Monday, January 6, 2014

Borderlands 2 Notes

Borderlands 2 notes

The game searches the hard drive and finds a save game for the original game. It gives me a skin pack for my character as a reward.
A patch for downloadable content needs to be done, thankfully in the background.

A story is told in rough concept art style. Due to the opening of the vault in the first game an element called Eridium has began to be found on the surface of Pandora. This has drawn a company called Hyperion to Pandora to mine it. Evidence that there is another, larger vault on Pandora has been found. This has brought many adrenaline junkies and mercenaries to Pandora in search of this new vault. However, a man named Handsome Jack is ruling the search and it seems Pandora.

A cuts scene show a skag begin harpooned and dragged by a bunch of mutants in a vehicle, which is in turn hit by a train. Inside the train we see the four classes in the game. Jack appears to have betrayed them and robots and soldiers come to kill them. We see each class exhibit their skills and take out the attackers. However, there is a bomb left by Jack and the entire carriage is blown up. There are four classes to choose from, Commando Siren Gunzerker and Assassin. I choose Gunzerker, as that likely fits my play style. I can choose a few basic appearance options and then it's into the game.

Mission 1
we find ourselves in the snow near Claptrap, who it seems is looting the dead. He gives us a communicator and asks us to follow him.
A woman speaks to us on the communicator and tells us that we are alive for a reason.
We head towards a shelter in the distance. Claptrap is scanned by the door and it opens for him. Inside is claptrap's place, where Jack dumps the bodies he has killed.
A bullymong comes in through the roof and takes Claptrap's eye.
We have to find a gun. A diamond waypoint marker appears leading us to the gun.

Mission 2
We have to retrieve claptrap's eye from the bullymong.
The woman tells us to follow claptrap and he will lead us to Sanctuary. Which is a city and our goal.
We move through the glacier area outside again and find some monsters named bullymongs, they are smaller than the larger one we saw earlier.
We move into a new area and fight more small bullymongs then a larger one named a brat bullymong.
In the next area we find the bullymong named knuckledragger that stole the eye. We have to kill him. Some smaller bullymongs and a brat bullymong run interference for knuckledragger.
Once he is downed we get the eye.
We have to take Claptrap and his eye to a repairman named Sir Hammerlock.
To get to our destination, Claptrap suggest going through a Hyperion barge, which he hacks to get into, or tries to and fails. The woman does it for us revealing that she is an a.i.
Inside the barge we get some equipment and a new gun. we must talk to claptrap to complete the mission. This is called turning in.

Mission 3
We have to go to Liars berg to find sir Hammerlock. As we reach the area Handsome jack puts a large bounty on our head. We have to fight more bullymongs on the approach to the town. Then inside the town we fight some humanoid enemies. We then have to fight bullymongs and humans. The two are not allies and the humans are also being killed by the bullymongs.
Once they are all killed we go to the abode of Sir Hammerlock. He is a hunter who has been trapped up on the glacier by Flynt's men, who are working for Handsome Jack. Hammerlock tells us that he will turn on the power to the town, and we are welcome to loot it.
Hammerlock turns on the power and we have to turn in.

Mission 4
We have to escort claptrap to his ship, which can take us to Sanctuary. Flynt is sending his two henchmen Bewm and Boom to kill us. I have gained a shield from one of the dead men.
I encounter some humans who are quite hard to kill. I die for the first time. When you die you have a short time to kill someone and you can gain a second wind. Otherwise you re-spawn at the nearest checkpoint marker post. These are device which rebuild your body using some unspecified tech and send your mind back into them. I move on through the area, finding more enemies to kill.
I open a gate and get to a ship, it is a large ship, stuck in the ice. Bewm and Boom are two armored enemies that need to be killed here. One of them uses a large emplaced cannon on the ship until his health is worn down. Once they are downed you get to use the cannon on some enemies that pour through a gate. We move through to an area named the soaring dragon. He we must fight our way through a large bandit camp in the form of a dragon.
At one point Claptrap can't climb up so we have to help him get up using a lift.
We then meet Captain Flynt, he is a large knight like enemy with flame powers.
Once he is defeated we come to Claptraps ship and have to lower it into the sea.

Mission 5
I find an echo log from a woman called Helena Pierce, she was featured in the first game. I have to find three logs, they tell the story of Handsome Jack killing her in cold blood.
I have to take the logs back to Sir Hammerlock.

Mission 6
We have to clear any bullymongs we can find in Liar's berg.
Two areas must be explored and cleared of all the bullymongs that appear there.

Mission 7
There is a crimson shield safe house nearby that may have some loot worth having. Sir Hammerlock tells us to take the elevator to it.
When we reach the elevator we find that it has been broken by Claptrap. We need to get a new fuse for it. We come to the area where the fuse is on the map and an electric fence is blocking the way. Claptrap tells us to run at it and it nearly kills us. The a.i. appears and tells us to shoot the fuse box.
I then return the fuse to the lift and go up into the shack. I have to buy a shield here.
Then we have to go back to Sir Hammerlock.

Mission 8
Sir Hammerlock wants us to go and take care of a midget and bullymong combination who are causing trouble at Blackburn Cove.
This is a fairly long mission into a new area. Another bay type area filled with shacks. I make my way all the way to the top of a structure and find the armored bullymong with a  midget on it's back. It is cutely named Midgemong. I take it out and get my reward from Sir Hammerlock.

Mission 9
We have to collect Bullymong fur for Sir Hammerlock. To do this we must go to an area where the bullymongs spawn and wear their health down. The final blow must be done with a melee weapon to generate the fur. Collect four pieces of fur and the job is done. For the first time there is a choice. Claptrap asks for the fur as well, if you give it to him he will give you a shotgun. If you give it to Hammerlock you get a sniper rifle. I choose to give  it to Hammerlock.

Mission 10
We are to go to Three horns divide and use a machine called catch a ride. This is a device that builds a vehicle for us on demand. Of course it isn't going to be that easy. The devices are protected. we need to find a Hyperion device in a nearby bandit camp to allow the a.i. woman to hack into the catch a ride for us. I clear out the bandit camp and find a broken Hyperion robot. The device allows us to get a vehicle from the machine. Once done we have to jump a gap using the car.
We now have to drive towards sanctuary. I come to what appears to be a gate leading to sanctuary. There are some bandits to clear near the gate. I speak to the intercom at the gate and A man named Roland tells me to find a man named Reiss. Reiss is needed to aid the shield that protects Sanctuary. If I find Reiss I will earn my place in the Crimsons Raiders and entry to Sanctuary. I go to the marked location and find an echo recorder which shows that Reiss is in trouble and is now in the Marrowfields Area. Roland tells us to get after him. I find him being attacked by psychos. He dies, though he tells us where the core that is needed is. I go to a bandit camp and have to take the core from their cold dead hands. Now it is time to go back to Sanctuary, I am let in, though someone tells me that Roland's communicator has went dead. Inside Sanctuary I find the shield control room. There is a force field around Sanctuary which prevents Jack from bombarding it. I replace the power core after speaking to a Lt Davis. This is the end of the mission.

Mission 11
sanctuary is decorated with large posters urging us to join the resistance or Crimson Shield. As we approach sanctuary gate the Hyperion ship that must be massive, in orbit, starts bombarding the shield. Now I know what the shield was for.
We have to meet a guard at the gate who opens it for us. we have to meet with the town mechanic, to help act out orders. The aim is to find out where Roland has gone and help rescue him. We approach the marker for the mechanic, a cut scene shows a mechanic named Scooter, he seems a bit like a redneck stereotype. I speak to him and he wants us to initiate plan B. He gives us some Eridium and asks that we pick up some fuel cells.
The two fuel cells are in his workshop. Here we find some nice shields and guns.
We now have to plug the two fuel cells into somewhere in the city. We also need to buy another fuel cell from the black market. I find some machinery in the centre of town and place the two fuel cells. I need to go to a black market shop. Here you can buy permanent storage upgrades for your character. We also automatically get the third fuel cell. I have to place it in the town centre. This is supposed to get the city to fly. The city makes some noise and then stutters and dies. We are told that we will have to go and find Roland after all. We are to speak to a Crimson raider. He is nearby and we have to speak to him. He gives us a key to Roland's command centre. Inside we are to turn in by using an echo recorder left by Roland.

Mission 13
I find claptrap, he wants us to do an awful lot of unfeasible stuff to get access to his secret stash. We find that his secret stash is actually right behind us and empty. This is a humorous cover for a way to swap items between different characters that we use.

Mission 14
I find a character called Dr. Zed, he is a humorous doctor/butcher. He asks us to perform surgery on a captured Hyperion agent by melee attacking him. This gets us an Eridium shard. Seems the man has eaten it in the hope of gaining power. He asks us to take the shard to a woman named Tannis. I take it to her and the mission is done. Tannis is an archeologist from the first game, an expert on the vault.

Mission 15
Sir Hammerlock can be found in a bar in Sanctuary, he wants us to do some more work for him on his almanac of Pandora's beasts. We have to go and search bullymong piles and hunt down 15 bullymongs for him. We have to kill a bullymong with a grenade. Then we have to kill five more bullymongs before turning in to Sir Hammerlock.

Mission 16
I find a job board in Sanctuary. The first mission is to go to three horns valley and find some Hyperion assassins. The first is called Wat, we have to travel to a power station and clear out the bandits. Inside we find the assassins and many other enemies to aid them.
I kill the first, Wat and find out that their missions was to kill Lilith. The next is Onery and he has a shotgun and a huge shield. The next assassin is called Reef and he uses a fire melee attack. Then finally we have Routh. Once the mission is done we can return to Sanctuary bulletin board to turn in.

Mission 17
I find a gun dealer called Marcus, he gives us a job testing out weapons. I have to have the correct weapon to shoot a live prisoner in the target range for him. The first is a fire weapon, the second a shock. The next is corrosive and finally slag.

Mission 18
Dr. Zed wants us to go and find someone called Dr. Mercy and find out what weapon he is using that is making strange wounds. I go to a bandit cave with a large tower that is producing sparks and find many bandits. Once I have killed enough bandits a larger one appears with a gun that shoots purple light beams. I kill him and get the gun. Zed now wants us to use it to kill 25 bandits. Once done I turn in back at Sanctuary with Dr. Zed.

Story Mission 19
We are to go to Roland's safe in his command centre, he has left a clue to his whereabouts in the safe. The safe is a place for us to keep any items we don't want to carry around with us. We need to go to Frostburn canyon, Roland has went there to speak to a bounty hunter named the Firehawk. I head to Frostburn canyon, a new map area. we find that a group of bandits named the Bloodshots have a gripe with the Firehawk. They are attacking him. We have to follow the trail of attackers to the Firehawk. After fighting through many areas with bandits and spiderants of varying types we come to the Firehawk's lair. We are warned that there may be traps by the a.i. I enter and find some goliaths to fight. There are some pipes which belch fire when passed near. I eventually find my way to the lair of the Firehawk. She is a woman, turns out it is the siren named Lilith that Jack was so keen to have assassinated. We have to revive her after she uses her powers to kill some bandits. We then have to fetch some Eridium from nearby and give it to her. Once we do we have to fight an awful lot of bandits who turn up in waves. Once done we give Lilith some more Eridium and the mission is ready to turn in. The Bloodshots have taken Roland captive.

Mission 20 side mission
Lilith wants us to investigate a cult that has sprung up, which is worshipping her.
We are to go to Frostburn canyon. I find the leader of the cult, who knows that I have met Lilith. He asks that we go and burn bandits alive and return the ashes to him. Lilith tells us to go ahead. I have to collect 10 ash piles from a nearby bandit camp and turn in.

Mission 21 side mission
Incinerator Clayton wants us to burn some fire cultists who have started worshipping someone called Scorch. We have to go and kill Scorch. Scorch turns out to be a fire ant, a big one. I kill him and turn in.

Mission 22 Side mission
Clayton tells us the Lilith came to him in a dream and told him to kill Matchstick, a dwarf. He must be sacrificed at a specific area. Matchstick is captive in a toilet in the camp. I get to pick him up like an inventory item. We must now take him to the freighter. Which is some distance away. We have to travel back to the large dragon building from earlier in the game and take Matchstick to the top. We then have to set fire to him using a lever at the mouth of the dragon. Then it's back to Clayton to turn in.

Mission 23 Side Mission
Clayton tells us that it is time for the enkindling. We must sacrifice heathens to Lilith. First we must light three phoenix type bird effigies. I must then travel to the site of the enkindling. which turns out to be Clayton burning a bunch of civilians trapped in a box. Lilith draws the line here and comes and takes the civilians away for us. Leaving us to deal with Clayton. Once done we have to go back to Sanctuary and turn in.

Mission 24 side mission
Lilith wants us to kill a bandit named Boll who has evidence of Lilith's whereabouts. I go and find him and kill him, he has a bunch of skags helping him. I find an echo recorder, it points to the fact that there are three more to find. One his hanging on an anchor which I have to shoot down. The next in an oil well, turning the wheel gives us the next recorder.
The last is on top of a pipe. It is now time to turn in.

Mission 25 Main mission
I have to rescue Roland, I go to three horns divide and come to a bandit camp. I have to honk the horn on the car to get let in. They are about to let me in, but realize I may be a bad guy. I am attacked, which is fairly pointless as the vehicles guns make light work of the bandits. I now have to speak to someone called Ellie. I find her at a garage, she is Scooters sister. She is, shall we say, a larger lady. She tells us that we will need to get a bandit vehicle to be allowed into the dam. She has a vehicle though we will need some bandit style parts. She tells us to attack bandit vehicles nearby. We have to take out five of them and pick up bits they drop when they explode. I then have to go back to Ellie. She now gives us the ability to create bandit vehicles from the catch a ride. We now can get inside the gate. Inside we have some bandits then a boss appears. Called Maw it is a big bandit with a shield. Once it is dealt with it drops a key. We then have to turn a wheel to  lower a drawbridge. We now can enter the bloodshot stronghold. This is a fairly big area filled with bandits to fight. When we get to the end we find Roland in a cell. As we speak to him Hyperion robots arrive and try and steal him away. He is grabbed and put in a force field cage. We have to give chase and fight bandits and Hyperion robots.
We come out onto a new area which is on top of the dam. we have to fight across it against Hyperion robots and bandits. When we get to the end we find Roland in a cage on top of a large robot boss. We have to kill it, then Roland is freed. He then helps us against a bunch of robot reinforcements. Finally we speak to Roland to turn in. He tells us that he will meet us back at sanctuary. The a.i. is pleased and talks about Wilhelm, as if he is a new bad guy to be feared.

Mission 26 Side mission
Patricia Tannis hires us find and kill four dangerous escaped mutants from wildlife exploitation preserve. We have too get a pizza from Moxxi's bar. It seems the mutants like pizza and are attracted to it. We must now travel to bloodshot stronghold. I eventually find my way into the new area here. We must use an intercom to get let into the mutant stronghold. Inside I deliver the pizza and am attacked by the four mutants. They are fast moving enemies with melee and ranged attacks. Once they are all downed it is time to turn in back with Tannis in Sanctuary.

Mission 27 side Mission
A robot which we have destroyed wants us to put it's a.i. core into another body. Why we would do this I don't know. We are to put the a.i. core into an inactive constructor bot. I put it in the loader and it tries to kill me. Again we repeat the same mistake putting it into a robot walker body. It now wants peace and asks to be put into a radio in Sanctuary. I head back to sanctuary and put the a.i. core into a radio in Moxxi's bar. It starts playing awful music in an attempt to kill us. I am told by Moxxi and everyone else in the bar to shoot the radio. I do and am told that the a.i. core can be made into a gun or a shield, depending on who I take it to. I take it to Marcus and get it made into a shotgun.

Mission 28 Side Mission
Sir Hammerlock wants us to mutate Varkids for him so he can study them. He gives us an injection device which we are to use to mutate the pods of Varkids. I go to the area and find the Varkids, which are insect like enemies. They change into pods and become bigger when a group are attacked. I have to locate the quickly transforming pods and inject them to make a mutated Varkid. Once done the mutant needs to be killed and a body part collected for study. This has to be done four times. I then return to Hammerlock to turn in.

Mission 29 Main Mission
I speak to Roland and Lilith in the crimson raider base in Sanctuary. It seems that the vault in this case is not an alien prison. It appears to contain an Eridian warrior or war machine, which can be controlled by whoever awakens it. Jack of course wants to be in control of it. He has the vault key and only has to charge it with enough Eridium. Roland plans to steal the vault key and attempt to be the first one to open the vault. There is nothing on Pandora that can stand up against Jack and the might of Hyperion. The only option in getting rid of Jack it to take control of the Eridian warrior. We must go to the Tundra express and meet an informant of Roland's. To attract this informants attention we must wake him up from a drunken stupor by igniting Varkids. The screeching is the only thing that will wake him. I manage this and we find Mordecai with his pet eagle thingy. He tells us that the key is stored on a train. We have to meet with a bomb maker named Tina who will help us. She is a thirteen year old mad bomb maker. She has bombs in the shape of cuddly toys. We need to get two badonkadonks, which is Tina's name for a missile. I have to enter a bandit infested town and take two missiles. Back at Tina’s house she makes her devices and gives them to us. We now have to place them for use on the train. I mount them on a balcony and then arm them. The missiles are fired and the train derailed. We must climb the wreckage to get to the vault key. I now have to traverse a frozen area, filled with flaming train wreck and Hyperion robots. We come to the train carriage where the vault key is supposed to be and instead find a giant humanoid robot called Willhelm. This is a boss battle, though not an especially hard one. You have to take care of the repair robots that he spawns and just keep circling and plugging away. Once done we have his power core, which will help Sanctuary's shields for a long time to come. we have to turn in to Davis at the shield station outside Sanctuary's gates.

Mission 30 Main Mission
We are told to remove the old power core and insert the new one. As we do so things go drastically wrong. The shield fails entirely. It seems that we have been the victim of a ruse. Jack tells us that we have fell for his trap. He tells us that the a.i. has been under his control all along. That he wanted us to get to Sanctuary and to basically do what we just did.He even tells us that all the events in the original game leading up to the original vaults opening were done on his instructions also. we have Installed a bogus core that has shut down the shield entirely. We are told to get back to the centre of sanctuary. Lilith and Scooter are trying to get the ship to fly. We have to cycle an ignition primer, then another. Now we must get Eridium from Roland to give to Lilith. She begins using her power on the sanctuary engines. As she does so we get transported by accident due to being too close to Lilith. we end up outside the city. Watching as it takes off and vanishes. Jack is obviously not happy about this turn of events. Angel, the a.i. tells us that she is sorry for deception, though we are still to trust her. She tells us to go to the fridge.

Mission 31 Main mission
We have to travel to the entrance to the new Fridge area. The a.i. tries to apologize. It uses flame jets to open the iced up door of the fridge.
I travel through the fridge, which is a rat person infested area with large bullymong like creatures. They have crystals attached to them and seem to be worth money when these crystals are shot off. We come out of the other side of the fridge at another new map area called the highlands outwash. We see Sanctuary appear floating in the sky. We are told by angel that we can go back there using the fast travel teleports. On trying however we find that we can't. We must go to a nearby Eridium extraction plant and steal a beacon which can be used to get Sanctuary back onto the network. We must enter the plant and use a lift to cross a bridge that is broken down. We then have to take out a large constructor bot robot at a gate. We then come to an area where cargo pods are being dropped and sent into orbit to the large Hyperion ship. We have to steal a beacon from here which can be used to get Sanctuary back onto the grid. Only a large worm like creature called a thresher eats the beacon. We have to kill the thresher and robots at the same time. Once done we get the beacon. We now have to go to a town called Overlook to set up the beacon. When I get there we find a large town with no residents. They apparently all have the skull shivers due to Jacks mining and are too ill to leave their beds. We have to set up the beacon. Jack seems to finally realize that angel is betraying him. He sends robots to destroy the beacon. Lots of robots. Eventually the beacons does it work and the fast travel station is set up and calibrated to send us to Sanctuary. We return to the Crimson raider HQ and find Roland and Lilith. As we chat Angel tells us that she has the vault key and is charging it for Jack. This is why she is now rebelling against Jack. He can't destroy her or do anything to her as she is charging the key. It takes 200 years otherwise. She tells us that we must get to her a.i. core and take the key. Of course there are three huge security problems to get through including a death wall force field before we can do that. Roland has an idea about the death wall. We must head to the wildlife exploitation preserve.

Mission 32 Side mission
I find Marshall Friedman who is investigating a murder. The problem is that four identical twins are the suspects. We have to talk to people around the city. Friedman tells us that the boy was killed by a single shot to the throat. Moxxi tells us that one of the brothers came into the bar asking for safe haven, she denied him and he got aggressive. Moxxi had to shoot him, he ran away, though she wounded him. Next is Dr. Zed, he healed the brother who got shot and was overpaid. It seems that now it is down to the guns and the shields they are carrying. Some have rocket launchers, which excludes them. Two have pistols and one a sniper rifle. I choose the one with a pistol and a shield. It is wrong and the one with a sniper rifle runs off. I still get to turn in and finish the mission.

Mission 33 Side Mission
Marcus has lost his safe when sanctuary flew off. We have to go back to where the city was before and look for it. We now find broken rubble and a large machine filled crater where Sanctuary used to be. There are bandits looting the place. I fight them and then head further into the crater. we go down several lifts and enter a new area called caustic caverns. This is a place filled with acid and monsters which seem mutated. I head for the safe and find it stuck onto a monster named Blue, which is huge. These monsters have crystals stuck to them, which seem to be target points which cause the most damage. I kill off blue and find that the safe is filled with nude pictures of Moxxi. She offers to pay me more if I give the pictures back to her. I give the pictures back to Marcus in the notion that I might get a gun. I get a timer to change the shop discounts quicker.

Mission 34 side mission
Tannis has hidden some journals in the highlands, we must retrieve them.
These echo recorders are well hidden and quite hard to get to. Needing lots of enemies cleared out and some nifty footwork. After finding all four we can turn in.

Mission 35 Side Mission
Now we have to find 5 echo recorders in sanctuary for her.

Mission 36 side Mission
we have to send out invites to claptrap's birthday party. One to Moxxi, scooter and Marcus. Then go back to claptrap, start a boombox and enjoy the party. we have to eat some Pizza then blow into into a party favour. We then can turn in.

Mission 37 side Mission
Sir Hammerlock wants us to find the pages of a friend’s book. He wants to plagiarize them and use them in his own book. we basically have to go to the stalker spawn points and kill 15 of them and find 5 echo recorders in their dung piles. After doing so you post the chapters back to sir Hammerlock from Outlook.

Mission 38 side Mission
Lilith wants us to investigate an Eridium mine where bandits seem to be mining the Eridium, she wants to know why and she wants them stopped. I have to kill the bandits, once done the mission indicator tells me that I have to kill Prospector Pete, only I can't find him. I eventually find him after climbing up the crane, he is on the hill above the mine. Once done we find that the bandits were selling the Eridium to Hyperion. I can turn in to tiny Tina.

Mission 39 Side Mission
We have to help tiny Tina get ready for her party. She needs us to find her date. The date, Reginald has been told not to talk to Tina by his mother. I have to rebuff, which means kill the mother. The mother turns out to be a large Varkid? Which doesn't make much sense.
Sir Reginald seems to actually be a Varkid egg with a face painted on it. I pick him up. Tina now wants us to to get some scrap metal from buzzards to make a teapot. We are also to get Princess Fluffybutt. Princess Fluffybut is a doll with a grenade for a head. The buzzards are flying vehicles piloted by bandits. We have to shoot three down and get parts from them. we can also collect crumpets as a non essential bonus part of the mission. I then have to take the guests and gear back to Tina. When I place Sir Reginald I see that he is actually a baby Varkid in a jar.

Mission 40 Side Mission
The guest of honor at Tina's party is missing. His name is Fleshstick and we must go and fetch him. Though it seems from the place card that Fleshstick is actually a bandit that killed Tina's parents. We go to a nearby bandit camp and have to lure Fleshstick out. That is made easier by him being the kind of bandit that just charges you. I lead him back to Tina's camp and he is captured by electric shock traps and pulled into a machine of Tina's devising.

Mission 41 Side Mission
The party is ready. we have to hit a switch first, which brings Fleshstick into an electric chair seat at the table. We now have to defend the tea party from the rest of the bandits who it seems want to save Fleshstick. I have to survive three waves off bandits. Once done we turn in with Tina.

Mission 42 Side Mission
Tiny Tina wants us to rob a payroll train. We have to get some bombs from Tina's workshop. A a train station, ironically used by bandits to rob trains, we have to clear the bandits. Then use a machine which lowers the gate on the station, blocking the train. We now signal Hyperion to tell them to send the train to pick up Eridium. The train arrives, it is automated. we are to place Eridium in the compartments. Instead we place Tina's bombs. They explode and shower the area in money. The train deploys three guns on top to stop us from robbing it. I shoot the emplaced robotic guns. Time to turn in.

Mission 43 Side Mission
I kill a random bandit out in the Tundra Express, he leaves an echo recorder behind. He congratulates us on killing him, and tells us that he has a cache of loot that he obviously no longer needs. It's ours for the taking. I go there and find a trap, the chest opens to show bombs which explode. Some bandits also appear and we have to kill them. Once cleared we get a gun as reward.

Mission 44 Side Mission
Mordecai had his prize from an event in the first Borderlands stolen from him. We are to go and find someone called Carson and get it back. I head to the map indicator, which seems hard to get to. I manage it by jumping a vehicle off a large rock formation into the bandit camp. In the camp we find a dead friend of Carson's, it seems that Hyperion have Carson in prison. We must go to the friendship Gulag, what a lovely name for a prison. Inside the Hyperion prison are many many robots and flying enemies. I eventually find Carson, who is dead also. The location of the stash, it is in an unknown grave in the dust at a place called Boot hill. I find it and two other people hunting it show up. We have to kill them both and then their guns and the loot are ours.

Mission 45 Side Mission
A pilot called Loggins wants us to help him get revenge on his squadron, who have kicked him out. He wants us to blow up their volleyball court. We have to go to this particular bandit camp which is guarded by flying machines. We have to find four volleyballs and two gas cans, then douse the volleyball net in the petrol and light it. We need an explosive  or fire weapon here. Once the net has been lit three shirtless bandits appear as a boss battle. Once they are killed we return to Loggins to turn in.

Mission 46 Side Mission
Ellie has heard that the bandits around her place have been putting hood ornaments on their vehicles that look like her. she wants us to go and kill the bandits and collect the hood ornaments. We have to kill 6 bandit cars and take the ornaments back to Ellie. We then have to place them around her garage as decoration. Then turn in to Ellie.

Mission 47 Side Mission
Ellie is having trouble with the bandit clans in the dust, she wants us to start a war between two of the clans the Zafords and the Hodunks. She wants us to attack both of their camps and leave the emblem of the other clans in the camp wreckage. She hopes that this will start a war and leave them killing each other off. First we have to get two sticks of dynamite from Ellie's garage, then the emblems of each clan. We now have to got to the Hodunk base, at the gate  is a large tire on a sign. The Hodunk's are proud of it, it's the largest tire on Pandora. We place dynamite at the sign and then put the emblem in the wreckage. We are attacked by two Hodunk's. Now it is the Zaford's turn, we go to the holy spirits bar and blow up a large tank filled with booze. Then we have to place the Hodunk emblem. Mick Zaford puts out a call for all gun hands to come help him fight the Hodunks. Ellie tells us to go and help him. Inside the Holy spirit bar we find Mick Zaford and turn in the mission to him.

Mission 48 Side Mission
It seems that we can now take missions from either side of the clan war. Mick wants us to follow him into his basement. Here he gives us four sticks of dynamite. Mick wants us to ruin the Hodunk's car race. We go to their racetrack and have to set dynamite on boxes of fireworks they set of during the race. We then have to go and kill the usual firework operator at his vantage point. when the  cars come past we have to detonate the bombs. If we miss any we have to go and finish them off. Now we have to go back to Ellie to turn in. It seems we are going to do something nasty to the Zafords now.

Mission 49 Side Mission
We have to go to the Hodunk Camp, here we meet the one legged grandpa Hodunk and get given a job by Tector Hodunk. We are to go to a dead drop in the highlands where we will be given instructions. The dead drop is an echo recorder in the Holy spirit bar. This turns in the mission.

Mission 50 Side Mission
I have to go and kill the thresher that mutilated sir Hammerlock. He gives us his robotic arm to lure it out. I go to the area and find what looks like a giant pool in the Hyperion processing plant. It is only ankle deep and we wade in to place the arm in the middle. This summons the giant worm like tentacle menace of the thresher and I kill it fairly easily. Once done we have to pick up Hammerlock's arm again and go back to him in Sanctuary.

Mission 51 Side Mission
Scooter's catch a ride machine has been vandalized by someone called Shorty. Scooter wants us to kill him. When we get to the location in the Fridge, we find that Shorty has been eaten by a thresher. We must kill the thresher and kill Shorty. Now we must go back to Sanctuary and turn in with Scooter.

Mission 52 Side Mission
Scooter's girl, Laney has joined a cannibal cult. He wants us to get her favorite flowers, some pizza and some porn magazines for him. He hopes to un-brainwash Laney. I find the flowers and the pizza loose in the fridge, there are five of each to collect. The porn mags are an extra, there are three of them to find. Once done we place the offering for Laney. She comes out to get them and tells us this was the only place to hide from Scooter. We now have to fight and kill her. Then turn in to Scooter.

Mission 53 Side Mission
We have to go to the caustic caverns for Sir Hammerlock to find out about the Crystalisks for his book. We have to kill 10 spiderants, 5 threshers, and 5 crystalisks. Then find four pieces of echo recorder evidence that tell the story of the crystalisks. The first tells of a security officer reporting to Hyperion about the peaceful creatures they have found.
After trailing around the entire caustic caverns and taking out many threshers, spiderants and crystalisks I find the other three echo recorders. Basically the miners revolted against Hyperion orders to kill the crystalisks and were shot by Hyperion higher ups. The Hyperion higher ups were then killed by the crystalisks. So there was some kind of justice of a dark kind. We have to turn in to Hammerlock to end the mission.

Mission 54 Side Mission
In the town of Overlook, the residents are all suffering from skull shivers, we have to go and help. The residents need three shipments of medicine. We need to replace the battery in the medicine machine. It seems someone has used the battery on the clock tower instead. I climb the clock tower and get the battery. I now have to put it in the medicine machine and buy a shipment. The next shipment is to be obtained from a travelling salesman, this is a man with a vending machine on his back, being escorted by Hyperion robots. Killing him allows you to buy another shipment. Now we must find the last one which was being transported and contact has be lost with the person transporting it. I find a cargo container with a medicine machine inside surrounded by threshers. I now have to go back to Overlook and deliver the medicine into three houses. Then turn in with Karima for the reward.

Mission 55 Side Mission
Karima wants us to help her procure a shield for Overlook like the one sanctuary has. We have to drop five shields into a grinder to get their cores. When we do they are ground up and the cores drop out the other side. We have to take the cores to Karima and that is the end of the mission.

Mission 56 Side Mission
We now have to test the shield for Karima. Dave, the sexist idiot from Overlook, thinks that Karima should be making sandwiches rather than shields. We have to go to a Hyperion cannon and aim it at overlook. I don't think this is going to end well. It doesn't for Dave, the shield isn't on and the shot is aimed at Dave's house. Now Karima turns the shield on and we test it properly, it works fine.

Mission 57 Side Mission
I find a mothers day present lying loose on the ground. It seems that the present has been lost by a man called Taggart, who may have been eaten by a stalker. To open the box I need his handprint. I have to kill lots of stalkers, then a large one called Henry appears. Once it is killed I get the fist of Taggart and I can get the box open. I get a shield as a reward.

Mission 58 Main mission
We need to get past the shield that protects Angel's core. To do this Roland believe that Claptrap can be used if we get an upgrade for him. Mordecai has got the upgrade, however he is attacked, the upgrade is stored in his bird Bloodwing's collar and it has been captured by Hyperion forces. It is now imprisoned in the wildlife exploitation preserve. We must go there and rescue Bloodwing. Mordecai provides sniper support from a ridge high above.
I enter the Hyperion facility and find that Jack has been doing horrifically cruel experiments on people and wildlife here. Lots of monsters and lots of Hyperion robots and staff to kill. Eventually I come to an area filled with small zoo like holding cells. Mordecai tells us that Bloodwing is in one of them. When we get to the location that Bloodwing is being kept in we find blood and feathers. Jack tell us that he has moved her.
He opens all the cages and we have to fight the mutated monsters. After a long trek through more mixed monsters and Hyperion soldiers. Eventually we find that Bloodwing has been mutated into a monstrous elemental boss battle. After taking it out we get the claptrap upgrade. Mordecai is devastated at the loss of Bloodwing, executed by Jack using a bomb collar. We now have to return to Sanctuary and upgrade Claptrap, he can now become invisible. I then have to turn in to Roland for the next mission.

Mission 59 Side mission
Tannis wants us to collect echo recorders detailing Jack's adventures in mutating monsters and innocents. Four are to be found in the wildlife preserve.

Mission 60 Main Mission
The next obstacle to our access to Angel is a Hyperion defense bunker. We are to try to enlist the help of a bandit leader called the slab king. We must go to a place called a thousand cuts and deliver a note from Roland. When we get to the slab kings camp he thinks we are a Hyperion Agent, we have to fight through the camp to get to him. After fighting through many bandits we come to the kings throne room. Here we have to survive waves of enemies as an initiation test. Once Done the Slab king turns out to be called Brick. I deliver the note and Brick agrees to help Roland and us attack the bunker. As we are leaving Jack begins to bombard the camp using mortars. We now have to take out three beacons which are being used by Jack to bombard the camp. Brick knocks out their shields, then we have to shoot them. Hyperion robots run interference. Once done the mission is over and we have to head back to Sanctuary to turn in.

Mission 61 Main Mission
We need to pass a bio scan and voice print recognition to get past the final obstacle. To do this we need to get hold of one of Jack's body doubles from his city, which is called Opportunity. The city is huge and full of robots and soldiers. We have to find the Jack body double and kill him. We then pick up a device from the body which is used to imitate Jack's bio signature. We then have to go around the city activating kiosks which give out voice clips from Jack, the idea being that we can build a voice print from the samples. Once done we have to attach the device to another machine to upload the data to Angel. Jack appears to break through whatever obstacles that Angel has placed to keep him from taking revenge on her betrayal, she screams in pain and Jack tells her to say goodbye. We now have everything we need to get to the core and steal the vault key. Time to turn in at Sanctuary.

Mission 62 Main Mission
We are now ready to carry out the plan. We need to convince claptrap to help first of all. Claptrap is eager to help and we now have to go to thousand cuts. We now need to go to Claptrap, we find him beside the force barrier that blocks the road. Claptrap can now pass through unharmed and he then closes down the barrier. Now we have to get up to the bunker which is a hugely difficult fight. There are many robots, soldiers and constructor bosses in the way. Eventually we reach the bunker doors. Now we must go up on top of the Angel building and clear away 11 auto turrets that are keeping Brick's buzzards at bay. Once we have cleared them, Jack plays his card, the Bunker, is actually a robot called BNK-3R. It is a huge flying ship. We must now fight it, this is a hard fight. Robots run interference. The bunker needs to have it's gun pods shot off regularly. It also shoots rockets, mortars and plasma at you. Once it is down you can get into the control core.
Here we find out that Angel is actually a real person, not an a.i. She is Jack's daughter and he has been turning her into a powerful Siren so that she can open the vault. The vault key needs to be charged with Eridium and only a Siren can do it. We now have to destroy three injectors that are feeding Angel with Eridium. We basically have to kill an awful lot of robots, turrets and shock field generators before Roland and then Lilith can remove the shields from the injectors. Once we have done this angel collapses and dies. Jack suddenly appears and kills Roland. He puts a device around Lilith's neck that controls her. He tries to make Lilith kill us, she doesn't, she teleports us to Sanctuary. Lilith can be made to take Angels place, Jack has the key and the power to charge it and open the vault.

Mission 63 Side Mission
We must inform Roland's friends of his death. I have to speak to Marcus, Scooter, Moxxi, Tannis, Brick and Zed in sanctuary. Once done we are given the code to open Roland's armory in the Crimson Raider Headquarters. I then have to turn in to Mordecai.

Mission 64 Side  Mission
Scooter wants to write a love poem to win the heart of a woman called Daisy. we have to take Scooters camera and take some inspiring pictures. I am guided to thousand cuts where I find some spots marked to take pictures. A robot and a bandit spooning, a flower on the battlefield and a bandit who has hung himself from his own tombstone. Oh and there are some naughty magazines to pick up for Scooter just in case the plan doesn't work out. I go back to Scooter, he gives us his poem and asks that we deliver it to Daisy and tell him her reaction. I find Daisy nearby in sanctuary and give her the poem. It is terrible, she goes into her house and shoots herself. I then turn in to Scooter, who at least has his nude magazines.

Mission 65 Side mission
I see a bandit jumping around madly. On meeting him he is raving and wants to be shot in he face. I do so and he dies and I get a reward. Simple enough.

Mission 66
I find four people in a Mexican standoff. They have done a job together and one of them has stolen all the money. We have to ask them a question each and choose which one we think has stolen the money. We are told that only one of them is telling the truth, which makes the other three liars. It is quite hard to work out, though eventually I realized that the stories involve each other. Which means  that on each person other than Jim two or more people are saying the same thing. Only Jim's story stands alone. Making his lie only his own. I kill Jim and the money bursts out of him. I get a shield as reward from one of the others.

Mission 67 Side Mission
Mordecai wants to get drunk to blot out the pain of Roland's and Bloodwing's deaths. We have to go and get him some beer. To do this we must go out to the dust and shoot barrels off the top of a bandit moonshine truck. Collect 10 and we must turn in. Moxxi tells us that the booze is hers. She will give us a pistol for it, Mordecai a sniper rifle. I give it to Mordecai.

Mission 68 Side Mission
Zed wants us to get him some spiderant parts for a purpose he won't reveal. I have to go to the dust and kill some spiderants, collecting parts they leave behind. Back with Zed I get a reward.

Mission 69 Side Mission
Marcus tells us about a gun called the Bane, which is cursed. We have to travel to the dust to find Horace who has the gun. I find Horace dead, he tells us that someone called McNally now has the bane, though even he doesn't deserve the curse of the the bane. We must find McNally. I find McNally alive and have to kill him. when he dies he drops an echo recorder telling us that someone called Gar now has the bane. I go to Lynchwood and fight through many many bandits to find Gar's dead body. He has buried the bane in the cemetery at Lynchwood. I eventually fight my way to the cemetery and find the gun, which ends the mission.

Mission 70 Side Mission
Brick has a grudge against the sheriff of Lynchwood, he wants us to rob the Lynchwood bank to upset her. I find the Bank and can't get in because of a special door. We need to make a bomb that uses skag venom, we need to find some laxatives! I find them in a toilet on the roof of a nearby building. Then we have to get explosives, to do this we have to find a bandit called Mad dog, and kill him. I get the explosive needed. Now we have to place the bomb and coat it in laxatives near a skag nest. The idea being that the bomb will be eaten and pass through the digestive system of the skag and come out coated. This doesn't take long, as soon as you place the items a skag appears, eats it and then pukes it back up. We now have the bomb we need and it's time to go back to the bank. I blow the door and a bunch of heavy enemies appear. Once they are dead I go inside the vault and pick up 25 bundles of cash. Now I must flee town and hide the money in three burial sites that are marked. There is a fight at each burial site with skag riding marshals. Now we have to turn in to the lynchwood job board.

Mission 71 Side Mission
I find a wounded, hungry skag chained up in Lynchwood. Scooter tells us to release it. I smash the chain holding the skag, then have to find medicine for it. Which is on a nearby roof. I then have to find food, which consists of five roast skags which can be found on fast food carts around Lynchwood. I give the food to Dukino the skag and he eats it and grows bigger. I then have to turn in to the skag.

Mission 72 Side Mission
The skag still needs fed, so we have to go and get some skag tongues for it. I need to find and kill five skags for their tongues. Once done I feed them to Dukino.

Mission 73 Side Mission
Dukino is now to big for the container he is living in, we need to find him a new house. I have to follow Dukino through Lynchwood until we come to an abandoned mine. Inside are labrats which we have to clear out to make this Dukino's new home. He helps us fight and evens the odds. That is the end of that mission.

Mission 74 Side Mission
Brick wants us to stop the Eridium coming from the Lynchwood mine being delivered to Jack. We have to steal a bomb from the train yard. I do this by setting free a bomb cart and closing the door on it so that it stops. I can now pick up the bomb. I then have to place it in another cart that takes it near to the train. I now have a limited time to get to the detonator. When ready I detonate the bomb blowing up the train as the bomb passes under it. I then turn in at the Lynchwood Board.

Mission 75 Side Mission
I now have to face the sheriff of Lynchwood, who is also Jack's girlfriend. I come to meet her, she told us to come alone, yet she has many enemies to aid her. I kill her, which does not meet with Jack's approval. Now I must turn in.

Mission 76 Main Mission
Mordecai thinks that if we can find out where the vault/warrior is, then we will have found Jack. We need to get to the Hyperion info stockade. However, this is barred to us by a raised bridge we can't get across. Brick tells us to go to Sawtooth cauldron and get some explosives from bandits there to help us get to the stockade.
We have to go through a new area called the Eridium blight into another new area called Sawtooth Cauldron. This is a large bandit filled shanty town. We then enter another industrial type area and have to use an elevator. When I call the elevator we are mobbed by enemies. The elevator is locked by the bandit leader, named Mortar. We must now go and destroy his buzzard, which will enrage him, bringing him down in the elevator to kill us. We now have to go through yet another new bandit encampment and blow up the buzzard as it sits on a pad. We then have to go back to the elevator and face Mortar. He is one of the mutated rat type enemies. Once he is down we ascend the tower. We now have to take out buzzards so that Brick's flyers can come in and take the explosives we need. We have to destroy five buzzards then attach beacons to four crates. We can now blow the bridge that is preventing us getting to the Hyperion info stockade. I can now cross the impassable bridge and enter the area where the info stockade is located. I turn in at a console just inside this new area called the arid nexus.

Mission 77 Side Mission
In the caustic caverns I find a mine cart. Tannis wants us to push it to a crusher to get the loot from inside the cart. I have to push the cart to a doorway, crystalisks and varkids get in the way. When we get to the crusher we just shove the cart over the edge and it gets crushed in a few seconds. I then have to pick up the Eridium ore and turn in at the same spot.

Mission 78 Main Mission
We must now get into the info stockade itself. Mordecai tells us that the quickest and easiest way in, is to go through a pipeline for Eridium that leads to the stockade. He tells us to use a ladder, which breaks as I climb it. He tells us that we may be able to crack open the pipe by increasing the pressure at a pumping station. I have to go to the pumping station and fight my way in. There are new cloaked Hyperion soldiers and snipers here. I must go to three pumping stations and kill the enemies there while turning two cranks. Once all three stations have been completed I have to go back to the pipe and drive my vehicle at it. This cracks it open and I can then get inside. Travelling along the pipe a short way gets me to a transmix station. Here I move into a new, or should i say old area. This is Fyrestone the town you came to first in the original Borderlands.
I have too fight a giant loader named Saturn, then use a lift to get closer to the info stockade. We can now assault the stockade directly. At a terminal inside I download the information and find out where the Warrior is buried. I now have to go back to sanctuary to turn in.

Mission 79 Side Mission
I have to kill Rakk's in the arid nexus for Zed and bring him body parts.

Mission 80 Side mission
I find a Hyperion robot which does not attack me. It wants to be a real human and to this ends asks us to get it some clothes it can wear. To do this I travel to a bandit camp and kill everyone there, once done I collect three items for Mal, which I have to return to him.

Mission 81 Side Mission
Handsome Jack asks us to go and check on his grandmother. Which of course I would imagine to be a trap. I go there and have to pick up five flowers to give to grandma. When I get to the house it is swarming with bandits. I kill them and then find that Jack had asked them to come and kill his grandma. We have killed the bandits and saved Jack from having to pay them.

Mission 83 Side Mission
We now have to collect five sets of limbs from bandit camps dotted around the Eridium blight for Mal.

Mission 84 Side Mission
Now that Mal has clothes and limbs he still doesn't feel human enough. He realizes that he needs to try and kill other humans like everyone else on Pandora. I have to defeat him to complete the mission. 

Mission 85 Side Mission
I have to listen to some vault history lessons as written by Jack. I have to listen to five audio logs in a square dedicated to Jack. Then turn in, simple but amusing.

Mission 86 Side Mission
we have to tail the Zaford bagman who takes Zaford cash to their secret money store. It took me ages to realize I had to go through a door I hadn't noticed in the Holy Spirit bar. When I did, I almost instantly failed the mission by getting too close to the bagman. Restarting I managed to follow the bagman to a cave, where we have to kill him then steal the money. I now have to turn in with Jimbo Hodunk.

Mission 87 Side Mission
Zaford wants us to burn down the Hodunk trailers in retribution for the death of the Zaford bagman and the theft of their money stash. I have to go to the Hodunk trailer park at night, so Zaford can see the flames. There I have to open four gas tanks, then set them alight, burning the trailers. I am attacked by Hodunk men as I do. I then turn in back with Steve.

Mission 88 Side Mission
We are to go to a wake for the bagman we killed held by the Zafords. We have to be drunk or we won't be let in. I have to go to Moxxi's bar. Here I must buy three bottles of beer and drink them. This makes us drunk, we can now enter the wake. Inside we have to kill everyone. Unfortunately Mick Zaford is not there. Ellie tells us to come back to her.

Mission 89 Side Mission.
We now have to go to a showdown between the two gangs, here we can choose which to side with in the final showdown. I head to the showdown and find both families facing off across the lynchwood station. I choose to attack the Hodunks and kill them all. While the fight is going on the Zaford's can't be hurt by my fire. I turn in with Mick for my reward.

Mission 90 Side Mission
I have to find four parts of a map to some old treasure hidden by rogue elements of the crimson lance. I have to basically kill bandits in a marked area until I find four pieces of the map. Now I have to follow clues, I have to go to the caustic caverns. Here I must find four switches whose location is hinted at by cryptic clues. Once I have done that I must go to a location revealed on the map to claim the prize, which is weapons.

Mission 91 Side Mission
The skag we saved earlier is in trouble, it's mother has appeared and skag mothers eat their young. I go to the cave we housed Dukino in and have to kill the giant skag. Then turn in with Dukino.

Mission 92 Side Mission
I have to defend thousand cuts against a Hyperion onslaught. Lots of robots to kill then turn in with Rocko.

Mission 93 Side Mission
A Hyperion shipment has went off course and landed in thousand Cuts. Jack is trying to destroy the gear rather than let us have it. We have to stop him. We must Pick up three slab beacons. Then place them in locations that are marked for us on the map. Now we must survive waves of Hyperion robots. A handy turret saves us ammo at least. Once the waves are cleared you turn in at the supply crate.

Mission 94 Side Mission
Moxxi is angry that Jack is building a new underdome. She wants us to put a stop to his plans. I have to go and kill the foreman of the new underdome project. Once this boss exo-suited character is killed he drops a key to a supply container. Inside the supply container are some bombs. Moxxi tells us to blow up a wall which will flood the new site. We then have to turn in to Moxxi.

Mission 95 Side Mission
Claptrap wants you to destroy some of the statues to Jack in Opportunity. They are seemingly impervious to our fire. Claptrap suggests we find an overseer robot and boot it up on our side and use it to break the statues. I find the robot and then have to escort it and protect it while it cuts down the four statues with a laser. When done you turn in to Claptrap.

Mission 96 Side Mission
Brick wants us to help the slabs gang gain some territory at the expense of the Sawteeth clan. We have to go to Sawtooth Cauldron and raise Slab flags there. Basically we must go to flags with generator machines under them and place the slab flag on the pole. We must then protect the generator while the flag is raised. Once it is raised we must destroy the generator so the flag can't be brought back down. Once three flags are raised it is time to go back to Sanctuary and turn in with Brick.

Mission 97 Side Mission
I have to go and find a radio broadcaster who has been filling the airwaves with propaganda against Sanctuary and anyone who opposes Jack. The broadcaster is called Hunter Helquist.
I find a tower like structure and can use a lift to ascend it. In a container at the top I find Hunter and have to kill him. Some Hyperion robots come to help him. Then I have to turn in with Mordecai.

Mission 98 Side Mission
Dr Zed wanted the scag and rakk body parts to make a monster mash he now calls Shrakks. We have to go and kill 20 of the escaped flying hybrids that have escaped. Then I must go and kill a spiderant hybrid creature. Back to sanctuary to turn in with Dr. Zed.

Mission 99 Side Mission
I have to hunt down a man who cheated Marcus out of $9. I have to trace him by finding echocasts, then eventually I find his body and get the money from his cold dead hands.
Then return the money to Marcus in Sanctuary.

Mission 100 Side Mission
Mordecai wants us to free creatures from the Hyperion nature preserve, and let them kill the engineers who ran the place. All in revenge for what Jack did to Bloodwing. I head for one of three waypoint markers. I find a switch that releases the stalkers. Then have to kill twelve stalker handler guards that spawn in. On to the next marker, where I do the same for skags. Then finally a badass stalker rounds off the mission. I have to turn in to Mordecai in Sanctuary.

Mission 101 Side Mission
I have to find five echocasts that tell some of Jack's background story. Then turn in back at the Fyrestone job board.

Mission 102 Side Mission
I have to reactivate the job board at the happy pig motel in Three horns valley.
I have to start a steam pump. The crank does not work so I have to find three spare parts. The first is at the top of a nearby steam pump that works. As I take it bandits spawn, angry at me for taking their part. The next pump is surrounded by skags. I have to open a casing only to find that the skags have eaten the part. I have to then kill the skags that spawn to get my part back. The final pump has bullymongs and a badass version must be killed to get the part there. Back at the motel we must climb up the tower replacing parts then turn in by activating the job board.

Mission 103 Side Mission
Jack asks us to kindly kill ourselves. I have to go to a marker at the top of a mountain. I can either kill myself or press a button for automatic counseling. I press the button and Jack calls me names. I then have to turn in at the job board.

Mission 104 Side mission
Claptrap suggest that we annoy the bandits out in three horns divide by shutting down their furnaces. If we do this they will have to worry more about freezing than annoying other people. I have five furnaces to rig with dynamite provided handily by Claptrap.
I got to a new area called dry dock, a bandit town made in the ruins of a dry dock and have to place the five bombs on five furnaces. Many bandits have to be fought. Once done a transmitter in the centre of the area has to be activated to blow the furnaces. This prompts us to have to fight frozen bandits, who have wooly hats and icicles attached. Once eight have been killed it is time to turn in at the happy pig motel job board.

Mission 105 side Mission
Lilith wants us to disrupt Hyperion propaganda and replace it with the truth about Jack's activities. We are to kill five engineers in Opportunity. I have to pick up an orbital beacon and then place it at a crane. This brings the orbital drop to the wrong place breaking the Crane. I then have to pick up three surveyor lures. Then place them on Jack propaganda pictures. This makes the surveyors crash into them. I have been filming this and than have to go to the propaganda station and put my camera in the machine and broadcast our footage instead of Jacks. I have to now turn in with Lilith.

Mission 106 Side Mission
I have to help a man named Ulysses escape Pandora, he wants us to retrieve a beacon and his pet fish Frederick. I find the fish and the beacon and then return to him. The beacon only serves to bring a crate down on his head rather than get him off Pandora.

Mission 107 Side Mission
In Fyrestone we have to help a woman named Una avenge her uncle, known to her as Teddy. I know him as T.K. Baha, a character from the first Borderlands game. I go to his shack, and have to find a secret entrance to his basement. I find that a fan in the ceiling of the shack has a pull cord. This opens a trap door in the floor. Inside the hidden lab is a lot of boxes filled with money and ammo. There are also six echo recorders detailing the sad story of TK Baha. I hear about how he was ripped of by Hyperion and sent to Pandora, where his wife was killed and skags blinded him and ate his leg. To make matters worse bandits killed him. The evidence in the the echo recordings though that Hyperion ripped him off. I am to find plans for a gun also, which proves TK Baha designed guns that Hyperion ripped off. I do this by pressing a button on the side of a gun vending machine. I now can either turn in to Una or betray her to Hyperion. I turn in to Una and get a gun called Ladyfist.

Mission 108 Side Mission
A skag ate a bandit and his gun. Marcus asks that we kill the skags to retrieve the gun. I have to collect the stock, barrel, sight and chamber. Once all are found I turn in at the Fyrestone job board.

Mission 109 Side Mission
In the fridge I kill some lab rats. I find an echo telling of a secret gun stash. I now have to kill 10 midget rats and find the stash. When I do find the stash a giant enemy with midgets on his back appears to fight.

Mission 110 Side Mission
In the highlands the Hyperion job board gives us a mission. We need to kill 100 bandits. we also get bonuses for killing them with various different types of elemental damage. Lynchwood is suggested as an ideal place to do this. I kill them all, one trip around Lynchwood is enough and turn in at the job board.

Mission 111 Main mission
I now have to ask for some help in getting past the defenses that Jack has stationed at Heroes pass, the location of the warrior's burial. I have to speak to Tannis, she gives us a relic that increases pistol damage. Zed gives us a shield. Claptrap tells us to meet him out in the Eridium blight.


Mission 112 Main mission

I missed a bit here because I joined my Son’s game to help him with the final mission, he was halfway through. On returning to my game it would not let me repeat the last mission. Therefore the first half of the last mission has been robbed from me for all eternity.

I fight my way through Hyperion soldiers and loaders to the actual vault of the warrior. I enter this new area and find Jack and Lillith. Lillith is suspended above the key and being used to charge it. We have to fight Jack. He uses shield bots to give himself a powerful shield. Loaders and rakks run interference. Once Jack is downed a cut scene shows the key being finally charged. A wounded Jack uses it to call the warrior out to attack us. It is a giant rocky wolf shaped dinosaur type thing. It uses a fiery breath attack and a skag powered tail sting blast. I have to wear it's health down and an orbital bombardment keeps it down. Lilith asks us if we want to kill Jack or let her have the honor. I killed him myself. Brick and Mordecai turn up. The vault key begins to display solar systems maps with many signs that there are lots of vaults out there. Everyone goes home. The credits roll.

47 hours 575 achievements for one play through and most of the side missions.

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