Thursday, August 27, 2009

Turning point: Fall of Liberty Notes

Hell Let's try insane difficulty.

StoryThe alternate history here is that Churchill was killed in a car accident thus eliminating his contribution to history. This led to Britain being invaded. Now the Nazis turn to America.No time is wasted as we appear to be a skyscraper contstruction worker in New York when the Nazis invade.We have to escape from the attack and get to ground level.A cut scene shows our character being asked to join a counter attack and get in the back of a military truck.A building comes down in the distance and everything is shrouded in the dust cloud.We are now in the army. We are tasked with defending a position until the subway can be used to evacuate as many civilians as possible.The barricades come under heavy attack and eventually we have to retreat.We watch a news broadcast saying that things are going badly.Our character is now embroiled in the war full time and helping a platoon take out a machine gun nest.We appear to be trying to get out of New York and head for Washington.We get on a train and escape from New York.A cut scene shows a new president being elected. He urges surrender. Looks like a Nazi puppet.The real president is in hiding leading the resistance.We are part of the resistance hiding in a safe house, we get found by germans and have to escape across rooftops and through some houses, attack a factory which seems to be making green gas and then suddenly we are joining a group rescuing a general.We rescue the general.The general plots an attack on the Whitehouse to depose the nazi installed President. The Nazis are planning to use the newly developed Atom bomb on a major US city to demostrate their power.We attack the Whitehouse and assassinate the President.The Germans plan to nuke New York in retalliation.Suddenly it seems we are in London, about a thousand miles from New York. I don't think rockets went that far in those days. I mean I know it's alternate history and everything, but wouldn't it be better to just dump the bomb in New York, by say truck than send it halfway around the world?I don't even know what we are doing in London, Carson is now trained to jump out of planes and defuse atom bombs, good stuff for a construction worker.We enter the tower, and have to find the underground lab. Once in we find a scientist and defuse the two remaining bombs. However, the germans already have a finished bomb and are loading it on a Zeppelin bound for New York.
Carson fights his way onto the zeppellin, fights his way through the zeppellin to the bomb and makes it explode before getting to New York, but only just.Carsons reward for all his trouble is cleansing nuclear fire, well done that man.

Mission 1
We have to get down from the half built skyscraper. It is being bombed and is falling down around our ears.There are workers tumbling to their deaths all around us.We have usual analogue fps stick control.B is used for actions like climbing onto ladders.We come to a bridge and a nazi is landing on a parachute. We rush up behind him and are told to press B to grapple. Once held a press of the dpad in a desired direction choose what to do next. In this instance an environment kill knocks him over the edge.We get his gun.Left trigger to Aim down the gun and right to fire. We can jump and climb up certain surfaces with A.We pick up another weapon and can switch by pressing the dpad left and right.We make our way down through another building, out onto a window cleaning lift and shoot some airborne soldiers. Then down to the roof of a building and have a little firefight with some Nazis. We find our way through rubble and down to the lobby of a hotel.We come out into streets and find we have to climb on a pipe. Pressing B near the action icon gives us a third person view as our man clambers along the pipe and pressing A when it's safe to do so drops him down to the ground.We start a fight in earnest now. Lots of germans in an alley type area.Once we get through the alley we come out onto the streets.There are exploding barrels.

Mission 2
We are told to get a weapon from the subway.In the subway a man called Angelo gives us two american guns.We are told to go back out and defend the east barricade.There is an emplaced gun to use.we have to defend against waves of nazis, some with rocket launchers, then two apcs and blimps which drop troops. Once that is done you have to go up on the roof and fight some blimps and troopers who have dropped into the building.Next to defend another barricade that is coming under assault on the other side of the subway barricades.Some really poor checkpointing already.We have to defend a barricade against some soldiers and an apc, then a tank turns up.We are told to go through the sewer and crawl up underneath it and plant a bomb.The bomb is a small minigame, a poor one, we have to press and hold buttons whoose colour matches the order on the wires of the bomb and then rotate the left stick until it tightens the wire on the contact, pressing up oon the dpad then arms the bomb and we have a few seconds to get out of the blast radius.Once done we are told to go back to the first barricade and defend it again.There is a tank and another manhole, however it wasn't obvious, well it was but it wasn't signposted. I spent ages shooting hundreds of germans before eventually seeing it and going down the manhole, planting the bomb and blowing up the tank.

Mission 3
At the end of a street is a barricade with german machine gun nests. We have to get close,go down and alley and climb up a roof to flank them.Patrolling above are blimps which give of a searchlight beam, get caught in the light and machine gun fire is incoming.We get to an area and are told by a resistance man to head through the trainyard.We have to climb through this area. Introduced is jumping and grabbing onto highlighted sections of scenery.We get into the train area and fight some soldiers.Wow seriously unbelievable checkpointing here, I died and went back to the start of the mission???I just got trapped by one of my own a.i men, I nearly had to blow myself up to continue, but managed to jump clear after a minute or so trying.I make it to a subway tunnel and a checkpoint at last.We have to make it through abandoned subway trains in the tunnels.Ridiculously long without checkpoints, most games would have had three or four checkpoints in the space of this games one.Now we get snipers, a sniper rifle we pick up uses an infra-red light or somesuch to highlight snipers as if we were wearing thermal vision goggles.Eventually after killing four or five snipers You get back out onto the streets and find a checkpoint.We meet up with more national guard and are now making our way to a train station.Grenades don't throw very well, snagging on invisible walls. The sniper sights seem broken, crosshair dirrectly on a soldier and then not dying because they are behind an invisible portion of a bit of cover.The checkpoints don't even cover the slower sections, for example at one point in this mission you make your way through a broken building, with no enemies at all inside. You meet up with national guard and are told there are snipers outside. You go out, get sniped and have to do the whole building trek each time. It's just not fun, who thought it was.When we get through the snipers and germans in the street, we are attacked by a blimp. We are told to take it our with a rocket launcher lying around nearby.Once done we get on a train to end the mission.

Mission 4
We are hiding in a flat, looking out at the germans who are doing a sweep of the area.They are looking for us and it seems they find us, or we can't stand by and watch as they shoot innocent people in the street. We shoot out the windows at some germans, then a tank rolls up and blasts the flat. Germans start making their way inside. After we kill enough we are told to make our escape accross the rooftops. The tank conveniently blows a hole to escape through.You character seems to move like he is in treacle.Each time you die on the rooftop you go right back to the start of the scene watching out of the window.Grenades have a huge blast radius, on the small rooftops there is literally no getting away from them.How many times do I have to repeat the same things????You would think the whilst crouching, pressing the run button means stop crouching and run, but oh no.Finally a checkpoint. You find a rocket launcher and can shoot the tank. Checkpoint right after it. Did a competent level designer suddenly come on board.Oh look a grenade from nowhere and absolutely nowhwere to run to avoid it's blast.I give up endless long trudges between checkpoints mean that you repeat each section of the game endlessly, making what was slightly fun repetitive.No a competent level designer would realise that checkpoints are things to liberally spread around a level.You have to make your way down two crowded enemy filled street, through a factory filled with enemies and turn three valves to blow up the factory, then run through some houses again before seeing a checkpoint at the end of the level.I would have finished this level in under an hour if there had been checkpoints. No checkpoints make your game longer but much less fun.
Mission 5We are storming somewhere rescuing a general.In an underground garage. Fight to an office pull a switch to open a door.Then into a cell block area, another switch to progress.I come to a large room and the general is being held at gunpoint. He hits one the germans in cut scene with a chair and a firefight ensues. He seems less prone to dying than the other a.i.We fight through offices and corridors of the german headquarters and out a back door into a waiting truck.

Mission 6
We are attacking the Whitehouse.We have to storm a bunker and use a bomb to blow open a door.Now another bunker and blow open a fence.Now another bunker and into the whitehouse basement.We go up in a lift.Now in the inner kitchens and basement of the WhitehouseWe clear them of enemies and then our men come in and plant bombs.Germans ambush us and then I get sent up in a dumb waiter???Big fight in a lobby of an ornate Whitehouse.Then through some corridors until we find the President in the Oval office and shoot him.We now have to make our way out of the Whitehouse.Just saw an ally a.i. sliding along the floor crouched on his knees with no animation. The ally a.i. shots hurt you, so if you go screaming into a group of Germans and take them out daringly, odds are that some of the damage you take will be from your own men.Your character seems to run around as if he has his arms out doing an aeroplane, is seems to be the only excuse for the amount of scenery you get caught on.Finally manage to escape must have seen the same corridors around ten times dying in a stupid frustrating glitchy manner each time.gun gets stuck in iron sight mode at times, and somtimes your gun will not fire despite being full of ammo.

Mission 7
We parachute onto a roof and have to clear it of soldiers. A poor strategy really, wouldn't a grenade or bomb or two from the plane have helped before we dive into the hornets nest.Anyway you land, kill some close soldiers, pick up a sniper rifle and snipe the rest from cover.A door opens and loads of soldiers pour out, you then get inside the building.Where we get the longest stretch yet of tight corridors without checkpoints.A room filled with enemies and a new chaingun toting baddie finally sees a checkpoint.We are now inside the secret lab area.Stretches off corridor broken up with rooms with machinery. Long checkpoints see me turning this off after 15 minutes in disgustWe then go through two offices with soldiers, a long corrior with machine gunners and enemeis jumping out of dark corners. A huge room with four or five enemies. When you enter these rooms it's like you are in an airlock and you either have to run out and find cover or hope that you don't get hit like a fish in a barrel hiding in the airlock.Another room with three doors is next, still no checkpoint. You get one door with an machine gunner behind it. Another with a lever to open a gate in the third room and the third room contains two atom bombs a scientist and some enemies. Once and only once you have killed everyone, spoken with the scientist and wired the bomb do you get a checkpoint.Now you have to make your way all along the same route you just came with new enemies and no checkpoints. When you reach the first part of the undergorund lab with the lift down the scientist is being held by germans, shooting them all is the way to go, the scientist is indestructible. You go up in the lift and meet your team, where the mission ends.

Mission 8
We are now chasing a zeppelin which the bomb has been loaded onto. The zeppelin is making emergency repairs at the top of tower bridge. We have to get on board.First we have to destroy a patrol gunboat. A rocket launcher is nearby.Falling a few feet into water is instant death???I have had enough of insane difficulty, it will make me insane, the cramped corridors and the boat on the bridge are just too annoying to do over so many times. checkpoints would have made this far more tolerable, even fun. I am changing the difficulty level down to easy and just getting this abortion of a game finished with.I get the boat cross the bridges, go through a huge open area inside the mechanisms of the bridge. Then finally a checkpoint.I have to go through some office type areas filled with soldiers up some stairs to a control room and pull the levers to raise the bridge, this sends some german tanks flying.Then we have to climb up through the tower to the top.We come to a hole in the tower and there are some girders to climb along, however the control is abysmal and you end up falling to your death as you have no idea what key to press to climb up from the girder. Eventually after a few times having to kill a roomful of soldiers between each try I find that it's B.We have another elavator and are then on top of the bridge. There are loads of germans with better guns up here. The zeppelin also has emplaced guns which make things hard.I can't seem to kill any of the guns so I run around looking for a way to get onto the zeppellin. I find a rope and even though I am still being shot to bits by the guns I get to watch Carson climb the rope while he is turned into chum in god mode. Nice.

Mission 9
We are now inside the zeppellin. There is a huge cargo hold type area where we have to move in between tightly packed vehicles. There are catwalks above where Germans appear and shoot at you from above.You enter a lift and then into an area where there are pistons you have to climb between hanging from a pipe.We have a huge fight in a hangar area which is made fun due to you having the sniper rifle available and the large amount of exploding barrels.You pull a switch in a control room and open doors. Then a fight through some tight rooms and corridors of the living quarters of the zeppellin. You then come to a control area.And finally make your way down to the room where the bomb is.Here there is a stupid array of switches that seem to do nothing. Trial and error triggers the bomb to move and fall. Soldiers come in but aren't that hard. Now we have to open the bomb which took a bit of working out due to total lack of logic.You press B on the bomb and that's it game over.

Roughly 11:30 to complete 7 of the nine missions on insane and the rest on easy. The checkpointing got too much for me.
345 Achievement points.

1 comment:

osamaghanem said...

i dont knew how to climb a ladder
which key to press to do that in AirborneTroops