Monday, November 17, 2008

Saints Row 2 Notes

Saints Row 2

Needs a patch day one hmmm.
Choose normal difficulty after moh Airborne i am wary of difficulty levels being too insane.

We are given an introductory cut scene where two jail guards are walking through a jail talking about a prisoner who has been in a coma for years after a huge explosion. It seems he is public enemy number one. I presume it is our character from the first game.
We come to the ward and a nurse is going to take the bandages off.

We are sent to the character creations screen.
Where we can muck around with many parameters and make our character look as cool or ridiculous as we want to.

Mission 1 Jailbreak
We wake up in hospital, a saint in the next bed informs us that he got himself stabbed so he could be in the hospital at the same time as us. He says that he knows how to get out of the prison. The prison by the way is on an island.
First task is to kill the doctor.
Left and right trigger will punch with the same hand. Also block if we are being attacked. Holding the triggers will charge the attack. We can also do combos.
Given the option of doing the tutorial or not.
Holding B gives a circular option wheel which changes with the left stick.
Y kicks open doors.
We fight two guards in the next area. We are able to pick up small object in the world and hit with them or throw them.
X jumps or climbs up climable areas.
Pressing down on left stick crouches.
We kill a guard with a gun and now have a gun. When it is equiped a targetting circle appears, pressing right trigger fires the gun and left trigger melees using the gun as a blunt instrument.
We can dual weild with the pistols. Pressing in the right stick brings us into fine aim.
Right bumper is sprint.
We make our way throught the jail until we get to the ground outside and find that we can now get into vehicles. A is accelerate and x brake.
We make our way by getting to blue waypoints. We eventually get to the dock and onto a boat. Carlos drives and we have an on rails shoot out with some police helicopters and speedboats.
We reach our destination and carlos tells us that the saints are no more. They fell apart without our leadership and other gangs are in charge of stillwater. Mission over. I get 500 dollars cash.

And now we are into the game proper, the open world of stillwater, first impression is that there are a lot of people just standing around.
I am at a dock. The graphics seems to be in a 720 resolution. Usual sandbox stuff, nothing that is too detailed but nice enough on the eye.
Looking at the map the city seems big but not overly huge, which is the best way really. better to have small and detailed than huge and generic and bland.
I seem to only have one mission marker, which is a saints mission.

Mission 2 Appointed defender.
I go to the saints marker and am told to get some new clothes at sloppy seconds.
A gps marker is set for me.
I go to the shop and get out of the prison clothes.
I now have to go to teenays whatever that is.
Seems it's a strip club.
Inside we get a beer and watch tv where we see that Johnny Gat is about to appeal against his death sentence. We are interuppted and bottle some bar idiot. Looks like we have to go and spring Johnny. After we finish the bar fight that is. Out in the street we are told we have four minutes to get to the court house.
Cruise control A x to change speed up or down left trigger is handbrake.
I drive to the court house and go inside. Once I get to the waypoint at the court Gat is being tried at we get a cut scene. We see Gat being smart with the judge and our character busting in a killing guards. We now have to escape the court house. We have lots of cops to deal with. Health seems to build up again if you stop getting shot for a while. Once out in the street we have to drive to a forgive and forget which stops the cops chasing us when we drive through. We then have to take Gat to a private house and the mission is over.

We now have a crib in the red light area.
We are told about the respect meter which we must fill to be given missions.
I remember this now. I didn't like that in the last game, you are forced to do side missions so that you can progress the main story.

I complete a race mission. Markers seem to be a general guide and it's pretty rough. Manage to get gold third try.
I go to the next waypoint for a side mission. It's called septic avenger. I have to spray shit around on targets to bring down the real estate value of the area so that the realtor can sell some houses. ?????
You basically are driven around in a truck and spray the shit on houses and other stuff in the area. You can pause the truck by pressing Left trigger to give you time to spray the houses completely. I get it done and now have enough respect for the next main story mission. I can carry on doing septic avenger missions one after the other. I complete up to level 3 and am given increased weapons accuracy. I do up to level 6 before giving in as it starts to get harder.

Mission 3 Down Payment
We meet at Ayesha's house. Gat wants to take back the city. Ayesha tells him that he will have to find another base of operations as he can't use her house. We have to drive Gat to an abandoned house.
we drive to the mission house and we have to clear out whoever is inside to take it for our own. There is a hotel under the mission house.
Inside you have to kill some gang members and then destroy 7 shanties, which are homeless shelters inside the area. Once they are done you kill all the bums and voila you now have a base of operations.

I do some mini game called ho-ing or something and you have to move the right stick to a spot and keep it there while moving the left stick in response to direction prompts. Keep to the prescription and you get the guy off. YOU see a window and door and are left to assume from the moaning and groaning and innudeno laden talk what is going on behind it. This i only did thinking that there would be an achievemt for getting through all the levels. I got to level 10 and no achievement. Seems stupid then, i doubt anyone would think of this game as fun unless you are 12 years old. Maybe that is the intention.

I do some escort side missions, getting to level five before giving up. You basically have to pick up a whore, find the client and then ride around until the pleasure meter fills, then you drop of the client. You have occasionally to drive to a certain point or run over a pedestrian or do certain damage to other vehicles. The main aim is to stay away from the increasing amount of tv trucks which take pictures to expose the client. This activity is fairly fun and new things have been added since the first game.

Mission 4 Three kings
looks like it recruiting time, as to have a gang we actually need more than the two members so far.
First we have to drive to the suburbs.
when we get there there are a few people marked on the map as i approach the first one He wants me to repossess a car for him to recruit him into the gang.
The car is a hearse in a cemetry, we are driving over graves with the recovery truck which we must back up and winch the car onto. Once hooked the handling goes to hell. Taking the truck back is plauged by police.
Now onto the next lieutenant.
The next one wants us to kill three groups of ronin gang members. Which is fairly easy.
On a side note i see a female streaker running around shaking her tits at passers by??
The last lieutenant is a girl and she wants us to hit three stunt jumps in a car. which is fairly easy. Also introduced the 80 stunt jumps we have to hit around the city.
That's it, back to the mission house for a pep talk to rabble rouse the gang. We are sending spies to infiltrate the other gangs too. The saints are back in business. As the first achievement tells us. only 5 points, cheapskate game.

i have now unlocked the ability to have a following a.i. helper. Also got car delivery on the escort missions.

Now outside the mission house i have the choice of ronin and samedi missions to pick from.

Mission 5 Ronin : Saints Seven
I choose ronin and we are hitting their casino, there is a scene where one of the gang is planning an elaborate heist, Gat just wants to shoot everyone and his plan is approved.
We have to head to the casino.
Inside the casino we have to kill ronin for a bit then Gat plants some bombs. After the bombs go of we find ourselves outside driving a truck away from the casino with the money we stole inside. Avoiding the police we have to drive to Ayesha's house where the mission ends.

We see a cut scene where the leader of the ronin is arguing with his deputy about the casino. Look like junior does not do things the old country way and has got to americanised.

Mission 6 Ronin : laundry Day
We now have to launder the money we stole from the casino.
We have to go and buy a car from someone in the trailer park, buy a gun from a guy behind a shop. Then take the gun and car to a fence. The fence wants to be taken to her stash. We ride shotgun while the fence drives to her stash. Once there it's mission over. We see the ronin boss being scolded by his dad who is coming over to teach him how to lead.
Shogo now wants the ronin second in command to get the gang together and go take out the saints.

Mission 6 Ronin : Road Rage.
The ronin are on the way to the mission house we have to stop them.
this is fun a bike chase, kind of hard to shoot and steer at the same time though.
You basically have to kill about five bikers who are on the way to the saints hideout. It takes me three attempts but they were all fun.
We see that shogo is in leauge with the Ultor corp and Vogel. Shogo's henchman is watching Gat, looks like he is going to go after Ayesha.

Mission 7 Ronin : Bleeding out
Wow actually an interesting cut scene.
The lieutenant is waiting in Ayesha's house with lots of henchmen. He promises her she will live. As Gat and our hero arrive she calls out and he chops off her head with the sword. It's done tastefully though with no real gore. Gat and us start a firefight with the gang and there is much stylish action. Gat and the lieutenant end up swordfighting. We kill the rest of the gang and tell him to duck so that we can shoot the lieutenant, however this distraction is enough to get Gat run through with the sword. The lieutenant makes a break for it before we can kill him and Gat is left bleeding out on the floor.
Mission starts, we have to protect Gat until the ambulance arrives.
The ambulance is Pierce with a car, we get in and he drives while we take out ronin cars and bikes with a rocket launcher. This is a fun mission. Infinite rockets and lots to shoot at. Mayhem on a grand scale. Some nice touches like when you jump over a building using its architecture as a ramp. When you get to the hospital Gat is taken care of and you vow to go after the ronin leadership.

We have unlocked Bodyguards whatever that means, sure i will find out soon.

Mission 8 Ronin : Orange Threat level
Pierce and the hero drive to the airport, there is a convolouted process to get into the airport, going round the back and stealing a cargo truck and driving in the back way.
Once inside we have a shoot out with ronin.
The vip gets into a terminal cart and makes a break and we chase him in a similar cart. All slightly surreal and chaotic. Outside we catch them up and find that it isn't the father, its a decoy. We see the Ronin second in command with the father, they tell shogo that he is in deep shit.

Mission 9 Shantie stronghold Stillwater caverns.
We have to clear out the homeless who have taken over Stillwater caverns.
Which is fairly easy, I get the impression that this is a mission i missed from the first few. Three shanties to destroy with little in the way of enemies.

I have now unlocked gang customization cars????

Mission 10 Ronin : Kanto connection
We drive to the kanto sushi restaurant and find the ronin second Jyunichi i think, here we have to sword fight with him. There are several other gang members which are easily meleed with the sword, the boss himself needs to be attacked only when he swings for you, at any other time he blocks and counters well. After a few waves of henchmen you take his health down enough to kill him. The cut scene shows Shogo grovelling to his father who wants nothing to do with his apologies.
Doing this unlocks the ronin melee fighting style.

The ronin try a pushback to take one of my neighbourhoods that i have taken from them. You have to go there and kill groups of gang members to stop the pushback.

Mission 11 Ronin : Visiting Hours
We are visting Gat in hospital when ronin assassins burst in to get him. We have to wheel him on a gurney through the hospital to get him out of harms way. Getting to the front doors the ronin blow up our escape ambulance. So we head back to the roof to the helicopter pad. Where we get to drive the helicopter. Taking the helicopter back to the mission house finishes the mission.
We see Father ronin meeting Ultor's Vogel, who isn't happy about the hospital massacre. Father is an asshole as usual and Vogel is not impressed and shown the door, the Ultor Ronin connection severed.
I have now unlocked the helicopter.

mission 12 Ronin Stronghold Suburbs strip club
After completing a few ronin missions a bunch of their strongholds have appeared on the map.
I decide to try one of these missions.
Taking my newly unlocked helicopter I fly to the mission start.
We have to go into the strip club and kill the ronin inside. first in the main club, then upstairs in the private rooms and finally from the roof as the reinforcements arrive.

mission 13 Ronin Stronghold New Hennequet Rec Centre
The ronin are operating an illeagal casion in the basement of this rec centre. WE go in shoot up the gambling machines and gaming tables in each room, killing ronin as we go. We then have to go into the counting rooms and steal money crates. Once that is done reinforcements turn up and you have to kill them all.

Mission 14. ROnin Stronghold Humbolt Park science Museum
The ronin are running porn site servers from the science museum, we have to go in and destroy them.
It's a fight up to the top floor of the museum and into the room where the racks of servers are. Shoot them to bits and the reinforcements this time are a helicopter. SHoot it up and it's mission over.

I now have gained the ability to have two ai helpers by pressing up on the dpad when i am near saints gang members.

I notice a floaty for sale sign and investigate. I can buy a share in the charred hard burger joint which will see the saints protect it and i can get a discount on the merchandise. I will also gain $200 a day, for $5000 dollars it seems like a bargain.

Mission 15 Ronin Stronghold Amberbrook Museum pier complete
We go to the museum and have to kill ronin until we find out what is going on. They are using boats to smuggle from the pier at the back of the museum. We then have to destroy five boats and the mission is over.

Mission 16 Ronin : Room Service
Vogel comes to the saints with a propostion. He wants us to blow up a hotel with lots of ronin inside as he is now pissed of with Father Ronin too. He gives us the means and we execute the plan. We have to fight into the hotel and place seven bombs before making sure several key ronin as assasinated and escaping. We have only a limited time and we have to base jump out of the way of the bombs. Using a cunningly hidden parachute.
A good mission.

Mission 17 Ronin : Rest in Peace
The gang are all there for Ayesha's funeral. Shogo turns up to spoil the party however.
We have to kill him. We take on loads of ronin, with SHogo amongst them. Once we have taken some health off him he runs for a house and the ronin prevent us from getting to him. Once we kill the marked lieutenants we see Shogo get on a motorbike and make a break for it. We chase him through the streets until we damage him enough that his bike explodes.

I finally have run down on the respect that i gained from doing escort and septic avenger misions and have to go and do some more side missions.

I find Mayhem missions, where you basically have to blow things up.
You must go to a location and basicially cause a dollar value of damage before time runs out. I Do up to level 4.
I get a crib customization discount.

Mission 18 Ronin Good D
An old friend called Mr Wong turns up, seems he was in the lst game but i can't remember him. He hates father ronin too.
The ronin bring the fight to the saints by attacking the mission house. They try and bring down the support pillars collapsing the whole structure. The missions is in two phases. You have to stop ronin from using grenades and rocket launchers on the highlighted pillars for a set period of time. Once the two areas have been defended Father ronin turns up and must have his health brought down. You see a cut scene where father ronin turns tail and runs. Not much honor for him there then.
We unlock the ninja gang customization.

I am told that nob hill is under attack, another gang pushback.
A group of ronin to kill in that areas and the pushback is defeated.
My gang are telling me to take a shower, so i go and buy some new clothes and a share in the clothing shop. I gain a style rank up which the game tells me earns me more respect from side missions.

Mission 19 Ronin One man's junk
Gat and Wong are going to a heritage festival with Gat along to babysit. The ronin turn up and Gat takes on their ranks while Father ronin and Wong have a showdown.
We are elsewhere and now have to get there fast.
When we arrive we have a whole bunch of marked ronin to kill to progress the mission. Killing the non marked ronin is a waste of time as they respawn, you have to prioritise the marked ones and eliminate them to progress, the others are irellevant.
We now have to save Wong who is on one of the junk boats.
As we arrive we are in time to see Father ronin kill Wong. We take him on with only swords.
The sword fight with Akuchi is hard but thanks to stupid a.i. we can lead him into fire and burn him up instead. We see Our hero toying with Akuchi and pinning him to the floor, letting wong hear him scream and then jumping from the junk before it explodes killing Akuchi. The ronin are finished.

We unlock akujis prototype bike for our use. Also their vehicles and ronin personality for us to use at the plastic surgeons. We also get the ability to use Johnny Gat as a homie we can call on our cell phone to help us out in missions.

Time for a new gang, Sons of Samedi here I come.

I finally find my crib which is a run down single room, spending lots of cash I pimp it up and play the zombie uprising game which sees you in the hotel basement fighting never ending waves of zombies. I go up another style level for doing up my crib.

Mission 20 Sons of Samedi : Got dust will travel.
The sons of samedi have a drug market going on. We have to steal some of their product in the hope of figuring out how it's made and then undercutting the sons and hurting them that way. We have to go to the university.
Where we have  to kill two groups of drug dealers and collect their Loa dust. Once that is done we have to take out a money collecter for the sons which will hurt their take. Finally we return to sandie or Thandie, whatever her name is. Mission over. We see the sons boss who seems to be called the general talking with two henchmen, they are scolded because takings are down and are tasked to find out why.

I go to the next sons marker and find that i need more respect, side mission time.

I find fuzz, which sees us faking footage of police brutality for a bent lawyer and his tv show fuzz.
we basically have to catch purse snatchers, litterers and streakers and beat the shit out of them. Once the cameraman following us has his footage bar full the mission is over. The task get increasingly ridiculous e.g. breaking up a battle between ninjas and pirates. Stopping a prostitute revolution, and runaway tanks. There is a tight time limit.
We unlock the kobra pistol.
After completing all 6 levels of fuzz I unlock unlimited pistol ammo at my crib.

Mission 21 Sons of Samedi : File in the cake.
Shandie wants us to bust a drug chemist she met in prison out. So that we can reverse engineer the loa dust. She gives us a bomb to deliver to the prison.
We have to take the bomb in through a tunnel to a generator which cuts the power to the prison. We then go inside in the chaos and rioting that ensue and find the drug chemist who turns out to be a soccer mom. We take her back to her beefcake younger boyfriend and she promises to sort out our drug problem.

Mission 22 Sons of Samedi : Airborne Assault
We meet up with Laura, the drug chemist who tells us that the loa dust has a lot of pot in it. Shandie remembers that there is a farm at the university. This must be where the pot is grown. We are flown by Laura's boyfriend to the pot farm where we are to destroy the lot.
We have to blow up some tankers and trucks which set fire to the crops. Then we have to take out fleeing samedi members in four cars to finish the mission.
We see the general and his henchman pay our hippie friend veteran child a visit. Seems that it was him that Shandie was fucking for intel. He is told that he must make amends by killing Shandie or he is next to die.
We gain a helicopter and Soccer moms boyfriend tobias as a helper.

Mission 23 Sons of Samedi : Veteran Child.
Veteran child comes to the saints mission house and beats up Shaundie and takes her away under our noses. We follow him to a club called cocks which is a set up and there are samedi gang members there to ambush us. Taking them down we go to Veteran childs club and confront him there. AFter fighting our way to him we find him with Shaundie who he uses as a meat shield. We have to flashbang him so that he staggers around blinded away from Shaundie and we can then kill him. This has to be the most annoying mission so far. I lost count of the amount of times that i shot Shaundie by mistake it seems to take one stray shot to kill her but veteran child is a bullet sponge. Anyway mission done, we see the general watching our escape from a distance.

Another pushback happens. More gang to kill. I get more gang customization cars as an unlock.

Mission 24 Sons of Samedi : Burning down the house
Shaundie gets some intel about a Samedi drug lab. We go to blow it up. Shaundie stays to get high at the frat party.
You have four locations with drug labs to raid and destroy, each drug lab explodes setting the buildings on fire. There is variety as at the last lab there are technicians who must be killed. The last technician escapes is a car and needs to be chased down.
We the general and his henchman watching the flames. They decide it's time to get personal with the saints leadership.

Mission 25 Sons of Samedi : Bad trip
The sons kidnap our hero. In the back of generals car we wake up and have been given some serious drugs, The general is underwhelmed with us. The henchman reveals his name to be Mr. Sunshine. We are to be killed and as they thugs draw guns we fight them grab a gun and shoot up the place. Diving from the car using a dead thug as a cusion for our landing we find ourselves out in the street narrowly avoiding the pile up the ensues. We are still high and controls are sluggish and our view is swimming.
We have to get back to the mission house and save Shaundie. Then pierce turns up with what seems like the whole Samedi gang on his tail. We have a huge shootout in the parking lot of the mission house. 

The sons of samedi strongholds have appeared on the maps

Mission 26 Sons of samedi Stronghold : Bavogian Plaza drug labs.
We have to go into the drug lab and kill some crackheads who are watching peep shows. Then some drug labs to blow up and finally a helicopter to bring down.
I unlock three followers.

Mission 27 Sons of Samedi stronghold : Sunnyvale gardens fishing dock.
The samedi are using fishing boats to smuggle drugs. Time to stop their operation here.
We have to go into freezers where drug packages have been hidden inside fish and shoot them up. The we have to blow up the boats they are using, finally a freighter needs a bomb planted and then we have to get clear before the bomb blows.

Mission 28 Sons of Samedi Stronghold : Elysian fields trailer park.
There are drug labs in them thar trailers. Time to make em go boom says Shaundie.
After finding a map which shows which are the drug trailers we are given satchel charges to use on them. Satchel charges are throwable sticky bombs which are detonated with a push of left trigger and thrown with the right trigger.

Mission 29 Sons of samedi Stronghold : Stilwater university student union
The sons are on a recruiting drive at the university open day???
Time to kill the recruiters.
Simple mission go to the area and kill all the marked gang members.

Mission 30 Sons of samedi : bonding experience.
We have to blow up some samedi helicopters which are moving drugs around for them. Pierce is feeling left out of things and wants to come along.
essentially an on rails mission. We shoot at two helicopters from a van driven by pierce then move into a boat and do the same, then back to land for a final two from a van that pierce carjacks. The scene at the end of the mission show The general cutting of Mr Sunshines ear for failure and tasking him with fixing things.

Mission 31 Sons of Samedi : Riot control
Mr Sunshine tells all the druggies that he usually supplies that the saints have all his drugs and it's their fault he has none for them. The junkies come looking for the saints and revenge. At a warehouse full of loa dust we must prevent the druggies from getting the dust and killing us while pierce gets a truck. When he comes back with a truck we must protect Shaundie and Pierce as they load it up. When they do we must escort the truck and keep it out of trouble while Pierce drives it back to the mission house. Quite a fun mission, much mayhem on the roads with junkies and gang cars mixing it up in the traffic. We see Our hero torture a junkie for intel on Mr Sunshines location at the end of the mission.

Mission 32 Sons of Samedi : Eternal sunshine
We are going after Sunshine. We see Our hero and Suandie argue, she wants to come but our heor is having none of it, and insults her by saying that She almost got taken out by Veteran child and our hero does not have time to babysit her. I sense a betrayal coming.
we arrive at the meat packing factory and have to fight our way inside. Once up on the gantries we find Mr Sunshine, he has a voodo doll of us and throws us around with it. We have to shoot it out of his hand from accross the gantry. Then he is vulnerable to our fire for a while until he gets the doll back. Once we take down his health we see a cut scene where our hero shoots him many times but he keeps on gettin back up using voodo power. Eventually she uses his own machette to chop of his head to finally put him down.

Mission 33 Sons of Samedi : Assault on Precinct 31
We are after the general now. He drives around all the time in his limo, which makes him hard to find. However Shaundie has a plan. Using the stilwater police departments traffice cameras she think we can track him. We have to drive to a repairman van and hijack it, dress as repairmen and then enter the police station. Once inside you make your way to the fourth floor where Shaundie hacks the system, you are found out and police swarm you. You have to defend the room and Shaundie while she hacks, and then escape using the handy helicopter found on the roof. Once back at the mission house the mission ends. We see the saints setting up the tracking gear in the hideout so that The General can be found.

Damn poor timing, I run out of respect and need to do some activites. There is some septic avenger nearby. I do three levels before it gets annoying.

Mission 34 Sons of Samedi : The shopping maul
We finally find the generals car it is heading for the shopping mall. We have to dash with Shaundie in tow to the mall and lay an ambush for the general. We hit him with a bus as he parks. Then kill off his guards. He runs off into the mall and we have to give chase.
We give chase through the samedi infested mall and find the General, only he has a four wheel drive monster jeep called a bulldog. We give chase through the mall with a few vehicles for us to use. Eventually wearing his health down we see a cut scene of Shaundie and us. Shaundie wants some compliments but we are being our usual asshole self.
We unlock the bulldog. Some cars, the samedi personality for our gang and Shaundie as a helper whenever we want her.

I decide to go and buy up all the cribs for sale which are around on the map. This seems to increase my earning potential. Instead of there always being 8 grand in my crib safe there seems to be more now that I have bought more cribs. I also buy the aircraft hangar which lets me fly planes, which is fun. I can buy all but the last one on the map.

Mission 35 The brotherhood : First impressions
Carlos takes us to meet with Maero the leader of the brotherhood. Who seems a reasonable if tattooed brick shithouse nutjob. As we are meeting the police turn up and cause trouble.
We have to escort Maero and carlos out of the caverns and to a car, we then have to drive Maero to his hideout. We are given a choice of escaping by car or boat incidently. Once at the Brotherhood hideout Maero shows us around. He plans to cut us in for twenty percent of the action on his new big deal. Our hero is an asshole again and wants the eighty percent. We leave under hostile terms.
I thought this was going to be a slightly different story from the others, slightly disappointed here.

Mission 36 The Brotherhood : Reunion tour
We grab Donny who is another character I can't remember from the first game, seems he was a mechanic in the rollers gang. He is now in the brotherhood. OUr hero also has a grudge about someone called Lynn. Anyway our hero makes Donny bomb some trucks for us. We have to drive him to four trucks where we have to protect Donny while he plants the bombs. We then have to drive to a safe distance and detonate them. The last bomb does not go off with the trigger so we have to wait for it's timer to detonate it. The truck comes after us and we have to keep clear of it until it expolodes. When it does it's mission over. We see Donny explaining his actions to Maero who beats him up.

Mission 37 The Brotherhood: Waste not want not
This is a strange mission, when it starts we see Carlos informing us that he has no leads to what the brotherhood are up to, and they have went quiet. We are on  a subway train and our hero looks at an island out the window. She seems to have an idea. We have to go to friendly fire and buy a geiger counter, then to the power plant.
Inside the power plant we go on a wild goose chase to find some toxic waste, which takes me ages, but is eventually found on a table in an office between two guys, not near the cooling towers as suggested. We then have to go to the helipad where Carlos will come and rescue us after we kill all the guards guarding the helipad. We then are flown to the city while being shot at by police helicopters and boats. We crash land in the city and have to drive to the Brotherhood headquarters. We then slip the toxic waste into the ink for the tattoo needle. Maero gets his face done and starts to burn after the tattoo is finished. I think he may well be mad after this one.

Mission 38 The Brotherhood Stronghold : Imperial square pagodas
The brotherhood are doing protection rackets in chinatown. Time to muscle in on the fun.
We shoot up the stores and show that the brotherhood are rubbish at protetction and scare the store owners, being careful not to kill them. We have to do this at four stores. Then we move onto the pagoda hotel where the boss of the protection racket lives. We shoot up the hotel and the brotherhood guards then scare the owner. I assume we now have taken over the protection racket and put the brotherhood out of business in chinatown.

Damn need more respect before i can do more missions, activity time.
I do trailblazing which sees you on a quad bike with a flame suit on??? You basically are a moving instant wrecking ball. You have to race from checkpoint to checkpoint hitting as much as you can, each person or car you hit gives you extra time which you will need. I do three levels.

Mission 39 The Brotherhood Stronghold : Sommerset apartments
The brotherhood have a piece of the campus action. They own three apartment buildings. We have to go to each building and kill the lieutenants there. Finally there is a mobile drug lab which needs to be destroyed.

Misson 40 The brotherhood Red asphalt
The Brotherhood have captured Carlos and are giving him a makeover, in revenge for what we did to Maero. We have to go to Donnies garage. and punch him until he tells us where they have taken Carlos. Now we know the location we drive there fast. We find Carlos chained to the back of a truck being driven around dragging on the ground. Shooting up the truck stops it and we have to go and see to Carlos. What we find isn't pretty, he is alive but only just. We put a bullet in his head as a kindness to stop his suffering. Methinks the brotherhood are in trouble now.

Mission 41 The brotherhood stronghold : Poseidon alley docks.
We have to hijack a brotherhood vehicle and join a convoy. Once at the meeting place we simply kill all the brotherhood lieutenants inside the warehouse. Lots of exploding barrels mean you have to be careful.

Mission 42 The brotherhood : Bank error in your favour
Shaundie is hanging out near a bank and is almost run over by Maero's girlfriend with a huge suitcase of money. Shaundie calls us up.
You have to drive to the bank and go inside and grab jessica. Once done the guards set off the alarm. You have to shoot them and then take jessica upstairs in the bank and turn off the alarm to open the doors. Then fight your way past the swat team and our to Jessica's car, you then have to escape to the university with her in the trunk.
When you arrive the mission is over. The cut scene shows you placing the car with jessica still in the trunk on the destruction derby track. Maero himself rides a monster truck over his own girlfriend. We are truly sick.

I need to do more activites for respect.
I try snatch, i remember this from the first game. You have to bring ho's back to their pimp away from abusive pimps???
Basically drive to where the girls are recruit them by pressing up on dpad and bring them back to the pimp, various pimps and gang members will try and stop you.
Sometimes the girls are in moving cars which have to be disabled to get them out.
I unlock the gal43 sub machine gun.
Sometimes a pimp tries to steal a ho back.
I unlock unlimited smg ammo for doing 6 levels of snatch.

Mission 43 : The Brotherhood : Thank you and goodnight
We are trying to find out about the shipment of Maero's. The gang decide to pump the tattoo guy for info. He plays in a band and they have a gig tonight. We are going to infiltrate.
We have to find a firework truck which is going to deliver to the gig.
The truck is guarded by brotherhood men. Kill them all and you can get in the truck. There is an on rails section where Pierce drive you to the gig. You throw firworks at the brotherhood cars trying to stop you. When you get to the gig the missions ends. You see a cut scene where our hero gets up on stage and beats the shit out of the guitarist only to find that he doesn't really know anything. We learn that the shipment is coming in by boat, well duh? surprising that. We burn the guitarists hand so badly he will never play again just to be a total asshole. Then leave telling Shaundie to get friendly with the dock workers.
We unlock the brotherhood melee style.

Mission 44 : The brotherhood: Restribution
The brotherhood unsurprisingly are striking back and making all out war on the saints in the street. We have to kill four gang lieutenants.
The men are spread out over a large area and all are involved with something when you arrive, The first is torching the docks. The second being arrested, the third robbing an off license. The fourth is having a meeting at the top of a multi-storey car park. Once they are all killed the mission ends. The cut scene shows Maero going into vogels office and essentially battering him until he agrees to get all his gang released from prison to help in the fight against the saints. Vogel complies and gets his corrupt police chief to help him.

Mission 45 : The brotherhood: jail bait
The gang members are being released from prison. First you have to blow up with any means you have three prison buses on land. Then you drive to a boat and take it out to meet the rest of the prison boats with the gang members on. A quick rocket or two and all four are sunk without trace. Mission ends. We see Maero trying to threaten vogel again, however he is ready and a whole private army swat team is waiting for him. Vogel tells Maero that they are taking his shipment from him in payment for getting his now dead gang members free.

A Brotherhood pushback is easily put down.

Mission 46 : The Brotherhood : The enemy of my enemy
We have to find the shipment and Shaundie and Pierce finally manage to track it. There is a ship in the harbour which has just been taken over by ultor. We have to go find a helicopter and fly out to the boat. Once there we have to kill all the ultor security. We see a cut scene of us inspecting the weapons. Suddenly the whole boat is rocked by an explosion.
The brotherhood have the same idea as you and are trying to steal the boat too. There are three waves of boats and heicopters which deposit gang members, once you clear all three waves the mission ends.
With us organising to take all the guns for the saints.

Mission 47 : The Brotherhood : The siege
emboldened our hero tells the saints it's time to go to Maero's hideout and kill him. We have to meet the rest of the gang first.
At Maero's hideout we have to make our way through his entire gang infested warehouse to the roof to confront him. He has a chain gun and is pretty easily taken down with a few rockets which stun him and some machine gun headshots. The cut scene shows us fighting hand to hand with Maero and him getting away in the back of a truck.
We unlock the mini gun.

Mission 48 : The Brotherhood Stronghold : Wardill airport hanagers.
The brotherhood have a deal going down at the airport. We have to go in and stop them transferring money electronically. We have to head into the hangar and kill the tech's that are doing the transfer, we then re-route the money to our own account and have to defend the computers until it's done. Then outside where we have to destroy four planes and four trucks and the mission is over.

mission 49 : The Brotherhood : Showdown
Maero wants us to come to the ultor dome, we go there and he is waiting in his monster truck with about six other brotherhood vehicles. We have to destroy them and the monster truck. Once done we see our hero kill Maero.
We gain the monster truck, brotherhood vehicles, personality and pierce as a homie.

Now it's on to ultor.
We go to a mission marker but it just shows us a cut scene of vogel telling businessmen his plan to make the gangs fight in a certain area to drive people out and lower housing prices so he can swoop in and buy it all up and build his dream project, just like the one at the old saints row site.

Mission 50 Ultor
We go to a bar and vogels men ambush us, we have to fight our way out of the bar then go and rescue Pierce and Shaundie.
Pierce is being attacked by a few squads of riot police. Kill them and he joins your party.
Then you have to go after Shaundie who is being bundled into a van by Ultor men. You must chase the van and disable it. this isn't made very clear as if you shoot it it blows up killing Shaundie, I did this mission about ten times trying to stop the van, eventually the mission ended, I don't know what happened there was a huge pile up involving the van and it just seemed to be disabled, I don't know how I did it, this mission wasn't made clear. A good mission just that one detail let it down.

mission 51 Ultor Pyramid scheme
Vogel has a secret underground lab, which we are going to blow up, as a dstraction we are going to blow up lots of ultor property first before heading to the lab.
We have to head to Saints row where you have to destroy enough ultor property and cops to get a four star rating, then head to a forgive and forget to get rid of the huge amount of attention that gets you. Once done you head into the secret underground base of ultor and plant three bombs and get out. Mission over. We see Vogel getting a roasting from his bosses and trying to spin it his way. He is told to sort out the saints.
We unlock the ultor apc for our garage and a pimp cane weapon.

Mission 52 : Ultor : Salting the earth again
An unknown tip tells us that there is an ultor board party on a yacht, we decide to crash it knowing that the tip is probably a trap. We head to the yacht and have to board it and take out the ultor board members, as usual one gets away in a boat and you have to give chase. The mission ends. We see Vogel who was strangely absent from the party organising to have his office moved to the top floor as he has just got promotion. We have done Vogels dirty work for him, he is a dirty rat.

Nothing seems to be happening, there are no mission objective markers.
I try some heli-assault activity. SOunds fun.
I have to perform objectives with the attack helicopter.
Blow up a plane, shoot some gang members on the ground and in cars.
Next you have to escort a drug car as it makes deliveries and protect it from attacking gang cars. This is repeated, though next time the car breaks at the last drop and you have to go and pick up the saints and take them back to base, they hang on the skids of the helicopter.
I get slightly less bullet damage.
Did up to level 5

Mission 53 : Ultor Stronghold Rounds Square shopping center
We have to kill ultor execs in the shopping mall.
We have four sets of guys to kill, then to go down into a conference room and kill more execs. The ultor swat guys arrive and we have to escape the mall.

mission 54 : Ultor : And a better life
Gat and the hero are making an attempt on Vogel's life. He manages to weasel away and gets into his limo and flees for the phillips building. You have to give chase, eventually he reaches the building and gets inside. You now have to take a helicopter and take out four security stations to break the lockdown on the building. Whatever that means as you just jump in the top floor window from a helicopter when you do so anyway. Was it a force field or something? Anyway You then end up in Vogels office. SHoot his guards, shoot him and a very easy final boss fight.

The final scene sees Vogel pleading for his life in his own inimitable fashion and getting shot in the face and thrown off the top floor. Shaundie and Pierce turn up. Gat is still out killing cops. The conquering heroes take to the sky in a helicopter and the credits roll.

Unlocks the attack helicopter 

Looking at an achievement guide i find out how to unlock a secret mission.
Mission 55 : Ultor Revelation
Julius who was the saints leader and vanished at the end of the first game has betrayed us. Inside the police station are three icons which play recorded phone taps of conversations with julius and various people which show that he was the one who bombed you into a coma in the first game and the start of this one. We are given a number to phone to find him. He is inside the saints row church. When we arrive ultor swat team are there to kill both of us. We have to fend of four waves of troops and then drive away in julius' car with him driving. We end up at the amphitheatre and have to fight ultor troops and shoot down two helicopters. The mission ends with a cut scene showing us shooting julius.

And i'm done 26 hours play time on the save game clock 250 achievement points.

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