Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Red Dead Redemption Notes

A cut scene shows people getting off a paddle steamer. Our charact is one off them.
He walks with two other men into town as the credits roll.
It looks like he is being escorted out of town.
Our character gets on a train.
We sit and listen to the chit chat on the train which is mostly about savages and civilisation.
The train arrives at Armadillo station, our character gets off.

We get control
Left and right sticks are the usual movement and camera controls.
A is run.
There is a radar on the hud which shows a yellow dot, this is our objective.
The objective is the bar. Where a cut scene starts.
Our character is called John Marston.
Jake meets him and asks him to come with him on a horse.
I go outside and Jakes gets on his horse, walking up to a horse we can mount it by pressing Y.
Pressing X jumps or vaults over things.
A spurs the horse on.
Pressing X when near a hitching post on a horse ties it to the hitching post.
Right bumper slows it down.
Holding A when near Jake matches speed with his horse.

As I follow Jake he tries to draw John into conversation. We are heading to Fort Mercer, John won't tell Jake why.
John seems to be looking for someone called Bill Williamson.
Bill is involved with a gang. Who are there backing him up.
Bill speaks to John from the top of the forts walls.
Bill tells John that he isn't coming with him and tells him to go. John stupidly pulls his gun and is shot in the gut.
Two people arrive and take him away on their wagon.

Days later John wakes up, healed by the Doctor, he owes Bonnie the woman who saved him 15 dollars for the doctor.
We have to go for a ride around the ranch with Bonnie. She shows us all the sights like the store.
Back at the house John rests.
He is woken later by Bonnie who asks him to accompany her on a tour of the ranch perimeter, it seems there are some problems with animals.
We have to shoot some rabbits. Left trigger pulls the gun and aims.
Right trigger fires.
If you aim and something is vaugely near the centre on the screen then the aim snaps to it.
We shoot the rabbits then on to shoot some coytes.
Bonnie then takes us back to what will become our house.
Here we can save the game and refill on ammo.
I see a B on the radar which shows that there is a Bonnie mission nearby.

Mission 1
I go to Bonnie and she asks about his past. John tells her nothing.
She challenges him to a horse race and we have to do a point to point race around the surrounding area.
Bonnie tells John to go see the Marshall in Armadillo about his problem with Bill.

Mission 2
Bonnie wants John to go into Armadillo with her to collect supplies. We are going on a carriage.
We have to follow a trail to Armadillo. Bonnie tells us to buy some medicine.
I go to the doctors and buy the medicine.
I have a satchel in which to store things pressing Back opens it.
We then have to go back to Bonnie who tells us to stay in Armadillo and have a look around.
We can get the stagecoach back to Bonnie's ranch later.

Mission 3
I go to the Marshalls office. There is a deputy who John intimidates. Then the real Marshall shows up. John tells him that he is here to capture or kill Bill Williamson.
The Marshall tells John that Bill isn't his problem as he leaves Armadillo alone.
John tries to make him feel guilty, the Marshall tells him that the town has enough problems.
John tells him that he will help with the Marshalls problems if he helps with Bill.
The Marshall agrees. We are to go to the saloon and deal with some trouble makers there.
One of them leaves the Saloon and the Marshall decides that we should follow them to their hideout.
We have to cal our horses by pressing up on the Dpad.
I follow the Marshall and the bandit out to a small farm.
The bandits see us and a firefight begins.
The auto aim feature makes it hard to miss.
I kill the bandits.
Right bumper moves in and out of cover.
The last bandit must be shot in the leg to take him alive. This brings better rewards.
The Marshall leaves with the bandit and tells us that he will have more work for us.
I start picking up little items, bodies can be looted.
I see some rattlesnakes that bite you. Shooting and skinning them gets you items.

I go back to Bonnie's ranch and save, I have to wait until morning to get the next Bonnie mission.
I do a side mission at the ranch where you patrol with a dog and shoot a horse thief.

Mission 4
Bonnie again tries to get some info. John tells her that he is married with a son.
He tells her that he was a part of a gang. He  must capture Bill Williamson so that harm does not befall his family.
Bonnie asks him to help put the herd out to pasture.
We have to herd the cows by staying behind them all the way out to the pasture.

Mission 5
Bonnie introduces us to her father.
Bonnie has told him that John is on a secret mission from the government to kill Bill. It seems that her father does not like that, i suppose he would have liked the truth less.
Bonnie wants us to go and help her break in wild horses.
We go out into the wilds with Bonnie and her dad. We find a bunch of wild horses and have to lasso them.
Targeting with left trigger and roping them with right trigger.
We then have to get on them and do a little left to right balance mini game to tame them.
We have to do this twice then back to the ranch.
Word is that there are a whole herd of wild horses nearby. The ranch gang go out in force and we have to drive the herd into a canyon. A stallion gets away and we have to chase it and tame it.
Bonnie gives it to John as a thank you.

Mission 6
A storm is coming and the herd are out on the plains. They will scatter in the storm.
We have to go out and herd them all back in.
This is done by riding behind the herd. If some become stagglers they must be brought back to the main group.
There are two herds which must be joined.
When they join lightining strikes a tree and there is a stampede.
We have to get in front of the herd before it stampedes off a cliff.
Once done the herd must be regrouped and brought back to the ranch.

Mission 7
We join the Marshall in a hunt for a gang of cattle rustlers.
We go out to a canyon and get off our horses.
We go into the canyon and have to work through it fighting all the way. We have the Marshall and two other deputies to aid us.
We come to a full blown camp and clear it of the rustlers.

Mission 8
We are told of a snake oil salesman who has not been heard of for a while and are asked to find out about his fate.
I ride out to his location and find him collapsed by his wagon.
West is lying out by his wagon for no apparent reason.
Seems he has been attacked by bandits.
We have to drive his wagon back to town before he expires. We are attacked as we do and have to fend off around five mounted attackers.

Mission 9
I go to the marshall and find him tooling up for a problem with bandits.
Seems some bandits are getting outrageous, killing whole families.
We ride out after them. On the way we find two camps filled with dead bodies.
Before getting to a farm.
At the farm we check the outbuildings first, the shed and toilet are empty. The barn is a scene from an abbatoir. A woman is alive and she tells us that the house is filled with bandits. We go in firing and clear them room to room. Two have female hostages and the mission is ended if the women die.
Once the bandits are cleared from the house we have to go back outside and are told by a woman that the leader escaped. We set out to chase him.
We find our friend Bill with his gang. We take his gang on and win. No sign of Bill though.
We do capture one of his henchmen though, named Deke.

Mission 10
We meet up with West, the conman again.
He wants us to go with him to a nearby town and pose as one of the crowd and hype his product to the locals.
At the farm we have to drink a little then shoot a skull and a hat as it is thrown. The hatman now wants a fight. When we beat him he tries to shoot us and we use a bullet time sequence named dead eye to disarm him.

Mission 11
We are to meet with a man named Seth at a church. We find him digging up a grave, which it appears he is digging up with romance in mind.
Seth seems a little crazy. It seems he had a partner who stole half of his map.
We tell him that we will go and help him get his map back from Moses.
Moses has been arrested by deputies.
We have to distract them so that Seth can talk to Moses. We have to steal one of their horses. This makes us wanted with a $20 price on our head.
We have to escape the typical line of site and radius of the map from any lawmen for a period of about thirty seconds.
Once done we go back to Seth.
Seth is attacked by Moses who runs for it.
We have to lasso him and hogtie him.
We can truss him to our horse.
I take him back to Seth who tortures out the location of the map from him.
Seth gives us a pardon letter which we can take to the nearby telegraph office. This clears our bounty.

I take a coach to Bonnie's farm for her mission just to try it out.
We can fast travel or watch as the coach actually drives to the location you choose.

Mission 12
Bonnie wants us to go help look for her father who has gone missing.
We ride out and find him with a few dead men and their equally dead horses. He asks us to go get the wagon to bring the bodies back to the ranch.
When we get back to the ranch the barn is on fire.
We have to climb in the side of the barn and open the door from the inside. Three horses then need to be coaxed out of the barn. Once done we ride one of the horses to the coral and the mission is done.

Mission 13
We get to the Marshall's office to find Bonnie's father giving him grief. Seems that Bonnie has went missing.
A bandit turns up outside and tells them that he will trade Bonnie for Deke.
We take Deke and ride to the town. The exchange is nothing of the kind and we are faced with a gang of Baandits.
Bonnie is being hung as we enter and we have to save her as she swings by the neck.
Once all the bandits are downed and Bonnie freed the mission ends.

Mission 14
We meet West at a farm. He is slippery as usual and John ends up giving out some veiled threats. West become more responsive, but I get the idea we are going to do more work for him before he helps us in any way.
We get into his wagon and ride with him to gaptoth ridge.
Where he wants us to take part in a chariot race. The winner gets a cash prize.
The race is fun and surprisingly easy.
West tells us to speak to a man called Irish who can help us.

Mission 15
We come across Irish as he is being drowned by two men who, it seems are his business partners, well ex business partners anyway.
We kill the two when they refuse to back off.
Irish will help us get a machine gun.
We go to a remote shack and Irish tells us to go down and kill the guards and take the gun.
I do so and there is no gun, Irish is also long gone.

Mission 16
We catch up with a drunken Irish and threaten him for a gun.
He tells us that a bunch of miners have the gun.
We have to take it from them though.
We have to fight our way into the mine, then through thee tunnels.
We then have to push the mine cart with the gun through the mine and load it onto a lift up out of the mine.
We then have to push the mine cart down the hill.
Where we are attacked by a few miners.
Then we get the gun loaded on a wagon and Irish drives off to give the gun to West.

Mission 17
I find West, he again wants our help selling his tonics.
We join the crowd. A bunch of men ride up from the last place that west conned and out him as a charlatan. We are attacked and must ride shotgun as West makes his escape on his wagon.
Quite a fun mission.

Mission 18
West wants us to raise more cash for his plan to get us into Williamsons fort.
We have to do another race.
This is a damn hard race which I only won by looking up how to do it. A horse pill which is given to you silently at the start of the race if taken makes the horses stamina last for a while, if taken near the end of the race you can win. Otherwise you just don't have the stamina in your horse.

Mission 19
Seth is filling a wagon with bodies.
Which we wants us to drive for him.
This is a simple drive the wagon and shoot the baddies until we get to our destination in Tumbleweed.

Mission 20
We meet Seth and he wants us to accompany him to a mansion in Tummbleweed which is supposed to contain his treasure.
I fight my way into the mansion through heavy defenders.
Then find that the treasure is a glass eye.
A dejected Seth tells us that he will help us.

Mission 21
We find Irish robbing some nuns. We stop him and set him to finding us some parts for the broken gattling gun.
His friend Shaky can help us, a stuttering clone of Irish.
We find Shaky getting beaten up by people he has double crossed.
We have to save him then fight our way to the gattling ammo.
We then have to take it away on a wagon, avoiding bandits on the way.

Mission 22
The assault on Fort Mercer
We join the Marshall, West and Irish.
Seth is inside.
West's wagon has the gattling gun on the back.
West drives us inside, using the wagon like a trojan horse.
We then pop out and shoot the majority of the gang as they stand.
We then have to mop up the rest with the marshall and his gang.
Reinforcements arrive and we then have to use the gattling gun on them as they arrive.
That's it mission done, only there is no sign of Bill.
Seems he has gone to ground in Mexico.

Mission 23
We get on a raft with Irish which will take us across to Mexico.
This turns into an on rails fight with lots of bandits on the banks as we drift downstream out of control.
Irish leaves us to go on into Mexico.

There is a camp belonging to Irish we can use to save.

Mission 24
I arrive at fort and meet De Santo. He is of course in need of help in keeping law in Mexico.
De Santos thinks a rebel leader names Reyes may be harbouring Bill.
We ride shotgun on De Santos' wagon.
We are to ride escort on a train that is posing as a supply train, the rebels are primed to rob it and we  will be waiting to kill them all.
We have to ride out in front of the train and keep the rebels from destroying the engine.
Once at the station the soldiers party and the rebels sneak in and steal the train. We then have to go after the train, kill the rebels on board and stop the train from falling over a blown bridge.

Mission 25
We go to a town and some peasants pick a fight, John kills them and then Landon Rickets appears to chastise him.
John and Landon shoot the breeze and John asks him to help with his quest to kill Bill.
We have to learn how to use dead eye with Rickets.
First shooting  three bottles, then three moving birds.
Then we ride out to save a wagon driver in trouble and have three bandits to kill.
Then another three as we ride back to town.
Mission over.

Dead eye works by holding the right trigger to zoom and then clicking in the right stick. This slows time and allows you to mark targets which when pressing the right stick automatically you hit.

Mission 26
Landon wants us to help some mexicans who are asking for help for their kidnapped sister.
We accompany him to a town where a man in a slaughterhouse meets us. He will dstract the bandits and we will sneak into the cave.
we come to the cave entrance and are told to wait in cover for the distraction.
We storm the cave then have to blow the cell door.
Then defend Landon as he carries the girl out of the cave.
We then have to escort Landon and the girl on horseback to a meeting point with the slaughterhouse guy who is named carlos.
The mission is done when he meets you.

Mission 27
I meet Langdon at the pub and he is playing poker, I have to join his game.
This sees us play two rounds of poker before one of the other players calls us a cheat.
We then have a gunfight against him and then his men. One of which takes a hostage we have to shoot him out from behind without killing the hostage.
A short gunfight with the rest of the men and the mission is done.

Mission 28
Langdon and Marston shoot the breeze in the bar then a girl come and tells them that some good guys are being persecuted.
The policitical prisoners are being taken in prison wagons to be executed. We have to take out the wagon train guards, then the drivers. We then have to drive the wagons across the border to America. Guards on the bridge must be dealt with.

Mission 29
I go to De Santo, who is being bollocked by his superior.
Who it seems is the ruler of Mexico, he rants about the rebels.
The ruler will help us, again if we help him.
John reluctantly agrees.
We have to race De Santos to a small village, which we enter and kill all the rebels. Then De Santa and his men take away all the women to be sex slaves for the army.
We then are tasked with burning down the village. We are given petrol bombs to do this with.
Holding left trigger brings up a throwing arc and we have to shoot the bottles into three houses.
The mission ends.

Mission 30
We go to the fort and meet De Santa leaving with his men in a hurry, he tells us to come along.
We have to get onto a wagon and ride shotgun with him.
The wagon train is ambushed.
We come to an army camp that is under fire and have to get a sniper rifle to help out.
We then join the army as they take out a huge rebel base.
de santa is obviously stringing Marston along as a hired gun and knows nothing about the whereabouts of his targets. John is  getting annoyed at this, as the missions are killing the villagers, who are only rebelling against the injustice of the ruler.

Misson 31
Again we see De Danta bringing women to be raped by the ruler.
De santa seems to be more interested in the boy that accompanies him.
We are to help the army deliver weapons in return for information.
The soldiers that comes with us tells that De Santa is only really the maid to the ruler.
On the way we are ambushed.
We get to the train station and the supplies are loaded.
We have to take guard duty on the train with a gattling gun.
The train is ambushed by loads of riders, some of which try and get on the train with you.
We then arrive at the destination and the mission is done.

Time dependent missions are a pain in the ass, as you need to go and find a save point to advance the clock. Just not needed really.

I do a gang hideout mission, which basically means going to the location and clearing it of enemies.

Mission 32
Lusia, who we saved earlier wants us to take her sister to a boat which is fleeing Mexico. Seems the revolution is at hand.
We have to take the sister to the boat, lots of army people get in the way of our stagecoach.

Mission 33
I go to luisa's house and find it burned to the ground. She is nearby and tells us that her boyfriend has been captured. John volunteers to go and rescue him when she vows to do it herself.
I get to the prison with Lusia and am told to go in over the back wall.
There is a mission marker to help.
Then I have to go to a sniping point.
At this point we have to stop Reyes from being executed.
Once I kill the leader of the firing squad all I have to do is take out all the soldiers in the fort.
Once done I have to untie Reyes. The we have to get a horse and take him to Luisa.
He is not her boyfriend and Marston has been duped into helping free the resistance leader.
he promises to help us.

Mission 34
Back at the palace the ruler has news of our prey. They have been captured and we have to go with De santa to take custody of them.
It's a trick and De Santa has one of his men knock John out.
Reyes saves him from execution and we have to run to him to be released from our bonds.
Then we have to go to a chest and get our guns back.
Then take out all the soldiers.

Mission 35
We have to help Luisa ambush some reinforcements.
We have to place dynamite on the road so as to get both wagons.
We can place five sticks of dynamite, limited by wire length. Then up onto a hill to wait for the wagons. They come well spaced and it's a trial and error learning curve so that you can place the dynamite to blow both wagons at the same time.
Once done mop up the soldiers on escort duty and the mission is done.

Mission 36
We are told of the location of De santa and ride with a posse of rebels to capture him.
At a cemetry we find him making rebel prisoners dig their own graves before shooting them and tipping them in.
We then have to take out his guards and he runs for it.
Chasing down De santa we have to lasso him and hogtie him, then take him back to the cemetry.
Where we see John punch him in the face until he tells us where the bad guys are.
We get to kill him ourself or let the rebels have him. I let the rebels have him and they all shoot him at once.
We are now to ride after our prey.
At the destination soldiers are waiting and we have a fight. Then a woman tells us that de santa lied. seems she is telling the truth.

Mission 37
Reyes wants us to rob a train.
We ride to the train station at chuperosa.
Reyes makes a distraaction and we have to sneak onto the train using throwing knifes to take out the guards. The penalty for failing the stealth is lot more soldiers to fight.
Once the soldiers are dealth with we uncouple the train. we then have to shoot the soldiers and take the engine.
Once away we blow the armoured car and enter it to crack the safe. We get a minigame and some rewards inside the safe.

Mission 38
We find Reyes shagging a peasant girl, John asks about Luisa and Reyes brags about bedding her. It seems that one leader is as bad as the other.
We drive up to the fort and drive a wagon full of dynamite into the gates.
We then have to fight our way to find Esquaela.
We find him and John lets him monologue until he makes a break for it.
We have to chase him down and kill or capture him.
I capture him
I have to take him back to the fort.
Then defend the fort from an army counter attack.
I win this and then in cut scene we see John take Esquela and hand him over to the marshalls.

Mission 39
I go to the Presidents palace and find Reys captured and being beaten, the soldiers are killing indiscriminantly and the town is about to errupt.
Lusia is shot trying to save Reyes and John kills his captors.
We have a duel with their leader.
Next we have to free prisoners who will help in the fight.
Into the jail and shoot the locks.
Then back out to storm the palace.
I get to the gates and have to shoot out a gunpowder keg that Reyes plants at the gate to blow them open. Soldiers pour out and we get to gattling gun them down.
Then inside the villa to the doors of the palace.
I then have to go back out and defend against reinforcements using the gattling gun as the rebels break the doors down with an axe.
Inside the president and Williamson make a run for it.
They have an armoured wagon and a gattling gun on the back of it.
we have to chase them down, shoot all the guards and then a cut scene.
The president gets out and throws Williamson to us.
I shoot him in the head and Reyes shoots the President.
We then go back to the villa and have some wise and stupid words with Reyes.

Mission 40
I ride to Blackwater which is a large suburban area compared to the rest of the map.
Agent Ross and Fordham won't tell John where his wife and son are, and wants him to kill the last remaining gang member Dutch.
We go to his last known location in a car.
The locations the wreck of the Serendipity.
The wreck is deserted but a man is sitting on a chair tied to it. It is Ross's informant and this is a trap. The boat suddenly fills with enemies.
we have to escape and take the informant with us, he needs to be carried.
Back through the boat with loads of enemies.
We then go back to the car and it breaks down on the way.
We are ambushed by Dutch's men and have to fight them off.
We then go back to Blackwater.

Mission 41
I go to the map marker and it's the doctor who is into studying the natives.
He seems to be a bit of a cokehead.
The native we saved at the boat appears and tells John that he knows where Dutch is.
He takes us on a long ride and then we have some climbing to do.
The doctor bows out.
We have some climbing to do before exploring a mine.
The mine is empty but when we come back out some miners ambush us.
We then have to go on alone as Nastas is hurt.
Climbing up the cliffs we come to a scout who we have to take out stealthily.
We then pick up his binoculars, and scout a camp down below.
Dutch van be seen shooting a soldier. Now we at least know where he is.
To save us coming back down the mountain, Dutch shoots the binoculars and knocks John out. He comes to in the doctors office having been saved by Nastas.

Mission 42
John goes to Professor MacDougall who is ranting about the continuum between man and beast.
John goes with him even though he's nuts.
We go to a meeting with some of the native Americans who are joining Dutch. They start a fight and Nastas is killed.
We have to fight our way back out and then return to Blackwater with McDougall.
We are ambushed by two groups of indians on the way.

Mission 43
We go with Ross and fordham to watch Dutch come to meet his bank manager.
We are going to try shooting him from the rooftops.
I go to the roof along with more agents and get a sniper rifle.
We shoot dutch's gang as they leave the bank and murder most of them.
The we go inside to get Dutch.
Inside the bank we shoot a few gang members downstairs and have a hostage situation.
Then upstairs.
In cut scene we meet Dutch and he blows out a hostages brains and gets away.
We chase him to the same area of the last mission and fight a large group of indians.
After the fight Dutch is nowhere to be seen.

Mission 44
Back to Professor McDougall
John finds him packing to leave.
Dutch turns up to kill them both.
We go out onto the roof and fight Dutch's men.
Then down onto our horses and ride to the train station protecting the Prof all the way.

Mission 45
Back to Ross and Fordham.
We go affter Dutch.
We have an armoured car with a gattling gun on top.
We have to shoot some attackers from a static position.
Then we chase Dutch's men across the fields and the car is bombed and knocked over.
We then attack on foot.
We have a long ride up to the fort in the mountains.
We then blow the gates and have heavy fighting through the fort. Another gate needs to be blown and we have to protect the men laying the charges, giving covering fire.
Now we face Dutch, he is on a gattling gun.
We have to shoot out a lamp beside him which sets fire to his gun emplacement. This forces him to retreat and we give chase.
In the end there is no showdown, Dutch simply falls backwards off the cliff and commits sucide.
Ross and Fordham appear and after much chat tell John to go home to his family and they will be there.

Mission 46
Abigal Marston is at their farm, she meets John and starts hitting him saying that she thought he was dead.
Jack Marston and an old man who has been taking care of them appear and there is a reunion.
The farm is in a bad way. John wants to ask Bonnie McFarlane a favour.
The next day We have to ride with Jack to the McFarlane ranch.
She sells us some cattle and we have to ride with them back to the farm.
On the way rustlers attack and must be defeated.
We then herd the cattle back to John's farm and into the cattle pen.
The mission ends.

Mission 47
We ride out with Jack to take  him hunting. We have to shoot a few elk then show Jack how to cut them up.
Now we have to take the meat to sell.
Then back to the farm.

Mission 48
We have to go and shoot loads of crows eating our grain.

Mission 49
We need to take corn sacks to Bonnie.
Abigail is jealous of Bonnie and comes with him.
The meeting goes well, though Bonnie looks like she's lost something when they leave.
We drive Abigial back to the farm.

Mission 50
I find uncle and prod him to work.
We have to herd the herd out to pasture.
On the way we encounter a gang robbing a train and have to save the train from them.

Mission 51
We go out with Uncle and capture three wild horses.

Mission 52
jack has abandonment issues.
We have to go out and scare away some wolves that are coming after the herd.
By scare i mean kill two groups of them, we follow the dog to their location.

Mission 53
Jack goes off hunting a bear to try and prove something to John. We have to go and save him from the grizzly.
Then ride back home.

Mission 54
Jack and John talk in the barn, things are looking settled and everything is rosy.
Spoke too soon. Sooldiers appear at the farm en masse and start to attack.
Uncle and John go out to meet them and John tasks Jack with keeping his mother in the house and the doors and windows locked.
We fight a wave of soldiers and then are told to go to the house.
Jack comes out and joins the fight on the porch as lots of soldiers attack.
Uncle is shot and dies after we defeat them.
John tells Abigail and Jack that they need to escape as the army just keep on coming.
We lead them to the barn under heavy attack.
Inside John tells them to ride off and not look back.
John then goes out to face about fifteen men, he draws and we get to dead eye as many as possible before being gunned down.
John dies.
The agents walk away.
We now control Jack and Abigail and they have to ride back to see what happened.
They arive and find John dead.
The scene changes to a grave and then flips forward in time again.
We see an older Jack and we get control of him. Abigail is dead and buried beside John.

That is all the main story done, took 16:30 hours and i got 330 achievement points.

Stranger mission 1
I speak to a man at the bandstand, he works for a senator, he has blackmail pictures of a rival and John is to be the one to show him them.
I take the pictures to the man and show him them, he changes his tune.
I go back to the man and get my reward.

stranger mission 2
I meet an agent who we trick into telling us Ross's location.
I go and find his wife, who tells us that he is out hunting.
Then we find his brother and finally Ross who challenges us to a duel.
After killing him the credits to the game roll.

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