Friday, February 21, 2014

Dead Rising 3 Notes

Left Stick Move Character
Right Stick Move Camera
Left Trigger Aim
Right Trigger Throw/Shoot
Left Bumper Run
Right Bumper Bring up inventory wheel.
Y Heavy attack
X consume food/ attack with weapon.
A Jump / climb   
B Pick up objects
Dpad up answer radio
Dpad down
Dpad left
Dpad right
Menu Pause menu
Options map/stats


I get an achievement for turning up, sorry, for buying the game. I choose story mode, I am informed that I can reset a chapter for more time and also keep any experience my character gains in that reset time period. I am asked to choose a play style for matchmaking. Which is an odd new thing. I am given some example of play styles, like speed run or casual. I just want to play with my own friends or alone. I don't want random people turning up. It seems that if i choose to play alone I can't later invite people, which seems unfair. I choose completion-ist.

A cut scene shows that a zombie outbreak has started in the city of Los Perdidos. The army have quarantined the city, shooting anyone who tries to leave. It is now 72 hours post outbreak and the authorities don't think there is anyone left alive. Our hero, Nick appears to wake up staggering along the street, there is no explanation for how he got there. I get control, Nick is badly injured. I pick up some food and eat it. Then once health is filled I am told to pick up a large wrench. I must then smash through a gate. There are more weapons to pick up here, a spade and a lead pipe. There are dead bodies everywhere, though none are coming to life. I move through an area and find cages filled with zombies. I move through and then come to some open areas where I have to fight some zombies. I find some grenades and dynamite to have fun with. Nick comes to a collapsed part of the tunnel and find that he can't progress. He turns around, in cut scene he moves past the cages, which are now weakened. The zombies break out and chase him, he comes out into the road. There are zombies there also. Nick dives over the edge of the road and lies hurt for a second. He then sees a plane heading in, it crashes into the road nearby, making a mess of many zombies.
Nick tells us that he must get back to the others. My objective is to head to the diner. I find myself in the open freeway, there are a lot of zombies. I make my way through, jumping from car to car. I enter tunnels and am told to say “over here” to make zombies fall into a hole getting them out of my way. I come out of the tunnels at the diner.
Inside Nick meets a bunch of survivors. There is a girl who needs zombrex to keep from turning zombie. A woman who owns the diner who seems hard boiled. Also a blonde male trucker type. Some of the redshirts get eaten by zombies, who are pressing in and likely to get inside very soon. The girl leaves taking her chances alone. Nick is asked by the diner owner to make some kind of makeshift weapon to help them get out of the diner to a safer location. I make a sledgehammer and saw combo. We must get out through the back door. Out in the street the waypoint guides me to a car. I must open a gate and then drive the car with the other two survivors inside. The car is fun, squishing lots of zombies. There are some survivors out there on roofs, I can try and save them. I head to the garage which is our destination. Inside Rhonda starts working and we can explore. Nick finds a radio which lets him talk to a man who has some control over the surveillance systems left behind by the military. He will give us missions. I am told to explore the area.

Side Mission
I find a woman called Anna who wants three spray cans to finish her sign on the wall of a safe house. I find the three cans nearby and give them to her. She becomes a follower, which means she fights for me.

Psycho Encounter
I go to a Zen garden and find a mad monk. This is a psycho boss battle. He takes some killing but I manage it.

I am told to talk to Rhonda. In the garage a television is showing an address by the president. The city is going to be nuked in five days. We have to get to a quarantine station to be safe. Rhonda and the gang suggest that we build a fortified vehicle out of two vehicles in the garage. I do this and we have a turret rig vehicle, with which to get to the quarantine station. I drive along the road and shoot zombies, which is great fun. I come to some survivors and clear the zombies around them, this lets them get away. I come to a road block and have to continue on foot. I come to the quarantine station and find that everyone inside is dead. Suddenly gangs of mad max like bikers arrive and kidnap Rhonda. I have to use cars to run over ten of them to progress. A boss biker appears on a motorbike customized to have a huge steamroller front and flamethrowers. I have to wear his health down and then get close and press Y&B to hit him. Rinse and repeat and he goes down. I meet a soldier called Diego, who thinks we can use a plane to escape. A collector in the city has a plane, which might be able to be used to escape.
Nick is bitten by a zombie and now needs Zombrex. This takes priority.
I need to go through sewers to reach the graveyard and the chapel of rest which will have a supply of Zombrex.

Side mission
I need to find a meat cleaver and chainsaw for Ravi. I meet a man on the roof of a gun shop. He wants me to find five tarot cards.

Side  Mission
I meet a woman in the cemetery who is a voodoo mentalist. She wants me to extinguish five sigils, when I do she kills herself.

Main Mission
I move through the other side of the cemetery. I meet a man called Gary who is working for a mob boss. He wants us to climb into the chapel of rest  and let him in. To get in I have to reverse a van into the gate and then climb up on the van and get onto the roof. I get inside then open up the door. Gary opens up the door to get further inside. I have to clear out some zombies then get down into the morgue. Gary is looking for a specific girls body. I have to search the drawers for the name of the girl. When I find it the drawer is locked. I then have to search for the keys which are in the next room. I open the drawer and find it empty. Gary opens a previously locked door and I move on searching for the body. I find it which triggers a cut scene. Nick thinks that it is Annie, the girl who went off on her own earlier. It isn't it just looks like her. Gary shows Nick the emergency zombrex, there is none left. Nick tells Gary to shoot him so he doesn't become a zombie. Gary misses and has no bullets left. Nick looks at his hand and Gary tells him that it is healing. Zombie bites don't usually heal. Nick must be immune to the zombie plague. The pair take the body outside and put it in a hearse. I have to drive it to a strip club for Gary. Inside the club a TV news broadcast shows that the general is lying about the quarantine stations. He is advocating chipping for the entire populations. The chips contain zombrex and dose people automatically. These chips are obviously sinister. The situation in Los Perdidos may have been manufactured to make the chipping go through.
Gary speaks to his boss, who we don't see. The girl is the wrong one. Gary wants us to find Annie for him.

Side Mission
I find two neighbors who are arguing and shooting at each other. One wants food and the other guns, I have to find them five items of each.

Side Mission
I find a guy called Kenny Who wants to show us how to kill zombies. I have to use five unarmed kill moves. I then have to build a combo weapon in front of him. 

Main Mission
I go to the location of the plane. I find Rhonda, Dick and Diego. Diego is freaking out. He has a tattoo on his neck. So does Nick. They are numbers, suggesting they are subjects in some experiment. Maybe related to his immunity to zombie bites. The fuel is needed to make the plane a workable solution. Gary told us he would give us fuel in return for finding Annie. Rhonda tells Nick that Annie will be with the zombie bite survivors, they have safe houses marked with symbols. We are to go and find one and see if we can Find Annie.

Side Mission
I find a man called Hank, he has an RV that has broken down. He wants us to find him some gasoline, propane and acetylene. I give it to him, Nick warns him that it will explode. Hank ignores this advice and blows himself sky high.

Side Mission
I find a porn movie producer who wants to make a zombie porn movie. I have to get three zombies to go into his set. I have to lure the zombies in and when three are in the bedroom it finishes the mission.

Main Mission.
I find a safe house, A woman called Lauren wants us to go to some safe houses that have been overrun to find her ring box and tattoo kit. She will let us in if we do. Each safe house has been overrun with different enemies. Bikers in one and zombies in the other.
I go back to Lauren, she lets me into the main safe house. I meet some men, Annie appears and saves him from them. Nick tells them about the Plane. Rhett is the leader of the resistance, he needs zombrex. Rhett tells Nick that the government is killing survivors and the whole city infection is some kind of conspiracy. Rhett has fuel, he will help Nick if he helps the resistance. I have to destroy pieces of government equipment. There are three cameras, two relays and two sets of supplies to be destroyed. This mission takes a lot of travelling as they are spread out over the city. One of the supply crates is inside a building where a psycho boss battle takes place. Dr. Albert is a nut job doctor who is harvesting organs. He knocks Nick out using drugs. Which makes him woozy. Other survivors are walking about in a daze, Nick hallucinates that they all look like Dr. Albert. I have to pick up organs and smash them, this makes the real Dr. freak out. I can then attack him. Rinse and repeat this a  few times and he finally kills himself with his own saw. I go back to the resistance safe house. Annie congratulates Nick on doing a good job. Rhett tells us that a recording of government killing civilians is available at the police station. Nick volunteers to go and collect it. Rhett also tells us that there is a friend of his called Angel that is in trouble. He and Annie are going to find her and Nick is to meet them at her location after he collects the video file.

Side Mission
A man called Troy sold a locket belonging to his daughter to a man who said he could get him out of the city. The man hasn't been seen since. Troy wants his locket back. I go to the waypoint and find a the thief, he has a guard called Jesse with him. He won't give the locket back peacefully and I have to kill him. Jesse gives up and becomes a follower once the thief is dead. I take the locket back to Troy.

Main Mission
I head to the police station, A porn actress version of a police officer is talking to a COD Ghost's soldier. She take the usb stick evidence of government murder of civilians and sticks it in her bra. Nick watches as two survivors arrive, she has the soldier kill them. Nick is seen and she sets more soldiers on him. I have to kill them and then chase her through the building, there are zombies and more soldiers to deal with before I face her on the top floor of the police station. She uses a machine pistol and a rocket launcher. Once she dies Nick gets the usb drive. I now have to go and meet the resistance at Angels location. I drive to a large hotel. Angel is dead, killed by the government. Red apologizes for earlier attitude and tells Nick that he will get the fuel and meet him at the tower.

Side Mission
A lawyer called Carrie wants us to find her briefcase. Her secretary has, she is now a zombie. I find her, get the briefcase and take it back to Carrie, she becomes a follower.

Side Mission
I meet a man named Big D, who wants us to build him a combo vehicle to take him to his house. I build a shock-dozer nearby and take it to him. He then wants a ride to his pad. Note, you don't have to actually arrive in the combo vehicle, there is a barrier in the way, all you have to do is show him the combo vehicle, you can then travel to his pad in any way you want. Big D has a woman tied up in his pad. He is a pimp and this is a girl who has upset him. He wants us to kill her. Nick says no and I now have to kill Big D. Once done I free Kandy.

Psycho mission
In an all you can eat buffet a morbidly obese woman on a motorized scooter is hoarding the food to the point that she is killing everyone who comes in with a giant fork. I have to kill her. She rides around on your scooter stabbing at you and also attacks with vomit. She dies by falling onto her back off her scooter and choking on her own vomit.

Main Mission
I am told to meet Red at the communications tower. I find Annie and some of the others. In cut scene Gary appears, Annie thinks that Nick has sold her out. Gary tells them that he simply followed Nick. As Gary Grabs Annie, soldiers appear and grab everyone. Nick is knocked out by a flash grenade. He awakes some time later to find that Red has arrived and everyone else is gone. Red thinks that Annie will have been taken to a prison nearby. He starts making plans to rescue her. We have to meet him near the prison.

Side Mission
I find a man called Jason, he has his family, who are now all zombies trapped in the swimming pool of his house, he is feeding them. He thinks that if there is a cure, they will all be saved. He is obviously nuts. I find a piece of meat on a barbecue at the house next door. I take him this and he is happy.

Psycho mission
I have to go to the sex shop, Inside I find an underground porn movie set. A crazy cowboy with a massive cock and ball shaped flamethrower is the boss here. He has two sex slave prisoners down in his dungeon. I get his flamethrower once I kill him.

Main Mission
I go to meet Red on the roof of a garage. We can see a building which has been converted into the soldiers detention centre. The prisoners are held behind an electric fence. I have to cut the power so that Red can drive through the fence and get the prisoners out. I am told  can sneak in, go in all guns blazing or try and find a uniform and get in that way.
I go in the front door in a gimp suit pushing a wood-chipper. It seems fitting to the tone of the game. Inside I kill a few soldiers then find an entrance in the roof. A cut scene shows a woman named Marian speaking on video to the general. The president is brought in, struggling, obviously captured. She is fed a worm like creature which turns her into a zombie. The general tells the soldiers to video her eating someone then blow her head off. It seems this is a full blown military coup. Marian is looking for Diego for some reason. There is talk of a new mutation and some oil or gel. Nick is left alone and comes out of hiding, a soldier finds him. I have to kill him then blow the generator. This leads me into a zombie cage, another generator turns of the power to the prisoner cage. In cut scene I find Annie and Gary tied up. I let them out, I now have to escape, Red has brought a van. There are a lot of soldiers to take out. Once they are cleared I have to open a gate. The gate won't open unless I use a keycard. A soldier leader appears and I have to kill him. I get the keycard from him. This opens the gate. Annie and the other prisoners get in the Van, Nick stops Gary from doing so and they leave. Gary leaves and Red appears. He shows Nick a poster which is giving a huge reward for finding people with tattoos of numbers on their neck. Red tells Nick where the fuel is.

Side Mission
I have to go to barber's shop. I find a man who wants to race us. This is a daft way to shoehorn racing into an open world game like this. I basically have to beat him around a set of waypoints.

Side Mission
I find a hot dog stand owner who is distraught that his hot dog stand has broken down. I have to get him to a kitchen. I take him to a nearby restaurant where he makes me a hot dog.

Side Mission
I find a policeman in the station, he is locked out of the armory. I have to get him some gear so he can help. I have to give him a riot shield, handgun and grenades. I then have to give him a shotgun.

Increasingly there are special zombies popping up. The footballers, police with handguns, soldiers with assault rifles, paramedics and convicts. They are tougher than the average zombie. The police and soldiers shoot at random, though they rarely hit you.

Main Mission
I go to a locked garage called central storage. It has a series of garage type locked units. Inside are some goodies, one is locked. The key is in the office. Inside the lockup is the fuel, also a huge zombie with a wasps nest growing out of it's head. The relationship between the wasps and zombies hasn't really been explained. I doubt there is one, but this is a new development. Soldiers arrive and the mutant attacks them, shooting out wasps that enrage and attract zombies. It also vomits something toxic at them.
These mutants aren't that hard to kill surprisingly. I now have to get the fuel car and take it to the plane. At the plane Rhonda tells us that Diego has left, she couldn't stop him. He has the key for the plane. I must go looking for him at the museum.

Side Mission.
A girl called Kyla is investigating the government weirdness. She wants us to scour the dumpsters for clues at the three locations she tells us to go to. At each place there are garbage bags to break open and find the documents. I then have to take them back to Kyla. She thinks aliens are behind the zombies.

Side Mission
I find a woman called Kelsey on a rooftop, shooting flares and spelling out help with planks. She is from out of town and was coming to visit her family. She wants me to take her to them. I take all the way across town and enter the house where her family live. The family have been killed and are zombies. She joins us as a follower.

Psycho mission
I find a female body builder in the yoga studio. She is very muscular indeed. Nick calls her Sir by mistake. This enrages her, and we are fighting her. She throws huge weights at us. She twirls her dumbbell and rams us with it. Ranged weapons are best to take into this fight.

Main Mission
I go to the museum to find Diego. Inside is a strange mix of exhibits and scenery. I eventually find Diego. He is wearing a spacesuit and flying using a jetpack. He throws planet shaped exhibits at us. He also tries to burn us with the jetpack exhaust. At one point in the battle he brings down a gantry filled with exhibits and spins it around making them rotate and hit us. Eventually I wear him down with ranged attacks. In cut scene Diego is making more sense again. He tells Nick that he has something to show him. Diego takes Nick to a room filled with zombie lore. It shows Carlito Keyes from the first game. It shows a zombie that is said to have caused an outbreak, the picture clearly shows the zombie has a four on his neck. Nick is freaked out by this also.

Side Mission
I find a man called Phil, he wants us to go into his house and find his will. The house is  filled with zombies. Inside I find that the Phil wants his will so that he inherits the house. He locked his stepson in with the zombies to ensure he was the sole heir. The son however has survived and I have to reunite the pair. I do and Phil attacks us all. He is very quickly killed.

Main Mission
I have to go and find the gang members that took the key to the plane from Diego. Then kill them. I get the plane key back. I now have to take Diego back to the plane. In the hanger everyone is reunited. We learn from the radio that General Hemlock is declaring martial law. Which seems to have been his goal all along. I have to wait for the repairs to the plane.

Side Mission
I find a man called Jose, who has a degree, but has been forced to be a gardener. He appear a bit resentful about this. He wants us to fetch him five hunks of meat for some reason. I find the meat, which some of the zombies are carrying around. The man is eating it. He wants to "Eat the rich." He becomes a follower.

Side Mission.
I find a woman called Lena in a fashion store. She is wearing a meat dress. She is a crazy lady Gaga parody and wants to shop. I have to take her to three stores nearby. She then wants shoes at another. After that she goes into a changing room and changes into her new outfit. The mission ends here, she goes to a safe house.

Side Mission.
A biker called Marcus is injured, his  pals have left him for dead. He wants me to destroy five vans filled with contraband. Some are guarded by bikers. After all five are blown up I have to go back to Marcus, he becomes a follower.

Psycho Mission.
I have to investigate a large mansion. Inside is a spoiled rich man. He wants us to get him some batteries and a bag of chips. I tell him that I need to get a key from him to open the armory. He sets attack remote control helicopters on me. I have to blow up five security panels in the mansion to enter his panic room. Once inside he dies of a heart attack. I get the key to the police armory.

Main Mission
I have to check in with Rhonda at the plane hangar. A collector in the city has the parts we need to make the plane fly. I have to go to him to collect them. His house is a large walled house in the more affluent area of the city. As I go inside an alarm system detects me and locks the place down. I can't get back out and the place is swarming with zombies. I have to make my way through them and look for a way to shut down the alarm so that I can get back out. I make my way through the house to the master bedroom and take a painting off the wall an deactivate the alarm behind it. I must now look for the parts. The collector either isn't here or is dead. I find two parts around the grounds. The last part has been sent by courier to another location. I now have to find the courier. I drive to the waypoint and find his van. The part is in a crate inside the depot. I now have to go back to the plane hangar.

Side mission.
I find a man called Doug being pinned down by soldiers who are trying to kill him. I kill the soldiers for him and he becomes a follower.

Side Mission I find a woman called Lauren tied up and guarded by Spec Ops, I kill them and she becomes a follower also.

Side mission.
I find a woman called Winnie, save her from the swat team. Side missions are getting phoned in now.

Main mission.
Nick brings the final parts to Rhonda, who gets the plane started. She then tells Nick that she is going to go and look for her ex. I find it odd that Nick doesn't volunteer to help. He normally does all sorts of dumb quests for people. I mean we have went shopping in the middle of the apocalypse for a woman wearing a meat dress, why is Rhonda finding her ex a big ask. Nick hugs Rhonda and she leaves for her garage. Nick tells Dick and Diego that they are going to collect the rest of the survivors from the karaoke bar. As they leave swat teams attack and all are knocked out.
Nick awakes tied to a chair, Diego is similarly indisposed. The scarred woman is in a control room above, she tells the doctors to activate Diego. A sci-fi space laser is pointed at Diego and fired, he begins to emit wasps and worms as if he was full of them. The doctors and soldiers begin to be attacked by them. The woman is annoyed. She turns the ray on Nick, however he manages to free himself before it is fired.
There is only one zombie in the room, however, it is very hard to kill. There is only one door that opens to get out.
I move down some stairs and a woman appears. In cut scene she tells Nick that she is Isabella Keyes. She calls Nick number 12. Isabella is from the first game, Nick thinks she is responsible for the original zombie outbreak at Williamette mall. She tells him that she will explain, that the worms cannot live in Nick. As they try and leave the crazy woman separates them with a gate. Nick is now trapped, a robot arm boss battle starts.
The room is sealed and a large robot arm appears to need to be destroyed to leave the room. The room is also being flooded with fire. I break one loader, then move on into a room with another.
This is a terrible boss fight, long loading between deaths and at times the claw can grab you easily and throw you into fire, grab again and keep you locked until death. The secret appears to be to get into the train freight carriages that are in the area. They are filled with zombies, though they don't re-spawn. The fires consume the zombies and the arms. The arms aren't destroyed though you need to go out and finish the job. Now onto the third area with an arm. Then one more final arm and a cut scene. The woman, Marian is knocked over by collapsing machinery. Nick escapes, General Hemlock arrives to help Marian.

Main mission.
Nick decides that he does not want to know any more and is leaving the city with his friends. I find myself trapped in the subway area. To open the gate I must find the switch. when i do I find the power is out. I must now find the generator. When I do I find the wires have been cut. I must then find some wire, and take it back to the generator. Now the door should open. I have to go back and flip the main switch. I can now find my way out of the subway and find the biker gang who have locked me in here for revenge. I kill them all.

Side mission.
I meet a woman called Meryl on the balcony of the hotel. She has cancer isn't long for the world. She just wants to see some of the sights in the city she loves before she dies. I have to take her to them it seems. I have  to take her to the main lobby, then to a shop called charms of desire. I then have to take her to a restaurant and her sons’ grave before taking her home.

Psycho Mission
I go to a yacht, I find a woman tied up about to be attacked by a zombie. Kenny from earlier has become obsessed with Nick, he is styling himself on him, trying to imitate him. He is also obviously nuts. He is jealous of Nick and tries to kill him. Once his health is worn down he asks to become Nick's sidekick. I untie the woman, who is called Regina. She becomes a follower, Kick, or Kenny stays behind on the Yacht.

Main mission
I go to the karaoke club. I find Gary at the gate. He appears to be having a breakdown, talking about his job. It turns out that Rhonda is Gary's girlfriend. Looks like we have found Rhonda her ex without trying. I must now go and find Rhonda, she was going to her garage, last we saw her.

Side Mission.
I go to an open air stage. On the stage a transgender singer is trapped on the stage by zombies. The song is stuck on loop on the pa. I have to shut down the speakers. There are around six speakers around the stage that I have to break. A handy machine gun makes this very easy. I then have to speak with Adam again, he becomes a follower.

Main Mission.
I go to Rhonda's garage and find her lying in a pool of blood with her arm severed. She has been tortured by someone, she tells us to get a first aid kit. I go outside and find soldiers. I kill them and get the first aid kit. I take it to Rhonda and heal her. I tell her that I have found Gary. She wants to look presentable before going to meet him. I have to get an acetylene tank a hinge and something else, that are right in the room and make Rhonda a flamethrower arm. I must now take her to Gary. The pair are reunited. I can now go and get Annie. Inside she is tied to a pole and surrounded by zombies. I untie her, Red has vanished. Annie tells Nick that she used to be with Red, however, they are no longer together. She tells Nick that she is glad he keeps turning up. It is time to get to the plane.

Main Mission.
I go to the plane hangar. Red and Isabella Keyes appear. Nick asks her what she knows. She tells us that a lab was built near her village. The plan was to make genetically modified cattle. The soldiers raped the women of the village. The bees mutated and made the zombies. The villagers were killed to cover the story. The orphans were to be part of the revenge attack in the first game. Nick is immune, and the government know it. Red tells them to go outside. He uses cargo containers on a crane to trap Annie and Isabella. Red tells Nick that he is going to sell him to the government for five million dollars. I now have a boss battle with Red.
I have to shoot at boxes of electronics on the sides of the crane. Soldiers appear to run interference. The crane also is swung like a wrecking ball. Once all the boxes are shot the crane stops. I then have to free Isabella and Annie. Now a final boss battle with Red. This is a fight man to man. I wear his health down and in cut scene Annie drops a container on him. Annie is revealed to be the daughter of Chuck from Dead Rising 2 when he shows up. Gary has been working for Chuck to find Annie the whole time. The gang all leave in the plane, apart from Rhonda and Gary who stay behind as there are not enough seats.
The credits roll.

Main mission.
Only it isn't the end, On the plane radio Hemlock can be heard talking about starting collection. Isabella tells the gang that he is talking about collecting fluid from the king zombies. Which he is hoping to use as a weapon. Nick wants to stop him, there is no point in just escaping into a world where that kind of weapon can be used. I now have to track down Hemlock. I follow his helicopter across town. I find Marion and Hemlock on a roof. Hemlock thinks that the zombie virus can be used to clear cities of their population. turning all the people into zombies, then using the king zombies to wipe them all out at once. Marion rejects Hemlock's advances. She is obsessed with the cure. Hemlock does not care about a cure. He throws her off the roof. Hemlock sends out drones to collect the mutated zombies. They are picked up by the head and flown up into the large helicopter.
I must destroy the drones. I have to destroy 60 of them. The helicopter flies around and I have to chase it all over the city. When i am done Nick rides a drone up into the plane. He causes it to crash. We now have to fight Hemlock. He stands on a podium, if you are on the ground he shoots grenades at you. If you are on the podium he fights with his fists. Once he is done he gets caught in rotor blades. Annie calls Nick once the fight is over. We seen Annie flying overhead in the plane and Nick walks off into the sunset.
In a final cut scene we find out that Isabella Keyes was working with Marion and Hemlock. She was the one who thought of the plan to start an outbreak in the city to flush out the orphan with the cure.

485 achievement points for one play through on normal.