Saturday, December 3, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Notes

I choose a new game, on hardened difficulty.

We see Price and Nikolai bringing Soap in on a stretcher, cut with flashes from the previous games. The screen goes dark and we hear a defibrillator charging.

The scene changes to New York where the Russian invasion is in full swing. We have a mission to complete, a jammer system has been erected in Wall street, we are part of Delta team and find ourselves in a crashed helicopter in the streets of Manhattan. Our character's name is Frost.
After getting out of the helicopter we find the streets in ruins, missiles are still hitting the skyscrapers.
We have to fight along the streets until we come to a doorway and are told to follow the leader of the mission whose name is Sandman. We move through the offices then out to the alleyways. We are told to throw a stun grenade to take some Russians by surprise.
Moving through the alley we come out into a department store, here we clear out the Russians as they stream in from a hole in the wall. Out into the street we are heading towards the stock exchange. Fighting our way inside we come out onto the actual stock exchange floor.
The stock exchange floor is a nightmare or random fire, I eventually make my way across and up some ladders and stairs. Then I have to clear a balcony and come out at a ladder onto the roof.
On the roof the Russian soldiers guarding the jammer have to be taken out. We then place some thermite explosive on the jammer and bring it down.
Rocket teams on the roofs attack and we have to use a predator drone to take them out. A Russian hind helicopter attacks and we have to use the drone to destroy it also. Then we get aboard a helicopter. Now using the emplaced guns we fight some helicopters rushing through the skyscrapers.

Mission 2
Hunter Killer
With the jammer down and comms back up, a co-ordinated strike by jets takes out several key targets in Manhattan. This pushes the front line back to the harbor. There is a submarine with cruise missiles here and the plan is to take it and use the Russians own missiles against them.
We are still playing Frost, and find our self in a diving suit in the Brooklyn tunnel, which has been submerged.
Using propeller floats we move through the tunnel and out the hole rendered in it's roof. Here we meet the navy seal team and move on with them. There are mines to be avoided. The submarine passes overhead.
We place some mines on it, which makes it surface when detonated.
Now we climb on top and shoot the enemy as they open the hatches for us.
Inside we move through the sub shooting as we go.
When we get to the bridge we use a kicker breaching charge and enter in slow mo to kill everyone inside.
We get the launch keys
Then turning them together launch the missiles against the Russians.
We have to evacuate quickly and get out of the sub and into a zodiac boat. We have to drive it through the rowdy crowded and exploding harbor, in true action movie style. We reach a helicopter and are extracted.

Mission 3
We find ourselves back with Soap and Price, Soap is still badly injured and incapacitated. Makarov is tying up loose ends and it seems Price is a prime loose end. We play a Russian spetsnaz soldier named Yuri who is tasked with helping Price.
Outside the room we find our self in is a courtyard, helicopters are landing troops, which breach the courtyard. after a bit of fighting we have to go back inside and help Soap, we give him a shot, which looks like it would do more harm than good. The place is obviously unsafe and we need to leave. Price leads the way, another man carries Soap and we have to clear the way with Price.
Through the courtyard we come out into a street filled with civilians and the bad guys have no problem mowing them down to get to us.
We move through the streets fighting hard for every inch of the way.
We are promised a helicopter to extract us, though there are too many of the enemy between us and it. There is a unmanned ground vehicle in an armory nearby, we have to go and get it.
We have to drive this vehicle, armed with a mini-gun and grenades through the short distance to the chopper, however an entire army seems to be camped here. Some helicopters also attack. At the chopper we wait until the gang are aboard then a predator drone takes out the UGV. Yuri now has to run for it to the chopper. He is hit by a blast and falls down a slope into the water. We pick him up.

Mission 4
We are playing a Russian secret service agent called Harkov. He is on board the Russian president's plane where a meeting is taking place. The president wants to make peace with America and there is resistance among his advisors. Gunfire is heard, it seems that there are enemies aboard the plane. We have to make our way through the plane taking out the enemy boarders.
We get to the rear of the plane and find the president's daughter, and save her from the gunmen.
Then we go through a door and all hell breaks loose, the plane breaks in half, we can see the back of the room we are in tear away. Then we see the plane is sliding along the ground. An engine comes in and hits the section of plane we are in and it all goes black.
Harkov wakes and is unsteady, limping and his vision blurred. We are helped up and we have to go and find the president. His daughter is found. We move out into the snow and the trench that the plane's landing has ploughed looking for the president.
We move on looking for the president, the enemies arrive and we have to fight them. The president is found and we head for  his location. A helicopter arrives to extract the president, we are told to open the door for him. As we do Makarov appears from inside and shoots Harkov. The president is captured and asked for missile launch codes. He refuses, Makarov tells him that his daughter will suffer for this.

Mission 5
We are with Price, Soap and playing as Yuri. Makarov has some cargo in Sierra Leone, they think he is planning to invade the UK. Price thinks he might be able to find Makarov here.
As the mission starts we find the gang up to their knees in a river.
We move downriver and come across a patrol, Soap kills one of them.
We have to snipe two men who are burning civilian bodies.
We come across men burning civilians who are alive and we have to kill them.
Then we sneak through the village which has been attacked. We have to avoid and hide at some points and take out lone men at others.
We are told to take up a high position and protect Soap and Price as they advance.
They get to the factory and it's empty, wrong intel. We are told to progress further into the town. Things go pear shaped and we are discovered, the militia attack in large numbers and we are told to progress through the firefight. I come to a truck with an emplaced gun and we have to use it to mow down loads of militia and their trucks. Mortar fire makes us abandon the truck and we have to run for it through incoming mortar fire. We are told to take out the mortar operators, then use the mortar to defend ourselves.
We then make our way through a sewer and into another street firefight.
The objective is a church where the cargo is suspected to be.
We have to storm the church quickly, as a helicopter arrives to take the cargo away. After much militia mashing we are too late and the cargo is lifted away in front of our eyes.

Mission 6
Mind the Gap
The cargo is expected to head for England, MI5 and the SAS are on alert looking for it.
We take the role of an SAS officer named Burns
We are attacking a warehouse where the cargo is suspected to be, there are trucks being loaded.
We move through the warehouse, with sniper support and fast efficient kills. we end up fighting all out in the car park at the last truck, it is  found to be empty. We fight our way through the enemies and end up at the London underground. Seems they have got themselves a train and are going to use it to deliver their weapon. The train leaves in a hurry and the SAS give chase using trucks on the underground. This is a fast paced on rails ride.
Eventually the train is derailed and we board it. moving through it into a station where we take on more terrorists. We come out onto the streets and have to take out one of the vans as it comes along the street towards us. This van is taken out, however there were others.
We see a family vacation, filming a mother and child as they go to Big Ben. The truck pulls up in the background and then explodes, after the explosion we see that it has released poisonous gas.

Mission 7
Delta force
The attacks were not just in London, all over Europe similar attacks have softened up key government targets. The Russians start to invade Europe.
Frost is now part of a landing force that is pouring in to Germany to reinforce the defense against Russian invaders.
We land amongst a large American force, we are tasked with finding out what has happened to the vice President who was here, his convoy has been ambushed. We start by following tanks up the beach and into the streets. It's fairly chaotic with fire from all directions.
We come to a barrier and regroup with the tanks. The gunner in one is shot by a sniper and we have to take over. We use the gun on a hind that is approaching and then go into a parking garage. Here we move around the garage shooting at soldiers and vehicles. The tank falls through around three floors of the building at one point and is broken. We need to get back out on foot. Now we basically progress through the streets and buildings fighting all the way until we come to the convoy, there is no sign of the Vice President. We move into a building nearby following a trail of blood, we have to breach a room and shoot the gunmen before they kill the vice president. He is then extracted by helicopter.

Mission 8
We are back with Soap,Price and Yuri, going after a Somalian warlord named Warrabe
We are storming his compound, no finesse, straight in through the gates with jeeps and helicopter support. We get to use the helicopter gun by remote control at certain points to clear out some of the resistance.
Much fighting in the buildings and yard of the complex and we eventually get to Warrabe's office. Inside we have to breach and clear as usual. Then we interrogate Warrabe, which means setting off a gas grenade and withholding his gasmask. After he tells us about a man named Volk who was involved Soap shoots him. A sandstorm is approaching fast.
We come out of the building and head for the LZ. As the helicopter arrives we are ambushed. We now have to fight to a safer landing zone. We progress through to a building and get up onto it's roof. The helicopter is shot down and we now have to go and save the pilot Nikolai. We move through the sandstorm which is darkening the area and dust and debris is flying everywhere. We fight through to Nikolai and have to carry him to a point where we are met by jeeps and escape.

Mission 9
Bag and Drag
We are back with Frost, who is now in Paris, going after Volk on Price's tip. We are to capture him alive if possible.
We move through a bombed building and find some dead American men. Then are attacked from across the street, we have to move across the street and enter a bookstore.
After clearing out the bookstore we move into the streets again and meet up with some French forces. We now have to move down an enemy infested street and find the gas truck, then through some buildings. We come to a heavy concentration of Russian troops and have to throw gas marker flares for air support. Then the same for a tank type truck called a BTR.
We then move down a manhole cover into the catacombs.
The catacombs are the famous bone encrusted underground tunnels of Paris.
Inside we roam around and are ambushed. Volk makes a run for it and we have to give chase.
We chase him through the catacombs and out into the building and onto the street.
Then we get into a car and chase Volk's car. eventually after shooting up half of Paris and being shot at by tanks, helicopters and gun mounted jeeps we crash into Volk's car and kill his guards. we take him alive.

Mission 10
Iron lady
we now have to get out of Paris with Volk in one piece.
We start on the ground with frost and the gang, the aircraft sent to extract them is hit. We switch to a spotter plane and have to take out loads of tanks and helicopters that are converging on the team. Then we have to escort them down a street. The aircraft is attacked and we switch back to Frost. A machine gun is keeping them pinned down and we are sent to flank it.
After flanking the machine gun we have to throw smoke at a tank that arrives. We then switch back to the flying eye and have to take out more tanks and helicopters as the team get into vehicles and move through the city. They come to a bridge and we move back to Frost.
We have to use a rocket launcher which can lock on called a javelin to destroy two tanks.
Then push on over the bridge for extraction.
We are pinned down and it all looks hopeless as we run out of ammo. The cavalry arrive just in time and blow things up, some much so that the Eiffel tower is knocked down.
We are extracted with Volk.

Mission 11
Volk is tortured and reveals Makarov's whereabouts, he is due to attend a meeting in Prague, Price, Soap and Yuri are now going after him.
We find ourselves in sewers and have to progress to a meeting with resistance fighters, we have to sneak under some piers where soldiers are herding prisoners and civilians, some are being shot. We then enter another part of the sewer and meet the resistance. Prices goes with them and Soap and Yuri are sent on a separate part of the plan.
We move through the streets, holding position and ducking, shooting at snipers and squads. At one point we have to stay prone as we watch men pass by only inches away. We then come to a square and see Price on the opposite rooftop.
We then ambush the men in the square and start fighting along through the massed enemies.
We then have to take out a tank with a rocket launcher and follow Soap again.
We continue to weave through the fight, there are lots of resistance fighters on the streets and a huge battle is going on, we weave through it being guided by Soap.
We end up inside a church, where we are told by price to wait for a few hours until the meeting.

Mission 12
With everything in place to blow Makarov's head off as he arrives we find the gang waiting.
We are across the road, in the church tower overlooking the hotel where Makarov's meeting is to take place. Price is on top of the hotel and we are to provide support as he abseils into the hotel. We snipe some guards and then Prices gets inside. We can see from across the road that he is in trouble. We have to help him fight some enemies, then we find our contact tied to a chair with a bomb strapped to him. Makarov comes over our radio and it appear that we have fell into a trap. It also appears that Makarov is old friends with Yuri. Soap and Yuri's vantage point is also compromised and they leap out the window as a bomb goes off. The abuse that the men in Call of Duty get is above and beyond. They manage to survive a fall down from the church, crashing through scaffolding.
Soap is injured, again. We have to carry him. Price shoots and we just have to run to the destination.
We are attacked and have to fend off enemies, running for an escape. The resistance come to our aid.
They carry soap inside, and we are told to press on a bleeding point. Soap tells Price that Makarov knows Yuri before he dies. Price punches Yuri down a flight of stairs and asks why he knows Makarov.
We see Yuri and Makarov in 1996, helping Zakhaev escape from a bad arms deal.
Then we see Yuri and Makarov in the middle east in 2011, when the nuke goes off in the first Modern Warfare.
Then we are at the massacre in Russia, Makarov knows that Yuri has betrayed him, and shoots him. Leaving him for dead as he starts the massacre we crawl after him and try and shoot at the gunmen as they wade through the civilians. Yuri collapses and we see paramedics work on him.
Price let's Yuri live for now.

Mission 13
Yuri tells Price of a nearby castle that Makarov uses as a weapons cache, Yuri believes that Makarov may be using it as his base. We are going to attack it.
We start by parachuting into the area.
We land near the castle and again are following Price around, sneaking under trucks, planting c4 and avoiding patrols. We reach the security office and then get down into some jail cells. Price takes out the lights and we use night vision.
Running around in the dark we are eventually rumbled and flares are set of to counter our night vision. We come out onto some scaffolding and plant more C4. Then we go inside and blow through a wall. We climb up inside the wall and find some men in a control room. On the screen is the Russian president, Makarov is still trying to get the codes from him. It seems his men are trying to find the presidents daughter to use as leverage.
Things become heated as the guards discover the bodies and we are now fighting our way through the castle. I come to a courtyard and have to support Price from above as he fights through. We then blow up the c4 we planted earlier.
We now storm back into the courtyard and fight our way to a jeep. Then a rushed and chaotic emplaced gun ride until we fall over the edge of a cliff, no matter, we have parachutes.

Mission 14
scorched earth.
Back with frost in Berlin, now racing to rescue the Russian president's daughter from Makarov's forces who are closing in on her.
The mission starts with Frost recovering from being in an explosion, which then cuts to 20 minutes earlier. The team is coming in by helicopter and are attacked. They land on the roof of the attackers and take them out, moving inside the building and then out onto the roof. We see enemies on the roof of the target building and then use snipers rifles to clear them. The helicopters then land another team on the roof and we have to aid them, sniping the enemies that appear.
We then have to use air support to take out three tanks that are approaching.
Granite team then goes in after the daughter, though contact with them is lost. We now have to take over the mission.
We run down onto the street and then fight our way along. We take out a tank and then have to follow some friendly tanks down a large open street.
As we are moving down the street a bomb goes off and a tower block falls on us.
This was the point we came into earlier.
We have to progress through the damaged building, then out onto the street and into the target building at last.
We make our way up to the room where the daughter is and then, she is captured right before our eyes.

Mission 15
Back to Price who is going after the president himself.
We are storming some kind of bunker.
We come out and find we are in a place that looks fairly cold, air support is aiding us in a big fight in clearing. We move along the large open construction site like area fighting, a helicopter gives air support. A bomb is set off to open the way into the complex again and we come in through a door we make ourselves.
Not far inside we find the daughter, it may be too late and the threat of harm to her may have made the president give Makarov the codes to launch the Russian nukes.
She tells us that they have taken her father deeper into the mine. We press on and rappell down a large shaft. we come to a reinforced door and have to blow a hole in the roof rather than the solid door.
Inside a bullet time sequence sees us kill the presidents guards and recover him.
We have to hold position until the helicopter comes in under heavy fire.
Then get into the helicopter, half the cast of delta force are killed in the process, though Yuri and Price get away in the chopper with the president.

Mission 16
The war is over, the Russian and American presidents sit down to negotiate for peace.
Price is going after Makarov.
The mission starts with Yuri and Price in the back of a van, which is under heavy fire, they are wearing Juggernaut suits. We move down a street towards a hotel fighting heavy enemy resistance. We enter the hotel and go up some escalators into a lift. two helicopters arrive, one goes to the roof to extract Makarov, the other starts shooting at the lift. We have to shoot it down and it crashes into the lift. The armor is damaged and we have to abandon it.
We jump to another lift and then go up towards the roof.
We now have to fight through heavy fire to get to Makarov, we chase him through the hotel, until we have him in our sights. A helicopter blasts the side of the hotel and we manage to hang on only just as part of it collapses. Yuri is impaled on a spike. We run after Makarov and chase him to the copter as he almost gets away, we have to jump to catch onto the chopper.
Price kills the chopper pilots and in the process a gun goes off and damages the chopper. It crashes. As we climb from the wreckage Makarov does to, we have some button pressing to make Price fight Makarov, Makarov gets the upper hand and is about to shoot Price, when Yuri makes a last appearance to save the day. Price then punches Makarov about and wraps a cord around his  neck. The glass ceiling of the hotel gives and Makarov is hanged. Price lights his cigar at last. The credits roll.

8 hours 10 minutes
also about 5:30 hours on multiplayer at this point in time to rank up 335 achievement points for one play-through of the campaign on hardened difficulty.

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