Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood Notes

The story begins with a recap of past events.

Desmond Miles is the current incarnation of a long line of assassins. The Templar's are the bad guys and the Assassins seemingly the good in a battle for control of the world. Which it seems has been going on throughout history,there are alien artifacts in the world and control of these is it seems very important. Desmond has been captured by the Templars who take the form of Abstergo industries in the current time. They force him to use a machine called the animus to live through memories of his previous incarnations. He lives through the life of an assassin called Altair, looking for a relic of supernatural power called the apple of Eden.
Desmond is freed from the templar clutches by a woman called Lucy who  is a modern day assassin. Now with the Assassins Desmond uses the animus to help them locate new relics. He lives through the life of Eizo, an Italian renaissance Assassin. The cliffhanger at the end of the last game saw the assassins being found by the Templars and having to flee.

We find ourselves in control of Eizo just after he witnessed the alien message in a crypt in the Vatican, which was not meant for him, it was meant for Desmond.
The chamber now seems inert, the only thing to do is walk back out of it into a circular indentation in the ground. The staff which opened the crypt is there, when Eizo tries to take it from it's place in the ground it vanishes into the ground and the whole cylinder sinks further down into the earth.
Mario appears above and urges Eizo to climb out of the pit.
We see the path using eagle vision.
At the tome Mario wants us to follow him.
We leave the chamber and find loads of monks watching, they are not very friendly, though don't fight us.
WE move through the church and then out into the castle and streets. Some guards give us a fight and then we are into the streets and clambering over the rooftops. At the top of a tower Mario takes the apple of Eden from Eizo for safe keeping.
We are now outside the city on horses, going back to the villa Auditore.
A cannonball hits near us as we approach, which it seems is done to let the player know that the villa now has cannons. we have to ride into the villa itself, there we meet Claudia, Eizo's sister. There is to be a meeting in the evening, where Eizo will tell the gang what is going on.
We now get control in the villa, with three quest markers to occupy our time.

Mission 1
We find a girl in the streets with a heavy box of flowers. Eizo offers to help and flirts outrageously. The girl will meet him tomorrow.
We simply have to carry the box from point a to point b to complete the mission.

Mission 2
A stable hand has lost Mario's favorite horse.
we have to chase it and bring it back to the stable.

Mission 3
On the battlements we find the cannon soldiers, they are having trouble with the guns, the engineers can't be found. We are to go find him, he is nearby and drunk. Eizo appeals to his sense of craftsmanship and gets him to come back to the cannons. Here he fixes them and we are to test fire them. We have to shoot them at some dummies.

Now it seems we have done the side missions, time to get on with the main story.

Triggering the cut scene we meet Catherine, who seeks help with defence of Forli, Eizio tells her that he will aid her. Then we meet Claudia and Eizio's mother. Machiavelli and Mario come and the meeting begins. Eizio tells of Minerva's message about trouble for the future and the hidden temples that will aid humanity. Machiavelli is angered because Borgia still lives.
We are directed to Eizo's bedroom, where Catherine arrives to sleep with him.

In the morning as Eizo and Catherine wake the villa is attacked by cannon fire.
Outside Eizo and Mario plan what to do. The Borgia army is close and the best thing is to flee. Eizo is tasked with defending the villa using the cannons until Mario can evacuate the civilians.
On the ramparts  there is a huge army coming, cannons are set up and firing at the villa. We have to shoot the cannons. Using cannons on each side of the tower we shoot some cannons until told to go to the ramparts where siege towers are bringing men onto the ramparts. We go and fight them there.
Now a cut scene shows the main gate being breached and Mario injured. Cesare Borgia arrives, he has Catherine captive. He kills Mario in front of Eizio.
Injured now Eizio has to make his way back to the villa to save Claudia and his mother. We find Claudia and then have to take her to a sanctuary.
Eizio tells his mother and Claudia to go to Firenze. He takes a horse and is now out for revenge. Injured he collapses off the horse on the road.

We are back with the future, or should that be present Assassins. Desmond is in an animus housed in the back of a truck. They have relocated to the Auditore Villa. Lucy Shaun and Rebecca are having trouble accessing some of Eizo's memories. They try and find the way into the sanctuary.
Desmond is now fairly full on assassin material able to do all of Eizo and Altair’s moves. We follow Eizio's ghost looking for a way into the sanctuary.
Desmond is worried by the increasing visions of the past he is having outside of the animus.
A problem which saw a previous animus user go mad and die.
We come to a blocked gate, we let Lucy in underneath and we have to find a way around.
We come to a lift, which is a new feature, ropes that when released hurl you upwards.
Now we progress through some platforming. Lucy needs our help to get past certain obstacles.
There is constant dialogue between them, it seems similar to Prince of Persia.
We can hurl Lucy across gaps and she then opens the way for us.
Eventually after much climbing we enter the sanctuary.
We then go up and open the doors for Shaun and Rebecca.
There is a hidden set of numbers on the wall, written by Eizio.

Mission (main)
We have to provide power for the new animus lab, which is being set up in the sanctuary.
We have to install power diverters in circuit boxes, which will divert power to the lab.
This is a quick trip around the town looking for the four circuit boxes.

Back in the sanctuary, everything is ready, and we are prompted to get back into the animus.

We are shown a new training mode, which is like challenge rooms.

Now we are back to the story.
There are codes in subject 16's ramblings, which translate to geographical locations inside the animus. Shaun asks that we see if there is anything of interest in these places.

We see Eizio being woken, he is in Rome, Machiavelli wants to see him and he has been provided with some clothes and weapons.

Mission 5
First we have to find a doctor to heal Eizio of his wounds. We find a doctor and get medicine.
Now we have to climb a tower and synch the map.
I am told to follow some guards, staying close but not too close. a meter starts to fill if they are suspicious. I follow them to their destination and they start to attack a man near a gallows. I kill the guards and then find out from the man that his wife has been hung. The executioner here is corrupt it seems and we are sent to kill him. I find him, assassinate him, and then kill the few guards who are nearby.

The next objective is a pillar, i am told that I must light a Borgia tower to buy a property.

I meet Machiavelli, who seems surprised that Eizo survived the Borgia attack on the villa. I imagine he might have had some hand in it due to our earlier spat.
We have to walk with him through town.

He gives us money to buy some armor and a weapon. He tells us about someone he wants us to kill. A general of the Borgia's. We come to a stable, Eizo suggests riding, Machiavelli tells him that the Borgia's have taken important parts of the city like this stable.
We have to assassinate the captain of the stable guard I do this, then go back to Machiavelli, who tells us they will just send new guards.
We now have to climb the tower of the stable and Burn it.
This makes the property available, we go to it and renovate it.

Easy come easy go
We are to ride with Machiavelli, as we talk a thief steals Eizo's coin purse. We have to chase and take it back. Then go and meet Machiavelli again.

Who's got mail
We have to find a contact of Machiavelli who has a letter for him.
We find him as guards are about to kill him, and have to save him. Then we have to give chase to a mail carrier who has the letter we want. This mission takes place in the coliseum.

Mission Crepi il lupo.
We have to deliver the letter to Machiavelli, we come to some ruins and are attacked by some men dressed as wolves. Once they are downed we enter their hideout.

Mission Halls of Nero
Locate the shrine to Romulus.
This is a platforming mission, jumping around in the underground ruins I find switches that trigger fountains to fill up a pool.
This fills the pool and makes it collapse, we then drop down into a circular area where you have to find the start of a long clambering section, an urn on a plinth marks the start. There is much platforming, we see a Romulan cult member being thrown off a ledge by another.
we then climb the rest of the way around this large room and up into the treasure chamber. Here we are given the first of 6 keys to a special set of armor. We leave by a hatch, and meet up with Machiavelli as planned.
Machiavelli thinks that the Romulans are being employed by the Borgia to stir up unrest and aide their political cause. Machiavelli tells us about tunnels, which are the games fast travel system. We travel to a hideout furnished by one of Machiavelli's friends called Fabio. Eizo decides he needs to make some contacts in Rome.

I am presented with free roaming, I synch a few nearby viewpoints by climbing their towers, also kill a Borgia commander and burn down the tower.

Eizo goes looking for a brothel mistress and finds that she has been taken by slave traders.
On way the I find another Borgia tower, kill the captain and ignite it.
I find the slavers, who take my money, and also kill the madam. I have to kill all the slavers.
Now we must return to the brothel. Here we find Eizo's mother and sister Claudia. with the madam dead a new one is needed. Claudia volunteers, Eizo isn't happy about this but agrees. We speak to the architect and pay to have the brothel repaired.

On the way to the next mission I synch a tower.

I go to a house and find Bartolemo, and his wife. Bartolemo is positive, though his wife is more realistic about the fighting.
She wants us to help, we have to eliminate a Borgia captain and send his troops to attack a barracks, this means the French can do something else more easily.
We first have to chase down the captain and the destroy the tower. We now have to go back to Bartolemo, who asks us to help him fortify the castle, in return Eizo asks for information.
We are told about fight practice we can indulge in. Also carrier pigeon missions which will give us tasks to kill Templars.

Eizo goes to see an assassin called La Volpe who does not seem to like Machiavelli, and even thinks that he may be a traitor.  He asks us to accompany him to spy on Machiavelli.
When we meet La Volpe some thieves get into trouble with Borgia guards. we have to aid them, one is injured and we have to get him to safety by blending in with the crowd and moving through the guarded area to safety. We now have to lose our notoriety. This is done by removing wanted posters. Bribing Heralds and killing officials. We have to remove our notoriety and then go back to La Volpe.
After saving the thief La Volpe is prepared to trust Eizo on Machiavelli. We give him money to repair an inn that will serve as thieves Guild.
Here we can enter thieves contests and gamble.

I try a Borgia tower, which seems glitched. I saw the marked captain, but he vanished in the fighting and I had to die to reset him. Oh I see now, the Borgia tries to get away on his horse. It wasn't a glitch.

Another Borgia tower, this time the captain is underground in tunnels.

Yet another Borgia tower.

I synch a tower.

Christina Mission
There is a map marker called a Christina mission.
This seems to trigger a memory of Eizo, he is talking with him brother and he is getting him to try and chat to a girl. He does and messes it up. We now have a mission to follow the girl for a second chance.
We have to tail her, until a man tries to rape her. We fight him and he vows to hurt our family. Eizo is rewarded with a kiss from Christina.

Courtesan assignment.
The ladies are being annoyed by a man called Santino who claims ownership of them, we are to humiliate him in front of the Borgia and this will see him off.
We find Santino beating up a courtesan and have to beat him up but not kill him.
I select fists and he goes down fairly easily. I then have to pick up his body and take him to a fountain and leave him in it.

Courtesan assignment.
A courtesan named Guiletta is in the employ of the Borgia, we are to follow her and kill her benefactor. This is simply a tailing mission and then you have to kill the man she meets. Once done Eizo tells the girl not to come back to the brothel.

We go back to the hideout and meet with Machiavelli, Bartolemo and La Volpe.
We can now buy buildings and fund the renovation of Rome which will swell the assassin's coffers and help the people.

I complete a Borgia tower assassination and tower destruction.

We see A Lucrezia woman parade Catherine in public as her prisoner. Eizo and Machiavelli watch. Eizo wants to rescue her, Machiavelli wants Cesare and Rodrigo killed first.
This is a big story mission. Which is good as there has been too much setting up shop so far.
Apart from the Desmond Missions, Eizo hasn't had much compelling to do since the attack on the villa.
We have to infiltrate a large castle. Climbing around we are guided to specific touring sites of the castle and see Cesare and Lucrezia talking through a window.
Cesare leaves, so Eizo decides he may as well free Catherine.
We come to Caterina and have to kill some guards, she tells us that the key is in Lucreza's chambers at the top of the castle.
Outside Eizo overhears Lucreza talking with a man, she appears to be having an affair. It seems that this is a game, as after the man leaves she talks to a guard who is to let Cesare know of the conversation. we are told to confront Lucreza, which brings guards, we have to kill. Then we grab her and have to take  her to  Catherine's cell. More guards come and we haave to keep hold of Lucreza who tries to flee when there are no guards around. When we reach the cell Catherine is freed and Lucreza shut  in her own cell.
Now we must escape the castle carrying and injured Catherine.
This is easy enough a few guards to deal with. The gate need two cranks to be turned to leave as we cannot obviously climb with Catherine in tow.
We get to the stable and put Catherine on a horse. Now we  must escort her to safety.
We ride across the bridge and Catherine is sent to meet Machiavelli. Eizo is to stay and distract the guards. We must stay in a marked area and fight for a minute until we are told to flee and lose our pursuers.

Courtesan mission, a girl has woken after being drugged. We are to find the culprits.
basically we follow her around beating up people, she eventually gets the right ones.

The gang meet, Machiavelli is suspect again. The situation seems bleak, Eizo wants to consolidate his influence in Rome. Also to begin recruiting assassins.
Machiavelli reluctantly agrees.
Now we must travel to some new map markers, where we find some citizens fighting Borgia guards.
When we kill the guards Eizo gives a speech and we have a new recruit for the Assassin's guild.
do this twice and the mission is over.

A courtesan has been murdered, and we are sent to kill him.
Simple enough job of finding and killing the marked target.

Eizo finds a child crying on a dock, it seems slavers have taken his mother. Eizo sets out to get justice. I have to follow the slaver to his hideout, then call my two new recruits to help me kill the slaver gang. Once done I am told to go to a pigeon coop. this is the assassins message board and we can now upgrade and give missions to our guild members. This makes us money and gets xp for the assassins leveling them up.

I recruit a few more assassins and buy up some shops

Huge in joke as a cardboard box from Metal gear solid talks to us.
Leonardo Da Vinci, is back, he has been working for the bad guys under duress. He has designed war machines. Eizo is tasked with getting the plans before they can be built.
We have a choice of gadget that Leo can make for us. I choose faster climbing.
We are tasked with hiring mercenaries to help us
I have to kill a templar overseer to recover a map showing the location of one of Leonardo's war machines. We are tasked with hiring mercenaries to help us. I approach the group and asks them to help, it costs us some florins.
I send them to attack the overseer, once he is dead we get the location of the war machine.

We arrive at a location where a machine gun has been built. We are to infiltrate the area and destroy the guns blueprints. The place is called the Colli Albani.
We have to sneak in without causing an alarm and burn the plans, then ignite some gunpowder near one of the machine guns. As we are getting out of the blast radius another machine gun appears and is driven away on the back of a cart. We give  chase and land on it. In cut scene Eizo takes out the drivers and then we have control of the cart. We have to drive for a while avoiding horse riders and archers. Then we get to use the machine gun and shoot an entire squad of pursuers. After the pursuit dies down Eizo blows up the last machine gun.

I meet Leonardo and get a double hidden blade.
Also liberate a few more recruits from their fights with guards.

A complex plan is hatched to weaken Cesare's position. Involving cutting off his money supply to cause him to lose his army. Also a key to a secret entrance to the castle used by Lucreza's lover.
Christine leaves for Forli.

Another Leonardo war machine mission. Starts with finding the overseer and killing him for the location of the weapons and plans.
We come to a dock in Napoli looking to destroy a cannon emplaced on a ship that Leonardo has designed. We have to sneak in and find a shipyard worker who can help us. We then have to follow his boat along a narrow high corridor avoiding guards or assassinating them as we go.
When I reach the boat it small boat with a big cannon. I have to kill some guards and then flood the dry dock. This is done by climbing up to two cranks. Once on the boat we go out to sea and have to destroy four Borgia ships by setting their three sails alight. Driving the boat can't be done at the same time as firing. Once the boats are sunk, Eizo shoots the cannon into the boat and sinks it.

At Claudia's brothel, Eizo asks for the courtesans to take the banker's money after Eizo kills him. We must now seek out Senator Egidio Troche to find the Banker's location.
We find the senator being beaten up by guards, saving him, gets him on our side. We now have to get him through the city on foot, which means  every guard needs to be fought in the crowded streets. Once at a safe location the senator reveals that he is taken to the banker, and never knows his location. Eizo wants to get him the money he owes so he can follow him to the banker.

Leonardo time again, kill the overseer to get the location of the war machine.
Tank Monte Cicero
We have to follow the architect of the tank into the castle. Once we get him alone we have to beat him up to get the location of the plans. Now we have to find the plans and burn them, and also destroy the tank. We need three people to operate the tank, handily for the plot there are captured mercenaries in the castle. I find and burn the plans then am directed to free the Mercs. Once they are free I have to follow them to the tank. We now have to fight every guard we just sneaked past, which makes it seem silly. After killing every soul in the castle we find a hatch and go under ground for some platforming.
Now we get in the tank and have to drive it around, taking out some cannon emplaced guns, then another tank. Now we come to a castle filled with war machine and two tanks. Once everything is blown up Eizo shoots the tank with a cannon and the mission is done.

We give the Senator the money and are to follow him to the banker. This is a long mission in which you are to tail the guards and the senator around Rome on the rooftops, you lose points for touching the ground. Eventually they reach the Pantheon and you have to enter it via the roof. Once on the roof you are to kill a guard. Which seems hard as I am too far away to target him, and it's too high to fall down to the floor of the pantheon. I find the way is to clamber down the walls, but it is quite hard to get Eizo to go down, he seems reluctant, you just have to persist. At the bottom I kill the guard and put on his uniform. We are now the boss of the guards.
We now have to go to the banker, after sparing the senator. However, we have to lead the way, which is daft as we don't know it. You have to walk with the chest and follow the cues from the two other guards, who say things like "this is the way," or "has he forgot where we are going". Eventually after much frustration I reach the destination.
Guards take the money and we find that Cesare is here also. We are to kill the banker and escape. I kill the banker and leave, mission done.

Paper trail
We go back to the brothel to find that some guards have tailed the courtesans back to the brothel, however, Claudia has killed them, this pleases Eizo and seems to be and end to the feud between them.

Leonardo again, kill the overseer to find the location, go to the mission start point.

We have to find the architect, in a crowded area, using eagle vision, then follow him to a quiet spot, and beat him up. He tells us where the plans are. Now to sneak into the castle and burn the plans.
This is a hard sneak into the castle, I find my way in by the stables on the right as you face the castle. Inside there is along path into a tower, marked by clamber points. You then have to go up the inside of the tower.I steal the glider and now have to bomb more of the army supplies. After bombing around six locations we have to take out some carts, then a messenger sent to warn the Borgia.
Eizo blows up the bomber glider and the mission is over. Here we see an example of annoying side show game-play that you need to suddenly learn and be good at to progress in a main story.

Leonardo gives us a parachute to use.
I also buy poison darts from him.

I ignite a Borgia tower

I find a woman sitting on a bench looking sad. seems she has been beaten by her husband who is working for the Borgia to spread Propaganda. I have to tear down his propaganda and lure him from his workshop. I have to take down about six posters then kill the husband as he comes after us with guards.

I ignite a Borgia tower.

Each Borgia tower appears to have a Blacksmith, Tailor, Art Merchant, Doctor, Bank and stable attached nearby to renovate as your own for a price. You can also buy famous landmark buildings.

I find a Christina mission marker and it starts a memory of Eizo. He is back in time at the point where his brothers have been killed. We need to get their bodies from the gallows and give them a decent burial. Eizo and Christine must make their way to the gallows, where we have to beat up a guard to find out what has happened to the bodies. He tells us they are to be dumped in the river. We have to make our way to the river, here we find the bodies lying in the street, we have to take them to a boat under the nose of the guards. There are three bodies to take to the boat. Christina can't leave Firenze with Eizo and they have a tearful farewell.

A courtesan knows of two ambassadors here in the city, she will lure them out for Eizo to kill. The first stands on a Balcony talking to the courtesan in the street below. An easy task to climb up behind him and kill him. The next is in the street, and he is an easy mark for a bench passing by assassination.

Courtesan assignment, Borgia agents are trying to pressure courtesans into revealing information about Eizo. We are to follow a courtesan and find a target ambassador. We now have to follow him to a building. Here he holds the courtesan at knife point when she calls for us. I sneak in behind him and kill him.

A doctor is poisoning courtesans, We have to find him, steal the antidote and return to the brothel before she dies. This is a race against time with only 2:30 on th clock.

Templar mission
I find a man who has had his stall smashed by a templar agent, seems the man won at horse racing and the templar is a sore loser. We are to kill the templar.
I find him on a horse in a field and kill him.

I find a woman standing  on a ledge as if about to jump. Speaking to her it seems her husband has joined a gang and become a killer. She is going to confront him about it and kill herself. We are to kill him first to save her. I find him and kill him.

Courtesan mission
We have to find a courtesan who is working for the Borgia and scare her into running to her contact so we can kill him. I do this, she run, we follow and I kill the Borgia agent. Eizo tells the courtesan to leave Rome.

At the brothel we meet Claudia and the senator from earlier. He tells us of some people that should be killed and also a man called Prospero who we should save. This isn't a mission as such, just a prelude to a new batch of side missions.

Mission (Courtesan)
We have to intercept a courier giving a report to the Borgia and steal the letter, take it back to the courtesan who will forge a new much more interesting report and then we must return it to the messenger without his notice. A bonus is given for being quick.

Mission (Templar)
We find a man crouching by a door, there is a man firing at him from a tower and his daughter is inside. We have to help the man stop the shooter. I find the shooter after he kills the man and then have to kill him.

Mission (Courtesan)
I am to free people who have been causing trouble for the Borgia, including Prospero. I find the men surrounded by guards, this is basically a big fight, you can bring in your assassins and Mercs to help.

Mission (Courtesan)
A courtesan will show us a meeting of Borgia chiefs.
I go there with her on horseback and kill them all.

Mission (Main)
I  meet Bartolemo, who is having trouble with attackers at his castle.
French troops are trying to take the barracks. We have to close three gates.
French troops are pouring in the gates and we have to fend them off and close the gates. Once you have a gate closed it gets easier as the troop reinforcements become less. Once the barracks are clear of French troops the leader of the French arrives on horseback and taunts Bartolemo. He has his wife and wants his surrender.
We have to follow Bartolemo as he rides to the French camp. It is a fortress. Eizo has a plan, we have to go back to the barracks.

Mission (Main)
Eizo plans to sneak into the French camp by stealing French armor. We have to get the armor without denting it too much.
I basically have to roam around the area killing French guards. There is a bonus for doing it without detection.

Mission (Main)
We meet Bartolemo and his men now dressed in French gear. We are to go too the French camp, where once inside we will attack.
We have to follow the large group of soldiers, then have a fight with them.
Then it gets weird. We have to follow them and can't stray too far away or we desynch. Now there are guards at a road block to kill and it seems to desynch whatever I do. Not good mission design here.
It seems there are three marked guards that need to be killed, however you must not alert the normal Borgia guards who are also present.
We reach the castle and are led deep inside. The French boss is never going to let Bartolemo's wife go, as he is about to shoot her in front of Bartolemo Eizo gives the signal and we are fighting. Within the battle Eizo is given tasks, first to kill the French leaders personal guards, then to chase across the rooftops and open some gates.
Now we have a stand off, the French leader will shoot the wife if we go to close. we have to sneak around and kill him without his seeing, or alerting any guards.

Mission (Templar)
We find a templar assassin who has killed a man's wife.
I find her in the location indicated and then have to chase and kill her.

I synch a viewpoint.
I synch a viewpoint.

Mission (Main)
We meet La Volpe, at the thieves guild, he is concerned still about Machiavelli's loyalties, which I presume he thinks are his own and not on either side. There are attackers on the way to find the location of the thieves guild, we must kill them. This is simply a straight out fight in the courtyard of  the thieves guild area. Once done we must follow La Volpe on horseback to the location of some thieves who are in trouble. I get to the location and then have to save some thieves who are under attack. They tell us that someone called Pietro is to be killed. A top assassin has been sent to kill him. We go to another location and do the same. This time we are told by the thieves we rescue that Pietro is acting in a play tonight. Back to following La Volpe, this time they tell us that Pietro is to be ritually killed.
The mission ends here.

I ignite a Borgia tower.
I synch two more viewpoints and that is all the viewpoints done, 24 in all.

Mission (Christina)
Eizo returns to Firenze, and finds the Christina has caved to her fathers pressure to marry a man called Manfredo. It seems Manfredo has a gambling problem, and debt collectors are about kill him. I have to go to the location, and kill three men who are hurting Manfredo. Once done Eizo threatens him to make sure he will be good to her, and with a final kiss leaves Christina a second time.

Mission (Templar)
A monk wants us to kill a templar agent. I find him in a courtyard and kill him.

Mission (Main)
I meet a thief with La Volpe, who tells him the the killing of Pietro is to be made look an accident. La Volpe is sure Machiavelli is working with the Borgia and tells Eizo that he will kill him if Eizo does not.
We have to tail Micheletto to the play and get the assassin recruits into the play somehow.
First we have to locate Micheletto at the eastern gate.
At the gate we see Ceserae kill Franscesco at send Micheletto to the play. We have to follow on horseback. Then into a building where Micheletto gives costumes to a guard, We are told to use out assassins to kill the target, this gives them the costumes they will need to infiltrate the play.
We do this three times, each time the same, follow, watch the meeting with soldiers, then kill the soldiers using your assassins. Then back to following Micheletto, once he arrives at the coliseum he meets what he thinks are his soldiers, but in reality they are our assassins.

Mission (Main)
We have to climb the outside of the coliseum without being seen. Once inside we see the play going on down in the centre. There are three crosses and Pietro is on one of them. Seems to be a crucifixion play, there are gunmen around the coliseum, and we have to take them out first.
I go around the coliseum and kill four armed soldiers, then have to join my recruits backstage.
I now have to lead them onto the stage, we have a little dance to do before going on stage and assassinating Micheletto. As Eizo speaks to him he reveals that Pietro has been poisoned.

Mission (Main)
we now have to get to a doctor carrying Pietro to save his life.
The doctor is close by and Pietro is cured, he gives us the key to the side door of the castle which Lucreza has given him for their meetings.
Eizo sees a thief that he recognizes from the villa attack, he gives chase. When we catch him he has a letter and Eizo reads it and sees that this man is the traitor, not Machiavelli.
We must now go after La Volpe to stop him from confronting Machiavelli.
I race to Machiavelli, and am just in time to stop La Volpe from killing him.

Mission (Main)
At the hideout, the gang are all brought together, Claudia is made an assassin, and Machiavelli reveals that he knew what was going on, and helped in his own ways. He tells Eizo to go and kill Cesare.

Mission (Main)
We have to make our way back into the Castello, this time to kill Borgia himself.
After two checkpoint guided entrances, we use the key to open a door.
Then some clambering for two more checkpoints.
In cut scene we see through a window, the pope is not happy with Cesare, he accuses him of failure and the attack on the villa as the first big mistake. Cesare takes this badly and becomes angry, he demands the apple, Lucreza comes in and tells Cesare that the pope planned to poison him. We go in though an open window, Lucreza betrays Cesare and the pope is dead.
We now have to chase Cesare to the location of the apple. We have some clambering and then a chase through the streets with many many guards on our tail. Once escaped we have to use eagle vision to locate the apple is a statue. Cesare comes and Eizo uses the apple to kill his two guards. Cesare is looking unwell and flees.

Mission (Main)
We now have to escape the Vatican while the guards are on high alert.

Mission (Main)
Back at the hideout Eizo wants to wage war on Cesare's army with the apple.
We go to find Cesare meeting with his generals and use the apple to kill them all.

Mission (Main)
Cesare wants to meet with cardinals to drum up support, we are to disrupt the meeting.
We have to find a cardinal and tail him to the meeting.
Then kill the guards after breaking up the meeting.

Combat with the apple is rather unsatisfying here, it seems to soak up Eizo's health and give out a discharge that kills or disorientates the guards.
Basically all you do is run in circles and wait until your health recharges and then discharge the apple again and again until all the enemies are dead.

Mission (Main)
Cesare is trying to rally military support, again we are to intervene and kill the guards.
Once the guards are dead, Cesare runs, an army is coming to the gates, he thinks they are here to support him, they are not. They arrest him.

In cut scene Leonardo and Eizo talk, Eizo uses the apple and sees something, he leaves Rome going after Cesare.

Mission (Main)
We fast forward through time and find a battle, Eizo is in the middle and he begins to fight Cesare. We have a little quick-time button mashing here, then Cesare flees leaving us to fight guards.
As we fight a cannon shell lands in the middle of the fight and we are knocked down.
Getting up we are told to go to an olive field, we must run through the cannon peppered landscape, or ride, that is good also. The horse is killed and we must progress on foot.
Now we must progress through a battle, there are soldiers fighting and civilians being massacred. I have to climb a siege tower and jump from it as it falls into a castle.
We then move through another area and come to another siege tower, which me must climb to the top then confront Cesare. Fighting him is like any other battle only you have to kill him a few times, each time you wear him down, a piece of his armor falls off. Other guards are there to make it hard.

Once we have won, in cut scene Eizo throws Cesare off the top of the tower. We see a cut scene of Eizo hiding the apple in a secret vault under the coliseum.

The scene cuts to Desmond leaving the animus. The vault seems to need a password to open. The power goes to the villa and the team are left unable to use the animus to find out which password Eizo used for the vault.
we have to take Desmond around looking for answers, and at the top of the stairs, using eagle vision we find a triangle with numbers. Sean explains that it refers to a mathematical symbol which includes the names of God. and the number boil down to 72, which was also the year of the start of the coliseums construction.
We drive to the coliseum.
Desmond must do some intricate clambering in the modern coliseum and reach a secret door. Pressing buttons only shown by eagle vision, Desmond sees the alien holograms that Eizo saw. They continue to refer cryptically to saving the world.
Eizo meets the gang in a church, In the church Desmond sees Eizo's ghost clamber up the altar.
Doing this finds us a switch and the ceiling rearranges to make climbing possible.
After a clamber around the roof of the church we find a switch. This raises a pillar at the altar, climbing down is made easy by clamber posts which appear from the ceiling.
When Desmond touches the pillar the floor drops down like an elevator.
In a tomb we find the door we saw Eizo hide the apple. saying the number 72 opens the door.
Inside this room we find the apple on a pedestal in the middle. Very complex clamber posts rise from the ground and we have to make a complex circuit of the room to activate a bridge to the apple.
When the apple is reached Shaun asks about the location of the temple. The apple activates and flashes of symbols begins to appear. The alien voice talks about people who as missing and opening the way. It seems that it wants him to kill Lucy and takes control of him. He stabs Lucy and they both Collapse. The credits roll. During the credits it can be heard that Desmond has gone into some kind of shock and needs to be put back in the animus to save him.

25 hours
440 Achievement points for one play-through.


Left analogue stick    Character movement
Right Analogue stick    Camera control
Left trigger        Target an enemy   
Right trigger        changes Eizo, from passive mode to action mode.
Left bumper        Call assassins/arrow storm.
Right bumper        Holding it brings up a weapon wheel.
Y            Eagle vision highlights objects and enemies of importance.       
X            Attack
B            Grab
A            Jump           
dpad            selectable choice of favourite weapons of healing.
Start            Goes to the pause menu
Select            Brings up the map
Clicking right stick
Clicking left stick

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