Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spec Ops The line Notes

I chose medium difficulty.


Left analogue stick        Move character
Right Analogue stick        Move camera
Left trigger            Aim
Right trigger            Fire
Left bumper       
Right bumper       
Y                Switch weapons           
B                Vault over cover/Melee attack
A                Run/cover           
Clicking right stick
Clicking left stick        Toggle crouch

We start in a helicopter, flying over Dubai which looks ruined and hit by a major sandstorm. Many helicopters are attacking and we have to shoot them with our emplaced gun.
Eventually we are shot down and crash. This leads to a flashback.

Huge sand storms have hit Dubai. American units leaving Afghanistan were sent to help with the evacuation of the city. John Konrad was the leader and he volunteered for the evacuation detail. The storms got a lot worse and contact with the city was lost. A transmission from the city came two weeks later from Konrad. The team of three we comprise of has been sent to investigate what is happening in the city and whether anyone has survived the freak sandstorms.

Mission 1
We start on the edge of the city in dunes heading towards the silent ruined city.
I find some abandoned military equipment and use some ropes to rappel down a cliff.
we progress through abandoned cars on a road. We find the distress beacon which has been broadcasting the signal, it is cobbled together from spare parts. There is a freshly dead American soldier in a jeep near it. We are approached by a bunch of Arab men, they have guns and appear to be hostile. They ask if we are there to kill them as well.
Things go pear shaped quickly and we are told to shoot a bus window which pours tons of sand on the men. We then have to fight and kill more who appear.
We can give orders to the squad to target certain enemies. We move onwards along the road moving in and out of abandoned trucks and buses. We hear a distress call from an Alpha team, which sounds American. They are under attack from people they describe as insurgents.

Mission 2
We contact alpha squad, there are four of them left and they are running low on ammunition.
We head towards a downed plane, this is a huge fight to get into the  plane, many enemies outside and on the fuselage. Inside we fight our way up the inside of the plane and find the American squad being executed. We shoot our way in and manage only to get to one of the men as he lies dying. He tells us that they have taken other men to their base.

Mission 3
We are moving on, coming to the edge of the city now. We enter a building and get some grenades, it appears to be a television studio. There appears to be a broadcast by an American voice, talking about processing. There is also some fairly weird art on a wall of skeleton film crews with smiley hand puppets. One of the squad voices the opinion that things are getting weird. We fight through the building and out the other side.
I find out that turret guns can be flipped so that guns that you have to attack can then be used to attack the enemy if you get close to them.
we are ambushed in the open by many enemies. We fight until a sandstorm starts and we are caught by a shift in the sand which causes the whole area we are in to destabilize. We are knocked out and come to in a hotel like area.

Mission 4
We find that we are stuck in the hotel like fish in a barrel. Enemies begin to flood into the area and we must defend. Once done they drop c4 in and we have to run for it.
We come into a small area and encounter and Arab man and an American talking. It appears that the Arab is taking orders from the American. They talk about torturing the soldier form the plane, making him talk. We fight some more enemies and end up running from one hotel in the storm into another. We go down a lift shaft.

Mission 5
Here we find evidence of survivors of the storms living rough the only way they can. There are paintings on the walls of devils shrouded in American flags. We find some soldiers who have obviously been lined up against a wall and shot, around ten of them. We come to a doorway and find the American from earlier beating up the captured soldier. He is asking for answers. The rogue American is about to shoot the soldier and we intervene. This causes a distraction and the soldier grabs the man's gun and shoots him. We are now in a standoff with the prisoner. He won't tell us what is going on and wants to know who we are. He tells us that he will go and get his superior officer and disappears down a rappel line.
we move through and examine the dead American, he is a CIA agent. We follow the soldier down the line. I find a Dictaphone with the CIA agent's voice. He is basically saying that since the storms hit the citizen have been rioting and the Americans trying to impose martial law has only made things worse.
We come under firer from American soldiers who don't seem to want to stop shooting at us despite the friendly fire warnings and desperate calls that we are on the same side. We have to kill many soldiers.
walker thinks that the 33rd may have gone rogue, though he does not believe that Conrad is still in charge of them. Walker wants to find Conrad.
we enter a large hotel like area and find that the 33rd are rounding up civilians, and not for a party. We enter the fight and have to work our way down through many floors of fighting. It's fun, with good gunplay. Eventually we reach the bottom and an emplaced gun is pinning us down. We are shown a route to flank it and take it over. We are attacked by many soldiers as we use the emplaced gun. We are going to be overrun and are shown that we should shoot the windows. This lets in a huge weight of sand which almost fills the place, killing the remaining enemies. We see the people, who are anguished and still angry at us, even though we just saved them.

mission 6
We come out onto dunes again, a signal is received, it comes from a CIA agent who appears to be being tortured by someone. It may be a trap designed to lure us in. We go anyway.
We fight through a gym area, again fighting Americans.
We come out through a window and a crane has been used to make a bridge between two skyscrapers. We have to get across, however there are snipers here we have to take out with a handy sniper rifle. Across the crane we meet heavy resistance and fight through it.
We then enter a hotel area and have to fight waves of enemies. Crazy knife guys are a new type of enemy here. Basically charging at you waving a knife.
We zip line to another building.
Walker tells us of a reporter who was a friend of Conrad. It seems from a piece of Intel we find that certain Arab authorities knew the storms were coming and hid the news from the populace.
We open a door and find it is a room filled with sand, we are pushed back over the edge of a drop and fall tumbling wildly out of control for quite a distance. I am fairly sure survival of this kind of punishment would be impossible, though it's a game, let's give it some leeway for dramatic license. Walker is separated from the others and finds himself with enemies approaching.
It just asked me to change the difficulty, I hate that.
This is a survival box with around five minutes time on the clock. It is quite a hard one.
We then move on in search of the signal. We fight through a junkyard type area and come to a locked door. We have to use a turret to defend while our helpers open the door.
Once inside we find an area filled with rotting corpses. We come into lobby of what looks like a bank, filled with sand. At the top of the escalators is a body hanging by it's feet.
It turns out to be the CIA agent Daniels who we have been heading towards. It seems that the screams of torture being broadcast were recorded, as this man has been dead for a while. It is a trap, soldiers pour in and voice comes over the radio. It seems that the trap was indeed baited for other CIA agents. However it has caught us and we now have to escape. It seems that the actual target is going to be our savior. Gould Appears with some C4 and blows things to bit, we now have to fight our way out. We progress until cut scene shows a helicopter appear and start shooting. We have to run until a cut scene shows us nearly being blown to bits.

Mission 7
We see the gang patching themselves up and licking their wounds in a broken down building. They move into a new area, which seems to be a very aquatic themed hotel. The CIA agent comes over the radio and tells us that he was sent into Dubai in the aftermath of the storms to find out what the situation was, just like our team was. He found the 33rd fighting amongst themselves and the civilians. Gould doesn't know where Conrad is, he has no knowledge of him. We come back out into the city streets. There is the sounds of fighting.
We find the CIA led civilians fighting the 33rd. We also see a lot of soldiers hanging from lamp posts. The radio chatterbox who seems to be in charge of the 33rd tells us that he remembers us now. He also tells us that he isn't the only one.
We have to fight through some heavy enemy held positions. We find that Gould has been leading the refugees into battle with the 33rd and they have been coming off worse. We walk through an area knee deep in dead rotting corpses. We then find that the 33rd are using a napalm like weapon on the refugees.
we come to a cut scene, one of the 33rd's officers is questioning Gould who has been captured. The officer thinks that Gould is providing a distraction for Riggs.
He begins  killing civilians to make Gould talk. We appear to be getting a choice here. To save Gould or help the civilians, only I can't see how to make the choice.
I blunder in anyway, I can't even see where the civilians have went. I kill the 33rd men and then more pour in. We have to hold against them until we are the last ones standing. A handy emplaced gun is my friend here.

Mission 8
Once done Gould dies in cut scene without telling us anything more. We find a map on his body indicating the CIA and refugees thought the city gate was of significance, worth dying for. In cut scene the two grunts have an argument about how screwed things are. Walker has to intervene to break them up.
We come to a balcony and find we can use the white phosphorous mortar on the massed 33rd troops below. There is some doubt in the men, Walker overrides them.
We use a camera system to bomb the troops, it is like shooting fish in a barrel.
We move down through the carnage, badly burnt troops struggle to crawl in the flames and we shoot them to put them out of their misery.
One of the men asks us why, he tells us that they were helping. Inside a tent we find the bodies of a large group of burnt civilians. The civilians that were being herded earlier. The grunts argue again, it seems we have killed just as many civilians as the 33rd right here, right now. We move on and fight our way up a hill and into a base of the 33rd. We clear the room then go up some stairs. The stairs a lined with pictures of people.
In the room we find some soldiers tied to chairs, they have also been burned alive. The voice of Konrad comes over the radio, he remembers walker. It seems that Konrad might be behind all of this and may even be as mad as a bag of ferrets that have been shaken and set on fire. To be honest, this isn't a big surprise. I kind of expected Conrad to have went all Apocalypse now.

Mission 9
We are given a choice, Under a bridge two men are hanging by their wrists. A civilian who stole water. The soldier sent to catch him who in the process killed his family of five. Konrad has judged them both guilty. Both are to be killed. He asks us to choose which one committed the worst crime. It seems we can either kill the civilian, or the soldier or choose to ignore the test and fight through the gauntlet of snipers. I don't think I can save the prisoners, but I do manage to kill the snipers. Konrad isn't pleased and it seems we are back on the death list. We move forward and are ambushed by a large group of soldiers. We fight through them and then a sandstorm starts, complicating the issue. we move on until we find a tanker and hide inside it until the storm is over.
walker tells Konrad that Dubai will be evacuated and he will be relieved of command.

Mission 10
Walker thinks that Konrad will have set up his base in the tallest tower in Dubai. That appears to be the destination. we find Riggs and his civilian militia fighting with the 33rd. I intervene and save him. We then see a cut scene where Riggs and Walker chat.
It seems that Rigg's plan was to get in and cut off the 33rd's water supply. The other assault was a diversion, with Gould trying to make sure that enough of the 33rd attention was taken up to give Riggs a chance.
We are now going to help Riggs, though we are attacked again fairly quickly by the 33rd.
we move through an office type building fighting.
Riggs reveals that there is a building called the aquatic coliseum, which has a large quantity of water. We have fend off an ambush in the office building, then fight through a parking garage.
We are now in the aquatic centre, Konrad tells us that Riggs isn't here to save anyone, he is there to bury the truth along with the bodies.
We fight through many levels of a square building with the trucks that are our objective at the bottom. We spiral down through the levels fighting the entire way. This is fund and there really needs to be more of this.
We reach the bottom and take the trucks. Riggs appears and drives off with one, saying he will see us when he sees us.

Mission 11
We are now riding on the side of the truck, defending it from attack by the 33rd, trying to get them out of the city. We have a grenade launcher, and this is an on rails sequence.
Eventually it is over and the truck are knocked off the road and blown up. Walker is hurled into the wreckage and sees Konrad approaching him. Konrad tells him that the city will begin to die of thirst in four days and it's all our doing, not his.
Walker wakes up and frees himself from the rubble. We find civilians trying to grab as much water as they can from the wrecks. In cut scene we find Riggs trapped under the cab of the truck. He is in a bad way, and likely to die even if he were in the best hospital in the world. He tells walker that he did this to erase the problem, just as Konrad suggested. That if the world found out what the 33rd had done here, then the Middle east would have went to war with America. He did this to kill everyone and make sure that when the rest of the world does get into the city there is nothing but dead bodies left over. Riggs asks Walker to put him out of his misery. I shoot him, he deserves it and it's putting him out of his misery.

Mission 12
We are alone and have too find a weapon. Soldiers are dropped from a helicopter and we have to kill one for his gun then kill the rest. We then come into a shopping mall. We find Lugo held at gunpoint and have to save him by sniping the enemy. we then have to make our way through the mall. We are separated by the balcony style environment. Sometime we are helping Adam's and Lugo, at others they are helping us. We get trapped in a room with a juggernaut, which isn't fun. The lights keep going out and the game uses the darkness to move the juggernaut's position. Which is cool and edgy, but also a cheat and annoying.
Once through Walker reveal that he plans to use the broadcast system that Konrad is using to tell the civilians to evacuate the city. We now a long sequence where we protect Adam's and Lugo from enemies from across the balcony. They have to reach the top of the area to zip line across to us. Once done a cut scenes shows Walker interrogating a captured soldier and finding out where the radio is being broadcast from. It is coming from the top of the Trans Emirates building.

Mission 13
We move across rooftops using zip lines and fight enemies and snipers along the way. At the end of a zip line it appears that Walker meets a man he knows, and then has to kill him.
We then come out onto a rooftop and have to snipe men on the other side before zip lining over. We are now on the right building and near the broadcast station. We move up to the rooftop penthouse and find a journalist named Darden, who is running the radio. He let's us use it, Lugo kills him in cold blood without our orders after he turns the radio over to us. Walker begins to ask the population to prepare to leave the city. Konrad tells us that he has already tried and half the cities population are dead because of the attempt. He sends a helicopter in to attack. Lugo remain in the penthouse to cover us and we go to get the helicopter for ourselves. We have to go back the way we came, and get back out to the helicopter, fighting the whole way. We then get aboard and have to use the emplaced gun to cover Lugo as he makes his way to us. We then take off in the helicopter once he reaches us. We then hover around the rooftop which is filling with 33rd reinforcements. We blow the place to bits, bringing down the top of the glass tower on the enemies.

Mission 14
We are now back at the start of the game, we repeat the helicopter emplaced guns section.
Walker wakes from the crash and hears music. He appears to be dreaming, a flaming tower is ahead and he is marching through a red hot desert with dead and dying people sticking up out of the ground. Konrad tells him that there were 5,000 people left alive in Dubai that morning, how many are alive now? How many will be alive the next day.
Walker awakes and finds himself in a sandy crater with wrecked yachts in the distance. Adams is trying to get him on the radio, there is no sign of Lugo. We have to fight to save Lugo who is surrounded by enemies at the crashed helicopter. Once we have saved Adams, we have to go after Lugo, we fight our way through some boats that are grounded in the sand.
We have to survive in a sandstorm again and then make our way through to the other side of the boats. Lugo is sounding distressed, we have to race to his position. We find him hanging by the neck, with a group of civilians chanting around him. we cut him down and try and save him. He dies and we have a choice, take revenge or not. I tried to be good and not shoot the civilians. They punch or stone you to death. Maybe if I had actually had more bullets I could have shot over their heads or something. I didn't, so I had to kill one of them to get any progress. we are now one down and coming for Konrad. We are fighting through heavy forces now. There is a section where a bomb comes in and we have a vision type sequence. The line between reality and madness seems to be getting thin for Walker.
We are fighting into heavily militarized and well defended territory now. This isn't streets and hotels. It's a well built fortress. We are entering the armory of the 33rd.
It takes me quite a few attempts to get into the building. A heavy guard appears at the door as we do. We move inside the bunker and fight our way up onto the rooftop.
Here a cut scene starts, we are surrounded by reinforcements and helicopter gunship arrives. Adams is ready to fight on, Walker suddenly want to surrender. Adams knocks Walker off the roof and starts fighting. We are told to run and we hear lots of explosions behind us. Walker is knocked off his feet and unconscious.

Mission 15
We start walking towards the tower. Entering the sumptuous lobby, filled with aquariums, filled with sharks. Up the stairs a group of the 33rd handover the city to our control.
We are to meet with Konrad upstairs. I go up in an elevator and enter a penthouse suite fit for a king. Inside we see Konrad, he is painting a huge canvas of the woman and child burned earlier by Walker.
Konrad goes behind the picture, and we follow. Here we find an old and dead Konrad, in uniform and shot by his own hand it seems. The younger Konrad appears behind us.
It seems that The voice of Konrad has been a voice in Walker's head alone. The radio with which he has been hearing him has no battery. The choice of two people in the desert was between two corpses. Walker has been hallucinating. It seems that the 33rd let him up to see Konrad in order to stop him killing even more of them. Maybe all the soldiers were hallucinations also. The spectral Konrad appears again and it appears we are given a choice between shooting ourselves or shooting Konrad. I accidently shoot myself. The game is over and Dubai is left to rot with no water.
The credits roll.

10 hours
515 Achievement points

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