Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Battlefield 3 Notes

It asks me to install high definition content, aren't all Xbox 360 games high definition anyway? What they really mean it that they want you to install the game on the hard drive.
well no, i don't really do that, don't know why to be honest, but have always really played games from the disc and never found it a chore, not going to change this late in the day on the Xbox360's life cycle.

Next is campaign choice and difficulty, easy normal and hard, i always plump for normal these days, just in case hard is too hard, as difficulty is a subjective thing.

Left and right analogue sticks as normal
Left trigger        Aim down sights
Right trigger        Shoot
Left bumper        Grenade
Right bumper        Melee attack
Y            Change weapon
X            Reload
A            jump
dpad            toggles
Start            pause
Clicking right stick    Crouch
Clicking left stick    Run

Mission  1

Semper fidelis
New York, Brooklyn Bridge, a train, someone jumping from a bridge onto it, then falling inside through a window. A terrorist is there and we crash into him and take his gun. Control is given and we get to shoot at him.
I move through the train, crouch past an obstacle and shoot some more terrorists.
Then get a shotgun which is keeping a door shut.
A man attacks us and we have to button press at the right time to kill him in suitable depraved and viscous style.
I move onwards and come to a carriage door, I can see a man doing something through the glass.
It is a bomb and we have to get out through the window and climb past the carriage break. The bomb goes off and the carriage we would have been in are senting spinning back into oblivion.
The man shoots at us and we have to climb back on top of the train. Another bomb goes off and a rent is torn in the roof of the car. Some men shoot at us from the sides of the train.
Back inside we fight through some heavy enemies to get to a door. Inside we are ambushed by the man and a gun is held at our head.
Fade to black and this seems to be a flash forward to what is to come at the end of the game.

Mission 2
Operation Sword breaker

A marine Blackburn is in detention, homeland security has been told that they need to speak to the marine about an attack in New York.
He seems to be under suspicion, a picture of the man on the train is shown to the marine.
Looks like the marine is going to tell the story now in flashback.
We take see soldiers in the back of a transport, we are going to deal with the PLR in Iraq.
We get out of the back of the transport and have to follow a soldier to a point where we meet a commander who briefs us.
Viper squad were investigating an explosive at Spinza meat market and contact has been lost, we are to go and find out what is happening.
We move through some buildings and through a school, the ground shakes at one point.
We come out into an open area and a soldier is shot by a sniper. All hell breaks loose and we have to start shooting at the enemies who pour into the area.
Once they are cleared we move forward and are attacked by a rocket launcher from a nearby balcony.
We are looking to take out the sniper and head up some stairs looking for higher ground.
We  have to sprint past some windows as incoming sniper fire comes in.
Now on a roof we crouch our way across it dodging sniper fire until we get to the end of the roof, we can see where he is, but not see him exactly. The idea is to have some suppressing fire then use a rocket to blast him. I do this it seems to work.
Now from the rooftop we are told to cover a squad who are extracting the man who was wounded by the sniper earlier. We have to shoot at those who attack the squad carrying the wounded man.
We are now trapped on the roof of the building as a large force of enemies arrive and enter it.
We use a plank to cross to the adjacent building then climb down the series of smaller roofs.
We cross the street and then enter a large building, inside we have to fight through.
Here we find  two of the patrol we were looking for dead.
Outside in the street we are very exposed, it looks like the patrol are all dead or wounded. A bomb has been placed on a wounded man and a wire leads away into a building. We are told to trace the wire.
we climb though vents and enter a basement where we find the other end. As we are disarming it we are attacked and have a quick time fight with an enemy.
We have to go back out onto the street to help the squad who are under fire. We are told to go up onto a road bridge and use a machine gun as attackers stream down the street towards us.
We have to go and defend another flank as the attackers switch direction and are told to get on a car mounted gun. As we do a large earthquake hits and one of the nearby tall buildings comes down nearly hitting us.

Mission 3
Back in the interrogation Blackburn is being asked about what happened after the quake, seems he blacked out for a while. As he awoke he sees the leader of the PLR talking to a man, maybe a soldier, who he asks the question, "do you want to live or die?" The man answers yes and appears to be dragged off in severe pain.
Blackburn blacks out again and then awakes later, there seems to be nobody around.
Then we see patrols looking for survivors, a voice on a loudspeaker tells us that the PLR is reaching out to help American soldiers. I don't believe that for an instant.
I sneak through a trench in the road made by the earthquake and then move through into the building we came through earlier.
Inside we can sneak attack an enemy and get his gun.
Now we are back to fighting our way forwards.
I move through the building, then fight down a torn up street. I come to a large open area filled with enemies. This is the car park we fought in earlier. There are a lot of enemies to clear then we go through a garage into another street. Into a bus and we are rocketed. This opens the way forward though.
Now we are back to the school we came through, we meet another soldier and have to follow him.
He tells us that there is a coup in Iran, we go back to the street where we first started and have to regroup. Here we use an emplaced gun until the ride arrives and we get out.

Mission 4
Going hunting
Back in the briefing room Blackburn is asked about what happened next. He went on a recon mission first, he is asked about Colby Hawkins, an f18 pilot. Blackburn seems to not know her.
we are changed to her point of view on an aircraft carrier near Tehran. The PLR leader Al Bashir has been located on satellite imagery and we are going to make his life hard. we follow a commander up onto the deck and get into a jet.
We take off and fly around for a bit, I am not in control of the flying, just the guns missiles and flares.
Migs attack and we have to kill them
We then have to use a variety of weapons to attack sam sites, planes on the ground and then a helicopter and a few cars.
We then fly back to the carrier.

Mission 5
Operation guillotine
Back at the interrogation, it seems that the intel was wrong and the helicopter and cars we blew up were not Al Bashir's. Al Bashir seems to be in charge of the PLR, there is also someone named Solomon involved.
Blackburn is asked about who shot his commanding officer and also about the time he found the nuke in Tehran.
The view switches to soldiers on the ground.
The missed strike has just taken place and we are on the ground nearby, a chance now is given to take some intelligence from an apartment building held by the PLR.
We run down a hill carrying a mortar, under enemy mortar fire. We have to set up the mortar then fire a flare.
We then climb over a wall and engage the enemy.
We progress up from the road up a hill under heavy fire, the enemy are dug in and have machine gun nests. I reach the buildings and a grenade is thrown inside this blows the door open we are inside moving from room to room.
On the other side we meet some more soldiers and are told to get in a hum-vee.
We begin driving through a tunnel and are moving into enemy territory.
On the other side of the tunnel, after a little badly disguised load, we are told that an ambush is very likely, though this is the most expedient course of action, which means we are basically expendable.
A vehicle is blocking the way and we stop to move it, which does not seem like a good plan to me. Though seemingly I am not in control of my interactive game anymore.
We approach a tanker, yes a tanker, and of course the enemy put a rocket into it blowing it up.
They are arrayed on a bridge over the road and we move up to flank them.
After crossing the bridge we move on up the road fighting all the way.
Then a tank appears and we duck into a building and it fires at us. A cut scene shows the gang getting up after the attack and dusting themselves off, we are now looking for a way out of the building as the entrance is now blocked by rubble.
we move through and out onto a street, the tank drives by backwards, and suddenly a missile takes it out.
We now have to support the javelin team, which is presumably who is shooting the tanks with the missiles. I find the javelin team just as they are killed and we get to take over and use the javelin on three incoming tanks.
Now we have to attack a building, lots of other soldiers are converging on the front. A frontal assault is silly, and the commander tells us to find a back way in.
We move around back and find a ladder.
Then climb in through a toilet window. A soldier ambushes us and we button press kill him.
Then have to knife another, then we are inside this bank and fighting lots of enemies in an open courtyard type area.
As we clear it the others come in from the front.
Now we are moving into the basement looking for Al Bashir.
We come to an elevator shaft and have to rappel down.
Friendly fire will not be tolerated flashes up far too often as you have perfect line on an enemy and then some team member will float in front of you, often while you are shooting.
I have also seen team members advance into enemy territory and be in the middle of enemy a.i being ignored, I have to shoot the ones they are ignoring that are still aiming for me.
at the bottom of the shaft we chuck in a flash-bang and then are fighting in the vault.
After the enemy are defeated in the vault we enter the actual huge walk in safe. Inside we find a case for three nukes, however only one is in the case.

Mission 6
Back in the interrogation room Blackburn is being asked about the other two nukes, seems that something is going on in Paris, Blackburn is asked about a Spetznaz soldier named Dima, who it appears that he knows.
We change to playing Dima in Paris.
Driving in a car with another two Russians, it seems we are going after one of the nukes to prevent Solomon from using it, seems he is out for revenge.
We rush through the gates then enter a building through the parking garage.
We fight through the garage and down some stairs.
Through another section of the garage, we then come to an area where the enemy release gas, we have to put on a mask.
We now enter the offices and fight our way through them. Heading up the floors now.
The partner a.i. is a little annoying, they stop moving when there are enemies, adopting cover etc. However you know instantly if you have killed everyone in an area as they move on to the next part of the script without an instants pause. Sometimes you aren't sure all the enemies are dead, though if you see the partners running on as if they are safe as houses you know it's clear. Which is a bit of an immersion breaker.
Moving on through much office space we come to the trading floor.
Here we find out target, who flees. We have to give chase. We chase through the building. Fighting obstructers as we go and eventually come out onto the streets. The police are here in force and aren't in any way friendly to either party in this fight.
we wait and let the police give our enemies trouble, then move in when it looks like he is going to get past them.
We chase him down the streets, fighting police, the commander of the mission is hit by a rocket explosion and impaled by a piece of scaffolding shrapnel. He dies, we are sad, but give chase. There is a Mirrors edge like sequence, as we chase the nuke carrier up into a subway station. Here we find that the case is empty, the two are worrying about where it is when the answer is given. The nuke goes off and it appears they are both caught in the blast.

Mission 7
Thunder run
Back at the interrogation we are told that it was ten hours ago and 80,000 people are dead.
The talk turns back to the bank vault where Blackburn found the one nuke.
A tank brigade are coming to his rescue.
We are playing a soldier called Miller.
We are driving towards Tehran in the desert, here we use the tank to blow up other tanks and enemy vehicles. we attack a missile site using air support and then go in and finish the job, then a convoy.
We move into a populated area and find a convoy that has been ambushed, we have to get out of the tank and collect a control, then detonate a minefield clearing device.
Then we get back in the tank on the top gun and fight lots of soldiers, cars fitted with bombs start running towards us on suicide missions. Eventually this section ends and we are told that we have new orders, which is obviously us being diverted to go and help Blackburn.

Mission 9
Fear no Evil
We quickly skip to Blackburn, and he is still talking about the extraction from the bank.
Then we are back with Miller in the tank.
We drive through the streets fighting, and end up at the bank, our tank is immobilized at the doors. Blackburn appears and we have to protect him as he loads the nuke onto a helicopter, we come under heavy fire, eventually Blackburn gets away. Things look bad for Miller, the tank is not going anywhere, the enemy are advancing.
We see him overpowered and knocked out.
He wakes tied to a chair with a man standing in front filming. Not looking good. Someone, possibly Al Bashir talks to him, he talks about his sons toy, and being a hero. Of loss and the inevitability of death.
Miller is killed to make a point.

Mission 10
Night Shift
Blackburn is shown the video of Miller being killed, they don't believe that he isn't on the PLR side. However a phone call comes in, apparently someone fitting Solomon's description has been seen in New York.
Blackburn tells them that he knows he is coming, from when he went after him in Tehran, which of course we now flit to.
We are on a rooftop, we have to take out four lights with a sniper rifle. Which makes the landing zone dark. A vtol comes in and soldiers rappel out of it. We are to take out a lookout and then rappel down to the ground ourselves.
In a very call of duty trademark like sequence we follow the soldier we are with, avoiding patrols and shooting out lone soldiers and lookouts.
We climb up another ladder.
Then shoot at some more enemies that are in the way of the other team.
We enter a building, have an unnecessarily graphically violent fight and then are shot at and have to run for it into a sewer, where we leave an explosive surprise for the enemy.
We move through the sewer until we find a ladder back out.
As we come up a squad is on top of us and we have to take them out. Then we go inside a building and find the room where Miller was executed.
The room is attacked and we have to survive, we move down through the building and join the other squad. We are told to go up on the roof and provide over0watch.
Which we do.
Here we have to watch as they get into position then breach and attack. Enemies arrive en masse and we have to hold them off as best we can. Eventually a car breaks out and we have to run to the other side of the building and shoot at it. If we are successful we then have to go to the car and find Al Bashir has been thrown through the windscreen, we pick him up and have to get him to safety.
We run across the street and have to take out some soldiers that arrive. Then into a building, it is a mall. We end up in a shop taking stock. The HVT is badly hurt, and we have to hold off enemies until extraction.
We then have to run out to the vehicle.
This is a fucking annoying bit, I can't get into the vehicle, even when the HVT is aboard, scripting feels labored and just plain dodgy here. Eventually I realize that you have to wait in cover until you are told to board the helicopter. I manage to do it finally.
On board the helicopter we give Al Bashir a shot of adrenaline. He asks how we found him, and realizes it was the execution video. He imagines that Solomon has betrayed him, he decides to tell us his plans. Solomon is using trains to deliver the bombs and will strike on the 14th of the month. Al Bashir’s phone is recovered from his body.

Mission 11
Rock and a hard place.
Back the the interrogation room, Blackburn is accused of lying about this last confession of Al Bashir and also that the phone is Al Bashir’s. I am not sure what Blackburn has done to earn this scorn, though I am sure we are getting to it.
Using intel gleaned from the phone, Blackburn is redeployed to investigate an arms dealer called Kaffrarov at his Villa.
We are driving towards the villa when we are ambushed.
After killing the ambushers we find out that they are Russian paratroopers.
We regroup with a larger force which we were heading to meet and find out that Russians are dropping in heavy forces. The commander believes that the Russians were working with the PLR and want to silence Kaffarov before we get to him and find out what is going on.
We wade into the Russian camp and start shooting, which I didn't think was the best tactics, be hey, who am I.
We move on through the valley, stopping and starting fights with Russians. We have to take out armored vehicles at times with a rocket launcher.
Then a jet attacks, we have to move from cover to cover as it takes runs at us the squad. I am tasked with getting a ground to air launcher from a vehicle nearby and shooting down the jet.
Once this is done it appears that there is going to be a mutiny. two of the squad are dead. One of the other soldiers acts like this is a total outrage, how dare the bad men kill any of the nice people. He seems to want to turn on the commander, who admittedly was leading them into certain death. The commander asks us too choose, the screen fades to black.

Mission 12
Back in the interrogation Blackburn is asked about why Dima was in Iran with the Russians.
We now switch to Dima's point of view, he is parachuting in with the Russian forces.
We land and then attack an enemy patrol, then take their car.
We drive straight into Kaffarov's operation, using the stolen car, blending into a convoy.
Inside it isn't long before we are spotted and we have to start fighting.
There are rings of security around the villa and it has the high ground, getting up the hill is hard work.
Once there we enter the villa.
We have to hang back and use a sniper rifle as the other two provide suppression fire. Then it's close quarters storming into the Villa.
We have to work through the entire thing, and it's huge, sometimes taking higher floors while the others take the lower.
We get into the basement and have to work our way around in the dark, then go through a training course set up in the basement.
They must be trying to artificially extend the game now, poor check-pointing here for the first time.
After taking out a machine gun we progress through the basement and come outside again at a helipad.
Here we have to run and jump onto the helicopter as it rises.
If you succeed a cut scene shows you fight Kaffarov inside the copter and then both of you fall out into the swimming pool, which was handy.
Dima beats Kaffarov until he starts talking.
Back at the interrogation, we find that Blackburn arrived at the Villa also, around the time this was happening. We take over from Blackburn’s shoes.
We start just outside the now wrecked burning Villa.
Inside we find Kaffarov by the pool. Dima speaks to Blackburn, he tells him the Kaffarov stole the Russian nukes, and sold them to Solomon who plans to blow up Paris and New York. Dima tells Blackburn that this cannot happen, asks that as two soldiers, with no politicians they work together to stop this and avert war.
A soldier bursts in and tells us to get down on the ground. He then shoots. I wasn't sure I had control. They aren't very good at making the scripting obvious.
It seems that this is our commander, and we have to shoot him, otherwise we die.

Mission 13
The great Destroyer
Back at the interrogation, it appears that we did shoot our commander. This is why we are being investigated. Solomon is revealed to be an American deep cover agent and it appears that Blackburn has been played by Dima, who the agents believe is the real terrorist.
Blackburn is still convinced that Solomon is going to nuke New York. A train has been stolen it appear. Despite this in good story logic the agents still don't twig that Blackburn is right.
Another man from the unit, Campo I think is brought in. Blackburn asks if he trusts him. Looks like they are going to make a break for freedom and take on Solomon.
We fight the agents who come to take us away to jail. Then jump out of the window. A short trip through some alleys and streets we jump from bridge onto the train.
Now we are back mission one, which we repeat until the point where we come face to face with Solomon. Now we fight him with quick-time and we detonate another small charge which crashes the train.
When we come to Solomon is gone, we fight some more enemies.
We then chase through the sewers fighting, then out onto the streets. We are met by Campo in a car and we drive after Solomon. Eventually we crash into him and have to quick-time fight him.
After beating him with a brick, we stop him from setting off the nuke.

We see that Dima survived the nuke in Paris, though he did get a good dose of radiation.
The credits roll.

8 hours
225 Achievement points

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