule at night and the cell play freely by day.
The agency has managed to get the agent programme back online and you are the first agent.

We get control in a room in the agency tower. The agency boss talks to you and tells you to look at four lights to calibrate your camera controls.
Next he asks you to jump off a ledge.
Then to climb up some blocks to get an agility orb.
The orbs boost your jumping abilty.
The player controls with the normal analogue sticks for movement and camera.
A is jump.
B does a melee attack.
Y enters and exits from vehicles.
Right trigger shoots the gun.
Left bumper reloads
Left trigger locks on.
Left bumper throws grenades.

We are then told to walk along following a glowing marker to get to a gun.
We then have to shoot the freak using free aim.
When locked on moving the right stick targets different body parts.
we are asked to pick up a shotgun and use it on a gang of freaks.
In the next training area we are told about melee combat. Basically pressing B a lot.
Now we are told to get into a vehicle.

A helicopter comes and lifts you in the car taking you through the city. As you go the narrator tells you of the sunburst project and how much of a mess it's in. The cell have basically thwarted it at every turn and control all the collectors and generators that have been made so far. Our first mission is to take back a prototype generator from a cell base at the docks.

We come to a cell held area and there is a red symbol on the ground. Standing in it initiate a takeover mission.
We call for air support and loads of enemies spawn. Once they are downed we get peacekeepers drafted into the area to keep the cell away.

The next area is a stronghold formed out of containers. I go in and clear the area of the default cell enemies, it seems that they don't come back again. I find another symbol near the generator and pressing back starts the mission as before. More cell spawn and once they are downed the chopper comes in and drops off peacekeepers to hold the area and take away the generator.

Our next given mission is to reactivate sunburst collector absorbtion units.
Three waypoints appear on the map and we have to go to each one in turn and stand on the absorption unit for a set time period to activate it, around thirty seconds.

Once all three are done you can now drop the sunburst generator into the freak lair.

This mission sees you enter the lair and trigger off the drop of the generator. The generator then has to charge and unleash a blast of solar energy that kills the light sensitive freaks.

The freaks come out at night and the cell come out by day.
Attacking a cell base is harder at night as they all come home and hide from the freaks.

I take over a few more tactical locations, clear the cell guards, call in the mission, clear the spawned enemies and the area is yours.
Only now areas are linked in groups and if you don't get all the linked areas then some can be taken back by the cell.

I activate a collector unit at the top of the oil rig.
I activate a collector unit on top of a bridge.

Now a beacon activation, only difference is some freaks attack from a balcony shooting something at the beacon.

I activate a collector unit on top of the old observatory. A barricade errected by cell must be destroyed to let the beam pass.
I activate a collector beacon at the top of the quarry.
I activate a collector beacon on top of a random building.

Now a beacon activation in the old quarry. This one introduces larger freaks which stand on towers of rock and shoot the beacon with acid.

I activate a collector at the old gym.

I activate a collector at the pier
I activate a collector at a building.
I activate a beacon under the gym.
I capture a tactical location at funland.

And another four tactical locations.
Two more tactical locations and a collector.

Yada yada, repetitive.

Eventually there are 27 generators to activate, some have walls to remove.
There are 27 cell strongholds to clear out.
There are 9 beacons

When you finish all the beacons the agency tower is the final huge beacon that will clear the freaks from the city.
The cell have taken the power plant and valves valves need to be turned

You then go to the tower. The previous agents it turns out aren't dead and are released by cell to prevent the beacon firing. You have to defend three locations as waves of giant agent freaks attack.

The final cut scene shows Catalina Thorne attack the tower with a helicopter. The agent stops her but his hand is severed by his rotor blades.
Thorne keeps the hand and can be seen working on it in her lab after the credits.

At each level of driving new vehicles are unlocked.
When you get to level five agility you get the wingsuit.
Level five strength means you get a running speed boost by pressing B.

Freak breeaches spawn loads of freaks which you must kill then a chopper comes and seals the breach. Only possible at night.

17:15 to complete the main storyline.
390 achievement points.

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