Saturday, March 22, 2014

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Notes

I begin a new game, no difficulty levels are presented.

Mission 1
In cut scene we see Edward aboard a ship at night in the middle of a battle. Things aren't going well. In the distance on the other ship we see a man in the distinctive assassin robes. I get control of Edward, I am told to take the wheel as the man who was doing the job is dead. I take control and have to fight the attacking ships. There are a few small ships and one larger one. I sink the smaller ones and once the larger is damaged enough a cut scene starts. The powder store is set alight and the crew are trying to put out the flames before it goes up. The assassin has come aboard the ship and kills the captain. The powder goes up and Edward is knocked overboard before he is killed by the assassin.
In a flashback Edward and his lover Caroline discuss his decision to go and become a privateer. She is sad that he will be away for two years and worried about his safety. Back in the present Edwards swims up from the depths and we now have to reach the shore. Moving in between the burning debris and wrecks of the ships. On shore Edward is joined by the badly wounded assassin. He offers to pay Edward to help him reach Havana. Edward tries to take his gun, and the assassin tries to kill him. the powder in the gun is wet and it won't fire. The assassin retreats inshore.

Mission 2
I am told to go after the assassin. I must give chase through the island foliage. There are signs of primitive habitation on the island. some native shacks and buildings. I climb a tower and synchronize a viewpoint. Then another, chasing the assassin all the time. I eventually chase him down and after a very easy fight kill the assassin. Edward loots his body and finds a letter. The letter is from someone in Havana, who is going to pay the assassin handsomely for information. Best of all the letter says that the man doesn't know the assassin and will know him by his uniform. Edward decides to take the assassin robes and go to the meeting, hoping to claim the money.

Mission 3
Edward spies a ship in a harbor nearby. We are to try and steal it. I move down and find that some other survivors of the battle, soldiers, have captured the crew and intend to steal the vessel for themselves. I can stalk them through the undergrowth and then kill the last three. I save a man called Steede, who owns the ship. He can't sail and wants to go to Havana. Which is exactly what we want. Edwards pretends to help him. I have to reach the ship's wheel. On board I now have to take the ship out of the bay and into open water. I have to avoid sandbanks and rocks. Once out into open waters Steede appears impressed with Edward's skills.

I explore the island for a bit and I find a treasure map, which leads me inshore to a statue, I have to solve a simple shape puzzle which shows me where to dig up the treasure, which I then do. as usual there are a lot of collectibles, notes, shards, messages in bottles,loot chests. As well as animals to kill and skin.

Mission 4
The scene shifts and we find ourselves leaving the animus. Only this isn't Desmond, which is basically because he died in the last game. I am a memory researcher, working for Abstergo. I am told to look at lights and then given an earpiece. It seems I have been taking a test to see if I am up to the job. I follow a woman through the modern building. She talks about the company, called Abstergo entertainment. It seems they use animus tech to make games. They are making a pirate themed game, hence the research on Edward. She gives us a communicator, which is a tablet like device. It is also a key. We use it to make an elevator move. We meet a ceo who makes lame pirate noises for us. We then get shown to our desk. It seems that they think Desmond donated his DNA memories for them to use. I am told to go back into the animus and get on with my work.

Mission 5
I return to the Animus and find Edward arriving in Havana. Steede offers to lead him to a pub/hotel where Edward can find a room. We are still pretending to be Duncan Walpole the assassin. I follow him into the city. We see prostitutes, marked with a flower icon. Then I am directed to a shop to buy new swords. Steede loses his way and I must climb to the top of a church to synch a viewpoint. As I do this, I learn the way. Stede is robbed and the robber makes a break for it while we are at the top of the church. I must chase him and kill the robber. I then meet up with Steede again and head to the pub. Here Steede goes off to do business and Edward picks a bar fight. It goes sour when the police arrive. We must now escape sight of the police and the area.

I do a few diversions here now that I am free in Havanna. Synching viewpoints. There are guarded manuscripts to steal and pirates to free from trouble.

Mission 6
I head back to the boat we arrived at Havana in. I meet Steede, who has lost his sugar and our maps. I have to follow two policemen to find out where the confiscated stuff might have been taken. They lead me a merry dance around the city. I watch a hanging with them and listen to their conversation. I now have to tail a captain and steal his key. I then have to enter a large fort. A tree outside it allows me to climb the walls. I then have to get to a room in the fort. Inside Edwards collects the map and object that he is supposed to be bringing to the governor. I must then escape the area and meet Steede again. Edwards tells Steede that his name isn't Duncan, and urges him to go to Nassau.

Mission 7
It is time for my meeting with the governor, posing as Duncan, I am to deliver, maps letters and a strange cube. I go to the location of the Governor. I knock on the gate and the guards let me in. I must walk through the fortified building to the terrace. I meet two men on the terrace, practicing their skills with pistols. One called Rogers's with a scar on his face and another called Julian. It seems that Duncan was defecting from the Assassin's to the templar side. Edwards is asked about meeting Roger's wife a few years back and tries to bluff. I am told to have a go with the new pistols. I can take a challenge to shoot the targets in a time limit. I then speak to Julian who gives me new wrist-blades he took from another assassin. Edwards tells them that his were damaged beyond repair. I now have to show off some of the hidden blade assassination skills for them. From roofs, from inside hay, from blended with a crowd. I then follow them onwards to the governor. He asks why we are late, Edwards explains his brush with pirates. The items are handed over, including the cube. The governor is a templar grand master. He takes them inside and swears all three into the templar order. The governor then tell them about a thing or place called the observatory, which can be used to spy on anyone in the world. Edward is tasked with pick-pocketing all three of them. Edward is told to meet Roger's down at the docks the next day to claim his reward.

Mission 8
I meet Rogers at the docks, Steede passes and calls us Edward. Edwards tells Rogers that he gave him a false name. We meet the governor and his men. He takes us to a prisoner, called the Sage. The governor tells us that both the templar's and assassins have been looking for this man for a long time. The governor gives the Sage the cube, which he has opened at one corner, there is a cavity in the middle of the cube, a spherical cavity. Some of the Sage's blood is put in the cavity. This we are told by Torres, the Governor, is now a key to the observatory. All that is needed now is to know where it is. We have to take the Sage back to Torre's house. I have to follow along with the group. Torres asks some difficult questions of Edward. He also tells us that the observatory is a precursor site. Assassins attack, I must fight them and stop them from killing Torres. We move trough the city. A cut scene shows assassins attacking and freeing the Sage. I must now give chase to the Sage and catch him. I fight him and knock him out at the end of the chase. Torres is pleased to have the Sage in custody. Roger's is leaving to sail. Torres gives Edward a reward and asks for him to join in on the interrogation of the Sage.

Mission 9
I  meet Steede outside a house drinking. Edward is annoyed that all he has got in reward is 1000 reales. which he obviously thinks isn't enough. Edward thinks that he can claim the observatory for himself. Maybe even to sell it's location for a better sum. He decides to speak to the Sage before the interrogation tomorrow. I enter the area and using undergrowth  sneak past the guards. I must steal a key from the warden. I then have to reach the Sage's cell. Outside his cell are dead bodies. It seems the Assassin's might have already got here. Inside I find lots of dead men. The Templars arrive. Torres and Julian. They catch Edward thinking him in league with the assassins. They reveal that they didn't think he was actually Duncan all along. Edward is thrown in jail. A flashback here to Caroline and her father thinking that Edward is a drunk and useless.

Mission 10
Edward Wakes in a cell with a man chained beside him. A guard gives them food and leaves. We break free of the chains. I then have to move through the ship killing guards until I get my weapons back. I then have to go above deck and kill all the guards above. There are pirates here in shackles. I free them and then have to free more. We are at sea and there are lots of ships in formation. I swim to the next ship and have to repeat the same moves, kill the guards and free the pirates. On the last ship I am directed to I go below and kill guards also, then free a larger group of prisoners. I then have to go above deck. I need to kill a marked Captain on another ship. I do this and then am told to take the wheel of the ship. The pirates I have freed all come aboard and we are going to steal the ship and make a run for it. I take the ship into a hurricane, hoping the others in the fleet won't pursue. I have to survive large waves and avoid water spouts, until we clear the other side. When the seas are calm we take stock of the damage.

Mission 11
Adewale, the man we met earlier is our new quartermaster. He advises us that the ship is basically a wreck, we have no food and little water. Before heading to Nassau, he recommends a stopover on a deserted island to hunt for food, take on water etc. I have to head for a small island. On this tiny piece of rock and beach with a few trees I must kill two iguanas and two ocelots. There are the usual treasure chests and animus shards, with one viewpoint to scale. I am taught about crafting, which makes Edwards's equipment better. I have to make a health upgrade ands a pistol holder, which allows me to carry two pistols. I go back to the ship and speak to Adewale and he gives me a pistol.

Mission 12
We fast travel to Nassau, the pirate city, Here I am directed to a bar. Here we meet some pirate friends of Edward. I have to find more men for my crew. I can do this by hiring them at a bar, or helping pirates in trouble which will make them work for me in return for the favor. I have to save 15 pirates then go to a hanging. Here I must save a pirate that is about to be hung. Then I have to go back to the tavern. Edwards asks his friends about the observatory, one of them, James Kidd has heard of it, though they all think it is a fantasy.

Mission 13
I meet Thatch and Ben on the beach. Ben is going to teach me how to take a prize, which I imagine means attack another ship and take it's loot. I have to go out to sea, and then use a telescope to find a suitable schooner ship. I mark it and then give chase and bring it's health bar down with cannon fire. Once it is on fire I can board it. I then have to kill so many of the crew before they surrender. I then get to take all the loot and use items to repair the Jackdaw. I have to repeat this to get enough loot. Now I am to sail to Salt Key. Here I dock and have to buy a better hull for the ship. I now have to gain metal loot. To do this I must make a nuisance of myself near shipping lanes and draw a navy ship to attack me. I must then plunder it. Once I have enough metal loot I am to go back to Salt key and speak to the local officer, I bribe him and this reduces my wanted level. I must then go to my Captains cabin on the jackdaw. Here I can upgrade the ships cannons using the metal we have stolen. I then have to go back on deck and talk with the pirates. Adewale tells me that Kidd is planning to rob a plantation.

Mission 14
I go to a small island, here I meet James Kidd, He tells us about a plantation owner called Beckford. I have to follow Kidd for a little while, he tells me that Beckford's agent is nearby and I should tail him. I find him, mark him with eagle vision and then have to follow him. I tail him across the small island to his ship. I then have thirty seconds to reach the jackdaw and give chase to the ship. I have to tail the ship into a restricted area. Here I have to avoid ships seeing me, they have a vision cone on the hud that let's us stay out of their sight. I follow the ship to an Island called Cat island. I dock near the ship and get out. I have to reach the agent who has gotten off his ship. Once I do I must eavesdrop on him. The conversation is heated, as most of the guards have been drinking on duty. He berates a lookout and a man near a bell, who it seems can raise the alarm. I must steal a key to the plantation store from a guard. I then enter the store and plunder it. If I am see the bell ringer rings the bell bringing more guards. The platform guards have a better view and can see me more easily. I can sabotage the alarm bells.

Mission 15
I meet Kidd on an island called salt lagoon. The pirate republic in Nassau now numbers 500. Yet they don't have proper defenses. Edwards tries to interest them in looking for the observatory again. Nobody is taking him up on the offer. The plan is to steal a galleon to be at the ready in the harbor should someone try and attack. I must head out to sea after a ship called El Arca del maestro. I have to find the ship using my telescope, then tail it. This takes some fine driving as there are other ships I have to avoid seeing me and the galleon has two cones of visibility. I tail it until a pirate attacks the galleon. I have to destroy a group of around seven small ships. The galleon has left the area. The Galleon has docked, we are to take it at night. The man we met with Torres, Julian, apparently is in the area.

Mission 16
I head to the fort, Edward puts it to a vote, before committing the lives of the crew to danger. They all vote aye with him. I must go ashore and reach a point in the jungle. I climb a cliff using handy handholds and then track through a narrow jungle path killing guards as I go. I see the galleon in the distance. I come to a camp with guards and have to sneak by or kill them all. I reach a small town at the bay and am told to assassinate Julian. He is on the Galleon, I am given a bonus for air assassinating him. Edwards takes a key from him as he gives us a speech about Templar order and brave new world.

Mission 17
I am sent back to the real world. Melanie congratulates me on good work. She has given me a picture as a reward. She gets a call and tells me that Olivier wants to meet with me. Oliver tells me that they are happy with my work. Higher ups at Absertgo are interested in the Observatory and want me to focus on it when I find reference to it. I am spoken to via call by someone else in the building, a tech support guy. He wants me to do a job for him, transferring a file. I am given directions to an Animus, it is behind a level one security door. I somehow doubt this is a normal job. The file turns out to be a post mortem report on Desmond Miles. It shows them taking blood and internal organ samples. The voice tells me to go to the lobby with the file. I meet a courier and the barista at the coffee stall looks and sounds familiar. I go back to my desk and back into the animus.

Mission 18
A flashback, Edward argues with Caroline, she is leaving him. Kidd wakes him from a  drunken stupor. Edward thinks the cove might be a good base. Kidd asks him to follow him. I go to a set of ruins with him. He tells me that this is a puzzle. I climb a post and have to align the symbols on the ruins to find where to dig. I dig up a disc like object. Kidd tells Edward that there are a dozen of these and he should try and find them all. Kidd has something else to show us. He takes us into a cave and into a secret templar hideaway. He shows us a set of armor behind locks. The key from Julian unlocks one lock. Kidd shows Edward a map which shows Assassin hideouts. It seems that Templars are onto them. Kidd thinks that a warning might be in order. I am to meet Kidd at his ship in the cove. He knows a lot more about Assassin's and Templar's than he is letting on. He tells me to meet him in two week time at a location.

Mission 19
I can now upgrade my hideout. I buy a harbor-master shack and a tavern. I take the ship out to sea as directed. I am then shown how to use my fleet map in the captains cabin. This allows me to direct the ships that I have attacked and claimed as my own to do small trading or fighting missions for me. The next objective is to reach the location that Kidd told us to go to. I travel there, doing some pirating on the way. I make landfall and am told to find Kidd. There are assassin's on the beach, guarding it. I must not be seen, if I am the mission fails. This is a very long stealth trek through some ruins until I find Kidd. When I do he lets us into an Mayan or Incan temple. As we do a native Assassin leader ambushes us. It seems that Kidd may be an assassin or aiding them. Kid tells the leader that Edward has the sense. The leader quizzes Edward about Duncan and why he carried out his betrayal. This was obviously a test, if we could sneak past all of the assassin's then we are good enough to be one.

Mission 20
Kidd takes us on a trek through the Mayan temple. He is an assassin after all. The floor crumbles and we have to find a mechanism to open a door. It feels like Tomb raider. I move on and have to swim through some flooded tunnels, getting air along the way. I come to a very tomb raider puzzle. Three blocks must be placed on a rotating dais in the right order. I have to match predators to prey. Birds with snakes, Crocodile with fish, and unknown with monkeys, it has lots of teeth. The puzzle reveals a large statue of the Sage. The sage is obviously not quite human. Kidd asks about him and Edward tells him the the Templars took some of his blood and put it in a cube. Kidd shows him a cube, the same, though this one has no blood. The mission ends here.

Mission 21
As we leave the temple we find that the Templar's have arrived. They have captured everyone, including the Jackdaw's crew. The assassin leader is angry, Kidd tells him that Edward and himself will clean up this mess. I am given a blowpipe, with sleep darts. I must now run around the camp freeing prisoners, my crew and assassins. Once I have freed 14 we have enough to take back the camp. Kidd shows us a man called Prins on a nearby ship. He is a target and a templar. The assassin leader tells us that we have skills, but are too arrogant. He tells us that we are not welcome. Kidd however still seems to think Edward can be made into a proper assassin. He shows us the job booths. which is a shame as we have already been using them in the cities. Kidd shows us one more secret, a door that accept the Mayan stones we have been finding.

Naval forts are heavily fortified castle that have mortars and cannons of their own. If you wear down their defenses you can go into the fort on foot and kill the commanders. This makes the fort yours and it exposes more items on the map.

Mission 22
I am directed to Nassau. Thatch has grown a beard, and it looks like he will soon be known as Blackbeard. Two pirates arrive and appear to be spoiling for a fight in the bar with Edward. Blackbeard stops the fight, he knows the men. They talk of Torres, coming to collect  some gold. They plan to steal it before he does. This interests Edward. I go back to the Jackdaw. I must travel to the naval fort where the gold and Torres are. Here I must fight a ship and a fort. Once the commander is killed in the fort battle I go to the war room. Here I find Torres. The Sage has been found, a slaver was going to sell him to Torres. Edward takes Torres and his Gold. We must now go to Kingston.

Mission 23
I arrive at Kingston, Edward and Adewale are arguing about letting the slaver profit from the deal. When they see Kidd pass by they stop as they know Kidd is there to Kill their target. Edward goes after Kidd, we must now tail Prins and Torres, I have to follow then eavesdrop. Eventually they get down to the business after chatting. Prins does not wish to make the trade after all. He has spotted the assassin's. Torres runs for it along with Prins and men are set on us. I have to kill them all. Kidd then goes after Prins. I have to stop him, I chase him down. He is angry, though sees the reason in Edward's plans.

Mission 24
I find Kidd at the top of a windmill. Edwards wants to work together on the plan to find the Sage, and to help Kidd kill Prins. Kidd reminds Edward that the assassin's want the Sage as well, he tells them that he shouldn't cross the assassin's. Edward as usual is arrogant and tells Kidd "may the best men win." Kidd tells him to sabotage the alarm bells as there are too many guards to sneak past. Edward agrees, then Kidd reveals himself to be a woman in disguise, which I didn't see coming. Though it does explain his small stature. I now have to sabotage three bells before meeting kid at the locked gates. Kidd pretends to be hurt and gets the guards to open the gate, then kills them. I must now find Prins inside the mansion. There is an alarm to disable and lots of guards outside and inside the mansion. I find Prins in a summerhouse at the rear of the mansion. I kill him. Kidd has found the Sage in the mansion, though the sage has Kidd at gunpoint. Edward tells him that they have come to save him. The Sage is dubious, he thinks Edward a Templar. The sage tells them that he works for Prins. Edward tells the Sage that Prins was about to sell him to the Templars. Kidd gets free, the sage shoots the alarm bell. Many guards come running. I now have to escape, when I do I have to meet Kidd. Edward asks her, her real name. It is Mary Reed. Mary tells Edward not to tell a soul.

Mission 25
Back on the Jackdaw I am directed back to Nassau. At the bar there appears to be trouble brewing. It seems the British intend to take Nassau as their own and civilize it. Blackbeard and Benn aren't happy about this. A pardon has been offered to pirates who turn themselves in. I am told to follow the pair. Ben thinks that the pirates should quiet down for a while and let the King find something else to occupy his armies. Ben asks if they all want to die for Nassau. Blackbeard does, Edwards also, it might be a bit of an eyesore, but in time it will develop. There is disease and no doctor. Edward ends up being a peace-keeper here. Suggesting that they find medicines without enraging the British further. The plan is to find medicines that have been lost at sea on sunken ships. I need to buy a diving bell for the Jackdaw to accomplish this. To that end I need to get 5000 Reales. I then buy the diving bell. I must set a wreck target and then sail to it. I arrive and meet Blackbeard's ship there. Steede has joined Blackbeard's crew. I am then directed to a nearby wreck and told to use the diving bell. Underwater I can use the diving bell and weighted barrels to move around and get more air. There are chests to loot. I am directed to a medicine crate inside a part of the broken up wreck.  As I loot it, the ship collapses, blocking the way back. I must find an alternate route out. A cave leads me to underwater air pockets and then to an area where currents drag us around. Finally I come out of the cave near sharks and must uses seaweed to hid from them. I get back to the diving bell and up to the surface.
The medicine is spoiled, Blackbeard isn't happy about scavenging around for medicines. He is getting his devil reputation Blackbeard persona in full swing. Terrifying the life out of Steede for practice. He tells Edward that if he doesn't get the medicine situation sorted out soon he will do it himself.

Mission 26
At sea I find Ben, he has been in a battle, which was started by Blackbeard. I must go in search of Blackbeard's ship the Queen Anne. In fog and heavy winds, I must avoid British ships which are also looking for Blackbeard. I find him and he is on land fighting British troops. I must wade in and finish the fight for Blackbeard. Once done the galleon that attacked the Queen Anne returns. I must get over to Blackbeard's ship and take control of it and fight the Galleon. With the Queen Anne's fast three volley cannons, it isn't a hard fight. I board it and kill the captain. Blackbeard's men find medicine, though not a lot. The medicine is made in Charlestown. Edward and Blackbeard plan to go there and take the lot. I am to meet Blackbeard in Charles Towne in a month's time.

Mission 27
I meet Steede out at sea, he now has his own ship. I find Blackbeard terrorizing some civilians. He has tried to take hostages in return for medicines. It has been six days and nobody has given him any medicines. Edwards arrives and scold's Blackbeard, he will go into Charles Towne and sort things out. He asks that Blackbeard gives him a day. Aboard the Jackdaw in a swamp like area I must follow soldiers in a gunboat to see what they are up to. I have to make my way through narrow areas and avoid watchtowers while I follow the gunboat. I come to a place where we can't pass without getting seen. I have to go ashore and disable the alarm bell in this little watchtower area. I then get back on the Jackdaw and follow the gunboat some more. I come to a point where the Jackdaw is too big to go any further. I am told to go on on foot. I have to eavesdrop on a conversation and then kill the captain. Once he is dead I get keys to where the medicine has been stored. I steal it an return to the Jackdaw. Edward and Blackbeard talk. Blackbeard feels his age and is wanting to retire.

Mission 28
Back in the real world Melanie wants to meet and talk about cutting footage into a trailer.
Since being shown how to hack computers on our last time at Abstergo, we can now do this with any computer we find. I have to play a minimal version of frogger to hack the computers. I hear audio files from Desmond and researchers at Abstergo. I meet Melanie, then go up to the CCO's office. As we reach the office, he calls her to go in first and tells us to wait. As I wait, the voice tells me to go do a mission for him. I head to a security room and hack it. I see a feed from inside the office. I hear Olivier and Melanie talking to a woman, who appears to be their boss. They are being told to find the observatory as their highest priority, screw the games. I am told by my voice to break into the office of Olivier and find his schedule for the shareholder meeting. Our voice wants to know about the date and place, I go out onto a window and get into an external window cleaning device. I am taken up to the CCO's office. I hack his computer and get the info. I have to take it down to the lobby. I then come back to my station and back into the animus.

Side Mission Templar hunt
In Nassau I meet an assassin, who tells me to tail some men to a templar. I then have to kill the templar, when I do, it turns out he is an assassin also. It seems two brothers are having a feud. I then meet the other brother in a second mission and have to follow him. He tells me that they each have half of a treasure map. I now have to tail the brothers as they meet. They part and I tail the bad brother to a woman and have to listen to their conversation. They have sent another assassin to kill the first brother. I have only fifty seconds to run and save him. I kill the assassin and the brother tells me that he is leaving Nassau rather than kill his brother. Let him live with one half of a useless map.

Mission 29
Edward argues with Caroline, she still isn't coming back to him. In Nassau at the bar Edward talks with the barmaid and another pirate. A cannon fires in the harbor and I have to investigate. The Templars have arrived in Nassau. They want to speak with Ben and Blackbeard. Ben meets Rogers on the beach and I have to tail them. I tail them through Nassau, they intend to take the fortress and restore it to full strength. I have to infiltrate the fort which can be done by circling round the outside near the hanging nooses at the front door and scaling the outer walls. I then have to sneak down into the fort and steal Roger's plans. When I steal them I witness Roger's basically telling a group of pirates that they accept the pardon or hang. Ben wishes to accept, a few others do not.

Mission 30
Edward sees that Nassau is over as the pirate republic. He wishes to escape the blockade that Roger's naval ships have placed in the harbor. I speak to the pirates that are against the pardon and gain their aid. A ship is to be filled with gunpowder and set ablaze on a collision course with the blockade. I have to collect four gunpowder kegs. These are kept guarded well and I have to sneak or fight my way to each one. Once I have all four the mission is over.

Mission 31
I meet Vane stealing gunpowder, he is making a mess of it. We are nearly seen and overhear a conversation. They plan to sink all the pirate ships in the harbor. I must tail the men who have been given the order to prevent it being passed on. I follow them to a ship and am then told to kill Commodore Chamberlain. I go aboard and kill him.

Mission 32
I meet Vane on the beach and begin the plan to blow up the blockade. I must escort the fire-ship to the blockade. If it is sunk before it hits them then all is lost. I get it there and sink most of the blockade. Two large ships are in the way, I can fight them or simply run. I chose to run for it. Out in the open ocean we see vane's ship has escaped as well.

Mission 33
At Great Inagua, Edward's little base, Kidd taunts him for having no notion for anything but drink and riches. I go to a location out at sea as directed. I find Blackbeard, he has found himself a place to settle down. In retirement so to speak. Edward joins him at his party and he talks of a lead to the Sage on a slaver ship called the Princess. Edward spies a man at the party walking away, he looks suspicious enough that Edwards wants to follow him. I follow him and find that he is a spy of the British Army. I have to eavesdrop on his talk with his commander. I do and they lead me to a cliff edge where they fire a signal. This is to tell a fleet of ships to attack Blackbeard’s little hideaway. I have to reach the Jackdaw in under a minute. Now I have to attack and board a galleon. Once I have it worn down we board it. I have to blow up two powder barrels and kill some snipers on the rigging. I then get a cut scene where Blackbeard is killed in the fighting. Edward is knocked overboard as he watches Blackbeard fall. I then have to swim to the Jackdaw and escape the area.

Mission 34
Out at sea I meet Charles Vane on his ship, he is sickened by Blackbeard's death. He wants to help us find the observatory, in the hope of getting out of the pirate game before what happened to Blackbeard happens to him. I now have to locate a royal African company ship called the Princess. I find the ship and end up in a battle. Vane's ship is disabled and I need to take his men on board. I then need to take on three ships while staying out of range of a naval fort. I then need to board the slaver ship once it is disabled. After the battle and the ship is taken, we are betrayed by Rakim, vane's first mate. He take the Jackdaw and leaves Vane and Edward alone on Vane's wrecked and drifting ship.

Mission 35
Edward and Vane have reached shore and are have been on the island a while it seems. Vane steals Edwards catch of oysters. I follow Vane to some ruins, which I must climb to get to him. He then jumps down and runs away. He blames Edward for losing his crew. vane has found some guns when I catch him, and it seems we will need to kill him before he kills us. I chase him and kill him. This seems to be a turning point for Edward, he seems to finally realize he is better than the other pirates. It isn't explicitly stated, but it looks like Vane is suffering alcohol withdrawal.

Mission 36
Rakim didn't last long with the Jackdaw and Kidd has brought the ship and crew back to Edward.  In Kingston I find Adewale speaking to a worker for the slaver company. He tells us that the Princess is due into dock. He also tells us that some other people have been interested in the ship. Edward goes to investigate. I find Rogers and Hornigold and tail them to meet with the Templar leaders. I must then eavesdrop on their conversation. I find that they have the Sage in custody and that once they have a drop of someone's blood they can use it against them. Hornigold has turned from the pirate side and joined the Templars. He knows Edward is there, it is a trap. I must now escape the ambush.

Mission 37
Back on the ship I head to a map point, we are sailing to the coast of Africa. I find myself near the coast. I have to fight a small amount of small ships. Which isn't that much of a chore. I am then directed to the coast. I must now enter a fort like area and find the Sage. I find The Sage in a camp. He has been attacked, seemingly by Portuguese. Edward tells him that the Templars are behind the attack. The Sage appears to be finally ready to believe Edward is on his side or the assassin's. He tells Edward that if he kills the two Templars Burgess and Cockram he will help him. I go to a large camp and find the two men and kill them. They talk of the family that the Templars have given them and ask what Edward has. I am transported to the beach near the Jackdaw. I meet the Sage, he is gathering a crew. He won't tell any secrets at the moment, though is we aid him he will.

Mission 38
On the island of Mysteriosa Edward and the Sage talk. He tells Edward to sail to a location and only bring those he trusts. I go to a location and I meet The Sage on the Princess. The sage wants a treasure that the Portuguese are transporting. I have to find a Portuguese ship The cargo that he wants is vials of blood. First we must fly a Portuguese flag. I have to steal one from one of their ships that is docked at a cove. I climb the rigging and steal the flag. Then using the flag we must move into the Portuguese area and find a specific ship called the Nosso Senhor. I find it moored at a jetty. Someone can be seen getting off it carrying a large box. Robert's thinks this is the treasure. I have to get ashore and loot the box. When I do the box is empty. I go back to the Jackdaw and now have to tail the ship that had the box aboard. We tail it to a dock and Roberts suggest we steal it. I have to clear lookout towers so that the Jackdaw can get closer. I kill the captain and in cut scene the Jackdaw Crew take the ship. I must now get it out of the area, fighting ships that attack. Robert's reluctantly agrees to let us see the Observatory.

Mission 39
We meet Robert's at the location he specifies, however Hornigold has followed us. We must fight him. I fight a few British ships and eventually take down the one he is on. He runs it aground before we can board and hides in a ruin. I give chase and  have to kill him. I kill Hornigold and again he tells us the Templars are the good guys.

Mission 40
I head back to the location of the Observatory and meet Roberts on an island. He tells us that the path ahead is dangerous. I find men hanging just up ahead, something here does not want visitors. I quickly find that there are natives of the island. Dressed in Mayan garb. They hide in the bushes as Edward does. I have to clear some forest paths of them and then some caves. Then more forest before coming to some ruins that are precursor. I finally realize that Roberts must be a descendant of Desmond or another person whose ancestral line is special like his. His genetic line makes the precursor technology respond. Robert's shoots the men who have carried his gear, saying that they would be driven mad by what is inside. The door opens with lines of force. Roberts talks about it being 800 years since he was last here. He talks of enjoying his new role as captain. Inside is a vast precursor ruin, like the hub world of Assassin's Creed 3. He leads us through and we see lots of the little blood cube vials. We come to a stage like area with a disc at the centerpiece. It has a skull in the middle. Roberts tells us that the device is like a spyglass that can see vast distances. Robert's inserts some blood into the skull, it shows us the view from Rakim. He is watching Kidd talk to a woman. Roberts then changes it to a templar and we see Torres talking about getting blood samples from the houses of parliament and lords in Britain. Roberts knocks Edward off the edge of the dais into water. It seems that Edward has outlived his usefulness to him. I climb out of the water, back onto the stage to find that Roberts has closed the door, sealing Edward in. There is a gap high in the ceiling. I have to clamber my way out. I come out onto a cliff edge, the only way down is to slide and  fall down. Edward lands in the water and is badly injured. I have to limp to the beach  and come across Roberts and his men. Roberts gloats and tells Edward that he will turn him in for the bounty.

Mission 41
In the real world we awake in a different room and are groggy. On a screen Melanie's voice tell us that Olivier has went missing. A hacker has been found to be stealing secrets. We have been put in what is called the bunker for our own safety. I am told I can keep on using the animus. The hacker's voice comes back into our earpiece. It tells us that we must erase all evidence of previous hacking. He wants us to go to the server room. The hacker is the head of IT. He takes Melanie away from the door so we can get in. I go into the massive church like sever room and hack a computer here. I see a video about the game Abstergo are making. Then I see the precursor woman, Juno. She seems to be alive somehow in the computer networks and we may have just helped her. The hacker was working to let her take over our body. It seems that he has been lying to us all along. Things don't go as planned, she doesn't use our body. There seems to be little else to do but go back into the animus.

Mission 42
We go back to Edward, he is held captive in a Jamaican prison. The Templars speak to Edward, they ask him to take him to the observatory. Kidd and a woman are also about to be hanged. They claim to be pregnant, which gets them off. Edward is placed in a tiny cage, in public. I have to rattle the cage to distract the guards, an assassin comes and kills them. He lets us out. He tells us that he is here to rescue Kidd, he asks for our help and will give us passage. I have to reach the prison entrance in the military camp, which is hard work. Then find Mary/Kidd. When I find her she is unwell. It seems they actually were pregnant. Mary's child is missing and her friend Anne is in labor. We  have to escape the prison. I begin walking and it is obvious that we aren't going to get far. Mary tells Edward that he has to do his part, then dies in his arms. Edward carries her out of the prison. I have to get to the beach and a boat. The assassin and Anne are in the boat. Edward puts Mary's body in the boat. The assassin gives him an assassin's uniform. He tells him that he hasn't earned it, but it suits him.

Mission 43
Edward is drunk, in a tavern, obviously taking Mary's death and losing his ship and dreams well. Robert's appears with the skull from the observatory and taunts him. I follow him and we have a vision of dead men. Hornigold, Blackbeard, Kidd, Torres. Caroline and Mary all taunt him. Roberts needs to be killed at a party of sorts and then we are on the Jackdaw heading into storms. Edward is woken on a beach by Adewale. He tells him that he is off to join the assassin's. The Jackdaw is ours again. I have to travel to Tulum, the home of the assassin's. I meet Adewale, it seems that the assassin's here haven't recovered from the last time Edward visited. The assassin's leader hears Edward finally lamenting his course in life. Especially nagging him is the death of Mary. He wants to set things right by her. The assassin leader Ah Tabai, tells Edward to follow him. He talks about the creed. Edward is more willing to listen now. An alarm is sounded, a ship has landed and men are attacking. I must fight through the forest and onto the beach. Then kill the captain on his  ship. This ends the mission. Anne is in Tulum, she has lost her child. Edward comforts her, and it is her who ends up comforting him.
Time passes unseen, Edward has a new mission and a new quartermaster. He is going after Torres and Roberts. We set sail, less a pirate, more of an assassin.

Mission 44
I meet an Assassin in Kingston. He tells us that Rogers is attending a function. I am to steal a disguise from an Italian diplomat and take his place at the function. I find the diplomat at the docks and tail him until I can get him alone. I assassinate him and take his clothes. I can now walk straight into the party. Here I see Rogers. I have to kill him undetected so that he does not recognize Edward. I hide on a bench, and he passes right by me. I kill him and he tells us where Roberts is. I now have to escape the guards. Then go back to the assassin.

Mission 45
I find debris at sea, a survivor tells us that a large ship attacked and simply killed everyone. Edward believes that it is Roberts. I start the mission docked on the Jackdaw. I have to find Roberts. I sneak through the  camp and find him, he makes a run for the ship. Escaping on his ship we must give chase on the Jackdaw. Other ships attack Roberts' ship as we do, ambushed by the Portuguese. I wear his ship down and board it. Then kill Roberts. He talks of hearing her voice in the temple. Also that Edward must destroy his body and not let the Templar's get a hold of it. He gives us the observatory skull.

Mission 46
In Havana I find an assassin girl on a rooftop. Edward shows her the observatory in action and it shows us where Torres is. Edward gives the girl the skull for safe keeping. She gives him a hug and wishes him good luck. I now have to go and kill Torres. I go to the fort and tail his personal guard a big armored guy called El Tiburon. He goes to another fort and I can see Torres inside. I kill him and find that it is an imposter. El Tiburon is now a boss battle of sorts. I kill him, shooting him is the best way to deal with him. Avoid him and reload as fast as you can. I then have to escape the fort and reach the assassin's bureau. Edwards realizes that the blood sample labeled as Torres wasn't actually his blood. Torres is heading for the real observatory location, not realizing that the skull is actually the important part. We are to give chase.

Mission 47
I dock at the island of the precursor site. I am told to go ashore. I have to retrace the long route back to the temple. The natives have been killed by Torres' men. I reach the temple without incident, some of the block like stones are moving up and down with a white smoky glow. I tell Anne to wait outside. Inside the temple stones are in motion and also emitting blasts of energy. I find some of Torres' men who aren't having much luck staying alive. I clamber across the room and come to the room where the skull was originally. I have to take out some of Torres' men and then clamber across the rapidly shifting room. I fight Torres on the altar and kill him. Adewale, Anne and the Assassin leader appear. They put the skull back on the altar and make the temple safe again. A letter is given to Edward.

Mission 48
In the real world the Sage, Robert's is in the bunker with our character. He is the voice on the radio. He has been trying to get Juno to occupy our body. He talks of our kind being only tools for the precursors. It seems that he can be reborn thanks to Juno. Guards come in and  shoot him. Melanie comes to our aid. I wake in a room with Melanie, she asks if we can walk. She tells us that we have done a good job. Everything is hushed up and we are sent back to work. I take the opportunity to hack more computers and find some audio and video files. I go back to the animus and join Edward at Great Inagua. The assassins have been given leave to move in. Edward is to sail for London soon, he asks Anne to come with him. She refuses. A ship comes into the cove, a British one. A young girl of around twelve gets off and meets Edward. Is this his daughter? The credits roll with Edward at the helm of the Jackdaw and the young girl at his side. They talk. Her name is Jenny, Caroline's daughter. Caroline has died.
A scene shows Edward and an older Jenny at the theatre. It looks like the same theatre from the start of Assassin's Creed 3. Haytham is shown as a child of around eight here, his mother is mentioned, but not seen.

32 hours
40% of trophies for one play through.

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