Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dead Rising 2 Notes

Cut scene shows the Hero working on a motorbike,a young girl around 10 year old is sitting watching him.
A man tells him he is on soon, and asks him to sign a release from.
The girl is called Katey and Chuck asks for her to be taken to a place of safety.
Chuck then rides off down a tunnel on his motorbike.
He joins a few others at a starting line.
This is terror is reality, a game show where contestants kill zombies.
The host Tyrone king appears and stirs up the crowd.
We then get to drive around a small arena with chainsaws on the handlebars of the bike.
The objective is to kill more zombies than the other three players.
I come second.
Tyrone has some disparaging words for Chuck who it seems is a motocross champion.
We see a news broadcast which shows a protest group called Cure which is against the unethical treatment of zombies that goes on in the show.
In the dressing room Chuck asks where to go to get Katey back.
We are now tasked with going to the green room.

I get control of Chuck in the dressing room.
Usual analogue sticks for movement and camera.
B is used to talk to people when you get close to them.
I wander about and find some bare brick corridors.
We are told to go into a bathroom, where we can save the game.
I pass the girls  dressing room and one of the showgirls named Amber is rude to Chuck.
At the end of the hall an elevator opens and another girl takes the mick.
Chuck goes inside and as the elevator goes up a bang sounds and the lights go out.
Chuck forces the door and finds people running in terror and then the zombies show up.
I get control again.
We are now in corridors and there are lots of zombies.
I swing about a bit with fire axes and guitars.
Then I get killed and a cut scene starts????

We see some survivors entering a shelter.
Chuck and Katey are among them.
We go inside and find out that Katey has been bitten before. The drug Zombrex keeps her from turning.
We meet a bunch of survivors inside the safe zone as in the previous game.
I get out using an air vent.
I am in the mall and heading for the pharmacy.
Inside I find Denyce. She is being mugged by looters and we kill them.
I get the zombrex and we now have to take Denyce back to the safe house.
I do this and get some PP which is experience points.
I go back out and find a woman to save fairly close by and do that.
I need to give Katey the ZOmbrex at a specific time. Otherwise she will overdose, too long and she will go zombie.
The time rolls around and I give Katey the zombrex.
This triggers a new case in the game.
Cases seem to be new states triggered by completeing story missions.
A cut scene starts showing news broadcasts. It seems that terrorists from Cure blew a hole in the zombie pen. Footage is shown of someone wearing Chuck's outfit doing it.
Cure and Chuck are blamed for the outbreak.
Stacey is involved with Cure and she says the they didn't do it either.
They decide that speaking to the reporter from the tv news might give them a lead.
I am given the key to maintenance rooms. In these rooms I can combine equipment to make better weapons.
A I am leaving the safe house I am directed to a maintenance room.
Here we are shown how to make a spiked baseball bat by combining nails and a baseball bat.
I choose to do a side mission and go after a girl called Doris who is shooting up zombies.
I find her and she won't come until I find her husband.
I find him not far away and take him back to her.
After much fiddling with dodgy a.i. I get her to come with us and the two of us head back.
On the way I trigger another cut scene and  meet the reporter quite by accident.
She suggest we go and find the real security footage if the one sent to her was fake.
I take a trip with her and the other two follow.
I go to the security office and find that the whole office is destroyed.
The reporter is starting to believe Chuck.
We now have to go back to the bunker as Sullivan is taking a fit about Stacy and Chuck being in cahoots.
Chuck goes back and argues, the reporter turns up.
This impresses sullivan who gives Chuck a short leash.
The motorbiker who is proabably responsible for releasing the zombies attacks chuck, he gives us the key to a motorbike. Then vanishes.
Riding around on the motorbike is fun.
I save two casino workers.
The a.i really does suck.
You can put survivors in wheelchairs or carry them in the case of an elderly blind lady and a drunk showgirl.
At 7:30pmn game time you have to go back to the safe house.
Stacey is worried about Katey who has fell asleep. She sees something on the monitor, a bunch of organised activity near the train station.
I go there and find Tyrone King loading something onto the train. He has machine gun armed guards.
He leaves and send the guards to kill us.
Once you have killed the guards you have to chase him on a motorbike and jump it onto the back of the train.
Once done you fight some more merc and come face to face with TK. He uncouples the carriage and leaves you behind.
We are now in the underground which is zombie killing fun fest. You can run about in vehicles and a big hamster ball to your hearts content killing loads of zombies.
Our next objective is to find more zombrex as it's getting near time for Katey's dose.
I smash up gambling machines and atm's in the casino to get enough to buy it from the Pawn shop.
Now it's time to go back to Katey, where we give her the Zombrex.
I save a paramedic and he gives me zombrex, after about an hour of smashing up fruit machines.
As we leave again to go do some side missions standing on a wasp makes zombies heads explode.
I save the guy who has been bitten, he needs zombrex to save, hope he is worth it.
It's time for story to unfold further. I am told to go back to the safe house.
Here an explosion rocks the whole area. Seems TK and his  men are robbing the casino's.
It's up to us to go and stop them.
I have to take care of four groups of men trying to drill into the casino vaults.
Lack of any kind of checkpointing is really making me want to turn off the game
Twice now I have died after doing two or three and been put back at the safe house.
Controls are frustrating, shooting mechanics are shit.
I try learning to save on the way to each encounter, but I shouldn't have to.
I eventually kill the six soldiers around the last van that is robbing the casino.
I used the motorbike and got lucky this time.
A cut scene shows TK annoyed and Rebecca the journalist filming the evidence.
I save a rock band who think the zombies crowding round the stage are fans.
We now have to meet with Rebecca and her source, the person who originally told her that Chuck released the zombies.
When we get there Rebecca is tied up by the two showgirls. They are in league with TK.
We have to fight them both. It seems impossible.
I go online and find that combining twoo bottles of beer gives you painkiller.
This makes your health much more resilient. I go in with two painkillers and a few combo weapons and make short work of them.
A cut scene shows one worried about the death of the other and she then kills herself.
Rebecca tells Chuck that TK has a chopper coming in at night and we have to meet her on the roof of the bunker at that time.
I manage to kill one of the psycho's a big dude in a gimp suit who is trying to marry an unfortunate girl at a chapel. The man kills his own father before turning on us.
Again the painkiller seems to be the key to defeating these people.
I take the girl back to the safe house and give Katey her next dose of Zombrex.
She passes out. Stacey tells us of Isabella who was in the first game, and her work to find a cure.
I save a man called Richard who won't come with us until we feed him.
He gives us zombrex as a reward though.
I kill a psycho postman who has gone nuts because nobody will sign for his deliveries.
I get zombrex from him too.
Which is just as well as the guy i saved earlier who was bitten needs zombrex. I go back to the safe house and give him the spare dose.
Now we have to go and get a man who is robbing the atm's. He won't come until he had done enough of them, we have to follow him around and protect him until he had enough cash and then get him back to the safe house.
He gives you $50,000 as a reward.
I find a girl who has got locked out of her room in her undies. She won't come back to the safe house unless we get naked too. I need to go to a mens clothing shop to undress.
On the way I meet a mad mall cop who has now decided he can hang anyone he meets.
Now it's back to the main story.
I go to the roof of the safe house with Rebecca and watch as TK's chopper lands on the roof of the hotel.
We now have to go there and stop him from getting away.
When we get to the lobby there are merc with guns at the the lifts.
I kill them and go up in the lift to see TK getting away. Chuck hooks the helicopter onto a crane in cut scene and we now have a boss battle with the tethered helicopter.
We have to use the winch to bring it close then hurl crates and objects into the rotors.
Once done TK falls out and the helicopter crashes. Chuck and Rebecca take TK back to the safe house amid a rain of the burning money that TK stole.
In the safe house The cop wants to kill TK, Chuck tells him to wait and let the authorities deal with him. TK is Handcuffed. I am suspicious about the cop Sullivan. I think he is going to let TK go.
Next main story job is to get zombrex for Katey.
I save two comedians arguing about who is funnier. You get to choose which of them to award the trophy to. The one you don't give it to needs to be bribed to follow you.
Back at the safe house I play poker with some survivors.
Then it's time to give Katey zombrex.
I go and save a woman who has lost her mother and is contemplating suicde. I go find the mother, bring her back to her and then they both follow to the safe house.
At the safe house it's time for the next story mission.
The military arrive and four or five jeeps come into the city over a bridge that has been put up since the zombie outbreak.
The soldiers are confident and arrogant about their ability to defeat the zombies. They start marching down the street shooting the zombies. Green gas comes out of underground vents. This mutates the zombies and makes them harder to kill.
Rebecca is filming the miltiary arrival and is chased by the new gas zombies.
Chuck goes to her rescue.
When we arrive the surviving military commander has gone psycho  and is keeping rebacca hostage.
We have to kill him, Rebecca is hurt and can't walk so we have to carry her back to the safe house.
Back at the safe house TK is talkative. He lets slip that he was told to frame Chuck.
He also knows something about the gas.
We see the gang chat about what is going on, they are rudely interrupted by zombies in the safe house.
We now find that the door has been opened from the inside. We need the generator, fuel barrel and spool of wire. These items need to be set up to close the door again.
The safe house is full of zombies and all the survivors you have collected are being attacked. You have to move quickly to get all the stuff back to the panel and then hammer the A button until the door is closed.
Chuck wants to find Sullivan to find out what happened.
On the way we see TK running for it. He is bitten by a zombie and Chuck saves him.
TK now needs zombrex and pleads with chuck for him to get it.
The tv news shows that the outside world thinks the mutant zombies have overrun the city, the military team have been lost. The army are ready to bomb the city off the face of the earth to stop the zombie outbreak.
I go down into the underground where the gas is comign from. The zombies all seem to be heading for a door. I open it and go inside.
There is a large machine which kills the zombies and makes the wasps appear. The wasps all head up inside the machine. It appears like they are harvesting the wasps.
The men working the machine spot chuck and attack.
I defeat them and move into a lab. I have to kill two scientists in here. Chuck gets a laptop which holds secrets. We now have to go back to the safe house.
darn save points here make this darn annoying to understate things.
I eventually make it back to the safe house.
At the safe house Rebecca looks at the laptop evidence which shows that the company Phenotrans has engineered the outbreak seemgingly to increase demand for Zombrex, which is their product.
Sullivan choose his time to reveal he is a bad guy. He shoots Rebecca in the head and takes the laptop. He is about to shoot everyone else when Stacey hits him and chuck manages to get his gun. Sullivan flees. We are now to chase him down. He obviously knows how to get out with the scientists from Phenotrans.
I catch up with sullivan on the roof of the Yucatan casino.
He seems to be the mastermind behind the outbreak after all. Zombrex is used by an awful lot of people to prevent them turning into zombies. It seems that the only way to manufacture zombrex is from the queens which grow inside the bodies of the zombies.
Phenotrans have kept this a secret, and the isolated outbreaks of zombies in the past few years are their attempts at keeping their stocks of queens going. Without the zombie outbreaks there would be no zombrex and an awful lot of people would turn, including Chuck's daughter Katey.
Chuck still wants to stop Sullivan despite this. Surely if the world's infected were allowed to turn then zombrex would no longer be needed and the suffering would end.
Though it's a hard choice when your ten year old daughter is one who will have to die to allow that future without zombies and suffering for an awful lot more innocents.
The final fight with Sullivan is a total pain. He stands on a scaffold and is hard to get up to let  alone hit. Bullets do little damage as he has body armour and he blocks most melee weapons.
I eventually wear him down.
When he dies a cut scene starts. He manages too hook onto a skyhook that is going to get him away as a plane passes overhead. Chuck manages to hook him onto a ground based hook and he is torn in half.
I see a cut scene where Chuck, Katey and Stacy are going to a helicopter. Katey drops her backpack and Chuck goes back for it. As he gets it TK as a zombie grabs him and pins him down.
Stacey gets the backpack and Chuck tells her to just go. The last we see of Chuck is him disappearing under a crowd of zombies.
Stacey and Katey get away.
The obviously wasn't the happy ending. I think I was supposed to get TK the zombrex.
Game takes aroud 13 hours to play through, but that does not include deaths and resets, so probably around 15-20 hours easily.
240 achievement points.

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