Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

The game wants to install a chunk of data to give me an enhanced audio experience.

I start the campaign, I am given the usual three choices of difficulty. I choose veteran which I assume is the equivalent of medium.


Left analogue stick        Move Character
Right Analogue stick        Move Camera
Left trigger            Aim   
Right trigger            Shoot
Left bumper            Use Items
Right bumper       
Y                Switch primary and secondary weapons
X                Reload
B                crouch/Prone
A                Run
dpad    up           
    down            change to night/magnetic vision
    left            select next item
    right            select next item
Clicking right stick
Clicking left stick

Mission 1
The game starts with our character riding in a jeep with a few other soldiers through slum type areas. We move out into dirt roads in an almost desert like region. The jeep is part of a convoy. There is an explosion and the driver of the vehicle is shot, the vehicle then appears to flip.
The view shifts and it seems that we are not the characters in the jeeps, we are Ghosts about to attack this convoy.
We see crosshairs draw a bead on a group of enemies then we are prompted to fire by pressing the right trigger. Our group then abseil down a cliff above the road and we are moving towards the downed convoy. we get control and have to take out the enemies.
Once done a cut scene starts. We get into the back of the  truck and find something that looks to me like a nuclear bomb. The team are happy to find it, though that does not last long as the bomb starts making noises. The handler tells us to run for it and the bomb goes off. This is devastating for the team and it looks like they are all done for.
Have to comment on what looked like some Unreal engine type lack of textures in the cut scene.
Then the game appears to have crashed with a black screen, this isn't impressing me much.
It's crashed, I have to reboot and repeat the mission from the point where we rappelled down the cliff.

Mission 2
North America Fort Bragg.
A Ghost team is boarding a plane, we can see the coffins of the dead team being unloaded from a plane nearby.
A briefing type video plays. The bomb passed through many hands to get to where it did. Once of those hands is a man named Gabriel Paez. He claims not to have known what the bomb's target was. The ghost team are to contact Paez and help him defect.
Our team arrive at the rendezvous and it seems that unfriendly attention has been beaten the team to the location.
Paez is reached on his cell phone and will guide us to where he is hiding out.
We move out into the street and scatter the civilians with our tooled up military appearance. Further down the street we find some armed men, we throw a sensor grenade, which tags all the men on our hud display, making them visible as yellow outlines even when they are behind cover. We have to take out the group, then move on.
We come to a market square and find Paez, he is attacked by enemies and we have to take them out.
A helicopter comes in to try and pick up Paez, though it is shooed away by enemies trying to fire rockets at it. We then have another set of enemies to keep away from Paez in the streets. He escapes into a bus and we move on. we come to a room where we have to breach in a Rainbow six Vegas style. We then fight some more and move up the hill passing a lot of civilians. We have to take on a truck with a mounted gun then a man with a rocket launcher.
We then have to sneak past a group of enemies, we can take them out if none of the others can see, through we raise the alarm if we are seen or a body is found.
We then come to Paez's safe house and find that men have found him. We have to breach in and kill them. Paez is now taken out of the house in a diamond formation.
We now have what amounts to an on rails section where we move through the market being attacked and have to get Paez to Safety.
Eventually we do and the mission ends..

Mission 3
We now find our three heroes, 30, pepper and Kozak on a destroyer having some down time. They are getting their gear on and we see their stealth suits in action for the first time. These are light refracting suits that make the person almost invisible when standing still.
We are now in Africa, in Zambia, a warlord named Macaba has been implicated by Paez and we need to find out where he is getting his weapons from, this will help us find the nuke's source.
We are told about magnetic view which will show up enemy guns, mines and hidden weapons caches.
A cut scene shows some of Macaba's men attacking civilians, we prevent a rape by melee killing the rapist. We are now ready to move into this desert like environment.
We move towards a village that is burning and find some men holding villagers at gunpoint. We can tag them and stealth kill to make sure that no civilians are hurt.
We move on to the next outpost and have to go prone as three emplaced gun trucks go past dangerously close. We move into another village and repeat the same procedure. We now move to a ridge and find a huge refugee camp.
We ask for a sat scan and it find Macaba in the camp. We have a contact who can help us in the camp. When I find him he is being hassled by four thugs. We have to line up a sync shot, which means we assign our three team members a thug by hitting right bumper when they are in our sights. When we take the shot on the remaining one the others do also.
We then get into a truck and we take a ride into the camp. We are told this will be a stealth mission. We have to move through the aid camp setting up sync shots to kill the guards. We then find Macaba, we are told to follow him to his HQ. I now have to follow Macaba, and take out his soldiers as they leave his company. It is quite fun to watch him send someone to do something, then send your team to take them out silently as soon as he turns the corner.
Macaba talks on the phone in cut scene, we hear that he is angry about a delay, his next weapon shipment is coming in by air and has been delayed. We are  told to take out Macaba.
We then head for the airstrip, the plan is to take the plane and pull it's data recorder. That way we will know where it came from.
We now have to approach the plane, This seems quite easy at first, picking off the stragglers, however as I get closer to the plane it seems harder to not be seen. I am not sure if it's possible to pull it off. Anyway, the plane starts to move when you are seen and you have to shoot at it's engines while avoiding being shot by the men left on the ground. The plane seems to be getting away, when I am told that it is going down. It has crashed close to the refugee camp. We now have to go back, as we do a sandstorm which has been threatened hits and we have to use the magnetic vision to see what is happening. We move back to the camp and have to move through it in full open firefight, which is aided by the enemies not being able to see much and us being able to see everything in shades of black and blue. We get through the camp and come to the crash site. Here we have to take out some enemies who have came from the camp. we then move into the crash site. We have to hold it until the cavalry can come in helicopters. Enemies on foot and in vehicles attack from all sides.
Once we have survived long enough the mission ends.

Mission 4
Gulf of Guinea, Kings mountain destroyer.
The data from the black box has led back to Nigeria, a private military company called Watchgate security has been providing security for oil companies in the area. It seems they are up to more than that. They appear to be running missions to destabilize the region.
We are to meet up with a CIA operative called Daniel Sykes in the area.
Our new gadget on this mission is a UAV and a bipod for our gun.
We start in a river near a shack, some PMC men are killing villagers.
We have to use the UAV to scout inside the shack and find out the enemy position. We then get ready to breach. Inside we shoot most of the men and grab one, he is interrogated for the position of the CIA agent. He tells us and then we knock him out.
We move through the village in open firefight taking out PMC soldiers.
We come to a large refinery and ask for a sat map. The exact location of the CIA agent can't be found. We must go in blind and find him. There is an enemy gunship on radar and we are given a jet as backup.
I move up and have to use the drone to target a squad of enemies. Then move into the camp. There are an awful lot of men in the compound. I am not sure if I need to sneak or just go in guns blazing. I target four men playing football, then take out the rest in an open firefight.
We now move up to the container which is being used as a makeshift cell for the agent. We go inside it and make sure the tied up and hooded prisoner is our man. It is and we leave the container with him. This leads to an on rails section where we escort the vip as we are swamped by enemies. A gunship arrives and we must call in the jet to give an airstrike. This clears the area of remaining enemies and the gunship, we then get inside a hangar and take stock. We are to move to the extraction point. On the way the agent tells us that he has Intel stashed in a car in the north part of the village. The Intel is of significant importance that we need to go and fetch it. We get to the extraction point where a helicopter takes away the agent, we are to go back for the Intel. We now have to move through a heavily enemy populated area. I try and take out as many as possible using the drone to mark the targets and the team to snipe them. However, I am seen and it turns into a firefight. We now traverse the bombed town looking for the car. We have a firefight with enemies and a helicopter. Then find the car. As we wait for extraction the helicopter comes back and we have to take it down with an emplaced gun. We are then extracted.

Mission 5
Back on the destroyer we see our guys have an angry spat with grunts.
We are going to Peshwar in Pakistan, to grab an arms dealer implicated by the CIA agent Sykes. The new toys for this mission is a drone that can land and become a remote controlled car and also emit a sonic pulse that can stun enemies for a few seconds.
We also gain Flash-bangs.
We start on the rooftops and have to move in on the house where the arms deal is taking place. we are to grab only the seller, the buyer is to be left to the Pakistani forces who are helping us. We move forward and take out all the rooftop guards. We come to a skylight above the room where the deal is going down. We have to fly the drone in, land it and drive it into the meeting. We then set off the sonic pulse and breach inside. Once we have the buyer we find that the seller has not turned up. The cell-phone of the buyer is used to trace the seller. We find that he is being chased by the Pakistani forces. We have to go and grab him out from under their nose without being seen. Complication matters is the fact the the Pakistani and the enemies forces are involved in a gun battle in the crowded streets. we move up the street and find heavy enemy resistance and some rocket fire from a nearby building. Eventually we reach the vehicle and breach it. The seller is gone and a bomb is waiting for us. Narrowly escaping with their lives the gang are picked up for extraction.
The dealer has been traced, she is a Russian named Katya Prugova. we are sent  to her location as she flees the scene for the border to Afghanistan.
This starts as and emplaced gun section from a helicopter. we have to shoot escort vehicles and not engage the target vehicle. Once the escorts are down an enemy helicopter arrives to cause trouble. when it is downed, we focus on the dealer, bringing the helicopter in close makes her crash her car. We then get out of the helicopter and try and find her. Enemies flood the area quickly making a difficult fight. Once we have cleared the enemies we can go in and grab Katya.

Mission 6
The trail leads to Russia, we are heading to a derelict weather station in he Arctic, which has been appropriated for use by the bad guys.
We see the ghosts identifying themselves to a robot walker type thing, which seems to use an a.i. The warhound is it's name, we also get EMP grenades.
We find ourselves in the snow, with almost zero visibility, this means we are to switch to magnetics again. I come across a small camp and take out the group of enemies. We move onwards and find a motor pool, they have a tank here, which we must take out. We have to use the warhound, which makes short work of the tank. We now are in a fight with the hornets nest that is stirred up. I use the warhound to take out vehicles that arrive and shoot the men who swarm out to engage us. We move down into the camp and through it.
We have to target an antenna with the warhound and blow it up.
We then encounter another outpost and fight the enemies here. The warhound makes it a fairly one sided fight.
We come to a larger base and another one sided fight. We have to kill everyone and then get into a boat which is used to travel to the next location.

The game crashed here and I had to reboot twice. I realized that I was downloading a trailer. The game seems to have issues with background downloading and connecting to the severs for the DRM. Poor show Ubisoft.
Eventually I get the boat ride to the next area over with, after about an hour.
we come to an underground complex, there is a large nuclear submarine docked here. We have to complete the mission in nine minutes before the base can be put on lockdown.
We have to rush along the dockside and kill lots of enemies. Eventually reaching a computer room where data is hacked and uploaded to the handlers. We then have to progress into a cavern type area that is revealed to be up ahead. We take the elevator.
We have to fight some men, then some helicopters using the warhound on the surface. We come to the entrance of a complex. Inside we find a large hanger filled with large rockets. We place a c4 charge and then have to get out in under three minutes. As we leave a helicopter and enemies make it hard. Once we get to the safe distance the complex blows and the mission ends.

Mission 7
The CIA NSA and DEA have all pooled their data on this and we are led to a Russian airfield where the missile guidance system is due to be transported.
A group called Raven's rock Dhrugiva are in charge of the weapons deals and they must be shut down, since they appear to be as well armed as a large country.
We get night vision goggles as our new gadget.
We start in trees and have to sneak in using out night vision. Tanks and soldiers pass, I try and clear them, though it seems the key to this part of the mission is to just sneak past them. Inside the base we find a group of men in a square area, we must kill them without being seen. This takes some timing to avoid any of the six or so men seeing the others falling as you snipe them. The drone comes in  handy.
We enter a tunnel and find large fans, we have to use the drone to get to control panels and fry them with it's sonic pulse.
We now come out onto an airfield and have to cross it. Then take on some more enemies without raising the alarm. This goes on for around five groups of enemies.
We have to use the drone to get through some more big fans.
We now have to plant a bomb on a plane, then fight some enemies in a hangar. We meet some shield carrying enemies here.
we now come to an emplaced gun section on top of a jeep as we run around aimlessly on the runway, nearly getting hit by the plane we just planted a bomb on.
We pass through the wreckage of the plane and into another area, which turns out to be a sewer we sneak through.
We come out into a large area where we meet waves of enemies, then a tank. It's fairly confused and a bit glitched.
Eventually we are allowed to airstrike the tank and the mission ends.

Mission 7
A bomb detonates over London, we see the incident from the point of view of tourists caught in a storm of broken glass. It seems that this was actually a nuclear strike, though an anti-missile system managed to disable the nuke, but not the delivery system, which is what we saw exploding.
The Ghost team is being sent to Dagestan to find out what has happened to a Georgian special forces team that has went missing in the area. This is believed to be something to do with the rogue nuke launch.
We start in a woodland, logging camp type area, moving towards the last know location of the Georgian team. we encounter resistance in some bombed out buildings and kill them.
We move onwards and make contact with the last remaining man from the Georgian team. He is pinned down and enemies are getting close to him. We have to fight through a small town like area, taking on waves of enemies. There is some kind of interference going on and the electronics are going a bit crazy at times. Someone is hacking the system and ghost images of fictional enemy targets start appearing. We progress through the area and find some more enemies to fight on the way to a large church with a circular fountain outside it's main doors. We go inside the church and have to breach a room, we save the Georgian soldier inside this room, he joins us as we leave the church, we come under heavy attack inside the church and outside. Rocket launchers are used enthusiastically by the enemies.
We have to move through the streets under heavy fire and eventually get to a quieter part of the town.
We then move back into a square type area where we killed some enemies earlier. We are going to wait for a helicopter to extract us here. As we wait we come under heavy attack, the helicopter is shot down and we are attacked by a tank as well. The Georgian soldier is hit during the battle and we have to go to his aid. The tank shoots in cut scene and we see the men diving off a bridge to escape the tanks fire.

Mission 8
We see the Ghosts limping back to base, wounded and demoralized. Things are happening, one of the Ghosts asks a grunt and is told that there is some kind of coup going on in Moscow. Raven's rock have staged a coup and taken the Kremlin. A general named Bukarov is in charge of the military side of the coup. The ghost team is to secure drilling ships in the Norweigan sea to aid the Russian forces in taking back the Kremlin.
The boats are to be found on ice flows and we have to sneak into the back end of one of them. This is a really annoying sneaking section, with an awful lot of enemies in one complicated area. Alerts seem to come from nowhere and it takes me an awful lot of swearing and retries to get into the boat. Once in the boat we can shoot as much as we like. Which makes it more annoying that we couldn't before. I think the doors being closed is the reason, though it is a poor one. We then have to move through the ship fighting. At one point a lockdown procedure is started and we have three minutes to stop it. This means we have to storm our way through groups of enemies up many flights of stairs.
We then hack the controls and stop the lockdown.
We come to a large open area and clear it of enemies, then we enter a basin type bay on the ship and are ambushed. This is a hard fight as we are surrounded from higher ground and there are a lot of enemies. I then fight through more of the ship until we reach the helipad. We get picked up and we have some emplaced gun fun taking out a convoy on the way to the next ship. This ship is attacked using helicopters, we simply have to shoot a lot of men and then a helicopter to end the mission.
We see a captured prisoner being interrogated by one of the Ghosts. He does not talk, though tattoos he has betray his origins.

Mission 9
We are to ambush Raven's rock forces to ease the pressure on resistance general Alexei Douka. We start in a wooded area and move through shacks and logging areas killing enemies.
The general is being harassed by artillery, we are hoping to find the locations of the artillery guns and take them out. We reach a compound and attack, inside we find some artillery documents. We are then attacked by a BTR and have to use turrets nearby to take it out.
The Ghosts contact the general and tell him that they will take care of the artillery.
we now progress through a village fighting and plant C4 on an artillery gun.
Then rinse and repeat. We then have to reach the extraction point.
We tell the general that he is clear to attack. We then have to move through a graveyard where we encounter snipers and another fight near a church. we move into a river and follow it, some enemy trucks pass overhead as we hide under a bridge in cut scene.
We then have to fight through some more areas. we come under attack from a tank. a glitch here sees one of the a.i helpers getting stuck in scenery and halting the mission, needing a restart from last checkpoint. We are pinned down by the tank and many enemies in a small building. we have to survive for a minute and then guide an airstrike down on the tank.

Mission 10
Christ this game is full of glitches, another blank screen crash between missions.
I can't get past it, seems to be a recurring game breaking fucking glitch.
Again it seems to be to do with background downloading.
We see a cut scene of one of the faceless drones in some kind of space ship being dropped from the atmosphere. We are off to extract the Russian president form the black prison.
We must make our way through what looks like a construction site using stealth alone. Then inside the building we have to use the drone to deactivate a security drone.
We then have to sneak around the complex a bit more and then back outside. We come to a door with a retina scanner and in cut scene grab a guard to make him open it for us.
We then hack a computer and have to place four beacons. The need to be stealthy is gone now and we can shoot the place up to our hearts content.
I fight my way into the cell blocks and have to search cells using the drone. Eventually finding the cell with the president inside and then getting him out.
We then have to fight our way back to a lift to the exit. In the lift the bombardment starts and we come out onto a surface that has been bombed.
We move through the bombed base killing stragglers who have survived and then head to the extraction point. We have to stand and wait for the copter and fight until it arrives. We then are extracted.

Mission 11
We are attacking along with the Russian resistance in Moscow, in a support role. We move along a street and have to clear a square that is guarded by a tank, any bodies found while taking out the groups will alert the tank and get the team killed. Once done we enter a building then climb to the top. Here we have to counter snipe enemy snipers who are waiting for the president to come out and address the rally. We now have to proceed to Bhukarov's headquarters. We fight across a rooftop which fills with troops from a helicopter. We then have to work our way along an enemy filled street. We then have to use a grenade launcher to blow up an armored vehicle. A convoy is being sent to intercept the crowd of demonstrators and we have to engage it. several Armored vehicles and troop transports arrive and we have to kill them all.
we then enter an office building and have a shoot out in the offices.
We then go down a lift shaft and sneak into the area where Bhukarov is.
We breach in using C4 and then have to kill Bhukarov. The mission ends with a newscaster telling us that the general was killed by his own men.

On the destroyer the Ghosts are celebrating. The next mission is to go after the leadership of Raven's rock.
They are meeting in a countryside compound, we are to go in and clean them out.
We start on approach to the compound and make our way in shooting the guards at the gates.
We then have two groups of hostiles to take out, some them are the high value targets.
We then move to a larger house where there is a helicopter. we have to kill the HVT's before they can escape on the helicopter. We are then ambushed and have to clear a wave of enemies also equipped with invisibility suits. We then have to go after the last few enemies.
This becomes a headlong chase filled with enemies to get the last two targets. If you don't move quickly they get away, if you do move quickly they get away. Fucking hell this game is bad. I forget all pretence at playing as a human being in a firefight and just run for it.
Eventually I reach the final scene which is a kind of on rails sequence like the earlier bit where we were escorting people. We storm into a rail yard, killing everyone and eventually reaching the last target, who we haven't seen before, yet are supposed to hate.
He seems to think we won't kill him, despite already shooting and wounding him badly. The handler calls telling the ghosts to stand down. They argue, it's cliché. We are told to take him alive and not kill him. The wounded man is left on a train track, he can't get up. A train comes and kills him. The Ghosts have followed orders and done the right thing.

Game over at last. The credits roll.
310 achievement points for one play-through on medium.
Around 15 hours playtime.

The game decided to install the enhanced audio experience again for some reason after and update patch. I couldn't stop it from doing it and eventually had to relent and let it install it again rather than have to skip past it every time I played the game.
At one point starting from saved all I got was a blank screen, I had to turn off the Xbox.

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