Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Conduit Notes

The Conduit Notes

Press A to start
Choose a save slot.we watch an into video composed of newspaper clips. A voiceover from the hero Michael Ford talks about conspiracies and how knowing the big picture makes the little pieces that are usually unfathomable come clear.He tells of how you can never unlearn what you find out and should be careful as it's better not to know.

Mission 1
We watch as Michael recovers from an explosion.He is told that his suit may be disrupted and we will have to recalibrate it.We are told to look at two signs to the left and right of us. Then to move using the nunchuck stick. B is fire and - is reload.We are told to move to a waypoint. A bug is in our way but unaware of our presence, we are told to melee it by thrusting the wiimote forwards.We come to a room with three hatcheries on the walls. Monsters are generated from them. We have to kill the hatcheries to prevent monsters spawning.We are shown the all seeing eye. Pressing + brings up the eye which when shone around the room shows up hidden objects. Using it on two nodes opens a locked door.In the next area we travel through a subway train wreck and get introduced to the sniper scope weapon.Pressing down on the wiimote dpad zooms in.We are then shown conduits which are closed by grenades. The all seeing eye will also show us where to go next if we get lost.In the next area is a subway station. We fight some monsters and come to a much larger conduit. We have to kill a set amount of enemies and then we have our suit recalibrated and are told to go through the conduit.
We are told that we have completed the mission and have earned an achievement!!

Mission 2
Cut scene, 5 days earlier. We speak to a Mr. Adams. He is a trust agent, it seems we are too.He tells us to go and stop a terrorist known as prometheus.We enter an airport and find that agents are attacking us. Our handler tells us that they have been taken over by Prometheus. We have to fight to the lounge where we have to survive waves of swat team members.We run through some very similar looking lounges and corridors defeating the same waves of swat and suited enemies.Then come to a subway station where we get on a train. We havve to run the length of the train fighting soliders and radiation suited men.The weapons introduced here are a machine gun and an atomiser gun. The atomiser can have it's trigger held down to charge up it's blast to a stronger intensity.Radid fire is just as effective.At the end of the train we find a man on the ground with a jammed gun. He blows something big up rather than be captured.We get the All seeing eye at the end of the mission.

Mission 3
We are to go to Prometheus's base in bunker 13 and try and retrieve his computer files.We are told that Prometheus is no ordinary terrorist. The president is being linked into our camera feed that Mr. Adam's sees and is observing so as to witness the level of threat Prometheus poses to America.We enter the bunker and are told to find the computer.The all seeing eye starts to blink. It blinks fatser as we get closer to our objective.We find a data disk with it and a puzzle lock which opens a door.We find a new red dot siight magnum one shot kill type pistol in the secret area.Back on the mission we enter a control room type area fight a few soldiers and then hack into a computer with the ASE. Prometheus has developed a neurotoxin which is stored nearby. We are to try and destroy it.We see a man sprayed with neurotoxin come under Prometheus control.We fight through some new areas. there are red things on the wall which pulse. I don't know what they are but it does not sound like a good idea to go near them. You can shoot them so I do. There is also a thing on the wall which emits green pulses. Shoot first ask questions later.Another door lock that needs the ASe to find two key nodes.We have to negotiate a stairwell filled with soliders then go into a lift.We encounter alien drone soliders. They are hard because they come through conduits. You have to close two conduits with a grenade. Poor checkpointing here makes it hard. You should have restarted after dying at the drones not the bottom of the stairwell.eventually I close the conduits and progress. We have to backtrack a bit and then go to a door on the stairwell. I find a secret room here also.We find a destroy a barrell of the neurotoxin here.We are now looking for the water filtration system where there may be more of it.There are steam pipes venting which we cannot pass. Turning a wheel turns it off.We now get to an area with 6 steam valves that we have to shoot to stop the neurotoxin from being put into the water. Once done we have to run for it before the place explodes.We have to fight our way up a long corridor to the surface. Then the bombshell hits. Mr. Adams tells us that we are going to die and it was nice working with us. Our hero is understandably nonplussed. The drones attack in force. We are at the washington monument. We have to close four conduits to stop the influx of aliens. There are new aliens here, once which roll up into a ball and roll at you. When they get close they spring open and explode.Once the conduits are shut with grenades or the newly available rocket launcher we have to wait for a helicopter to extract us. A few waves of mixed human and alien enemies and we get picked up by the helicopter.

Mission 4
Prometheus tells us that there is a drudge nest under the museum of congress. We must take it out before they hatch. He tells us that he is giving us a trust suit which will regenerate our health over time.Michael is not sure who to believe but Prometheus has saved his life and Mr. Adams obviously betrayed him. Not sure what to believe he decides to go along with Prometheus for now.Now this is more like it. The run and gun gameplay that is encouraged is backed up with a regenerating health. The first few missions with regenerating enemies and health packs was a bit less fun than it could have been. The recklessness needed is rewarded more with regenerating health.We fight some agents in the library of congress building. It's quite grand, nice arcitecture, good polygon count for the wii.We have a locked door with four nodes in the main area. The nodes are spread out much further than previous levels.Once we get the door open Prometheus tells us that we have to hack into the computers.Another three node lock and two rooms of bookcases.Then an area with circular bookcases.We goe through a few sections similar to the ones we have just been through.There are mines that need the ASE and node locked doors to negotiate.We come to a large room with suspiciously little resistance for a room that looks like it's going to house a boss battle.We have to hack a door and then a computer. We have to defend the computer while Promethus hacks it. We then get some new flying enemies.An opening has appeared in the middle of the large area, after we clear out the flying bugs.We are now down into the sewer system.Where we fight through some gates which need wheels turned to open them.We then start seeing tentacles of drudge growth. Then we find their nest, large tree like stuctures with egg sacs everywhere. We have to clear out the large room of about 28 egg sacs and then the mission ends.

Mission 5
Prometheus asks us to go on another mission, however, Michael wants answers first.Prometheus tells us that Adams and the trust are planning a coup. He wants absolute power. Prometheus took the ASE which was developed by the trust to prevent Adam's plans. Michael has been on the wrong side to start with. The president convinced by Michael fighting the Drudge at the washington monument has granted Adams a huge amount of power.Adams now plans on killing the president and taking over direct control of the country.Michael plans to resuce the president.We find ourselves in the whitehouse. We have to take out conduits in both wings and avoid flying new enemies.There are new atomisers that shoot straight beams of cleansing white light. A new bigger enemy found at the end of the mission does not seem to know the meaning of clipping.At the end of the mission we find ourselves in the oval office and Marine 1 is outside on the lawn trying to take off with the president in it. We have to destroy seven nodes on tentacles that are keeping it from taking off.Once the eight nodes are shot we have to kill any remaining airborne drudge.The President makes his escape. He tells Adams that he can do what he wants as the President thinks it was one of the trust men who saved him. Since Michael is wearing trust armour he has been mistaken as one of them.

Mission 6
We are to go to the pentagon to prevent Adams from getting control of the military defence network.We get improved damage repair and better jumping ability unlocked by an upgrade to our suit.We find ourselves in a trust storage secret room and work our way out onto streets.We have to close three conduits and find a five node lock.Then we get inside the building for some stairwell and corridor shooting. There is another node lock.We get our first glimpse of a larger drudge a bug squid hybrid thing, huge.Jumping out of the broken building onto the streets we encounter larger drudge soldiers.They drop a hive cannon when dead.Another stairwell another broken building to climb out of. We then find ourselves in a street riddled with snipers, mines and respawning drudge with a hidden conduit at the end.Turned game off in disgust after trying this street five or six times.I eventually get down the street and destroy the two conduits spawning thee endless monsters.Now down a corridor with a mixture of alien emplaced guns and pods spawning monsters.There is a handprint scanner to hack with the ASE.The room with the codes we want has three computers to hack, we get two waves of nastiness after hacking each one.I have came into this room at a checkpoint with a gun with only about 8 bullets and the rocket launcher.There are emplaced guns to take out and flying drudge to kill, which seem to respawn infinitely.The first wave consists of a boss creature which is invisible until you train the ASE on it and disrupt the invisibilty field.Then you can kill it.Next is a wave of soldiers and drudge. Which isn't fun with only a rocket launcher.The rocket launcher seems to kill nobody unless you get a direct hit and the splash damage is only deadly to you.I got out of this room, up some stairs then into more offices. On dying here I got sent back to the boss room. Fucking hell, do they really want me to stop playing and give this game a negative score?Unforgivable checkpointing here.In the offices are three conduits to close. A node lock to open, then more stairs to go down, into a broken walled office to shoot around five flying drudge before finally getting a checkpoint, what the hell were they thinking here.Now we are in an open area with gardens and an ornamental fountain.The crab lobster beastie arrives and we give it what for with the alien shrieker rocker launcher and it goes down easy.I was expecting this boss battle to be impossible after the checkpointing before it.

Mission 7
Prometheus can't find the drudge nest as it seems that the one we destroyed earlier isn't the only one. Now this is more fun, we are in a street and the drudge that we kill don't respawn, once we clear the area we are told to move on.We have another fight in the same street round the corner then down an alley to a place where two conduits are spawning drudge.Then into a ruined building.Running through it we come to a bridge and another similar but larger and now green crab monster. It goes down fairly easily also.Across the bridge we fight more non respaning drudge and then down a hole into the subway system.The subway is infested with pods and little drudge.Then out into the streets for moree conduits, shoot outs in alleys and two boss monsters at once.Now down into a subway station.We have to fight trough the station and tunnels where we find a train blocking our way. Using the ASE on the controls moves it so we can progress.We are now back to the start of the game before we went into flashback mode.We work through the same rooms as we did at the start and come to the large conduit.This time there are loads of enemies guarding it. I am unsure what to do. Will they continue to respawn until I do something? Will there be a finite amount of enemies coming through the conduit? I don't know and walkthroughs are the only answer. Once armed with the fact that a finite amount of ememies are to be killed before you can progress I hang back and lure the enemies out in clumps and take them on on my terms. You then go through the conduit. Why couldn't you just run through avoiding the enemies.

Mission 8
We appear in a lab type environment, drudge are in tanks and humans in hazmat suits attack us. Then sooldiers dressed in the same suit as us.We have to blow up four nodes to allow promethus to get through interference to talk with us.Once the nodes are shot you hack a terminal to open a elevator.The elevator comes and there are two soldiers in it waiting to kill you.No checkpointsFuckings ridiculous. Turned it off in frustration again.Having to finally admit defeat here and turn the difficulty down a notch.Managed without any difficulty whatsoever now.Into the lift, press the button and down into another area. Four more nodes to shoot and thorugh to another lift.Fight in a corridor type area with moving cover.Now we are in a large two floor area with a button on the top floor to press to open a door.There are around three of these areas cut and pasted. We have to make it all the way to the bottom and hack a terminal that puts the lab into self destruct mode.We then have to escape before a lock down comes into effect. We can't as an explosion has strewn debris over on the the rooms and we have to take a long road to escape.We then have to hack into another terminal to open our way to the cell block. Inside here we fight guards then drudge released from cells. Finally we get to meet Prometheus. He is the only real alien here. The original Drudge. All the others are clone hybrids that Adams has cloned from him.Prometheus used the ASE to link to the outside world where he set up a resistance movement to Mr. Adams.Prometheus urges us to destroy him so that Adams can no longer make clones.Michael does without a seconds compassion. We are out using an eleavtor like a shot.

Mission 9
We leave a lift and fight some trust operatives.Then there is along room with lots of conduits at the end. I can't close any of them. Looks like another surviveathon.Yes it is, thanks walkthrough. I hang back and wait for the enemies to come to me which takes them away from the medbugs which heal them.We are now trapped by Adams in the facility which is about to self destruct.We have around 6 panels to hack with the ASE. Each one frees a huge scarb monster.All of this has to be done against a three minute time limit.Oh and by the way Prometheus didn't die he uploaded his mind into the ASE.I kill most of them and then just free the last three and make a run for it to the conduit.We get a little scene of Michael beating up drudge as they come through the conduits then jumping through.We see him flying through the conduit to an unknown destination.
The credits roll with a little blurb of Adams speaking to an alien. Seems Adams is an alien in exile on Earth and there is some sort of alien war going on which Earth is becoming involved in.

I get nothing for completing this, the achievements in the game are hollow.
Tried multiplayer, took about 7 minutes before i gave up trying to get into a game.

Day 1 0:28
Day 2 2:52
Day 3 3:14
Day 4 1:09
Day 5 2:40
Day 6 6:11
Day 7 1:50

Total 18:40

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