Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Medal of Honor Notes

I choose Hard mode from the three choices. I may live to regret this.

A cut scene shows the view from a helicopter flying in a snowy location. Two men jump from it as it comes under fire. The scene goes black and we cut to six months earlier.
In space in orbit of the earth, we hear radio chatter. We slowly come down to Earth as news and military chatter goes on randomly. The zoom finally zeroes in on a spotter plane as it tracks two pickup trucks driving through Afganistan.
We are driving towards the town of Gardez The two trucks pull up to a roadblock entering Gardez. They are allowed to pass into the town. Further in they stop and a goat herder blocks the way. After this the trucks move further into the town, as they go down and alley around six soldiers appear and some more on the rooftops with rocket launchers.
The shooting starts quickly and the truck we are in drives backwards fast until hit by a rocket splash damage. With the truck wrecked the two soldiers inside get out into a bombed out building.

We get control.
Usual camera and movement with the analogue sticks.
A is jump.
X is reload.
Right bumper is grenade.
Right trigger shoots
Left trigger is Iron sights.
Clicking right stick melees
Clicking left stick runs.
down on dpad is switch to night vision.

Mission 1
Our friend is called Voodoo.
I think I am called Rabbit.
The other squad are separated from us.
The first objective is to secure the crash site and meet up.
I get a few men to shoot and it's fun and fairly easy going to ease you in.
I get to the crash site then trough a building which is opened by voodoo.
We then meet up with the others and fight in a square.
We are asked to breach a door and go in.
I can get ammo from Voodoo when I need it.
We progress through the buildings until we meet up with Mother and Panther and then are pinned down by a machine gun emplacement.
As we flank it we are shot at by a rocket and the floor caves in and we fall in pseudo cut scene.
We then are told to storm a house, seems we are here looking for someone, to kill them or rescue them I don't know.
We progress through the town.
At times we uses the a.i. to boost up to higher places.
We progress to a room in the house and in cut scene find a man tied to a chair. He has a bomb strapped to him and one of the others kicks him away as he explodes.
We go back out and head towards a fort.
Air support targets the fort doors on our instructions and blows us a way in.
Inside there is a  machine gun to flank.
We go through a side entrance and flank the gun, then get a sniper rifle and help the other two team from above as they move through the fort.
We then move through buildings clearing them looking for this Turiq.
We come to him eventually, and a bullet time sequence allows us to kill all his guards before they can kill him.
Mission over. We speak to Turiq and he urges us to kill the Taliban, they have his daughter.

Mission 2
Bagram airfield
We start in a vehicle under fire.
The airfield is under heavy attack from our forces. We assist the main assault on the gate with our emplaced gun on a vehicle then drive around back and try and sneak in the back door.
We fight through bombed out buildings again with the three man team.
We then use a laser designator to target a gate and a tank for the air support.
we then have to take out some mortar crews.
There are three to take out.
Then we move into a plane graveyard and take out another mortar team. We then move through the graveyard under attack from taliban reinforcements.
We are now attacking the control tower.
Inside is heavy resistance and we fight through to the top of the tower. Here we bomb using laser guidance a bunch of tanks and trucks heading in to reinforce the Taliban.
We see a cut scene of a headquarters being set up. The man in charge speaks to a general who looks like he is back in the USA. He wants the valley occupied within 24 hours.
The tier one team are being sent in to scout targets for the air support.

Mission 3
Gardez, we are riding on bikes now.
Which is fun in a Halo kind of way.
We come to an outpost and snipe our way inside.
We find some intel which shows that enemy numbers are much higher than expected.
We now have to get back on our bikes and go to a place Menjawar.
We approach and snipe some people from long range.
We then approach the village and sneak in.
We have to mark trucks, I don't know why?
I mark one and Dusty marks one, sneaking about inside the village. Though we are shooting people so the enemy are going to know that something odd is going on.
We have a stealth section where we run in between patrols and shoot the odd guard. I plant another beacon and then we have to get out of the village.
We then join up with the other two who have been doing similar activities.

Mission 4
We are on foot in the hills heading to a place which has been codenamed Dorothy.
A goat herder is revealed to be a lookout.
We then go up into the hills and take out a small camp. Then move onto an anti aircraft gun which we have to storm and place a charge on.
We then laser paint some trucks for the air support.
We then move through a camp with heavy fighting.
The camp is hit by air support on our orders and we move through the burning wreckage.
Our character rabbit is hit by an enemy and nearly shot, he is saved by another soldier.
We then move into a cave.
Then another camp to clear. There is a huge camp and we use laser designators to paint targets for the air support.
We then have to prevent the enemy from shooting down the air support by taking out an anti-aircraft gun with a rocket launcher.

Mission 5
We are landing troops in a troop transporter which is shot down. We are under ehavy fire and running for cover.
We then progress along a road and up a hill
Into a village.
A gun is causing problems and we need to take it out.
air support can't help.
We have to supress the fire from the machine gun by shooting at the gunner.
This is made hard by a glitch that sees the suppress mechanic not working.
I spent over an hour trying to get past this point.
Very frustrating, I had to look up how to get past this online and found the only way was to restart the entire mission and not die until after a certain point.
Otherwise the campaign is halted by dodgy friendly a.i.
We move through the bombed village and through a canyon.
Then we come to a bunch of huts which we are going to use and a landing zone for extraction.
One of the huts is booby trapped and as the men go to breach a bomb goes off.
We are then unnder heavy attack as Taliban flood down from the hills.
We are making a last stand here as there is nothing in the way of back up that is going to get there quick enough.
Survive long enough and as you are running out of ammo two gunships arrive and save the day.

Mission 6
We are now taking the role of a gunship pilot, this is an on rails sequence.
We shoot at various targets, mortar emplacements and a village full of Taliban until the mission ends. It's fun but I wouldn't be in a rush to play it again.

Mission 7
We are back with tier one squad as rabbit.
Sniping teams of Taliban from kilometres away.
We follow Dusty around the area and alternate from sniping enemies in the distance to fighting at close range.
There is a scene where we follow a wounded man from one gunfight to his friends and then kill them as well.
We then assist the other squad who are under heavy fire from a large force.
We then switch to playing as the other team and have to retreat down the side of a mountain trying to get a clear landing zone for extraction.
We use air support and still the enemies keep on coming.
Eventually we get through a village to a safe enough spot for the helicopter to set down. Two of the SEALS get down to the chopper but two are left on the ground as it has to move to avoid rpg fire.
We help from the air and try to get back for the two men but heavy fire forces the chopper to leave the area.

Mission 8
The general, who's only role seems to be to give the wrong advice asks for the two seals to be redeployed. They go against orders and go back for their men. The chopper is shot down for their trouble. Looks like if they survive they will still be in big trouble.
I am seperated from Mother and have to sneak around and meet up with him.
We then prowl around the mountain looking for bad guys and the two lost Seals.
After a long fight with a lot of enemies we enter a small hut. Inside we find evidence that the seals have been there. As we are in the hut it comes under heavy fire. We have to escape injured from the burning hut and then jump over a cliff rather than get captured.
They would have just as well been captured at the top and they get captured at the bottom.

Mission 9
The general is being logical and wants to avoid any further loss of life for the seals.
The Colonel wants to divert the rangers to help.
One of the tech cuts the link and the colonel sends the rangers in.
Bad move as their helicopter gets mashed and most of them die in the crash.
The survivors assemble and we get to shoot from the helicopters gun for a bit then out into the snow for more fighting.
We have to take out two bunker machinne guns using air support and fight our way up a hill.
Then into a cave.
We fight our way through and meet up with Preacher and Voodoo.
Now we are looking for the the other two.
We ascend a hill fighting all the way.
Eventually we get to the top and find our missing men.
rabbit is bleeding to death.
Extraction is taking a long time.
Rabbit dies and we watch as the team are extracted and the mountain blown by bombers.

Didn't time this one that well but seemed to be around ten hours.
430 achievment points for one playthrough on hard and an hour or so of multiplayer.

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