Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blood Stone 007 Notes

I choose Agent difficulty which is hard, the veteran is locked.

M speaks to Bond on the phone, he is on a plane. M wants him to get onto a boat which terrorists are using. Greco, an arms dealer plans to attack the G20 summit.
A general tells M that she is wrong and no attack is coming. she still sends Bond to the boat.
Bond parachutes onto the boat.


Left and right analogues for movement and camera, third person view.
A to use cover.
Left trigger to aim.
Right trigger to shoot.
B to use ladders etc.
X to melee attack.
Left bumper to use focus aim.
Right bumper is reload.

Mission 1
We start on deck with only one man to shoot.
Cover can be got into by pressing A. the usual sliding around and moving out of cover rules apply.
I kill the guard and progress inside the boat.
Another man shot and we are told to take a ladder to the lower deck.
We see Bond sneak close to an enemy and are told use a takedown.
These give us focus aims.
I take out another two guards and then move into a room and a cut scene shows Bond finding Greco and attacking him, he gets away and two machine gun armed guards shoot at bond.
I kill them, get their guns and go after Greco.
I run back up onto the deck. A cut scene shows Greco firing a missile from a smaller boat as he flees. The missile hits the yacht, Bond jumps overboard and commandeers a smaller boat to give chase. We are now in a boat driving sequence chasing Greco.
This is suitably filled with explosions. We shoot at smaller boats and have to stay with the bigger one. A helicopter comes to join the fun and we shoot a fuel tank near it to get rid of it.
Bond Crashes the boat into the jetty and then continues the Chase of Greco and his men.
I enter a hotel, nice touch is the fleeing civilians.
We have a little bit of fighting with Greco's men in the hotel then in a bar find Greco.
Bond asks where the bomb is and Greco is defiant. A car drives off and Bond realises that the bomb must be in the car.
Now a driving sequence.
We chase the car and ram it to disable it.
The bomb goes off.
Bond appears in cut scene talking to M at the summit.
We then get a rather smart Bond style title sequence.

Mission 2
We are to find a missing scientist. He has gone missing at a construction site where the builders have uncovered some archeological remains. The scientist may have defected.
We go down a street and into the site. Here we are told to use our smart phone. This puts us into a diagnostic view. which is very similar to that of Heavy Rain's VR goggles.
We can see evidence highlighted. we have to scan two laptops and the handler tells us over the radio that they will clone their hard drives.
We are then met by a worker who tells us to follow him.
This is a trap and we are told to wait in a cabin. The cabin is then picked up by a crane and dropped down a deep shaft.
We escape by jumping and swinging onto a hook of the crane in semi cut scene.
Now we are into the fight proper here. Through the building site taking out enemies. We can use the smart phone here as a tactical view. We can see enemy indicators. Where explosive environmental hazards are and where dropped weapons are to be picked up. There is also waypoint data as well.
We are also shown that environment triggers can be seen on the smart phone as well.
I shoot a gantry and make a way down to the lower level.
More people to shoot and we seem to need to get a train to move.
I move forwards and find a switching point for the tracks, I now have to go back to the train and start it moving.
We use the train to go deep into the catacombs.
We are then chased by a drill machine. We have to jump and clamber to avoid it.
We then have more fighting with enemies and find a scientist. Seems the bad guys are after bioweapons.
I have a long fight with soldiers and there is little checkpointing here.
We eventually catch up with the Bad guy named Bernin or something like that and he is torturing Tedworth for the password to the usb drive with the bioweapon research.
He gets it and kills Tedworth just as bond arrives.
Bond gives chase and we get back up onto the streets and into a car chase scene.
This is long and spectacular, filled with bangs and explosions and lots of car chase cliches.
Eventually we wreck the car near the destination of the bad guys and start giving chase on foot.
We go through a large ruins type area fighting all the way. Eventually we come to a crane which needs a block kicked out to let it drop and make the way forwards.
A helicopter comes around and seems to be waiting hovering. We follow Bernin until he gets to the chopper and hands the usb stick to the pilot who takes off. Bond catches him and asks for a name.
Stefan Pomerov is the buyer, M talks to Bond and researches him.

Mission 3
We go to Monaco, and meet an agent named Nikki.
She is deep cover as a jewellery designer and can get bond close to Pomerov.
We go to a casino where she will provide a distraction which will let us get in to Pomerov's safe. We have to sneak into the casino. This is a nice section where we get to knock out guards and snipe them with our silenced pistol.
I come to a security camera which can be disable with the smart phone. We have a little button pressing mini game with a rotating dot which passes through button symbols. These must be pressed at the correct time to disable the camera.
We have a long stealth or not stealth section if you please to get inside the casino.
We then have to obtain three codes from security guards to get into a locked off lift.
It does not matter if these people are alive or dead the smartphone can get it from their unsuspecting or lifeless bodies.
We then have a little pseudo stealth section, don't worry you can't fuck it up even if you stand in front of Pomerov as he talks to Joss Stone.
You sneak past him and out a balcony then into his private office where you have a button pressing mini game to open the safe.
You see the scientist from earlier on video telling the interrogators that they were making an antidote to anthrax and smallpox for use in the field.
We now have to get out, the alarm goes off and we have  to fight our way back out of the casino.
where Joss stone is waiting to drive us away.
M tells us that Pomerov is buying up chemical manufacturing components.
We have to go to where the equipment is in Siberia.

Mission 4
Joss takes us to siberia to the refinery.
We are playing the role of her bodyguard and have to wait in a cabin outside while she goes to speak to Pomerov.
We activate his alarm on his car to get a guard to open a gate as he comes out to see what is going on.
Inside we can wander about unmolested.
We have to go into the office type area and hack the door too the server room.
We are trying to retrieve the data from the computers.
Inside the mainframe room we find that the data is not stored here.
We have to get to a separate system. To do this we need biometric data from Pomerov. we need his fingerprint and a voice sample.
We find his fingerprint on a glass in the bar.
Then record his voice from a small cinema type room showing a presentation from him.
We then get into the restricted area. another wander around this more secure looking area. We have some guards to take out.
Then into a computer room.
We have to wait for about three minutes while the data is uploaded. The alarm is triggered and we have to wait the three minutes under heavy guard attack.
We then are hemmed in by doors and have to escape gas that is being pumped into the room.
Then we have to fight our way back outside.
We now have the mission to destroy the refinery.
I move through the area fighting and stealth killing guards.
Then to a control room.
We have to knock out override valves which will cause an explosion.
I fight my way to the first wheel then have to fight my way back through an alternate route.
We arrive back at the control room and take the other door which leads us through some fight boxes to the other wheel.
Here we have to make our way through freezing gas to escape.
This is a long run through gantries with soldiers looming out of the gas using shotguns.
We then get back to the control room and trigger the chain reaction.
We ask Nicole to meet us outside with the car running.
Here we have a large fight box, an open arena really. Where we have to survive for what feels like hours until Nicole brings the car around.
We then have a driving sequence where we chase the train loaded with bioweapons. we need to negotiate a road then a frozen river with a helicopter chasing us.
There are huge holes in the ice which make this a memory game.
At the dock Pomerov gets away in a plane, a sea plane.
we then give chase on a large hovercraft.

Mission 5
We are on the large enemy occupied hovercraft and looking to lighten the load so we can chase Pomerov.
We have to clear the upper deck of soldiers then move into the garage like interior.
Here we must make our way along the bay avoiding guns on tanks. we also have soldiers to deal with. The buttons need to be pressed to eject the tanks and lighten the hovercraft so it can catch Pomerov.
We then go back above deck for an emplaced gun section where we shoot out Pomerov's water planes engines and shoot incoming rockets.
Next we have to jump aboard the pane and go inside.
Inside the gas is escaping from crates which seems to be making a danger indicator go up.
We fight through the plane to the cockpit and fight with Pomerov. We kill him and stop the plane.
In cut scene we see the Russian authorities cleaning up the bioweapons and a Russian agent joking with Bond about there being no weapons and shagging Nicole.
Bond speaks to M about something that was nagging him. He feels that they were tipped off about this by someone who wanted Pomerov neutralized. Bond wants to know who and why.
He has M sorts something out about finding a number that was on a cell phone he found.

Mission 6
We are speaking with a Colonel Ping who is in Bangkok, seems he might be the mystery number.
he wants to meet us at an aquarium in Bangkok.
We go into the lavish huge aquarium and have to find three bugs, we use the phone mini game on them and then have to jam the transmitter with a sample taken from them.
Now Ping appears near the whale tanks.
he tells us about a  man named Rak who deal in secrets for money.
Ping is shot by a sniper. We have to give chase.
We make our way through the aquarium and out onto the roof, fighting all the way up the stairs.
We then have to chase the sniper in as sort of Mirrors edge style.
We then meet some of his pals and have to fight through them.
Then we corner the sniper at the top of a building. He jumps off onto a large bulldozer. Which he then proceeds to drive off with.
Bond gives chase in a truck and we drive through Bangkok devastating half the city.
Eventually we crash onto the truck's bonnet and it crashes.
Bond wakes up and asks M to look into Rak.
We are told to go to a nearby nightclub. We do this with another set of stealth rooms.
At the nightclub a cutscene shows Bond meeting with a man named Silky. He seems to be a sleazy vice lord. Silky tells Bond where to find Rak, but bets he won't get to him.
After Bond leaves Silky warns Rak that Bond is coming.
We have some nice fight boxes, some new weapons and eventually Bond catches up with Rak.
Rak fights with Bond and seems downed, however guards appear and Rak sticks Bond with a syringe.
He wakes up in a torture chamber in Burma and Rak threatens to torture him for his secrets.
Rak is disturbed and has to leave, Bond is put in a cell.
we find ourselves handcuffed in a cell. we have to press B rapidly to break out.
Then we have to kill some guards and get our gun and phone back.
Then outside for some guards and armoured vehicle fun.
We then escape the compound and find we are in a jungle and cave type environment with soldiers.
We fight through the base and have to take out an APC to progress. we get plenty of grenade launcher ammo to do this.
In cut scene Bond takes a plane and chases Rak. Rak however shoots him down.
We then have to escape the crash site.
We fight our way through the jungle and come to a dam. Here we have a helicopter attacking and we must use a crane to whack it with the load. Once done we climb along the crane and onto the helicopter wreckage to get inside the dam.
We now fight through the dam.
There are many areas little fight boxes. One large one where we have to lower a bridge and snipe enemies from the other side. We get snipers attacking us for the first time here.
The usual beams from their rifle tell us where they are.
We get to the top of the dam and have to fight Rak only he has a helicopter. We have to hit four pressure valves which hem the copter in. Then hit him with a crane boom.
This leads to a fight in cut scene hand to hand. Bond has the advantage and rak is holding on by his fingertips over the edge of a large drop. Rak pleads for his life and tells him that he will tell him who he is working for, yet Bond lets him drop. Rak is saved by the copter we then have to shoot him in a bullet time sequence.
Bond has already guessed who is the master villain. It is Nicole and he sends her Rak's knife to let him know that he is onto her.

Mission 7
Nicole runs for it in a sports car, Bond is ready and we give chase.
Eventually after much driving we run her off the road.
Nicole tells us that she did it for love, she was only helping her lover who asked more and more of her. She tells Bond that he is bigger than MI6 and is watching them right now. A predator drone shoots Nicole and leaves.
Bond calls M and tells her what has happened.
The credits roll.

Tried the multiplayer, alright but nothing special.

7:10 hrs for first play through on agent difficulty.
305 achievement points.

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