Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Max Payne 3 Notes


Left analogue stick        Move character
Right Analogue stick        Move camera
Left trigger            Aim
Right trigger            Shoot
Left bumper            Bring up weapon wheel
Right bumper            Bullet time dive.
Y                Interact with objects, pick up guns.
X                Cover
A                Run, double click equals dive
dpad                Up take painkiller
Start                Pause/menu
Clicking right stick        Bullet time on or off.
Clicking left stick

I chose the medium difficulty level.
There is an option to turn off the aim assistance as well, I chose to turn it fully of, I am not a lover of the increasing auto-aim going on in console games.

We see Max in a seedy hotel, holding a bottle of alcohol. This segues into Max standing on a burning runway by a hangar. There is a man lying on the ground severely injured. Max is walking towards him with the intent of killing him.

Chapter 1 Something rotten in the air.
Sao Palo Brazil.
Max is at a party, a rich penthouse and glamorous guests. Max speaks to a friend here and they talk about their client and the guests disparagingly.
Max is working for someone named Rodrigo Blanca. his wife is Fabiana, a pretty but vacant girl. Fabiana spends a lot of her time with Marcel the playboy younger brother of Rodrigo. It is implied that there may be an affair going on. Victor is Rodrigo's politician older brother.
Armed and masked men burst in and begin shooting guards and warning shots into the air to makes the party goers cower. The gunmen kidnap Fabiana and Rodrigo, leaving in an elevator. Max and his friend go down the stairs after them.

We get control and are introduced to bullet time, clicking in the right stick slows time giving us an edge against the enemies. we are then told how to press right bumper to jump and roll, this happens in slow time also giving us a chance to kill enemies while we move through the air.
Pressing up on the d-pad makes Max take a painkiller, this restores his health.
We move through the penthouse fighting and the only option seems to be to go out onto the balcony. A cut scene kicks in showing that Fabiana is being held by a gunman on the balcony, cornered by security. We see Max take a huge risk, diving off the balcony, landing on a roof and sliding down it towards the gunman and Fabiana. In bullet time we can shoot the gunman in the head. This sets a cut scene in motion where we see the gunman drop, Fabiana is ok and Max lands in an ornamental pool, which somewhat cushions his fall.
We are now going after the men who have Rodrigo.
I chase them down through more of the building and then into the parking garage.
We need to open a gate to progress here.
Following the course of the parking garage we find a picture dropped by the kidnappers, it was obviously designed to show them who to kidnap and shows Rodrigo and Fabiana.
we find more kidnappers and shoot it out, we have to shoot the tire on the van to prevent it escaping, causing it to crash into a pillar.
After killing all the gunmen we free Rodrigo from the back of the van and then have to prevent him from being shot by gunmen who appear in bullet time.
A bunch of swat team like men appear, one of them shoots a wounded gunman lying on the ground. Another bunch of police appear also and it appears that there is some friction between the two. A conversation takes place in presumably Portuguese which we are not supposed to understand it seems. Max's friend arrives and congratulates Max on a job well done.
Max goes home and takes a cocktail of drink and painkillers before passing out.

Chapter 2
Nothing but the second best.
We find Max on a helicopter a few days later, taking Fabiana, her sister and Marcelo to a nightclub. Marcelo is seemingly a dopey idle rich brat, Fabiana seems to have a little more brains. The sister is introduced at the good girl, it seems she does charity work in the city slums. She talks of murders there and Marcel accuses her of killing the buzz. The group decant from the helicopter on the roof of a skyscraper and take an elevator down into an enormous nightclub. Max seems grumpy in this security guards nightmare.
We enter the VIP area and Marcel is peeved to find that someone called Claudio has booked the prime spot. Marcel tries a spot of bonding with Max, which only makes Max want to shoot him himself. Other forces are in the club, it seems they may be about to make their move. A group of men suddenly appear with masks, making a play to grab each of our charges. Max Grabs one and jumps through a glass balcony window to bullet time kill as many as we can on the way down. I am left to mop up the remainder.
The way forwards is blocked by a chained door, we have to go another way around.
I move back up through the club fighting as we go.
There are more clues around the club to examine, essentially collectibles.
I find a happy ex cop, a dead footballer and a piece of Fabiana's dress.
We fight through the club, into the kitchen and then into a restaurant in the same building. we see the kidnappers in a lift, though we can't get to them. They are heading for the roof, likely to their own helicopter or to steal ours.
Max makes a dangerous trip in cut scene to an external window cleaner platform and makes it up to the roof using it. We then see him get into the helicopter piloted by his friend, Marcel somehow has got into the helicopter also. Now in the copter we are looking to see what is going on. The kidnappers can be seen loading the girls into their helicopter.
We are now into emplaced gun type section where the sister can be seen below. We have to shoot the surrounding enemies which frees her to move on. We follow her all over the roof shooting at men, saving her repeatedly until she finds her way inside the building. we then have to fend off rocket attacks on our helicopter by shooting at the incoming rockets in bullet time. Max then is dumped out of the helicopter onto the roof and we have to fight our way across it again. The check pointing here is very poor, which is a bad sign for later on in the game.
I find Fabiana's necklace on the stairs, then we find Giovanna in cut scene hiding in a bar terrace. The helicopter comes around and Marcel appears. It also appears that Giovanna is having a relationship with Max's friend who it seems is called Passos.

Chapter 3 Just another day at the office.
The three Branco brothers, Max and Passos meet to discuss the ransom demands that have been made. The brothers try and work out who may be doing this. They have no alternative but to pay the ransom. The hope is that afterwards they can find out who did this and take revenge. Max and Passos are to deliver the money.
They arrive by helicopter at a stadium owned by the Galatian's, the meet is to take place on the pitch. Max and Passos are approached by a group of around six armed men and told to open the money bags for inspection. As we do a laser dot appears from the top of the stadium and begins shooting at everyone involved. Max is hit and starts running for cover. We take over and have to guide him into the tunnel of the stadium. max is wounded and he wobbles around only slightly under our control, the screen is wobbling and flickering alarmingly. Passos gets a gun from one of the enemies, he then fights through some more as we follow. Eventually we reach a medical room and get patched up. Max wonders who has gate-crashed the party and why? I am beginning to wonder if Passos is trying to rob his boss. We now have to fight our way to an elevator, then we find one of the injured enemies. He doesn't tell us much, other than that he doesn't know who the snipers are either. We fight on, for a few more rooms. A cut scene shows the ambushed kidnappers being chased by the snipers. The new group seem more organized than the first, with much better guns and body armor. The first group make a run for it, being chased by the snipers and their friends. We have to make a break into the open past the sniper and then take on some more of the second group. We fight through until we reach the sniper's position and kill him. We steal their headsets and Passos stays in the box to cover us with the sniper rifle. The man with the bag from the first group can be seen below in the stadium being chased by the second. Max goes after them both. we fight on the steps of the stadium and then in a VIP box lounge area. Max takes an elevator and we have to fight a large amount of bad guys on the stadium standing area. another sniper is nearby and we take him out while Passos keeps him pinned in cover. We now have the snipers rifle. Passos is swamped at his box and the roles are reversed, we are now protecting him as he runs for cover. After Passos gets to cover Max is attacked by another sniper, in cut scene we see him moving towards his position. Max enters a control room of sorts and can see Passos on a security monitor. We see the last remaining man of the first group being cornered by the second. Passos describes them as paramilitaries. The paramilitaries shoot the bagman and take the 3 million dollars. It seems odd that after killing an platoon of these guys that three of them should make Max and Passos stop and give up. Max now goes after the sniper, climbing a tower to get above his box and crash through the window. They now meet up and leave in the helicopter.
We see two men with a rocket launcher decide not to bother killing our heroes as they leave.

Chapter four, anyone can buy me a drink.
This is a flashback, Max is in New Jersey drinking in a bar. A bunch of local hoods son's are causing trouble. One of them pulls a gun on Max, Passos comes in behind them and pulls a gun on them. They leave, threatening retribution. Max and Passos know each other and they drink together, obviously presuming that the pretend hoods won't come back. They do and a gunfight erupts. We have to move through the bar fighting and come out into the back alley, where we meet some more bad guys.
Max takes Passos home to hideout, Passos isn't impressed with how Max is living and tells him that he has work for him. The father of the dead mobster arrives and isn't very happy, he seems to have brought the entire Mafia with him to kill Max.
I go out into the corridor and have to fight some enemies, also avoid snipers at the windows. I see a mad war veteran type guy emerge from an apartment and save Max, he then blows himself up and a bunch of the enemies with him in cut scene. We go into Brewers apartment and find that he seems to have been making bombs. I then escape the building out onto the rooftops. A gunfight across the roofs ends with us falling off a collapsing water tower into a bunch of mobsters in bullet time. Paso meets us and we move on back down into apartments and fight some more mobsters. We then end up breaking into a garage where some shady car thieves are operating. The mobsters arrive and we are back into a gunfight. Eventually we escape back into the safer streets, less filled with mobsters and Paso Offers Max a job.

Chapter 5
Paso and Max are in a speedboat, the Comando Sombra or CS have kidnapped Fabiana, the paramilitaries were just being opportunistic. We are now out in the wilds looking for the location where the CS gang have been keeping Fabiana.
We find the helicopter that was used at the club, which is promising. I work my way through some rusted broken down old buildings and eventually find some of the CS. Serrano is their boss, it seems that Fabiana is here. We see a television monitor which shows that Fabiana is in the building. We progress through shooting enemies as usual.
Eventually we come to the room where Fabiana was seen on the monitor. She is gone, the room only recently vacated. Of course storming in like a one man army wasn't really conducive to not tipping off the bad guys that we were on the way. We fight through an awful lot more enemies before having to raise a bridge out to the docks. He we have a long weave through jetties and enemies, with the odd gunboat for good measure.
Eventually we catch up the the guys who have Fabiana and are in time to see her get into a boat. Max has to jump into the water as the petrol ignites and the jetties are blown to smithereens. Passos comes by and we get into the boat. We then have an on rails boat ride. Passos drives and we have to shoot at smaller and larger boats. We also have to contend with people on the banks of the river and in cars on the side of the river as well.
we eventually catch up with the boat that has Fabiana in it. We get to shoot an awful lot of the guys on board before a bullet time boat crash sees us shoot almost all the men on board her boat. It isn't enough though, our boat is disabled and the bad guys get away with the girl.

Chapter 6
Max goes back to the hotel and does what he does best, drink heavily while taking painkillers. Pasos arrives and takes him to meet the Branco's, here we are introduced to a cop named Becker who is urging the brothers to let the police handle the situation from now on. Pasos and the two Branco brothers leave to take the helicopter to the police station. Leaving Max and the senior Branco behind. He blames himself and analyses his choices, then suddenly there is an alarm and armed men can be seen on the security monitors entering the building. The security system has been compromised and the tech needs to be escorted to the server room to make the building lockdown system work.
These men are the cacha Preto, the Black badge, the paramilitaries who attacked at the stadium. We fight through the offices killing as we go.
We have to clear the offices and eventually reach the server room, where the guy we are escorting reboots the system and large metal shutters come down all over the building.
We move through into the buildings main entrance, finding the secretary dead. A vehicle crashes through the doors and we have to shoot the driver in bullet time, before jumping over the crashing vehicle and shooting a lot of enemies behind in bullet time.
A boss type enemy then appears, heavily armored and using a heavy machine gun.
We go back up using the lift and try and speak to Rodrigo Branco, who is now locked in his panic room of an office. Max knows there is another way in from the helipad, he uses that entrance to go in and find Branco dead at his desk, shot through the head.
As Max investigates he finds a bomb, he throws himself off the balcony of the office just in time to avoid being blown to bits.
The building is now in flames and we must try and get out. I find the body of the i.t. guy who helped us earlier and kill the paramilitary who shot him. we then make our way through the burning collapsing building. In the lobby we find a badly injured cacha Preto soldier. He tells us that they were there to kill Max, not Branco. Seemingly in retaliation for the amount of them that he killed in the stadium. Seems that someone was opportunistic in their killing of Rodrigo. The CS have Fabiana, not them.
Max goes to a hotel and decides it's time to find out who is behind all this. He shaves his head and leaves his beard, drastically changing his appearance.

This is the end of disc one, we must now put in the second disc.

chapter 7 A hangover sent direct from mother nature.
Max has gone to the nova esperanca district of Sao Paulo, a lead from the dying Cacha Preto soldier. Max calls the remaining brothers, who I still think are dodgy. Marcel accuses Max of killing Rodrigo. They quiet down when Max tells them he is on his way to find Fabiana. Max enters the slum or Favela, he is soon accosted by a child who offers him the sins of the world. Max shows him the picture of Fabiana and the child leads him down a dangerous looking back alley. Max enters a street party and is soon herded off at gun point by gang members. They take his stuff and throw him over the edge of a broken down building.
We walk through the Favela, nobody wants to help a lost looking American, though he is a fairly intimidating lost looking American. I find the ex cop from the club we met earlier, when Fabiana was first kidnapped. He is working for a charity, it may be the same one that Fabiana's sister is working for. Max goes into a bar looking for a phone, and finds it is a stripper bar. Where there is more than just stripping going on in public. A man named Wilson Da Silva seems to know Max, though Max can't remember ever meeting him. Da Silva buys Max a drink and explains that he knows what is going on. He shows him pictures of the leader of the CS, a man named Serrano, he is one of the men we saw on the boat that Fabiana was last seen on. Da Silva tells us that Serrano is small fry, he is interested in the leaders of the Cacha Preto, a man named Neves and his seconds in command, Rego. Da Silva asks what happened at the stadium, he tells Max that the Cacha Preto let them go. Da Silva has a theory that Victor Blanco cleared land for Rodrigo, by doing some fairly illegal stuff. He thinks a group called the UFE are involved, I am not sure if he means the police here. Da Silva tells Max that Fabiana is "up the hill". He wishes him good luck, and if he survives he suggests he comes back and sees him.
After Da Silva leaves a bunch of locals appear looking for trouble, which is exactly what they get. After shooting up the bar I find a tourist who was enjoying the brothel.
I am now into an all out fight through the Favela streets. We meet up with the guys who mugged us earlier and get our revenge. I move on through the CS controlled slums and find a drug factory for a drug called oxidado. Max blows up the drug factory in cut scene.
We are now deep in to the CS territory.
We eventually come to Serrano's home, atop the highest hill in the Favela. It is heavily guarded. After killing what seems to be the entire male population of the Favela we reach a cut scene at the door of the house. Inside it appears that Marcelo and Fabiana's sister have been forced into making another money drop. This it seems  has only given Serrano some cash and two more hostages. Max goes in, strangely enough, without guns blazing, this leads to him being held at gunpoint by Serrano's men. Things go very quickly very very wrong. Fabiana is executed, Marcelo shot in the leg, the gang take Giovanna and Marcelo away, it seems that there is some more shooting going on outside, apart from the carnage that Max has caused. Max is left standing over the body of Fabiana, a situation he has been in before.

Chapter 8
Max and Passos are in New York again, Max is in Golgotha cemetery in New Jersey, paying his respects. While Max visits the grave he is attacked again by the mobsters.
We progress through this large cemetery shooting hordes of mobsters. Passos is captured and held at gunpoint, we have to save him from a Mexican standoff situation.
We then have a difficult shootout in a circular portion of the graveyard.
A worker is shot in cut scene by a sniper and we must now approach a large tower and take out the sniper in the tower. In cut scene max and Passos enter a mausoleum, they are ambushed inside and held at gunpoint, disarmed they are led out to the mob boss. He hits Passos with a shovel and makes Max dig both of their graves. Left to the task we get a chance to press a button to trigger a cut scene where Max throws dirt at one guard and smacks the other with a shovel. Passos then produces a gun and shoots them. We are back to fighting again. We move though more graveyard and enter a building which turns out to be the morgue. Moving thorough the morgue we come to a chapel type area and have a stand off. we have to kill lots of men then move up some stairs and kill a sniper. We then have to use the snipers vantage point to protect Passos. In cut scene Passos calls a friend and organizes some help on getting out of the area. Max finishes his flashback and is back with Fabiana's corpse. He knocks out the enemy left with him and then goes out onto the streets.

Chapter 9
The Sao Paulo police seem to have taken objection to Max's one man army attack on the CS, it seems they have tired of the troubles and decided it's time to teach the CS a lesson, which basically means entering the Favella and shooting up the place.
max notices that these men who seem to be police are actually the ones who showed up at the party early on in the game.
We fight through more Favella against these swat type enemies, which due to their body armor take a bit more killing than the usual enemies. We have a bullet time sequence sliding down a roof and shooting at a helicopter which we manage to disable by shooting a rocket just as it is fired knocking the helicopter out of the sky.
We move through the Favella some more fighting, little snippets of cut scene show that the cops are killing lots of people and arresting lots of them also.
We fight on for a while, Max is lost and needs a plan, he decides to follow the swat guys, they at least seem to know the area and have a plan.
Max witnesses in cut scene a meeting between the swat team and the cacha preto, they appear to be giving money to the swat guys in return for prisoners from the van. Max follows their leader, we find him around the back of a house with another thug and Giovana and Marcelo. Marcelo has been put inside a pile of tires up to his neck and obviously doused in something flammable, he is set on fire. Max piles in and knocks out the thug. He is left facing the leader who wields a machete. we have an annoying quick-time struggle and kill the leader. Giovanna is rescued, we watch as the cacha preto men find their dead boss.

Chapter 10
Max and Giovanna get back into the more metropolitan area of the city and call Passos. They go to a place where he has told them to meet up. Giovanna reveals that she is pregnant, Passos is the father. armed men arrive, they look like the Cacha Preto.
We have to fight them in what appears to be a scrap-yard for old buses. We then move on into what might be a bus depot. There is a big firefight in the courtyard. Giovanna sees a ladder and asks to be boosted up to it. we are chased inside by gunfire and max swings down to the ground on a hook in bullet time for some slaughter. This leaves Giovanna up high with no safe way down. We must move through the building looking for a way down for her. 
We have to fight some more enemies then save Giovanna as some come at her. She then lets a stair down and we can get up to her. we move on through some more enemies. Max then lets Giovanna in through a window of another nearby building. Inside voices can be heard, the pair sneak up to see who is speaking. A poster for a rival of Victor Branco is seen on the wall, a Camilla Machado, is she the cause of all the trouble?
We leave the bus depot and get in a bus, Max makes Giovanna drive. we have an on rails sequence as we crash and bash our way out of the bus depot and then crash. Passos arrives in the helicopter and we send Giovannna to the roof of a building in cut scene. Max tells her to get Passos to wait for him. We then have a stand against rushes of enemies in jeeps and cars. Passos leaves with Giovanna and we are left to fend for ourselves.
Da silva arrives in a car and beckons Max to get in. Da silva listens to Max's story since their last meeting. It seems that Max is ready to hear what Da Silva knows about Passos. It seems that while Max was hired by Victor, Passos was also being paid by Victor for certain jobs. One of which was to come to New York.
Da Silva seems to believe the max was brought in to take the fall, a trigger happy drunk who was being placed in the right place at the right time. Da silva asks what was happening in Panama. We are sent into flashback.

Chapter 11
Max is in Panama, on a yacht with Marcello. A huge party is going on and everyone is drinking, dancing and taking cocaine. Marcello is incredibly insensitive towards everyone. max has too much to drink and goes for a lie down in one of the cabins. He wakes from his stupor to noises nearby. There are men in military gear searching the boat from room to room.
I fight through the dining area and kitchen to the radio where we send out an SOS. We then work through the boats engine room. Stray bullets set the engines on fire and we have to turn two wheels to stop the fuel feed before a door will open. If we don't do it in time Max dies from the fumes. We come out into a dock for jet ski's and then up onto deck. More enemies then into a gym area and back inside the upper deck of the boat. We find some enemies breaking into a door, which seems especially tough, a panic room of some kind maybe. It appears that this is a hidden smugglers safe, which seems empty. further on we find that jewelry has been left untouched, these enemies are not here to rob the boat of it's luxury goods. We make our way through the rest of the boat, fighting for every inch. Enemies come from the canal at either side and a small army fills the boat. I get to the bridge and see Passos and Marcello on the canal side, safe and well. They are loading a jeep with something. Max goes over to them and Passos covers well, Marcello is more dismissive, as if they expected Max to have been killed with the rest of the crew and partygoers. Max wants to go and help the survivors and Passos reluctantly agrees and comes to help. we now have to fight our way up a dockside building filled with enemies and then zip line in bullet time across to the other side of the canal. Here we enter what seems to be a tourist visitor centre and fight through it. On the rooftop balcony viewing area we find the crew and partygoers have all been slaughtered by the bad guys.

Chapter 12
Back with Da Silva, Max realizes that Passos and Marcello were smuggling. Da Silva believes that Rodrigo as the elder brother had the control of the family money purse. It appears that Victor and Marcello wanted more control. Marcello was stupid and a pawn for Victor's games. It now seems that victor has got everything his own way, running for political office on a law and order ticket. He has gunfights and gangs, his brothers murdered. Most importantly he now is the sole air and owner of the Blanco money.
Da Silva tells us that the UFE are the gun toting police types who have been selling people to the gangs for the slave trade. He takes us to their base and basically lets Max Payne do what he does best, go in and kill lots of people.
Max makes a makeshift silencer out of a bottle. We see some enemies loading body bags into a furnace. Max continues through the derelict hotel and takes a lift up higher into the building.
We fight through the building now, I find a photocopy of Passos' id card, revealing that he is Columbian.
We move on through the building, Max finds some evidence linking the Cacha Preto to the UFE. We find a bunch of imprisoned people, including Serrano the leader of the Commando sombra. Max sees that he has been badly beaten and tortured, he lets him go.
We fight on through a rooftop area with swimming pool and then find a morgue / operating theatre. We find a doctor who it seems has been taking blood and organs to sell from the kidnapped victims. Serrano appears and Max let's him have his revenge on the doctor who pleads for his life to no avail.
It appears that the UFE are running a trade in organs. Max decides to blow up the building using a cache of C4 he finds. We have to plant the explosive, then fight our way out.
We go to another floor and once the enemies are cleared we can plant more c4.
We  go out onto a roof in cut scene and find lots of enemies. Max holds up his remote and shouts until the leader of the UFE Neves appears. He is dismissive of Max, telling him that he is a poor bodyguard and defender of the poor as almost everything he touches turns to shit. Max reminds him that he is insane and carving up people to sell in bits.
Max triggers the C4 and the building rocks.
I must now shoot my way past the enemies as the building shudders and rocks. Fighting my way up onto the roof towards the helicopter we kill many enemies and then meet a mini-gunner who takes some pounding.
In cut scene Neves has Max at gunpoint, he is about to be killed when Passos appears and shoots Neves. Max and Passos argue, Passos tells Max that he was involved with Marcello trying to loosen the family purse strings, not Neves and the organ trade. Max can't argue for too long as the building is coming down, he gets in the helicopter with Passos.

Chapter 13
Max forgives Passos and Giovana, they leave town.
Da Silva tells Max that he did not know that the UFE were in the organ trade. Their leader Becker can't be touched through normal channels,  no court will convict him. Da Silva suggests Max gets creative.
Max goes to a police station and turns himself in, he is led at gunpoint through cells and into an interrogation room. Two police officers beat Max, asking him what he is doing here, Max appears to be waiting for a specified time. Max attacks the two cops and overpowers them, we are now out into the corridor ready to fight.
Da Silva has been up to something as other criminals are loose in the building and gun fights are going on with criminals and cops. I have to fight my way through some cells then into the more businesslike area of the police station. We come outside and find a large armored truck. A criminal has been trying to shoot it with a rocket launcher and has died in the attempt. We have to take up his cause. I grab the launcher and blow up the apc. Then go back inside and take on the entire police station single handed. We fight through lots of different areas inside the police station and find more evidence of Victor and Becker's plans.
We see the police officer who shot Victor in his office on a security feed. We then have to face him as a minor boss battle. Shooting the ceiling above him to knock him into the open.
Eventually we reach the office of Becker, inside, in cut scene Max starts to throttle the life out of Becker. Victor appears and holds a gun to Max's head. Victor tells Becker to get Max's gun, Max makes a play for Victor's gun and grabs it, however, Becker tazes Max. The pair run for it and Max finds that they have escaped. He guesses that they will be heading for the airport.

Chapter 14
At the airport Max walks in and is almost instantly chased by police. He runs through the busy crowded space taking advantage of the fact that the police just can't shoot into the crowds. He makes it through the baggage check in into the behind the scenes of the luggage handling area, where we are fighting cops through the conveyors etc.
We fight through the back area and then back out into the customer toilets and out into the departure lounges.
We fight along the duty free and waiting area, filled with many enemies, this is a hard section. We then descend some escalators fighting and fight in a subway station. The power is cut here making it hard to see in the dark.
We enter an office and restore the power. We then fight on into another train station area.
Max now gets on a train to his destination, the private jet bay where victor's plane is. We have to fight some enemies who chase us in another train, then fight them as they board our train. we then avoid a dead end by jumping into the other train. Max then sneaks to the hangar. We now have a fight with lots of enemies, a kind of boss battle. Someone, it may be Becker uses grenades from a plane staircase and we have an awful lot of enemies in close proximity to deal with.
Once done we blow up the boss's grenade as he shoots in cut scene and his is badly injured in the blast. We are back at the start of the game, with Max approaching the badly injured man. We are given the opportunity to shoot him, it does not look he has long to live. The decision seems to be made for me and I get the cut scene where I am, i suppose lenient.
We are met by Da Silva and now have to chase the plane which is taxiing for the runway.
We have the grenade launcher and have to take out some jeeps and trucks on the way, then shoot at the plane.
In cut scene the plane crashes and Max jumps out to confront Victor who stumbles from the wreckage. Max is about to shoot him, Da Silva pleads to let him stand trial. max agrees and Victor laughs, saying he will walk. Max breaks his leg and tells him that he will walk with a limp.
The scene shifts to a beach bar in Bahia a week later. Max is watching the news which shows the the corrupt police force have been disbanded and Victor has been found hanging in his cell. The bartender tells Max that it is local justice, Max smiles, pays his bill and walks off into the sunset.

15 hours.
190 achievement points for one play-through on medium.

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