Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mafia II Notes

Brightness, start game, difficulty, medium is default.

start A A A four button presses to get back into the game, is one not enough?

Present, whenever that is?
Zoom in on a window in a rainy city.
Vito is inside, he is sitting at a table looking through a family album.
He was born in Italy and moved to America.
We see the young Vito and his family arriving in what might be New York, though I don't know if this is a faithful recreation. Seems it's not it's called Empire Bay.
While the city is huge and awe inspiring, the accommodation that Vito lives in isn't.
Vito grows up and turns to petty theft. He is caught and arrested. Instead of going to prison he agrees to join the army and go to Sicily.

In Sicily we see Vito taking part in an attack, he is being aided by resistance fighters.
A captured resistance fighter is being held in the town square, it looks like he is about to be publicly executed.
We get control.

Left and right analogue sticks as normal. Third person view of character.
Left trigger is aim down sights
Right is shoot.
A is get in and out of cover.
Left bumper is climb.
Left on Dpad choose grenades.
Down on Dpad choose gun.

mission 1
We shoot the executioner then all hell breaks loose. Once all the enemies are downed in the square we have to move to the main doors of the headquarters. A machine gun is just inside the door so we have to climb in through the window.
Inside here we are prompted to throw a grenade through the window.
This blows up the machine gun nest.
Up some stairs, though a window and out onto a balcony we fight. Then we are to take use of an emplaced gun and shoot out from the balcony onto the main square.
After a while a cut scene kicks in and we are blown up.
Things look bleak as Vito lies injured as the enemy come in and kill any survivors.
A mafia don named Don Carlo appears in a tank in the square and basically asks for surrender. The men comply, this impresses the hell out of Vito.
Vito is injured and shipped home.

Mission 2
Vito is met at the station in Empire Bay by Joe a friend from his younger days.
Joe takes him to a bar and seems well connected as he arranges for Vito's injury to be exaggerated and gets him discharged from the army.
Vito is thankful.
We get control again and have to take Vito to his home.
There is a radar with the usual dots to indicate our destination to follow.
Inside we meet his mother and sister.
In cut scene Vito has a meal with his family, we are then told to go to bed.
After finding the bed and sleeping Vito wakes and tells us that he really needs to find a better place to stay.
In the room there are clothes to wear, outside we speak to Momma. She is annoyed that Joe is back in tow with us.
She wants us to talk to a dock supervisor and get a job at the docks.
We are told to go to Joe's
Outside we find our sister Francessca being harassed by a burly man.
We intervene and have to fight him.
After doing so in cut scene we find that our father borrowed money before he died, $2000.
This man wants it back by the end of the week.
I am told to go to Joe's.
I cross a little portion of the city on foot and get to Joe's apartment.
Inside he has two whores in his bed. He promises to find some work for us to help us out.

Mission 3
Joe wants us to meet someone called Gueseppe.
Joes take us outside to a garage and we get to drive his car.
Driving is the usual Sandbox stuff. Left and right trigger for accelerate and brake. B for handbrake and Y to get in and out of the car.
We arrive at Gueseppe's and he is the forger and safe cracking expert. He gives us our army discharge papers and Joe pays him.
He also seems to be the storekeeper.
We are told by Joe to buy a set of lockpicks.
Then we have to pick a practice lock.
It's a little mini game, lifting the tumblers until they turn green and getting all three to stay green.
Outside Joe tells us to steal a car, we do this by picking the lock.
A policeman sees us and we get a wanted rating.
We have to escape the police. which isn't that hard.
We now have to take the car to a body shop, where we get it sprayed and a new license plate.
Joe tells us to drive to Mike's Junkyard.
We meet Mike, Mike wants us to bring him stolen cars, for which he will pay us.
Joe gives us a gun and we have to shoot tires from a car and it's gas tank.
Now we have to drive to a bar where a specific model that Mike wants is.
The car is guarded by some black men who take exception to us stealing it.
A fire fight breaks out.
I then have to drive back to Mikes. The police are unshakable and I have to stop and kill the ones following me to get away.
Back at Mikes he seemed pleased with the car even though it's busted up.
we go back to Joe's and park our stolen car in his garage.
Inside Joe's flat we are told to take a drink from the fridge to heal and then sleep on his couch.

Mission 4
Moma calls and asks if we have been down to the docks to ask about a job.
Seems Vito feels guilty and we now have to go to the docks.
We meet Derek who gives us a job, Steve is given the job of showing us around.
Steve shows us down to a truck that needs loaded with crates.
We have to lift a crate onto the truck.
After a few Vito decides he doesn't want to do the job for the lousy ten bucks that have been promised.
We are told to leave, as I do Steve is waiting and after a conversation Joe's name is mentioned. This changes the tune and we are taken back to Derek.
Derek calls Joe to check we know him and then gives us a job taking haircut money from the workers.
We have to push around and threaten some workers then one resists, we have to fight him.
Derek gives us some money for our trouble.

Mission 5
We have to meet Joe at Freddie's bar.
Joe is meeting with a man named Henry Thomasino.
Thomasino want us to steal gas stamps from an office.
We have to go to the apartment of a woman named Maria, who has the information necessary.
We need to take Maria to visit her sister in hospital to get her to tell us the information.
I drop her at the hospital and she tells us how to get into the building.
I go around the back and climb a fence.
Inside we have to be a little stealthy and avoid guards, We can take them out stealthily if we like. I find the keys and the safe and get the stamps. The alarms go off and the police start shooting. I have to escape and get back to Freddies. Thomasino tells us that the stamps we stole are worthless. They have an expiration date.
We now have to take them to gas stations and redeem them before midnight to salvage the job.
I manage to take the stamps to 5 or six of the gas stations before midnight. You have to get to the gas station and honk the horn at the pump. This starts a small dialogue with the pump attendant and the stamps are sold.
Now I have to go back to Joe's and sleep to end the mission.

Mission 6
We have to drive back to Freddies bar where we meet Thomasino and Joe. A man by the bar is shouting at someone on the phone. He comes over and tells Thomasino to do it. Seems our job for the night is a go. We have to rob a jewelry store, whose owner has not paid back money he owes.
We dress as phone company workers and drive to the mall. Picking a lock gets us inside.
In cut scene we are robbing the store as another gang ram raid it. Things are getting tense and the police are also arriving. We run through the mall being chased by police, there is some shooting though we have to basically follow Joe. We fight some police on the rooftops and have to negotiate a narrow ledge.
Down the other side of the building we see the other gang led by someone called Brian O Neil being arrested. We have to get back to Joe's to end the mission.

Mission 7
A woman comes to us and tells us to meet Joe for lunch. When I go outside she is being harassed by a man who rear ended her. I beat him up, she promises us sex, though Vito declines at this point in time.
At Freddies we meet Luca, the higher up guy that gave the nod for the last job.
Luca asks us if we are ready to kill for him. Vito tells him that as a soldier that was what he did for the government.
As Luca leaves an even bigger fish comes to him and berates Luca about a mistake he has made.
We are to kill a distillery owner who is causing trouble.
We have to pick up a heavy machine gun, we meet Harry who is a gun toting veteran.
Then drive to the meeting point.
Inside the building opposite we wait for the man we need to kill to show up.
They arrive and we shoot them up with the machine gun from the window.
The target escapes inside and we have to go inside and get him.
When we do he shoots Henry in the leg. We then kill him. Now we have to escape with Henry wounded. Joe carries him.
We have to escape the distillery and get Henry to a private doctor.
The money we get from the job is enough to pay our father's debts.
we have to go to our mother's house and give our sister the money.
back to Joe's to save the game.

Mission 8
Vito is arrested for the gas stamp robbery. Vito is sentenced to ten years in prison.
We see Vito arriving in Prison, having his head shaved, being beaten up and eventually getting to his cell.
Joe sends us a message and asks us to contact one of the family contacts in the prison.
In the prison yard we have to find Leo, when we do the Irish idiot we let get busted on the jewel heist finds us and we have to find him.
The fight is stopped and we are put in solitary.
Leo comes to us in solitary and thinks we are useful.
We have to fight one of his men and learn a new counter punch move.
Leo is amused to hear that Luca is asking for 5 grand to enter the family, as it should be free when you have proved your loyalty and worth.
we now have to meet the gym guys and then fight a Chinese fighter.
We go back to our cell and then it's another day.
We follow a guard and are taken by one of Leo's men.
Leo wants us to fight someone, we fight someone in the laundry.
now we get a visitor, it's our sister. She is getting married and our mother is unwell. Vito tells her to go to Joe and get his money, to pay for a doctor and the rest is a wedding gift.
Next we have to go clean some urinals??
We are told to shower and a gang try and have sex with Vito in the shower.
I fight them and am shoved in solitary. A letter arrives, our mother is dead. Our money is used for her funeral.
When we get out Leo tells us that O Neil has attacked his main fighter, we are asked to take care of him.
We now fight O'Neill and it ends in him pulling a knife and we take it from him and kill him with it.
Leo tells us that there are three crime families in Empire Bay. He seems impressed with us and tells us that he is getting out soon, he will try and adjust our sentence. Obviously we will need to work for him on the outside though.

Chapter 7
Four years knocked off the  sentence Vito is released.
We go and see Joe.
He is pleased to see us and asks what we plan to do. We ask if we can still work with him.
Joe now works with a different crime family.
We drive to our apartment which Joe has got for us, we are told to pick up a suit.
Now we have to go to Joe's where we meet Eddie, then we have to drive to a brothel.
Here we are asked to work for Eddie. Then everyone but Vito gets drunk.
We now have to go do some business. A very drunken Joe and Eddie inform us that the business is a corpse that is in the boot of the car.
I drive out of the city to a suburban park area and we have to bury the few days old corpse.
Then we have to drive back to Joe's.

Mission 8
Joe arrives outside our flat with a truck.
We take  it to a place where men gather to buy cigarettes form the back of the truck.
After a few hours, thankfully skipped past a police car arrives, buys some fags and tells us to get lost.
We drive to a new place and start selling again. a gang arrives and tells us that this is their turf, they want our fags as payment. Joe refuses and the leader tells his gang to hurl a Molotov into the truck. Joe shoots him in the face for the trouble
We then have to chase the others as they flee.
There is no way to chase the fleeing car. We now have to find a phone and call Eddie.
Eddie is displeased to say the least about the loss of the truck and fags.
He wants us to meet with Steve, from the docks and do something about the greaser gang.
We drive to a bar called the crazy horse, which is a greaser hang out. It seems empty Steve wants to shoot it up and then firebomb it. I don't see what the shooting does that the firebombing won't burn to the ground, though Vito seems as unsure about what is going on as we do.
The young kid that was introduced a little while back is brought along, I sense his death coming very soon.
Now we go to the factory where the greasers are and start an all out war.
This is a corridor shooter type section, and the simplicity really shows here.
I run out of bullets at one point and there is no opportunity to find more.
After the long corridors are passed through we find some cars.
We can make the money back for the truck and fags by selling the hotrods that belonged to the greasers.
I have to drive the car to the dock, sell it and then drive to Eddie and give him the money.
Now we drive home to finish the mission.

Mission 9
joe calls and asks us to meet him at the bar. Eddie is there and gives us an introduction to Falcone, the boss of the crime family.
Seems the family that we were involved with before have kidnapped one of the accountants.
We are to find this accountant and rescue him, also to kill Luca if he is involved.
I am to drive to the bar and wait for Luca to leave.
I then have to follow him.
Hilariously Luca hits a police car and the game gets all confused.
I end up being unable to move and having to quit.
Eventually the a.i. or cops manage to let me get to the slaughterhouse.
We have to sneak inside, a man outside tells us that the sewer is the only way in.
I go to the sewer and sneak inside.
We see the men being brought into a building in handcuffs.
I have to sneak inside in a little stealth section avoiding guards.
Then find Luca interrogating the men.
I have to fight one hand to hand then we have a fight with the men.
Eventually I kill them and Luca gets his at the hands of the men he tortured.
We now have to go back to the bar and meet Eddie.
He tell us to go and get cleaned up, as there is something important.
We meet with the bosses of the Family and are taken into the family.
Both Joe and Vito are now fully paid up mafia men.

Chapter 10
We have to meet Eddie over at Joes.
We have a new house of our own now.
At Joe's the big boys are there and it seems that the death of Luca has been the cause of all out war. We are planning to strike at the heads of the rival family.
Joe plans to bomb a meeting at a large hotel.
I have to drive to the hotel, the kid and Joe are with us.
we park in the parking garage and the kid is told to wait in the car, he is the getaway driver.
Joe and Vito get cleaners uniforms.
As we go in a man asks us to clean up some mess.
Henry passes by with a bleeding prisoner.
we go up in a lift.
The mob have taken over the entire floor and we are told that someone has tripped and fell in the conference room. we have to go and clean up. We are left alone in the room to do the job and and we plant a bomb with a wire going out the window.
Then clean up the blood.
Now we go to the roof, however, there are men there so we have a shootout on the roof.
I get to the window platform and have to tie up a cleaner.
We go down to the window and attach the wire to our detonator. Then go up a few floors and blow the conference room.
We go down and find a lot of dead mafia, however Clemente has survived by going to the toilet. we go after him.
There are still lots of guards around.
I chase Clemente into the lifts.
Then down through the kitchen and into the parking garage.
They have killed the kid. Joe is very angry about this.
We now have to chase Clemente's car and eventually  run it off the road.
Joe kills Clemente.
We see Joe talk to Eddie about it and he is upset that nobody cared about the kid. Both Eddie and Vito point out that Joe was the one who wanted him to come.
Joe tells Vito to go home, where the mission ends.
Or so we think, late at night Vito gets a call, seems Joe is drunk in a bar and waving his gun around.
The bartender wants us to come get him.
This may be a trap.
Joe is there just as the bartender said and he is waving his gun around. He ends up shooting the bartender totally by accident.
We have to take Joe home, then take the body in a car and dump it in a car crusher then drive home.

Chapter 11
At Vito's house the  doorbell rings.
It's Henry, he knows we were responsible for the bomb and the hit on Clemente.
He wants to bail on what is left of his old family which isn't much.
He asks us for an introduction to ours. We take him to Eddie who asks him to kill Leo.
Vito does not want this to happen.
We have to get to Leo before Henry does.
When we get there Leo tells us that Falcone is into drugs and that is why the Vinci family are starting to move against them.
Henry arrives and we try and sneak out but are caught.
Henry is prepared to talk. and we decide that Leo will vanish and Henry will tell Eddie he killed him.
We have to drive Leo to the train station.
Then we drive home.
Francessca is on our doorstep in a state, her husband is abusive and a drunk. Vito is going to talk to him, which probably will end up with blood everywhere.
I go to a party and find Eric almost having sex with a girl in the kitchen of the party.
we fight him and warn him to be nice to Francessca.
We are to go back home.
Francessca calls and basically tells us that we are a monster for beating him nearly half to death.
Vito goes to sleep, he is awoken by the Irish chucking molotov's through his window.
We have to escape the fire, then the guns of the Irish.
We are told to go to Joe's.
We arrive in our underwear at his door and Vito is hot to kill some Irish.
Joe gives us some of his tasteful clothes and we go after the Irish.
We go to their pub and find the men who attacked us. A gunfight in the pub then a chase through the streets after the leader.
We are given keys to an apartment of a friend of Joe's that is empty.
We drop him off and head to the apartment.

Chapter 12
We are to meet Joe and Henry in the park.
Henry has a drug deal he wants us to get in on.
We are to meet a loan shark who will give us the money we need upfront.
the loan shark is greedy about his cut and we end up needing to give him 20,000 of our profits from the job.
We go to meet the Chinese and the deal goes down, as we leave police arrive and something is wrong with them, they aren't real police and shooting starts.
We have to escape and then avoid pursuit.
We then have to take the drugs to our buyers.
A cut scene shows our gang becoming fully fledged drug dealers.
Things don't last long though, the mafia learn of our under the radar dealing and demand a cut. Henry wants to meet us in the park to talk about this.
When we find him he is being cut up by the Chinese. We follow their boss wong back to a restaurant and bust in shooting.
We make our way through half the population of Chinatown and eventually come to the boss.
He tells us that Henry was giving information to the narcotics cops.
He also won't give us our money back. Joe shoots him and now we have to get out.
We leave the restaurant and it's underground drug lab and come out to loads of police.
After escaping we go back to Joe's
We now need to find lots of cash for the loan shark and the Triad's think the mob have started all out war.

Chapter 13
Joe calls, he has a job from Eddie, we need to find 55 thousand today.
The job is a hit, we have to kill a Mr. Angelo.
However Mr. Angelo is under fed protection and all hell lets loose when we kill him.
After escaping we still have a lot of money to make today.
Joe suggests splitting up, we are to go to Derek at the docks and see if he has some work.
At the docks Derek wants us to help him keep the workforce in line, which is threatening to strike.
We go in an armed group to meet the union. Derek basically threatens them with broken hands to get back to work.
Seems a crate fell on one of them and Derek has fired him.
One of the men hears Derek say Vito's name and recognizes him, seems we look like our dad.
He delights in telling Vito that Derek had his dad drowned. Vito asks Derek and Steve basically confirms that it is true.
Vito turns on Derek and we are now helping the dock workers fight Derek and his men.
We fight along the dock and then into the warehouse.
Here we are attack by a lot of men and firebombs.
the fire-bombs are a damn nuisance as their area of damage seems huge compared to the actual fire visually.
There should be better checkpointing as well.
nowhere is safe inside the warehouse.
the shooting gameplay is shit really, guns can't be trusted to actually kill people, you need to shoot in between animation frames.
Eventually I hide in Derek's office and manage to kill him.
We get his money and now have to find the rest of the loan sharks money before the deadline.
I do this by giving cars to brewski's crusher.
We now have to go to Joe's, he isn't home. We go to look for him.
We are told to go to meet Eddie, Eddie tells us that Henry is dead and the tong's killed him. He asks if we have had anything to do it.
Vito denies it, which seems stupid as there must be an awful lot of people who can tell Eddie that they did.
Vito now goes to Gueseppe who tells him that Joe was taken by Vinci's men.
We go to a bar and are met by vinci's men who take us to Vinci.
Joe is being tortured, vito is hung up beside him.
We escape and have to fight our way out of the skyscraper building site.
Once out we have to take Joe to the mafia doctor.
Joe tells us to take the money to the loan shark.
I do and the debt is settled. Vito hates the loan shark Bruno even more after he learns that he was the loan shark that loaned the money to his dad.

Mission 14
Eddie calls and asks that we meet Carlo at the planetarium.
On the way a car stops and people with guns ask us to get inside.
Leo is in the back with the boss of the Tong's. Leo knows what has gone on and isn't happy with us. Though he owes us and has called in some huge favors to help. Turns out that Henry really was working for the feds and Carlo Falcone is close to being arrested. The Tongs want us dead and so does Falcone, the only way Leo can appease the Tongs and control the mafia is to have Falcone taken out of the picture.
We are to kill Falcone.
I get to the planetarium and it's all out war.
After some actually nicely designed fight scenery we get to Falcone in the planetarium itself and Joe is there, it seems that he is going to kill us on Falcone's order. He doesn't and we both fight Falcone and his men.
After we kill him We leave the observatory and find Leo and lots of men outside.
Joe gets in one car and we are told  to get in another by Leo.
We drive off and Leo tells us that the deal he did said nothing about Joe. Looks like Joe is going to take the fall for the disaterous drug deal.
The credits roll.

Achievement points 650 for one play-through of main story on normal.

12:21 on in game timer

That is a decent amount for playing through the single player campaign. I have always maintained that for completing the single player all the way through in a game there should be at least half the points. I don't want one hundred percent for a single player game, but two hundred or so is not enough for completing the game.

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