Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ryse : Son of Rome notes

Emperor Nero, a rather chubby sixty year old man, is running through an ornate grand Roman building. He is ranting that someone is here, and asking for help. The Barbarians are storming Rome, huge battles are going on in the streets. Fireballs fly through the sky. Marius, the hero, is fighting in the streets, he kills some Barbarians brutally and give a blood soaked bag to another soldier, he tell him to display it prominently and the battle will be theirs. I am give control and a short tutorial on how to fight.
I then have to move along the road towards the palace, fighting as I go. I reach the defenses and meet a commander. I take control of a large emplaced pike launcher  and have to keep the horde at bay. There are burning oil drums and explosive barrels to use along with catapults and arrow volleys. Eventually this ends and I have to go inside the palace. I meet Nero and tell him that he must go to a secure location. I now have lead him through the palace to the vault. I meet a bunch of barbarians on the way. There are many attacking at once here and the deflect move needs to be learned fast here. I come to a boss battle of sorts, a larger barbarian with a flaming torch weapon. Once he is defeated Nero opens the secret passage to the vault and Marius and he go inside. Nero tells Marius that Damocles has risen from the dead. Marius tells him that the Gods don't interfere in the affairs of men. Marius tells his story to Nero.

Mission 2
Marius as a young man, ten years in the past, just joined the army, comes home to his family on leave. His mother and father greet him eagerly. His father talks of all enemies not being on the battlefield. I have to spar with him and learn some techniques. Like breaking guards and deflecting. There is unrest in Rome surrounding an election. Marius's father gives him a dagger. He tells of the legend of Damocles. A leader who went into battle and was left to die by cowardly commanders. He was returned by the Goddess of revenge to the world as a spirit to take revenge on his enemies. A noise signals and attack, we rush to the courtyard and find barbarians. I have to kill them then go to the next area and find that Marius' mother and sister have been killed. There isn't time to mourn as more barbarians arrive. I move into the streets and have to move on fighting all the way. Marius sees a vision of a woman in a yellow dress. She tells him to go in one direction and prevents him from running into a huge group of barbarians. She vanishes before his eyes.
I move on, fight some more and am told to find a man at the forum. I have to climb over some boxes and over some scaffolds here. Blue cloths give hints as to the direction of travel.
I get to the forum and see that man I have been sent to save shot with an arrow. I have to use spears to kill the archers. I then go down into the forum and kill many barbarians. I meet up with father again and move on. I am blocked by a bridge that is raised. I must shoot a spear at a red object to release it. Then push a cart to open the way. I reach a large stepped area and then fight lots of enemies. I am told to help my father, only to be just in time to see him get gutted. He dies in Marius' arms. Commander Vitallion tells Marius that he is now in his unit, the 14th.
Back with Nero in the vault, Marius tells Nero that he was sent to Britain to crush the barbarian rebellion.

Mission 3
On ships bound for the white cliffs of Dover Marius prepares to go into battle. Huge chains are raised causing the ships to be trapped and then bombarded with flaming catapult fire. Things aren't looking good, Marius is knocked into the sea. He sees another vision of the Gods. Washed onto the beach the objective is to lower the chains and let the ships land. I have to fight my way across the beach towards the tower. At the tower door there are many archers. I have to from a turtle with shields and advance. Closing the shields when the archers fire and advancing as they reload. Inside the tower I must release two switches. Then fight off many enemies. The machine is broken and the chains fall into the water. This allows the ships to dock safely. In cut scene Marius boards a ship, gives a rousing speech and then leads the men onto the beach. I must advance, a cut scene here is very saving private Ryan. I then have to use a turtle and also throw spears at archers. I then have to hit archers with spears before they take out men who are below them. I then have  to choose between having archer support which will mean I don't have to fight and deal with enemy archers. or have less enemies but have to dodge archers. I now have to take out a catapult.  I have to shoot out a block that is holding a drawbridge up. I come up onto the catapult tower. I kill the guards and send men inside to man it. They begin using the enemies own catapult against them. I have to shoot archers using an emplaced spear gun. Then defend against barbarians who try and flood the area. A boss battle with a barbarian leader and about five other larger enemies sees the end of this level. The main tower is hit with a catapult bringing down the enemies biggest weapon.
Marius again sees his golden goddess in the distance. Vitallion appears and gives him promotion to centurion. Another rousing speech from Vitallion ends the mission. Word comes from a battle at York, it seems that the Romans may have lost. We are now heading for York to provide reinforcements.

Mission 4
Marius wants to go toe to toe with the barbarian army at York. Vitallion has another plan. He wants to capture the leader, Oswald and his daughter Boudica. He sends Marius on the mission to capture them. I start near a river and am heading for an aqueduct. There is a new enemy here with two swords. I have to find a way to cross a large fast flowing river. There is a big open area with many small camps filled with enemies. I find a log that crosses the river and make my way across. I am now at the aqueduct, where enemy archers are positioned. I must take them out. I climb up onto the aqueduct and use a lift to reach the top. I then fight groups of enemies on top. I come to an area where I can see archers firing on Romans down below. I have to clear there positions also. Then move on and kill some more enemies who come to stop me. I then climb up onto a long section of wooden defense towers. Here I meet Boudica, who takes me on one on one. She is a hard fight, you have to defend until there is an opening, then hit her. It takes a while to wear her down. When you beat her she retreats and sends in five men to fight. If you die on these men you have to fight her again. Which is fairly cheap. On beating them she brings a huge stone down on the area you are on causing it to collapse. She makes her escape. The army are clear to advance now that there is no death from above. The barbarians have retreated into a hill, which I must now attack. I lead a turtle formation into the caves. I then have to find a way to flank archers that have us at a disadvantage.
I come to the final cavern of the cave and find the king. I have to fight many enemies who flood forward in waves. At the end two soldiers with twin flaming swords form the boss battle. In cut scene we accept the surrender of the king in return for sparing Boudica.
The captured are taken back to the city and we meet a corrupt Roman leader.

Mission 5
Marius is now in Scotland. We are looking for a captured Roman general. We are to head to a wicker man, which Vitallion believes is where Commodus will be held. Rumors of the vicious fighters and demons have the men spooked. Men with stag antler helmets are hiding in the distance spooking them out. We come to a rope bridge and Marius decides to scout ahead. The bridge is a good choke point for an ambush and that is what happens. A flaming ball of wood is hurled at the bridge, knocking many men down the gorge. Men with animal style helmets emerge and attack. I have to fight, they are no different than any other enemies so far. When I win the fight a cut scene shows Vitallion being knocked down and captured. A boss character with bones decorating his body appears and takes Vitallion away. He knocks Marius over the edge of the gorge. The female god appears to him and gets him back on his feet. I now have to find survivors of the attack. I progress through the forest, encountering small pockets of enemies. There are a new type here, large heavy attackers who only have an axe. They take a lot of damage to put down. I find some Roman soldiers in a cage and let them out.  I come to a larger open area and clear the enemies. I have to order the soldiers to release more prisoners. I then have to choose where to put archers to defend against a counter attack. I can use an emplaced spear gun as well. After clearing the counter attack I have to lead a turtle formation through a ravine. We come to a larger swamp like area. Here the Romans in the cages can be set alight by torch bearing enemies if we don't stop them in time. One of the freed men tells Marius that Vitallion has been taken to the wicker man. I come to the wicker man and find the bone decorated boss. He throws a torch into the wicker man, which is full of Romans and Vitallion. I fight the minotaur boss. His patterns are fairly easy to dodge. Roll twice attack, repeat. Once he is downed Vitallion is freed. The general Commodus is still alive, he isn't happy.
In cut scene King Oswald is brought before Commodus. Commodus talks of a peace treaty between Rome and Britain. He draws a dagger from the box instead and kills Oswald. The people go nuts and Commodus orders Vitallion to kill them all. Things turn very sour very quickly and the castle is soon under siege. Boudica tries to grab the dagger that Commodus used to kill her father. She is stopped by a roman politician and told this is not the time. The man isn’t what he seems, possibly another God. Marius is sent to shore up the wall defenses to give them time to evacuate.

Mission 6
I go up onto the ramparts  and find that an entire army is about to break down the doors. I am given a choice of taking out the siege towers as a priority or taking out the catapults that are bombarding the castle. I choose the towers, which means less fighting. Pretty soon the enemies are using ladders to get up the walls. I can order archers to cover me using Kinect voice commands. Enemies ladders can be kicked down off the walls. Once this is done we retreat inside, heading for the docks. I have to go through slums to get there. Of course the barbarians have got in and I have to fight my way through. I come to a barge filled  with civilians that I must help escape. I have to make my way through a burning building and push a cart to make an exit. Then use the same cart to reach up to a rooftop. I then fight my way along the bank stopping barbarians from shooting arrows at the barges. I come to a bridge across a canal and have to use a turtle to cross it and kill all the archers. I am then heading to a courthouse to meet up with Vitallion. I have to fight a lot of enemies on the way. When I get there I meet Vittalion and follow him into the courthouse. Commodus has left with his guard in a warship, leaving most of the soldiers to  find alternate arrangements. We must hold the bridges as long as we can to allow time for more people to escape. I fire a Scorpio emplaced gun at hordes of barbarians until catapult fire drives me off the gun. I then have to run back through the building, fighting as I go. I meet up with Vittalion who wants to hold them off and let the ships get away. Marius tells him that he must go as the senate will listen to him about Commodus's cruelty. Vittalion leaves and Marius runs towards the horde. I have to fight wave after wave of ever increasingly difficult enemies. I eventually died and found that this was the way forward. A cut scene starts showing Marius knocked off the bridge into the water. The goddess appears, along with the other one, who appeared as a politician earlier. She drops the dagger of Damocles into the water and it lands on the hand of Marius lying lifeless at the bottom of the sea. He wakes and swims up, ready to take his revenge on the commanders that have wronged him. Back in the vault with Nero, he has caught on that Marius isn't there to save him. There is still more story to tell. Marius has returned to Rome to find it in disarray.

Mission 7
I must return to my family villa. Things are not going well at all in Rome. These are the same streets of ten years past, though now they are dark and dirty and filled with crucified bodies. I move along until I come to the forum where I fought earlier in the game. This time I fight Roman soldiers, Praetorian guards. I progress through different areas of the city fighting as I go. I find Praetorians dumping bodies, they have killed an entire street worth of people for some transgression. I eventually find my way to Marius' family house. He remembers his sister and mothers death. The goddess appears and Marius asks her why. She tells him that Nero had his father murdered due to his political opposition of Nero. The Goddess is using Marius as the instrument of Nero's destruction. She hands him the dagger of Damocles and asks him to kill Nero. A cut scene shows Marius forging a weapon while the emperor's friends attend an orgy. Marius has created armor in the image of Damocles. He gives Nero's son quite a fright when he appears at the orgy dressed in it. Marius asks to enter the arena as a gladiator. I fight a group of fairly easy enemies. I must get three executions out of the group of five or so to please the crowd. I then have to fight the champion of Batvia and two other enemies. The champion must be executed otherwise you have to start again. I then meet the champions of Carthage, and they are very hard to hit. Their defense needs two shield bashes to break. Their attacks need to be blocked thrice and their last heavy attack rolled away from. In other words harder than anything else so far. I am then told to meet the emperors son Basilus in his private room after I kill them. He gives us a scroll of entry to the Coliseum. He is working on a bust of Nero, which he claims will cry tears of white wine for him. Marius kills Basilus and uses a bowl to collect his blood. It seems Marius has something else in mind for it to cry. A slave girl, painted in white is tied up in the room. She tells Damocles his future, that he will be killed by General Marius. Marius lets her go free. I now have to head into the coliseum and fight my way to Commodus. I go in through the preparation areas, with a bunch of other gladiators and come out into the arena. The floor shifts and rearranges into a makeshift castle settlement. This is to be a recreation of the beach landing at Dover. I have to fight my way on a small beach. Then use a Scorpio to burn down a gate and move into the fortified area. Here I fight a group of four heavy enemies and then have to light a victory brazier. I now have to recreate the fight to capture Oswald. Only it is Commodious that is being painted as the hero who did this, not Marius. I have to fight through many opponents and then have to set fire to the fake aqueduct. I get to fight Commodus as last. He is quite easy as long as you time your deflects to open his guard. When you beat him a cut scene shows him throwing sand in Marius' eyes and getting away. Then a group of identically armored men appear, about five of them. It seems I have to fight them all. I do and then take on Commodus as the last one again. When he goes down this time gas is thrown which makes Marius stagger. I have to fight in a kind of QuickTime to take out yet more Commodus'. I then get one more fight with him and he goes down this time. Marius holds up his son's head to his father and tells him he's next. Nero tells the praetorians to kill Marius. Marius fights in cut scene and escapes. We see him sneaking about in the dark at night. Vittalion finds him and tells him that he needs to save Rome from the Barbarians first before getting rid of Nero. Marius accepts and Vittalion gives him his fathers old armor.

Mission 8
The barbarians led by Boudica are marching on masse to Rome. Marius and Vitallion have found a good choke point which they must get through in the city and have set up heavy ambush. I must take a Scorpio during this scene and shoot archers, heavy enemies and war elephants to keep the fight manageable for the archers and turtle formation soldiers. Once this scene is completed a cut scene shows Vitallion leading a charge into the horde. Boudica appears on the back of an elephant and Vittalion throws a spear into its eye. He then fights Boudica one on one. I must now gather reinforcements to aid Vitallion. I move into an area and find some men to help. They follow me to a barricade. I have to move it to get into the area where Vitallion is. I set men to move it and am counter attacked from the rear. I have to set up positions and archers then defend the workers while they clear the barricade. Once done we move on to help Vitallion. I fight some enemies and when they are nearly clear a cut scene starts. I watch as Vitallion is killed by Boudica. A flaming catapult bolt hits near Marius knocking him out. when he is unconscious the Goddess appears and tells him to cut off the head of Boudica. When he wakes Marius has been taken by retreating centurions to a makeshift hospital camp. He tells the men that they must fight and he gives orders. I am now after Boudica. I fight some men and then have to use a Scorpio to defend men on the other bank of the river. I then have to repeat this. Then I have to avoid a rampage of war elephants on a bridge. I then shoot Boudica's war elephant in cut scene. I must now fight her. This is a hard fight, in two stages. Both times you must wear her health bar down. She can only really be attacked after deflecting or rolling away from her heavy attacks. In that second case only for one hit. You can get three in if you manage to time the deflection right. Which isn't easy. Once she is down Marius lops off her head. In cut scene we are back where the game started, then down with Nero, who now knows everything. He distracts Marius and manages to run into an escape passage. The Grey God appears and it seems he wishes ill on Marius. He distracts Marius letting Nero sneak up and stab him. The Golden Goddess appears and shoos away the grey god. Marius must now go after Nero wounded. There is a long QuickTime scene here, where Marius stabs lots of praetorians. He is also mortally wounded himself. At the end he goes over a balcony with Nero, who ends up impaled on the massive sword of his own statue. Marius lies dying as the two Gods acknowledge that the Golden Goddess won their game. The credits roll.

650 Achievement points for one play through on normal difficulty.
Not sure about timing, guessing at around 12 hours.


Left stick        Move character.
Clicking left stick    Sprint.
Right stick        Move camera.
Right trigger        Trigger execution when dazed opponent.
Left trigger        Aim spear.
Left bumper        fire archer/spear volley.
Right bumper        focus mode.
A            To deflect attacks.
Y            To push enemies.
X            Attack enemies
B            Dodge/roll.
Dpad up            Select damage multiplier.
Dpad Down        Select health multiplier.
Dpad left        select focus Multiplier.
Dpad right        Select XP multiplier.

Dishonored Notes

I choose to start a new game on normal difficulty.

Mission 1
A text message on the loading screen tells me that my character is returning from a mission to other nations, asking for help with a plague of rats. I have to speak to the Empress, who I serve as Lord Protector.
The main character is called Corvo. I start being lowered in a small boat from a large one. A man tells the driver of the boat to take me to Dunwall tower. I can see the large white castle, which must be said Dunwall tower. There is also a large boat which appears to be a whaling ship, as it is transporting a whale. The boat enters a lock and we rise up a vertical shaft. A bridge is lowered and I am not free to move. A marker appears telling me that I must go and see the Empress. Corvo has been sent away for six months and the plague has been getting worse. Some seem to think that it was odd that the Lord Protector was sent away at this time of crisis. I leave the lock house and a young girl rushes up to Corvo. she is obviously close to him. Her name is Emily, she is the daughter of the Empress. The Empress is speaking to someone called the Spymaster. Emily wants to have a game of hide and seek. I play it with her and am challenged to hide. I can now press B to enter stealth mode. Which makes me crouch and my footsteps are muffled.
A man called Campbell the High Overseer is being painted by Sokolov. He appears to think he has a cure for the plague. I then come to a garden and find the Empress.
The Spymaster appear to be asking the Empress to abandon some of the people to their fate.
When I get to the empress, I give her a letter. The letter brings bad news. The other countries are not going to give any aid, in fact they will blockade to keep the plague away from them.
Emily notices that there are men on the roof, the Empress sees the guards have gone. Black clad  figures appear, approaching across the rooftops using some kind of short hop teleportation. I am charged with fighting them. I can shoot my pistol with the left trigger. Swing my sword with the right. The right bumper blocks with the sword. I attack the enemies and they vanish. Suddenly an enemy appears and uses some kind of force beam to Hold Corvo immobile. The men kill the Empress and kidnap Emily. Corvo is allowed to move again, he holds the Empress in his arms, she tells him to save Emily before dying. When Corvo looks up the guards, Spymaster and High Overseer have arrived. They think the Corvo has killed the Empress, he is sent to jail.

Mission 2
Coldridge Prison
Six months have passed, Corvo is to be executed, he is in Coldridge Prison. The High Overseer and spymaster are torturing Covro, in order to get him to sign a confession. He won't they drop the pretence and it turns out the they are the ringleaders of the plot. Corvo was not meant to be there, however, he can take the blame for the Empress's murder. Corvo is put back in his cell, a guard gives him a meal, that is said to be from a friend. Under the bread is a note and a key. The note is from a friend, no name is given. Corvo's escape has been set up by this friend. The note tells us there is a weapon outside the cell. It tells Corvo to head for the interrogation room where he will find a bomb that will break him out of the outer doors. Corvo must then head for the sewers and hide.
I use the key and leave the cell, a blade is found across the corridor. I can take out guards lethally or non-lethally. The message is clear, dead bodies will cause more plague and lead to a negative ending. There are three guards in the  next room. One is moving on a looping pattern. I render them all unconscious and loot them. I can now move on, I am told I can lean around corners using Y and not be seen by guards doing so. I find a pistol in the next room. I am now shown how to climb up ledges by pressing A next to them. I find food and health items. I come to a door which has a keyhole. I can look through to see a guard next door. This guard has a key to the walkway door, which is nearby. I knock out a guard on the walkway and find myself near the interrogation room. The interrogation room is empty, it is where I was tortured earlier by the High Overseer and Spymaster.
There is an audio graph here which tells of Corvo's torture. I find the explosive in an unlocked safe. I must now plant it in at the outer door. I head through the yard and stealth knock out two more guards in the yard. Then into the control room where there are three more guards to deal with. I can now open a gate that leads to the outer door. Two more guards in this room the I can plant the bomb. It goes off in six seconds and I have to run clear. I now have to jump from the bridge outside the bomb made hole into the water. I then have to make for the sewer entrance and get inside the sewer.

Mission 3
Dunwall Sewers
In the sewer there is graffiti that tells me the outsider walks among us. Whoever he is, I assume we will find out soon. I am tasked with finding a supply chest in the sewers. Just inside the sewer a note tells us that we must now find the supply chest and then find Samuel who will bring us to the note writer. I can't pass a locked door and am forced to find another way. I climb some boxes onto a grate above the sewer floor. I see two guards being attacked by a mob of rats. They are eaten in under a minute, leaving nothing but their swords. I drop back down past the rats and then move into a larger sewer, more rats can be seen eating another body. I use the water to swim past the rats. I find two lovers who have died of plague down in the sewers. The elixir that Anton Sokolov made is mentioned as if it was keeping them alive and has run out. I move on and find a large wheel that opens a gate. Here workers are throwing plague bodies down to be eaten by the rats. A wheel is nearby that opens the gate I need to pass through. The rats are in the way. I need to distract them with bodies. Bodies can be thrown and they will attract the rats away from the wheel. I run past them and open the gate and escape. I climb up a chain and find the box of supplies surrounded by dead bodies. There is a note, inside the box a new crossbow and sword. There is a key to the locked door which I need to pass through to progress.
There are tripwires here which trigger arrow traps. I learn how to drop assassinate. I then pass through more sewer and find the exit. There is a man with a boat waiting, the promised Samuel. I go with him on his boat.

Mission 4
The hounds pit pub
Samuel takes us to an old dock where the Loyalists have set up base. I enter a pub called the Hound Pits. I meet Admiral Havelock and Lord Pendleton, they want to find Emily and crown her Empress. Killing the Empress' murders is also a priority. I am told to go to a weapon maker and then get some sleep in preparation of coming work.
I go outside and find Piero the weapon maker in the workshop next to the pub. He wants me to fetch him a barrel of whale oil to fix him machine. Books in Piero's workshop suggest that he and Sokolov have a connection, at least of going to the same school. An audio graph talks about whale oil which is used for energy. Piero it seems is a bit of a mad scientist and not above human experiments. I find the oil container and take it back to the machine. Piero is working on a mask which he fits to Corvo's face. I can buy upgrades from Piero. I am given a choice of keeping on looking around or going to sleep. I choose to sleep.

Mission 5
I wake up in an attic room, I open the room door and find that everything is far from normal outside. There is broken up scenery and floating islands of landscape. It is as if the world has exploded, leaving blue sky in the gaps and then frozen solid. I walk onto a plateau and a man in black appears. This place is called the void, the end and the beginning of all things. He calls himself the outsider and tells Corvo that he is to play a pivotal role in the outcome of future events. The outsider has chosen Corvo for his mark, which appears on the back of Corvo's hand. This will allow Corvo to use magic. The first power granted him is the short distance teleport that the enemies used when attacking the Empress. Did the Outsider give those powers to them as well?
My first use of the blink power to cross a gap brings me to the Empress' dead body. A letter repeats you cannot save her over and over. On the next island I find a frozen tableau with Emily being dragged away by two identical men. She has a letter which tells us that she has been told that Corvo is dead. She does not believe and wishes that Crovo would come and rescue her. On the next island is the Spymaster, he seems angry about his war plans. next some people being attacked by floating robotic spider like entities. I find the Outsider again, he tells Corvo that there are runes hidden in the normal world, which will give Corvo new powers. He gives him a mechanical heart which can be used to help find these powers. I am tasked with finding the first rune in the void. I follow the heart beat and marker to the rune and pick it up. I am told that I can collect runes to increase my magic powers, basically a skill tree. I buy dark vision, which allows me to see people through walls. The outsider tells Corvo that he is sending him back to the normal world. He tells him that it is Corvo's choice as to how he uses the gifts the Outsider has bestowed. The Outsider will be watching.

Mission 6
I wake in the attic room, this time for real. I am tasked with speaking to Havelock. There is also a rune nearby which I can use the heart to find. I speak to Havelock, he wants us to find Emily, though to do this we must do some difficult work. We are tasked with killing the High Overseer. A journal he owns may contain the location that they are keeping Emily. A side mission is give, to rescue a captured loyalist. I find some new NPC's in the bar, Wallace, Callista and Cecelia. Callista wants us to protect her uncle who is a guard, though an honest one. She thinks that the High Overseer is going to kill her uncle. She wants us to save him. The heart will tells us the characters secrets.

Distillery district
Samuel takes us to the distillery district. I try the heart here and find that there are two runes and two bone charms. There are civilians among the guards. They don't attack, and some have optional missions. I knock a few of them unconscious before I realize they are helpful, oops. Granny rags is an old mad bird lady, she has guards bothering her. I have to take care of them. She gives me a key and it opens a door leading to a rune. The outsider tells me granny rags used to be rich and powerful, but made wrong choices. The looters are at her door, three of them. It is hard to take them out stealthily as they are close together. I can't prevent the last one hearing me take the men out stealthily. I have to kill him with my sword. Granny Rags gives me another mission, to break into a Doctors Office and steal some poison, so as to deal with the thugs at their source. I head for the office. I find two men guarding a room, I take them out stealthily and find a man called Griff they were keeping captive. He will trade with me if I want.

Galvani's surgery
I enter the doctor, who is named Galvani's office. Inside the mansion there are guards. Three on the bottom floor. Upstairs a maid talks to a guard captain. I can't seem to sneak past them and find a way to  stealth knock them out. I use sleeping darts, which it seems are costly in mission. I find my way into Galvani's lab, he is working on a cure. He seems to think the plague rats have been introduced to the city deliberately. Hidden behind a fake bookcase is the plague rat sample that we need. The safe in Galvani's room is opened with the combination 287, which is the date of Sokolov's birth, it seems they were friends. I now have to make my way past electric arc weapon gates, which are guards and also impassable. I must make my way around. I can do this by going through the distillery run by the thug gang. Which is part of Granny Rag's quest. There are around six guards in here and it's hard to clear them all out without killing anyone. I manage it, poison the still then head back to Granny Rags to claim another rune. Now it's time to get on with the main mission.

Holger Square
I have to find my way around the second light wall, which is harder to negotiate than the first. There is a side street down below the light wall, it is guarded by thugs, though fairly easy to slip past them without incident. I find the city watch on the other side of the light wall and send them all to sleep. I move on to a new map area, Holger Square.
In the square a lone guard is tending a man in stocks. I knock out the guard and find Martin, who I think is Callista's uncle. I set him free. He tells us that Campbell is here to meet with Martin and poison him. We have to try and make sure that Martin isn't poisoned. I climb the gates in the square and enter a guard post. I deal with some guards and avoid others. I can go down into the sewers to evade guards here and move further on. I find the kennels and meet the hounds, which are vicious looking dogs. I find a locked door in here with a combination lock. One of the notes tell me the code is from the seven strictures, which are handily in a cage with some dead civilians. The code is 217. I find some loot and weapons under a pile of dead dogs. I move on, into the High Overseer's office.

High Overseer's office
I see a bust, with an odd eye, I press the eye and a door to a secret room opens up. I find an audio graph in which the high overseer tells us that Emily is being held in a place that he enjoys visiting twice a week. I move on, into the large hallways of the overseer building. An overseer can be heard telling civilians about the Outsider, and how to spot his influence. It seems that the main regime's religion is all about the stamping out of magic and the Outsider. The offices are large, I sneak around taking out as many guards as I can. The civilians don't seem to do much other than kneel and pray. I find out about a ritual which can excommunicate an overseer, even the high one. I think this may be an alternate method of dealing with him. I find a book in the library which tells me that the brand ritual is done in the office's interrogation room, a special brand is applied to the forehead and that person is treated as a heretic by the order from that point on. This will obviously put a crimp in the High Overseer's job prospects. I go to the interrogation room and find the brand. I go to the office. Inside are two glasses waiting for the guests. One is poisoned for Curnow. I smash the poisoned glass. There is the option to switch them so that the High overseer is killed by his own poison. I am trying for the non lethal method. The pair enter, Capmbell is angered that the glass is smashed, he leads Curnow out again. I take the chance to knock Curnow out, then take out Campbell and make him unconscious. I take him to the interrogation chair and brand him. This completes the mission. I now have to escape the area with Samuel on his boat. On the way out I find a guard and his sister. The overseer is telling the guard that the sister is a witch. I save him by knocking out the overseer. He thanks me and tells me the combination to a safe in the bunk house, it is 203. I get the backyard gate key from an overseer I knock out. There are some abandoned houses, in which the overseers barracks are also situated. I move through them stealthily and make my way back to Samuel.

Mission 7
Hounds pits
Back to the hound pits we go. I meet Callista, who seems to think her uncle died, I knocked him out, maybe that is as good as killing in the games logic. I meet with Havelock and Pendleton. They will look at Campbell's book and try and work out where Emily is. I have to go to bed to progress the story. When I wake I have to find Havelock. I find him outside at a drain cover. There have been noises in the sewers. Havelock thinks it may be weepers, which are plague victims in the last stages of the disease. He wants us to investigate, to make sure the guards aren’t about to swarm out of the sewers and attack. I am given the sewer key. In the sewer two zombie like plague victims are knocked out with sleeping darts. I then go and speak to Havelock. Martin is there, the man I saved. They tell Corvo that Emily is being held at a brothel called the Cat house. She is being guarded by two people called Morgan and Custiss Pendleton. Brothers of our friendly Pendleton. Pendleton wants to speak to me before I leave for the cat house. He tells me that much as he hates his brothers it still pains him to order their deaths. It will be necessary though as they are loyal to the  enemy and will vote against Pendleton in parliament. If they are out of the way it will make things much easier.

Distillery district
I am back at the distillery district, I was hoping for a new area. Things are different however, I am told to speak to the distillery thugs, I took them all out last time and poisoned their still. I hope I haven't screwed things up. There is a large emplaced gun device shooting at people on the pier. I head for the distillery and find thugs waiting for me, not to fight, but to talk. I head into the meeting with their leader named Slackjaw. I head back into the distillery and speak with Slackjaw. He will help us get into the Cat House if we  do him a favor. Galvani has been killing his men for some reason. If I find out and stop him Slackjaw will help us. When I go back outside there are weepers loose. This is a direct result of our poisoning the elixir earlier, these are Slackjaws men who have taken it and become weepers.

Galvani's house second visit
I head towards Galvani's house. Three assassins appear from nowhere using similar powers to Corvo and attack. I use sleep darts on them. Inside Galvani's house it is much as I left it. There are two guards in the lobby and none on the second floor. My objective is on the third floor and there are two guards up there. I knock them out and then find an audio graph beside the body of one of Slackjaw's men. I now have to take this back to Slackjaw. I give him the man's audio graph. He tells us that someone wants to take over the distillery. Crowley, the man dies before he can tell us who it is. Slackjaw keeps his bargain, and gives us a key to the hotel next to the cathouse. We can use it to get inside the cathouse more easily. Slackjaw tells us that he will do us another favor if we do yet another for him. He tells us that he will get rid of the Pendleton's without killing them. This obviously plays into the whole not being a killer ethic. I decide to try it. An art dealer called Bunting will be at the cathouse party tonight. If we get the combination to Bunting's safe and give it to Slackjaw, he will make sure that the Pendleton's are unhurt and also not able to be any more trouble to our plans. I don't know what he has on them, but it must be good blackmail.

I agree. Time to head for the hotel. I meet Granny Rags again, she has a new abode. No new missions at the moment though. I find a door for the golden cat at her new area, though I don't have a key. I move through bottle street. Heading for the hotel. I find two guards stealing elixir from a woman. I save her by knocking them out with sleep darts. She gives me a key to Buntings shop. I find the hotel door and sneak inside past the guards.In the hotel is a bone charm, and not a lot else. I find a door to the Golden cat. This is a whole new large map area.

The Golden cat
The Golden cat is a palatial sprawl, a mixture of eastern and english architecture. I see an open window and it looks like the best way in. I sneak up some stairs once inside and find Emily quite by accident. She tells me that she will wait by a door that is used to get VIP guests in and out. I have to meet her there when I finish. I am glad this isn't turning into an escort mission. I move down stairs and find the Madam, named Prudence in her office. I knock her out and get the key I need. I now have to find Bunting and get his combination. In the office is a ledger that shows me where the Pendleton's are in the brothel, should I wish to just kill them. Time to find the art dealer Bunting. 
I make my way to the room he is in, sneaking past prostitutes and guards alike. I find the art dealer in a dungeon like room, strapped to a chair, seems he is into receiving electric shocks. He is manacled to the chair. He wants to play inquisitions. He tells us secrets about the Pendleton's, he has been cheating them on their art collection. He uses his safe word and asks that we call the servants to take him home. I shock him some more and he asks what we want. I ask for the safe combination. It is 879. I sneak back to the VIP exit where Emily is waiting. I open it with the key I got from the madam and she leaves to go wait at the boat for me. I now have to return to Slackjaw with the combination. When I do he tells me his plans. He is going to capture the Pendleton's, cut out their tongue and make them slaves in their own mines. I return to the boat and it is back to the hound pits with Emily and Samuel.

The Hound pits, third round.
At the dock, Callista and a few of the others are waiting to welcome Emily. Callista is going to be Emily's guardian. She takes her to see her room. Corvo is met by Havelock. Havelock congratulates Corvo on good work, he tells him that Pendleton wants to see him. Pendleton is horrified at his brothers fate, though it is a necessity. I now have to speak with Havelock and Martin again. The next target is the Lord regent. To get to him we need to find his mistress. Using his Mistress we can get close to the Lord Regent. Sokolov has painted the Mistress and will know more about her. We must get to Sokolov to get to the Mistress. I head to Samuel and it's off to the Kaldwin's Bridge area.

Kaldwin's Bridge

Southside Gate
Samuel tells us that he can meet us closer to Sokolov's house if we manage to turn off floodlights that are under the bridge. The bridge is a massive structure with houses on top of it. I progress up the dock, past the guards and into a warehouse. A door is locked and needs a key, which isn't far away up some stairs. A cart is held behind a door and a switch seems to open the door and move the cart. A socket for whale oil looks like it needs to be filled. The whale oil handily, is above the cart on a shelf. Inserting the whale oil opens the gate. Pulling the lever makes the cart go back and forth. I go back down to the locked door and open it with the warehouse key. I come out onto an area of open bridge that is fairly heavily guarded. The cart would take you across in style and stealth. I decide to explore as there is a rune here. I have to climb a chain on the outside of the bridge edge to get to it. I move on past the guards and leave this area by a gate.

Drawbridge spotlights.
I sneak into a nearby house, which seems the best way to go. I find a man named Pratchett. I knock him out and loot his house. He has a safe. The combination is hidden in a note in his bedroom, you have to look at the paintings in the house to get the combination. The ship has a 7. The slaughterhouse a 3. The streets have a four. Making the combination, 473. There is a rune and two hundred coins inside. In the next building I find a shrine to the outsider and a rune. A man there is not happy to see me, he is named mad survivor. I take the rune and the Outsider appear. He tells me that Sokolov is trying to control the Outsider, performing rituals to force him to appear to him. I move on and come to a heavily guarded area. There is an electric weapons of some kind. I see guards fighting with two of Slackjaw's men and winning. The arc weapons shoot lighting at anyone who comes close. I come to the drawbridge, which is up. I need to get across, however, arc pylons are in the way of getting up to the higher areas of the bridge. I sneak past the guards and follow the cable to the whale oil tanks that are powering the arc pylons. Taking the tank out means I can sneak up a chain to the gantry above. For here it is an easy matter to cross the bridge and find the two whale oil tanks that disable the spotlights. Now Samuel will be able to bring the boat closer. Sokolov's house is nearby, I move on towards it and enter a new area.

Midrow Powerstation.
Another guard laden area, Sokolov's house is protected by high fences and an electric gate.  I can sneak so far towards the door, however a large spinning wheel is in the way of getting any further. The control to switch it off in in guard post above. This allows you in to the whale oil tank that is powering the light wall. I then sneak past and into the house of Sokolov. There is a brewery just before Sokolov's house and I rescue a survivor trapped by rats in the basement. I kill the rats with my sword. She seems to think that the bone charm nearby brought the rats in. I move on to Skolov's door.

North End.
Another large area. I find an empty house and move through, then some ruined houses. I hear guards talking about experimenting on civilians. There appears to be some civilians held in a cell, the door make of a light wall. I let them out and they run for it, distracting the guards. I make good on that and sneak further ahead. I find Sokolov's house. It is a massively augmented structure, like a small fortress. It is well guarded and Arc pylon at the door. I will need to find another way in or disable it. There looks to be a way into the roof.There isn't. I try below and there is a way to sneak in under the water. I find myself in the cellar and quickly make my way up to the higher floors. This is a vast room, with some smaller rooms built in the middle of the bigger area. I sneak past maid in a library type area. I climb onto the roof of the smaller rooms and sneak past an arc wall. I find a lab type area. There are notes suggesting that some of the rats may not be local, they have been brought from a place called Pandyssia. I climb higher and find Sokolov's private lab. I listen at the keyhole and find that Sokolov is experimenting with a woman in the lab. I have to abduct Sokolov, so shooting him with a sleep dart does the trick. I let the woman out of her cage, but according to Sokolov's audio graph she only has a day to live. It isn't spelt out, but reading between the lines suggests that Sokolov is working to make the plague worse rather than cure it. I pick him up, now I have to take him to the boat. I can still use blink while carrying Sokolov, which makes it fairly easy to escape to a nearby derelict building and down to Samuel who is waiting under the bridge.

The hound pits fourth time.
It is time for bed. I look around, there is an apartment nearby with a bone charm. I can't get in. Cecelia has the key, she say it is under her bunk, but I can't find it. I go to bed. When I wake Emily is in the room. I let her stay. Time to head for Sokolov and the interrogation. A new door at the Hound Pit's opens, this is the reason for the name. The place it seems was used for dog fighting. There is a large cage with machines that allow dogs to be put inside then when a lever pulled the doors open letting the dogs see each other and fight. There are rats in the machines. If I open them they will kill Sokolov. Havelock tells him as much and asks for the name of the Mistress. Sokolov is playing dumb. I am given a choice, to set some rats on Sokolov or try and bribe him. I am told to speak to Piero. I find him spying on Callista in the bath. I enter the bathroom and Callista is there having a bath. I have the option of leaving like a gentleman or chatting her up. It doesn't work, she likes Corvo, but isn't in the mood due to circumstances. I go and find Piero again and he offers to sell me brandy that Sokolov likes. I would have thought under the circumstances that I shouldn’t have had to buy the brandy. I take it back to Sokolov. He tells us that the mistress is named Lady Boyle, though he never saw her face, she wore a mask. There are a few lady Boyles it seems. Sokolov tells us that there is a masked ball tonight. She will be there. Seems we are off to the ball. Pendleton asks Corvo to give a note to a man named Shaw at the party.

The Boyle Estate
As we arrive at the party, a large stilt walker type machine named a tall boy can be seen blowing up people who are out after curfew. There is a large building where the part is being held. Boyle mansion presumably. It has high walls and many guards. Two tall boys are patrolling and killing weepers which are heading for the party. I cut down the side of the wall and find a way to climb up using the next building. I make my way over the wall and into the party. Once inside the party the guards don't challenge me, as I am a masked man and look like all the rest of the guest. I enter the house. Inside the party I can wander at will listening to the guest. The three Boyle sisters are in evidence. All wearing the same costume, just in different colors. I try and find Lord Shaw, the man that Pendleton gave me a note for. I find him in the garden, he does not seem pleased to get the note. He calls Pendleton a lying sack of shit. He challenges me to a duel. I accept, though I use the sleep darts. The game doesn't seem to care. The result is the same. A woman named Mrs. White asks us to get her a drink. I am directed to a drink fountain. On giving her the drink she tells us the identity of two of the Boyle sisters. Lydia Boyle is in black. Waverly Boyle is in red. A man called Brisby is a friend of Pendletons. He wants us to knock out Esma Boyle, the lady in white. She is Brisby's lover and he wants her safely out of the picture. I have to knock her out and take her to the basement. I sneak upstairs to the bedroom and Find that Esma Boyle is the mistress. Seems that Brisby is sharing her with the High regent. I find a key to Dunwall Tower that the High Regent has given Esma. All that seems left to do is to knock out Emsa and get her to the basement. How to do that in the middle of the party is the hard part. I speak to Esma and I am given a dialogue tree that ends in her going to the cellar, thinking that we are saving her, which we are in a way. It is now time to leave, though there is a lot more to do at the party. I find a store in the basement which has a rune in it. I need a key to get in though. I go in search of the remaining Boyle sisters. Maybe they will have the keys on them that I can pickpocket. There is a light wall blocking some stairs. The power cord leads to a cupboard, which is also locked. The guard has the key on his belt. I pickpocket him and open the cupboard and take out the whale oil. This powers off the light wall. Upstairs I find Lydia's room and take her valuables and the key to the basement. I go down and loot it and take the rune. Time to leave now it seems. I head for Samuel and the boat. He has moved, Though not far.

Hounds Pit fifth time.
As I arrive, Samuel tells us to check in with Pendleton. I do, he gives me a rune for upholding his honor in the duel. I am to speak with Havelock. He tells me that it is time to strike against the Lord regent. I am to go to Dunwall tower and kill him. He has lost his financial backup in lady Boyle. He has lost his political support in the Pendleton twins. He has lost control of the Overseers as well after Campbell was disgraced. He has nothing but a fortress full of guards. Who are primed waiting for Corvo to come and get him. So we do the obvious and go and get him. I find Callista in the bar, Emily is hiding from her. I go and find her by the tower, she gives me a rune for the trouble. It looks like it is time to go and finish this. I head for the boat and Samuel.

Dunwall Tower
Samuel takes me to the lock where we entered from the first time we came here. There is an alternate route. The Lord Regent is said to have built a heavily guarded safe house in an hard to reach tower. He will flee there if we set of any alarms. I try and find another way up, but can't. Climbing up the lock seems to be the only way in. I clamber my way up and find guards at the top. A small pipe area leads to a large pipe running outside the walls, which lets me sneak past the guards there more easily. I climb along the pipe and find a tall boy patrolling the area where Emily and I played hide and seek the first time. Some new scaffold and gates have been built, which just give us something to use to get up high above the guards. I sneak along the side of the scaffolds and around  a light wall. I come to a grate and enter the inner area.

Dunwall tower inner area.
As i enter this large open opulent area I see the Lord Regent speaking to his underlings on a video screen. He wants to sleep in his normal bed, which is comfier than his safe room. This obviously gives me a chance to kill him without needing to go to the safe room. I sneak to the right as I go in and find the broadcast control room that Samuel spoke of. Going through here takes me to the Lord regent's bedchambers. This can't be this easy, it seems he is on his way to bed. It is, the Lord regent walks in and I can do him in any way I please. Escaping is another matter. I knock the lord Regent out instead of killing him. It seems to cause less alarm. I blink out of his balcony onto the chandeliers and out the way I came in. I can't leave with him, so I kill him in the vents and leave. I make my way back the way I came in without incident. I leave with Samuel.

The hound pits sixth time.
Back at the pub, things are in full scale celebration mode. Emily is to be crowned tomorrow. The process of rebuilding the city is to begin. Pendleton and Havelock are happy. Martin is telling Callista about training Emily. I get the feeling that things are about to go badly wrong. A strange fuzz is appearing on Corvo's vision. The mission marker tells him to go to bed. As I reach the bedroom Corvo stumbles and collapses. He sees Havelock, Pendleton and Martin standing over him. They it seems are the real ringleaders of the whole plot, not just the rebellion against the Lord Regent. The murder of the Empress was their doing also. Corvo has been manipulated into doing their bidding and now is a fly in the ointment. He is to be blamed for both the Empress and the High regent's death. Samuel is tasked with dumping his body. Samuel it turn out is not in league with them, and has only given you half the dose of the poison meant for you. Samuel gets you out of the hound Pits. Leaving you adrift in a ruined area of the city.

The Flooded district.
I wake up on the boat. The assassins who killed the Empress appear and take me somewhere. I am hoisted up in a crane and meet a man called Daud. He knows that I speak with the Outsider, he does to. He does not seem to know whose side Corvo is on. He tosses a box over the edge, then stabs Corvo. Corvo is suddenly back in the outsiders realm. The Outsider tells him that Daud was simply a paid Assassin. The outsider taunts Corvo telling him that Havelock knew Corvo would never let them manipulate Emily. They now essentially have power, being able to use the child to do their bidding. Corvo wakes in a sewer pipe, with a wooden gate over the top. Seems they just knocked him out. I have to recover my gear. I climb down through the empty building. The bottom is flooded. I have to blink out through a small gap to escape the building. I then have to get my gear out in the flooded streets. The streets are filled with acid spitting river crusts and weepers. Which makes things interesting, but not difficult.

Greaves Refinery.
I have to find a way into the refinery. A simple puzzle here has us filling a whale oil tank and inserting it into a power socket. The makes pipes move out of the way and stairs form. I can then go around the outside of the building and get inside. I see two of Daud's men talking, they reveal the way to Daud's base is through a railway line. I go inside the refinery and have to knock wood out of the way to reach a whale oil tank and fill it to lower a gate. I now climb down and find my gear. Campbell, the ex-high overseer is here as a weeper. I have to kill him to get my gear. I then have to climb back out. I have to go to confront Daud now that I have my gear back. I backtrack and then head in the alternate direction at the flooded district. Here I must knock out three of the assassins. They are patrolling on roof and while harder than guards to sneak past are fairly easy to take down. I get a key from one of them for the rail yard.

Central Rushdore.
This is a large street area, a rail track runs through the middle. I have to sneak into Daud's base. There are lots of assassins on walkways. The secret it to get inside the buildings and there is a clear path around them to get to a place where you can blink into the window of Daud's lair. Inside is more sneaking around and finally I come to Daud's room. I can kill him in revenge for the Empress, or just steal his key and leave. He was the Empress's killer, though he is only a weapon, the people who ordered her death are still to pay. I steal his key and escape through a tunnel he has secret for his own getaway should he need to. I move through the tunnel and come out in a sewer like area. A train goes past above and dumps hundreds of plague bodies into the sewer. I have to get onto this plague wagon to escape the flooded district. A man named Morley is looting the flooded district, he and his accomplice have been caught behind the wall of light that has been erected. There are also Tall Boys patrolling. I must deactivate the wall of light to ride the train out. Morley has some stuff stashed, which I can loot after pick pocketing his key.
It seems that the guards are getting plague victims to work for them. They are asking for light to be set up. Once the lights are up the tall boys are going to attack the weepers coming from the canals. It seems that if I do this, the tall boys will be distracted. Morley's stash contains a whale oil drum. Which can be used to power the lights. The tall boys then come over ands start shooting at weepers, but not for long. I must make my way to the light wall and remove it's whale oil tank. Otherwise, when I get on the train it is going to be a short trip. Getting to the whale oil tank is achieved by moving through the buildings on either side of the street. Getting onto the train is impossible. I died a few times and was getting annoyed when I realized that you don't have to ride the train at all. Just disable the light wall and sneak through a service gate at the side.

Old Ports District.
I have to travel back to the hound pits, presumably to get my revenge. I move along a street and enter a building. I have to go down a sewer grate into the sewers again. I find one of Slackjaw's thugs, it seems that something unsavory is in the sewers. Slackjaw and his men came down to kill it and got attacked by it. The thug tells us that there were hundreds of rats. I need a key to progress, and Slackjaw has it. I have to head further into the sewers after Slackjaw I move on and come to a long swim. There is a staging post to get air at a vent. I come out and climb up some stairs. I seem to already have a key that works on some sewer doors. Someone can be heard shouting up ahead. Granny Rags appears to have captured Slackjaw. She appears to be about to kill him. I am given the option of going with her craziness, and presumably letting Slackjaw die or risking Granny's wrath. I have a feeling that either choice might be bad. Slackjaw is a gang leader and no saint. Granny is a mad old lady who has powers granted to her by the Outsider for some reason. I decide that I don't need slackjaw and fighting Granny rags is going to be too much trouble. Granny rags asks me to kill Slackjaw. I wonder if knocking him out might save him. There is a lever by his side, he pleads with us to save him. I shoot him with a sleep dart. Granny then gives us the key to his bonds, which is also the key we need to progress. Granny asks me to put Slackjaw in the potion she is making, which will kill him. I can just leave now and probably not incur any flak from Granny. The game must be nearly done, I decide to put Slackjaw in the cauldron. I find that Granny rags is using some Pandyssian magic. If I burn her necklace in the furnace she will be mortal. I do this and kill her as well. She was quite mad. I now jump into a drain and get whisked back to the gate I needed the key for. I move through the sewers and find some civilians. I then reach the door to the Hound Pits.

Hound Pits, final visit.
I find Cecelia, She tells me that there has been a massacre at the pub and all the staff have been murdered. It seems that I have came up inside the abandoned apartment that Cecelia talked of earlier. I find the key to the door hanging up inside. I come out behind the pub to find Tall Boys and guards everywhere. I sneak inside and find a group of guards in the bar talking. It seems that Piero and Sokolov may still be in the workshop. I have to rescue them. I steal orders left on the bar from Havelock and it tells me that Emily is at a lighthouse. There is a mission marker telling me to go to my old room. Here I find a note from Emily. It tells me that Callista was talking about a flare gun which could be used to call Samuel, who has used his boat to escape. I go to the tower room and find Callista hiding there. She gives me a key and shows me a launcher that will give Samuel a signal to come back. I go into Piero's workshop using the balcony and find Sokolov and Piero inside. They have an arc pylon that will knock out all the guards in the area. However they need something from Havelock's room to get it working. I must go and get it. Once done I can choose to kill the guards with the arc pylon or just knock them out. I chose to knock them out. I now have to plug a whale oil tank into the pylon and it activates. I am now in the clear, all the guards and tall boys are downed. Piero and Sokolov can escape, as can Callista. I fire the flare and Samuel comes to get me.

Kingsparrow Island
I arrive at the end, A huge Lighthouse, that looks more like a fortress. There is a castle below it. I have to make my way to the top of the lighthouse. I start on the beach, which is well patrolled. I make my way through and find a sewer pipe that lets me into the control room for the large wall of light that is blocking the way. There are two whale oil tanks to remove. I then sneak past the wall of light and the gate behind it. I move through the next large courtyard using a pipe filled area to the right. I make my way through this area into the gatehouse. I turn a wheel to open a large circular door. I come to a large open bridge like area leading to a lift that goes up the lighthouse. I cross above the guards using the bridge struts. At the lift the guard patrolling it has the key, or you can drop into it from an open hatch on the roof.

The Lighthouse
There are more guards to avoid on a narrow bridge path. I had to knock most of them out. I was growing impatient. Inside the opulent top of the lighthouse there are no guards. In the chamber I find Havelock, Pendleton and Martin are already dead. Possibly poisoned by Havelock. I sneak past Havelock and find Emily is locked in a room. The key is near Havelock. I take it and open the door. Emily appears and the game ends.

I see a montage of scenes from the outsiders point of view. Corvo advising Emily on the throne. Sokolov and Piero working together to cure the plague. It seems a golden age is upon the city. Seems like a decent ending.

Around fifteen hours 380 Achievement points.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dead Space 3 Notes

First I have to sign some terms and conditions for EA servers, whether I want to or not. Why give you the option after you have bought the game. Oh that's right because if they asked you to do it before you might not. Once you have paid it's ok to hit you with the negatives.
Then I have to put in my "I bought this game new" code.


Left analogue stick        Move character
Right Analogue stick        Camera
Left trigger            Aim
Right trigger            Shoot/melee if not pressing aim.
Left bumper            run
Right bumper            Stomp
X                reload
Clicking right stick        locator
Clicking left stick

I start a solo campaign, adjust brightness, then choose normal difficulty.

A cut scene tells the history of the game. It all started long ago on earth where an alien black marker was found. It was a limitless source of energy. However it also had the side effect of causing dementia and the resurrection of dead flesh which began assembling itself to it's own agenda. Creating creatures called necromorphs. The necromorphs were destroyed and the marker covered up and buried. However, the burial wasn't deep enough and a religion called Unitology sprang up, led by Robert Altman.

During the energy crisis that followed, the marker was turned to again, it was copied. Red human built markers were made. They provided energy, though at the huge cost of creating the necromorph outbreaks. Again these indestructible markers were buried. Many years later the Ishimura crew found a marker by accident. This led to the events of Dead Space one. Isaac escaped the carnage and was captured by Earth Gov. They took him to the sprawl and prized the secrets of the marker from him. Yet more were built by the Unitologists seeking their salvation. This caused yet another  new rash of marker led insanity. The sprawl was destroyed. Now Isaac is searching for clues to a legend. It is rumored that someone once managed to stop a necromorph outbreak on a remote ice planet.

Prologue Beginnings Tau Volantis
The scene shifts to a solider in a suit in a blizzard, he seems to be alone and having difficulty communicating with his squad, who sound like they are in trouble. It seems our character here is called Tiff, he confesses that his gun isn't even loaded. I have to move through the blizzard, following the locator. A ship has crashed in the distance, the blizzard begins to thin out. I speak to someone called Doc on the communicator. He asked us to find a way inside the crashed and burning ship. I find some bullets just outside the ship. The ship seems to be called the Mule. I find a door, but it does not seem to want to open. I hit it but it does not do anything, I have to shoot out a cover on the emergency release. Zombies come out of the ship, I kill them, our character does not appear to be surprised in the slightest. I kill the zombie and then go inside and fight more of them. I climb a ladder into what looks like a flight deck.  Here I find what we are being sent to look for. Something called the codex, it looks like a cylinder roughly the size of a thermos flask. The ship begins to lurch on the ice cliff edge and I am almost knocked out of the emergency hatch. We use a rappel line to head down the cliff. I must move down avoiding falling debris. Then the rope goes loose as the ship is falling down the cliff with us. I have to roll as I slide down and avoid the falling ship.
I land at the  bottom it seems in a camp. There are lots of dead bodies, some of them have been hung. Someone approaches and it seems our character knows who it is. He salutes and calls him General. The general seems to be of the opinion that things are hopeless. He thinks the doctor can't stop the outbreak. He takes the codex from Tiff, then asks if he loves the Earth. Tiff says that he does then the general shoots him in the face at point blank range. He then deletes the date on the cylinder and shoots himself.

New Horizon lunar colony.
We see Isaac, he does not look like life is treating him well. He is drinking and it appears Ellie from the last game, has dumped him. He is startled when the door to his room opens by itself, he picks up his gun and aims it at the door. Isaac is ambushed by a soldier and held at gunpoint. A man comes in as asks  Isaac to help him with a marker problem. Isaac is understandably not please by this. He tells the man to find someone else for his suicide mission, and is told that Ellie already tried and they have lost contact with her. Suddenly an explosion sounds outside. An alarm can be heard and a voice tells us that Unitologists have breached the security. Isaac it seems has little choice but to go with his guests. They give him a gun and we must follow them. I come out into corridors in a slum apartment building. I come out into a courtyard type area and the soldiers inform us that they are part of Earth Gov's last battalion. We are attacked as we leave and I am told to make my way to a car that is nearby. As I do an enemy jumps on the bonnet and blows himself and the car up with two grenades. Isaac is knocked down into a new area. I then have to fight a few enemies. I am told that the Unitologists are here to kill Isaac. Being able to break markers is a direct threat to their plan it seems. I am told to go to the roof to meet the extraction team. I move through a street like area fighting, then come to a road. Very fast automated trucks speed by, it is impossible to cross. Isaac has to use his stasis power to slow a truck, this causes a pile up. I can now cross. I move on and come to a lobby, there are an awful lot of dead Earth Gov soldiers. A broadcast from a Unitology spokesman talks of the usual everyone becoming one rhetoric. I enter a lift.
At the top I find that the Unitologists are waiting to ambush me. In cut scene we find the Unitology leader waiting for us. Isaac is shot in the gut and held at gunpoint. The leader talks to us about the marker program that we made possible. He points to a large building in the distance that is suspiciously marker shaped. He presses a button and the building blows open to reveal a huge marker. He tells us that it is time to join the cycle of rebirth. Isaac jumps from the edge of the building.

Thankfully he doesn't die and lands in a pile of bodies. He gets up just in time to see the first corpses begin to reanimate. I have to fight off two necromorphs. I move through more office type areas fighting as I go. I get into a lift and am contacted by one of the surviving Earth Gov soldiers. He tells Isaac to make for an area. Isaac tells him that he will try and get on the train. I come out of the lift into a shopping centre like area.
Automatic barriers come down forcing us through a shop, out into a street market like area. I am attacked by many necromorphs here. I enter a subway station and go down in a lift.
I come to a large train repair bay. Isaac sees that the train has been taken apart. If he wants to go anywhere in it he is going to have to put it back together.
This is basically a tutorial for the kinesis ability. I can point at a specific object and press B. This causes a force beam to shoot out and latch onto the object. I can then use the right stick to move the object around. I have to move the train onto a circular platform which rotates and then spin it around and shuffle it about so that it is all connected up. Once it is connected it activates and moves through the station. I am told to board at the rear. As I get on soldiers arrive and attack. I go inside and the train starts to move. I now have to make my way along the train and the good guys will pick me up off it in their space ship. I go out onto the top of the train and find two ships battling over the train. I have to fight my way through Unitologist soldiers that are dropped onto the train. The ship named the Eudora comes in close and Isaac grabs the lip of a ramp that comes down. In cut scene I have to QuickTime press A frantically to grab the hand of a solider who tries to bring us on board.

Isaac wakes in a sick bay. He sees the soldier, whose name is Carver holding a picture of his wife and Child. It seems they were killed by the Unitologists and Carver is not very friendly. We are called to the bridge by Norton who is the man in charge. As I reach the bridge on my short trip through the ship a cut scene starts. The Eudora comes out of Hyper drive and a small broken moon appears. Debris almost hits the ship. The crew report that the area around the planet and it's moon seem to be littered with junk, some of it over 200 years old. A distress call is coming from a nearby ship. Norton orders the Eudora closer to investigate. As it moves in mines appear all around and explosions rip into the bridge. I have to run from the bridge and it is sealed off. Isaac begins giving orders as nobody else seems to be. He tells Norton to use a tool to seal the depressurized areas and then asks where he can get an EVA suit. Carver points him in the right direction. I make my way along the corridor which suddenly is turned sideways when the artificial gravity goes haywire. I have to run along the collapsing corridor. Isaac finds the suit and is blown out of the airlock as he is putting it on. He finishes putting it on outside the ship very quickly. We now have to get an escape pod unlocked from the ship manually. I fly over and kinesis two bolts. It then falls away from the exploding ship. I follow the box like pod with Carver and Norton hanging onto it. I have to shoot mines and avoid debris. We eventually reach the other ship where the distress call is coming from. Carver and Norton take the box over to a cargo door, which won't open. Isaac goes to another door and gets inside. I then move around the ship and find the cargo door release. I then move into the cargo bay and meet up with Carver and Norton. There are other crew in the pod, some of them are badly injured. Norton tells us to go and find the source of the distress call in this ship while he tends the wounded. Inside the ship the air is old, there are also the telltale graffiti that suggest things are not at all well aboard.
I come to a room and have to plug a loose power cell into a socket to get a bench working. I can now get to the weapon upgrade screen. There are what look like coffins scattered around the place. Putting the socket into the bench also reactivates the door. There are signs on the door suggesting that it has been closed as a quarantine measure. I think I can guess from what. They are ramping up the jump scare tension here, nothing is jumping out at me, though I know it's coming. As expected ancient necromorphs arrive and attack. I come to a briefing room, the necromorphs seem to be cocooned into the ceiling and drop when you shoot them. I go through a door and see a huge tentacle outside the ship, a portent of a boss battle to come. Some Necromorphs appear to play dead when you shoot them now. Others appear from walls after you think it's all clear. A call comes in from the others, it seems Isaac has woken up the necromorphs and they are attacking the others in large numbers. I go through a zero gravity tube and encounter the necromorph type that is a body with three arms on top. They shoot spines at you and move around in the zero-g environment easily.
I come to a large open cylindrical room. It is the ships power generator. If we can turn it back on we will be able to let Norton get to Ellie's location, we will also be able to take a lift there as well. I have to bring three rings down into contact, then use kinesis to spin a turbine until the generator starts. As I do each stage necromorphs pop out and attack. Once the generator is powered with a light show Norton calls to say he has power. I go to the lift unmolested and come out into a cut scene.
Ellie is there with two other people. Norton gives her a more than friendly hug of welcome. The two people are introduced, they are marker experts, Buckle and Santos. Ellie thinks that the admiral of the derelict knew something and has written it in marker script in her quarters. Isaac tells Ellie to get the rest to safety and he will go and see what it says.
I go back down in the lift and find that a tentacle monstrosity has invaded the power core room. It isn't attacking me yet, I shoot a glowing part and one waving tentacle falls. There is a large portion blocking the way forward. I have to do the same process with the power connectors again, bring the ring down and crank the starter. This knocks the tentacles away and spawn in attackers. I go back through the ship, this time the fans in the gravity area are spinning making stasis necessary to pass. The door to the admirals area is locked, though a panel beside it is active that wasn't before. This is a hacking mini game where you have to move dots around on a grid quickly using both sticks against the clock.
I take a lift to the admirals quarters. Inside I find the dead body of the admiral and an insane mural dedicated to the markers. Isaac reads it and tells Ellie that the admiral had found evidence that the markers were all controlled by another alien machine which may be down on the planet below. She also talked of a key that could be made and used to turn the markers off.
Ellie speaks to Isaac and she believes that the planet they are in orbit above is the home world of whoever built the markers.
A ship is found attached to another derelict. we have to now find a way to get across to it. On the way back through the ship the briefing room in now playing a movie on the screen, now that the power is back on. The film reveals that the markers are not actually generators, they receive power from  the central machine. Basically they are like batteries that are charged from the main source across limitless distances by a carrier wave. The planet is named Tau Volantis.
I head back to the bay where I first entered the quarantine section. I find Ellie there. There is some argument about what to do once transport is achieved. Norton wants to get the hell out of here. Ellie wants to go down to the planet and investigate. I get the feeling we won't be following Norton's agenda. A small ship to ship transport has been found, we have to check out if it is working. I move through a previously locked door and find the first suit upgrade shop. Norton calls on a private channel, he wants to know if we are going to side with him. Isaac tells him that they may have a chance of stopping the markers. Norton thinks this is suicide and that Isaac only sides with Ellie because he wants to get back into her good books. He seems paranoid, this isn't going to end well.
I leave the ship and fly over to the skiff. It seems that I can use this to move between derelicts in a non linear fashion. I go over to a random ship and find that this is a co-op mission and I need to invite a friend to be able to play. I go to the next ship.

Greely optional mission.
I explore the ship, there is a signal coming from somewhere in the ship. I have to get power back on to be able to get past locked down doors. I move through the ship and turn on the much smaller power generator. I have to now head to the radio room. Necromorphs have been stirred up by the power going back on. I get to the radio room and have to do a new puzzle type mini game, where I have to do some math to work out a power sharing ratio between two systems. I hear a conversation, some soldiers have been stuck by scientists who have locked themselves in the radio room. They are told by their leader to abandon them and shut off the ships life support. I enter a new area where there is what seems to be insulation covering the lower areas of the floor and furniture. There are also what look like dissected frozen sections of people. I go down a lift into a storage area and find many quarantine marked pods. A few enemies attack at random jump scare moments. The little bug enemies make their first appearance here. I come to a machine which is emanating sparks in a dangerous looking fashion. I use kinesis on it and stop the sparks. I then find an audio log from a scientist called Engstrom, she is desperate sounding talking about getting to her office. A key to her office can be found here. Looks like I have to now go to her office. As I move back through the ship the gravity plates start to go awry and become dangerous, ripping apart and throwing upwards anything that stands on them. many Necromorphs appear in the frozen section room. I make my way to the office where I find and decrypt an audio message. It reveals the name of someone important in the research of the markers. I now make my way back to the airlock. I can craft a tungsten bar which allows me to open a specially locked door. There is essentially loot behind it.
I go back out and move to the next ship, the Terra Nova.

Terra Nova
I arrive docked onto the side of this ship, rather than having to fly across to the airlock. I move up and find a lift with three floors, though one one is accessible. I enter a large room and am told that cargo functions are offline. I find a panel and have to hack it by circling a pointer until a blue light appears. This must be done three times against the clock. Once done a display lights up and we can see that the shuttle needs repairs but should be space worthy. I have to get to it and this ship is much bigger than any we have been on so far. It will take a bit of getting to, of course there will be many necromorphs and problems before I get there as well. I enter a large bay filled with cargo containers and cranes. I find a scavenger bot, which can be used to find resources for us automatically. I fight through some more rooms and come to a tram station. On calling the tram I find that it is blocked. I now have to go to a point on the ship nearby where I can see the tracks. I encounter a wall based mass of necromorph that take a bit of killing. Ammunition is beginning to become scarce. I find text logs that suggest the crew were being killed off digging for the markers. There is also musings about why when they were at war were they sending a fleet out to dig for alien artifacts. I find the tracks and there are cargo pods in the way. I have to move them. I do this by rotating two cargo stacks so they they fit together like a jigsaw and then they move onwards. Once I get them cleared the train can be called. Necromorphs can be seen in a glass pod in the last, and a warning sound telling me I have let them into the ship. I am attacked. On the way back to the tram station the lift break and plummets down a few floors. This takes me to a new area.

CMS terra Nova Cradle Ops.
I move into an area called cargo filtration, where large cargo pods are moving on conveyors. I move though this area and find myself back in the other area, heading back to the tram station. I find that the large necromorph i let into the ship is waiting here. It gets loose and it is a self regenerating necromorph. This means it's indestructible I can shoot it and blow bits off but it will grow them back. I have to basically run. All the way through more enemies to the tram station and then wait for the train. I am mobbed in the station and there are two of the large indestructible necromorphs.

Chapter six repair and ride. Conning tower. (Optional mission).
I am told I can investigate the conning tower for it's resources. I think this a good idea as I am running fairly low on ammo and health packs. A recorded voice tells me that I have done well to get past the security. This can't be a live voice as it's talking about the 200 year old army. Seems I may be falling foul of a recorded trap. I move into an area and find explosives. I can blow them up from a distance. I then try to open a door and the voice tells me to die. The bombs go off, well the ones I didn't find. Then a lockdown comes into force and the room floods with necromorphs. I kill them all then have to hack the door panel to get through. In the next room the voice tells me I can't kill electricity. The voice is coming from someone named Edwards. The traps are electric spark arcs which block the corridors ahead. There is a box connected to them which provides the power. All I have to do is shoot it to shut of the beam. The next trap is coffins filled with necromorphs that burst open when you pass. Now the gravity plating has been reversed, which is blocking the way. I must find a way to cut the power. I have to go to environmental control, which is nearby. After fighting my way there I find more traps in the room. This is another quarantine, survive a heavy wave scenario.
A puzzle here didn't seem to make much sense, there are five wheels with symbols. I managed it by happy accident rather than knowing what I was doing. I now reach the environmental control and find a large spinning generator. I have to use stasis to slow it down and then pull out three components shutting off the gravity trap. I go back and enter the elevator. I find a small cabin type room with a key to Edward's nest. I then go up into his command post and find that he has shot himself long ago. More necromorphs to deal with then I find his stash of gear. Backtracking across the universe with yet more necromoprhs to deal with.

Aft Section.
Back at the tram I take a ride to the aft section. One of the indestructible appears and I get into a lift to evade it. I go up into a large room where some weird noises are emanating. I find the shuttle, it is fairly wrecked. We need to get it to a repair bay. Isaac thinks he can install a remote control onto it so he can move it to the bay. We have to make a remote relay. I have to find the three parts of this relay and then put them together at the bench. Many necromorphs die in the process. I take an elevator which has got me from either side of the bay down to the nose of the ship and install the remote. The others try and remote fly it and we now find that it is out of fuel. I have to refuel it. I go through to a new area and find some enemies and a fuel control. This puts the fuel nozzle near the ship, though I have to attach it. Then detach it. Ellie tries to start the engine and inadvertently starts a launch sequence. I have to get out of the area before the engines cook me. This means running around the bay as fire jets in all directions and necromorphs attack. I then find that the shuttle bay door is stuck, if the ship launches it will crash into them, maybe destroying it. I have to find out what is stopping it from closing. There are explosive drums caught in the gears, there is a decompression sucking them in. I find and emplaced gun here and have to use it to shoot the drums that are caught and necromorphs that attack. Once done the doors open and everything goes to hell. Isaac is sucked out into space. I then have to make my way back inside. I find myself at the docking bay where my little skiff is docked. I am told that the ship need a port engine and that one can be found on an abandoned ship nearby.

Chapter 7 "mayhem" CMS Greely
I have to spacewalk out to a piece of wreckage and help another crew member detach an engine from the broken junk. Once it is detached he takes it back for us. I then have to go and find data recorders which will help us navigate. I have to fly to another nearby ship and find three recorders at small satellite like devices. Now it is back to the nearest bench to make the flight recorder. Arguments start over what is going to happen next. Some want to just get the hell out of here, Ellie wants to go down to the planet. Norton is overruled by all those who think that going down and stopping the marker is better than heading back to a civilization which might be overrun by necromorphs and Unitologists. Isaac invites Norton to try and stop them. This is not going to end well. I am told to go to the shuttle which is now docked outside. I fly out to it. Inside the shuttle I find Ellie. There is something wrong with the oxygen injectors. Isaac thinks they will break during the flight and kill everyone. I have to fix them. Everyone is aboard the ship waiting. I place the oxygen tanks in place and twist them around to make them activate. Now we can go. I sit down in the cockpit seat and now have to guide the ship down. There are square markers to fly through with the left stick and shooting of mines and debris with the right. Things go very badly. I have to get out of my seat halfway through to put the cylinders back in place. Almost everyone of the non essential cast seems to die. Ellie is sucked out of a hole in the ships side and then we hit ground.

Isaac wakes up in the flaming wreckage on the planets icy surface. His rig seems damaged and won't close up it's armor. I have to make my way forward, using fires from the wreck to stay warm. Isaac's body temperature drops very quickly in the intense cold. I move onwards searching the wreck with no luck in finding Ellie. A large spider like Necromorph attacks though it does not follow, just knocks me off a cliff and vanishes. Looks like I will be fighting it soon. I find an abandoned base and get inside. Starting a generator restores power. Ellie can be heard on the radio, though broken up and not hearing our calls. I move on and find Necromorphs, how come I die in a minute out in the snow but they last forever in it? I fight my way to another building. Inside I find a badly frozen and wounded Buckle. I think that is his name. He tells us that they found snow suits, he stayed behind because there wasn't one for him. Seemingly in a self sacrificial manner. He dies after imparting this information. I have to get a suit that works. An elevator nearby takes me further into the building. I need to make it work though, a cog is missing. I find the cog nearby and get the lift working. In the elevator a voice tells me that he locked a fellow solider who was going nuts down in the basement. looks like i will be meeting what he turned into. I find lots of bodies, this does not look good. I see this new creature, it looks like a very skinny necromorph. I find them, there are lots of them. Not well armored and a good headshot will kill instantly, but lots of them rush at once.
I move through a few areas filled with skeletons and then come to a pumping station. I have to do one of the circular puzzles, though I am still unsure how I am solving these, trial and error again. A giant spiky piston starts flowing up and down a corridor. I have to use stasis to get past. Two similar pistons with puzzles and enemies in between. I then find the snow suit. This allows me to open a door back to where I started finding buckle dying. I can now go outside without freezing to death. Outside I am directed to a security checkpoint. Which will now let me through since I am wearing the correct suit. I move through the blizzard an encounter with a crane that collapses off the edge of a cliff gives me some much un-needed QuickTime button pressing. I then come to a large military barracks like area. Here I see Carver up on the wall. He sees us and seems surprised that Isaac survived the crash. Ellie is alive as well. She is inside the base. Carver starts shooting at necromorphs who attack on top of the wall. He tells us to get up and help. I have to power an elevator by turning on a generator in a hut beside it. I then am attacked by the spider necromorph boss beastie from earlier. Now I have to fight it. I shoot it's glowing bits in a boss battle that gives me flashbacks to Lost Planet. Three wavy tentacles have to be blown off to reveal three other glowing bits that need to be shot quickly. Miss and you have to repeat the whole process. Once it's had enough it leaves, crashing down the walkway to make a way forward. Least it could do since it broke the lift.
I have to swap to disc 2 here.

I enter the base, I find a garage, there is nothing but necromrophs inside. I move on into another building. This is the command centre. I find the gang all inside. Ellie Hugs Isaac, glad to see him alive. Norton is pissed off at this. The computer data is gone but the written logs suggest a way to find the alien core machine. Of course we need to go to the other end of the universe, sorry complex to find it.

Chapter 10 Now we know Excavation headquarters.
Outside time again. As I leave I see the gang up ahead. As Isaac gets to them Carver starts shouting to get down. Isaac is blown off the balcony and down into the camp. The Unitologists have arrived. Their ship fared better getting down to the planet than ours did it seems. soldiers are dropped in to fight. I fight my way through the dig site. It seems that the necromorphs are no friends to the unitologists, they are attacked by them as well. I move through the  dig site fighting. I find a frozen giant necromorph. Much like the last boss from the first game. I have to hack a door to get into a building marked excavation drill site. Inside this I find a huge drill. It is broken and jammed and blocking the way forwards. I have to bring down two gates it is jammed on to release it. Then a boss battle of sorts starts. I am held in a circular area with the drill, which is out of control and running amok. I have to use stasis and shoot a yellow orb in it's centre. I have to do this three times and there are loads of necromorphs to run interference. I do it and then can move on.
I move into a new building and find a huge necromorph, frozen and hopefully inert. The scientists have been working on it. It seems that the bigger necromorphs have a role in broadcasting to and controlling the smaller ones. The signal from the marker routes through them. Again we don't know what the scientist found as they have deleted the data. Though by seeing the physical evidence we can piece the puzzle together much faster. It seem they used surgery to find something inside the big necromorphs that aided them. we will have to look inside it seems. A furnace needs to be lit to make our way in. Isaac is the man to get it working as always.

Chapter 11 Signal hunting Specimen facility.
I move onwards past the specimen without incident. An audio log from a scientist here tells us that the necromorphs are all controlled from the source, which we knew already. I am given a new suit, that of an archeologist. I take a long lift ride to the top of the facility. There is a little puzzle here. A door is stuck half closed, I can't fit through. There is a battery pack near the door where I came in. I take it over and try and insert it into the space I can see through the half shut door. I can't I have to put the battery inside then go up a ladder and drop into the room from a ladder above it. Necromorphs make the journey more interesting. I find the generator here and turn it on. Now I have to go back down. More necromorphs to deal with. Ellie and the Norton situation are going to come to a head soon. The arguments are getting heated. I go back to the specimen and find that the heat isn't getting to it. I have to puzzle it out with four huge wheels.  press a charge button that enables me to grapple the wheels. It isn't really a puzzle, more a diversion. I just have to turn the wheels in order. I am told to go up to the booth. I meet the girl whose name I don't know, she tells me about a probe gun that we need to build to track down the source machine. The parts I need might be in a nearby warehouse. I have to backtrack a bit to get to it. I come to the drill area and find a bunch of unitologists seemingly committing suicide. I move on past and come outside again. I reach the warehouse unmolested. Maybe not, I take a lift and come out outside again. There are new necromorphs here, they seem to be attacking a corpse, feeding on it maybe. They run when I approach, which is new. They don't run for long and come back to attack. They are fast, but not much trouble. I move into a building and find a briefing room. The video is still playing, telling the story of how containment broke down and the soldiers were ordered to destroy all flight capability and kill themselves. This was done in order too keep containment of the Necromorph outbreak. I move on to a large area where the new dog like necromorphs attack in large groups. I then find a containment area, that it seems lost containment in grand style. It looks like one of the large necromorphs broke out of the warehouse. I am told to see if the parts we need are still here. I explore, a grapple point allows me to move a broken elevator car to the right. I climb down a set of ladders. I am being given an awful lot of ammo and health packs here. A boss battle must be close. I find all three parts fairly easily. One is in the lift. I now need to find a bench.  The girls name is Santos it seems. This is far too easy, there has to be a big catch soon. And yes, here it is, the spider boss is back for round two. In the arena where I fought the dogs just outside the warehouse. Again this is the same fight, it even runs away again. Isaac fears that Danik, I think that is the name of the Unitology leader anyway, will find the armory. This is an optional mission.
I decide to do it.

Armory (Optional mission)
This is a romp through endless corridors, though at least it is filled with loot and of course, necromorphs. An audio log tells me that the key to the munitions store has been lost. Seems we need to find it. I then encounter Unitologists. Here I find the key for the storage locker. I then head to the relevant section of armory and unlock a chest filled with loot. Now back to the main story.

Back at the specimen I have to shoot two harpoons into it and then use them to lever open its ribcage. I then get into a cage and am winched out over the beasts belly. I am then lowered down inside it. I have to find synapses in the beast and fire the probe gun into them. The gun bleeps when I find the correct blob to shoot at. When I do skeleton necromorphs are spawned in. This is quite hard to survive, due to my poor weapon choice. I am stuck with it and have to just get on with it. I eventually survive and have shot three nerve clusters. Santos tells me that the machine is inside the planet. We will have to climb further up the mountain to get to the entrance to it's location. Norton is given the task of getting Isaac up out of the belly of the beast. He tells Ellie that he loves her. I think the double cross is about to happen. It is, Norton takes to chance to keep Isaac locked up in the cage. He tells him that he is taking over control of the mission again and getting everyone off the planet and away to what he hopes will be safety. Escaping the cage is simply a matter of using the kinesis to manipulate the door control.
I head out of the building towards the cliff to find the others and Norton.
As I reach the outer door a cut scene starts. Norton and  Carver are down on their knees. Danik and his men have caught them. Isaac is punched and knocked down, held by two guards. Danik reveals that Norton helped the unitologists follow them through shock space. He was told that he would go free if he gave up Isaac. Danik obviously will not honor this deal. Danik pulls a gun to shoot Norton. Isaac intervenes and the shooting starts. Carver has grabbed a gun and kills the guards. Isaac throws a grenade at Danik who runs. Isaac gets his gun back and we are into a fight with unitologists. The fight does not last long. The giant necromorph intervenes, eating the unitologists whole. This is a by the numbers boss battle. Shoot the glowing heart when it appears. The boss uses two swipes of its arms which must be dodged. Then it spawns around five skeletons. Which run interference when the heart is on show. Taking them out quickly is the only way to be able to concentrate on the heart. When you hit the heart enough the boss tries to suck you in. This exposes four soft points in it's mouth which you must shoot. You rinse and repeat these steps until the four points are gone. Then you get eaten in earnest. The boss swallows you whole and you end up in it's stomach. Floating where you have to shoot three pods until their glowing points are broken. You then get shat out the end of the beast onto the snow. This is Norton's final straw, he starts trying to shoot Isaac, Isaac is forced to shoot him in the head. Carver sympathizes with Isaac.

Chapter 13 Cliffs of Volantis "Reach for the sky"
I move on and find Ellie, Carver and Santos. Isaac tells Ellie what happened, she seems disappointed in him. Santos has a little breakdown and Carver is an asshole towards her. I move over to a machine which shoots a rope up the cliff. I can now ascend the rope standing on the cliff. I have to climb two levels of cliff avoiding falling ice. Then move through cave system filled with necromorphs. I find a cargo cage. Ellie appears to be taking Norton's death badly. I send the lift down by moving it away from the edge using kinesis. I can hear shouting and screaming from the radio. It seems necromorphs are assaulting the rest of the gang. I have to find the lift controls. I move on and find more enemies and another cliff ascent device. I have to fight enemies while on it this time. At the top Ellie  begins to be more forgiving of Isaac. More enemies, and another ascender. this one is a pain as you have to avoid large chunks of rock and a swinging lift. Stasis is the key and it is still a pain to work out where you can move Isaac to safely on the rock face. More fighting at what looks like the top of the cliffs. I find the lift controls and start them up. This is bringing Ellie and the gang up quickly. Santos tells us that we need a key to turn off the machine. The codex is what they called it. Also what we saw being destroyed at the start of the game in the prologue. The lift jams, a fuse has gone. We need to go to the fuse box puzzle and get more power from the lights. This brings the lift up. Santos is attacked in the lift by our old friend the spider boss. Carver tells us that it is going to bring the whole cliff down. Isaac is trying to save Santos. Carver cuts the cable and the lift and Santos with the creature fall down. Isaac is angry at losing Santos, the cliff crumbles as he argues with Carver. He falls, though he is ok, just a little way back down the cliff. This is our turn to finally kill the spider. I have to fight it, but this time there are some harpoons nearby. I have to start the generator. Then lure the spider into the target lasers. Then I have to go to a control and hammer B to pull it apart. This finally kills it. I use an ascender and meet with Ellie and Carver. The building is up ahead. Here we should find the means to make the codex.

Chapter 14 Everything has its place, research compound.
I climb a ladder after the others, though it breaks and I need to find an alternate route. I make my way into the base, I see a new type of necromorph, humanoid, though it is keeping it's distance. Danik also arrives by ship.Ellie tells us that we are trying to find someone called Rosetta's work. This sounds wrong, I am thinking Rosetta stone. I don't think Rosetta is a person. I make my way inside. Fight some necromorphs and go down in a lift. I enter a lab and find Ellie and Carver. Ellie tells us the we are in the assembly lab. She thought it was to assemble a codex, however it seems that it is for assembling Rosetta. It appears it is a necromorph, frozen and cut into sections like the one we saw way back on the ship. I have to take a piece from the storage bay, load it into a machine and see it slotted into place. There are three more pieces to find. Looks like I have some exploring to do. I am given a key that should open all the doors in the facility.
I move into a new area and find organic growth covering the walls and blocking some of the doors. There is a decontamination system, we need to use it. There are mine like necromorph blobs here. I go down in a lift and have to divert power from the lift to the pump. I can now go back up and use the decontamination system. There are of course Necromorphs to fight on the way. I enter a new room which is cleared by the decontamination gas. In this room  find an audio log that tells us the codex needs to be created from Rosetta's DNA. Any other DNA does not work with the machine. I find a piece of Rosetta and have to load it into the transport machine. Of course many necromorphs are unhappy about this. I move through the building out across a bridge to the paleontology building. I find the lab with the piece of Rosetta quickly. This is a puzzle however, the piece is in scanner and getting it out is the problem. An audio log here tells us that the language written on the markers is not the same as the language written on some of the artifacts. Does this mean there are two sets of aliens, or two different factions of aliens? The puzzle has three wheels that need aligned. It has two handles at each end. The middle hole is turned by both handles. You need to align one set by twisting the middle one until it's aligned, then simple place all three in alignment. Once done the scan button brings out the Rosetta piece. I am allowed to put it in the transport system unmolested for once. I move on. Danik tells us over the radio that the markers are put on a planet to guide biological development towards a goal. I find another area that needs decontamination. Again, the gas release system is gummed up. I have to release the nozzle by using kinesis on it. I then have to run for it back to the safe area before I get decontaminated. I move on into another lab. An audio log here tells me that the planet was once an ocean world, some of the necromorphs appear to be aquatic. I find the last piece of Rosetta and send it on. Necromorphs attack as I leave the lab. I make my way back outside. Danik has gunships looking for me and I am shot at by them. I make my way onwards and the strange shy necromoprh can be seen again. Some Unitologists ambush me, the necromorph attacks them then me. It is a very fast moving necromorph, they need stasis and lots of it. I move towards the geology section, which is some way across necromorph infested territory.
I enter a room where cranes and large blocks of ice are stored. There are necromorphs in the ice blocks. I move into a room and find the last piece of Rosetta. There is a small puzzle with some laser beams crossing the room. To get past them you have to move a large block which obstructs the laser allowing you to pass. I now have the last piece and have to make my way back to Ellie in the lab. Danik tells us that Isaac and Earth Gov are obstructing humanity's final stage. Ellie thinks she can make a new codex.

Chapter 15 Rosetta lab "A change of fortune"
I now have to arrange the Rosetta creature into the right order in the lab. I can use kinesis to shuffle the parts around. While the creature is strange, it is vaguely humanoid. Putting it together like a jigsaw I manage it fairly easily. Isaac is given a vision of the aliens. A huge marker can be seen, it is sucking in the bodies of the aliens, sending them up into space to make the moon we saw earlier, the one that looked like it had a huge chunk cut out of it. There is a surge of energy and it seems like the process is halted. Isaac comes to and realizes what is happening. The aliens here found the markers and ended up in the same predicament as humanity. They were being consumed, their bodies turned into necromorphs. The final stage appears to be the creation of the moons. The aliens built the machine to flash freeze the planet to halt the creation of the moon. So halting the purpose of the markers. Isaac realizes that their quest to turn off the machine is not a productive one. It is only the machine that is holding back the process. This is why the soldiers 200 years ago destroyed the codex and themselves. Isaac tells Ellie this, only to find Danik has arrived and everyone is at gunpoint. It seems that even Danik didn't quite realize what was going on, though he sure as hell thanks Isaac for the assist. His goal now is Isaac's old one, to turn off the machine. Danik orders them killed, Isaac activates the decontamination and the guards are caught. We now have to escape the room before Isaac is killed by the gas. I make my way out, Carver is by the door, Ellie is trapped in the booth. She manages to open the door which Danik has locked. Carver and Isaac watch helplessly as Ellie is trapped. She tells them to close the door on her to save themselves. She tells Isaac she loves him. Isaac and Carver close the door before they all die. We now have to run along the corridor into the lift. Isaac is cut up, Carver tells him to focus on stopping Danik. The lift is now open to all floors. Carver takes one and Isaac another. Carver tells us that the only way down to the machine is a nearby silo.
Outside I am attacked by unitologists and necromorphs and even the dropship. I move into a new area, it seems to be the one from the prologue where the soldier met his end and the first codex was deleted. I am hammered by two waves of necromorphs and unitologists here. A door puzzle lock has to be navigated. I come to a huge lift, Danik can be seen using it to go down. Carver is told by Issac to try and stop the lift. Isaac takes an ascender and uses it to drop down the shaft after Danik. Necromorphs appear and I have to kill them. Isaac reaches a platform. There is an elevator, Carver tells Isaac to slow down. Isaac tells him that Norton was right about one thing, that this is a one way trip. The elevator catches us up with the descending platform, and I get to shoot up some of Danik's men. I lose sight of it again and have to take another descender rope ride. This time it's unitologists with rocket launchers to deal with. Another platform and a door puzzle. An audio log tells of how the scientists worked out the moon was the cause of the madness and the urge to turn off the machine. Another ride down a rope and I see what may be the Rosetta aliens attacking the unitologists. They don't seem to attack Isaac until there is no other remaining enemies. I land on another platform and come through a small room into another shaft, this one has a huge fan. More rope decent fun to be had it seems. I move down the shaft with many necromorphs and then come to a fan that needs to be stopped with stasis. This does not prevent the rope from getting stuck in it when the Stasis wears off. Isaac is pulled back up as the rope is chewed up by the fan. I have to mash A to get free, then fall the rest of the way. Isaac wakes up at the bottom of the shaft.

Chapter 17 A strange alien city
I find a lab and video plays, it tells us some important story information. The moon's whatever they are, are the end stage of the markers intent. The machine stopped the local moon from completing it's birth. The machine can be reconfigured to destroy the moon also. Serrano apparently knew how to do this, though appears to have been thwarted in his attempt. Isaac tells carver that it may be possible to destroy the moon after all. The aliens communicated using a musical language. The doors here have been coded by Serrano to use this sound as keys. Handily the key is present and I have to put it into a machine which plays the right sequence. Finally the destination is in sight. The machine is up ahead. Danik can be heard with his men in the distance. Carver gives a little speech, which likely means a lot more if you have been playing co-op with him and know of his back story. It is time to finish this is seems. I move into the machine's room and have to place a demolition charge to clear some rubble blocking the way. I come to another blocked road, then another. at the last one the timer fails on the demolition charge and it blows up in Isaac's face. A cut scene starts. Isaac lands beside Danik and the Codex falls from Danik's hands. Carver grabs it as it rolls off the edge. Isaac grabs him as he goes over. Danik is about to hit them when both fall. Isaac lands beside the codex. Carver has landed further down the complex. Isaac finds himself in an area filled with marker statues and the bones of dead Rosetta aliens. Or not so dead as one appears from a door and attacks.
I find a side mission here, there have been a few I have neglected.

Side Mission
Artifact storage.
I am led to believe that I might find out what happened to the original deep dig team here. I move into a large silo with no gravity, though there is oxygen. I find large floating necromorph blobs which shoot red bombs at you. I move on through some more rooms and silos. There are laser trip wires in some of them. I move through some large tunnels which fill with various necromorphs as I go in. Then I come to a puzzle door. I enter a room and find a necromorph chained up, I hope this isn't another indestructible one. There are a few of them. This seems to have been the fate of the deep dig team, to become truly annoying necromorphs. I leave and find they have been released somehow. I now have to make my way back avoiding them, since they can't be killed. I find a door which needs overridden, this is fun while the indestructible necromorphs are nearby. Leading them to the furthest extent of the room, killing them as much as possible then using stasis gives you the time to carry out the bypass.

Back to the main mission.
I move through some zero gravity areas with some locked puzzle doors. the doors are alien and I need to use the alien sounds to unlock them. Handily the tones to use are painted near the doors. I move into a large alien area with huge, i hope, statues. An amp pad will enhance our kinesis and stasis. I have to activate a conduit. I go up in a lift and reach a plateau which is surrounded by the alien statues, I don't think they are, they all look like they have been frozen in the act of doing something. There are four tentacle like protrusions from the floor. I find a log from Serrano which tells us that this opens and closes the machine. It needs to be opened for us to change the purpose. there are three positions of the tentacles which can be manipulated by our kinesis. There are diagrams on the wall which show the open and closed position. I open the machine and then hit the button at the far end. We can now enter the machine, huge parts of the scenery rearrange.
I head for the entrance and three Rosetta aliens attack. I then go into the conduit, which is kind of force beam that sends Isaac hurtling through the air to the other side. I have to move and avoid obstacles, though this isn't taxing. I am sure the return journey won't be the same. I come into a tomb like area. There are amp pads and I am told to use stasis on hordes of skeletons and the use amped kinesis on necromorphs, I can rip their arms clean off and hurl them back at them. Another set of alien doors to call to.

Chapter 18 Kill or be killed The alien machine.
I am now inside the machine, I have to realign it somehow according to Serrano's notes. I turn on a generator and it seems I have nothing else to do in this area. The direction marker is sending me back out of the door. No it seems the way is correct, I come to a new circular area. Many enemies attack here. I then come to another door. Now another conduit ride, this one is harder with some necromorph blobs along the way. I come to another area and fight some more of the dog and exploding necromoprhs. There is what looks like an active marker here. I find a lift. At the top I find a large open area, there are four tower like structures with antenna. This must be the device I have to align. It seems that the towers antenna have different shaped tips. I find an amp pad which allows me to turn them. The middle post has three points, you must simple align it with the three outer ones. The same symbol must be touching each other at the centre. Once done power surges through the machine and another alien control panel lights up. Isaac thinks that he has to go back outside and close the machine now that the configuration has changed. I now have to backtrack out of the machine. Danik is talking on the radio he sounds worried. I thought the backtrack through the machine was uneventful, which seemed too easy, until some alien warriors ambush me in the room with two amps. Back to the outer chamber of the machine I go. Time to close it, which in theory will set it in motion to destroy the moon. At the controls I find unitologists duking it out with necromorphs. I let the necromorphs win then take them out. Danik has to arrive sometime soon. I configure the pillars and press the button, something happens but no information as to what is forthcoming. I move back to the lift and see one of Daniks dropships pass overhead. He seems happier now, he tells us that he has a surprise. Ellie is still alive, he has her captive. Now it seems I have to head back into the machine, only now the same chambers are filled with unitologists. I fight past and come to the area with the circular area that I skirted before. The alien machine seems to be different now and the area opens up to form a puzzle. I have to place three batteries in the receptacles in the correct order of symbols, which are written on the statue. A door opens up. Inside I find Serrano's long dead corpse. He tells us via audio log that the machine will pull the moon into the planet. It seems we will be killing ourselves if we activate it. Unless we can get a lift from Danik. I have to climb up the inner spire of the machine, flame jets and spinning cogs need to be avoided. At the top Carver is waiting. As we approach the controls a cut scene starts. Danik appears with Ellie held at gunpoint. He asks for the codex in return for Ellie’s life. Isaac tells Danik that if he lets them have the codex then they are all dead anyway. He appears to be about to let Danik shoot Ellie. Carver intervenes and gives the codex to Danik. Danik throws Ellie at Isaac and then slots the codex into the machine. This causes the machine to be switched off, thus halting the freeze on the moon's development. The moon begins growing tentacles. The roof is broken and Danik is crushed by a piece of falling rock. Carver wants to set the machine to pull in the moon, Isaac tells him that he is the only one who can. He tells Ellie to leave in Danik's shuttle.

Chapter 19 Endings Convergence vortex
I have to run through the rapidly collapsing area. Some necromorphs attack and i have to take out two tentacles to make an obstacle tentacle move. I come to a conduit and have to travel through the conduit avoiding necromorph blob fire and debris. I then come to another barrier with tentacles and more necromorphs. I then have some more collapsing areas and necromorphs to deal with. I come to a bench and seemingly an area I can pause in and restock. I open a door here and Isaac is sucked out into the maelstrom, out towards the moon creature. This seems to be the final boss battle. Huge eyes and a glowing green object amidst a mass of necromorph flesh. Isaac is left standing on a platform. The green glowing platform is another platform that Carver is on. I have to reel in markers that are floating around and shoot them at the eyes. Necromorphs run interference. Carver's platform is swallowed by the beast. I have to use kinesis to pull it out of the beast, also hurting it in the process. Carver's platform is brought over to Isaac's. I move over to Carver and have to mash A to get him to pull us up. We are now at the machine where the codex was inserted. Carver tells Isaac that this is it. Die now, though save Earth. Isaac agrees and triggers the machine to pull the moon down onto Tau Volantis. Carver is sucked away instantly and Isaac a few seconds later. As he hurtles through space he looks at a picture of Ellie. Isaac lets go and falls. The scene switches to Ellie in Danik's ship. She calls to Isaac and Carver and gets no response. The marker signal is gone, they have done it. Ellie sets the ship to make the jump to shock space for the journey home. The credits roll.
A voice after the credits informs us that Isaac did survive, though he is now left alone as Ellie just left. Poor Isaac, he never catches a break.

20 hours 345 achievement points for one play through on normal.