Monday, November 17, 2008

Battlefield: Bad Company notes

lots of clouds
b company all the nutjobs
we are preston marlowe someone who should be in jail but is sent to b company instead
we meet sweetwater and haggard and sarge Redfield
we get hit already
quick tutorial
we can fix vehicles with a drill???
where are we? dunno
miss july is our voice boss lady
oh the enemies are russians are we blowing up russia?
haggard is like a mental pyromaniac yokel redneck
sweetwater seems to be a bit geeky and sarge redfield is as generic as they come.
all so usual until the end of the first mission when we find the body of a mercenary group called the legionnaires in the ruins
and he has a gold bar ooer the gold belongs to the army i doubt it
start of level 2 and we are already stealing the mercenary gold for ourselves and splitting it four ways how long until they are all at each others throats for the whole thing instead of a four way share.
orders girl knows sweetwaters name he is pleased.
we catch mercenaries with loads of gold and go awol to chase after them they cross the border to who knows where and onto act 3.
characters are actually funny haggard is a dipshit nutjob but likable as long as he is a thousand miles away in real life and sweetwater is so nerdy. redfield is the straight man for their antics.
first mission objective in act three is to stop haggard invading a neutral country.
chase haggard into neutral company, technically invading it and declaring war!
ooops court marshall is a calling time to desert and chase the gold.
now that we have invaded and found the gold and killed loads of mercs the army catch us just as we are about to get the prize. whoops again.
They decide that since we have went awol in a neutral country we can just do a few jobs in it while we are at it. since we have already been declared awol nutjobs.
So it's off to persuade a local dictator to play nice. back into the fold and mission girl is back sweetwater will be pleased. payoff is retirement with a nice paycheck apparently.
Seems the dictator has a palace and a golf course. first time i have seen a battle on a gold course.
Once we get to the dicator we find that he was actually being held a prisoner in his own palace by the mercs who he had employed but could not pay off. The army do us over and leave us without extraction. It's up to us to get out of the country. So it's off in the dictators private helicopter.
once we have blown enough stuff up in helicopters we have to decide where we are going since the army don't want us back. The chase for the merc gold is back on. The dictator who has joined the gang knows where it is. never mind that though a helicopter ambushes us and we are crashing.
Preston wakes up on his own and now has to find the rest of the nutjobs. after wandering from one end of a map to the other on his own preston finds that the dicator serdar is being held at a monastery along with the others. So he has to storm a monastery on his own. only to find that the others thought he was dead and left without him. reunited they go on to save president sedar from the mercs.
Once saved he tells us where the merc ship is and we leave him on a tiny desert island. which he thinks is harsh but fair, he is in exile after all.
On to the merc ship for the final assault.
We battle the merc boss with the us army on our tail, once we shoot down the helicopter we get to the gold only to find that the us army has found it first, only they let us drive one of the trucks full of it, you see us drive away into the sunset then peel of and escape with the gold.
One last shot of the merc boss looking angry outside his crashed copter setting us up for bfbc2.


Had a quick go of multiplayer, chaos ensues seems that there is the now obligatory ranking system. there was no visible lag whatsoever in what looked like a 20 plus player match
was defend the gold which seems like it could be fun if you knew the maps and the weapons.

hard is for masocists or scorewhores apparently
seems to be no penalty for dying so far
seems to be a limited number of enemies so like bioshock you can be as shit as you want to be and still win
run around headless and jump about in the open like a loon it just doesn't matter
i thought it would be at least like frontlines where you have limited respawns
didn't the old battlefields do that?

grenades dont seem to effective shot one right next to a guy and he survived
though exploding barrels seem to be effective

level one
shoot up some artillery emplacements
now we are bombing people from  a gun and seeing a spotting plane view
not like call of duty at all
seems we are part of a convoy and we are now protecting it from ambush
finding a new ford as the bridge is out enemies guarding it attack and clear them out
now its on ahead to a farm
attack the farm storming a machine gun nest
shoot up a tank
getting picked up and the copter gets shot down cliche
so on to the anti aircraft battery blow them all up with c4.
and now we are at the demo. wondered when it was going to turn up.
into the little bridge farmhouse area and kill all the enemies a tank is meant to turn up but it doesnt i can hear it but not see it
after a little searching i find it stuck under a bridge whoops
kill it and we are back on track
convoy getting artillery fire again
air support can't get the artillery unless we destroy the radar jammers
so in we go blow up the jammers and watch the fireworks
now we have to clear up the leftover resistance.
we find the mercenary and the gold

level 2
operation backfield
seems we are mucking up the russian supply line, which means we are on our own just the four of us behind enemy lines.
you scavenging guns and ammo seems to be the name of the game.
looks like after some initial farm clearing out we have to destroy some missile launchers and a fuel depot, should be some nice big bangs there.
oh and we have picked up two gold bars so far these legionnaires get around and leave their gold all over the place, careless if you ask me. we have to look out for the acta non verbe signs it seems.
blowing up the fuel depot was fun storming the building.
Missile launchers were in a garage and a few armoured jeeps gave me trouble.
pick up mortar strikes which call down fire from the sky. nice
go to city limits and hold for orders
now we are as usual on out own and have to take out the stationary guns that are troubling the others, we may as well forget them entirely.
the town is nearly flattened but we have blown up the staionary guns
heavy armour comes in and we get to ride as gunner on a tank. where were all these tanks when we were taking out the guns?
on rails bit here.
now we have to destroy radio equipment in another town called zabograd. too late they called for reinforcements. got to hold at a disabled tank for our own cavalry.
that was fun loads of soldiers and apcs charging us. off to the harbour now to put a spanner in the works of their retreat.
we see some mercs and decide to investigate. we attack and they drive off in trucks, as they do gold falls from the back. end of level!

Level 3
chase haggard into neutral company, technically invading it and declaring war!
ooops court marshall is a calling time to desert and chase the gold
first up we have to disable comms and stop our own side from finding us too
objective is to destroy antenna box.
snipers are a real pain in the ass.
and they are hard to see when you do get your hands on a sniper rifle.
blow up the first antenna box and on to the next.
next one done few defenders and buldings snipers covering area.
on to final antenna. now we are chasing the gold trucks to a harbour.
big tanks and lots of vehicles.backtrack through map now littered with vehicles and rpg guys
find the harbour and go in for the gold.find the ship and go for gold. mission over that seemed relatively short

level 4
reach the vista point.
it's a golf course. that's what dicatators do apparently.
Our chopper is shot out of the sky, so it three anti aircraft guns to take out.
now make way to drop zone for a presents it's like christmas. laser designator use it to destroy tank.
time to go get supplies for an assault on the palace.
asssault armoury
now onto the palace.
storm the heavily guarded palace.

Level 5
tutorials on helicopter flight, landing taking off, shooting etc.
Then onto serious fun blowing up the army infrastructure for some really badly explained reason.
after blowing up barracks supply convoys etc. we run out of fuel and have to land at an enemy fuel depot to get some more.
you have to get a truck full of fuel back to the chopper in the middle of a battle
like driving a bomb.
haggard puts the fuel in the wrong place and we have to hold off against loads of enemies until sweetwater gets the chopper sorted out.
once in the air it's the end of the level.

level 6
find the rest of the gang. they are not in the village where you crash so you steal a boat and go off to their location signal which seems to show them in a big enemy stronghold.
nope not them but a video feed from the monastery shows us the merc leader talking to the dictator who is blaming us for kidnapping him and trying to save his ass. we are told the the squad are going to be executed. so it's off to the monastery.
driving to the monastery in fast jeeps, it's fun.
once we storm the monastery we find the squad who thought we were dead and had went on without us.
Now off to find president serdar.
escape from monastery and off on the river in boats. just heading for waypoints with lots of enemies in the way. stop and kill em all or drive on through to the other side.

Level 7
big harbour with merc boat, we have to take the long way around the bay and first have to get some vehicles.
Assault a small town and get some tanks. Then a big tank battle.
The us army is on our tail and if they get here then we will never get the gold. So we have to slow them down by blowing up bridges, which is technically treason.
blown the bridges which was hard
we are splitting up haggard and i are going to cause trouble while redford and sweetwater search out the gold. with the yanks mercs and other sidarz team going at it areound us.
so first it's picking up supplies which radio girl has got us. she is in for a cut now
we blow up a huge silo to attract attention.
now it's make our way to the ship fighting through the city.
on rails bit with haggard driving a jeep.
now we run the gauntlet with a helicopter chasing us, up to the end of the map and a big platform on which to do final battle with the merc boss in his helicopter.
fun blowing up buildings they may not fall down but cover is a thing of the past
aikrstrikes with laser designator nice view from missiles as they come in. hard to hit target though.
golf carts are hilarious.
found a collectible weapon hhmmm
tried levelling a house sure you can blow a lot of it to bits but not all of it the internal walls are game solid as is the roofing timbers
maybe i need a bigger gun.

wohoo first achievement kill 25 enemies
didn't think i had killed that many, the guys i bombed must count.
driving like a loon at the objective
ack heinous crime completed the first level on hard and only got the hard achievement looks like i will have to play again on normal to get the normal one what a rip.
got an achievement for blowing down 200 walls?? using hypo 50 times

large areas free roaming, go to waypoints and kill the enemies rinse and repeat.
get a good gun and it runs out of bullets quick

welcome to bad company done on first day 8/7/08 about two hours play time on hard.
acta non verbe broken up play time but about three hours. completed 16/7/08
crossing over crossing over completed in one night 21/07/08
par for the course completed 21/07/08
air force one completed 22/7/08
crash and grab completed 22/7/08
Ghost Town completed 22/7/08

finished first playthrough on 22/7/08 with 415 achievement points. though it galls to go back and do the whole game again on normal or easy for the other 120 normal level complete achievements. note to dice don't ever do this again microsoft should make them make difficulty achievements unlock for all levels when done on the hardest.

some areas have you resetting when you die, usually when a helicopter or something has to be preserved or you have to do something in a certain time limit. otherwise you can be as careless as you like as dying has no consequnce. the bioshock syndrome.

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