Thursday, October 24, 2013

Assassin's Creed III Notes

I am asked to enter the U play passport code.

I choose single player, there are Three save game slots available.

A cut scene recalls the previously on Assassin's Creed history. The narrator of the cut scene reveals himself to be Desmond's father. He tells us that his son ignored his heritage as an Assassin. He was then captured by Abstergo industries, who are the modern day face of the Templars. They used Desmond to find artifacts left behind by a precursor race they are calling the ones who came before. These people had much more advanced science than we do. However they were unable to prevent a disaster that wiped them out. A few of their gadgets still exist and a device called the animus was used to look back through the DNA memories that Desmond carries. He is the current descendent of a long line of important assassins.
Desmond lived through important events in Altair and Eizo's lives in the animus and found the location of the apple of Eden, which is a powerful weapon. Now the end of the world is close and only Desmond can find the information necessary to help us avoid the same disaster that befell the precursor people. He must follow the trail of clues to learn what he must do next.

Desmond is in a van with the other assassin's staff. They stop the van in a country location near a cave entrance.
I get control of Desmond outside the van. I follow the others into the cave and come to a graffiti covered wall. There is also some precursor design on the wall. A socket looks handily ready for the Apple. Desmond puts the apple in and the door opens in cut scene. I enter and come down to another door. This one also opens for the apple. Desmond slides down  a gravel slope into a long corridor. There is precursor design on the wall. Desmond places a glowing block sitting on the floor into a another block, which activates the system.
A doorway lights up, it seems to be leading to another place, possibly some kind of Star gate or teleportation device. A voice tells Desmond that he needs to find a key. He sees a man and the collapses.
Desmond has been placed in the Animus by his father and friends. He tells his father that Juno, the precursor woman wants him to find a key.

Now I have a tutorial.
I am reminded how to move and climb. Also how to kill from above.
I am told that the new world is settling in and that a mission is forming. I find myself dressed for the part and a man begins walking beside me. He talks about the opera. I come to a door and I can now start the mission by pressing B.

Mission 1
I find my character in the lobby of a grand opera house, there are many other people milling around, it seems waiting for the show to start. I go into the theatre and take my seat. I am sitting beside someone, it seems we have a job to do, and aren't here simply to enjoy the opera. I am told to use eagle vision to find my target. I find him in a box. I need to find an alternate way up to the box as the stairs are guarded. There is a ladder nearby. I can now move freely and go to the ladder. I then climb up the facings of the theatre and clamber along the boxes, hopefully nobody can see. I move until I reach the stage and then enter an empty box, which leads backstage. A lock must be picked, this is done by rotating the right and left sticks and them spamming the right trigger.
I now have to cross the stage to get to the box I need to be in to find my target. This is done by simple clambering. I reach the door of the box and a cut scene starts. It seems that the person I am playing is called Haytham. The man seems to know what is coming and does nothing to avoid his fate. He tells Haytham that he should have came to him. Haytham then kills him and takes an amulet from around his neck. There is a small boy in the box as well. Haytham tells him to be quiet then leaves. Two women pass him as he does. I get control again. I now have to follow markers to leave the building. As I do, quietly and casually the murder is discovered and a commotion breaks out. I maintain my pace and leave by the front door. In cut scene my carriage awaits. Haytham leaves the opera house studying the amulet.In a pub an Haytham give the amulet to someone who tells people that the amulet is a key to a store left by the ones who came before. Haytham is given the mission to go to America and look for this store.

Mission 2
Aboard a large sail ship, far out at sea. Haytham writes in his journal then goes for a walk. I must move through the below deck area and go up onto the deck. Here I must move close to some crew. They start to take the Mickey out of us. One of them starts a fight. I am taught the basics of combat.I have to spar and then learn how to disarm an opponent. The Captain appears and breaks up the fight. My characters is called Kenway, I thought it was Haytham. I have to follow the Captain to his cabin. He fears that the crew are going to mutiny. He asks that we intervene on his side. I go back to my cabin. A cut scene shows Kenway looking at his books. Time moves on, we see Kenyway and the Captain talk again. The Captain thinks that things are coming to a head. Kenway thinks it is time to get to work. I have to investigate the crew. I speak to a crewman who tells me to speak the cook. He tells me that the crew are complaining about rations. He tells us to speak to someone called James. I speak to James, he tells us to come above deck. James tells us that some of the men are gathering on the upper deck at night. I now have to reach that area. I speak to the man at the wheel, who has not much to say. A noise can be heard, splashing, someone is throwing cargo overboard. I have to go and investigate. I go below and find a barrel. Three others have been thrown overboard, nobody is nearby. I have to go back to my cabin to end the day. More time passes. Kenway thinks that the crew are leaving a trail so that another ship can find them. Pirates maybe. The captain tells us to get below deck, Kenway has no sailing skills and is of little help in a ship to ship fight, he reluctantly agrees. Down below we meet one of the men who was at the earlier fight with the crew. He reveals himself to be on whichever side is opposite to Kenway. It seems that the ship belongs to the bad guys. I am not sure whether Kenway represents Assassin or Templars yet. I kill the man named mills and then a cut scene shows us explaining what happened to the Captain. The Captain is ready to give the other ship Kenway. Kenway threatens him with death if he does not sail into a storm that is coming. Time passes and both ships are in the storm. The rigging has come loose and I have to fix it. I have to tie several ropes around the ship, then climb the mast and let a sail unfurl. Lightning strikes and brings a mast down. James is left hanging by a rope. I have to rush over and rescue him. More time passes. I speak to the Captain, he tells us that we have arrived. There is a thick fog. The captain tells us to climb to the crows nest to see. I do and we can see the coast.

Mission 3
Kenway gets off the ship and is met at the dock by a man called Charles Lee. He takes me to a general store. We meet Benjamin Franklin, who is writing an almanac. He wants us to find his missing pages. I must go into the store and buy a sword and a pistol. I buy a normal sword and a flintlock pistol. I leave the shop and now have to ride with Lee to a place called the Green Dragon. This is a hotel of sorts and we have rooms booked. I follow Lee upstairs to meet someone called William Johnston. Johnston knows the area well, however his maps and notes have been stolen by bandits. We are to try and track down these items from the bandits. The scene flips to the countryside. I speak to Thomas who Johnson has sent to find the items. He is stymied by the fact that the bandits have a fortified base. I have to attack it. I have to shoot the lookout. I can then climb up to his position. I can loot his body. I then pick up a musket. I have to shoot the guards at the same time the others take a shot. Reloading is a slow process. I move on, I fail the stealth here, it does not matter. I just have to kill at the guards. I come to the gates. A gunpowder barrel is shot to get inside. I find the chest we are looking for. Men try and stop us leaving. I kill them and then give their leader a warning to pass on to the enemy. I now have to escort Charles Lee who is carrying the chest. Groups of enemies attack and some snipe from rooftops and need to be shot. Eventually the mission ends and a cut scene shows us back at the Green Dragon giving Johnson the chest. Kenway shows him the amulet and asks if he has seen any marking like it. Johnson tells us that he will get to work.

Mission 4
Thomas is drunk, Johnson is getting nowhere. Thomas tells us about some Indians who are being held captive. Charles tells us to speak to a Benjamin Church who may know something about this.The Indians may be key to learning of the precursor site. They after all know the land better than the colonists. I leave the Green dragon and find Charles outside. speaking to him starts the mission. A cut scene shows us knocking on he door of a house. Charles breaks in. Mister Church is missing. We now have to find him. Kenway cuts a portrait's face off and we now have to find him. We must do this by spying on neighbors. I have to go close to two tattling people and listen to their conversation. I have to do this without rousing their suspicions. I can blend in with other groups of NPC's. I must now synchronize by climbing a tower, which I have never really understood the reasons for other than game play. I climb a church and synch. Then have to listen to three more conversations about the Surgeon. seems he has been taken to attend to some injuries, maybe against his will. One of the conversations is two moving guards. I now have to go to the waterfront. I come to a guarded area, and I am not good at stealth. I kill all the guards. I then have to steal a key from a guard. I screw this up too but I still get to keep the key. A cut scene starts, We see Benjamin Church being beaten. Someone called Silas is taking protection money and it seems that Church wasn't for paying. Silas orders him killed and leaves. we get to kill the three left to do the deed. Kenway tells Church to walk with them, the mission ends here.

Mission 5
Church tells us that Silas Thatcher is a commander in the Kings troop. We have to recruit someone called Pitcairn to help us now. We approach a fort and Charles tells the guard that Kenway is a new recruit. I have to follow Charles, then we find Pitcairn getting into trouble for deserting. Kenway intervenes, but the commander, while grudgingly aiding Kenway is not going to back down on this issue. We are escorted out. Kenway has another plan. We now have to follow a patrol that is escorting Pitcairn as a captive. I have to keep them in sight but not too close. Once done Charles start a fight with them and is chased. I have to follow then fight the guards. Pitcairn is freed and I make an enemy of the guard captain.

Mission 6
Kenway plans to enter the fort and kill Silas, also to free slaves at the same time. We have to attack a convoy first. We place a cart in the road in cut scene then ambush the convoy as it stops. The gang dress in guard uniforms. Kenway rides on the cart, speaking to a native Indian woman. We arrive at the fort and are challenged. I can use the gang to assassinate groups of enemies. Then we reach the gates and are let inside. I have to now free captives while remaining undetected. Three sets of people in stocks have to be set free by stealth. Guard captains will suspect the normal guards go about their business. Being detected fails the mission. Once Done Silas puts the fort on alert and I am suddenly fighting. I think I have to get up to his position and kill Silas. There is a bit of a sudden jerk here. Silas is the target among the fighting and killing him ends the mission. If you fight there seems to be an infinite amount of soldiers. Church kills Silas in revenge.

Mission 7
Kenway has hoped that the Mohawk leader would make contact, they haven't. He is looking for the Indian woman he spoke to. The season has changed, it is now snowy. I meet Charles at the Green Dragon and he tells us that the Indian woman has been causing trouble at a nearby town called Lexington. I have to make my way to the edge of the city and enter the frontier. I travel to Lexington and meet with Charles. He tell us that the Indians have a camp nearby. I ride with Charles to the location. I then have to follow a trail in the snow from the empty camp site. I find the woman setting snare. Kenway approaches but Charles shoots a wolf which was about to kill the woman. She is scared and runs. I have to give chase. She moves through the trees quickly. I am ambushed by wolves and have to kill three with QuickTime. Then I chase her once more and catch up. She laughs at our attempts to communicate and knows English very well. Kenway shows her the amulet and she has seen something like it before. She says that the place is a secret. Her name is Tio. She asks Kenway to follow her. She tells us that Braddock, the soldier who has no love for Kenway is killing her people. Kenway tells Tio that he will kill Braddock for her.
I am sent to a tavern called the Wright tavern. I have to eavesdrop to learn that Braddock has left for a forward camp. On leaving the tavern as instructed a guard starts a fight. Once done Tio tells us to meet her at the camp when ready.

Mission 8
I meet Tio in the woods at the waypoint. I have to sneak into the fort. A cart is about the enter as I approach and I can sneak into the back of it and get let into the fort interior. I am told to sabotage two cannons. I also have to listen to a conversation. This tells us of a map I need to steal. If I am detected the mission fails. Once the map is stolen I have to return to Tio.

Mission 9
Five months later at the Wright tavern the gang are all assembled. Tio appears and tells us that it is time. I ride out to meet her and other Indian leaders at a rendezvous point. We lie in wait to ambush Braddock.  Kenway wants to disguise himself as a soldier and get close to Braddock to kill him in person. I have to attack a small camp and steal a uniform. If I do this without alerting the guards there is a bonus. I now have to ride into the middle of the army and find Braddock. I do so. A cut scene starts and Braddock flees with Kenway giving chase on horseback. I catch up and a cut scene shows us about to kill Braddock when someone shoots Kenway's horse. Tio saves Kenway and I am now chasing Braddock on foot. I catch him and kill him. Tio is asked to keep her part of the bargain which she does by taking Kenway to a precursor site. The site looks like the same one that Desmond is actually physically inside. The door key is the apple of Eden. Kenway knows his ring won't open the door. He is disappointed. Tio and he share a kiss here. Back at the Green Dragon, Kenway tells Charles that it was not the right place. Kenway tells the gang that they need to set up a permanent base. He invites Charles to become a full member of the order. As the induction speech progresses we learn that Kenway is not an assassin, but a templar.

Desmond is surprised and comes out of the animus to chat with the gang. His father continues to be irritating. There is a need for power in the temple, we need to find the precursor equivalent of new batteries. I can see a precursor ghostly image, when i move over to her she vanishes. I accidently go back into the animus. I think I was supposed to do more in the temple, but never mind.

Mission 10
Haytham and Tio have had a son, Connor, I start as a young Connor playing with other Indian children. I have to follow them. I go up out of the village into the woods and the children want to play hide and seek. Connor draws the short straw to be it and has to do all the seeking. I have to track them by sniffing footprints. Once all four are found it is my turn  to hide. I have to find a haystack and hide in it. A cut scene starts, Charles Lee and the rest of the gang, san Haytham Kenway appear and aren't very nice to Connor. Lee appears much more villainous than before, they all do. They ask Connor to give a warning to the tribe to give them what they want. Connor threatens vengeance on Lee and is knocked out. He wakes later and i have to return to the village. I find it burning. I have to make my way to Connor's mothers, only to find her trapped under collapsed wood. She gives Connor the amulet and tells him to go. Someone else pulls him away as the building collapses.

Mission 11
It is now nine years later, Connor is a teenager, he and a friend are out hunting for feathers to be used in the village. This is a tutorial for the tree running. I have to climb up to an eagles nest and get a feather. As  I reach it an eagle knocks Connor off into a haystack. Now I have to hunt a hare and skin it. I use the bow to kill a hare, then have to skin it. I have to check clues to learn where to place snares. I then have to sneak up on a deer and kill it. I use bait to bring it right up to a bush I am hiding in and kill with with a knife. I then have to gain five more kills and skins to progress. Varying the methods will gain rewards. I go back to my friend and a cut scene shows him being chased by a bear. I avoid it with QuickTime then run for it. Back to the village.

Mission 12
Connor is summoned by the Chief. It is explained to him that they are not joining the other tribes at war because the land of the village is sacred and must be protected. Conner asks what is so important about the land. The chief gives him a glass orb, which glows and reveals a vision from the precursors. She tells him that this is a nexus, where paths are decided. Connor is flying in the form of an eagle, high in the clouds. I have limited control. The precursor woman explains that Connor has a link to the past and the future. The path he is on is not correct. She tells him to seek out the assassin symbol and seek training. The chief agrees to let him go and releases him to leave the tribe with blessing. She gives him something from his father.

Mission 13
I travel to a place called Davenport homestead, a large farm. Here I meet a man called Achilles Davenport. He is an Assassin and a mentor. Connor knocks on his door and asks to be trained. The door is slammed in his face. Rain starts and I am told to take shelter in the stables. I stay the night there. The next day I have to go back and knock on the door. I am not to find another way inside, when the door is ignored. I try the back door, Achilles tells us to get lost. I go up onto the balcony and he knocks us down and tells us to go. Time for another night in the stable it seems. I go and some men appear, it seems that they are here to cause trouble. They attack Connor. I have to kill the group of soldiers that appear. Once done a cut scene starts. Connor quizzes what he thinks is the last man. It isn't and Connor is hit from behind by a large man. Achilles appears and kills the two remaining men. He tells Connor to clean up the mess then meet him at the house. Achilles tells Connor the story of the Assassin's. He tells us that he has something to show us. I have to follow him. The farm is in a decrepit condition. we go into a secret passage Here we see the robes of an assassin and weapons. Achilles shows pictures of the templar, Connor's father at the top. They must all die, especially his dad.

Mission 14
It is six months later. Achilles has been training Connor. I meet him at a carriage. He has decided to do something about repairing the house. I am told to get in. We go to Boston. Achilles gives him a list and money. He tells him that he might pass for Spanish, and needs a new name. He gives him the name Connor. I go to the shop, the shopkeeper is dubious of our ability to pay. Once he sees the money he is more co-operative, though I sense that he might try and swindle Connor. I have to go back to Achilles. There is unrest in the street. The British seem to be the target of some ire. Haytham can be seen lurking, talking to a man. Achilles seems to think that the unrest is being stirred up by Kenway. Achilles tells us to follow the man that Kenway is speaking to. I do and he goes up onto a rooftop with a gun. It seems he is about to shoot someone in the crowd sparking a riot. I kill him, however, Charles Hill is on another roof and completes the job. The riot starts and we must escape. After escaping the soldiers I have to return to Achilles. I find a man called Adams at the waypoint. He tells us that everyone is looking for Connor due to wanted posters. He tells us to clear them away. I have to get rid of two posters. Then go back to Adams. He bribes a town crier to tell lies. I have to shut down the printing press that is doing the wanted posters. Addams tells us to go by tunnel. I head to a tunnel entrance. Now this is a game play mechanic, though not the best. I have to find my way to the exit, following the rats and lighting torches. Once I find the locked exit I have to lock pick it, a stick twiddling mini game. I get to the printer and he is bribed to change the poster. Sam tells us to leave the city. He takes us to the dock, where we can get a ship to fast travel to the Davenport base.

Mission 15
At the farm I speak to Achilles. He gives us the hidden blades. A man bangs on the window, someone is in trouble and needs help. I follow a man called Godfrey. A man is floating down river on a log. I have to chase and catch him before he falls over the edge of the falls. This is quite a nice sequence. These men will now aid the farm. Achilles tells us to meet him down at the shore. There is a wrecked ship in the small bay. We meet an old drunk captain. The ship is to be repaired, we need the lumber. I have to go back to the farm and have to learn about the ledger. We have to manage the lumber, and traders from this menu.

Mission 16
Six months later and the ship has been restored. It seems we must go on a naval mission to get a cannon and some new sailors for the ship. I have to drive the boat, which steers like a GTA IV car. I can got at half sail or full sail and stop. There is also some rogue winds to deal with. I have to steer past some rocks and other ships then head for the dock. A cut scene  shows us in a bar hiring men. Connor sees one of the Templars and starts hassling him. A man with him knows Faulkner, our captain. There is nearly a fight, but it is broken up by the barmaid. Back at the ship the guns are installed. I imagine we are going to be given a chance to use them. Right enough it is time to try out the guns. There are cannons and smaller guns. I have to shoot at wrecks, then British ships appear. I have to sink three small ships, then a big ship. Back at the farm I am finally given the robes of an assassin.

Mission 17
Desmond is brought out of the animus. A precursor battery has been found in Manhattan. We take the van. Desmond has broken into the basement of the building. we have to make our way through the innards of the ducts and then out onto the side of the building. It has half built and this is a fun if vertigo inducing parkour tour de force. Eventually a crane at the top of the building is reached. Desmond is going to base jump onto the roof of a smaller skyscraper nearby. I jump and have pull the chute then land on the roof. A cut scene shows Desmond finding the precursor rubix cube in an office. A man called Cross appears and asks for the cube. Desmond knocks him out. It turns out that Cross used to be an assassin, he was also a double agent. We can search around the precursor site for a place to insert the batteries. I can speak to the gang and hear some story sound bytes. I find an new part of the temple on exploring. A vision from Juno tells us that the precursors sought to build a device that would absorb the energy of the incoming solar flares harmlessly. However they ran out of time to complete the device. She leaves a trailing hint that machines may have been completing it after they died in order to save us. I climb higher and find Juno again, she tells us of attempts to build a force shield around the world which did not work. I find a socket for the battery and insert it. This opens up a new area of the temple. I find Juno again, she tells us of a device which looks like the apple of Eden. It is used by a group and their will can be made real using it. The precursors sought to make a device like this that would focus their entire race's thoughts and wish away the threat. It did not work. Again another encounter with Juno, it seems that Minerva, one of the other precursors who have spoken to us may not actually be friends with Juno. It hasn't occurred before that there were factions among the precursors, maybe with conflicting ideas about what should be happening.

Mission 18
Connor is shown a new rope dart weapon by Achilles. A native Indian comes to the farm and tells Connor that men have came to his village and told them they have to leave as the land has been sold. Connor obviously want to go and do something about this. We have to go to Boston. I meet Adam's in Boston, he takes us to a meeting, on the way we see men trying to evict a man from his house. He starts fighting with the soldiers and we have to help. I then have to go on to the meeting. I meet a man named Molyneux and the man who we helped earlier who is called Stephane. A the meeting we learn that a man who is smuggling tea is planning to buy our village land. If we stop his tea smuggling business he will not be able to buy the land. I have to go to the docks and destroy the tea. There are three crates of tea too be destroyed in as loud or as stealthy a fashion as you care for. Now I have to go back to Stephane. When I find him he is angry at finding he has been robbed. He is going to go to the dock and cause trouble, by hook or by crook. Connor can't stop his rage so we have to escort him to the docks fighting all the British soldiers on the way. at the Dock we can not tell Stephane to assassinate someone for us. He goes over to the leader of the tax collectors and kills him. Stephane pledges allegiance to the assassins.

Mission 19
Connor challenges Adams, who tells him it is time to dump the tea overboard from the ships. I start at the docks and have to defend the group as they dump tea overboard. Soldiers pour into the area to run interference. I can help dump the tea overboard as well. Once done a cut scene shows Charles Hill watching in the distance.

Mission 20
I have to go back to the farm and speak to Achilles. He isn't pleased that we didn't kill Johnson, only robbed him of funds. Six months later a warning comes from the  tribe that Johnson is back with the money. I learn of a meeting Johnson has called to discuss matters with the  Indian chiefs. I go to the meeting. Johnson does not take the native refusal to roll over well and order his men to kill everyone at the meeting. I step in and massacre everyone.

Mission 21
Johnson is dead, now it is on to the next target, Pitcairn. Connor does not like it that he has to kill these men, though he realizes now that the templar resources can't be easily thwarted any other way than through bloodshed. I have to go to Paul Revere's house in Boston. We meet Revere, he roused an army of the sons of liberty and wants our aid in fighting Pitcairn. We join Revere for his famous night time ride. Where we have to go to a house and warn the rebels. Then we have to repeat this three times. I then have to go to the town of Lexington. We meet up with Adams and he ask that we help him defend the town while Revere goes on with his warning mission.

Mission 22
I have to meet A man named Parker who has a small force of rebels. Pitcairn appears with a much larger force and half of Parker's force run away. He gives us a letter and asks that we take it to the leader of the rebels in Concorde. I have to leave him and the rest of his brave men to be massacred. I have to ride against the clock through the countryside. When I get there the rebel leader is a sarcastic gentleman named Barrett. I give him the letter. I learn that Revere has been captured. I now have to aid in the defense of Concorde. I do this by riding between groups of musket men as the enemies approach a bottleneck at a river. I have control over their order to fire and must ensure that the three groups keep firing at targets as they advance. Once enough of the enemy are killed the mission ends and I must speak to Barret again.

Mission 23
Connor is attending a meeting where George Washington is speaking. Charles Lee is there, Adams has to stop Connor from killing him there and then. Connor is introduced to Washington. The target is still Pitcairn, Adam's tells us to find a man called Putnam. I travel to the waypoint and find a scout, who I have to follow to Putnam. When I find him I find his soldiers under heavy bombardment of cannon fire from ships. We have to disable the ships to get Putnam to help us find Pitcairn. I have to swim out to two ships in the bay. Get aboard and plant explosives. Once done I must raise an American flag on the mast.
I must then go back to shore and ride following a solider back to Putnam. He gives a rousing speech and the battle is joined. Putnam shows us that Pitcairn is at the back of the British forces using a telescope. Connor tells Putman that there is no other choice but to cross the battlefield head on and take him out. I cross the firing line and then into the trees and sneak up on Pitcairn. With him dead we learn that they plan to kill George Washington.

Mission 24
Connor chafes against Achilles and they argue. Connor is introduced to a man called Tallmadge, who wants us to help him find a man called Hickey in New York. I travel to New York and meet Tallmadge there, he asks us to ride through the city with him. Hickey is involved with counterfeiting and we see a man trying to use counterfeit bills and being rejected. I now have to follow him. I tail him and eavesdrop on him twice. He finally leads us to Hickey. Hickey runs and we have to give chase with guards after us. I eventually catch Hickey. In cut scene we chat, though police arrive and arrest us. Connor is knocked out cold.

Mission 25
Connor wakes up in a cell. Hickey is next door. Hill and Kenway arrive to let Hickey out. Hickey tells them that Connor is the assassin. Kenway tells Hill to deal with it. Hill tells Hickey that he plans to kill two birds with one stone. Time moves on and I have to eavesdrop on some inmates conversation. Someone is planning to escape. A guard comes to the cell and tells us to follow him. I am led to the communal area where I find a man called Weams who has a plan to escape. I have to play a game with him, but it is not important, you don't have to win or even it seem care where you place the pieces. Weams will help, he had made a key, but someone called Finch has stolen it. I have to pickpocket him. I then go back to my cell and find that it does not unlock the door. Next day I have to find Weams again. Now I find that the plan was to swap the false key for the wardens key. The warden never uses his key, but would notice if it was gone. I have to start a fight which will get me sent to the pit. The pit is overseen by the warden, which will give me a chance to swap the keys. I have the fight and get sent to the pit. The warden lectures handily near enough to be stolen from. I then get out of my cell using the key. I have to sneak through the prison until I find Mason, he sends us to where Hickey is being held. I get to the cell and  find the warden dead. Hill and Hickey appear, they plan to frame us for plotting to kill George Washington and the warden.

Mission 26
Hickey has us taken to the gallows, we are not even to be given a trial. I have to walk out towards the hangman. on the way evidence that we are about to be sprung is seen. Assassins kill guards and Achilles is there. Connor is hung, though Achilles is waiting to cut the rope. Hicky is heading to kill Washington. I give chase and stop him. Putnum stops the guards from killing us. We are set free and now are going to follow Washington to Philadelphia. Desmond is pulled from the Animus, another battery has been found in Brazil. 
I start the mission getting off a subway train at a stadium. I haven't got a ticket, so must sneak out the side door exit and find another way into the stadium. The guards are Abstergo agents. I must sneak past a series of checkpoints set up to find Desmond. There is some climbing and some sneaking through side areas of the stadium to be done. I then come to a box and have to climb right across the stadium using the rigging. I come to a box and find a woman being shot by Cross. Looks like we are too late and Cross has the battery. I have to give chase. I then have to fight bare knuckle with guards and Cross. after that the train is being held for me and I have to make it to the metro train as fast as possible. Once done the mission end and I am back at the temple. I can insert the battery or go back to the animus and Connor. I insert the battery, a new set of stairs is revealed.
A voice tells Desmond that their salvation is sealed for us, as it was too late for the precursors. The key is needed and the past is the way to find it. There is also some chatter about something being alive in the temple.

Mission 27
I go to head back into the Animus and a cut scene starts. Sean finds another power source in Cairo. Desmond wants to go get it, his father tells him that he will. Time is running out to find the key. He thinks that Desmond's time would be better spent in the Animus.
Back with Connor, he and Achilles are arguing. Connor thinks Achilles' inaction is getting him nowhere and wants to go and speak to George Washington. When we find them, there is no word of lee. Supply carts have been going missing. A man named Church has been sending troop strengths to the enemy. we must try and find him. I go to an abandoned church looking for Church. Inside Haytham Kenway is waiting to ambush us. The pair talk, Haytham tells Connor that the Templars do not seek to help the British, they don't care. Their methods may seem more mercenary than some but their goals are to create stability and further their own interests which aren't so evil in the end. Haytham tells Connor that he is looking to punish Church, and that Connor wants the supplies. Their task here is one and the same. Kenway proposes that they fight now or get on with the job. Connor agrees, Church has cleared out of the Church, it seems Kenway was too late to ambush him. Connor thinks that he can track Church. I have to analyze clues. I find crates with rations clothing and food.  Then cart tracks in the snow. I find the cart then have to chase the driver. Whom Kenway promptly kills. I sense a trap. I now have to catch up with the convoy. I hide in the back of a truck and eavesdrop. when the truck arrives I have to eavesdrop and kill guards as two men walk around the camp talking. A cut scene shows Haytham has deliberately got himself caught and brought to the camp boss. I now have to save Kenway, then have to fight a group of enemies. Haytham is gone when I finish the fight.

Mission 28
I travel to New York, Kenway meets us and tells us where the supplies and Church are now. I have to follow kenway across the rooftops. Again Connor asks questions, again Haytham tells him the the Templars seek order where the Assassins seek freedom. The freedom to cause chaos as Haytham puts it. He asks Connor to consider who really benefits from independence and revolution and what has changed, especially for his own people. We now need to get into the area. Connor will need to steal a uniform. I have to find an off duty mercenary and steal his clothes. Kenway uses a password at the door and we are let inside. Haytham asks after Connor's mother, he is surprised to hear that she is dead, or a good liar. Inside we find a trap, Church has left in a ship for Matinez already and left men to ambush us. I have to fight them all. Once done the building is set on fire and we have to climb out. Haytham is knocked down by collapsing barrels and we have to save him, then save him again by bursting out of the burning building. We must now use our ship to chase Church.

Mission 29
I find myself at sea in the ship, having to navigate a tight channel in an island chain in the Caribbean. We come to a bay and find the ship we are looking for. A ship makes a run for it. I have to give chase. I eventually reach an area where our ship is too big to follow and have to go around. The ship emerges with escorts and we have to destroy the escort ships and then use chain shot to bring down the other ships mast so that we can board it. Once alongside we attack and go onto the other ship. I have to kill officers in the battle to finish it. I go below and find Haytham beating the hell out of Church. Connor asks him where the supplies are. He won't say and we have to execute him.

Mission 30
Back at the farm we speak to Achilles. Connor tells him that a temporary alliance with the Templars and his father may be beneficial for now. Achilles does not disagree, nor does he approve it seems. Connor is leaving for New York to speak with Haytham again.

Mission 31
I find Haytham in New York, The Templars are in the dark it seems. Connor suggests finding out who the loyalist commanders are. I now have to follow Haytham to a meeting. We eavesdrop on the meeting. Haytham is frustrated by the lack of information. He decides to capture the leaders and interrogate them. I have to kill all of their guards. Once done Haytham ties up the three leaders. One escapes and Connor is made to chase him. I escort the captured man to a fort and he pleads for his life on the way. Inside the fort, I have to lead the man, pushing him every few paces to a marked doorway. Inside Haytham questions him politely and the soldiers spills his guts. The British are planning to march on New York from Philadelphia on June 18th. Haytham kills the soldier as he has already done to the other two. Connor suggests that there was no need. Haytham leaves.

Mission 32
I meet Haytham in the frontier wilderness. George Washington is here. Connor tells him that the British are marching on New York and Washington plans to intercept and ambush them. Haytham picks up a letter from his desk and reads it. It shows plans to attack native villages. The reason being that some natives are working with the British. Connor takes this badly and falls out with both Washington and his father. He leaves them both with a warning that if they cross him again it will be as enemies.
Messengers have been sent to a squad to tell them to attack the village. I have to stop the messengers before they reach the soldiers camp. This is a really annoying mission. There are three sets of messengers to deal with. The first two are easy, the last in on a horse and almost at the squad when you spawn him in. If he gets to the camp the mission fails and you only have a very limited time to stop him. I found myself wrestling more with the mechanics of the game and the ropey horse control than my own skill. If you fail you have to repeat the boring first two sets of messengers. Poor check pointing and drawing attention to how hard it is to work out how to kill a man while on horseback is not the way to impress Ubisoft. Once the last messenger is killed you have to avoid the camp and head to Connor's village.
In the village I find that some of the natives have went with Charles Lee to fight the Americans. This is obviously a Templar plot to annoy Washington and make him fight a war or two fronts. The natives and the British. Weakening his ability to win the war with the British. Connor goes after the men and Lee.

Mission 33
I find a group of patriot soldiers in the woods. This is the battle of Monmouth. I meet a French General LaFeyette. He tells us that Charles Lee has been here interfering. British soldiers can be seen advancing in large numbers. LaFeyette needs to regroup. Connor tells him that he will hold this position until he can. Some men are given to aid Connor. I am using a cannon here and have to kill as many of the groups of British soldiers that are advancing as I can in three minutes. Now I have to fall back as we are being overrun. On the way back to the rally point some surrendering soldiers are being shot by British. I must intervene and save them. Back at the rally point I meet LaFeyette and Washington. Connor tells of Lee's treachery. Washington is told by LaFeyette that Connor speaks the truth. Washington wants to investigate officially. Connor is disgusted and he tells Washington that he will kill Lee if Washington does not and walks away.

Mission 34
In the present Desmond is pulled from the animus. His father has been captured and Abstergo want the apple in return for him. Desmond goes to Abstergo and walks in the front door, this does not seem to be a good plan. I walk through the foyer and am stopped by guards. I have to fight them. Desmond gets into an elevator which traps him. I leave by the roof and climb up the shaft. Then fight some more guards. I move through the building, scientists cower and hide. Guards attack. I follow the corridors until I come to a room with an animus. Cross attacks, with a gun, he has Desmond trapped and as he is about to shoot him he appears to be seeing things and his head glows at his temples. He runs away, which seems to puzzle his templar masters. I give chase until I reach a large open area which cross runs from me randomly in. I kill him and a cut scene shows Desmond getting back into the trap lift. Doh! I reach the sixth floor unmolested and fight my way to the bosses office. Inside a group of guards and Desmonds father are with the boss. He asks for the apple and Desmond produces it and makes the guards kill the boss and themselves. I then have to leave the abstergo building, using the apple to massacre the masses of guards that stand in the way.

Back at the temple I have to install the battery that was found with Desmond's father.
On the way to the install point I find more visions of the past from Juno. She shows us one where she had to kill her own husband. They tried to possibly upload his consciousness into a machine so that they could live in the poisoned world after the disaster. It failed and he begged her to kill him. Another vision shows her talking of being able to upload into a machine, but being unable to get back into human form. This was also abandoned. I then find the battery slot and insert it. The bridge to the blocked off area of the temple is now fully assembled. All I need it seems is the key to turn off the force field. It is time to go back to the animus and Connor.

Mission 35
Time has moved on, Connor is gunning for Lee, who has been exposed as a naughty boy and now not welcomed by the patriots. Of Haytham there is no sign, he appears to have vanished. Achilles is unwell, in bed, possibly dying. He tells Connor that he must kill Lee and his father, there is no other way. Lee is in fort George, which is a very secure fort. Connor wants LaFeyette to Bombard the fort from the sea to create a diversion for Connor to get inside. 
The mission starts with Connor joining the admiral of the fleet to discuss what his role will be in the battle. Connor and the Aquila are to prevent British ships heading in to flank. I have two ships with me and we must take on a whole lot of British ships. Once done I have to follow the ally ship. Our ally is sunk by an unseen ship in the distance. It is a huge man o war. I am told to ram it. I do and Connor goes over to board it. On board I must kill the captain. Once done a cut scene shows Connor shooting the powder store of the ship. I then have to make a dash quickly to get off the ship. The mission is over. I must now speak with the admiral, who owes us a favor. He agrees to shell the fort when we signal.

Mission 36
I use tunnels to enter the fort. I have to find my way to the right entrance in the maze or sewers. Once done I meet allies and then come up through a well inside the fort. I must light the signal flare. I cross the guarded area, climb the tower and light the flare. This begins the attack. I must now get inside the fort and kill Lee. Connor is hurt in the cannon fire. He still looks for Lee though. I am told to avoid guards and Connor is limping, the screen is red as if I am near death. In cut scene Haytham attacks. He tells Connor that Lee is gone. Connor can't attack directly due to his injuries. I have to counter Haytham near  objects which I can push him into and hurt him. Once done Connor kills him in cut scene. Haytham does not have the amulet. The voices of Desmond and the gang can be heard expressing disappointment. Some time later Connor can be seen putting on his war-paint and I must go looking for Lee. He is found speaking at a gathering.Connor pretends to caught and is brought before him as a prisoner. Lee sounds angry, and threatens that he will destroy the patriots and Connor's people. Lee tells him that he will keep him captive and let him see his people slaughtered. Lee tells him men to cage Connor. They take him around back and begin to beat him up. This is a mistake, I now have to fight them. Once done I then go around the front and kill more of Lee's men. One of them tells me that he has gone to the harbor once I win. I must now make my way there. Once there I must swim out to a massive boat that is anchored in the bay. It is so large that there are houses on it's deck. This ship is called the HMS Jersey and I must climb up the side undetected. I must then climb around and eavesdrop on the captain twice to finish the mission. I learn that Lee is going to be at a meeting in two days time at the Green Dragon in Boston.

Mission 37
I go to the Green Dragon, inside Connor hurts a man until he tells us where Lee is. He is at the harbor, I have to go there. I have to use eagle vision to find Lee. When I do he sees me and runs. I have to give chase. I follow Lee into a boat that is being built, however there has been an accident and it is on fire. I have to clamber through the boat after Lee. There is no leeway for failing a jump and the price is starting the mission from scratch, no checkpoints here. Once I catch up with Lee, in cut scene both fall through the deck. Connor is impaled and immobilized. Lee takes a chance to monologue and gets shot for his trouble. Connor passes out and comes to a little while later. He leave the boat and I have to find the harbor master. Lee has escaped again. This is getting monotonous.

Mission 38
I appear in Monmouth at a house. I have to go inside. I find lee at a table having a drink. Both are mortally wounded. Connor has a drink with him in silence then kills him. He takes the amulet and leaves. Looks like Connor's wounds weren't so bad. Back at the Indian village we see Connor take out the precursor artifact. He speaks with Juno who is cryptic as ever and basically tells Connor he has done what she needed, and to hell with his needs and his peoples. She tells him to hide the key well. The precursor device then self destructs in his hand. Connor buries the amulet in the grave of someone called Connor Davenport. Desmond leaves the animus and tells the gang he knows where the key is. We see them at the homestead digging it up. back at the temple I head to the door and use the key. the barrier fades away. Inside we come to a device. Juno appears and urges Desmond to touch it. Suddenly Minerva appears and tells us not to. Juno is a rat after all. Minerva tells us that Juno sought to use their machinery to save herself alone. They stopped her and cast her out. Minerva tells Desmond that the world cannot be saved now, due to the Templars and assassins arguing over the relics there is no time. Juno buts in and suggests that it is Minerva who is the villain. Juno urges her to tell Desmond what will happen if they don't go with Juno's plan. Minerva tells them that the sun will do it's thing, causing massive volcanoes around the world. This will decimate civilization. Desmond will emerge from safety in the temple and begin building the world anew. He will become a Moses like figure and see his words turn into a religion. Beginning the cycle of life again.
Minerva and Juno argue, Desmond seems intent on not taking the option that will repeat the cycle. He tells  everyone to go and seems intent on following Juno's plan. The world is engulfed in aurora borealis. The flare occurs. The world is saved by Juno's plan.
Desmond collapses. Juno appears and monologues, telling us that it now time for her to play her part.
After the credits we see Connor tidy up the homestead and burn any effects of the order. He takes his tomahawk out of the pillar. I get control back, so that I can complete any side missions.

Play-through took 17 hours
460 achievement points

Homestead mission
I find farmers in frontier territory being terrorized by British soldiers. I save them. They pledge to move to the homestead and farm there instead.

Homestead Mission
The two farmers are now on the farm, the woman is missing. I have to go to a marked area and find three clues. I then find Prudence being attacked by a bear. Killing the bear, I then have to take her to heer husband, carrying her all the way. She is out gathering evening primrose for fertility. The farm will now have more stock.

Homestead Mission
I find a burglar trying to break into a farm house, I have to chase him and kill him.

Homestead Mission
I find two children, who tell us about a fight, I have to follow them to it. When I come to the fight I have to break it up using an annoying mini-game. I then have to speak to each of the two men individually.
Homestead Mission
I find a woman who has been hurt by poachers. I have to take her to the house. Then go out and kill the poachers, leaving one alive to spread stories not to return. I then have to go back to the house. The woman Miriam will hunt on the land and trade with us.
Side Mission
Achilles tells us to record the going on around the homestead, to help history know the truth.

Naval Mission
I speak to a man at the homestead dock called Peg Leg. He wants trinkets in return for letters. One of the letters I get from him tells us of a man that needs rescued from a fortress. I go to the fortress and have to sneak from one side to the other through a fairly well proscribed corridor route. Then I have to kill four guards and find a scroll hidden in the cells. The ship begins to bombard the fort and I have to run through the blazing fort to escape in a time limit. A fight with enemies must be done during the time limit run.

Naval Mission
I hear reports of British ships harassing trade near Martha's Vineyard. I go and find a merchant ship under attack. I have to escort it to the Vineyard and sink all the British ships along the way. I then come to a fort which needs to be attacked from the sea. Mines are introduced in this mission.

Naval Mission
At sea we meet Amanda, the owner of the bar at Martha's Vineyard. Someone named Biddle is causing trouble and we need to stop him. Firin can be heard in the distance, I am told to climb the mast and see what is going on. A ship is under attack. I go to its rescue. Waves are getting rough and I have to avoid some rough ones. I take out the attacking boats, two of them. Biddles larger ship runs for it. I give chase. Two other boats attack on the way and I have to give up on Biddle and fight them. I take out the two boats and the mission ends.

Naval Mission
I have to save a ship that is under attack from around six smaller boats.

Naval Mission
I have to investigate a lighthouse where some raiders are waiting. About ten of them.

Naval Mission
I have to follow a ship called the saint James out to sea, avoiding rocks, then take on it and some raiders.

Naval Mission
Again, simple combat, no story, three larger ships to fight this time.

Naval Mission
A ship called the Independent is under heavy attack from raiders. I come to it's aid.

Naval Mission
I have to find a pirate ship called the Somerset in fog and rocky conditions. Then sink it and it's escorts.

Naval Mission
This appears to be a more important sea mission. A ship called the Belladonna is waiting for it's escort. It has cargo important to the war effort. I have to escort it. Almost instantly both ships come under heavy British attack. I have to help the Belladonna fight. near the end of the battle the Belladonna is damaged by a British Man o War. I have to sink it myself. Once done we see Biddle on his ship, he gets away, Connor can't leave the Belladonna unprotected to give chase.

Naval Mission
I have to scout the area north of Martha's Vineyard for British privateers. It is stormy here. I find three British ships that I have to sink.

Naval Mission
I have to fight around eight small British ships. Then head to a location and wait to ambush a fleet. I then have to sink around 12 British ships.

Naval Mission
I have to guard a canal entrance, first I must head to a waypoint. This is basically a survive for  the timer mission. Ships enter the canal entrance and you must defend as best you can for three minutes.

Naval Mission
I am escorting merchant ships near the area where an infamous pirate crew called the sea wolves operate. I have to sink all the sea wolf attackers before they can sink the merchant vessels.

Naval Mission
I have to chase down a pirate ship called the greyhound. It leads me through tight rocks then out to meet it's allies where we have a five on one fight.

Naval Mission
I am looking for Biddle's ship, I find it and give chase. It leads us out to sea and two more ships join it. I have to sink the second two ships. Then use chain shot to down the mast of Biddles ship. I then have to board it and find Biddle and kill him.

Naval Mission
We are now after the Orpheus and its fleet. I have to sink five of the fleet to lure the Orpheus out. There are three large ships to fight on a stormy sea. This is not an easy mission. 


Left analogue stick        Move character
Right Analogue stick       Move Camera
Left trigger           
Right trigger            Action mode   
Left bumper            Bring up assassin menu.
Right bumper            Select weapons
Y                use ranged weapon           
X                Attack/draw weapon.
B                Defensive stance/sheath weapon
A                walk faster, push people.           
dpad                Quick selections
Start                Main menu
Select                Map
Clicking right stick
Clicking left stick        Eagle Vision

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