Monday, March 5, 2012

Assassin's Creed Revelations Notes

The Ubisoft U-play system seems to be more prominent here, asking me to log in to it straight away to unlock new content. Which then seems to hang when I try, not very impressive Ubisoft.
Oh I see what it's after it wants me to put in the online pass code.


Left analogue stick    Character movement
Right Analogue stick    Camera movement
Left trigger        Lock onto enemy
Right trigger        Change control mode
Left bumper        Arrow storm / call assassins
Right bumper        Weapon Wheel   
X            attack           
B            Talk/use
A            Jump
dpad            Favourites
Start            Pause menu
Select            Map
Clicking right stick
Clicking left stick    Eagle vision

Desmond is seen in the Animus, unconscious, a quick recap recalls the situation. Templars are the bad guys, assassin's the good. The animus is used to relive genetic memories. Desmond has lived through major events in both Altair and Eizo's lives. Finding out about the location of Artifacts left behind by highly advanced people from before history. The Apple was found by Desmond at the end of the last game and it forced him to murder his friend Lucy and has damaged his mind.
Desmond is put in the animus and an attempt is being made to repair the damage.
He wakes in a bizarre environment, a beach, though there are large rock structures which are anything but natural. Desmond is left alone on the beach and the player gets control.
After walking along the beach for a few seconds a cut scene starts. Desmond is visited by subject 16, the earlier candidate who went mad during his use of the animus. 16 tells Desmond that he will go insane as all of his ancestors memories with collide in his head and drive him out of it. He must synch more memories and prevent this from happening. 16 tells him about Lucy and Desmond is hurt by the flood of memories and blames the alien Juno for killing her. The environment they are  in is a test environment, a basic level of the animus.
We hear that Shaun thinks Desmond a Templar agent. A gate appears filled with light, I walk into it.

Eizo wants to go to Jerusalem, to the castle of Masyaf where the Assassins had their home during Altair's times. He is met by templars and captured. He is following the ghost of Altair and as he is about to be hung he escapes. This cut scene was shown extensively on television as the advert for the game.

Sequence 1
We take Control of Eizo after he lands, the templars are after him.
We can see a ghost image of Altair, in this tutorial mission. We have to clamber a bit then a guard. We now find Eizo's weapons. We mow fight a gang of guards, then have to climb to the top of the tower. At the top Eizo pushes a statue off and breaks through into a water filled area. He jumps in and swims, coming up beside a guard in a cavern. I kill the guard.
we now find a bunch of guards, and some workers. I kill the guards. The worker must be spoken to and he reveals that the templars are trying to get through a door here, which is impenetrable. The large door looks like the entrance to one of the alien vaults. There are keyholes on the door and the worker tells Eizo about a journal that brought the Templars here. The captain has the journal, we must get it from him.

Mission (Main)
We are guided by checkpoint markers to leave the castle and follow some templars down to the village below the castle. We use the Parchute to get down quickly.
we must then tail the guards to the captain.
When we reach him he flees in a horse and cart. Ezio comes up behind him and grabs a rope trailing from the cart and is dragged behind it. We have a semi quicktime sequence here where we have to move towards the cart, moving with the left stick to clamber up the rope as we are dragged. Once done Eizo climbs onto a cart and takes over it.
The captain kills as many of his own men as Eizo does in the process.
We get control of a cart and must ram the captain until we reach a certain point, then Eizo is knocked off the road by a bomb.

Mission (Main)
Eizo is wounded by his fall. The templar leader Leandros sends men to kill him, after dispatching the guards, we have to find Leandros.
This means using Eagle sense which has a new trick, by pressing in the left stick we can see ghostly images, in this case Leandros' movements.
I go through the village killing guards until I come to another castle. Here a cut scene shows Leandros challenging us, he brings in guards to kill Eizo.
we must climb to the top of the tower and kill Leandros. At the top Eizo gets the journal, Leandros is looking for something called the Grande temple. There are five keys to the door, Nicolo Polo took them to Constantinople.

Back in the Animus 16 is being cryptic.
Lucy has been buried.

Mission (Main)
Eizo arrives on a ship in Constantinople, he meets a student on the who turns out to be Prince Suleiman. We meet a local Assassin, Yusuf Tazim who wants to show Eizo around.
He tells us about local customs and quirks, we get into a fight with templars.
We arrive at the assassins headquarters and are welcomed by the group.

Mission (Main)
Yusuf tells Eizo that there is a blacksmith nearby, he notices that Eizo's gear is damaged.
We are told of random events that may happen around the city, which will earn us money if we complete the tasks.I am directed to a nearby blacksmith, where buying some new armour finishes the mission.

We are now left to free roam the city. There are viewpoints and a main mission marker, leaving you free to press on with the story or start exploring for side show tasks and missions.

I synchronise a tower x3

Mission (Main)
Yusuf and Eizo talk, the assassins of Constantiople have a hook blade, Yusuf gives one to Eizo.
This can be used to extend Eizo's reach and jump bigger gaps. Also to hook the swinging objects and perform a long jump. There is also a hook and run move, which allows us to use the hook to vault past enemies who are blocking our way without losing too much speed.

Mission (Main)
We have to follow Yusuf up a high tower named Galata. Then perform a leap of faith from the top.

Mission (Main)
Yusuf is informed that there are attacks taking place on two separate assassin's dens.
We have to learn how to use zip lines first, there are long zip lines which we use the hook to traverse, you can change your speed on the line by pressing right trigger. Assassination can be done from the line as well, and one is set up to demonstrate.
Yusuf goes to one den to help and sends us to the other.

Mission (Main)
Arriving at the den we must help with it's defense.
This is a new tower defence type game. We have leaders who control the rooftop and allow us to place units. We can then place archers and gunners. We can place barricades in the street below. We now have enemy waves to contend with, then a battering ram.

I synch another tower.

Mission (Main)
I am told to take a boat to the Imperial district, to find out how Yusuf is getting at his den.
We find him fighting a group of Templars, and have to help. He then shows us how to use  Cherry bombs to distract the guards from their posts and slip past them.
We must now clear an area of templar influence, by killing the captain and lighting the tower. Just like the Borgia tower side missions in Brotherhood.

Desmond finds 16 lying on the ground looking remorseful. He appears to be lamenting a chance at something he wasted, also he asks if Desmond might take him with him. Which I presume means taking his consciousness, into Desmond's own body and out of the Animus itself.
Desmond tells 16 that this isn't going to happen, he seems to accept it, though I am not so sure he won't try it anyway.

Eizo writes home to Claudia, telling her about what is happening, reiterating that he is here to find the keys primarily, though the templars here are distracting and he hopes to help Yusuf as he is able.

Yusuf is happy that the dens have been saved, though good men have been lost. He asks Eizo if he has experience recruiting assassins, and Eizo of course says yes. We now have to begin the task of recruiting.

Mission (Main)
A man has been arrested for stealing food, we have to get him the key to the cage and free him.
I have to find the guard using eagle vision, pickpocket him, them return to the prisoner and free him. Eizo asks him to join the assassins.
Now that we have a recruit, we can call him to aid us.

Mission (Main)
We have now made a new assassin's den and can appoint one of our recruits to lead it.
Our new den leader comes to us with a problem. His men have been going missing, and he has found a problem. He asks us to follow him and wait in a park and watch his movements.
We see him go to a nearby haystack and hide, we now have to take out three templars overlooking the area.
We must now use our eagle sense to find out what is going on here.
It seems that another assassin is killing the assassins. We give chase and he escapes using a smoke bomb and luring us into fights with guards.
Eizo tells his student that he must be trained further before going head to head with this sentinel, who was once an assassin.

Crafting tables are introduced, which allow us to send assassins on missions.

Mission (Main)
Yusuf shows Eizo how to make bombs.
This allows us to make bombs using a shell, explosive and additives like shrapnel. We test the bombs. Yusuf and Eizo talk of the Marco Polo connection and Yusuf tells Eizo to see a man named Reis in the bazaar for help.
I find Reis and he tells us the location of an old outpost of Polo's. He will also sell us bombs.

Mission (Main)
I meet Sofia at the Polo family trading post, she was on the ship we sailed into Constantinople on. She allows us to look around her shop, we have to use eagle sense to find a secret door.
Inside we find a clamber mission. The Yerbatan cistern.
Here we must clamber, and also kill guards to find a key to the next area.
Here i have to get a key from a guard, I shoot him from across the room and i get the key, not exactly realistic.
I finally have to use eagle sense to find a hidden door. Inside is a Masyaf key, an alien looking cd.
Back in Sofia's shop Eizo shows her a map he found in the temple, he asks her to help him find the rest of the hidden keys. He also flirts outrageously and she returns the flirting.
Yusuf wants our aid and tells us to use the fast travel network.

Mission (Main)
Eizo studies the disc and he receives a vision, we are back in Altair's times, Masyaf is under attack from crusaders, we must fight our way to the castle to save people.
At the castle gates a crusader holds Al Mualim captive, we must get into the castle and kill him before he kills his hostages.
Once done we see Altair talking with Al Mualim, who we know to be a templar agent from the first game.
Eizo realises that the disc contains Altairs recorded memories. So this is Desmond living Eizo's memory who is also now reliving Altair's.

I kill a templar captain and light a tower.

Mission (Main)
I go to the Romanies and am told a tale of woe, Eizo wants to help, the templars have stolen some money. The Romany leader wants us to kill everyone who touches the money so as to spread the romany myth of a curse on those who steal from them. We must poison all who touch it.
I go to a location and meet a group of romany women, i have to hire them.
Then we come to the guards with the chest and use poison darts on them. after a few have died the rest abandon the chest. I have to then take it back to the gypsy camp.

Had to quit to menu to get out of being stuck in a bush!

I synch a viewpoint.

Mission (Main)
More information has been found out about the rogue assassin called the sentinel.
two assassins have been kidnapped by the sentinel, Eizo does not want to negotiate and we have to find the prisoners.
I find them under heavy templar guard, After freeing them we find that this is a ruse and the sentinel plans to attack our base when Eizo is away.
I go back to the base and find the sentinel. I chase him and he is caught by another assassin.

Eizo writes to Claudia tell her that he needs to find a way into the Ottoman court.

Mission (Main)
The templars plan to attack the Ottoman royal family, we are to help with Yusuf's plans, which are to go in dressed and entertainers and foil the plan.
We have to sneak into the palace, knock out three groups of three minstrels and then take their clothes.
We now must walk about singing and playing the lute, using eagle sense to find the assassins, before they can kill Suliman. we have our own team take them out, We have to stand and play to distract the crowd.
I do this four times then a fight breaks out and the last templar tries to rush Suliman, Eizo breaks cover and kills him. Suliman is grateful and asks to talk with Eizo in private.

Mission (Main
Suliman introduces us to the complexities of the royal succession. His brother is in line, though there are those with concern for his fitness. Suliman asks that we go to a secret room and watch a meeting his brother is going to have.
It seems that the Jannisery, the royal guards have no love for Suliman's brother.

I kill another captain/tower burning combo.

One of my assassin’s dens comes under attack and I need to do the tower defense game to save it.

Mission (Main)
Sofia is having trouble with a delivery, seems that papers are not in order. Eizo promises to help.
I have to sneak onto a ship and scan papers with eagle vision. Once retrieved I have to take it to Sofia.

Mission (Main)
I have to climb to the top of a high tower and use eagle sense to find a book hidden on a roof.
This book unlocks that Galata tower and I must go and climb it.
Now travelling deep down under the tower we find caverns and clambering. Eventually the next key.

I liberate a templar zone.
And another.
Synch a viewpoint.
I synch another viewpoint.

Mission (Main)
I climb a tower and have to look for a books location.
I then collect the book.

Mission (main)
A random event occurs and we find an acrobat under attack by guards, Once I save her we have to follow her to her shop. We then have to fight more guards, she then joins the assassins.

Mission (Main)
Back at the hideout I examine the second disc, back into Altair's memories we go.
We go back to a point just after the end of the first game, when Altair kills Al Mualim who is in command of the apple of eden.
I take Al Mualims body, everyone is shocked and disbelieving of the things they have seen.
I walk with the body and an assassin asks for proof of the betrayal. Altair tries to explain as you walk to a pyre. I place Al Mualim on the pyre and the assassin freaks out. It is not the assassin's way to burn a body. Altair explains that he wants to make sure Al Mualim is truly dead.
A fight breaks out, we have to disarm rather than kill our brothers.
While the fight is going on Abas goes and takes the apple, as he tries to use it it goes wrong and start to kill him and hurt every else in a large radius, we have to climb up to him before he dies. We also have to avoid falling as the apple sends out waves of pain making us fall.
At the top, Altair takes the apple and it calms down.

Mission (Main)
The Janissary captain Tarik appears to have an agenda, it is possible he is involved with the templars. We have to tail him in the market.
First we must find him, a rough areas to look in is marked on the map.
Then we must tail him all over the bazaar. Eventually we overhear him telling us the meeting place.

Mission (Main)
Eizo watches the meeting, with a man named Manuel, it seems to be about a shipment of cargo. Yusuf is also there as well, he has heard that the shipment is about weapons.
We see some Janissary beat up a merchant for selling apples.
Eizo wonders if the poor could be made to rebel.
I have to bribe three heralds in the area to talk badly of the janissary, a crowd starts to gather at the gate.
We now have to stop the Janissary from clearing the crowd until they break down the doors to the bazaar.

Mission (Main)
We must now follow Manuel's trail, using eagle sense through the riot. I tail his ghost image to a warehouse. We see him chatting with a shadowy figure, dressed as a guard. It seems that this person is the real power here, not Manuel. Eizo sneaks in and finds that the shipment is of guns. Two guards catch him, and we have to escape the area and head for a checkpoint.

Mission (Main)
Eizo goes to Sofia and asks for more help.
A thief has broken in, stolen a painting, Eizo tells her he will get it back.
Using eagle sense in the map marked area find me the thief. Beating him up tells us that he sold it to a merchant. I go to the merchant and have to buy the painting back.
Then give it back to Sofia.

I synch a viewpoint.

Mission (Main)
I climb a tower to start a mission and now have to use eagle sense to locate the book.
At the location the next book is found.

I synch a viewpoint.

Mission (Main)
The location revealed by the book is another underground cavern, as usual the templars are already here, this time they have brought dynamite to blow up a door they can't get through.

Eizo tries to shoot the dynamite to blow them all up, however one of the templars gets in the way of the shot and the rest flee in a boat. We have to now chase the boat.
After a long and breathless chase I have to assassinate the templars in the boat from a zipline. This triggers a cut scene where Eizo and the templars in the boat go over a waterfall and then we have to fight the templars at the bottom. Once done we have to use eagle sense to find the hidden doors. Inside is another key.

Mission (Main)
Eizo uses the key to experience another Altair memory.
Altair, an older Altair, talks with Maria, he is upset, the templars have taken an assassin stronghold, it appears that Abas let it happen. Altair wants to kill him, Maria urges caution.
Altair and Maria have been away fighting Mongols for ten years and at home in Masayf Abas has grown powerful. Altair has two sons and one of them Seth has been killed. When we meet Abas, it seems he has had Seth killed and wants the apple for himself. Altair uses the apple to hurt an assassin who taunts him about his son's death. Maria tries to stop him and the assassin kills her. Altair instantly murders him.
Now it is an all out fight and Altair must escape Masyaf. We meet Darim, his other son and then have to flee together, lots of attacks from groups of assassins.

Mission (Main)
Suliman and his brother are playing chess, it seems to me that Suliman pretends to be happy for his brother to become Sultan, but is conspiring against him. Eizo comes to Suliman and tells him that the guns are being sold. Suliman wants Eizo to trace the destination of the guns then kill Tarik.
First task is to get a Janisarry guard uniform.
I kill a Janisarry and then get his uniform.
We must then follow a group of guards to their camp. We must beat up a citizen along the way to keep in cover.
At the camp we must make our way through several layers of guards, using stealth. Then we see Tarik talk to a friend and learn where the weapons were being sent.
Now we have to kill Tarik, when we try it becomes a fight, with Tarik and loads of Janissary. When I win we find out that Tarik was no traitor, he was planning to use the weapons to find the templars army location so he himself could strike at their heart and kill them all. We must escape the guards.

Mission (Main)
At Sofia's shop she asks Eizo to accompany her on a weeks journey to visit a new printing press. Eizo reminds her that his time is short. She asks him instead to go and get her a bunch of flowers that she needs, she will meet him later in the park with the information he needs to find the last book of Marco Polo.
I go to a flower seller, he has none of the tulips that Sofia wants, he tells us to wait an hour and he will get some. Eizo does not wait and we have to follow the vendor. Once at his source of tulips we find he was just gathering them from where they grow wild. Eizo picks his own, we have to cut three tulips. Now we have to go and meet Sofia. She has gathered a picnic, her romantic intentions are plain to see, though Eizo is loathe to bring her further into his world.

Mission (Main)
I have to climb to a specific vantage point and use eagle vision to find the location of a book.
Then reach the location.

Mission (Main)
We have to take a boat to the location of the next key. We reach a island on which is a structure named the maidens tower.
This is a large tower, filled with blocks of stone and water, the blocks move around using pulleys and the water level to make a jumping puzzle, pulling some levers gives you timed opened gates and makes for a bit more frantic jumping. eventually you reach the top and the key.

Mission (Main)
Back at the HQ we use the key to live out some more of Altair's memories.
Altair has lived in exile for twenty years, it seems that it is time for him to return to settle his score with Abas. The assassins thing Abas mad and some are sympathetic to Altair, who realised he was driven out by Abas and his thirst for power.
We have to walk through the village and into Masyaf, Assassins fight all around us and we have to kill specific captain. At the castle interior Abas confronts us, Altair tells him the apple has shown him the future, and we have to use a gun that Altair has made to kill Abas.

Mission (Main)
We have to enter the palace and find Suliman, to tell him that we have found the templar army, and killed an innocent man in the process.
I have to sneak in, using the romani's makes it easy
Eizo informs Suliman about what has happened, he is not pleased. His brother arrives and he feels that the Janissary will blame him for the death. They decide that Manuel must be brought to justice. We must also escape the palace unseen.

Mission (Main)
The Janissary have raised a chain across the harbour, which means our ship we are going to use to sail cannot pass. Yusuf gives us some help in the form of a large bomb. We have to place the bomb at the anchor point of the great chain, Then set it off. we now have to get onto a ship, use a fire cannon to burn 7 boats, then run through the flames and wreckage to get to our ship as it leaves.

Desmond appears again for the first time in ages. 17 is provoking him again, asking about his parents and Lucy. Desmond apologizes.
In the animus island there are other doors, which have been unlocked by collecting animus memory fragments.

Mission (Desmond)
We have to move around a first person 3D maze, there are locked doors, opened by symbols.
I gain a power, we can build platforms, and use them to get to unreachable platforms.
As we move through we see some memories from Desmond's life.

Mission (Main)
Eizo's ship has taken him to Cappadocia in search of Manuel.
We have to find Ottoman spies and work with them to find the templars.
This is a fairly confusing mission, basically all you are doing is synching a viewpoint.
Which is the most complicated one yet.
We then have to find the spy using eagle vision.
We have to chase the spy, when we catch her she reveals her name is Dilara, she asks her to visit her later.

Mission (Main)
Dilara has been caught when we go to find her, we must rescue her from prison.
We move to the prison entrance and find Manuel talking with the Masked Templar leader. The key to the prison can be found on a guard in the marketplace, we learn this and then have to go find the key.
A fight is going on and the guards are watching, we can use eagle vision to find which one is holding the key then pickpocket him. We the have to go back to the prison and free Dilara.
She wants revenge of the templar boss, who has killed her men.

Mission (Main)
The templar's name is Shahkulu, he is publically executing the ottoman prisoners. We have to stop him. First we must take out the armed guards surrounding the stage then Shahkulu himself.
We have to fight him like a boss battle, he has a lot of health.

Mission (Main)
Eizo wants to blow up the gunpowder in the guns that Manuel bought, which incidentally are broken. In the ensuing chaos he hopes to get a chance at killing Manuel.
We have to complete a clamber puzzle to get into the ammunition cache, then kill lots of guards and find a bomb and throw it into the gunpowder store. The cache explodes and then we see Manuel come out to see what is going on, he isn't pleased.

Mission (Main)
We have to kill Manuel, we have to catch him, then kill him.
After killing him a boat arrives, it is Ahmet, suliman's brother. He is really in control here, and not the fool he has been leading us to believe, he is after the key and wants Eizo dead.
He sends his men to kill us, which of  course fails. We must now run through the burning city and escape to our ship.

Mission (Main)
Using the key Eizo sees Altair's memories. Nicolo Polo, the father of Marco is at Masyaf, he is given a codex by Altair. It seems that enemies are at the gate and we must escort the Polo's to their ship.
We use the apple as a weapon, and lead them down into the village.
Once there Altair gives Nicolo Polo the 5 keys to the Masyaf library and tells him to hide them well. Altair admits that they are a message, but he does not know who for.

Mission (Main)
Eizo returns to Constantiople and to Sofia's shop, it is too late, the templars have been there already.
Yusuf is dead, Eizo takes it badly, it's all out war on Ahmet.
We have to storm the Arsenal and kill Ahmet. As we get to him and kill him, a cut scene kicks in, he has Sofia and Eizo stays his blade. He wants to have the rest of the keys in return for Sofia's life. suliman overhears and pledges not to help Ahmet.

Mission (Main)
Back at the Assassin's base Eizo takes the keys.
We then meet the assassin's at Yusuf's grave. Eizo makes one of them the new leader of the order.
We meet Ahmet near the Galata tower. He shows us Sofia held at the top of the tower. Eizo gives him the keys and then we have a timed run up to the top of the tower. At the top we find that it isn't Sofia at the top. She is being hanged in a courtyard nearby. We have to use a parachute to get down to her and save her. We escape in a horse drawn carriage.

Mission (Main)
We chase Ahmet in the carriage, have to knock out two other carriages. Then Eizo is knocked from the carriage, he ends up flying from a parachute on the end of the rope while Sofia drives. We have to survive and kill guards until we end up falling over a cliff with Ahmet. We have to fight him then eventually land after deploying the parachute.
The sultan arrives and kills Ahmet, then tells Eizo to get out of his city.

Desmond is trapped in animus Island as it appears to be disintegrating. 17 grabs him and tells him that he is saving him, he tells Desmond to move through a doorway.

Mission (Main)
Eizo and Sofia arrive as masyaf to open the library.
We have to walk into the castle and down into the lower levels.
Here are the door we have to place the keys in the right area and rotate them to match the constellation of the eagle on the door. Eagle vision makes it much easier to see.
Inside is an empty library, A skeleton sits in a chair wearing Assassin's robes. It is Altair's body and it holds another memory disc.
Eizo uses it to see the memory.
Altair leaves the castle empty to satisfy the invading Mongols. His son leaves him in the library after a tearful farewell.
We now have to hide the apple then sit in the chair to die.
Eizo now has to get the apple from it's resting place.

A long cut scene begins, eizo talks to Desmond, then an alien. It shows a vision of the end of the world, a solar flare hits Earth and despite all their technology it still ends the world.
All their knowledge on saving the world is stored in one temple.
Desmond wakes from the animus, proclaiming that he knows what to do.
The credits roll.

320 Achievement points
19 hours

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