Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tomb Raider Notes

I start a new game on normal.

Mission 1
A young Lara is on a boat, seeking adventure, post graduation.
Later, at night, the boat lurches tipping her out of bed. She stumbles out into the corridor to find the boat is taking on water. Lara finds herself submerged and can't get a door open. She passes out and is saved by a man. She is helped to her feat and we see that the boat has been ripped in half. Lara is beckoned to by a man on the other half. She runs and jumps and is caught, but then let slip into the ocean. She makes it to a beach. She can see some of the survivor and her friend in the distance talking. Lara calls to them, however she is knocked out by someone else.
Lara wakes being dragged along the ground. She is then strung up upside down by her heels. She passes out again. Waking to find herself alone and strung up in the larder it seems. I have to escape. I can swing the bundle around. There is another bundle which I push into some candles nearby, this sets a fire. A wooden spur nearby is caught in the fire. I can then swing the rope attached to my foot into the fire. This sets light to the bindings and Lara falls a good height onto a spike. This impales her right through. Obviously there are no medical staff at Crystal Dynamics to advise that this would have perforated her bowel and likely one of her kidneys. If she didn't bleed to death there and then she would die of associated infection within 48 hours. Lara pulls the spike out, which is even worse for her chances  of bleeding out.
I get control and walk along the tunnel. One of Lara's friends is dead and strung up further along the corridor. I find a torch that I can pick up. An obstacle further along the corridor can be set light to get past. I move through a narrow gap into a room with no exit. I am told to press Left bumper to examine the environment. I see here that there is a way to relight my torch and set fire to a sail which will then chain to the barrier and blow it up with a red barrel set into the barrier. I do this and move on.
As I crawl through a gap and raggedly caveman type grabs Lara's foot. I have to wiggle the left stick to escape him.  The roof collapses a little sealing Lara away from the bad guy for now.
I come through a flooded tunnel to a large room. It is a puzzle room. I have to blow up some barrels that are blocking the exit. There are some cage like contraptions. I light my torch again. I burn two ropes holding a cage in place. This lets a blockage down into the river. This scoops up the stuff that is flowing down it. When I stand on the cage again it lifts what is scooped up into the basket above. I can push this basket down a slide. I set fire to the basket contents and slide it down. This blows up the barrier. I then move on down the tunnels. I now have to run as the place is coming down around me. I have to jump at times also. I come to a gap and the caveman is back grabbing. The QuickTime here is incredibly annoying. The caveman is squished and Lara eventually gets out of the cave. She finds herself on a cliff edge overlooking the sea. many wrecks of ships from different time periods can be seen.

Mission 2
Lara moves on down the cliff. I see the lifeboat, it is empty. Lara tells us that they must have went inland. I cross a tree branch over a gap. I hate that sort of thing. I then have to jump a gap. I move into an area and see a crashed bomber plane suspended halfway up a cliff. I a very borrowed Uncharted style I have to climb up the plane across it and onto the other side of thee cliff. I am shown how to double jump up sheer faces. Lara sees a pack and tells us that it is Sam's. She gets some supplies and a radio from it. I move on and jump a gap. I fall despite my best efforts, though this seems to be the plan. I slide down a slope and find I can't get back up. I have to move on and it starts to rain. I am told to find shelter. Lara finds a little cave and rests. She starts a fire and looks at video on her small camcorder. The video shows an Asian girl called Sam using the camera to make a video diary. Lara thinks she is close to a discovery. We see Lara talking to a lead archeologist. They are looking for an island. Lara thinks they are going in the wrong direction. Lara wants them to go into an area called the Dragon's triangle. The captain rules that they should despite the older archeologists protest.

Mission 3
Lara tells us that we need to find something to eat. She is good at talking out loud to us. I move on and see a deer, however there is no way of catching it. I find a dead man in a trap. He had a bow on him. I find some arrows on the ground. I climb up to the body and get the bow from him. I now have to hunt and kill a deer. When I kill it Lara uses an arrow to get meat from it. I must now return to the camp and cook the meat. I gain a skill point which I can spend to upgrade Lara's abilities.

Mission 4
The captain talks to Lara over the radio. He tells her that she can survive. I now have to find a way out of the forest. I head for the shack near where we found the bow. The door is open now. Inside there is a hatch in the floor. I go down into a half submerged tunnel. I emerge in a room with two doors. Both are locked. I can burn my way through into one room. Here I find a primitive tool called  a pry axe. I can now open both doors. I move through more tunnel and then come to a ladder up into another bunker. I come out of the bunker into the forest again. I find Sam at a fire talking to a man. He introduces himself as Matthias. He says that he is a teacher. He is limping and using a makeshift crutch. He does not look like he came from the boat. Lara listens to Sam tell Matthias about the Sun Queen. She falls asleep. She wakes later and finds that Sam and Matthias are gone. Lara goes looking for them and gets caught in a trap. I have to kill three dogs which appear. Another cut scene shows the crew of the boat meeting up with Lara. She tells them about Sam and Matthias and they go looking for them. Lara is left with her professor friend, his name is Whitman. I get control and am told to go looking for Whitman.

Mission 5
A bag is hanging near where I start, I have to set it alight, a brazier can be used to light my torch. When I burn the bag I get a crate of salvage, which can be used to upgrade weapons. I move onwards and Find that Whitman has found a temple. There are two cogs needed to open the doors of the temple. The handle is missing and we need to find something which can open the doors. I can now spend my salvage points like money in the camp fire menu to upgrade the axe. I do this and then go back to the door. I can now open it. On the other side of the gate is not a temple, but a path. I follow Whitman up the path and we find a statue of Himlico, the Sun Queen. It seems that the freshly lit candles and recent paintings on rocks and doors suggest that she is actively being worshipped on the island by the natives. A man appears behind them as they talk. He tells them that their friends have been hurt. Lara is dubious. A man appears above them with a bow aimed at them. Whitman is told to hand over the gun. He appears to be about to obey when Lara takes aim with her bow. A man grabs Lara from behind and overpowers her. These men appear to be Russian and not very pleasant. Lara and Whitman are taken to a camp where others from their boat held at gunpoint. One of the men caresses Lara in an intimate fashion. One of the boat men runs and is shot. The rest flee and the Russians give chase. Lara is knocked to the ground and told to stay there. The Russians can be seen rushing off shooting at the escaping men. I can now move and have to make my way avoiding being seen by the Russians. They have torches and it becomes a kind of stealth game. Lara can hide behind walls. The QuickTime in this game really is annoying. Lara is seen by the Russian leader. He grabs her, I have to press Y in time or he chokes her. It is bloody annoying, a stupid, stupid game play decision. I eventually kill him. Lara knees him in the genitals and then bites his ear. He drops his gun. We have a button mashing struggle and she shoots him in the head. I get his gun, but it is empty.

Mission 6
A temple is up ahead, the Russians behind. There is no option but to move on. I move on and find some more Russians. A dead man has some bullets clips. I get them and can now shoot the Russians. I head into a temple which is on fire. I have to press Y to kick out a barred Window and come out onto a ledge. I follow it along jumping gaps. I fight some more men, using the bow this time to keep it silent. I then have to climb up a rope ladder up a cliff. I find a large area of temple like building ruins. There are enemies wandering around at random. I fight them then explore and pick up salvage and other collectibles. I find a cave behind a waterfall which has a bag of salvage, I can't find a way to light it through as going through the waterfall puts out the torch. I move into a larger ruined temple and I am told how to sneak up behind enemies press Y then mash X too stealth kill them. I then have to fight a group of them. They use fire arrows and firebombs. I can shoot lanterns down to cause fires. I come to a zip line and use it. I find the Captain, being attacked by Wolves. His leg is badly injured. He tells us that wolves got his pack with food  and equipment. We have to get it back, he passes out anyway leaving us on our own.

Mission 7
I find myself in a new area. A village, I explore and find some salvage and light a fire or two. There is a crashed plane, leading up the side of a cliff. This is the way the mission marker is sending me. I climb up using the plane, which falls after I jump from it. I then enter the wolves caves. I then have to QuickTime fight the wolf after getting the pack back. Now I must return to the captain with the first aid. I find him still alive and start patching him up. He wakes, his name is Rolf it seems. He wants us to take the transmitter from the pack up to the top of a radio tower to improve chances of a distress signal being heard. He gives us a pickaxe type tool from the pack. This allows us to climb certain types of rock face. I can now climb to areas of the map that were inaccessible before. I find an optional tomb. It is a small area with a puzzle. The usual burning of ballast is done to make my way to the top of the area. I find some treasure at the top. A zip line takes me back out. I now have to climb up the cliff face which includes a waterfall. halfway up three enemies need to be taken out. As I reach the top a wooden bridge structure collapses making the only way possible upwards. I then find some enemies to fight before coming to a camp.

Mission 8
Lara looks at some of the video on her camera. It shows footage Sam has taken of the crew. We learn more about the characters seen so far. I move on to an area with a large open courtyard. There is a spotlight moving around. There are guards in the courtyard. The objectives are to sneak around stealth killing the guards and get into the bunker. I then make my way up to a tower and zip line further into the bunker compound. Inside I find some lanterns that I can throw, causing fires. I move through some ducts into an area, an enemy sees me and starts flooding the room I'm in with gas. I make my escape through the duct. I can then throw a lantern into that room  which causes an explosion. I can now move on. I find a machine gun and get to shoot the guy who was trying to gas me. I then move into a room and am ambushed by a group of about ten enemies. The machine gun makes it easier work. I find the control room of the radio tower and find that it is long broken down. I speak on the radio to the others and find that I must patch my signal in using an access panel on the mast itself. I have to climb the actual radio tower. I move outside the bunker via a cramped pipe filled area and then come out onto the mountainside.

Mission 9
I find a camp, or fast travel/shop. Then move across a bridge, an enemy jumps out for a QuickTime fight. I then have a very gunplay heavy section through more bunkers. A boss type shield enemy appears here. I then climb the bunker to the tower bottom and another base camp. Climbing up the tower is much easier than I thought it would be. Although it is vertigo inducing. At the top Lara has to tune the radio, which is done by twirling the left stick. Once done a distress signal is sent and received. We now need to set up a signal which can be seen by the plane which is heading to our signal source. I zip line back down the tower. I move into an old Japanese ruined hangar area. Lara upgrades herself to be able to light a torch using a tool she picks up in the hangar. There are fuel tanks nearby, I open a valve and set light to the fuel. This causes the tanks to blow. The plane can be seen heading our way. Out of nowhere in the clear skies a storm appears and lightning strikes the plane, causing it to crash, and crash into Lara. There is a sequence where she slides down the hill being chased by falling wreckage. The pilot can be seen parachuting in, Lara wants to go and see if he is alright. I jump across some rickety buildings and eventually get to the pilot, just to see him being killed by one of the enemies. A shield guy and I then have to take him on. I move on and find another camp.

Mission 10
I move through a tunnel, our new tool allows Lara to light a torch whenever she is in a dark area automatically. I come to a ledge and Lara is caught in a trap which snags her ankle and drags her upside down. Men charge and I have to kill them. Then shoot at a pulley to get down. Lara takes cover in cut scene behind a crate and picks up a rope. Using arrows with rope tied to them a new mechanic is introduced. Arrows that have a rope attached can be shot into specific points and then pulled on. This is used to knock over a tower and kill the men inside. I then climb up and find a bridge that is out. I use the rope arrow to make a climbing rope across the gap. I enter a door using the rope arrows to pull it open. Lara slides down a slope and I am into a new area. Lara meets up with Roth again. He wants us to meet up with our own group of survivors, however Lara sees that another pilot from the crash has survived, she wants to go and help him. Roth tells her to look after herself first. She feels guilty and disobeys him to go after the pilot.
This is a massive map area, much bigger than most so far. I move around by making new zip lines and rope climbs. A few enemies need to be taken out along the way. I find an optional tomb. Inside is a temple with a heavy wind blowing through it. There are pulleys and a lift. If I use shutters to close off the wind I can then use another pulley to lift up the lift slightly. This allows me to climb on a box and jump onto the lift. When the shutters get blown open by the wind on a timer this then blows me up to a ledge that is too high to reach otherwise. I can now take the treasure and leave.
I negotiate the terrain heading for a blue flare. A rope bridge collapses as we go and I have to QuickTime grab the wall. The pilot is not at the flare. I move on through a cave filled with ancient wall carvings. Lara comes to a bridge, the pilot can be seen slumped at the other side. There is a large temple behind him. As Lara crosses the bridge a cut scene starts. The pilot is badly hurt, nearly dead, and most of all being used as bait. barrels are thrown down onto the bridge and then blown up. Lara runs but is thrown by the blast. Matthias appears and tells his men to kill Lara. Suddenly there are ancient Japanese soldiers all over the place and a huge terracotta warrior. The scavengers are all murdered brutally.

Mission 11
Lara wakes again tied to a hook in the ceiling. The room is filled with skinned corpses. I swing and free Lara. There is only one way out of the room a small crack in the wall. As Lara leaves the large armored monsters comes in to check. Lara moves along a tunnel filled with gore and then slides down a slope to a tunnel filled with more ancient strung up corpses. I grab a trench shotgun from a dead Japanese soldier. The trench shotgun can be used to clear small wooden barriers. Lara finds a tomb, it is the tomb of the Sun Queen. As she does more of the scavengers burst in and attack. I swing a bell in the room using the rope arrow to open a door by hitting it with the bell. I come to a ledge with fierce winds and climb along it. The wooden structure is disintegrating in the wind. I climb into a room and am attacked by some scavengers. I have to open a door in the floor of this room. There are bells suspended high above. Bringing them down on the door will open it. I climb up and find more wind shutters. One at either side of the room. If I open them and then use a rope arrow to pull a bell back the wind and the swing will send the bell hard against the pillars of the room. I have to aim and swing at both pillars. Then open both shutters and aim at the bell itself. This brings the bell down and makes an escape route. Lara falls down and meets the guardian again, it is smashing scavengers around like ping pong balls. Lara flees along a disintegrating walkway and then falls down a shaft into water. I move onwards and out into the mountainside again. Sam's voice comes over the radio. She has been kidnapped, likely by Matthias. It seems that making sacrifices to the Sun Queen may be the key. Matthias clearly plans to set Sam alight in some ritual in an attempt to get off the island. I now have to head down to the heart of Matthias's lair to rescue Sam. I make my way down and fight through some enemies. I come to a fast flowing river. As I cross the river Lara is swept away. I have to dodge spikes in the river and shoot out some wooden barricades. Lara lands in a bomber and has to grab a parachute before she falls through the glass. I then have to avoid trees as she descends the mountain fast. Lara is hurt in the fall and now cannot jump.

Mission 12
I have to make my way through a scavenger settlement and get to a helicopter. I have to fight my way there. In the helicopter Lara finds a lighter and uses it to heat an arrow and cauterize her wounds. I now have to take on the settlement after they find me. Fire arrows and exploding barrels help a lot here. I explore the shanty town and another wave of enemies are thrown at me. I have to use the flame arrows to burn a cloth and wood blockage in a gate and then get through it. I come to a sewer like area, then a tunnel. On the other side I find one of the ship's crew, named Grim, he tells me to come to a ladder. When I do an ambush starts. Wave after wave of enemies pour into the area. Once I have killed them all Grim tells us that he knows where the rest of the crew are being held. I can't get up to him and have to find another way up the tower he is on. There is a cargo lifting system, I will have to find my way up it. I follow the fairly well marked path to a pulley system that leads to the tower. There are enemies to fight on the way. At the top Grim is chased by enemies and vanishes. I have to fight a huge group of enemies. When done a cut scene shows one of them bringing Grim out with his hands tied and a machete to his throat. The scavenger tells Lara to drop her weapons over the  edge. Grim tells her not to and head butts the man. He takes on the group single handed with his hands tied and vanishes over the edge of the tower with one of them in tow. It looks like he can't survive the fall, though I wouldn't place a bet against him turning up later. Lara swears to avenge him. The only way forward is along a rope. As Lara moves along it two enemies appear at the anchor point. They cut it and Lara falls to the cliff and I have to grab on with the axe. Lara is about to be shot with an arrow as she climbs up when Roff uses a sniper rifle to take out the two men. Lara tells Roff what happened to Grim. He will cover her with the sniper rifle as she heads closer to the temple.

Mission 13
A bridge stands between us and the temple. There are lots of guards on top, Roff suggests climbing along the underside. I make my way to the bridge, I move along the clamber path, Roff shoots at the men as they move to intercept Lara. I am told to stop and move by Roff as needed. At one point Lara gets up on the bridge and is grabbed, Roff snipes the man as he does. Lara falls and grabs onto a part of the bridge. I then have to run headlong as the bridge starts collapsing. I make it to a cave on the side of the mountain and enter a tunnel. I find a large gathering of the scavengers, who their leader Matthias calls the Solarii. The children of the sun Queen. He believes that sacrificing Sam will release the sun queen from imprisonment and free them from the island. He makes a signal for a guard to set fire to the pyre under Sam. Lara has to act, she shoots the man with an arrow before he can do so. This causes her to be caught in cut scene, beaten and dragged in front of Matthias. Matthias leers then sets fire to the pyre himself. A gust of wind blows out the fire. Matthias takes this as a signal that Sam is not to be hurt. He tells the men to take her to the throne room and tell other men to kill Lara. Lara is taken to a ledge, she tries to fight, but knows she will lose, she jumps off the ledge on her own rather than be shot first. The men don't know if she has survived. She has and had landed in a lake which seems to be filled with blood and bones. I am guessing the guardian is about to turn up again.

Mission 14
I am left without guns, only my bow. A man is tossed into a room and attacked by what appear to be savages. I enter the room and am left in peace. A gas vent near the door can have it's top screwed off then set fire to open the door. I then have to stealth attack a group of enemies. A vent can be opened and set fire to here to make a crate slide down a hill and make the way forward open up. I move on and find a few areas where I can use the gas vents to wait until the enemies are close and blow them all up at once. I have to use a pulley and gas vent to blow open a door. the gas finally seems to ignite all over the place and I have to run through an explosion filled action corridor to escape the explosions. I come out at a cage filled with the crew and some guards. Lara speaks to the crew once the guards are taken out. I have to find a way to get them out of the cage. There is a vent which when blown knocks a way to get on top of the cage free. From There I can shoot two more vents to swing a pulley that shakes more of the cage free. I then open two vents and use this to send the cage over to a safe place. Lara is left on the other side of the room.

Mission 15
I make my way out of the room using clamber points. The geothermal gases are acting up again and I make my into the temple area, which is on fire. I make my way to the throne room, through a large sequence of burning exploding clambering, fighting and zip lining. I meet Whitman, the senior archeologist, he appears to be free, is he in league with the Solarii. Lara goes on and finds Matthias, Sam and a guard in the temple. Matthias tells Sam that she is chosen and has the power to free everyone from the island. Another guard tells Matthias that the fires are getting worse and that Lara has escaped. He leaves Sam with one guard. Lara shoots him with an arrow and speaks to Sam. Lara and Sam try and leave. Whitman appears and tells them to run, Matthias appears behind him. Guards start to pour into the throne room. Sam rushes into a doorway and escapes the throne room, Lara is left to fight the enemies. I clear the waves then escape the throne room. Outside I have to run through corridors filled with enemies fighting all the way. I come to a courtyard and a man with an emplaced gun starts chewing up the scenery with it. I have to run from cover to cover and get close to him and zip line in to attack. He knocks Lara over back into the courtyard and is about to shoot her when Lara sees a grenade launcher. I get a second or two to hit him with it. I now have the grenade launcher and I can blow open metal gates with it. I fight some more enemies, massacre is more the word, the grenade launcher is fun. I move through a building and blow open the metal grate at the end. I then find Sam being chased by enemies. She has an advantage, they don't want to kill her.

Mission 16
I have to meet up with Sam. I zip line down towards her and straight into a fight. This is a big fight, with many waves of enemies. I am pinned by an emplaced gun and have to get close enough by clambering to fire a grenade into the nest. Lara meets up with Sam, she tells her to head for the helicopter, but not to get on it. I can see a helicopter coming in the distance. Lara seems to think it will not be allowed to leave the island. I climb out of the Solarii compound. As I leave Matthias can be seen standing beside a cannon, he tells his men to destroy the bridges. He fires on his own men and nearly hits Lara. I have to run and jump as the bridge falls around me. Roff can be heard saying that the helicopter is taking fire and needs to head for higher ground. Lara tells him to beware of the storms.  I have to climb the tower I am in. This is a long clamber, though a fun and frantic one. When I reach the top I have to jump for the helicopter. The helicopter is not in a good way, the storms are raging. Lara forces the pilot at gunpoint to land, he tries. The helicopter is struck by lightning and crashes. Roff does CPR on Lara and resuscitates her. As he is dragging her away from the burning wreckage, Solarii attack. He is hit with an axe in the back. He tells Lara she can do this, she is a Croft. The rest of he crew arrive. They set a pyre and burn Roff's body. One of the crew wants to fix up a boat and try and leave. Lara tells them that the storms will stop them leaving. The storms are related to the Sun Queen, she wants to find a way to stop the storms. Lara thinks that she can find the ritual chamber and turn off the storms.

Mission 17
I have to regroup with the crew, This is a big forest area, there are many enemies. It can be done stealthily or all guns blazing. There are dogs that attack here also.
I enter a cave system and have to negotiate a timed pulley swing puzzle. I then moves through some more caves and then zip line down into the forest. I talk to the others on the radio. I come to a massive shanty area, though I can't explore much of it due to there not being a way to make the jumps across. There is some sort of cable car system for transporting goods and people up the mountain. I jump onto it and am taken down halfway. The ride grinds to a halt. I make my way to a boat which is held up by cranes, it looks like they have been stripping it for parts to build the shanty town. I am attacked by many enemies as I land on the boat. At the end of the waves of enemies an emplaced gun is used to sever the cables holding the boat up. I then have a clamber and QuickTime like section to fall and scramble all the way down to the bottom of the world it seems. I meet the gang on the beach. They are trying to get the small boat seaworthy. Something needs lifted and it is too heavy. Lara needs to get a block and tackle, whatever that is. I now have to search the beach for this item. I move as directed to an old ship. I have to clamber around it until reaching the deck. Then I have to shoot at the anchor and get the item in Question. I take it back to the others. Whitman appears, Lara is suspicious of him. Jonah gives Lara a new more powerful bow.

Mission 18
The compound bow can now be used  to fire rope arrows into craggy rocks, which opens up more areas. I climb up the hillside and find a hidden tomb. This one is part of the Japanese wartime occupation of the island. The power is still on and water is electrified in the area. The puzzle here is how to keep an electrified object from being in the water. A raft can be freed and then pulled around with rope arrows. If you pull the raft near the electric object, you can raise the object with a pulley and then pull the raft under it keeping it out of the water. The tomb can then be raided and you can get out. I move through a cave and come out onto a beach overlooking the wreck of the endurance. The Scavengers are tearing it apart.
I climb across a gap to clamber into an old Japanese emplaced gun.
I enter this complex and find men using a hoist to strip parts from the ships. I have to fight my way through this building At the top we are looking for Alex, I can't remember who Alex is. I make my way by zip line to the Endurance. On the deck two men and an armored giant are working. The giant has a rope ascender. I have to kill him by shooting at him when his guard is down. He covers his head, the only exposed part and he can't be hurt in that position. I wear his health and then have to QuickTime him to death. I get the rope ascender as a prize. I enter the ship and make my way through it with only minimal enemy killing. I find a puzzle room and Alex. He is the goofy dude with esc on his t-shirt. He has been trying to get the tools on his own. He has ended up with his leg trapped and badly injured. The puzzle to get into him is that the door is barred by an electrically charged wire. I have to use a hook system to free it. The pulley is on rails in the ceiling. I can move it about with the rope ascender and left to right by jumping on ladders to either side of the pulley. I have to move it so I can get up to free some debris from the path, then move it to the electric wire and pull the wires free. As i find Alex we are attacked. He urges Lara to leave him. She realizes the hopelessness of the situation and does so. He shoots an explosive item and the entire end of the ship goes up. Lara has to escape using the rope ascender, which allows us to travel fast back up zip lines.

Mission 19
I head back up to the cliff side base, using the ascender. I have to pull down a heavy item using the ascender which caves in the ceiling of a bunker allowing us inside. I then find a book which tells Lara about a tomb that the expedition found that has the secret of controlling the storms. I make my way back to the gang, which is made easier by being able to get to zip lines that were inaccessible before. Back at the camp Lara imparts the news that Alex is dead. Reyes is negative about anyone being near Lara's chances for survival. Lara tells them that she is going to the research camp to try and find out what the soldiers learned. The rope ascender allows you to open gates and doors that were impassable before.
I head for a lift, when trying to use it it collapses. I can now clamber up the wreckage. I then head up the cliffs on a clamber path. This is a long and as most of it collapses behind you, a one way trip. The Japanese journal mentions the Oni, which may be the giant in ancient armor. I find a large lift shaft. The lift is blocked and the only way to clear it is to take the lift to the top and drop it down on the blockage. I have to move the lift around and work out how to get to four cogs at each corner of it. Once done it drops down the shaft and smashes the way forward. The last cog is hard to work out, you have to blow a piece of the lift shaft out with a shotgun and then stand on the lift as it raises to reach a clamber point on the outer shaft. I move on through the base until I reach a large open chamber. There are ancient statues around the room. On a Dias in the centre an ancient warrior lies dead, it seems he committed suicide. A scroll in the hilt of his sword contains a letter. It seems that the ritual in the past was not done properly. The Sun Queen's soul is trapped in her dead body, which is the cause of the storms. To free her soul the body must be destroyed. Lara is attacked by enemies in the tomb. Once I kill them all I can leave by an alternate exit.

Mission 20
On the way out of the tomb the radio comes to life and informs us that the crew are under attack. I zip line down and find that Whitman has kidnapped Sam and left Reyes and Jonah alone. The Boat is ready, Lara talks Reyes into taking her inland to the ritual chamber. I find a secret tomb. This is a simple little puzzle, a circular stream has a buoy floating in it. I can lift a weight which frees it to take a circle. This buoy moves objects which place clamber poles in position to reach a wall face that you can climb. Timing is everything and you have to use the bow to make the last pole turn the right way.
I go back to the boat and start the next mission.

Mission 21
The boat takes us to the entrance, Lara goes in alone. I move onwards and a cut scene shows Whitman, Matthias and Sam heading for the ritual chamber. Matthias tells Whitman that the storm guard are waiting for the return of their queen. He goes to talk to them. This isn't going to end well for Whitman. Whitman is being used as a distraction, as the two storm guard kill him, Matthias sneaks Sam into the temple behind them. I make my way into the temple. I sneak into the temple and find that there are hundreds of storm guard. I sneak and clamber my way around the room. The large one sees me just as I am about to make it through. I have a run and jump escape sequence. Then fight some of the storm guard. They are revealed to be human after all. I move on into a large open area and have a huge fight with storm guards. I move on once completed and meet the large storm guard. The winds however blows him away before the fight even starts. I doubt this will be the last we see of him. I enter a puzzle room. A Dias in the centre of the room can be opened by a cog to the right. The pendulum cage can be raised and lowered by the left cog. The pendulum must be raised and then trapped in the room by closing the door. The pendulum can then be swung at a weak point on the wall to make a way through. The pendulum must then be swung on to reach the exit.
In this temple area Lara finally realized that the queens are all the same queen. The ritual passes her soul down into a new body. The ritual went wrong and Himlico is trapped in a dead body. She needs Sam to be free.
This is a last chance point. It seems that if you want to go back and find all the items and secrets you must do it now before ending the game.
Matthias has Sam and he can't be talked out of letting Himlico have her body. I now have the mother of all clambers in the middle of the disintegrating temple. In the centre of glowing ball of energy Matthias is performing the ritual. The body in which Himlico is trapped explodes and begins to infuse Sam with energy. Lara tries to shoot an arrow and misses. She has to get close.

Mission 22
I being moving around the temple towards the centre of the ceremony and Sam. I am attacked by soldiers, then storm guard. They are crushed by falling masonry, again the storms are blowing out of control. I move on and fight some more soldiers, then a short bit of clambering. I am met by the large storm guard, I didn't think I would get away without having to fight it. I swings it's club, revealing that it's back is not well armored at all. I have to shoot it in the back until a button prompt appears above it. I then have to QuickTime attack it. Each time this happens two storm guard are spawned in. Eventually it's helmet is knocked off and I can shoot its head. Then a final bout of QuickTime sees it off. I move on and have a QuickTime fight with Matthias, which sees him shot a lot and falling off the cliff edge. Lara moves to help Sam, she is held transfixed by a stream of energy coming from the corpse of Himlico. Lara stabs the corpse which seems to break the spell. Sam is alright, thankfully still herself. Himlico seems to have been banished, the clouds part and sun streams down. Lara heads down to the boat carrying Sam. Jonah and Reyes are waiting they leave the island together. They are picked up and taken to Japan by a cargo ship.

250 achievement points for one play through.
Lost count, probably around fifteen hours.

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