Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days Notes

I choose hard mode because i'm a masochist.

We see Kane and Lynch naked and bloody being tortured on video by a man wielding a stanley knife.
As the game loads we hear Lynch talk to someone on the phone, presumably his girlfriend.
Kane is coming to see Lynch in Shanghai, we watch as they meet after being apart for some time.
They are on a job, it seems that Lynch is out of the loop but Kane is still embroiled in deep trouble.
Lynch needs to talk to someone who has loose lips.
I get control

Normal left and right Analogue sticks for movement and camera.
Right on the dpad shows a point of interest, or basically where to go next.
Right trigger fires.
Left trigger zooms in
Right bumper reloads
Y switches between the two weapons you can carry at a time.
Clicking left stick crouches
Clicking rightt stick changes which shoulder you view things over.

Mission 1
The visit instantly goes wrong and we are straight into a gunfight with the target. He runs for it and we have to give chase, he is dragging a naked girl with him.
We have to chase him through some buildings and out onto the rooftops, some people start shooting back. This is gang territory and it seems this man has friends.
We chase him through a market and encounter heavy resistance.
We eventually catch him and he starts shooting, the girl he is with is shot and he then slits his throat.

Mission 2
We are in a car with a british man  called Glaiser who seems to be the fixer for the job that Kane has came to do.
The car is attacked and we have to make our way along the streets under heavy fire.
Then the police turn up and make it very hard.
We escape to an underground parking garage.
Where we fight some cops.
Then through some derelict ruins to a getaway van that Glaiser has called.
Glaiser tells us to lie low and find out what happened if we can.

Mission 3
We go with a man called Tommy to a sweat shop looking for answers.
Basically just a run from room to room shooting bad guys.
We meet up with some more of Glaiser's men.
Eventually we come to a man called Sing in the centre of the sweat shop.
It turns out that the girl who was with the man we chased down in the first mission and shot was the daughter of one of the biggest crime lords in Shanghai.
Glaisers men freak out and turn on Kane and Lynch.
we have to escape.
shang Sing is a crime lord and has the police in his pocket.
We are now being sought by evvery gang and policeman in shanghai.
Lynch tries to contact his girlfriend and tells her to meet them in a restaurant.

Mission 4
At the restaurant we wait for the girl. the swat team show up instead.
We fight our way out of the restaurant and then decide to go to Lynch's apartment to look for the girl.
A large set piece fight on a crowded street impresses.
Propane tanks blow half the street away.
Then into some ruined buildings again for a fight with the swat team again.

Mission 5
We arrive at Xiu's apartment building.
glaiser calls and tells Kane and Lynch to meet him tomorrow for the deal to take place.
We fight our way up through the lobbies and flights of stairs in her building then into her apartment. White suited swat team enemies arrive and it's clear that Xiu isn't in the apartment.
We fight of the white guys then out onto the balcony again. We see Xiu on the other side and we have to save her from attack by the white guys.
We then try and get to her through heavy oppostiion.
After taking out a lot of white guys and mixed enemies we get a cut scene.
Sing appears with Xiu and threatens to shoot her.
Lynch hits Kane who isn't going to give up and is trying to shoot Sing.

Mission 6
We see the aftermath of the torture scene we saw at the start.
Xiu is dead and Lynch left for dead. He survives and comes back in all cut up and naked looking for Kane. We have to save him and kill Sing in the process.
We are now naked and unarmed and have to escape.
We leave the building and are in a bus station.
We then progress to streets and a shopping mall
Fighting all the way.
Lynch has a breakdown in a tv shop and Kane has what is supposed to be a touching moment
We then meet a lot of swat team guys in a cafe and the mission ends.

Mission 7
Kane and Lynch meet Glaiser and it seems he had sold them out to Shang Sing.
We have a huge ambush in a large fight box which is good fun.
Then through a shipyard fighting.
We meet Glaiser and he begs for his life and promises to get Kane and Lynch out of Shanghai.
He is shot by a sniper and we start to fight army types.
We have a long fight through the shipyard to the docks

Mission 8
The docks are full of soldiers.
Heavy machine gunners are introduced.
We then get to a trainyard.
It's a long fight through the trainyard
A sniper is the only new thing introduced here.

Mission 9
Kane and Lynch get on a train and it stops seconds later.
Soldiers appear and for some strange reason these ones aren't shot like the thousand others we have met so far, they are special, they are plot point soldiers.
We are taken by helicopter, presumably to meet the big bad boss man.
Kane and Lynch take over the helicopter and it's on rails shooter section.
We have to shoot soldiers inside the building and some have rocket launchers.
We also have two helicopters to fight.

Mission 10
We crash land on the roof and have to make our way inside.
A portion on the roof where you have to sneak up on a sniper and then kill loads of enemies was getting me down. I tried to sneak past as it seemed that there was a pattern to the patrol. I managed it, what do you know it's a stealth game too.
Inside we fight lots of men inside machinery filled rooms.
Then down in a lift to more office like areas.
We have some big rooms with a helicopter shooting in from outside.
Then some fights with soldiers in the office areas.
After heavy resistance we get to the office and Lynch simply shoots the baddie in cut scene.

Mission 11
At the airport we basically have to run riot through the baggage area looking for Glaiser's plane.
when we find it it is in no condition to fly.
We then have to run through the baggage areas and finally out onto a runway where we storm onto a passenger jumbo jet and take off. The credits roll.

380 achievement points
Didn't keep a good count here but felt like 10 hours.

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