Monday, November 17, 2008

Fable Notes

Fable notes

Watch the intro movie with the guy swishing the sword around and lots of stained glass windows.

Start the game make a profile, well put my name in.
Given a chat about how my choice of good of evil is mine to make.

I am a little boy and my dad tells me to give my sister a present. I haven't got one of course.
I have to do some good deeds for the towns people to make enough to buy her one.
Meet the first person in the vilage is another kid who has lost her teddy.
Some nameless woman wants me to find her husband.
Some guy wants me to watch the stock for him while he goes for a pee.
Another boy comes up to me and tells me to steal from his barrels while he is away.
Shall we be bad or good, i think i will try and be good.
I stand still and the little boy calls me a wuss. But i get a halo point or two, which is good i presume. The man tells me that he will tell my father i was good, so that is one task done i presume.
A little boy wants me to get rid of the bully that is pestering him.
I beat him up a little and he runs off. The little boy gives me the bear that the little girl was looking for.
I find the sister, she mutters something about having a dream about something happening in the field she is in.
I find the little girl and give her the teddy.
I find the womans husband, about to kiss another woman, he asks me to keep my mouth shut to his wife. I can take his bribe or not, i decide not to, but should i go and tell the wife about his cheating? Seems that it is a good deed. I get points and the woman goes off to batter her husband.
It seems from the dissapearing number of green dots on the map that i have done most of the tasks. So i go and see my father who give me some gold.
I go to the trader and buy some sweets.
Now I have to give them to the sister.
Seems she dreamed of me giving her chocolates. I give them to her. Dreams come true indeed.
Oh dear, no they don't
Bandits comes streaming into the town and slaughter everyone and burn the place to the ground. Seems they were looking for you. The boy is left alone after hiding and watching all his friends and family murdered.
We are allowed control back to walk back through the burning body strewn village until we come to our fathers body. There was me thinking that so far it was twee and cute. The place is burning and there is gore everywhere.
Sobbing on your fathers body a bandit comes at you, only to be stopped in his tracks and killed by a magic blast. A wizard comes up to you and asks you to take his hand. He teleports with you, causing vomiting side effects. He tells you that he is Maze, leader of the guild of heroes. He takes you to the guild and tells you that you will be trained.
He give you a room and you have a roommate called whisper. After crying yourself to sleep you wake to find Whisper. She is a teenager and seems a little bit put out to have a new younger roommate. She takes you out to the first lesson.
On the way i find a side quest, a woman wants apples to make an apple pie, there are three lying about so far that i have picked up, i just need another one.
In the grounds of the heroes guild there are people training to use staff and bow.
I find the last apple, she give me a blueberry pie in return.
I go to the trainer and he sends me in a ring with a dummy, i have to hit it with my fists, he tells me i am naff. He then gives me a stick and tells me to beat the stuffing out of the dummy. I do this and am told about the xp orb it drops. Seems to get the xp for a kill you have to collect these.
An alarm goes off telling me that there is something loose in the woods. Seems i have to go and sort it out in the name of training.
going out of an arch leads to a load and we are in a new area.
There are some flying beetle things which are no match for my stick.
I get xp gold and renown points.
We are given the choice to save and go on to the next stage or stick around and do side quests.
I beat a guys time running from the demon door and back in 50 seconds. I get gold etc.
I go up the stairs and find maze talking to a rather scary looking warrior, talking about him going to the Northern wastes, seems Maze would rather he stay. He leaves anyway, he is called scythe.
Little Montage showing the boy training hard for years, studying and becoming a warrior.
Grown up hero is still being ticked off by Whisper it seems. She wants to race us to the guildmaster.
The guildmaster gives us a sword.
We are given some training with the sword, blocking and attacking.
Whispers brother turns up and has us fight to show us how good we are, i give whisper a kicking and he seems disappointed in her, i think that might be a mistake.
Now we can do some archery training.
shoot three stationery targets.
Now moving targets.
Now the will???
Ohhh magic, why didn't you say, we have manna which is used up when we use spells.
Holding down right trigger brings the context sensitive a b and x buttons into magic mode and each one is a spell. We can shoot lightning at the test dummies for a bit.
So now we have learned the three hero disciplines.
I can do grading now. I shoot more arrows and fight whisper again and am given an iron katana and a yew crossbow.
Doing the will test gives me a will potion and a resurrection phial.
A man wants me to kill sparrows around the guild.
I kill two then go look for the guildmaster as i can't easily see any more.
Have to interject here that i had to repeat a fair few scenes here as the save game utility seems broken beyond belief.
Another little montage.
Now it's graduation day.
I have to go into the woods for a trial.
Maze meets us and wants us to hit him with sword, arrow and magic. When we do he tells us we must now go and see the guildmaster again.
We are given a graduation ceremony, whisper and you where again the point about choosing good or evil is laboured again.
We are told about the function of the guild to improve the character, using xp points to buy upgrades in strength will and physical abilitys each have three subdivisons as well.
Now I can choose areas on the map to go to to perform quests.

First is wasp menace.
I have to walk through an area and then into another where i find huge wasps attacking people at the picnic area, i kill a few with my sword then a huge one turns up that spawns more. I need to use my bow to kill the big one as i can't get close enough with my sword.
After killing it people turn up and tell me how brilliant i am, i get rewards.
Investigating the area turns up some items, health potion, food and a hairstyle card.
Apparently i can get the hairstyle if i go to the barber with the card.

On the way back to Meet Maze as the guildmaster tells me to do I meet a beggar who is being tormented by a boy. I am told to try my expressions and when i do i fart. This puts the boy off and he goes. The beggar is thankful and goes away, i have a feeling he will turn up again soon.

I have to meet Maze in a town, called bowerstone.
Told about taverns and the mayor lady grey. Oh and i am not allowed weapons in the town.
I meet up with Maze in the middle of the town.
Ooops it just crashed. Back at the lookout point, where i killed the wasp, well at least it's not back to the start of the game.
Ahhh it looks like now i can fully save at any time. Good was beginning to worry.
Maze tells me that my sister might have survived, he has heard rumours that she has.
He also tells me to get better weapons as i will need them.

A little girl asks us to follow. So i do, she leads us to her family and her brother has eaten dodgy mushrooms. The mother asks us to take a sample to the witch to make a cure.
We have to go and collect them.
I find the witch before the mushrooms. She seems to think the boy is high rather than ill.
Anayway she needs four blue mushrooms.

We meet some bloke who seems to be trying to marry off his fussy daughter.
However we must have a certain haircut before he will let us meet her. Weird.
I try the teleport fast travel system as it seems i need to go back to the picnic area for the mushrooms.
On landing back at the guild I meet a prickly heroine called Briar Rose. Wonder what role she will play.
ON wandering the wrong way i find a scottish sounding guy in the woods, he has met a girl while under the influcence of mushrooms at a party and now sober wants to see her again. He wants me to take a letter to her.

On the way to find the mushrooms I find some stoners. Looks like mushrooms are the flavour of the month around here.
They have lost a special mushroom near the demon door at the guild.
And guess what i have to find it for them.

These mushrooms are proving elusive.

Now there is a girl who has taken mushrooms in the hope of laughing her knickers off. She wants me to entertain her.

I find the fist fighters gang. Seems I can bet 50 gold on myself in a fight.
I do a bit of fighting and pass level one, quite easy but i can bet it won't always be.
I get some gold.

Exploring far and wide and still can't find these mushrooms.

Have to find the trader in barrow field it seems to get the mushrooms, only problem if i don't know where barrow field is.

I come to fisher creek and find a man trapped in his house by wasps.
He rewards me for saving him by giving me a fishing rod and we are given a tutorial on fishing and catch a pike.
I find a little chest behind his house which has leather gauntlets inside i take them but is this stealing or??
I can teleport to certain areas once i find the teleport stones.
I decide to finally give up on the damn mushrooms.
I go back to the guild and take a quest.
Orchard Farm
We meet whisper and find that the guild takes two quests for the same job sometimes. Lady grey has asked that the bandits have a hero help them attack the farm while you have been tasked with protection duty on behalf of the farmer.
You get the option to choose either way. Good or bad.
Looks like whisper is being set up to become our nemesis.
We fight a few waves of guards and then fight whisper again. She is hard to beat this time.
We are told we can now use the apologise expression???

I go back to the guild and spend my xp points on levelling up my attributes

Then take the escort traders quest.
After a long trek to get to the start of the quest We meet two traders who want us to escort them through darkwood.
We meet another trader, bruised and battered, the others say he might be infected with something. We are given the choice to help him, which seems to be the good thing to to so here we go. Since I am trying to be good here.
Now we are taught how to give commands to non-player characters like follow and wait.
Which seems a bit annoying as you have to target each one individually and make sure they are all waiting or following and you keep telling the wrong one do to the wrong thing and gahh!!
The bitten guy turns into a werewolf half way through the trek through werewolf and weird beasty infested swamps.
At the end of the trek we meet a huge troll boss.
The quest is over when we reach the new area barrow fields. Yay i was looking for that for ages earlier thinking the first little quest would be just that a little quest. seems a wider issue than i thought. Now to find the mushrooms.
I am also told that Maze wants to see me.
I buy a mushroom from the trader but he has only one and charges me a fortune, says knicker lady has one and the guy near the guild with the letter for his lady.
We go into oakvale and meet the little girl who had lost her teddy, way back at the start of the game. she induces a flashback our hero freaks her out.

We meet maze who has no leads but he tells us of a seeress who may help.
Looks like we have to get her to help us. Only she seems to be in leauge with the very bandits who murdered our family.

I take a side quest to kill hobbes at orchard farm, grinding for xp.
We have to kill the hobbes who are stealing the farmers scrumpy.
WHisper is also there and she wants to compete to see who can kill the most hobbes.
I win na na.

I take the bandit camp and find the seeress quest.
This seems to be a bit of a stealth mission. I have to sneak past bandits because if they see me they will lock a gate.
Sneaking is a pain in the ass. 
Once into camp we have to find all the bits of a bandit outfit. There are five. Once we find them the bandit will open the door for us to twinblades camp.
inside the camp we need an inner sanctum pass to get further, we can try our luck winning it or just buy it from a rogue. I buy it.
Again in the next area i buy assassins help in making a diversion.
This must be a shortcut, but i don't know.
We finally get to twinblade and he is a boss fight, seems hard to kill until you see that he sticks his twinblades in the ground every so often, so you simply duck and dodge until he does this and then go in behind and whack him on the back. He dies quickly after this.
As you are about to finish him your sister turns up and she has grown up too.
She was blinded by the real bandits who it seems were actually after you. Twinblade found her and took her in as a slave. He found out about her seer powers and she is his right hand woman. And now a fierce warrior to boot. She gives you a power which she says is in your family. and leaves.
Now we have the option of killing twinblade. I leave him to live.

Maze wants to see me at the guild.
he gives us another two quests. To find the archaeologist and to go to the arena in witchwood.

Seems more side quests are in order.
Have to rescue some traders from twinblades camp.
Hmmm during the rescue I had two saved and had told them to wait after killing all the guards, the guys were waiting near the exit. I went to save the third and in the middle of his little spiel after rescuing him the game said that one of them had died and i had failed the quest. Now after an age of autoloading and autosaving right after each other i am back at the guild and can't seem to find that quest to redo it. No silly me i just have to go back to the area to restart it.
Decide to try and find a better weapon after dying re attempting that trader rescue mission.
In oakvale looking for a weapon dealer I meet myra that the mushroomed guy in the guild woods wanted me to deliver a letter to. I do and she give me one to return to him.
Meet another guy in oakvale who wants me to stop a ghost that is annoying his chicken club.
I go down to the beach and the ghost tells me he was a pirate and if i find his treasure and give it to the wife he will go and give me a reward.
I buy a better sword and crossbow.
Right third fucking time one of those hostage traders has died what the fuck?
Thought i had it sussed I hired two ai guys that help you fight, but still one of the men get killed and it's mission over.

Next day
Mangaged that mission just fine, no problem. Must have been tired yesterday, after night shift.
Fired the two henchmen after freeing the traders.

Take a questcard to go and save a boy that is trapped in mine by hobbes.
Not a boy, well i suppose he is to his mum.
He is in a cage guarded by hobbes, i save him and he tells me he and others were raiding the mine. He asks me to help him saying the hobbes have something really valuable down there.
I do he is soon killed, well at least the mission hasn't failed.
We come to a room called the focus chamber and find that there is a real boy, not the bandit after all.
He is being held prisoner by a fearie type beastie who is planning to sacrifice him to something.
I can't kill her and she wants an alternative human for the sacrifice in order to free the boy. hmmmm the bandit died like a girl bug??
No i can kill her i have to use arrows and lightning though. I kill her, she spawns hobbes. Free the boy and we have to get him out of the area. Which is quite hard as there are many more hobbes than when we came in. Telling him to wait in safe areas seems to be the way to go. If there are going to be many more of these saving people and keeping people alive missions i might quit playing they suck.
Back to the granny and the boy tells me that it was her who made him go down there, he is planning on running away.

Next to witchwood to find this archaeologist character.
Big troll to fight pretty much as soon as we enter the area.
There is a demon door which will open if we know it's name. We have to hit the nearby stones in a certain order to spell it out.
I give a guy a ruby and he tells me the name. Hitting the stones in the correct order to spell hits.
The archaeologist is peeved that we found him. He is hiding from someone called Jack of Blades. IS this the man who killed our parents. The archaeologist is studying focus sites whatever they are. He gives us his journal.

Take a quest in witchwood to go and fight a balverine.

Some guy comes up to us and asks us to come save his wife, but it's a trap and loads of bandits ambush us.
Try out some of the magic spells i just got. Slow time and force push. Quite good.
We get to the town gates and three people are trapped outside and four balverines are coming for them. We save them and are let into the town.
Inside we fight the white balverine, but it vanishes. We are told to go to the widow of the man who killed the last one. We are told by her that her husband is the balverine that is attacking now as he was bitten, she gives us silver augmentation for our weapon and tells us to kill him as he is dead already.
On confronting the beast it calls loads of mates, but eventually dies, taking it's head back completes the quest.
We are given a letter from our sister by the village chief also.

Next task is to go to arena and compete, don't know why?
After about 8 rounds against all the creatures we have fought so far and a new scorpion type thing then we have to fight whisper, we are given the choice to kill her or spare her.
I let her live.
We meet Lady grey and Thunder WHispers dad, who seem to be up to no good. Thunder is hostile and Lady grey invites us to dinner.
Walking through the hall of heroes we see a statue of a female warrior, it is scarlet blade who is our mother. Jack of blades turns up and tells us he wants to reunite her daughter and son with the mother. 
Seems that our mother was a great warrior who was tended to when she was injured by our father, whom she married and had you and your sister theresa.
Your mother is under the impression that you and your sister are dead.

Going to the grey house to meet theresa. She tells us that Jack of blades cut out her eyes and actually has our mother prisoner. What is his game? If he wanted us dead he could have done it by now?

Apparently the archaeologist can help us get into the prison.

We meet lady grey in bowerstone's new area that has opened up, she wants us to bring her a gift of a black rose.

The archaeologist has been kidnapped by nasty beasties.
We save him and he tells us a secret route into the prison. His acting is shit.
new baddies here they seems to be called minions
Wasps, hobbes, bandits, undead, trolls, bigger trolls, scorpion, minions.

We have to gain access to the secret tunnel to the prison. It is guarded by a demon door and they only open for very specific circumstances. We have to find a person called Naustro who is long dead. we have to get the skeleton recover it's armour, four parts.
After we get them the door opens and it's a long path with plenty of undead.
When we reach the end we have to kill lots of undead, once they die their soul gets sucked onto spots on the stone dias and when we have lit all the lights with souls the door opens.

Now it's into the prison, undead first then inside with guards. There are some litte rooms here where force fields pop up barring the way until we kill all the enemies in the area.

we meet up with our mother and in the process of escaping we are confronted by Jack
Who mumbles something about our wretched bloodline and a key. Seems our mother knows something about an ancient all powerful weapon. The sword of aeons. Jack is using us as leverage to get the secret out of her. With us captive she has no choice but to tell him what she knows, now jack is off after the superweapon of mass destruction.
We are stripped of all belongings and put in a cell.
After spending some time in the cell chatting to the guy next door we are told that every year the govenor has a birthday wish, the inmates are to race and the winner sent to his room. SOunds scary. Winning the race sees you being read poetry too by the governor. While he is you steal the code to his combination lock and opening it get a key. When you go back to the cells you free yourself, the rest of the men and start a riot. YOu can then get your eqipment back, free your mother and make a break for it.
The way out is blocked by a kraken monster in an underground swimming pool. You have to hit it's tentacles and then it's head.
Free at last you and your mother catch up. The sword must be kept out of Jack's hands. SHe sends us to open a cullis gate in darkwater, which is the way to where the sword is.

We go to darkwater and what seemed like a ruin earlier is now the site of a battle to kill enough undead to power the cullis gate.
Through the gate to hook coast and the abbey where a magical barrier is blocking the way. We have to go back and see Maze for guidance.
On the way to Maze's room we hear our mother over the mind link screaming. When we get to the office two of Jacks minions are teleporting away with her, she screams at us to get the book. There is a book on the table. It contains secrets about the hook coast magical barrier. Only we can't read the language, maybe the guildmaster can help it is suggested.
He can, if we go to hook coast he will read the incantation through our guild seal for us.

The guildmaster reads and in we go, only to find Maze keeping our sister down under a magical  force field. He starts telling us that she is controlled by Jack, but our sister tells us he is a traitor. Jack appears and all pretence is gone, Maze reveals his true colours. Jack's puppet. Jack holds us in a field and Maze performs the ritual to obtain the key which needs both of the siblings there. Now Jack has the key and Maze is told to dispose of us.

maze bumped me off. Better go and get some more will potions and health potions.
Back at the guild i take the letter to cyril and get a mushroom, also go fishing near the demon door and get a mushroom.
Only one to get to save the boy.

Finally managed to kill Maze. He tells me that if he knew i was this strong he would not have been a coward and bowed to Jack. He tells me that Jack will now go and try and activate all the focus sites and find the weapon. We must confront him and stop him before he does.

We chase Jack to each focus site, there are four of them, at each one we arrive seconds too late to find he has already activated them. At the last Jack takes our mother into the portal back to the guild.

At the guild everything is on fire. The guildmaster is hurt most people are dead. We chase Jack into a vault with the sword. Jack slits our mothers throat and takes the sword. We now have to kill him. He summons loads of baddies and once we have killed them we fight him. He uses very potent spells and is very very hard to kill.
Jack attacks with spells but if you get close he will fight with the sword. You can get some hits in as long as you keep slow time on and multiply your hit score you will soon wear him down. He then retreats to the centre of the room and shoots spells and summons baddies. You have to use spells or ranged weapons. Since i have never really used ranged weapons much my skills are low and i have a naff bow. So it's pretty hard work to wear jack down. I would have liked to have gone away and found a better bow and level up my accuracy etc. However i am trapped in the guild, i have no prior save game and can't get back out to level up. ????
Damn annoying
Think I will give up here, it's the end of the game anyway.

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