Sunday, May 1, 2011

Killzone 3 Notes

It want's me to use the move controller, silly game, no!
Oh look an update, what a surprise, 58mb of an update, no background downloading means that I can't even go and look at the PSN store or something while I wait. Enthusiasm dented.
Five and a half minutes later and I am back where I started, here we go.
Select language.
I choose alternate control schemes as it's closer to the COD standard.
A quick text resume of the story.
We are an ISA task force sent to Helghan. We have invaded the Capital Phyrus and on the edge of defeat Visari the dictator leader of the Helghast has nuked his own city.
Visari has been killed by an ISA soldier named Rico and the Helghast are rising up in anger.
A cut scene shows Visari speaking to Radec and Stark. It also shows his daughter.
A montage shows how Visari has led his people then turned on them.

Difficulty is Recruit, trooper, and Veteran. There is an unlockable Elite.
I chose trooper.

Left and right analogue sticks are the usual move and look around.
Circle is use.
Square is reload.
Cross is jump.
L1 is aim down sights
R1 is fire.
L2 is use cover.
Clicking left stick runs.
dpad switches between weapons.
Select brings up objectives.

A cut scene shows a Helghan leader talking to a huge assembly of soldiers, with a fleet of ships in the sky.
Looks like the Helghast are going to wage war.
A bunch of Helghast ride in a cable car up to a remote icy base.
The car arrives at the station and I disembark. It seems that I am a Helghast soldier for the moment.
I am told to report to a desk and I go through a security checkpoint.
I see a prisoner shuttle arrive and Helghans herd prisoners into the station.
I am told to go to the shooting range.
I then follow another Helgast to the broadcast room.
Seems there is to be an execution.
We see the Sting or Malcolm McDowall lookalike who may be called Stark telling the Heghast that the big attack starts tomorrow. However, to whet the appetite the killer of Visari is to be executed. I see Narville who is captive about to be shot. However the executioner pulls of his hood to reveal Sev the hero.

Fade to black and it's flashback time.
Rico and Sev are arguing on the steps of Visari's palace after his death. soldiers try and revive him and fail.
Narville is pissed and tells us that the ISA is evacuating the planet.
We are joining the convoy.
Helghast ships appear overhead and start shooting at our heroes.
There is much confusion and shooting and vehicles flying in all directions. Sev and Rico are in a tank jeep type thing and end up going over a cliff in a comedy style.
With the jeep busted we are on foot looking to rejoin the convoy.

Mission 1
We progress through the ruined city fighting Helghast.
After a few fights Rico and Sev have a little chat. Sev is angry still, though it seems he can't be too angry with Rico for long.
I fight my way through a spider zoo??
The convoy can be heard in the distance.
We have to clear and open a gate for the convoy.
I fight some Helghast and come to the gate wheel control.
The damn annoying sixaxis bits are still here I see.
The convoy is attacked by some green electricity. It seems random and not intentional though.
The convoy is held up until we can find another way.
Rico boosts us up to a ledge.
In cut scene we see some Helghast collecting some of the green stuff.
It gets on Rico's hands.
We break into a building and fight some Helghast inside.
The convoy is being attacked by anti tank wielding Helghast and we have to get up to the roof to take them out.
I have to use a door breaching charge here, again sixaxis use.
We catch up with Narville and the rest of the convoy now.

Mission 2
Narville is frosty towards Rico still.
Sev thinks Narville's plan is a bad one.
We are moving along a highway. A walker is clearing the way, however it is attacked by a mechanical Helghast weapon. It blows and we are on our own again.
I can revive Rico if he is downed using a health ray.
I progress down the road and the tanks follow.

Mission 3
Narville is told that helghast cruisers are approaching.
He wants to continue punching on through to the crater and extraction. sev and Rico think they are all going to die.
A cut scene shows the Helghan brass planning to wipe out the ISA forces.
Stark it seems is a private company head and weapons supplier. He it seems resents the new admiral and wants power for himself.
Now we have a fun emplaced gun on a jeep section. Lots of tanks and soldiers to shoot at.

Mission 4
We come to a gun battery that is blocking the way. We see a squad who have been sent to take it out struggling to advance against machine gun fire.
Rico stays with the squad and Sev goes to higher ground to flank the machine gun nests.
I flank them and then encounter snipers.
Now we have to provide sniper fire cover while the troops attack the arc weapon.
Lots of snipers to kill then to help them mop up the ground troops. I watch as the soldiers lay down the charges and blow up the arc cannon.

Mission 5
A woman called Jammer calls and asks for help.
Narville tells Rico to stick to the plan.
We see a  large electric weapon attacking the cruisers.
Rico and Sev find some walkers to use.
We have a short ride through some road type terrain shooting at tanks and soldiers with the walkers.
Rockets and machine guns, and the walker move the same way as humans do only slowly and more jerkily.
A large Helghast machine can be seen in the  distance blowing things to bits.

Mission 6
Rico wants to go and save Jammer. Narville tells him not to and typically he goes off to do it anyway. I suppose he is already up for court martial anyway, what harm can it do to disobey more orders. maybe he has a death wish and wants to just be killed by the helghast rather than face a trial.
Sev tells Rico that he will come with him, Rico tells him that someone has to get Narville to wait.
I encounter a flamethrower Helghast here.
We now fight through a trench like area avoiding normal Helghast and flame troopers.
I get to the end of the level and a cut scene kicks in.
Sev gets to Narville and lots of Isa soldiers are being lifted on the little hovering platforms to the cruisers. Things do not go well. Rico is left behind. The cruisers are attacked by the large Helghast machine which knocks two of them out of the sky causing huge explosions. None of the ISA ground troops it seems are getting evacuated.

Mission 7
We see more of the Helghan power struggles, Stahl makes a play for power, he has an ally among the generals who moves for a vote of no confidence in the Admiral. However, nobody seconds it. Stahl throws a wobbly and leaves, taking his toys with him. This ruffles a few feathers as it seems Stahl's weapons are of great importance.
It looks like he will get his way soon.
The cut scene switches to the ISA, it is now six months since they were left behind and they have set up makeshift camps and are finding slim pickings for rations. Morale is low.
A recon team has gone missing and we are sent to investigate.
The landscape here is jungle like, though a deadly spiny jungle. There are spiders and jabbing plants. Also explosive plants.
After a little walk a cut scene shows a Fast moving assassin creed rip off Helghast attacking a soldiers and killing him. Seriously did they have to copy the wrist blade lock stock and barrel.
We now have to sneak up behind normal Helghast and kill them stealthily.
We also have to snipe a few Helghast and shoot an exploding plant that some are standing near too.
We are told to hide in grass and stick to the shadows.
I come to a cut scene and Sev thinks that the camp has been compromised. In the shadow of one of the wrecks of the downed cruisers there is a large build up of Helghast soldiers.
Sev thinks they know where the camp is and are ready to attack it. Narville is more concerned with an uplink to Vekta than the camp.
We now have more of the same stealth sections to negotiate.
We meet up with some of  the robotic walkers as well, as long as we stay in the shadow or in the long grass crouched we can move amongst the helghast slowly.
A cut scene kicks in after a while and we see Helghast shooting an ISA soldier with a gun that shoots the green energy, it seems to hurt a lot then make you explode.
I progress and eventually get to the uplink. This allows Narville to speak to his superiors. They tell him that Vekta has surrendered to the Helghast and that he is to surrender as a prisoner of war. This does not go down well.
The Helghast it seems have traced the signal and dropships head for the camp.
Sev is also attacked at the uplink.
I have to fight a squad of Helghast and one of the spider like robot machines.
Then I make my way back through the jungle to the base, fighting Helghast all the way. Flame troops, and hunters appear.
At the base we are to hold off the Helghast to make time for the evacuation.
I move on into the base and a cut Scene shows Narville under fire. He tells Sev to make for the rendezvous points. Sev does not listen and comes to aid Narville.
I fight here for a while but it looks like a losing battle. After a good few minutes of being overrun a cut scene kicks in.
Sev and Narville fight loads of Helghast but are eventually Captured and put into separate aircraft.
The aircraft fly on to an arctic area and Sev is taunting his captors. He manages to provoke one into hitting him and grabs his knife and stabs him. A harpoon flies through the side of the ship and spears a helghast before ripping the door out. Rico is here on one of the flying carpets. Sev gets over to the carpet and wants to go after Narville. Rico thinks it's stupid, yet it's just one of a long line of stupid plans. Off the gang go after Narville.

Mission 8
We are using an emplaced gun on a flying carpet.
Here we shoot at oil rigs type installations. Shooting at structures and soldiers. We shoot down some dropships and attack another rig. In the process we are shot down in cut scene.
We now have to make our way to a safer place to get picked back up.
After fighting through a living area type military structure we have to fight jetpack wearing soldiers.
Once done we get a jetpack, the plan is to go in under the anti-aircraft guns and blow them up.
I fly across icebergs and up inside the rig. Fight some Helghast on top of it and blow up the  anti-aircraft gun with a charge.
Now we are on to the next rig.
Here we have other jetpackers and ground troops to deal with. I have to shoot a bit of the rig to drop a door down so I can reach across to it.
Rico tells us that there is  no way up from under the rig to the top. We will have to put charges on the supporting pillars and blow the rig up that way.
I fight along the rig and place the two charges. I now have three minutes to get clear.
Quite fucking irritating here, death quickly from above that you can't see and shit checkpointing.
After learning the positions it's not that hard, but a sudden difficulty spike it is.
The rig is blown and Sev is picked up.
The gang attack but a huge gun is pinning them down.
We have to get large explosives to take it out.
We have to go to the right of the gun and progress through heavy helghast occupied territory.
Then use a new mounted weapon called a wasp to take out the gun. Tanks arrive as well.
I clear the harbour area and go through a door.
Now we are progressing up a hill.
getting into cover is a hit and miss affair.
I fight my way up the hill and into the arms facility. After getting to the cable car a cut scene shows Sev taking two uniforms.
We are now back to the beginning of the game entering the Stahl facility.

Mission 9
We are now back to the start of the game only this time we don't do the same things as we did before. We go off in a different direction????
After some wandering around the facility we get to the execution and a cut scene shows Stahl broadcast to the Helghan population that he intends to perform a coup and take over the leadership of the planet. The army generals are understandably miffed.
We try and shoot Stahl instead of Narville, however he gets away.
Rico frees Narville, though he still holds a grudge.
We now have to get the other prisoners freed. I fight through the facility a bit, there are some new guns here, though ammo is limited.
Electric and green energy zapper.
sev has seen something that he does not like, possibly plans for a weapon of mass destruction.
I fight through a large lab type room and then have to hold position as rico opens a locked door.
Inside there are plans and details that show a weapon that can destroy Earth from orbit. I thought they were Vektans?
We move through more of the factory and jetpack troops attack.
Narville tells us that he had freed the prisoners.
We meet up with him and find ourselves outside, where we can pick up a jetpack.
After killing all the men in the yard we face two aerial fast moving drones.
A cut scene shows Stahl preparing his weapons to leave for Earth, the generals interrupt with a call and basically tell him that he is finished and to turn the weapons over to them. The intend to kill him after he does. Stahl it seems has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Narville and the rest are rescued by Jammer on the flying carpets.

Mission 10
We are chasing after Stahl's crusiers, using an ice sled.
After this fun little interlude is done a cut scene shows the fleet massing at a space elevator.
We are moving through a junkyard towards the space elevator.
We have to blow up some barrels to make a path at one point.
A cut scene shows a fence around the area light up and it seems to use the glowing green stuff. If you don't move you don't get blown up. Sev and Rico decide that a large mobile factory might be used to breach the fence.
We now move through the junkyard again, a bolt gun is the new fun weapons here.
We have to climb a crane to break through to another area and face waves of enemies up on top of the crane.
Now we face one of the heavy armour guys from the second game.
After this a cut scene shows the gang getting onto the mobile factory which seems to eat up the junk and turn it into raw materials.
We now fight our way up the platforms and stairs of the factory.
Then down into the control room.
In cut scene the mobile factory drives up to the fence and knocks a hole in it, nearly killing everyone in the process though.
Narville now wants something that Rico Doesn't, the usual arguments though this time Rico on Sev's recommendation complies.
We fight through an area filled with helghast and come to a cut scene. the gang are moving forwards, so obviously something has to go wrong. A huge mech spider appears and starts blowing everything to bits, time to retreat. Sev goes to find a weapons bunker.
When we fight through a trench which is surrounded by vehicles and men being blasted by the large mech a cut scene starts.
Narville, Sev and Rico do what they do best and argue, Rico even punches Narville this time.
Eventually Sev gets across that saving their own lives isn't an option and they must save Earth or die trying.
Sev chooses to attack the mech's flank.
We now have a large scale boss battle.
We are just below the mech, which towers above us shooting, We have to use the wasp to blows bits of it off. When it fires it's main gun radiator fins come out and dissipate heat. Shooting them off will make it overheat eventually, so that seems to be the plan.
Troops and tanks also run interference, with the fire coming from the mech being hard to avoid as well. There are little bunkers, though they get shot to bits fairly quickly.
After blowing it a cut scene starts.
Things look ok, then quickly things look bleak, the mech, which i think is called a MAWLR appears to be badly damaged but not borken yet and attacks, it looks like Jammer and Narville are killed.
Sev takes it badly and as usual goes looking for something to shoot at.
We have to make our way to an elevator. Then a cut scene shows assassins coming to kill Sev, he is saved by Narville and Jammer on a magic carpet and then rico saves them.
We now have to ride a magic carpet which is driven by someone else and shoot anything on the Mawlr that is shooting back. Once done we shoot up it's gun mount and the gun falls off. Then it's bridge and it's downed.
A cut scene shows more arguing then the gang going up to the space station using the space elevator.
In space Stahl is up to no good.
We fight along a corridor and into an airlock.
In cut scene Stahl and the Autarch meet, there is some banter and Stahl turns his own weapons the military, his cruiser against the rest and he has much better guns.
The Autarch isn't down and out though and he stabs Stahl and kills his guards.
Now the Helghast are fighting amongst themselves the ISA decide to try and take out Stahl's ship.
Sometimes when you get wounded you know that you aren't going to get saved. The time here is wasted and it's annoying.
Gravity is turned off here for a bit, only to show that the programmers could do it.
We turn a wheel and open a door.
There are lots of soldiers, a heavy and flyers to kill.
Stahl and the autarch have a final fight and the Autarch is killed. Stahl leaves for his cruiser and tells his men to blow the station, even though his own men are on it.
Now we fight along a corridor and eventually get to the ships.

Mission 11
In space we are using the guns while Rico drives. we shoot some small ships with gun and rockets. Then come up on Stahl's crusier. We fly around it shooting it up. It is disables and starts falling out of orbit. Stahl tries to land it and we give chase. After avoiding incoming rockets for a bit we can launch a nuke. The nuke blows up the ship and chain reaction of the green energy spreads around the whole planet.
Everything in space is destroyed. Jammer tells us that the whole planet is silent.
Sev asks how many people were down there and the credits roll.
During the middle of the credits a cut scene shows Stahl's guards coming up to an escape pod type device and saying welcome home sir, though Stahl is not shown.
then more credits.

9 hours 30 minutes.
26% of the trophies.

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