Monday, January 24, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 notes

I start a new game and choose hard difficulty

The Malfoy mansion, Snape arrives and goes to Voldemort.
A witch prisoner is killed, Snape tells Voldemort that Harry will be moved that night.
We cut to the scene where Harry is being moved, many duplicates are flying with them and Harry is Riding in Hagrid's motorcycle.
We have to shoot death eaters in the air. Simple controls.
Left stick to move the view.
Right trigger to fire a stupefy spell.
Left trigger locks onto enemies.
A few aerial dogfights and some road and tunnel based sequences.

Harry arrives at the burrow and there is some chat with Ron and Hermione. We are now at Bill and fleur's wedding.
We have to speak with Luna's dad.

Left and right analogue sticks for camera and movement. Third person view.
B to cast a waypoint spell called fourpoints.
Left trigger to lock onto an enemy.
Right trigger to fire a spell.
Left bumper to cast protego.

After speaking to Luna's dad he tells us that Mr. Weasly is looking for us.
Following the waypoints we speak to Mr. Weasly and he gives us the gifts from Dumbledore.
Death eaters then attack the wedding and we have to fight our way back down to the house.
It is a fairly clunky third person shooter type dynamic.
Death eaters leave potions when they dissaparate away after you shoot them up a bit.
At the house we see all is lost for this battle and leave for London.

Mission 3
In London we have to use our invisiblity cloak and sneak around checking to see if people are muggles or not.
We have to do this twice.
Then we walk to a cafe.
In the cafe we are attacked by four death eaters, there is no room and it's simply stand and shoot until they drop.

Mission 4
We go to Grimauld place.
Here we have to clear out doxies from the kitchen and bedroom. We have to hit them with doxy killing potion and the mechanics of this are muddy to say the least.
We are told about RAB then have to find Kreacher.
He is in the kitchen and tells us that Mungdungus Fletcher has the locket. Kreacher is sent to get him.
We have to go upstairs and fight a dementor which appears from a cupboard.
Then back downstairs to see Mungdungus arrive being grabbed by dobby and Kreacher.
We have to stupefy him. He tells us that Umbridge has the locket.

Ron and Hermione go to the ministry to spy and find a good way in.
We are sent on another three missions. We can do these in any order.
Mission 5
The first is to fight death eaters and free captured wizards and witches in an abandoned power station.
Mission 6
The next it to help in a fight between death eaters and good wizards in a forest.
Mission 7
The next is to escape a cave which is inhabited by a dragon and the odd death eater or two.

Mission 8
Now we are going into the ministry.
I have to sneak around using the invisibilty cloak and zap the three people we are going to imitate.
Once done we enter the ministry.
Now we have to find out which lift takes us to Umbridge.
We have to go to a security office. The polyjuice wears off and we have to use the cloak.
Now we know which lift to take we end up in the offices and have to search Umbridges office and six others to try and find her.
we then have to go to the court. The way is long and filled with guard patrols.
We then have a kind of boss battle with Umbridge and death eaters then Dementors.
We get the locket and now have to escape.
This is a fairly bad pantomime of  third person shooter. The death eaters are the same two models. They walk into walls and still shoot at you from inside the scenery. They usually stand still and shoot from anywhere, ignoring cover. They run around sometimes at random and appear to be running past Harry Potter rather than trying to get at him.
The shooting mechanics are unsatifsying and very inaccuarate. All but one of the spells I have earned so far is any use at all. Ron and Hermione get in your way all the time, just as well your spells pass right through them.
Eventually after repeating the same few areas a few times we escape the area.

Mission 9
we appear in a forest and can hear a voice which we are told belongs to Dean Thomas. We are to follow the voice.
We are attacked by death eaters, spiders and doxies here.
We have to dodge whomping willows, which is very hard to do as you can really see their attacks coming, seems like a random death generator really.
There are some ruined caravans and houses to pass through.
We come to some skeleton types that can't be killed, they have to be avoided. They are inferni, and they grab you, you have to press A quickly to escape.
I begin to level up quickly here as we are fighting a lot more.
the accuaracy of the spells is improving as I level up.
This is surely a poor game mechanic. Make people think your game is broken until they play halfway through? Are you sure most people will stick around to the halfway through point?
I get to a rock wall, which is impassable, we have to backtrack a little way to get a new spell.
We then have a cut scene of Ron having a strop and leaving.
Then we have to backtrack yet again almost right across the level.
We already saw this area in the three side missions, it's getting repetitive.
We reach an arbitary spot, which earlier was full of inferni and set up camp.

Now we have three more side missions.

Mission 10
In the ministry we have to rescue prisoners. Use of the cloak makes this easier, as it's quite hard without it.
Mission 11
We have to run around in a dark nighttime forest and avoid snatchers and spiders to find three wizards.
Mission 12
we have an arena like quarry area where we have to survive waves of death eaters.

Mission 13
We are now at Godric's Hollow. we have to sneak through the streets to find the cemetry.
Here we have to find The Potter Grave.
We then follow Bathilda Bagshot and have a stupid waste of a good chance of a boss battle with Nagini. You basically have some cut scenes interrupted with an unsatisfying few sections where we have to shoot Nagini in the face as he strikes.
Eventually it's over.

More mini missions.

Mission 14
We have to save four wizards from a snatcher camp.
Mission 15
Here we have a ruined castle and waves of enemies to survive, I struggled with this at first until i found a flight of stairs which seemed to confuse the ai no end.
Mission 16
is a stealth mission around Godric's hollow where we have to save prisoners  under the noses of the death eaters.

Mission 17
We arrive at the forest of Dean.
I am told to patrol for patrols? Anyway I go for a walk in some nice scenery and see the silver doe patronus. I am told to follow it, we meet some spiders and whomping willows.
Eventually we come to a cut scene and Harry jumps in the icy water and gets the sword, as he is trapped in the ice ron rescues him and they open the locket and fight what is inside.
This is a boss battle with the portion of Voldemort's soul.
Snakes and spiders emanate from the horcrux and we have to keep on hitting them until a cut scene starts.
Ron is reunited with Harry.

Mission 18
We have to go back to the camp and meet Hermione.
Usual spiders, death eaters and doxies between us and them.
Oh and the really annoying whomping willows.
Back at camp eventually after much backtracking Hermione tells us that we need to go and see Luna's dad.
After a quick romp through the forest we arrive at Luna's house and her father tells us the tale of the three brothers from Beedle the bard.
We learn of the philospers stone, the elder wand and the invisibility cloak.

Mission 19
We are attacked at the house and have to fight our way to freedom.
We have to survive three minutes inside the house. We then have to backtrack through the last level. We get to an arena like area with a castle ruin and then fight the snatchers for a time period.
We then get captured, Hermione disguises Harry. They are taken to the Malfoy mansion.
In the dungeon Dobby arrives to help.
We then have a little trip through the mansion fighting death eaters, Then the shortest boss battle ever. We confront Bellatrix, Lucious, Malfoy and a few other death eaters in a small room.
The fight lasts a few seconds  before the cut scene kicks in and we see Dobby help the gang escape and pay for it by being stabbed by Bellatrix.

7 hours for first playthrough.
575 achievement points

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